The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 09, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Ipleodora of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition
Forecasted In Marvels of Art and Architecture
Copyright, 19U, by Panama-Pacific International Uxposltlo
IpwANORAMA of nl)out one-fourth of tlio I'ntiaran-I'uclflc
J0 I,?rinh nf fhnan tifilnnna pnvnra frnin flvn In nlnn nrres
Jp nnd Inspiring over given nn exposition. Tlio vacant
" tlic picture. Ih the concession area, named "121 Camlno"
f.OMK trotters nnd ortloInN from nil parts of the world who bnve visited
flln Pilliillini Dti.ilfl.t Itit.n-initl.tiinl lvtuutfiti rtfitKMild II f Sllfl P I'll II
IB mVJm mv UIHIIMM a ill IIJV I HtVl Jill ilUltUf kd A lJO I II VII J.I"UUi - -.- (
J clwo have expressed tlielr nHtoiiMiment utid delight at the wumIom (
already revealed there. 'The most stupendous undertaking of the ,t
.Kind in History," "Tde furthest advanced toward completion" anil "me tnusi
lieautlful site and color effect or any exposition In the wutld" are n few of
the expressions from men uho uro familiar with all of the k'liut world expo
tltloim of modern times
Tlio exhibit palaces are of vast size. In the Palace of Machinery 20.iXX
people In masitierade costumes dauied all ill Kilt Iteiieath the llluinlmited
arches out nine acres of Hour Npaco. Lincoln Ite.ichey Hew an aeroplane in
the same litilldliiK.
No exposition has ever attracted such attention abroad. Thirty-nix of the
"world's nntlous have accepted America's Invitation to participate and will
present on an cliiliorute scale exhlhlts revcallnc their procross The partlcl
rntlnc nntlous are as follows: Argentina, Australia. Austria. Ilullvln. Itriizll
UulKarln. Cnnniln. Chile, China. Costa Itlca. Ciiha. Denmark. Dominican He
ynlillc. Kcnnilor, I'rance. (Jreat llrltaln. (Siintemala. Main. Holland. Honduras,
Jlnly, Japan. I.lherla. New Zealand, Nicaragua. I'unama. Persia, Peru, Pur
lugnl. Salvador. Sunn. Spain. Sweden. Turkey. Uruguay and Venezuela.
Work Is hclns rushed on the splendid Illuminated towers, fountains and
festival courts, where will he shown the masterpieces of architectural, laud
cape and sculptured decorations and the wonderful outdoor mural paintings
some of them M) feet long and e.'.ecuted by eleven of America's greatest
ar'thtii. The garden and landscape effects are almost completed at this writ
tog, over a million rare trees, flowering shrubs nnd plants being used
This greatest of universal expositions already gives proof that It will pro
rnt the masterpieces of the world of nrt nnd that In Its harmonious beauty,
Its high educational value nnd utility It will bo unsurpassed lu history.
n Co IIS Crocker Co, olllciai photographer.. 11,ls t'"0faph wiui taken tniu
.. r,,. , .... ,- mnni . runniMTinllo 1111 I t)C PnKIDI CTCfl TH I ACT nETAII DM nDCMIMrt n&Y 1
MUSI BHILLIANI Uf WUHLU J CArUOIIIUHO WILL DC uumri-u i uu iu lmi uuimil. uh wi mhhu wn.. .
International exposition, showing nine of the great exhibit pii'm-os which are now within fi per cent of being complete, lacking only tlio towcro, n relics nnd fo.HUvnl w
The settlnc In a series of subtropical gardens extending for two nnd one half miles along the San l-'ramisco bay front adjacent to the Gulden (Jute, In the most bound
space In the center will contain the wonderful ten acre Omit or the I iilver-o dominated by the sclijllllntlng Towir of Jewels. I.'tfi feet high. To the right, not aliowl
(The Highway), while to the left, outside the pbtuie aie foieign and state buddings, live stock pavilions, rneo tuick, military and aviation llelds mid 1'ulucu of l'i,e J
I &. CiEP'222PHEIf!lSS
Cupyngnt, 19M. by I'amiina-l'uelllc International Exposition Co. II. 8. Crocker Co., official photographers
T the left Is shown the Tower of Jewels, 4.10 feet high, and the south facade of the main palaces, fronting
on half a mile of subtropical gardens of the Panama-Puclllc International Exposition, to ojiuii lu Sun
Francisco In 1015. At the rl-ht Is the Festival Hall.
-.wuuuijw wJx-j-unrvwwwi-xswrururi-ltAAA
The commission sent li n.
States govuruineiit to the mf
the far eiiHt to request tlii'lrC
tlou In thl PauainifPaclilc Iniei
ul Imposition at Kan l'mod
year returned to New York A
bringing news that eight of ivy
oruinontH will be represented
Thu commissioners, IncbiJ
uover;ior aivii i;-itn nf (m
TlimuiiK ft "t'llNmith rhwd
rlciilluriii I'm . iii,t
mid Wellnii ! - i i.i
Otlt ttll fllllM 1 1 !!.' M .1 tl,,n
thu aipioiilatious made b) t
( hlnn . .,..,,,..M
Philippine iHlandi u
Japan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,., ,,.
AOHtrulla M
Hlam .
Dulcli i;st Indies n
New V.t-ii lunil ,
Couliln China
This brings the total iiutnM
elgu countries which h.ue d
partliipatu olllclally up to u
Austria being I lie latest toiii
Hue, with on nppniprlntlunof);
half of which Is contributed
inerclal organlKallous.
M. C. MAfiONKV..K(lltor nnd Piib.
1)A? K. MAM)NIJV.. News Kdltor
mm n
Olie Anderson Finally Recovers
From Protracted Spree
Spent $75.
O:io Antiunion, nrrested yostordny
nftcrnoon by .Marshal Carter for bo-J
lllg Oil the streets In a drunken rnn.
dltimi. did not realize thnt the
L. THOMAS left today for Myrtle
Point on business,
tnln of tlio dredge Mlchle, nnd
daughter. Miss Alice, wuro Muruli
flcld visitors yesterday, I
dayfi lioro and on Coos lllver on
hiiHlncBH nnd pleasure'
M. C. Reed. State Manager
Arrives, to Organize
Coos County
Thn pnnimilnii t, l.n -..u jt
MnrBliflolil this wcekctnoshrdleutnol Fourth or July celebration waB n
ffiuWhrwB?"ursi,ir :,,,,,K1If ,ho imy" coo,r,,
campaign manager of tlio Orogon Dry from hl8 l,rolrap,ei1 l)r(' SP10 "n,
cnmpnlgn, and wlfo arrived hero yes- 'luring tne Al5lu.
terdny nnd will nil lu organizing Anderson wnB brought boforo ltd-
XSz ?iSo'vS smis,."- ;or,,rr "T mT for n
Mr. Heed will deliver his first ud- Ilcnrl"B' " Hnl'l tnt enmo Into
dicss horo nt the union meotlng of "o city from the Houaor Ai Ilousor
tho ProtcHtnnt Cliiirchcs at tlio M. K.'cnmp ut Thursdny with $7.' In IiIh
church next aiinday. Tho meeting' imcket. Horo he met n lot of his
ill bu made a temperanco rnlly. lold-tlmo tiiendB and he tried to
Mrs. Heed Is prosldont of tho wol"ow thorn n good time, ho Bald. An
mun'o Homo Missionary Society ofl'lorson says that ho snout ovory cent
Oregon nnd hold a conference with 'of U' 75 colohratlng.
tho officers of tho Mimihflclil brnnch' According to tho officers, Ander
t Tho Chnndlor Inst evening. ihou'b friends pluyed "hnrso" with
I him for n whllo during tho two-day
IHJMi MtNKSK OIK.'ANli:. colobrutlon. They bought him n tin
J. V, Kenihlll ami W. A. Itil,l ll,i,l horn, then tied n rnnn nbmil his
nmiiiiui'iB nun u rove ill ill inroilgu 11)0
HiretMH. wnen nrrested yesterday nf
AliKX HONClKLI.. of Catching Inlet,
enmo in on business this morning.
K. M. AN'DItrcws hoB returned rrom
Medford to look after his oil proj
ccIh here.
J. V. CATCHINa. of Sumner, wna In
tho city for a few hours today on
JOHN F. UAU. of this city left on
tho morning train for Coqulllo on
II. A. FHUUt;fi. ivlin I now Im'.lfo.l
at Arngo, was n .MfiirHtiriold busl
tioss visitor today.
... I MISS PHAIll. HIHAIKJIMt. who lins
u?.. M. YK ."AI HUUlt.N. of t 118. ,,, .... , ,. . ..,. ' ...
ciiy, iuu on uiu morning irnin ton n " " " "-
iiuinu, iuu jeHicruny mr i.uiltoi nm,
whoro alio will spend tho balnuco
of her ncatlon. Sho will teach
nt Noith Ynltlmu noxt year. '
Loylund says that CooiSvl
uhenil of any place he
nblo to find. M
-, .fc W( HV- 1111(1 lllllf Itlllll IJ
Coqulllo, whore 8ho will visit her
mother, MfH. b, F. Ilnthhurn.
MRS. FItKI) TIPTON nrrlved
her buslncBB.
US. FKKI) TIPTON nrrlved hero , v.,i vT
yesterday from ItoHeburg to Join "l S0lln n"H"
iier'hilBhand, who "cbino h'ero two I
inonthR ngo to engage In tlio bar- t'l'-O. J. I.BMANf
l...u !.....(...... I It it .-.
.MRS. It. C. VAfl'K. of nnrllnnil.
left ror her homo on t: deorgo'
W. Bhlur today nftop visiting MrH.
.i. i.. iiiiiiiiiiur, ui uuiiUHiiic, tor
several dnyB.
. Oimpulgn Ocuanljiilon.
Coos county Progressives hnvo or-
ternoon Anderson was 'still In pob-
oriu jicnii, ion on tlio morning
trnln for Coqullle, where he will
visit -frletulH.
MRS. C. H. RKI.MAN, Mrs. R. H.
Allen, and son, Kugeno, or Co
qulllo, are visiting nt tho homo
of Mrs. Kllznbeth K. Allen, on
First street.
IANSKI loft today for
Portland nnd Senttlo on IhibIhobh.
During his slay ho expects to In
Bjiect sonio of the clialrs.Jiirnltiire
and flNtiires for the now theater
that Is being built on Central avenue.
Smith of Portland, in
city, guests nt tho home
brother, W. Ross Smith.
(SKOROB WBLSTBAI), of HiIh city,
left on tho morning train for Myr
tle Point on business.
PROF. RICHARDS left on tie morn
ing train for Coqullle, where he
will visit some friends.
AUGUST FRIZBBN and family today
moved Into the former JnmoB Ren-1
nett homo at 9D(rSouth"Pourtlf street, t
which was recently vacnted by Joseph
Schmeddlng and wife.
TOM I.BYI.ANI) nnd wlfo arrived
hero yesterday for nn extended
iHtny nt the homo or Mib. Ley-
land'B parents, Mr, nqd Mrs. O.
S. Torfoy.' Thoy havo "boon making
thoif home In Utah and Idaho tho
iubi two or threo years and Mr,
expect to nialto a stay oliQ
of mouths and bofore km
will bu joined by (hclrfr.H
C. Smith, formerly maitMrJ1
lu of tho Southern I'acMtM
point. Mr. Smith. Is wJ ,
hero and will be welroc
many Mends.
j I IB'
J. C. MBRCIIANT and wlfo left yes
terday for their summer home at
naatendorf Reach.
I.YNN I.AMUKTH epeetB to leave
Friday In IiIb nuto lor Roseburg,
taking a party of several through.
v,,,,i,n.i .... i iiiiiuini Aiiuerson was sun in pob-
Kinized n temporary organization for session or tho tin horn, nlthough It
tho coming cnmpnlgn and expect to "l "con battered up to such nn ex
mako It pormnnent following nloet.',(n, ,,,nt " w,,,', from a hollows
SdnnCrri,0nn,,,nr',,0n- J- C-r'tnnt"Sy 'ktSey Murphy.
Kendall lins been o ee ei m mmn ',ii. ih.n.. ... ...i..i r.'zl
nd Y. A. Held secretary. I question Andorson pretty closely P' M- HAMM.RW1S. County Road- ?! T,"' fa"n on tho Alert
i..i... master. Is hero from nnnniiin ' .."J ,""".":. "" 'i""i.y
SHBRIFF GAGR Is here from Co
qulllo nnd will give evidence for
Vornon Ilnrker In the Burokn white
slave caso.
0. 11. DATSON has taken a position
with tho U. S. Forestry Depart
ment and Is assisting in opening
sonio now trails through tho For
est Reserve near tho Umpqua.
ROCCO SACCHI left" today for his
biothor'B ranch on tho bench whero
ho will enjoy a two-week's vaca
tion. Leslie Isaacson will handle.
tho milk route during his ab
sence. V
MRS. II. B. BDWARDS, of Allegany,
nild her mother i r ,,..,.,.... i...
,11 '----- . ,uuhnuiig,
u iiiib ciiy, cuiuo in on tno Alort
...w w.n,M,Aiiiiiu wan ci it'll en at ll """ ""'Miiiiii, t'tiiicuriiiiig ills lengl
Uttlo dinner rUcii the other nlcht 'ol,l"'',tl0n. Anderson round It hn
for Win. Hanlej. cndldiiu. r.,r v ' i0J.,,c..,,ec' ."""'"K !l,a! hPPen
Rnnninr u.i. ' ' , ,,u" ,'" """o no nrrivou until ho
toenator. who was hero. Thoso pros- awoke this morning. Ho could not
ent were J. e. Kendall. V. A. Reid, oven remember the dnte. When nsk
Car) Kvertson,. Harry Winkler. liar- "l to nnio tho day of tho woek ho
Ty Pnlnter, Jens Hansen. Harry Iloy.Ka1'!. k waa ''lUnX
J. W. Motley and Mr Smith of Vorih ' ? PUBtomary fine of J5 was as-
n.,n,t t. . . amun ot .Norm (li0ssed ngalnst Anderson. He is
nond At the meeting, Mr llnnloy without funds and could not pay at
told them thnt ho expected to return i'"18 tlmo.
hero In August In Ills nuto and hi lug , Aj"leon '" allowed to go back
Thomas W. Law sou of "Frenzied Kin- . . "llroart camp with the un
,.,, .am . , ' ' ' r )lunn ''n-.derstandlug that ho was to pay tho
ance fame (or a fev adrdesses. Mr. fine the next time ho returned to
J.awson has n big ranch In eastorn'tl city. Andorson was arrested
OrcRon where his son-in-law resides i"')0Ul wo months ago and was fined
Tho Progressives decided to make'5 Ant,vhalI.-Vra', ....
a special fffrt . bohalf'of o)TlSttr
CurllB of North Rend, the null Mpoao r being on tho streets la a drunken
candidate for county commissioner. on.dlt.loti ws also fined $5 when
I brought before tho Recorder thla
ni? JuilffuwuitK Judcments ?0r"ln5' ,K.,np to' nad been on
mountlnK to nlmi t.snn ,...!" ':,"5 V. ad was not
been taken 'against tho Seeley &
Anderson IgglnR Company, ot nan-
don, whlrh. wont Into a receiver's
hnrtn some time ago. One ts for
UWOO md-u la favor of J. E.
"Wheelor of tho Mcqofmac Lumper
CoPny, of PortlauiL and the other
Judiaeto. wijr0 moatly on cUltni
J?: b MiUjaed to Ciht.
Robort Dur. -
master, Is horo from Conulllo to
look tho Shlnglehouso Inlet lm
provoment over.
had been vlsltlnir Mrs. rn-
Bevoral days.
aware of thn fact thnt v, t, ,-.
Lwhen arrested. Ho paid his fin
ami waa released.
8pvlweU salU VrUlmy July loth,
flrtij, for fwn Vrancbcov Sn IVdro
LlfchyCOAr. The kind VOU lurt
AIWY8 C8HO. rtwM TH, r,
Uw ud Trwufer Ceipav
lis. of Sumner, came in on the
.Mtiiicoma this morning to attend
to business matters.
MRS. WILL RICHARDS, of this city,
came In on tho Mllllcoma this
morning from Sumner, whero she
wa2 failed by tho death of her
lavuui, ji. u, nan.
& auEhan's camp, came In this
LnJrnwnR tr?m Sumner, whore he
had been visiting.
HKRDKRT nRADLBY has returned
from a trip to Portland and gone
up Coos River to camp with his
mother for awhile.
MISSES CORA and Mabel Mathlaon
and their mother, Mrs. n. Ma(hl
Bon, have returned from an ex.
tended northern trip.
loganv. canin In this mnmLt i.
tibii iiuiiio inenuB ana do n little
L. L.. TOWNB. director of the cow
testing association of Coos River,
camp In on the Alert this morning
on business.
,MRS. K. DON M'CRARY. of Cooa
""or; camo in on the Rainbow this
mornlne to do some Bhopplng.
2 ,n. thHe;orth Star this morning
IVSLl m"tter "erta,n,D
?"m ' )Y'.C00K and daughter Fay.
of North Inlet, came In thla mor
to visit soma friends and do a
tittle shopping.
ED M'KKOWN and" wife came n
from Coaledo yesterday. Mr. Mc
Keown wilt take a short vacation.
PRANK LAYTONuas return to" tho
ay rrom Kurekarand will spend
a wftek or two hr ba i h..
Valley. T " 4U
ney ot Atbaar, la poiai,
Full Backs
Regulation Fronts
Ladies Fall
are already showing at
Also another consignment of
l. u . 3pleCe
MUCh less than vnn mi-
make. them fnr ..
'. ' . IJ.I. ,'!.
TnUAnnnm ..y.Ti'iri'T
$35.00 Gal
and 3G per year for tS
years. fin
Buys A Building Si
i.i;vi;l and clkaiiBj
4Gx!0 lot. closo In ....lS,
50x90 lot, clearod
60x00 lot, graded street CW.
GSxHr lot. Improved st. Kl
C2xl.1l lot, Improved st l
COxlCO lot, Improved at., FN
City M'nter uud StrlK
Inipi-uroiiirutN IK
,4S.o Itold About It." M
Phone 204-J. H
W. A. ReiJ
1BO Trout Su-eet
TEe Roy
The House of Dig Feats
"Baby Irono," this pl
tie Misa will again enteral
with her singing an.d dancltJI
"The Doctor's Deceit."
reel Imp feature.
"Tho Powers of tho Se,
anco drama.
"Alone at Last." A BM
edy that Is a scream.
"Wlno." Laat, but gt
KlIVHtrtTIa MmJu
Five reels of all new '1
...w.vo.uu, lOHOT tlUVII f-1
rCony, 10c. LLri
Tomorrow nleht. the twBf
Ot "L'uClllo'Lovft th Olfl
.. :
-"The aecond 'Utfcs f
Sunday alht. .-. ...
MnS. J. c, RBED. wlf of the wp.
Saturday olefct, "At)3lWl
t .
' - "f TT'W'JIM- .. - JV M.7 3IillBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBhftaBWK. .