ir-nifT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1914 EVEMIMG EDITION. - MM TWO ?: COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MA LOXNV'.. Editor nntl l'ub. DAN K. MALOXEV...Xcvs mitov Dedicated to tlio service of tho people, tlint no good causo shall lock a champion, nnd that oll shall not mrivo unoppoaou. COOS My BAR "I MUCH DEEPED ORDER PROBE OF CHARGES IT U'AM A flltMAI' CKIiKltltATIO.V. tt was the biggest ami best cole- Dredge Michie Given Credit by I brntlon over held In Sout. orn Or- t S. Engineers fOP ogon. That was tho universal Imnnnumn If verdict of visitors and residents at tho imprOViny II conclusion of tho two days of festival . .. . ,.. .., tnv aniw-iS JmI'Jm.11!; fon,.r flint bnr Is covered "with five feet more to Mayor Allen against tho conduct "-v ..... ..-...- , ,": of water t inn a year ago, ns re- or spec .11 umecr uonno reati insc set a high mnrlc for future eclobra- "' ,l'li.. . ,ii ,f, !hnrin.i Lvi.,.. tim niiv rminMl nninrml . I1TIIIIM1 III II OlILtllll DUI I VJ Hunivitwwii VIVIIilini VHV w - rf w - .. . - ...-- KoNtititiaiit Is Atfm-hrtl. This aftornoon Constuhlo Cox at tnchod tho O. Iv. Uestnur.nnt on a claim for $107 made hy W. E. Ste wart, a cook working there. Hto wart snys he only drow $1) of hla wages slnco last April. A OIIASTI.V ItKCOIIP. Twcnty-inlno persons have "been murdered In tlio lnst turee years 111 n oi wuier imiii juiu iik " ui oiu'ini uiiiiu '""u .. ...uv voaled hy a special survey authorized I evening, tho City Council ordered by tho Government, nnd Just com-Ian Investigation of tho affair to be ' pleted, to note tho conditions and bold next Monday evening nnd to r tn ncrnrinln tlio vpsiiltR of drcdulnc hnvn nil tlin witnesses nosslblo BUI1I- i Inim. 'Pt t nlnnlnnf nt iinrctnnnl nnil nt sassri'JB-JSSE & .ras n i Tnrn vn niiw i7, im nniini.v. attained oy mo unncu amies utuuku ever before. No city In tlio country rlnni ,, q MiPi,ln which boenn could excel In the manner of provld- SJ-k 'n tho n oject' In April. A ing free entertainment It seemed ,S,Lt0ninoor8 s ntci &VZJZ,MX A tl shoalest.po.nt8.., the chan- imd a good tinier that He saw all there ' '' 8 tenty-iwo icei at u,e was to see and that between sights A , f (, , f t, Ji?Win"ii?M (f liL'niiSnmJ ve' nro expected to reach hero in a tho delights of wholesale hospitality. ,,', ' W1ipii tho last annual The places for meeting and greeting vcr - tffl!nrtl;aBla8ttnknc';iUmn1 aKt'TolX 7nd Z it W .U the channel was only sov- i r r .i . r i i li ciiiecn icei ueeii in mu miuusi grentest place o them all. tho ladles Sl t cKncor8 tlmt eoastwlso cap rest room, tho g ml hand and the sun- , , , , nm, olt of Co ny Bm lo of were as much rogunry hnvp reported that ,nThid!JS,in8 iiiiSI ?; the channel over tho bar was not Tho parades and decorations wore , t, BOVontcon foot crenfnr Ihnn nvnr lioforn spnn In this . ... . .. .. ..... .... .. -i 7. in. rri i -i - nearly up to mo iimo nini me voi- scc on of Oregon. Tho decoration , p g M , , b ( , t, fimMnrti11!8, " r "' r "enco tho big now dredge Is given tempted In this city. th JlinJor 0brtloil of tho crcdt for Tho parades on both days woro up Mttslng nl)0llt tho increased depth, to a high standard of excellence. T, Juno frcgllct8 nro 8lIp1)08ed by lln' i i10 fI0,nt,n1,., n".t08 .Wm"1 ho engineers to have contributed to nave made a creditable showing In . , .. , .. n, i.- BI1V oltv nt tlin .witintrv Tnbon olnirl,. """ K":"l. " i"-""""b uukn.u u.n. iiu Blutu III BULII I IUU U. VyUIIUCII- o?yrnllertlxnlv i w' rnMrrt S ' Tllc onglneors say that the channel man Albrecht said tho matter should 01 coIlectlol tho' roflcct great ovor . .. Coog ny bir ,,.., nol ,)Con ,..,p.i nnil,iimntl rnll. lhSmlttS iSd n "Zl Sir?" "'"t I" depth before with- plo said that all should bo treated ni. . ------- ..v.. "' "o iasi live or six years. Tho rest room was one o the big Anothor favornblo report has been mid successful tea hires of the cole- roceVe(i relntlvo to tho condition of bratlon. In concep Ion and execution the channel across tho Sluslnw bar, il m " ""I1101"'"1 Fce of "y whero a survoy Is being conducted, worth whllo work. The suggestion It , 8tat01, thnt tll0 Jottlo8 lhero ,mvo hy Dr. Straw end the efficient mnnncr btfCB tho lllcnn8 of materially deep In which tho women developed It Is onlnB tho ciinnnoit which nppears rartly of recognition and praise. . t0 )0 covered with about eighteen In conclusion It may Im stated that foot of w.ntcr nt tho zcro gtnKC HUf. In oyory way ho celebration was one fret to accommodate nearly any of tho most folk tons events In the of lho POn8tor8. Consldornblo lum hlsory of the city. It was an o- llcr l8 boI1(; 8,1)1)C(1 out 0f thoro C." "" .?'."" Sn&l" J". C'5,X?J!1! ' ."hPP.nor- operated by the Tide- En,i.";7Bn-ii.i L .,";. ""i' ", i"".ater Mill company, of I'ortland iw u, (iv.pi....vf . ..iivi. a.,tt f.uuu lul moned and cxnmincd. Councilman ll.ll anl.l Ylmt Iwt tlinllirllt tlint tint charges against Doane woro part of nn nfff.rt in 'tnt llnntio" niul until that ho had hoard from several dif ferent sources that Biich n move was on. Tho charges against Doano were made by V. J. Cpndron, who Is said to work for tho C. A. Smith Com- unnv Ho ntntnil In hln Inttnr tlmt Inst Friday evening ho saw Doano nt tlin ttnirlit linr ilrlnlflntv linitr ..V ...U ..n.v ... ..(D B... j with two other men nnd that a bar- tonder named Huffman was serving them. Ho said tlint uoiino appeared to bo under tho Influence of liquor and ho Informed tho other officers. l.nfnr lin Hint Ilnnun nn tlin otrnnt ho said, and Doano told him that If no mndo any more such reports about him, ho would bent him. No one scorned to know just who Condon was. Councllmnn Doll, Wil son nnil ntlinrn mild tlint tlnnnn win a good orricor and tliey placed Ut ile siock in sucn cunrges. uouncli- tAf l nhilnn Cilno Pnnmlnml Missnnrl. Kansas. Colorado. Iowa "' J """""" .' '""- ""'M'"-,,.,l or misconduct Atjainsi Officer Doane UlnH rl nnhltltnln lllllllml iiiii;i, . -w.... ...... b .......k.. and IIUiioIh, by meaiiH of blows from an nxe. The details of almost nil tho murders nro tho anmo, nnd In iiiobI cases tho murderer's nxo had wiped out entire families. All of tho ciIiiioh woro commlttoil nt night while tho victims woro ubioop AUTO Dltl IIIJIIlTll lit l(n(( Mnv tnr Aiiocuiixi I- Vim "IV- !'htkJt 'sl TACOMA, July 7.i,c tho auto ilrlvor wiw ..I nil nlltmilfllilln rno.. i. "' kl 1U( '! I 5 i Vi . i ,tu norosi, K HpivdttHI wilN Kililny July Kltli,.' holding hla own (1ikI the C 2 it. in., from II. It. Dock, Mui-nIi- tmy tlmt lib Iioh n good chl ' field, Tot- Man KriiiirlHCo, Han Pedro eovory. Ho rocolvod n. tn 2 ' nnd Kan l)kw. Keo HiipCrUon hnso of Ills nkull nnd botu ' for ptLSMIgt broken wlion tho enr overt' ADVANC ODELS iAJLm IN Coats - Smits - Cape Col Iows1:lp between ourselves and those vho came to help uh celebrate. ll.Vt'i: I'OSTI'OXKD. alike. So tho Investigation for next Monday night wns ordered. Statement by Donne. Officer Doano stated today thnt tho charces nirnlnst him u-nrn groundless and thnt ho would provo so noxt Monciny night nt tho hearing. Ho stated that on tho night In ones- t loll lie nnd Col. VnIr.ntli wnnt Intn tho Eaglo bar nnd ho took a glass oi lemonade, ho snld they v. In thoro Just n fow moments. Ho stntos that sometime ago Condron was acting ns watchman nt tho now Smith terminal dock warehouso and ono night Mr. Donno missed him. After hunting for nenrly two hours nnu not nniiing mm, Mr. Doano bo Their Un-expected Arrival 14 Days Ahead of Tn enables our showing you a stellar variety of? nlirnclivc craat reproductions ol tlie world's ioremost modistes A Tew orlifi in our snow windows. "-;., r. UI113 tin! iom' on r" WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST (j(M)i i.jvnxix. Ho that gives should novor re member, Her thnt receives should never forgot. Talmud. - -!u!e, utililc niil Defiance Will rahlo nlnrmcU nnd telephoned Hugo m . Sail Tomoiiow. IQulst nbout Condon's dlsnppenranco. v.m,! V. C00,DVT,n-1 Itor Condon returned And Mr. NhWPOHT, July 7. Stormy Donno explained to him nnd said venthor caused a postponement of thnt his reason for reporting his nb tho first of tlio Nowport races of tho sonco wns thnt ho fonred ho might tvouiuiu, winiiiu nun uuiiiiiiuu, mo navo mot with nn nccldont or fnllen I -tt-M-TIIK KVIOXIXd COOL. O tired dny, the evening cool Lies round you like n limpid pool, And ovor It the fresh winds bring iu orenui or now roficshonlng; race will bo sailed tomorrow. SIII'KIDAX CASK Ul Tlin Hnsnhnrir Tlnvlnw nnvu- Atlnp. noy Carl WImborly lenves for Salem wiiuro no win appear oeioro tno au promo Court In the case of W. B. Chnpmnn vs. tho First National Dnnk of this city. Tho caso was originally tried In tho Circuit Court for Doug Ins County, with tho result thnt tho nlnllltlff wns clvnn n imltrninnt In tlin sum of JGOO. Tho nctlon wns Inter Into the Ilnv. Tho nbsonco cost Condon his Job nnd Mr. Doano thinks that Condon mndo tho chnrges In an effort to nvengo his fancied wrong. Mr. Donno says thnt somo others hnvo boon throntonlng him, but thnt he Is willing to stand on his rec ord nnd In tho honrlng will show them up. Remember:- It's No Trouble to Show Go . mm k t A mmmW A Mj& tsUlUi l BUS k H BHL :h- Ki:y W i. m mmWW A WHm HMH'fHHK. w WIMW9 M A. H . M . -. .Jka m. A mmw Tmm Wkm ia m. Vv J T Ik, T' -z H mmAM BW nm HB Vmwwjtoaimm m Jmm r W wmmm t Elf TBHhW''1Ii1hiI 8 ii IIUlIiDS XI JW IIO.MK Tlio Ilttlo Insects bent tho ground wiui rootsteps llko tho tap or rnln lllss Night Is nt tho window pnno! nppealed to the Supromo Court bv ....'.' na.wl!l8 hns begun to got Tho ncs ng birds ono last r'hlrn l,1 lofonilnntB. At tho tlmo of tho "'" ", on u,0rol"( r tho hnnd- ound, ' Jrl'" ' Chnpman claimed thnt the ?,?$? "" 8,l,onc?II,1lI ,B B()I."K t0 .. ....,l,,',, . . nmui. i i i.. .1 .i . ." i build on Sm mean Hill. tnwnnU tim monoy Involved In tho nctlon wns do-l"""'1 on.sIrgcon Hill, townrds tho .... . .. . . i whhi itii ri nr runt rin . t poHiieti oy mm in mo imnk, but w-ns!",". ' ,"" '.'"" """ nu . ......, .... ..,.,,iu 1111:1111111 uuw Hianus Inter wlthdrnwn by without authority. T. It. Sltorldnn MAKItlAlii: MCKXHKS ISSUIID Hnrry Ilunn nnd lllldn Johnson. ItOBt warm nnd weary hours, beside ThlB cool nnd limpid evening tMo! It runs fnr back In enves of blue Down which tho twinkling stars peer through, A Boa bo vnst nnd deop nnd fnr, It hoarB to us tho broath of stnr, V,"" V ' " . w.v,1'": . " .' "row Kunkol .,.. U..U a.r U..-U mow just now! W- M- Smth ,, u,n ScottCo. Donr enrth, how deop must bo thy 'l11.1.1.1'1:. In ovonUig cool, when on thy onrs for 'l1,0 (ll8C,,l)lc8 of I8nic Wnlton he Tho Inughtor ' t he Hulo noSo . f""10'11"1'8 Iomrs for a Ilttlo Btream Of night comes down tho grevo of ?ctk, lu,mc "" f,Hhci1 w"h yenrs. , n lomi"on polo and nitglo worms. Tho chatter ovor every nost Of Ilttlo fledgollngs going to rot. M thoro by Nnturo's orndlo stands Miss Night, with popploH In her 111111(18, 011 tllO HOlltll Rllln nt till. otrnnt Coqulllo Sentinel. Vacation Time makes one think of fit wearinirs for the occasion. V hnvo nnnvnnim.Hv nri our excellent stocks of NEGLIGEE SIHRTS, SN13AKBR SHOES, BATH iiu oL-iTo, rtWi'jATiuuK, iiUSTiUK t'OATH, ETC., ETC. CALL AND LOOK THEM OVER KIIIST AUTO OVKIl ItOAD nnrry iiunn nnd lllldn Johnson. w n , , . . T" Itobert K. Taylor and Hnzol E.' "" u ''nlr" Jook out a loiul of .Moody. I Pnssongors for Rosoburg Wodnosdny, John 0. I.eo nnd Mnrthn Talbott. ' ', ' r b",nB ono of tho flr8t ,0 K I,,......, it. m ii. , ..... .'llUrOUI!h tlin rnnvnn tliln cnnnn.. n. uiiuivo , , wiiiiiiiiiur nun .Mnuiu i.. i : -....-.. v...u iuu, uv .. mniln tlin rain.., . i w -- ttU lUllllll II Ml III inuros nn notir in oarly summer wnen mo roses nro In bloom, And tho blooming lilac's fragranco givos tho groon world sweot por- -K-n"nU,m0re a,in',That you don't mind being foolish like monev f.-mt ....nnd .l."r. ,'.,"j f""' hoy to man "on uio iiBiun worms nro wrlgglln' In tho old tomato can. It's Casv tn mnku mnnnv tnut wnen you boiho coin linvo nurBed; Hut you can't mnko your monoy Inst .... ,.. - m- .1 i.r.i. I Vo m Mor fcow thoy jMh ... Call lUUKll It llV ultll Rrni-n , i. B, or l)r '"K"8' I'1"" for When tho world Is full of aummor froo Bltai for ninnufuoturlnB plants, I and tho heart Is filof morn ranger !$&,W ron,WttB,,JP U Th,a,t -te ot ""nvicZVumt ginger ""ug-. lt.,lncro' 'Udom In God's plnn. Winf N hon the flshln" worms nro wrlgglln' A prominent KsM.old business '" U, M ,0JSfi&itB gayg oven In the (Mo, nay parndlso Ing nt tno elbows 8 Ur Shln" COLUMBIA gSSEif832sfss2 Saturday, July 11, FLOUR DAY when 1 will sell tfab superior Astoria flour for $1.15 PER SACK I wani every family on Coos Hay to try n suet- nr in. . nuvon nours nnd forty minutes, if uio man car did as well, It would Kot hero nt threo In tho afternoon. t'HETCO IIIMIXH-: COXTIIACr Imndmi CoiiNtructldii Company Will Hulltl ('uiry Couniy Stiurturo Tom Molson received word from Curry thnt tho Ilnndon Construction Company, of which W. H. Webb Is siiperlntondont, hns been awarded tho contract for tho construction of tlio lnrgo brldgo across tho Chotco nl" ilIetw,?,on, Urook'"fi8 and Hnr bor. it will bo located about threo miles from tho mouth of tho river. Jho structure will bo In threo spnns of 180 feet each, built of wood, stool and concroto. Work will start n nbout twenty days with Mr. Wobb n charge. About thirty men will World" 'ed n th Job, Unndon hom 152. A. T. HAINES n ,1,lK:Hl. KST.ITK SXAVS nest building lot In Forndnle, S700 hn,Vn, i0. ' 40xl0 nt Dunker Hill, best location. Won. ' Al'fi. l'lUZF.EX Central avenun HOME Is Just What You Make it No Home is Complete With out a Piano. It is a Duty We Owe the Chil dren to Give Them a Musical Education "Talk To Thomas About It." mm'mmmmmmmmmimmmmm BMMHM H Hl I Men Who Operate Can in rental seruinn nnrl erann linnc i 1. .... ...... k &M&afix7A saw; now n daily service on CnnYnau .; 1 .' Ew weeKS- ' "cse "res ' the best miZMZSXtLttgfm "Pinion as . ,w utVjJr w,,, lC yUU , "BUY HSK TIRES" GUARANTEED BY "THE GUNNERY" ; I Wiley TIip Km. m Gunnery EVERYTHING FOR THE MOTORIST. FILTERED GASOLINE ' MOTORCYCLE SUPPLIES VALVOUNE OILS IHMIIHHMMHHMPHH' 3 B. Allen Co. Marshfleld, Ore. L. L. Thomas, Manaiw " 'rxm&am'v.zt , V1?- . ..,