The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 06, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    TgiPWWfT' 'KB-njI
If! 1'' JBIiGMi
j.&r JT.MiHll.n
WHUIHI'I" ' """ .-'" .
!).S.lftl hi
11LE P0I1! II
Postofflce Department Aban
dops Old Route and May
' Give Steamer Service
urnTrnnfiM flllT OBI rnilllTLI!
TcDitrtUfll; uui uii ruumn
1 aauUuffl'JifeiPM
.lirarS:;:; Brought 45 Passengers and!Sai,et, at 1 o'clock With 33
Posloffire Inspector ror mis unu-i, flhfjllt OOU I OIIS 01 riUlU""-
nud some action Is needed at once to i
Bcciiro our mall service on one of the!
two linen, tne oia cons imy uu
From San Francisco
..i. I...,,
The steamer Nann annul rrw
Road or liy way of Myrtio I'oiui. i "'" , "... terilIimi duck Rliout
As you are awnro, no proposals tlU a ' ' 'Snliiy afternoon
tlio Department will accept havo bee 2; & w e suniaj,K.,.i r,,r i.arrvliiic Up mails on Willi tnirt.x-one ursi j i
,'ho star routes from Ko-buwtoMyr; 7" taSeltanii"?!!.
tlo Point, ami from ho-uuws ' mi; M,i, wore encountered
,xinrsiuieiu, umm. ,. rniisl
III view of those conditions It has 1,
The Nnnn
:30 p.
will all from
Francisco on
m. She will
Leon decided to discontinue tho route. 'n ""',' .a
from Rosoburg to Marsh old onjjon. g ""A
ami carry tno U1,,V . ' . . ii carry i good Hit of passengers
to Myrtle Point, and thence to all " V. ,iicl tv IohiI or hunter from the
other Coos and Curry county point, g l 101U1 0I
Proposals for thin service are now no- ""'; '";..
Iiil' mlvortlsod
The following advices are now re
ceived from the Department relative
to this mailer and are sent you for
the Information of the public:
"If n satisfactory proposal lie not
received for the through route from
Rosoburg to Myrtle Point, it Is the
Intention to endeavor to have the
through mall dispatcher hy way or
Drain, Scottsburg and Onrdlner, and
If ilm contractors on these routes
passengers to arrive
in iha itnnmer vesternay were:
It. V. Shaw; C. It. Uroughton.
Miss McDonald, Mrs. L. J. Gilles
pie and twins. Mr. Gillespie. Arthur
Dalgle. Mrs. J. W. ltoss and baby,
Mrs. Simmons and Irone. Harry Hult
Mann. Mrs.nultmann, Marg.iret Corn
wall. AHie Potter. Miss Westfall.
M. K. Temple. .Mrs. Temple and
baliv, V. W. Parrls. Herbert II.
Morton. J. Whnlen, .May Jones. Ag
nes llukenkonf. Mrs. Hannah Lack'
Passengers and Big Cargo of
Miscellaneous rreigiu
The steamer Rreukwator sailed
for Portland Saturday afternoon with
thirty-three piweugors und n good
cargo of miscellaneous freight, to
gether with a big shipment of butter
and e'eese. Among the passengers
saillmr on the Ilreakwater were:
Veron Hansen, Rev. H. 0. Thorpe,
III. H. Campliell, Harvey Campbell,
I Klnier C'ninpbell. F. L. Lnndborg. C.
M. Ooodman. .1. Denholm. CIiub. Ry
an. .Mm Mondy, II. P. Shlvo, .loo Ov
ereiid. Mrs. Joe Overeiid, Marie Over-
'ond. (leo. Overeiid, Albert Ovorend.
I J. 11. Htitchlns, 11. II. Ilnyden. D. F.
Morse. C. M. Leonard. Kdlth Unyllss,
A. II. Powers, Curtis Guernesy, John
(Continued from Page One 1
liavc been u fire had the bomburd
ment lasted must longer. Just lie
fore the explosion someone In n
.ntotot-boat started for Hie seow to
warn the operators of the Impend
ing danger and to toll them to shoot
alio rockets either North or South.
I All Wulei-soaluMl
1 Those who Jumped In the hay were
pulled out drenched to the skin and
slilvurlng with cold. Thoy were
brought to the city hurriedly and
then rushed to their homes. Krugor
lost Ills coat In the shuffle. lie
discarded It some time before the
explosion and did not have tlino
to get It before It had been burned.
Two of the boys lost tholr hats
and other wearing apparel was
daniuged considerably.
From the spectators' point of x lew
It lookotl at first ns though a half
dozen bodies hud been blown to
Christendom. One could Imagine
that he saw bodies flying through
the air and alighting in the water.
The Hit it from the burning rue
' -
., . r
"" HTOIU! XKW& i
special uu d
Knicker Pants
All Sizes from 5 to J 8 years
50c grade. Special -
75c grade, special
$1.00 grade, special '-.
$1.50 grade, special vo
I'lchen. Frank l.arrto. It. Iluclnul. Pitt
Pasqunxrl. Hilly Vehrl. Steve Trnno, wor8 ,,IH(i,j ti,0 whole affair plainly
M. A. Tyo, Pete Mlllie.i, A. F. War- V.,H (,, tti(vse on shore. Many
burton, m. west.
are nimble to handle the mall conj ronr..arr7cohn k'c."M-I)onld.
venlently. It Is Intended to send al J, , t.ookf0ll n.
the Coos and Curry county mall by Vterkln J A Tiylor. 0. Peter, K.
the way of Portland on the steamboat J'X&lfopI f l a Shakelfoni: It.
0. t HE
"It Is suggested that the Inspector
bring theso facts to the attention of
tho patrons of the larger offices con-corned."
Under the Instructions quotou
above I have to request
glvo this matter publicity
Hint some proposal may lie
otherwise all overland mall transpor
Intlon from Hosebnrg Into Coos coun
ty xvlll cease within the next 00 days.
Very respectfully, S. II. Morse, P.
O. Inspector.
Fmlth. I'M KaUor, A. Abraliniuson,
II. Lamberl, J. Peterson, Phil Cro
tit it. I. Lnrsen. Otlo Jaiobson, C.
Scott, Osmr Pe.irson, J. Heddin.
quoteu rtrtrtl-O
sS LuGGlIi
saw Ivruger maKO a peeiiu-inar uixe
Into the water. And it appeared
that one little boy and a man were
standing on one corner of the scow.
It is to be regretted that the dis
play went off at It did. Many were1
disappointed, but all are thankful I
that no was seriously hurt.
ft l Those in charge of the fireworks
' ft V ' "' llmt ,lm m'ow W3 no1 m'
M I ''iiougli. It nieasurod :: liy '0 feet.
if I I Two of the men In i barge have
i l a iniu k;m
u uuud uni
bandied such dixphiys before.
Shipped More to San Francisco j
Market During June Than
Any Other Port
Mildred Rogers Nell
Tom her of I'M
Pupil of llup Mii
Frnnclscn. Harmiinv lnKi
!ii,nwi rinii a .,,.ii,..rr
slons hy apiioltituu at H
H. H. Harper
nor.m: luiijf
Cenernl Itciiili uir u
Phono :t-l!).J.
Saturday afternoon the big Fourth
of July crowd gathered on Front
street, xvhero It xvltnessed tlio var
Arrived at Noon From Port
land With Forty-two First
Cabin Passengers
The pnssongcr and freight steam
er George W. Flder arrived at the
Smith terminal dock at 12 o'clock
noon, with forty-two first cnbln pas
songers and a big cargo of nils
cellaueoiiH freight.
Tho Kldor will sail for Kurckn at
fi o'clock with a good list of pas-
sengors and n good cargo, most of
i m
l m
1 r
Coo, Hay continues to lend In ship- fl.S.S'
een.H to the San Krana-lm-o 1 un. l.or ,-A.t I.n A l" fun Isl- I 2.
niirUet, shipping inoiu than nny other. .. L-
tort during the last two weeks of ' ' Vj
r rt.,u r,.1lfiu.iit uru ,lit l'Mfftliils
from" tho different coast polntM at W T. TollipkillS, D.
San FinncWco
I'll- mill Siriicc,
Chas. McCulloch, Well-known
Marshfield Man, Suc
cumbed Sunday
Charlos McCulloch, a well known
Marshfield innii, died yosterdny at tho
old family home on llayuos lnlut of
.tiihcrculosls. Ho had been gradually
sinking anil the end wns pot unox
jicctod. Mr. McCulloch wns taekn 111 about
a year ago, the disease having do
vcloped after a sovoro caso of ineii
monln. He xvout to Hoiitlium Califor
nia and Arizona In a vain attempt to
.regain his health. Ho was for a long
tlmo employed by the C. A. Smith
company and tho Smlth-Powors colu
mns contests under tho direction of.xvhlch Is going through from Port
tho field sports committee Foot lnnd.
races, sack races and a Uusslan buck Among tho pnssongcrs who arrlv
contest xvero tho prlhclpnl events. vi on tho Kldcr this morning wero:
In tho loggers' race, C. Pottngo Mrs. K. I.nndo. II. llofflioimor, J.
won. V. II. Cavnnnugh xvns second K. Woodworth, Sister Mary Geno
aud K. I). Sperou t'lrd. A cash prlzo vlovo. P. II. Soule, F. II. Page, II
of $10 was awarded tho xvlnncr nnd.U Maccloay. .1. F. Ilarton, Mrs. P.
tho second man got u prlzo of SB. 'A. hlvosly, Clarence A. Ilarton, K.
Nouo but loggers xvero nlloxved In tho Mvesly. .1. I.Ivesly, Jr., Mabol HII
raco and each mnii entorcd wns ro- U"R8. I'- Fountain, Poter Kuehinllng,
quired to wear calks In hla shoos. I l.nnrn Dunn. Chester Dunn. U. Dunn.
In the Uusslan buck contost. Mike .xns. u. n. iiirner, n. urauiey, .xirs.
(loldliorg, u lllue Itldgo Tiger, proved
to bo the chnmplon. lie was awarded
a cash prize of $3.r0. Harry Allen,
tho next host man, received a prlzo
of $2.r0. Allen won first prize In
the saiiio event held tho day pro
vious. N'nol N'oah. nf f'oDK Itlver. won Ilm
prlzo of $1 lii the wick race, and also ."Md. Drake O'llcllly.
wop the prlzo of ?'- In tho pie-eating
contost. Tlio latter event will long
bo remembered by the six contestants.
F. Is. Conway, .Morrill, Conway, J
V. Conlogue. Mrs. I;. Pennock, I).
II. I.oach, Mr.
Downos, Ida M
Madeleine, M. Nnmler. K. II. Mc
Cormnck, Mrs. McCornmck, K. Per
ry. F.. Wngnor, W. Dunn. O. Halsllcli,
(). Pedorson. C. Ilennmmos O. Itnk-
Auto Second and Pronto Third
Gordon Smith in Wasp
Won Fish Boat Race
pniiy. o-rimrn Alr-n or-mnnr-
Mr, McCulloch Is survived by his OIUUCDHfxCn OCnviUC
wife, a daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. J,
H. Cox or South Marshfield, and by
several biothors and sisters. He xvns
thirty-seven years old, Tho brothers
aro Will, Carl, Frank and Nils Mc
Culloch of Hnyues Inlet and llort
McCulloch of Marshfield. The sIsterH
nro Miss Daphnoy McCulloch or
llaynes Inlet, Mrs. it. P. Walker and
Mrs. Panghorne of Los Angolos and
Mrs. llowron, who Is In Urlttsh Col
umbia. Tho funeral will bo hold at 2 o'
clock Tuesday afternoon from tho
Dungan undertaking parlors, tho Itov.
A. V. Ilassford officiating. Mr. Mc
Culloch xvas n ineiuher of tho Moose
Coiues to Make An HMimiiiatlou and
liiNK'-tiuii of All Stmlclmkci
Curs In C(mih Comity.
F. W. Fuller, an export mechan
ician connected with the Studebakor
corporation, hns arrived to make an
Inspection and examination of kill
the Stiidobaker automobiles In this
section of Oregon. Ho will mako his
headquarters at Ooodroads Good.
rum'B garage during his stay horo
and all oxvnors at Studobakor cars
aro requosted to call and havo their
mnchliies Inspected. Mr, Fuller hns
no connection with tho sales depart
5r(,vnnJ1,niKW8.0f(,I,yth,r n,u,.!,t 0,lt "" worl l only part or the
is oxpctceC that both ordora will orVCO feature of tho Studobakor
tllVIIU III u nun;
The speedboat raco hold Saturday
afternoon under the direction of John
C. ICoudall attracted most of the peo
ple In Marshfield to tho wnterfront.
John Lapp. In the Sensled, won by u
big mnrglii, Ausou llogors, in tho
Auto, came In second, and Jack Har
ris, In tho Pronto, came In third.
Tho winner received n prlzo of IHT.,
M'tond man 1!5 and tho third fin.
Tlio race was over a flvo-iulle coiirso.
Tlio Seasled. xvhlcb Is coiiiinmilv' cmII-
i, ii. ' -:-.- - ;. . . . . ;-
N'eunmlor. sivitln oil "I uo hcoxv. nail tlio loail from
Doxvnes, Sister M. tno s,nrt Hn'' wno" l,1 raro WUH 0I1(I
on sue xvns iiu- nuonii oi uie oiuor ixvo
Tho throo bonts wero ontored In n
raco over tho samo course and under
tho same rules on Saturday morning,
but the Pronto mid Auto xvero dis
qualified for fouling the Sonsled and
tho judges decided that tho race
would hnvo to bo run again.
Tlio Judges of the event wore Frank
Cohan, Frank Smith mid John C. Ken
Columbia Itixci- Cunlot.
The Columbia Itlvei
race proved to bo
Kham '
Columbia uivor :i,
Coos Hay T.SfiO.OOO
Kverott 1,!) 15.000
Mukllteo '. 700,000
Port Gamble 1,700,000
Port Ludlow IifiS.OOO
Sliislaw 875.000
Taroiiia 1,050,000
Wlllnpa S7U.000
Yuqiilna Hay 550,000
Total .
Hurokn ,
Fort llragg
Greonxvood .
Mendocino . .
Crescent City
i I
S20.000 .
1.50S. 000
Kvory known dlW""
without drugs or FuqM
nnil 2. 2H7 South llrarjt
Phono 1H2-I,. KiTli
Joel Ostlind
'Mil ft. hlXlll HITCCL t
Leave orders ut W. Rn,
sic Coiupany. By
SBSISI SB - ""'rtB
.1. M. Wright v
nuiiiDrxo covrr
KstlmalcB f uruUbed
C. 0. Gosncy. fft
pi 1
KstlmuteH FiinilsbfMyi
W.'ll.lflMI ---- - - .,
run nun Mv I'nht Work U MltOl
0:lo!ooO I',rat' Hil Alder StM?.
Tomi : 1:1,070.000 Dr. H. M. Shaw
.;j.,.t .;ar se v,
LlbhvCOAL. Tin ldml VOIJ liuvc Hit. .MATTIK H. SlllVi
ll.U'tVC I'tiKII Pliiuin ? Pnclflp DImm'h of oincn ,
AIAAl.Hlhl-.l. II10110.-. mciric ofr(;0 ii,ono 330. BorfS
Livery nnil 'I'l-iiiisfcr C'oiupiiny. 1 02, Irving Bjfc
iioubu pnone,ia
Willi Corns? If so, you nro doprlv- DK.VriSI
piI nf linlf tlio iilnnnnrn nf II fit I MnrRliflcld. On
pleasant xvnlklng mid hoalthy oxnr- Uooms 204-205 CoVl
1 else. A visit
No Party. Mrs. Hans Itced, who.
will celobrato her birthday next
Wodnesdny Is not planning to have
nny party In honor of tho event,
having decided to spend it quietly
with hor family.
8 Attractive Bargain
comi; and (iirr om siiaui:
Ladles' Fluo Messaltne ttlK Petticoats.
Double Sewed. Were $5.00. Now ..
Girdle Unit Foundations,
values. Noxv
Ladles' Wash Pottlcouts. Fancy Stripe Seersucker
hams. 75c and UOe x slues. Special
Ladles' Strlpgd Jap Silk Waists; various colors and .tyles
Tho I3.7B kinds, only ,
rMill.l h..'.. llni.i r.n.l.. r ...
..,...... r .,..,. i.mue overalls in miies and Tans, trimmed
In contrasting materials. SnooUt
r.00 ynrds latest wide rufflliiB8, in Cream or White. Values to
ilCp par yard. Now. per ynrd
cars, tlio company continuing their rrus.
Interest in the operation of enra nf- n,oro comment than any other event
ier uio snie is mane. n nan not uoon Boon on Coos Day
Ownors of Studebakor cars should Previous to thl8 tlmo.
make an efrort to meet Mr. Fuller I , Td Proble, or Portland, nnd
during his stny and have their cars "wrgo Kelly, employed at tho Marsh
Inspected. 1 flold News stand, wore tho principals
I "' the surf-board ct. Thoy displayed
- iicniarkable skill and the crowd cheer-
-.i mem irom tno tlmo thoy started
until they stoppod. Thoy porformod
xx hat they termed tho "drunken rldo"
and thon did the pyramid 8tunt. Jn
tho latter net Problo was on Kelly's
,, High Diving.
Preblo gave an exhibition of high
diving. Four times ho dived from
the top of a ladder fifty feet from the
water The first and second 1 1 mo ho
tumod a somersault, the third time
'.n.n,?,lc.f,str"lBht lHvo- nnd tho Inst
time ho did a 'once over." Problo Is
second to the onl man on the Coast
who oos the lattor stunt. Kelly did
not dive, owing to a sore neck.
Swimming Haces.
In the sxxininilng rncos Preble won
both Tie first was a 100
Wrt race in which Preblo won by
s x oet. Kelly finished second and C
m,!180! nni1 J.01" Matters tied for
third plnce. Tho cash prizes in that
contest were 510. fs and $3.
In the 50-yard raco Preble won by
Jour reet. Koll.x finished second and
Pottage n close third. The cash prlz
os awarded were 5. $3 and S2 ,xn
q,i?iP W .w ll0hl '" front of tho
Smith Terminal Dock and tho spec
alou were arforded a good vantaKO
Ted Preble and George Kelly
Principals in Remarkable
Feat of Skill
Water sports wore tho principal at
traction or the colebratlon last Sat
urday artomoon. Surf-board riding,
VV. .K' 8w,nu"'B races and to Innblllty to got tho hydroplane in
:.i .m v-' ..'.'"" l,lu "ib running oruor niinougii tney xvorkert
nu sun lining stunt caused most of tho day on It.
A visit to Mi-m. Olivia K1I1111111
fishing boat , scii.,itifli ciili-oiioillht. An'i :t. O'.
one of tho best Council IlloV.. will bn tho sourco of
wuior lines mm. ihih neon seen noro a permanent remedy for nclilng reet
lu a long time. Hotter tlmo hns heciu
made but tho contestants were clnsoly
matched and nt tho end or tho flve-
mllo coiirso all finished within 100
foot of onch other. Tho prlzos xvero
$12.50. $7.50 and $5. Dr. Wnltora
nnd Gordon Smith got first prlzo, Cnrl
Kgonhoff second, Wea Noah third and
George Smith finished fourth.
Tho proposed rnco between tho
Gorst & King hydronlnno nnd Jack
l.npp'a Seaslod xvas called off owing
Residence phono 25M
Offlco phono 1 1 2-J.
Don't forget the 33c luncheon at
The Chandler.
Low Rates for
Handling Trunks
Wo haul trunKs botwoon an;
potnU In Marotiflold for tho follow
ing rates, dollvory tp be tnado In
tho first storloa ot buIldlngK
One trunk t .20
rhreo trunks SO
TwoWe trunks 1.50
Star Transfer and Storage Co.
Levi Ilelsarr, Prop.
Phonos. 120-4; 40-L: B8-R.
All newest shades
Various kinds. 15c and 20c
and Glng-
Lndlos' wide Silk Girdle Kelts In lllaek, lllue. Green, Pink ij nr
nnd White. SpinUl t ),
V i-u
Men's Fast Iliack or Tan Seamless So.
Special per pair
The K.c kinds.
Satisfaction Al
ways or Money
The Fair
Chnndler Hotol.
Irving Ulock
Picble Leslies.
Preble left Saturday night bv auto
Mage for Gearhart. where he x II
-peiul the remainder of the hi miner
A big awlmniliiK tank 1 ,; LZ '"i"-
od there and he will give exhibitions
of swimming and high diving,
Mlly mny participate In other xvat.
Jlk'Z?0" U a "ackSacll
I Are You Interested I
In a Good Buy I
Wo havo a largo flno 12-room resl- H
denco xxith every convenience and Jn I
posttlvoly tho most beautiful location I
In Marshflold with two big beautiful B
lots, for only H
1 '$4,000.00 I
H You couldn't dupllcato tho houso H
for $5000.00. You will bo fully pro- H
sH tOCtCll as to thn bc&rnctnr nf vnnr kssl
H surroundings and neighbors and no- H
xvhero olso hereabouts can such a H
, H snap buy In n fine homo bo found. H
ll I
H sH
Mrs. Farrinner
UcHidonco Studio, r:
Bcniamin Ostlind'!
Offices. 20C Irtij
Phono mil.Ii or 2(h
Perl Riley Ballingv
Residence Studio, 11 hi
Phone 3N
W. fi. fihandler
Rooms 301 nnd 3031
Marshfield, O-l
Wm. S. Turoen
Marshfield, i
Milrirnri Rnners U
Tonclier of 11
l'uiill of Hugo MansWl
Cisco.. Cul. StudUi
Ih-omlxray, Ia
Phono 70-L.
youn col
If you lmvo theay
An Tfln.l nf Bfl'l That It
1...1 ii M'nrk
nii ot ."rim FlreM
DldK.. 137 SecoolJ
French Ranges.
r. J. BOATFB je
Marshfield n
Phone 88&-J. W