I' '! WSSK EHHiBH?!ffi VlffMliff . THURSDALiffi THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHMEGON mmi " '" ' i ii IHVU ' " ' - "W HI lis- &iu I Ann I nnked For ward to tve: Nnw Comes the Long WJ r ir 1 Ciimimav- Cltmrancp hale and fflerCuMQlse n WHJ9JL A IkfiAfiAiMW" ' """ -israaraa rBHffiBgBaSII 122c Ginghams 9zc Hero's n sale of our well-known best quality Pross Ginghams that will stir tho Greatest enthu siasm. All arc fant colors In light and dark colors, checks, strli.es and nlalds. Full 27 Inches wide and regularly sold at 12 V, cents. During Ql this sale, per yard u"u III S BOM, JULY II FOR 12 DM8 ONLY j i mtme ;, regard our advertisements as wo do our rd spo, ,- ?o store -they must babso .uruW. hj ...rrountlod ourselves with principles and policies 1"" advertisements as Implicitly no you would ?ry one lota from tho facts-thereforo wc , oxnec you be 0 o o. r n n pImlgo ()Ur , ,. believe what you already know. Wo ask you to pace Is con w M of 1R ess success to never violate this confl e ;nco J .to x 11 1 tlmo ftU re(luclIoI1B prices to clear decks of surplus !-. 65c Ratine Now jj Tin BOiiHtin'H most popular cloth Is now y. Mm pentcst reductions. All our ati-liieh ( IncH In i'o1orn of pnlo liluo, pink, Copenha) Navy . Tho quantity of each color Ih llml first come, first served. Ilogulorly sola t 50c mid one. At por ynrd '.,, A REGULAR HARVECTOF BARGAINS Iron, u.. n tan. and prove our -"""-"" " ,i";" learned to expect much 50c French Challis at 39c M our beautiful lino of well-known French Chal.ls onto. -this sale at tho biggest saving. They aro strictly all woo Come n IW.I and dark grounds with floral stripe and dot effects. Regit gg larly GOc. Now at per yard -" " ' $1.00 Messaline Silks at 79c Then come these high-grade fast-edge Messallne Silks, full 27 Inches wide n such popular colors as Noll Rose. Cade Ulues. Pinks, Cream .Onrnet. Macks and White. All shades and regularly V( sold at $1.00. Now priced nt per yard "u MOST DRASTIC REDUCTIONS of the YE Startling Reductions on Suits TO $25.00 LADIES' TAILORED SUITS AT THIS SALE $9.95 to qir nn I ADIES' TA L0RED SU TS AT THIS SALt ao.yo Wo wish It strictly understood that these nro not nil this season s ks but sty es that arc suitable for everyday use. They comprise n any waves and colors; some Mack, and nh.es. They are of the .jest "ml 0i.t-. ciin Tiinan want ni: a Kenornl utility suit will ZaZZ to I2H.00 Suits JQ QC Never wcro prices so ruthlessly cut on Knrmont8ynrd KoodH anil general Dry 'Poods. Nov, make such preparation for your coming. Everything "'splayod for your easy ehooslnK. Ic-lo plainly marked. Every article In the store l. mlure;l.NOTlllNO HUM) IN Hi To 35c Wash Goods at Clearing up tho stocks of Wash (looils is your opportunli euro tho best and nobbiest weaves of Untitles, Cropos. Sci Poplins, etc., In nil colors. Heo this flno lot early a: save. Now priced nt per yard at $'.'.'.'.r and 25c Ladies' Lisle F irrf One lot of about 10 dozen Iuilles1 Silk I.IhIo Famous Arc Hobo, In colors of l'lnk, lllue anil Oxblooil; double IimI Barter tops, llero Is n lloso that wo have built n reputal for their serviceability nt 2fie per pair. Now per pair ... HERE'S A WAIST CHANCE FOR YOU And dozens of styles for you to choose from. High neck or low neck Kimono sleeves or set-In sleovcs. LaNyns, Volllcs and Mar- qulBottes. Here's somo prices 8De WAISTS NOW . . . Ile $1.00 WAISTS NOW . BPc I1.2B WAISTS NOW c $1.50 WAISTS NOW H7c 2.'oO WAISTS NOW .... W" $2.25 WAISTS NOW .... SLIP $3.00 WAISTS NOW .... $3.50 WAISTS NOW .... S'J.nP $.60 WAISTS NOW . ... g3.H $5.00 WAISTS NOW .... yi.BO S6.50 LADIES' KHAKI SUITS TO BE SOLD AT $3.89 For Outing. Camping, hiding or Walking. Hero's a Khaki S ult for every kind of occasion. Made of regulation Army Khnkl with skirts modlum full. 3-4 Jackets, strongly made. Ho early. jQ nq Thero'r only four suits at pUiUJ ALL KNIT UNDERWEAR REDUCED Supply your needs for months to come. Notlco thcBO prices: 25e VESTS, PANTS, UNION SUITS nt 1Hc 50c VESTS, PANTS, UNION SUITS at .". c 75c VESTS, PANTS, UNION SUITS at .... OPe $1.00 VESTS, PANTS, UNION SUITS at 70t5 $1.25 VESTS, PANTS, UNION SUITS at c . WANT A DRESS? READ THESE PRICES. Drosses for houso or street wear nt tho baro cost of material. what wo nro offering In this remarkable salo. TIicbu prlcei It: $1.25 DRESSES NOW ... Bile $1.50 DHKS3BB NOW . $1.75 DltESSESNOW ... 1.:1P $2.00 DKKB8KB NOW .. $2.50 DUESSES NOW . . . yi.OH $3.50 P11EB8KB NOW .. JiM DRESSES NOW . . . I.4 $5.00 DREB3E3 NOW .. ONE LOT $1.25 HOUSES DRESSES OFFERED AT i!0c 2S. GALATEA WOW AT 14c NOTICE THESE MOTIONS 1 ? R and R & G ?9c 1.25 DRESS SHIRTS AT 55c $1.00 DRESS SHIRTS 1 3c RIPPIjKTTKS AT -c 12V4c OUTINO FliANNEIi ...KSJe lOc'cilETONES AT c. 00' FEATHER PIU.OWS ....-lOe REST FAST CALICOES Oo APRON' (HNailAMS AT "c $1.00 TABLE LINENS, 79c $1.25 TAULK LINENS at ...Si $1.0J TAMLK LINENS at ..$!.!! NAPKINS TO MATCH $1.00 LACK CURTAINS 7IK i.7;, scrim rriiTAiN.- ." . i . J..2:. hCUlM CUUTALNo 1.7 $ :.2C HOR1M CURTAINS a.oti r .ttSflMBBI UMlfMSBSi PEARL DUTTONS, 2 cards for rtc HAIR PINS, 2 boxes for ."e MEND1NO COTTON, I spools r,v HAIR CURLERS, 2 bids for . .So SAFETY PINS, 2 cards for . . ..V REST EAGLE PINS, pkg nt lc HOOKS AND EVES, 2 cards for He REST COTTON TAPE, 1 for Jin r IWOifiS Somo 50 pairs of woll known R. & . and F. P. Corsets ontor this amazing: sale. Tl.ey are some of tho distinguished num bers that liovo been among the most popular sollers. (looil models for stout and medium figures. Theso wo have plareil on sale In the Coret Dopartment nt We know of no such offering In Moii'b up-to-tho-mlnuto ShlrtH ns this. Chooso from every kind of weave and fabric In style with mil itary or ilolticluiblo collars. In soft shniloH or Tan, dray. I'ronm or Whlto. All Blxos In thU lot fcfl and pay us, oncb Uub xaSKasiBeBi To Clear Embroideries i On sweeping reduction has boea made on every piece of our superb mock of Lace. Embroideries. Floundngs. KdKlius. Bauds. Intortlon aud Corset Covert. All take tbetr plate tu final clean up. 10i KMimOlDElUES NOW AT Xc l .'I- EMUROIDERIK8 NOW AT Ie : EMUROIDKRIES NOW AT Uk- .' KMI.U01DERIK8 NOW AT 1M1 :t.'.i- KMI1ROIDKRIEB NOW AT ate MU KMliROlDKRIRB NOW AT : 75 ,:miiroidkrie NOW AT Wk' Now For Children's Dresses Orr giund relintloua on every garment means tlio apeely ilear.imo of all sizes, lirlng this Hat wlib oii. Bw thu orlKlual prices aud pay us the reiluii'd prl.es. This Includes both white a.id rolou'd il testes. 50c Children's Dresses . . .7e 75c Children's Dresses . ..3u $1.00 Children's Dresses ..u $1.25 Children's Dresses, . .c $l.o0 Chlldreu's Dresses sji.lO $2.50 Children's Dresses, $1.01) 79 Per Pair NOTICE The reductions throughout the store are absolutely autuen tie, theretore under no consid eration will wo open any new ncccunts. WJWK'ffUm riWf1 LWtfUfii hfft,l flll'nl ' li n 'in I ill I $1.25 Monarch Shirts at 98c I Now n.fii! Here's your final chain o t ymir fav orite Shirt Btore. All our lirund-new Monarch BhirtK. made of the flnett MadiaH mid In the new est pitterns. This Is an opportunity t-i stoik tip rit the greatest of savings. All sixes are here rrom 1 1 to IX. Regular QJJ, $1.25 now each uGl $1.50 ARROW SHIRTS Ono lot of broken slzea.l lonnlly good patterns an dross slilrtH. Just to cle. .v.ho wo offer thec $1.00 $1.25 shirts nt each ... 50c WORK SHIRTS And nt that n work t full cut and reinforced I Me.do of boat ipmlttf ClnKhnm and Cho tut M nil sizes; In colors of lllue, Kltalcl or Hl.uk i Whlto at .. AT tfUU D0e FOUR-IN-IIAND TIKB AT Oe Sensational Sale of Musiin Underwear Now Table after table of bargains greet t throughout tho store, but the liveliest tenter will be the exhibition sale of our entire stock of Corset Covers. Slips, Clowns. Combinations, Drawers and C'henilee. Space does not permit of our quoting prliea here. Just rummage round and pick your garment'. All placed for your easy thooslug and plunly maiked. $5.50 Boys' Suits $! Every parent should take advantage of tuN Suits for Roys. Thoy are the very pick of M styles both In eut aud fabric, strongly niftJ bunched at lot that includes all ages and soU regularly from $ J. 75 to $6.50. Now offered $5.r,0 HOYS' NORFOLK SUITS $6.50 IJOVW' NORFOLK SUITS $7.50 HOYS' NORFOLK SUITS 25c MISSES' LISLE HOSE AT THIS SALE FOR 19c Atinut r.u doven MI'h' ami Children's Lisle Hose lu colors. Pink, i-iu iuhI iUue oul; uU-aiiuvu Armour Plato Hoao In all sizes; Hosiery prices have advanced. Theue prices are to clear 4Q surplus slock. Per pair I U b ART Q00DS AND FANCY WORK PRICES REDUCED Stamped Uoxmi. Porot Poits, DoKos, Comblaatlons, Slips. Cbll- I.aun Iry per ct off Stupendous Sale Trimmed Hats ANY THIMMED HAT IN THIS STORE TO BE SOLD AT $2.79 tlrou's Dre' ei, Tom els, Pillow Cases. Pillow Tops, Raps, Hags atd ''-'y Kind of Art and Fancy work Oi"i we have relu.od at j Just u.niy The time of U:e M.iUers tilnimtng i- wonh tint muih, und you take our ihohe from tiotiis of the best btyles of tho seasou. There' no to alike, and renumber, thli ts the final price reduitlon that will be nude on trimmed hatt. this season. Wo expect to cleur the lot In the first days of the vale. NONK RKBERVKD. NONE SENT ON APPROVAL .$2,79 i REGULAR $2.25 MEN'S HATS TO T J" 0 This Includes every man's lint In our store that Bells Every style In this season's latest. No accumulation ot old styles cm be found here at . . . . THEN WE OFFER OUR REGULAR 8.00 MEN'S HA1 $1.00 P0R0SKNIT UNION SUITS WILL Ql Auother snap this for the man who studios his comfofj Union Suits are the comfortable gunnenta of the year, clear our entire stork In the next IW days at eai h f0 POROSKN1T VESTS AND PANTS AT 88 Every Article Is Reduced LOOK TO YOUR BEDDING NEEDS NOW AND SAVE Th's sale offer you the blgueht saving In Redding Wants BeJdiug prkes are soaring high. Our prices are lowor than usual. Take our advice and stock up during this clearance salo. -Ill , , , MEN'S WORK AND DRESS PANTS PRIC INCLUDING KHAKI AND CORDUROY PANT. ALL $1.95 MEN'S DRESS OR WORK PANTS ALL $2.2.1 MEN'S DRESS OR WORK PANTS ALL $3.2.1 MEN'S DRESS OR WORK PANTS ALL $4.50 MEN'S DRESS OR WORK PANTS NORTH BEND