CRiJ5F- ?wMf,wwrmmrmmm'"i!rm mmnm iiiiWi in l Krarnsrwn,--1. CiTU ---Fn nr. .iMteiicffn 1-fVpK- it- BETTER TO BE AN OPTIMIST WITH ONE LEG T CENTIPEDE WITH A GROUCH J,v 11. 1 'it'ii J'4r' 'MS !' ' i h Y6u.Il OPPORTUNITY to reach the, great purchasing power of thin community should not ha overlooked In plating your advertis ing, The, qholco of media of suc cessful taerohnnts IS 'II I r: TIMK.H. k.ymily nnci.Ls with every copy of this moiltum. Hnvo yur advertisement rend by the Home Community regularly, bo Hint they will know you. Uo In troduced HY THE TIMES. MKMIIK.R OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS OL XXXVII. Established I87H aw Tho Const .Mall. "MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall .. or, anil Coos Hay Atheitlser NO. 294- X MM. til t " If!1' . ITII iilH am;1, Wim$8 KiltU 1ENRI FORD SMS PESSIMISTS ' . JURE ONLY BUSINESS HARM .. 1WBM1 lg DetnoltfAUto Manufacturer TellsPresident Wilson "Outlook is Good 'ALAMITYiJALK NOT WEQLR3UNDED NOW ays He -Saw No Evidence of Any Sqjoi Depression Excepts Pessimism Wr AmmuIMjQvm to Coo. nr Tlm J Washington, n. c, .luiy o. ptlmlatlo views of business routll ohb were preaontcd to President llson hy Henry Kord, tho Detroit jnmifacturorjjdurlng their hour's jnforonco nfflho Whlto House. Kord Id tho President thnt ho saw no LIdonco of anHoit of a business jprosslon, pyoliolo;I(iil or other .'bo, and BaidTthnt In his opinion btiB cs la gcttlnKlbcttor nil the time. "There Is absolutely nothing wrong th business afiFonf told the Presl i 'only trouble Is that nt. " Tho Imo people are pessimistic. If ev- vono would only cheer up nml nt 1(1 to their fiuBlncM tl Is calamity .k would BtopTlniniedlntely.'' j & ho President; and Mr. Kord dls- (1 the trust bills In n Kouernl ,ly as well, as tho business situation. Iclls clostb tho President hiiIiI 'is greatly 'encouraged by 1,1s talk -fh Ford'andho hnd been finthor ongtlioncdTnThlH determination to ih his trust'fprogrnui during the (jaent .sewslonof Congress. Kord . used to (IIbcubb his call, aylng thnt 1 k of bMlHM(lopresHlon was un- rlhy of denial. EW UPS IN m I :r, 15 N ny NewVessels Under Con Iructionfor'Panama Route iK Years Record 'N-tHf Awcll Tim to Coo. nr lino, AIHINqTON, D. C, July 9. t AmerlMuffmnrlno men nro ac- It'jjy preprnfor the opunlng of Panama Ofthjl is Indlcrrted In tho in'trtg of tHefDopnrtnient of Coin- ce BhowInfTthnt soveu of tho prln- lit. 111 1 merohaatjshlpH built In tho Un- -8tatBiforJtho fiscal year ending ji 30 werejforj tho Isthmian trade. a steamerJaverngcs moro than -7 Krow.tonejv Tho Jnrgost vessel trnoteltSeMatBonia, fo tho -"allan trrt-wns 0728 groBS It Js'tTKeJblggcst ship built in United State alnco 1005. Tho linker Jo!mJ5, Archbold, of 837-1 k tons, Isjthe largest ship of its j ever launched from an American Durlngithf yenr H77 vesiolb lilt forjU"?. Atlantic at1.' g :i- trade, 234lfor tho Pact'" 1-H f he great lakefi and 130 fo- west v rivers. IOWA FIGRT ,ssiressjyjfarty Convention this9tesfDMState and Nat 8 -' ionalfefohibltion QlWMOmH la., July 0. Tho 0p5,'ilya$Jrt in Iowa is "dry" fightteylhours yesterday in SwlHtiwsTfeoniniltteo and Intor ,aflwyewi proper. Tho dele- cllwwtlmlrord by a voto of 358 ianlayerlqf stnto and national lailattittABdiiipnta. V, I to Coos Dt Tlats.1 rPOHT.TJyly 9. The three jpajnht8 were fog-bound !MlvtHtlrce was postponed LANA w JYSPIN IN lUCTUPOSTPOXKD .A AKBfeiBK AhoM4I itoMI WANT 10 DROP .HEX. PROBLEM State Department Holds it Unwise to Agitate Question Kahn Resolution f fly Amo MIM fr tu Cool tUf TlmM ) WASHINGTON, .1). C, .Inly !l Acting In nccoidnnco with thu State Department 'lecommeudatlou that It was unwise to agitate t'. o Mexican (liicstlou In Congress nt this time, thu House Foreign Affairs Commltteo voted to report unfnvorubly tho Knhn losolutlou (ailing for Information of alleged official assurances thnt the CunstltutlonnllstH might Import nrnm from the United States by way of Cuga without Interference. CITY IS LOST ' Insurgents Capture Important Towns in Albania After Hard Battle Ilf ApkIII I'rna to Cool nr Tlmei.J ATHIJNH, fiioece, July !. Con firmation of tho capttuo of tho Important town of Korltsa In South ern Albania by tho MuBSiilmen Insui gouts was received today. Tho fight ing lasted thrco days after which tho government troops took flight to Avnloim. F LES IS T South African Aviator Estab lishes New World's Rec ord Today. IBt AuooUlfJ Prru to Coo. nr Tlmn.J JOANNISTHAL, July 9. Tho now world's, altitude record was mndo today by Aviator Linncokogel, who 'attained a height of 21,GGt foot in 'a monoplnno. EQUAL PAY TO T National Association Elects Jordan Will Meet Next in Oakland Hr AcUtl I'm. lo Coot Bar TlmM J ST. PAUL, Minn., July '9. Dr. ! David Starr Jordnn of Stanford Uni versity was elected president of tho National Kdticntlonal Association. He wns unopposed, Oakland, California, was chosen no tho next meeting pinto. A resolu tion approving woman suffrago and equal pay for teachers regardless of box was adopted. Anothor resolution was adopted commending President Wilson for his restraint in dealing with tho Mexican situation. dii:s at .LLnn.XY Datightei' of Mr. and Mix. Alfietl Ktoru Sticcuiiibs Sanuo Storn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stora, or Allegany, died In Marshfiold yesterday. She was eleven years, ton months and two days old. Sho is survived by two brothers. Arthur and Turo, and a slstor, Slgred. The funeral will bo held from the Swedish Lutheran Church in Marshfiold at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. The many friends of tho family will unite in extending sympathy to tho bereaved family, MSI OUPM W GOV. WES! AND H Executive Orders Miss Fern Hobbs to Inspect Tulamo Irrigation Project in Eastern Oregon. Illf AwlHit I'rrM In Coon Bar Tim." J SALEM, Or., July O.-Tho itn uounrement wmh mndo by MIsb Kern HobliH, prlvnto Hecrctnry to Governor GREEKS FAVOR SALE OF SHIPS Pan-Hellenic Union Thanks President Wilson for Battle ships for Greece. ; 111" A.o iiit rrr. to Coo. Ilir TlniM.l WASHINGTON, I). ('., July 11. President Wilson has received a tele gram from tho Pau-Hollunlc Union In America thanking him for tho sale of tho battles;. Ips Iiduho and Mississippi to Greece. "Wo consider tho transaction a great act of human It I npruventlng the outbienk of a new war In the far east," said tho telegram. Creditors Want to Get $66, 000,000 Mortgage Paid in Receiver's Hands lltf Auoclited I'rcta to Cooa n.jr Tlmti.l ST. J.OUIH. July 9.- Tho forcclos uro of a mortgago of $00,000,000 ou tho St. Louia & San Francisco Knll rond was nsltcd in tho United States District Court trd b II. Guaranty Trust Compaii) of . w York. Tho road la now hi ti.o of receivers. ; RANGED TODAY Bandit Who Killed Manager of Plum Coulee Bank Dies on Gallows (Df AuocUted Pru. to Com Hit TIum.) WINNIPEO, July 9. John Kraf clionko was hanged today for tho murdor of H. M. Arnold, mnnngor of tho Hank of Montreal at Plum Cooulco whom ho shot In a hold-up. S RESCUED BY Surveyor Homan Saved From Drowning in North Inlet Recovers Bibles A Btory conies In from Ton Mllo Lako telling of an accident which might liavo ended soriously and hnvo caused sadness at tho closo of Marsh fle.ld's colobratlou. Tho morning "after" as tho North Inlet boat, which was loaded wns making her trip, Mr. Homnn, ono of tho S. P. surveyors, suddenly went overboard. Ho wns cnuglit at tho edgo of tho boat by Rev. G. LeRoy Hall of tho Life-Line and rescued, The affair gave the pas sengers a bad scare but tho end of it all was amusing. Tho minister's grip, full of nibles and Testaments, was seen floating away, which seem ed the only loss of the accident. This was promptly rescued by Mr. Homan himself, who being wet al- TO FORECLOSE 5 SUICIDES 18 ONiLROAD! OSEFfiMILY 1 RUBBER STATE UNO E BTTER West, thnt In pursuit of iustructlonfl from him she will leave tonight for Laldlaw to mnko nn Inspection of tho Tulnino Irrigation District. This brought out criticism from tho mem bers of tho stnto hunt board, which Is In chnrgo of tho the project. They say the Governor hns no right to j mnko nn Inspection and thnt It will bo useless unless mndo by nn expoit. SSAA "- FREEPORI CASE 1G GRAND JURY Evidence Against Mrs. Carman Not as Strong as Some Reported IIT rtm In Poof P T'lor. I MINKOLA, I.. I.. July i. -It Is not at all certain that there is enough evidence for tho Indictment of Mrs. Kloronco Cnrmnn of Kreeport, ehnrg ed with' tho murder of Mrs. Louise llalloy In tho oiflco of Dr. Cariunu. This opinion was expressed by As sistant District Attorney. Tho case wns expected to come tip before the grand Jury Into today. Wm. Berdier of Council Bluffs Ends His Life Today Rel atives do Likewise ll AoltH rr to i'no nr TtmM.1 COUNCIL ULUKKS, In., July 0. Wllllnm nerdlor, 22, committed gul cldo hero with poison. Ho Is tho liftn uulcldo In a family of olp' t, ills mother mid tin oo sisters hnlng taken their lives within a fow yours. H0RSESfST0LEB John F. Bane Loses Two Horses and Colt and no Clue Found to Thieves' IJANDON, Or., July 9. Someono entered John K. nnno'a barn and stolo ono of his valuaulo horses and also took n mure and colt from tho yard. As soon as It was learned that the horses wero gone, acting City Mar shal ICngelko and Constable Blacker by started on tho trail mid traced tho horses ns far as tho macadamized road south ot town, whero tho trail was lost. A constant vigil Is bolng kopt'nnd It is thought that tho thief will bo captured. National Educational Associa tion Adopts Resolutions Favoring It Dj AisocltJ Pre. to Cooa Dj TlmM ) ST. PAUL. July 9. Tho resolu tions commltteo embodied In its re port to tho National Educational As sociation convention a resolution en dorsing woman suffrage. Tho reso lution does not specifically mention n an or woman suffrage, but states that tho educators of tho country believe that "political equality" for both sexes is necessary for the best ready from his fall, wdded out on the mud flats and brought in the wator-logged grip. All salvage was ROW i o patddc enn EQUAL SUFFRAGE BEBinlni S JONE OF TURNED DOWN CAPT BAOTLETT TO GET PARTY Revenue Cutter Leaves Nome for Karltik Victims First Report Was Mixed lllr Ann. IIM rim to Coo. Il.r TlniM ) SI3ATTLK. July 9. The revenue cutter Hear, with Captain Robert A. Ilartlett, lato of the Stcfansson ex ploring ship Karltik, will sail from j Nomo within n week for Wrangell isinmi to iiiko oi r me oignteen wane men mid four Eskimos, one of thorn a woman, who hnvo been on the Is land' since March 10, when thoy ar rived from tho scene of tho wrecked Karltik. Two parties set out for Hor nld Island, but weru unnble to Intnl. A description of their experience sent by Ilartlott to Ottawa was taken to1 menu t' nt thoy did not afterward Join their comrades. This, howover, ilartlett said yesterday, was an or ror. Ilartlett Inter set out for North Cape, Siberia, with one Ksltlmo nud ilnnlly crossed to Nome. About tho time the Ilart'olt party of four men wont back over tho Ico to get supplies left nt the scone of tho wreck. It Is supposed thoy returned safe ly iih tho Journey Is neither long nor dangerous. Tho length of time re quired for tho voyngo dopends on tho condition of tho lco. Rout Belgian Players in First Round Watson Beaten and Park Wins. tor A' Kllol rrm to Coot nf TlmM.) KOLKSTONK. July fl. Tho Eug llsh team completed tho rout of tho Dolglaiis In fie f prolimlnnry round of tho Dwlght F. DaIs Tennis Competition today. Mavrogordnto boat Watson nnd Parko defeated Dc bormnu In straight sets. IN SEATTLE Stranger Supposed to be A. E. Card Discovered Dead in Railroad Yard. Dr AuocUtod ITm. lo Co.. f!r Tiro. 1 SNATTLK, July 9. Tho body of a well dressed man about thirty years old, supposed, from papors found in his pocket, to bo A. K. Oard, was found In tho railway yards south of Soattlo today. Tho pollco aro work ing on tho theory thnt Oard was murdered and hnvo nrrested sovernl suspects. Ho had been shot through the head. General Obregon Captures Second Largest City in Mexico From Federals' fn Auor'.lcl rre.l to Coo. luy Tim.. ) NOGALRS, Mox., July 9. Guada lajara, the second largest city of Mex ico, has fallen beforo tho attack of General Obregon, according to in formation recoived by tho Consti tutionalist officials. refused. Hut tho minister Insisted on Ills taking a testament to remem ber the occasion. MA W coin IS BY COMMITTEE One of President Wilson's Ap pointments Rejected by Senators Today ACTION ON WARBURG IS DEFERRED A WEEK Warburg Reconsiders Declina tion, But Will Not Stand For Examination WILSON lOSKS OUT. lllr Amo. Intel I'rnw to Coon IWr Tim. ) WASHINGTON, 1). C Julr 9. 'Hy n voto of soven to four the Senate Hanking Committee rejected ti.o nomination ot Thomas I), Jones as a member of tho Federal Reserve Hoard. Action on tho namlnntlou of Warburg wns Indefinitely post poned. tnr AHocitirj Prof to coot n.r tium.i WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 9. Paul Wniburg, the New York banker, litis reconsidered his .! quest that President Wilson withdraw his nomi nation as n member of tho Federal Roserve Hoard on condition thnt Jib will not consent tu uppenr bofnro tho Sonnto Hanking Commltteo to bo croyj-exnmlned. After tho rocolpt of tho telegram front Warburg, It wns snld by offlctnls closo to tho President thnt nu active fight will be mndo for his confirmation. Tho situ ation ns to the nomination of Thomn Jouo remained tiuehnnged nnd It wns said at tho Whlto Hoiibo thnt tho President would continue to press for his confirmation. Up to Senate It wns dcclnrcd that should the banking commltteo fall to report tho nomination of Warburg favorably tho President oxpects tho Senate as n whole to act. A letter from n Chicago delogntlon of business mien wns received yestor day by tho ProBldent ondorslng bin statement In support of Warburg nnd Jones, was mnda public nt tho Whlto House. "No moro hopeful, helpful, flnor words over havo coma from tho Whlto House, nnd we bt llovo thoy will moot with tho na tion's hearty npprovnl," snld tho lot tor. FREDJ. BUSSI Former Mayor and Postmas ter of Chicago Succumbs Niece in Marshfield Dr AcUtl Pre., to Coo. Dr TIbm CHICAGO, July 9. Frod A. DuT 80, former Mayor of Chicago, ant a well-known Republican politician, died today nftor a long Illness. Relatives lleiv. Mayor Iiusso was formerly Poit master In Chicago rtnd long a pol itical lender the,ro. Ho wns an undo of Mrs. W, It. , Haines, of Marshfiold, and although ho did not visit hero, other relatives spent some time on tho Hay wlUe Mrs. Haines a year or so ago. HUEMDER Conference Between American and Federal Commanders Near Vera Cruz Or Auoclit4 Pre. to Tool Iter Tlmn.) VERA CRU55, July 9. -Genera KuiiBton today made a trip to tho gap in tho railroad, whoro ho con furred with Lieut. Izunzn, command- . or of tho Mexican Federals. Funston Eald nothing of Importance was dis cussed, but ho thanked Izunza f.r Eoveral recont courtesies extended iu Americans, such as tho return ofthe two marines who wandered out at the American lines. S WA FUNSTONMET urn 4 I 1-. 2 J m i ., wm