KK2S3!Hr: . - - m 1, THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1914 EVEMIMG EDITION. SX mm l 1 MWWM W "" Ml inn n-i inn wm i ' " "" - " I I ALL OVER OREGON HPGENE Road work In Lano County has been approved Iiy tlio Governniont. Appropriations for ttcKlnzlo highway nnd Alsca roads Iiavo been granted. C. II. Floroy, chief of operation of llio forestry service in tlio Northwest, brought Hie news to Eugene. hnvo found no evidence tl at poker Is being plaed in Salum. EUGENE Eugcno's motor fro truck nnd horso nnd truck wero "filmed" Monday by n moving pic turo mnehlno opornled by II. Hnu ton. It Is probable that the pic tures will bg shown In man Oregon towns. EUGENE Ten tnenilwi of tlio Hoy Scouts In Eugene left Monday on root for Marlon County, near Salom. wlicro they will attend the nnnual convention of the Christian Church. INDEPENDENCE The City Council has pawed an ordinance tuithorii tin dm lunm or SIS. 000 of bonds for paying off the city's paving .debt. ASHLAND After bolus i-pooch- lna nv n wnnlc. imllPful llV nWallowlllg n safety pin whllo In swlinmlng In the Ilclniiin baths, Until Emory, nged eight years, can talk, as tlio result of nn operation porformed by Dr. .1. J. Emmons at Sacred Heart Hospital Sunday afternoon. MEDFOUD The number of visi tors to Crater Lake this yenr, prior tc July t. wore 157 as ngnlust 22 a year ago. The number of visitors to July 1, 1013. was 11 II. This yenr to July I It wag (53S. EPGENE Two carl.oa.l8 of cher ries, the first to bo shipped this season, left Eimene for c:ingo on Mniidav. Ono contained canned cher ries mid the other harrolel cherries for maraschinos. Tlio cherry inn is newly over and will be finished by next Monday. QUIPPED -WITH VERY -FACILITY POD HANDLING ACCOUNTS IN A PHOMPT AND HHLIAHLE MAN NEDTHIS DANK SOLICITS THE IM'KINESS UP COUPOHATIONS, PIH.MS AND INDIVIDUALS s: :: :: IK VOU HAVE NEED KOU A HAT ISPACTOHY HANKING SEIIVICE WE CAN KILL IT :: :: :: :: :: The SERVICE THAT SATISFIES First National Ci Coos Bay HAKEIt A novelty of the Fourth of July program was the appearance of a buys' tenia among a half-doien 1eams of rock drillers. All of Hie lads nro 1 1 years old. DALLAS A Memorial Day Asso ciation has been organised at Dal las to carry on In perpetuity the jiropor obiorvance of the day. Moni tors nro In throe clasios honorary, nctlvo nnd sustaining. JUEDFOUI The president of the Crater Lnko' Company nnnounco that tlio hotel at that place wns op ened on July 1 SALEM Convicts nt the state pen itential y celebrated Independence Day with a program of races and rortf, closing with a baseball game between two picked teams In tt o eve ning. Lemonade nnd Ice cream wero also fnturcs of the celebration. EUGENIC Jorgau Hansen, a locnl cigar manufacturer, hns bought out the Demas Druthers' cigar factory at S2S Ollvo street, and oxpects to move his present factory from over thw Folly Thoater. The JleinnM fne tory was formerly known ns tlio V. C. Potts factory. KLAMATH FALLS At n meeting Jiold nt Klnmnth Falls recently, n flengtie wns formed for 'the purpose .of uniting tlio threo counties of Jose phine, Klamath nnd Jackson In the promotion, advertlsomeut nnd Im provement of tholr nnturnl nttrnc tlons. OUEGON CITV At lonsf 1000 Tiorsons nttended the liirnt nf tlio nnniml Willamette Pulp & Paper ' dompnny's employes' picnic, which , wns held nt Gladstone Park last Snt unlay. EUGENE Threo hundred visitors nro expected In Eugeno Thursdny wlion the mlnlstorg nnd laymen of the Prosbytorlnn Church In Oregon meet. Scrvlcos will bo held on top of Skinner's llutte. DIG KIKE AT SALEM. OUEGON CITY For tho first time In over fifty yenrs, olevon mombers of Mendo Post No. 2, Grand Army1 of tho Ucpubllc, shouldered guns ' Saturday nt Glndstone Park and wont through tho drills In tho sumo ' iiinunor ns durliiK war t lines. Com-i ninndcr Clydo nctod ns drill mnster. I Guests of I'lcuiniit Hotel Have Nor row Europe. SALEM, Or.. July S. FIro which destroyed tho'Fieniont Hotel shortly after midnight Wednesday menaced tho ll 08 cf ::. or 10 occupants of tho hotel, did damago estimated from $12,000 to $20,000 nnd left Salom In complete darkness for several hours. John Uuudhorg, n patron of tho hstol, was the hero of tho fire. Ho una awakened by the smoko nnd Jumped to n landing on a veranda roof. Then climbing through the finnio-llckod window 8 of tho second floor ami aroused other occupants who Jumped from the socond floor In their night d rouses or loss. -' WD SIxteon saloons hay out of business In Portland. Tlio drop wns cnused, It Ja clnlmod, by tho rofusnl of the .Coinmlsslonors to poriult transror of ' licenses. Thoro nro now onlv litis' saloons In tho city, but still none Jiood go thirsty. CALF ATE SIGNS AND DIED. ALIJANY. Or.. July 8. To re cover tho vnluo of a calf which died from OHtlng ono of tho firm's cloth advertising signs, Frank Cooper, who resides near Tangent, han presentod a bill for t.'l. to M. Sternberg & Co., of this city. A fow days ngo tho firm's advertising man posted n cloth sign on Cooper's barn. Ono of his horsos pawed the sign down onto tlio ground and n en If situ It Tho calf 1h now dead. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Flaimagao & BeirmeM: Bainiks of Mnrtdificlil mid Myrtle Point Oregon, nt tlio clo-e of business, .In no ill), 11)1 1. UESOUUCES Loans nnd discounts , $ ill! 5. 'JO 1.25 Dunking Houses and Hon I Estate ul,0:i.!M Cash .ami Sight Exchange ' 227,17 1.72 Total i. $U2S, 112.91 L1AI1ILIT1ES. Capltnl Stock Paid In ? 75,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided ProfltB 71, 100.117 Deposits 78 1.7I12. 01 Total $1)28,112.01 DR.Y WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono J NO-J. I QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Commutation Tickets $2.00 MurshflcHl-North llcutl Auto Lino 'am every ten minutes from O u. in (o 12: 0 p. in. GOHST KINO. Props. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED MOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call on LoMIghx & Millnr I .10.1 No. Front St. Phono IICR. Try the ' MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Steaks and Chops Pictures & Framing Walker Studio WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, POUTLAND Dr. Joseph Uoduors Wilson, retiring principal of the' .Portland Acadomy, was given n rmis lni; farewell nfter 25 years contln nous sorvlco. It winding up with n .dinner In the liluo room nt tho Mult nomah Hotel, SALEM Tho rainfall for the year is nbont four inches shy, but still there nro no signs of drouth. LA GUANDE C. N. Coleman r covored damage In the sum of $1000 igahut tho city. He was hurt by the raving In of the Iwuk of n ditch lio was diluting for lower purposes. Ho sued for ? 25,000. EPGENE With a total of 3SIS pupils In attendance HUlj si teach er employed hi the ,lty whools. Eugene's expdlture In the aclioul yonr J net closing wan $1X5.51 S.02. DAKMK linker's tmw public IN hrary la five years old. and hi that tlun. has grown from 2000 vjolumes to 7r. t. Tlio aunhcraary a eel tibrnted by Huker book lovers. EPGENE O. C. Utanwood. aulng 1Uo Wlllauietto Piu-lfie for $5000 damage to fa'm on the claim that the removal of 1.7 acre ns rail Toad rll! t ...N WU ,e,tl()v thu lue t f hit. placH. dwlaren that whllo (be property t hwh,,, nt but $1)00. D. Is worth $10,000 (o Ulm. UUGKNhV Const ruction of she new Nuhmim high school was lieun Momlay. !, a ,.rew of ,wonty , with toama were placod nt wotA ox cavatlnu for the foundation. JSIKSKNK Dr. 1,'. c Sanderson, presldont of the Kugone IilbW Uni orslty. Is baok from n tour of Oro gon and Wnshhuton which bo nindo n tho Interest of tho camnlgn to raiso money for an endowment fund 3ALEM- Official Investigators 1EA T CAUSE OP KIDNEY TROUBLE Tnko n Glass of Hilts llvforo Drenk- fnM If Vour Unci; Hurts or Iliad- ilcr lliithei.s Von. Tho Ainorlcau men and women must guard constantly walnut Kid ney troublo, because we oat too unit It and all our food I rlvli. Our blood la filled with uric At til whlih the kldnejs atrUe le filter out, they weaken from ooitork, become slug gish, the ollnilunthe tissues clog and the result U kidney trouble, bladder woaknoiw and n general dot line In health. When your kidneys fool llltw luiiiix of lead; your back hurts or the urine la cloudy, full of sellmont or you are obliged to eek relief two or threo times during tho night; If you rfutfnr with sick lutddnebo or rtlssay, norvous apolls. add stomach, or you luivo rheunintlBin when the weather Is bad, got from your pharmacist about four mimes of Jd Salts; take A tableSDOOIlflll In n iln.i ,.r ...... bofoio breakfast for a few days and your kidneys wlji thci act fine. This ..iiiiiMiH Biuia is mniio from tho nii of grapes and lftingp Juico, comblnod w.itn llthln, and Iihb been uumi fm. generations to flush and stlmiilnto cloggtfd kidneys; to noutralUo tho acids In tho urlno so It no loncnr i a soiirco of Irritation, thus oudlug uiauuer disorders. Jad Salts Is Inexpenslvo: nmmi in jure, makes n dollchtful ffnrvn0n... titlila-wnter beverage, nnd belongs In uiy nomo, Docauso nobody can mnko a. mistake bv taking n . kidney flushing any time. 1 For Sale by Drown Drug Company. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between any points In Marshrield for tho follow ing rates, dollvery to bo inatlo In tho fhst floors of buildings: Threo trunkf $ .25 Threo trunks GO. Twelve trunks j.co Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsucr, Prop. Phono I20..I, lt).L, H.I. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield RilTTFR SMITH'S VARIETY STORE. North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA 4 MADR UNDER SANITAHV COND1T103TS JN A CLEAN AND MODEItN KAOTOKY. 8TEHIL!Zi:i) MILK ANJ) CltUA.M. PURE ICf 4 Froo tlellvery, H n. m. and 2 p. in. I.J4MM til I M1 .T -" ii- ! I I spits cli:m:i and puess. I KlsrnS .MADE TO OltlIEK I (JIVE IS A TIDAL UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JO DOYLE & V. O. DAGGETT I 8.1O Central Ao. Phone 250-N. SEND YOUR LAIIWnRY ! I Tn IIC DV OAnnr-i n- 1 u uo ui rnnucL ruil 1 : IHU.NISH A 11 R AM) WILL PAY 'HIE POSTAGE ON ITS ItETPUN r COOS BAY STEAM . LAUNDRY rnoNH .-iT.,1. .lisni.'ii!i.ii DEVELOPING PRINTING , PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHPELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue THE C00S HnTPi witeL" Marshfield ASIIINGTOV AVENl'U STADDKN STItl-'F'i' .NOUTII DKND '' -. . .'icisin, i'ioii. Eureka San Fra S. S. GEO. W. ilrl ELDE1 LEAVES MAItHIIKIELD VEEKLV EVEHV MONluv I S. H. K. A. KILDPHN LEAVES EUIIIOKA "-'" TliuiMlay, .lliuo 18, .Moiiilny, .I11110 UUml, Kililay, ,lln .1 day, Juno HO, mill I'YIilny, July it. e M NOUTII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPAv' 1 1.' M..f .'wilitv AlU'llf. Illl'Hll flt'lll . . I'll unit .11 l W, II. Pnlnler, Agent, North Ilend. .Pliono 121. TEE NEW PASHENGEU AND I'HEIGHT STIJ.j S. S. Geo. W. Elder TWENTV-I-'OUK IIOUK HKItVICE, POUTLAND TO COOS HAY Kl'KltV SUNDAY, I) , M .MAHSIIPIELD TO POUTLAND KVICItY Tlll'HSDAT I AlAKHMl'IKIiW TO i;Ul(l;iiA I'iVKIH MONDAY AlTll isnw iii j'.yuii-i-iw nit.iv ivi', u.M Oll, iMmrii i-iiLii'iu .11 iw.hmiiii' CII.iiiwy v. I'. .iicicors(, nnviii, lUiirHiuiciii, , riionc . , W. II. Palutor, At;iiit, North Urn, I. Phono Iii I. I EQUIPPJCD WITH WIUELICHH. Steamship Breakwa ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS l-'HOM MAHSIUMELD DPIIING MONTH OP .Ji',y, P. M., ON THE ITII, IITII, IITII, 1DTII, UITII AM). 'Pickets 011 Hide to 11K IC.Mcru polnta and liifoniiBtlua uM niiu muv ciieemiiij ruriHMieil. Phono I1I7-L. ,. -p. SIIKI Inter-Ocean Transportation 1 Semi-weekly sorvico Coos Bay and San t& S. S. Redondo SAILS KHOM SAN J'HANCISCO KOIt COOH HAY d THL'HSDAY, .IL'LV !, .U&5 Equipped with wii'eless and submarine bell. S, Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMIThl Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengora and freight. 2E- SAILS .'ltO.M SAN 1'HANCLSCO FOU 1OS HAY M SATPHDAY, .IPLY n.ATljTl San Francisco office, Greenwich street nicrS and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. rcQEonoE, Phoney S. S. PARAISO Kiiiiliiiicil wild WhrlehH. i-liio I'asseiiKer AccoiniiiodatloiiH. New 5.1 S. H. PAHAISO WILL SAIL I)lt POltTl.AVli iTi'iint! IPLY II, AT P. M., V IT" PASSENGEHS AM) II YELLOWSTONE WILL SAIL I ( J SAN PUANCLSCO, Ml; y .11 m urn, AT I P.M., WITH WEIGHT 0W NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, TOM JAMES, AKeni, Miii'hhricld. S. S. HARDY SAH.S FICOM SAN FHANCIKCO FOH COOS IHI EYEHY NINK DAYS rw, ,, 8a' lVrn,,c,M, 0'. HiirrlHon Street Hock, Pier II Coos Hay M Hiirelui. KU;niiiHtilr Lino ' J LINDHN, AkI., Phono M TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -: has been a hohby with na for a good many yonrs and i to non inni 1. mmtyo," wn,,t ,0 u,llI, "nil the amount r Sosuouoy'VaTbu?.01 x 0Ur pec11 ""l1 f,B"r0 0" C. A. Smith Lumber Si Mfg.j ItlvT.Air, HKIHIITMIfVMI ....m.,T T,,K KI'Kii ,UI''' ISl'W'O DV U8INO OUIlffffll ...w.,i. i ww. 182 SOUTH IIHOf : j: ' .! - . - I " ' 1 TYPEWRITERS All ctnnr'lo ,!, A tl fiiieJLtrS,inon gnd.JCebui,V Fox Underwood, Remingtij Ste'kP.-. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent orel luinoii impcr ilellvere.1. Phono iiHyoin- order. Phono 41. Al, TYPEWRITER EXCHANfiF AND SUPPLY GDI . IDEAL I'llKK cicoVK AND in :ms- C.KOPNDS Drlng jour lunch baskets, hodnk nnd finning tackle for s 'ln),ln'8 outline Sunday School ami all j.lcnle crowds n specialty. Exceralon to South Coos River every day MiirsliHeld Time Table! i.'l,inc1 Kx',ross. weolj days, leaves, s n. m.; stoanier Ha n bow learea Marshfield at 8 a. m., every Sunday and 2 n m. wek days. ' ' ro-le.'Li)h.arter an( Picnic nr- .-ftC.nCniB, appiy on board MERCHANT'S CAFE ropuiar place for . Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Oor, Commercial & B'dw'y ST. LA WHENCE HOTEL Wo have n croat nmnv inn..i-i for ncrouBa and lots, if yo win sell at n real sacrifice list your Pronerty at tho St. Lawrence Hotel or Lloyd Hotel. Nn .... ; asked. ",oa,on Abstracts. Real Estate Fire and Marine Insuras IHLt GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO, IIKXRV 3ENGSTA0KEN, Manajter t, CUAL, TraillKIl .AND PLATTING LANDS A S UhNhllAL AGENTS KASTS1DK LOQUILLK CITY OFFICE PITONP 101. v, . A' IIanw1 Proprietor . Now open under new nnJL . ' . iiiHbVMOHi, A home jiUco with homo cook Ing served In family stylo. Board South Second St., PkoB iet.t DHESSMAKI(J oy experienced drew rlnv ni- ntann Will 10 1 Plol. n AMAw m.nnflJfi ..U U iUUUJ. Uvm- p. in. Mrs. w Lawrence Hotel. -j. - "-- i - mf ' "- - -T l ,t3sc,Tt: vvf -a, " ""ffTlftnHnrr'niiii msz&mm&mmttmmmR