"-flpMtrt-wt," "PPr,"?' " V f "T THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION THREE V paajpaAi Cl. Unk. Fhiiibisg. IIOTOGRAPHIC Enlarging hihI TtX '1 OI!lt"Hri.H.AM' illMka"- 'me. NEW .SHRING GOODS JUSTlnRCUIVKI. -AT S.MJENNINGS NCSWHIINNI) R.YWOOD oiMPBELLIS WOODYARD yNorthFront Street, ."3M I-utX Commutation Tickets $2.00 thflel&Narth Bend Auto Lino I every ten minutes from 0 n. m. ' te lt$0 p. m. ! GOKST ASKING. Props. 1TH'S"VARIETY STORE, i , florthtBend, f FancM'ind Domestic ' a gV9i ""i MERCHANT'S CAFE ") Poputalfblace for GoitMeals. i PricssVrteasonable. C.o.mrJMclal & B'dw'y AUWCALL ilF0RK0QTE'S AUTOS good pa;, with careful drlvors day Mnrife, phone 111 -J, UlMe?tM4Mrl Parlors. Blgkt hgttIco, Phono 200-1, Klakf, Cnfo. D.,LF00TE. The Flor-sheirn'Nat-ural Shape," skeleton lined oxford the "ten strike" of the season. Buy your self cool ness, com fort, style and service in c: .IUIiV TIDKS Dolow 1b given tlio tlmo and holght of high and low wnter at Marshflold. The tides nro placod In tho ordor of occurrenro, with their times on tho first lino nnd holghts on tho Bocond lino of each day; a compar ison of cotiHucutlvo heights will I ti ll lento whether It Is high or low water. For high water on the har subtract two hours 34 minutes. lEEOFhB YQU KNOW ABOUT w 7 Ft. .. 1.35 0.03 3.17 8.23 Ft.. . G.5 0.0 4.8 2.3 8 lira. . 2.25 9.15 3.59 9.11 Ft... C.5 0.9 5.0 2.3 0 lira. . 3.09 9.o5 4.37 9.5G Ft.. . C.3 0.7 5.0 2.1 I WEATHER FORECAST fealUim I SHOE "A friend to your feet" w AUTO AXD TAXI SERVICE maw buioAifttiaa boon addod to fjitp ajrrtfSf Caroful driver. po'WywfcAra' at any tlnw. Stand rCiftwr.ttwe Day phono, 78. boa lll-X. I, QGfmATJR, PrnprMir. Woolen Mill Store TJi. nu1l-A "hully" hipe. New high toe. Tun or blaek U per ptlr. hara 'afreat m HOTEL many Inquiries 1, 0j'Mg M4fIots.. If you will bi, mjUaprlflco list your Jf?t $&$. Lawrence Hotol i,He4Pf( No cpmmlsslon I: THEM'S HOTEL IlKecBWW Marahfleld ,.vH VHtmAnnKS street Qi kt.mmla; Prop. ill V sZ.1. ' ' BHBGTr mRW1. I I rU MAKE I aaTajaa, inr AilivUlM rrri I Coo Il, Tlmeo.l OUliiaON Fair with north to west winds. Ii()0. Ii TKm'HIt ATUHU ItlCCOHl) For the 24 hours onJinc at 4:13 n, in.. July G, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special gorernmont ne tcorologlst: Maximum Gl Minimum i ... .44 At 4:13 n. m 4G Prcdplintlon 00 I'roclpltatlon since Sept. 1, 1913 GG.44 Precipitation sumo period loot year G3.47 Wind: Northwest; clear. N ItOHX 4 MISS DONNELLY Scnlp Trruting mid l''aclnl MnMWee 1)04 Ktrod Ave. Phono 410..T Aly Own Formula HAlIt TQNIO PRICE $1.00 In For Hule Only nt tlie Owl Pre scription PJinrniHcy, Frank I). Cohan. Tlio Co nt ml Avenue Druir Store DAY To Dr. and Mrs. Lorlng I.eoto Day nt their homo In Monrovia, Callfornln, Saturday, July 4, a seven-pound girl. Mrs. Day will ho remembered hero as Miss Nol llo Tower. Tho tolegram from Dr. nnd Mrs. C, V. Tower to J. IJ. Towoe announcing the arri val of their first grnndchlld, In dicates that It was truly n "grand and glorious Fourth" for them. HUSSEIN To Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C. Ilussoll, of Uonvor Hill, nt Mercy Hospital, Saturday, July A, a daughter, 8ho Is tholr first child nnd mother nnd daughter aro do lug nicely, nnd Supt. Ilussoll Is prouder than If ho had convortod Denver Hill into a second Klmbcr ly diamond mlno. 110SCO To Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugcno Dosco nt tholr homo at Heaver Hill Sunday, July 5, a daughter. M h tm i M -xoim EJ '.:p ',T;tf Ioli vSnmri 'it mm SKJK .. ?. vttimy ":s. mm sodrSs lD tT' ' VjMUP' STRACTS Co., Abstracts, dablo. Imttio rapt attention of our clients. O e S T AN & CO. GARAGE f THE ADILLA'ft and FORD ima r :iiro sunpi:s for all F OA118 Phono 37.1-Ii rwuama JSf HOTIiL DOTSON O. A. IlnnHon, Proprietor N,ow open undor now management. A homo place with home cook ing Berved In family stylo. Hoard and room, $0.50 per wcok. 31C South Socond, St., Phono 157-J, Fourth of July IlurgnlnH. Ladles' Kmpoiluin. 78 Central ATenue. Sl)l'r Rf.KAXISIt AVII Klll'au. Kl) SUITS SIAD15 TO OHDKR QIVH Ufl A TRIALS UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JOY doylk tc o. o. nAnriRTvit 256 Central Are. Phone 250-xi SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WK FURNISH A RAG AND WILL PAY THK POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN - COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY- PHONE 57-J. MARSHFIELD j 181 i 1 nM h-'i"i tyzMd&Mb mvm&jM.w Week Special lES DEPARTMENT )th Novelties illored 1-2 Price imposed of all the newest materials and nervation made, all suns included. k them over. It will be a big money-saving CH OUR WINDOWS LUDWIO To Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmos Ludwtg at tholr homo In Hunker Hill Monday, July G, a son. Moth er nnd child aro doing nicely. Mwt WYdnOwlny Tho Jolly Dozon will moot Wo'lncBday nfternoon with Mrs. R, F. flush at her homo In nunkor Hill. Now loldvi-N Out. Tho North Pa cific Steamship Company has Issued, n now folder showing tho Ceo. V7 Eldor'B Coos Dny pchodule. Rcrowrn Fur, Mrs. Otto Schottor lost a fur nock, scarf Saturday and on telephoning to Tho Times offlco found it was hore. Tho tur was found by J. II. Stewart, a postpard photograph er, who brought It to Tho Times of fice , RwoverH Purse Saturday 'Fred erick Schottor picked up a silver purso containing consldornblo money nonr tho morry-go-round. Ho nnd his mother brought It to Tho Times office nnd tho ownor was located, through her nnmo being ongravod on tho Insldo of tho purso, She was Miss Edna Hanson. , Council Tonight. Tho Marshflold City Council will moot this ovonlng to take up various mattors, among which will bo tho opoulng of bids on tho South Droadwny hard paving. It Is oxpoctcd that thoro will bo a clash botweon tho bltullthtc and bi tuminous rock companies over this, tho property owners also taking It up. Lvft Projxjrty. Coronor Wilson found that II, C. Mclnns. who died nt his rooniB In tho Dlanca. Hotol tho othor night had some money on de posit In a'Myrtlo Point bank and also had some property at Richmond, California. H. N. Alton, n friend, has been appointed amlnlstrator. So far, Coronor Wllson has been un ablo to locato Mclnnls' family. Grind rod DonicH. T. II. Orindrod, who has boon in a sorlos of mixups In Justlco Court tho past ton days, today made a vigorous denial of tho Information against him glvon to Justlco Ponnock. Ho says that ho did not introduce Mrs. Hurcham to R. A. Copplo as his wifo, which was alleged In Mr. Copplo's suit to ro cover monoy, and also denies that ho was on particularly lntlmato torms with tho Hurcham family. lost Money J. II. Stowart, a postcard photographer from Virginia, who arrived hero last week Is about tho only unlucky man of tho celo bratlon. Ho lost two purses con taining $55 In gold Frldny night. Ho thinks that someone picked his poc- kots, as ho had tnem In soparate pockets. Whllo searching for thorn, thinking thnt possibly ho had drop pod tho purses near the bowery, ho found a lady's fur which ho brought ke T1i fPlntAci rfttte Qr fn ltft lino boon unablo to find any traco of his money. Father Dead. J. D. Sneddon has received a telegram from D. J, Rees stating that his father died at Roalyn, Washington, Saturday, Mr. Roes was run ovor by a train while j en route to tho hospital to his daughter, who had just undergone i an operation. News of tho accident was kopt from tho daughter, as sho was In u rather critical condition and sho was unaware of It Saturday although her father passed away in tho same hospital where, she Is be ing cared for. After tho accident she kopt asking for her father and wondorlng why he did not como tq see her, making' the case very pathetic, MILO PIERSON Is In from Lakeside today on business. J. E. NOAH, of Coos River, wns a visitor In tho city today. OLIVER STEMMERMAN, of Alle gany, enmo In on the Alort this morning on business. S. C. ROGERS, of Coos Rlvor, enmo In on the Rnlnbow this morning to nttend to sonio business mnttors. MR. AND MRS. AMOS MUSTARD, of Lnfayotto, Indiana, nro hero for a month's visit at tho homo of their daughter, Mrs. R. H. Coroy. REV. AND MRS. UURKHART, of this city, returned this morning from North CooB Rlvor, whoro thoy had boon visiting at tho F. U. Rood home. GEOROE DYER and daughter, of Coos River, came In on tho Rnln bow this morning to visit friends nnd nttend to business. DAVE HUNCH, of Coos Rlvor, was a visitor In tho city today. Ho loft on tho Rainbow this nfternoon for his home. l DON GARDINER, of this city, loft on tho morning train for Uandon, whero ho will nttend to matters of a business nature. JAMES WATSON, Clerk of tho Court at Coqulllc, left on tho morning train after spending tho holi days in tho city. . MR. AND MRS. E. R. ERVIN and Mr. and Mrs. David NolBon and Doris nnd Mnbol, and Mr. Cleveland of Seattle, Bpont tho Fourth on a fish ing trip to Golden Falls. MRS. KATE LANDO roturncd homo on tho Goo. W. Eldor for n short vacation after having- visited a number of Roboknh lodges In dif ferent partH of tho state. MISS HESSIE TAYLOR, of Coqulllo, loft on tho morning train for her homo nftor spondlng tho Fourth of July nnd Sundny In tho city visit ing relatives. C. T. LONG, of Portland, left on tho Ocorgo W. Eldor this aftor noon for Eureka, whoro ho will bo for a month or bo on business mnttors. MRS. QUINN, formorly Miss Knto Ho- auio, arrived on tho Eldor today to visit at tho homo of her sister, Airs. ii. a. Church and othor rela tives and frlouds. HARRY 13. HULTMANN and brldo ro turncd on tho Nann Smith from tholr honoymoon trip to San Fran cisco. They will rosldo In tho Cur tis bungalow on Ninth street near Elrod. HAROLD BRiaas, of Myrtlo Point, a driver of tho stngo through Camas Valloy, loft on tho morn ing train for his homo aftor spend ing tho Fourth of July nnd Sun day In tlio city. MRS. FANNIE W.HBELER.nnd Mrs. Jesslo P. Marsh loft toduy for Kon tuck Inlet whoro thoy will spend most of tho weok with Miss Annlo Smith, who Is enjoying n couplo ofvcoks' vacntlon at tho homo of hor mother. Mrs. C, T.. Smith, on KoTUuck Inlot. CARL ALHRECHT and family enmo In Friday from tholr ranch beyond Myrtlo Point for a fow days. Thoy will, return thoro tomorrow. Mr. Albrocht says that one would scnrccly bollovo that thoro Is such a marked difforonco botweon tho cnmaio noro aim mat vicinity. R. STUHDS and .Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L. Lowls, ot Rosoburg, arrived on tho Alept this morning. Thoy mndo tho trip by automobile from Roso burg ovor tho Drain routo to Loon Lnko. After spending a day or two in tins city thoy win go to Handon and from thoro to Myrtlo Point nnd thon on to Rosoburg. PLAY BALL TO PROFESSIONALS AND HAS-HEEXS THE SECRET TO WIN. OCT YOUR LEAGUE HALLS, HATS, GLOVES AND ACCESSOR IES AT Schroeder & Hildenbrand Fishing Tackle and All Goes to Mnko tho Sport n Success PHONE 77. GENERAL HARDWARE AND PLUMHING SOUTH COOS RIVER NEWS GRANH , THEATRE U Monday, July 6th Program. Entlro chnngo ot program. Five reels of tho latest and best photoplays. Vltagraph's latest two-rool comedy, "Tho Girl from Pros perity." Her beau falls Into prosperity. Loaves prosperity. Falls Into misfortune. It's 'a scream for the full length of 2000 feet of film. DO NOT MISS IT. "AMHITIOUS PA." This Is another comedy that would make a dead man glgglo. "MIXED MAILS" Hlograph comedy. It's a dandy. A PAGE FItOSI YESTERDAY A splendid dramatic subject mado by tho Sollg company. PATIIE WEEKLY NO. 38 You nro not going to miss any of these now weeklies. All tho flows Is hot happenings .of tho world In motion pictures three wcoks aftor tho event. Children, 5c; adults, 10c. Coming Wednesday: "Tho Great Leap," tho most sensa tional feud picture over mudo, In four reoU. Coming Thursday, "Tho Good for Nothing." Four-reol Bron cho Hilly fenturo. Coming Frldny, the greatest serial story of all time, "Tho Perils of Paulino,," In threo reels. Wm. Gnrrott, forctnnn of Smith Powers Camp 1, on South Coos Riv er, is expected to return in nbout a wcok or ten dnys from a vIbU at his old homo In Wisconsin. Foy Cox roturncd to Camp Ono yostorday aftor spending the Fourth nt Marshflold. Ho is planning to visit nt his old homo In Illinois In Soptombcr. 13. Don McCrnry Is erecting a now house on tho ranch of his fnth-er-ln-law, Mr. Jutstrom, and will occupy It Boon. W. G. Chandler spent Sundny nt the W. S. Chandler summor homo, which Is being propnrod for occu pany by Mr. nnd Mrs. Chamllor on tholr return horo July 15. W. G. Chandler Is nlso proparlng plans for the C. R. Pock summer home. A. T. Haines nnd family havo rented tho South Coos River sum mer homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. Ira H. Uartlo and will occupy It soon. Mrs. E. Goorgo Smith and bnby returned to their homo nonr the Goodwill placo aftor spondlng tlio Fourth nt tho homo of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert McCann. In North Dcnd. Cnpt. Smith Is arrang ing to build a now bungnlow thoro. Christopher Danlolson nnd brldo loft yestordny to spend n fow days with hor paronts, Mr, and Mrs. Morgan on Daniels Crcok. Mr, and Mrs. J. Albort Mntson nnd son, Julius, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S. Uargolt, spont Sunday nt tho Mntson summer homo on South Coos Rlvor. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Peck and daughter, and A. K, Peck and Mr. Welsh, spont Sunday on South Coos Rlvor. J. M. Wright today started tho construction of n now summor homo for the Peck family on tho tract adjoining tho W. S. Chandler summer homo, which Mr. Pock re cently bought from F, A. Golden. Goorgo F. Murch nnd family spont Sundny nt his South Coos Rlvor homo. Mr. Murch has about ton ncrcs of fine Gravenstoln apples, tho formor Bealo orchard, and has vis ions of big roturns from It this year. Major and Mrs. Morton Towor roturncd to tholr summer homo on South Coob Rlvor yestordny after enjoying tho Fourth of July colobra tlon. Tholr granddaughter, Miss Gwynoddo Towor, remained for n fow days visit at tho homo of, Mr. nnd-Mrp. J. B. Towqr. Mrs. C. G. Hockott, of Emplro, and hor guests, Miss Hockott and Miss Booth, of Eugono, nro plan ning to spond pnrt of tho wcok with Major and Mrs. Morton Tower on South Coob River. E. L. Doxtor Is getting tho brick yard nonr tho mouth of Dantols Crcok In oporation ngaln nnd says thnt ho wilt turn out tho finest brick thoro this season that havo ovor boon produced In Coos County. Ho rocontly built a flno now homo nonr thoro. Mrs. W. C. Brndloy and Mrs. D. E. Malonoy, nnd little daughtor, of Marshflold, aro tho first of the sum mor colony to inko quartors at tho Goodwill placo. Thoy arrived yos torday, Messrs. Urndloy and Malonoy coming up with thorn. J. J. Morrow, of Marshflold, spont Sunday at Tho Hntclory. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mclntyro and son, and tho lattor's friend, Rr. Lowls, and tho MIbbob Simpson nnd Messrs. Guy Warner and Vasoy, composed a pfcnlo party spondlng Sunday near Camp Ono. PERSONAL MENTION . ARCHIE JOHNSTON will leavo to morrow for San Francisco, whoro ho will spend his vacation. v J W. GARDINER hns'dcclded not to movo his family from North Hend to Eugono, but will mnlntnln hln homo at North Bend, nlthough ho will make a 10-day tour of tho Wil lamotto valloy for his houso onco a month or so. A. G. AIKEN and Jack Merchant and Jim Alkcn hnvo roturncd from a trip to Johnson Mountnln, whoro Mr. Aiken did 8omo prospecting and gave tho boys a fow lessons In "roughing it." Ho brought hack somo good samples of what ho bo lleves Is a big deposit of Iron oro. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I . -o LOST Itcfxvcon Fire Hnll and Imnc bnU grounds Sundny, Bllvor wntch. Finder return to Timed office nnd rccclvo reward. FOR SALE GVntlo B-ycnr-old milch cow, and calf. Prico ?G0. Inqulro Wm. Grow, Conlodo. LOST Strlnj: of iHNHlrt with Bll Btono heart. Finder roturn to TIiupb office . NOTICE liiuly with little boy, who loft lnvondor and purplo sweet peas at Rest Room, is kindly re quested to send her nnmo to tho TlmoB offlco. Prizes nro bolng nwnrdod for tho flowers. FOUND At R-'xt Room, one nuUi veil and ono glove Ownor mny havo samo nt Times offlco, by paying for this notice. FOUND 3 umbrellas ono llnea hand-bag, 2 handkerchiefs, nt Rest Room. Call at Times offlco, doscrlbo property and pay for tula od. . FOUND Smiill t'liom pin, nrnrk M P. II. S.. '13. Ownor may got same nt TlmeB offlco by paying for this adv. NOTICE Will pnrly who took by mleako nnckago .containing two dresses, baby's outfit and other nrttcles from Host Room kindly roturn to Dan Honnott nt Cooa Bay Crcamory or Times offlcoT FOR SALE Slv-liumer giu range, equipped with ovon nnd conj ,or wood humor with waterfront, A-l condition and cheap for cash. Ap ply Tlmos offlco. I ALONG the WATERFRONT Tho steamor Yollowstono arrived from San Francisco Saturday after noon with n big cargo or froignt. Sho brought In a big consignment ot plumbing goodB for tho Conway ap artment. Tho Rustler and Roamor aro duo today with a cargo of freight from Sluslaw points. Tho Paraiso arrived Friday nfter noon from Portland and sailed Satur day for San Francisco. The Iolnada, a fishing boat from San Francisco, nrrlved hero yostorday and will fish on tho banks off this coast for awhile. Tho Mary Olson took on a cargo of lumbor hero from Portor Brothers' mill nt Florence wnlch was brought down on tho bargo Lawrence FOR RENT Ten-room house oa 12th. streot South. Ph.. H9-L. i" i FOR SAL13 Good riding nnd gooI pack horBo. Also .Bundle Phono 150-R. FOR RENT for tho Minunor Mod ern cottngo, sultablo for married couplo. Reasonable. Ph. 303-X. - FOR RENT. m - FOR RENT Modom 3 or JJ-roow furnishod houao-kcoplng suit. North Bond. Phono 504. ' FOR RUNT Six-room Iiouho on South Ninth street, $20 per mo. Phono 171 or call J38 North Broadway. FOR RUNT Private garage Phono 244-J. FOR RENT Modern 7-rooin fur nishod houso at 940 South Broad way, Phono 3155, i WANTED X 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY liTe Royal TONIGHT The Houso of nig Features. Entire ehango ot program. "Baby Ireno," child wonder of San Francisco, in a singing and dancing act. John Lawson and his all-star com pany In a hear-stlrrlng drama, "Hu manity," In threo reols. "Hydraulic Mining," an educa tional film with 'a punch, "Fred Football," And Teoth. An Apollo comedy with Fred Mace, Flvo veols of all now pic -its. A Bumper program for tomorrow night. Daniel Frohman presents Lllllo Langtry In "His Neighbor's Wifo," In throe reels. "David Carrlck," In threo reels. Don't forget tomorrow NIGHT, COOK Hiutbnnd and wifo wnut places as cooks In a camp or any work. Good plain cook, -Address Mrs. Blomsen, Montague, Cal, WANTED A gol German farmer wlshea to rent a dairy or othor. good farm with stock to start any tlmo, Answer in German or Eng lish to Coos Bay Tlmos, Marsh flold, Orogon. NOTICE Will IH-Thon who found largo Mooso head charm bring to Tlmos offlco and rocelve rownrd. NYAL'S Vanishing Cream Tho best peroxide and vanish ing cream on tho market. For sale only at tho QUALITY STORE. i J ff Witzai m m itfty - m