(I IWW0 THE COOS BAY 'TIMES) mh8RRElu; UrVEiJOJN, rinunouHDii1Sri--uu'I.M,w "fj y """ "" LUI I iuim i.,rr- - ri ytfOl&EHE NEXT SIXTY DAYS YOU OAN T'" fiB rams a Iwo Seated Livery Rig FOR ALL DAY FOR ONLY $5.00 -' V 'YirtfNroT TAicia that Sunday tjup to .' "7 Sfflt iUiBU THE BEACH NOW? t'TL PHONE 138 'k H. Livery Barn GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that are Right all the time, SERVICE that is satisfactory, DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, . "Jhese Are Our Business Principles. Conner (Sb Hoagland I DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 790 SoutgBroadway Phones - 4 onvenience id Safeguard j you liar aver stumbled nu tlio ; bftMflient stops, you can rcnl tvhat a ceMTftfilcnce It In to havu Htootrlc Light Snitch at tho I of the stairs. hen pIhhmIhk your now homo he retttedftllng of your present c, dM't ferget tlio switch on busemeRt atalrfl, or tlio switch light the second floor lights the flnrt floor. mtM (Si . TTZf I v . .11 lawj 9liliii w SmJro lis PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS Mildred Rogers Nelson. Tcnrlior of Phuto. Pupil of Hugo Mnnsfehlt, Sim Fran- Cisco, fill. Studio a:io South llrondway, Murshfleltl, Or. Phono 70-Ii. H. H. Harper HOUSE BUILDER. Genornl Repairing nml Cabinet Mking. 1'hono H-19-.T. McBroom & Cameron CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Estimates furnished. llopulr Work Specialty W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Wt'ltnicr Method) Every known illseaso treated without drugs or surgery, Hooins 1 and 2, 237 South Broadway. Phone 132-L. Mnrshflold, Or. Joel Ostlind PIANO TUNER AM) REPAIRER Loavu ordors at W. H. Haines' Mus- hIp Company. 415 S. Sixth Stroet. Phono 103-L. I. M. Wright Phone 318-R BUILDING) CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on roquest C. 0. Gosney. Phono 3IG4 CONTHAOTOH AND BUILDER HstlnintoB Furnlshod on Request Sly Past Work Is My Reference First and Aider StB. . Mnrshflold Dr. H. M. Shaw Kyc, Kur, Xoso and Throat. nu. mattie it. huaw DiHoaHON of Women and Children Office Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201. 202, Irving Block. llouso phone, 105-.I. Dr. A. J. Hendry DENTIST Maraliflold, Oregon. Roouib 204-20G Coko Building. Rosldonco phono 2D2-X. Office phono 112-J. Quality! 2 Not Premiums a?; mum "BB M mtM taai a! 20 for 10c CTAKE a dime on the - Camel Cigarettes, but don't look for premiums or coupons, as the cost of the tobaccos in them prohibits their use. Camel Cigarettes 20 for JOc are a blend of choice quality Turkish and domestic tobaccos. They do not leave that cigarctly taste and cannot bite youv tongue or parch your throat. You haven't money enough to buy a more delightful cigarette. If your dealer can t eapply you, etnd lOe for on pachaa or $1.00 for a carton of ten package 200 clg a rettee), pottag prepaid. Alter smoking on package, if you don't find CAMELS at repretented, re turn tht other nine package and uie will refund your money. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston -Salem, N. C. mx mere ntaa -una Era Bind ma OHM PBW flCTPB ton BBS ana una aim Rq B KB Dun Urnat ana Sem BR9SI BGBB 1 Sliiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiliiiiiiiiiillliiiiS U.MPyUA CIIAMHKIt OK COM- michci: iJLixrrH oiticimis Mrs. Farrlnger TKACHKH QV PIANO Residence Studio, Phone 38G-J. 1 Jf -rfr ( " ii i 1 I 1 3 II Hoinciulicr to In, li:lo closcl lights, porch UglitH, baseboard sock Q'.h for the flat Irons iinJ other uppllMU'cn. It'x Nliuplcr nml loss expensive in plan Hie-so things before tlio actual umk Is Ntiuleil. HICK VOUIl KI.KCTHIOAIj DKAIy ICIt or tolepliono (o us. Oregon Power Company IVIjdioiie I7S. Cor. Second and Central. Benjamin Ostltnd CONSULTING UNOINKKR AND AHCIIITKOT Offices. 200 Irrlng Block Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Mitrshflcld, Orccon W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Building, Mnrshflold, Oregon Tho members of tno Utnpqun Chnmhcr of Cotnmorco mot In I. O. O. F. Hall Tuesday ovonlng and elect ed officers for the ensuing year. A good sized nudkico was present nml great Interest was tnken In tho proceedings. Tho purposo of tho mooting wns briefly stated by tho temporary chairman, J. II. AiiBtln nnd.tho mo in hers proceeded to elect n hoard of trustees to serve during tho coming yenr, with tho follow ing result: O. B. Hinsdale, presi dent; J. II. Austin, vIco-prcBldent; h. S. Weoks, secretary; W. P. Reed, treasurer; R. H. Flolds, L. Seymour, C. A. Perkins, J. P. Christie and J. 13. Flcklo, trustees. Tho cham ber of commerco has leased a placo of mooting and for offlco purposoa, tho largo room In tho Gardiner Ho tel, next tho I, 0, O. V, Hull, nml will fit It up at once. AT .TOE . ' HOTELS VDMp I LEAGUE BALL SCORES PORT LAND I)I:KI:ATKD 11Y SAX KRAMMKCO ItV HCOHI3 OP TllHin: TO TWO i- OTIIKIt Ajii:s PORTLAND, Or., July 9 Snn Francisco won from Portland hero jestortlay, 3 to 2. Tho scores: At Los Angeles R. II. E. Sacramento 3 12 3 Los Angeles 8 11 0 Batteries: Strand nnd Hnunnh; Perrltt, Rynn nnd Urooks. At Portland R. II. E. Snn FranclBco 3 10 1 Portland 2 G 1 Untterles: Fanning und Schmidt; Krausc and Fisher. At Oakland R. II. E. Venice 2 10 3 Onkland 8 13 1 Batteries: White, Smith nnd Bliss, Klnwltter and Arbognst, 7 i AMKRIOAX LKAOUE. Chicago 4; Boston 2; ten innings. Chicago G; Boston 4. Detroit 0; Philadelphia 3. Clovoland 1; Now York 7. St. Louis C; Washington 5. , NATIONAL LIUOUIC. Boston 7; Chicago 4; 11 Innings. Philadelphia 10; PlttBburg 7. Brooklyn 0; Cincinnati G. Now York 3; St. Louis 4. NOTICE TO uuuur jwmniMfri r WBWjiBwnwmi'j-Titf Rfre t. " nft V Wi J. ... i?jLl iOOk COUPON IDEAL AR.T PAT.TERM.OUTFIT PRESENTATION DY LwxJ i v V Wm. S. Turpen AHOIIITKCT Mnrshflold, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND TKACHKH Rosldonco Studio, 217 No. Third St Phono 308-L. THE PUBLIC LET US MAKE .YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dopeudnhle. Imnie diato sorvloo, prompt attention to nil IntttrottH of our clients. M I N I M U M CO S T I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. SIX'OF THE ABOVE COUPONS ENTITLE EVERY READER IGtffT, No. 1 IDEAL ARTfcPATTERN OUTF!T-Conteinln8 IIM Newct Fniliroldrrv ratlenn orahoolutelv tlie latott ilmlenx whlcli, We nt n tents cacti, regular rctml miIuc, w oiilil coet mure than lia.00. Mok of C nplete Ixwiin In EiabruiUr)' Stitcliio; LiyMmc. Uu I'aruuc, jn, tlio iutc4 t-reiicliexiwrt. IMeal fnil'mldrry IIikip ulilcli cannot Ret nut of order. i i u negr " " 1 KHMn; a or t "- Couponi and as Cent to tliM omce ml receive complete Gift I , N,lLlHt wru iniiio unit luldress to which J on wl4i Todny'a Maenilue (Olft 1 N.'t) iftaletl you tacli month for one J oar on tlio blank below. TtietH Cents A.MtMMrtliocxinnan of freight from tlie factory and ct of handling the Pattern oUmm Ihor it of malline to you each mouth for a r tho current Imuc of , tHVMairailRe t lown ucauers vmaun 3 uenia r.xua mr postage anu mailing. 'and No. fs TOWN mmmmiii hi iiiiisrrri-rrTrw"-rnr-rTnTiifiiii-iivBriiiBwi mi i" llTOIl TRY OUH NEW BRAND OF COFFEE At 35 Cents A Pound LTi;r nrsx kver.' IN ONK-POUNI) TINS. SQl BAY TEA, COffEE & SPICE HOUSE H4. 130 North Broadway. MISS DONNELLY Snilp Tivntlnu nnd Fiu-lul Mnwigc Oil I Klrrtl Ave. Phono IHM Jly Own I'oiinulii HAIR TONIC PRICE $1.00 Is I-'or Snlo Only nt the Owl Pie scription Plimnmcy, l'niiik I). Coliiiu. The Contriil Axcmio Ding Store ARE YOU BOTHERED With Corns? If so, you nro depriv ed of half tho pleasure of life pleasant walking nnd healthy oxer rlso. A visit to Mis, OIMii Kdiiiiin .Sclentlfle Cblropodliit, Ap't IS, 0' L'oiiiicll Itld',, will he the source ol a parnianont remody for arhlng feet r. a. soaipk a a. ii. hodgins Mar;hfiplfl PA,NT AND ividrbniiKiu DEC0RATNG co I.'htlnmtt'H Fui'iihilu'il I'lioin :tll-.I. Murbhllelri, Oregon minrmTn-in-rBV mmr w NO SAW KDGKS -on VOUR COLLARS If you hnvo them liiundercd TWIN CITY STKAM LAUNDRY tr'-T'-'i il ll 1 1 n m irvT.nTtrrtrTTriim irrrfn of North Bond. Wo hnvo today ro oponcd tho dairy, formerly occupied by tho Sanitary Dairy, and being equipped with n cold storage, we nro able to supply you with a fresh and wholcsomo product. Iu connect ion, wo Imiidlo nil kinds of canned fruits und meats, butter eggs nnd all kinds of cooked lunch goods, also eheosu, chnttnlngs nnd coin oit!ulB, doing a cnih business nnd oaylng ensh for nil goods wo buy. Wo ifre nblo to savo you from G ro 10 couU on ovory dollar's worth! jf kooiU you purchase from us. Savo -ourtelf the trip to the whnrf and let us fill your milk enn, at six iuuts for one (inwrt, two nnd more tunrts, r. cents a qtmrt. Apple older, vlneffar, 2Sc a gal. We solicit your patronage and nsauro you of n iiunre doal. , Dairy & Delicatessen Company At the Clmudlcr. Mr. nnd Mrs. O, .1. Lnnd, Portland; K. M. Andtows, Mcdford; Mrs, Chns. Frldol, Van Cown; Mrs. J. M. Mc- Clurg, Portland; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Dletz, St. Pnul; S. BrowiiBtono, Snn Francisco; Mr. nnd Mrs. M, C. Reed, Portland; J. W. Rnthburu, Idaho ;Maudo Sweet, Bandou; Har riet Sweet, Co'iullle; W. M. Ornnt, San Frnuclsco; Mrs, B. C. Wngnor, Portland; C. II. Frcomnn, Poi'tlmid; Dwlght K. Hodgo, Lowlntan; J. S. Sawyer and family, Mcdford; Jnck Roberta nnd wife, Portland; R. II. Hugg, New York; C, B, Montague, Portland, At The Lloyd. J. P. Wagner, Forest Orovo; Wal ter Hoffman, Coqulllo; P. K. Law rence, Coqullle; L. Jnck, Allegany; Gov. Alton, Norway; Bon Hasting, Rosoburg; Frank Mcnnut, Calamity Camp; John A. Richardson, J. J. Ott, Irwin Ross. Last thrco do not glvo addresses. At The lllniiro. W. W. Smith, Sltkum; N. O. Kmcrson, Blue Ridge; Harry Sto ve n, Ditto Ridge; John Hcrron, Ban don; Lloyd Laird, Browstor; M. C. Lewis, Myrtlo Point; 1). It. Sham brook, RoKoburg; W. J. Moffitt, Co- riulllo; C. W. Norton, Schoflold; II. W. Snn ford, Sttmnor; Alvln Smith, Coos River; Albort Morris; Ktigono A. Bonos, Portland; G. Roily, Lake side; A. McCttlloch, Coos Rlvor; J. B. Rurkort, Portland. At The St. Lmwhmuc. J. T. Grnhnm,' Seattle; G. K. Os mondeou, Portland; Kd' Osmoudeou, Portland; R. K. Sanderson and wife: Blue Ridge; Mum M. Falcon er, Coqulllo; C. R. Van Neas, Se attle; J. IS. Chaae, Unndou; D. Mr Donald, Kelso; Harry Lamport, Coalodo; W. O. Cooper, Bandou. NORTH WICSTKHN LKAGUR. Victoria (i; Scnttla 7; ten Innings. Tncomn 3; Spoknno 2. Portland I; Vancouver C. LQRDEN TELLS OF BEACH TRIP I C. . I Ntv MoiIoN I "HENDERSON CORSETS" I also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" I HOSE I S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Pour good ears with earoful drhors Foi fitly service, phono 1 M-J, Iilniico IllllHi'd Parlurw. Kor ulght Hcrvlcf, Pliuuo 1S4I0-L Right Ottfit. 0. L F00TE. OITY AUTO AND TAXI SKHVICR A new taxlcab tiae been added to ay auto' Bervlce. Careful driver. vVIll go nnywliors at uny tints. Staad Blanco Cigar Store. Day phoixt, 78. Night phono 13U-X. TOt (IflOtlALK. J'rourU'tor, -A CHIMNEYS FIRE PLAQES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Brick Work nt Prlcos That Aro Right .And nil Work Guimmteed Call at "The Fireside," Johnson BIdg., 137 Second Rt. Phono 434-J. French Ranges. Bollor Work For STENOGRAPHIC WORK of uny Kind Call 1S1-J Two competent stenographem In charge (t Central Ae. Times Want Ads Bring Results, Spmhu'll MtIN Fiidiiy July 10th, 2 p, in., from It. It. Dock, Marsh field, for Snn Francisco, Sun Pedro untl Snu Diego, See Seugstacken for passage. ALLU(JANY ITK.MS The road crew la at work on the grade oppoalte Mm. Steaunennan'a hotiw tliat-wlll he another piece of good toad gratia. Several prlvnto autoa have paaaed here lately on their way to Port land. Tho stage auto has good patron age now, full loads both ways. We are glnd to two Andy on the run again, pushing the old Cadillac. Mlaa Orlo McClay, Mies Millie Gould and Meaara Roberts and Gould took a trip to Ml k horn ranch laat week, caught Iota of trout In Gould Lake and had a general good time. They returned by Harry Stull'B, where they had a royal dinner; canie by the new trail down the river to Neaa' place; paaatd a Fourth of July picnic party where tkey wera Invited to eat again. There were several picnic par tus In this vicinity the Fourth, and at the "Beaver Hole" on Weat fork, one at Quldeu Falls and one in Gould's Grove, at Allegany There waa alao a large party at Gould'e Grove Sunday. Mrs. James Richmond la visiting her parents at Allegauy. foCATDRUGGilST SAYS:' " "TAKE ONLY ONE DOSE" We want to te 1 thoes In Marsh field suffering from stomach or Iwwel trouble that we are agents for the simple mixture of buckthorn hark, glycerin . t-, known as Ah'-- '-':a, the ren f whhh became T.vioua by curing appendicitis. TIiIh Is tho most thorough bowel cleanser known and JUST ONE DOSE--rDlIovQB spur stomach, gus on tho stomach and constipation "almost IMMEDIATELY. You will bo surprised nt tho QUICK action of Adler-I-ka. Tho Lockhart- HAYS BEACH ROUTE IS FINE POIt MOTORCYCLES DIFFER AS TO BEST ROUTES OUT TO THK HAILWAY Tho following lottcr was written by Clarence Lordon, who, with Chcs tor Rlggs, recently started on a rao- torcyelo trip from Coos Bay. GARDINER, Or., July 9. Honda aro older than Homo. Of all na tions of profano antiquity, tho Greeks nro considered tho ronl plo ncors in road building, Thoy rcnl llzod tho Important part that roads piny In tho pioneerings, develop ment nnd llfo of n community. Tho pooplo of tho United States todny aro divided on many questions und problems, hut ono cssonttnl fac tor upon which thoy nil ngreo Is "Good Roads." Tho rcsldonts of Coos Buy nro nil anxious for tho commencement of n hard surface roadway to connoct with tho Lincoln highway. When this rond Is com pleted wo shall see Coos Buy and the adjacent country as a visiting point for hutulrods of motorists dur ing the auminer months. "Which la the leat way to go frirn Coos Bay to Portland?" I ask ed liefore starting on a motorcyclo trip. "Take the Alert' at 6: IS in tho morning and go by wny of Drain," aald Gordon Smith. "The beat way out of this coun try la by way of Myrtle Point and Roaehurg," aald John L. Koontz. I then met Vernon Gorst. Mr. Gorat aald that ho considorod tho Rcotteburg-Drnln road tho best. Be lieving that no matter which roulu I took we would wish we had pro ceeded otherwise, I boarded tho launch Oaago at 5:00 n. in., the fol lowing day and reaching Jnrvls Lnnd Ing dextoroualy manipulating the handlebars on the motorcycle until we reached the beach by staying close to the eeuter of n 2 1-lnch plank. Reaching the Uearh w aaw tho autot apeedlug toward the Umpiitia Rlter, a dlatauce of twenty miles. We motored close to the Fords un til we leached Ten Mile Creek, where the autoa were towed across by g double teem. The operation takea only a few momenta and tho autoa ere again ou their way, re turning In thirty minutes from tho mouth of the Umpqua River with x body of paaeeugera coming to Coca Buy. For thirty yeara Mr. Cornwall had operated a horse drawn stago over the beech route, until recently when Messrs. Gorat and King haui placed automobiles on the run mak ing the trip In thirty minutes to the delight of all who make tho trip, as agalnat four hours by liorso t'rawn stage, and the dissatisfaction of many passengers. Nature's roadway from Cooa Dny to aardlnor is tho finest roadway and tho least oxnunnlvo In Coos County. Clarence Lordort Par8ons Drug Co, ' .v imi