SSMBSBPaSHRgg '" 'ISWP1'11 """"'"' L TAKE YOU TWENTY-FOUR HOURS A DAY TO IVJIIMD YOUR OWN BUSINESS STop port unity FAMILV CIRCiJ.S REACHED with every copy of this medium. Have your nil vert Isempnt read by rehcfcfttelgront purchasing power V uiis;apaiiuimy milium not. uo yarlawwHlitJpMiing your ndvcrtiB pg. ITrtftJiolco of media of huc- esf r fiwhBnts ih tin: times. , the Home Community regularly, so I that they will know you. Ho In I troduced 11V THE TIMES. MEMI1ER OK Till-! ASSOCIATED PRESS SSL? LOW Cslnhllslie,! 1K7K tiH Tlio Coast .Mall. MONDAY, JULY 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION A CniiNollilntlon of Times', Ouut Mull and Coos liny Advertiser- No. 291 u'ltttebk" I it'Mm WM ffiflO Sfaira mm WMHVBHIiMIRHHHVUcAjKLU4HfcXraPxCSSMT SInabro WLY ESCAPE SE NJURlWNEN FIREWORK Bis S EXPLODE traamHHRVHNIMmmMWWWaMiHHiMMMMHMiMHnnnMiii C LET US TALK IT OVER Cpll t early $500 Worth of Sky- rockeU,Bombs and Roman CandliSGo Off at Once WO MEMAND TWO 1 BOYSJSLIGiHTLY-HURT 1 II But Twojjump Into Water andyArJPickeu up by lyFishintj Boats Two mensRnd two hoya woro lightly kurtphnd four other nur owly isecapetUde th or Berlous Iii ury wliMufaliout $'00 worth -of riraworkJMbadod on n hcow, went Ul" utrtitlfMf!.M.nllall. Ifiut Kljt Hnlfl V uil QiiiiuimnnuMij .. ,.. . .... j Utght. Tfrathotiody wan seriously iturt la ebowMcrud nothing short of inlrnculo'uilttriio explosion wan tor- rlflc. 'jj I Those lUihtly hurt woro George Hunil)crt.fiCoullic, Eddie ltrovvn. of Hastfridlllohert Krugor and L. B. IJllVBHKit M.'rshrield. Those who C8cnpdjynjury were Frank Cat torlln, of Mrshrkld; Rudolph Went, of EnstsldeMRoy Humbert, of Co (lulllo, awttteroddle Lund, or Eust sldo. ttjlvmswp? the only ono'left on tho BcSjgJaftcr tho explosion. Tho others' jHWjwd or wero blown Into the waterier, mnde n bee-line for a row-boat tld to the hcow. Ther wiS; IntoiiKu oxeltomont on shore, wkr hundredB of specta tors had , jptkort 1 to nco tho display, the cloetagR event of tho two-day celebratloHif And It -In neodloHH to say tht iheao on tho scow woro ex cited. Jraco between four fish boat ha'djtjUBt flnlBhed when the explosion soecurrc il and fortunately they weYall close by at tho time. Heverai fewls Btartod from tho docka kfm. ""Hf ' KniffrWflB struck In tho back by a sky-mfcet, and was pnlufully but not MftfiJtly hurt. llllvun was tructc fifflke loft leg. Ecldlo Ilrown, oh at SKfJ&boyB, waa Htruek In tho right MwW'id George Ilumbort wmh fltrHek nriho head. Tho latter two were takMjto tho officii of a phys ician, where their wounds woro droned. jKrugor and Illlven hurried to thlr 'respective Iioiuoh and at tended totpiolr own wounds. V'MRk'datturllu wiih Htandlng near one of thi" big bomlm when It ox plodetf awl! was blown Into tho wat er by tfee foreo or tho explosion. Knitter olvo Into thu water Immo- lately dur ho had boon Htruek by A akyroekift. Throo of tho boys also lumped fnatrbonrd and tho othor two Jumped' 8to tho rowboat tied to tho Mew. All. woro good svviniinors. Kddle Hrewn was making his way towan SLIGHT GUSH OVER CONFETTI ",bu ..I,.. Iillinn tin 1.I.1U ..I.t1n.l 10 Vll I1VII IIU tia imnwii 111 era hold on to thu hcow. ,BoatH to Wfcciie. Lnmn, operating tao iibu- nnd winner or tho raco four boats woro ontorod, at to reach tho scono. Ho Kddlo Ilrown, tho boy for tho Mnrshflold Hide, 1 othorB, who woro cllng- e scow. Air. Cavanaugh, tfildo bnatshop, was thoro wnrd. Tho noxt to roach .woro Charloa Jonson, Qoo. Noah and Carl Ggonoff. woro operating tho ftah- picked up two or three of th fcwlmniors. , The M'w on which tho flroworks were l3ed, loft tho Smith docks tOMt forelock In command of Frank HortejJJHjfAftor tying up at ono of 489 iH) off Kastsldo, Horton loft for thjffjmty, nilvon, Cattorlln and KrHHV'wero loft In charge of tho up.1" a boat In V was picked who a and my Ing to ' of tfcl ooh the 'm mlt)i,v They boats firewef from, i: ABkedtfl eoowl I the d lBg ef li Tho five boys camo ovor tBldo In a rowboat and nthoy might got nboard tho ttorlln warned thorn or , but thoy poralstod In got- rd. nilven'H Story. plosion started when ono lows Ignited a plnwhool," n. "Most of tho flroworks ouo pllo and they caught a spark. Thon tho whoio t up at onco. One of tho 3 wont off and I roalizod ythlng else would follow. at tho hoys to jump and thorn did. I saw a rockot uger and then I saw him tho water. Incidentally jay, It was a graceful dlvo. kept busy for at least four f dodging rockots, Roman nd bombs. The battlo ot as nothing to compare with Hon on board that scow, finally found mo and It in tho loft leg just above Thon I saw a bomb oar Catterlln and he went When I had been as- at nobody had been hurt con tho bcow, fired the re- of tho fireworks and then all tho sparks." ore than flvo rockets had charged when tho whole erit up. All of the rockets the direction ot tho city and them roll on Front street house roof tops. Many that a fire was Inevitable II probability there would vw ltlnued on Page Four.) Citizens Buy Stock of Confetti of Norton & Hansen to Avoid Trouble Only ouo untoward Incident mark ed tho biggest Fourth or July, cele bration In thu history of Coon Coun ty, which dined In Mnrshriol I Hut-! urdny night. That waa a clnuli Into j sniunmy evening over uiiompiH i) Warner Ogren, inaunger of Norton A IltuiKcn to ell confetti In viola tion of the order of County Health Officer Culln, City Health orflcor Straw and tho Fouith of July com mittee, who. In addition to objecting-! to It on general Haultary grounds, felt that It would especially be a meunco to the public at this time lowing to the prevelauce or in can Ion, whooping cough, mumps and i other more H'rIoun contagious dls ,oanftc In localities In this vicinity. Finally, In order to avoid what might have been a serious ruction, i members or tho Klk.M, Moose and Hnglos lodges, Including local phyH- Iclaus and business men, got togeth er mid wont. In a body to Ogren I at tlio Norton & Hansen Store and i Insisted that ho desist. Finally thoy purchased his whole supply, paying him fifty per cent more than It cost lit tn at wholesale and ordered It thrown Into the bay. I Somo of those who had been vlg loroislv opposing tlio throwing or I confetti had advocated more sit on mioiis stops t.- prevent It, but finally this menus at buying Ogren nfr was i adopted as tbn oslest meaiiB of .handling the situation .fid provont- lug trouble marring tho celebration. Dr. Straw, as City Health Otf.- cer, was prepared to take uioie 'stringent slops to prevent It, but In order to do ho he would have boon compelled to arrest and pros ecute nil throwing It ns woll as those kolllug It. Ah thoro throw ing it would probably hnvo boon mostly strangers who woro bore ns iKiiestH of tlio city ror a good time, thiH-p In charge or tho celebration felt that It would be unfair to hnvo them punished for a thing which they had no Ituowledgu or being an orreusc. I The closing or tho mntlor was rather animated and attracted a large crowd. Dr. Ilousovvorth, MesHrB. Conway, McArthtir "' " number or others closed up the nint- ! tor. ProvloiiBly there had beon nn animated discussion, accoidtug to reports botwooit Ogron, Dr. Strnw, Win. Asplund and othora. Ilcsldcs tho 'local parties Interest ed, others took steps to stop It. Foy Cox, or Camp One, ono of tho host known loggors In this section, united with Dr. Straw nnd tho Fourth of July commltteo and most or tho loggora with whom ho took It up put tho ban on confetti. Thoro wob only one fire alarm dur ing tho celebration nnd that was about 7:30 Saturday evening. Tho gong waa soundod for the chemical but no general alarm was turned In. It occurred In tho auto used In ono of tno otroot tontB by n noatcard nho- i togrnphor. Tho damage was sllKht. Only ono auto nccldont, or rather near nccldont wnB roportod. That i was when Miss Lucy Powers' machine I struck tho llttlo daughter of Nick Stnmhono on Front stroot Saturday afternoon. Tho llttlo girl was knock down by tho mud guard and slightly bruised. MIsh Powers was driving slowly and by prompt use of tho emergency brake prevented running ovor tno cium. Mr. Stambono had started across tho street nnd tho llt tlo ono darted after him. Ho does not place tho slightest blame on Miss Povvora for tho accident, but on tho contrary credits her with oxtromo caro and efficiency In handling tho machine, WesterlKJi-g Prnlscil. In tho award of prizes for tho best floats In tho Civic Parade Saturday, tho Judges gavo tho handsome origin til float of F. E. Westerborg'a 5-1 0-1 5 cent store favorable mention. Al though they did not havo prizes enough to go to all they tnought should recolvo thorn, they felt that Mr. "Ve8terberg was entitled to spec ial recognition for tho flno showing his store made In tho parade. New, Undo Snin. Will Goodrum officiated ns Uncle Sam on the States' Float In Satur day's parade. Tho commltteo had first planned to havo O. S. Torrey for "Uncle Sam," but he was pretty busy and favored a younger and bet ter looking man, bo Goodrum was designated for tho placo. Ladles: Mnchun Hulburt Is nt Rogers Houso for ono week, with lino of French, refined hair goods, switches 3G Inches long, dipping, dyeing and combings a specialty. Call 2 to 4 p. m. . .. . I., ...... ., - !..,... . IT HAS neon well anil iruiy nam mm me omj- way u ureal civic even i can be cared for Is by men who have In them theclemonts of civic pride and patriotism and who aro ready to lavishly give of their time without compensation In n quality of some? that money couldn't pay for. There Ib growing up on Coos Hay a sentiment or this son that is hound to mean big things to tho community. When a public matter neods attention, there are iiualiried mon and .women In tho community to give effective service without coat. And those men can call for helpers who willingly do their share to bring the matter to a auccossful issue When a man Is called, ho Blinply doi'j tho work and thnt Is all there Is about It. Marshfleld Is exceedingly fortunate In theso mon, nnd tho movement Is spreading bo that it embraces nearly everyone In tho city. Thoro tiro many who deservo much uodlt for the work done to make the Fourth of July colouration a supremo buccobs. Tho general commit tee proved to bo an tiblo and intelligent combination that produced re sults. At the head or them was Harry KInlball, who added to a tireless en orgy a grasp or details that made him conspicuously the right man in tho right placo. Associated with hi n nnd each responsible for somo feature of tho work woro F. O. Horton, .1. Albeit Matson, Goorgo Oood rum, Frank D. Cohan, Isaac It. Towor, F. A. Tlodgon, Dr. Leslie nnd Dr. K. K. Straw. Theso mon simply worked like Trojans to make the cele bration a hiiccosb nnd havo well earned tho thanks of all tho people of MarBhriuld Thoro was only ono untoward Incldont of tho entlro cololirntlon nnd (hat happily pasrod orf without ninth difficulty. The porelstent penur louaness of Warner Ogren, of Norton & Hansen's Store, who Insisted on selling confetti against tho lnstructl"iis nnd wishes of County Health Of ficer Culln and City Health Ofricer Dr. Straw nearly precipitated trou ble, but thanks to the firmness or Dr. Straw nnd tho patriotism and unseirish loyalty of a number or tho fr.Uernnl gmletlci, the confetti throwing was suppressed. This ne ompllshmont was a rosult or a coni mlttbw ot IClks agreeing to purchase all the ronrettl held by Norton A Hansen at fifty per cent advanto ovor what It cost them. Tho Moose nnd Kaulo lodges also loyally offered to share (ho expente If ueoded and support Dr. Straw In his efforts to protect the health of tho people of the commuiilty. Warner Ogren, manager of Norton & Hnnson's, stuck out for his pound of flesh and was successful In adding a few dirty dollars to his profits, but by his action he lost tho respect of thu decent, loyal and law-abiding peoplo of tho city. Ogron's attempt to force confetti throw ing nnd h's utter disregard of tho heilth and happiuoss, convoiiieucu and comfort of tho people or the city line earned Tor him the contempt ot every mnn who holds loyalty to h's home city above a row dirty dollars that might be made In iiuostlonnble practices. It Is barely pos sible that tho loss or the trade of such men will amount to as much In u year ..s the fow dollars profit mnde by his confetti deal. CAUGHT R08BERS AID LOOT FOUND Albert Meadows and Clarence Confess and Tell 1 Wbcre Loot is Hidden Dead Robber FrorruWyominrj (Ilr AukII. rrri io Coot 111? Tlmci.) PHNDLKTO.V, Or., July C With Albert MoiiiIowh and Clnrcnco Stonor, the two suivlvlug bandits of thu throo thnt hold up the Oregon-Washington Railroad it Navigation train No. r last Thin sduy, In jnil hero, county officers nnd railroad detectives today turned their attention to locating tho persons robbed nnd returning tho money nnd Jewelry. Tho rohborsj were arresieu mruuy iiikiii, unci ni ter confessing yostordny, showed Whore (hoy had cached tho loot. It consisted of $400 In money, n quan tity of rings and watches nnd checks and money ordors tnkon from the ex press Bnfo. Tho vvlfb of tho loader of tho gang, Charles Manning, who was killed In tho gun fight on tho train by Doii'uty 81 orlfr McDurroe, Is expected hero to morrow noiu Cokovillo, Wyo., to claim tho body. HchIcIch his wife, .Manning leaves four children. Stouer has a mother and slstor liv ing In Asotin, Wash. Tho two bandits woro caught on tho railroad twenty miles from tho scene of tho holdup nftor having uoiigcii tno posses for throo dnn. CARPENTIER 10RE FREEDOM . AFIER CUBBYi FOR FILIPINOS French Pugilist Offers $20,000 For Bout With New Title Claimant (n? AworUOd Pntt to Cooa Day Timet.) SYDNEY, N. S. W., July C Geor ges Carpontler, tho mlddlowelght champion of Franco, cabled todaynn offer of $20,000 to moot ilimmle Clab hy of Indiana, clalmnnt of the middle weight (Championship of the world. roosevelTto President Wilson Favor Meas ure Granting Islands More Self Government tnr Auotlittd rrctt to Coot Day TlmM J WASHINGTON, D. C. July C President Wllaoh and the Houso load ers havo agreed substantially on a bill granting n larger measure of self government to tho Filipinos. Presi dent Wilson told callers that ho ap proved tho bill Introduced by Repre sentative Jones hut snld ho did not expect It to bo passod by both houses at tho present session. W I w 1 To Confer With Progressive Leaders of the State Strauss Loses Support Or Auoeltted Fret i la Coot D Time 1 OYSTER DAY, July C Colonel , Roosevelt announced today that he j would go to Now York Wednesday and visit tho Progressive National I headquartors to confer with tho Now York Btate leaders. It Is understood that the proposed nomination for United States Senator from New York or Oscar StrauBB, Progressive Candidate for Governor nt tho last election, has been dropped because Strauss' position is at variance with the Progressive party In regard to tho Panama repeal act. NOTICE TO MOOSE. All members ot tho Loyal Order of Mooso are requested to meet Tuesday, July 7, aX the Dungan Undertaking parlors to attend tho funeral of Brother Chaa, McCulloch, which -will be held nt 2 o'clock. GEO. E. COOK, Secretary. AXE KIEL 4 IN Sfl AS8 SWISS PROPERTY MEXICO WILL BE PROTECTED OFFICIALS OF LINE ON BAT Arrival of Vice - President Woodworth Causes Revival of Railroad Talk J. O. Woodworth, second vice-president of tho Northern Psciflc Rail way, and Drake O'Rollly, of the Oregon Round Lumber Company, or Portland, passed through hero today In company with Roderick V. Mc l.eiy or tho McLeay Estate, on route to Curry County, whore thoy will spend somo time. 12. 'W. Wright, who Is nt Floionre, was oxpected to Join thopi bore, but he could not get horo beforo tomorrow when he will probably proceed to Curry. Mr. Wood worth was hero two years ago, (unking a horseback tour of this section. Ho was then general mnnngur or tho Northorn Pacific. While he declared his trip thon was purely an outing, his return la thought to ho a little more signifi cant nnd hns revived the old rumors or tho Hill linos building Into this portion. Jt Is more than likely that 1 e will at least make a report on tho possibilities of this section. Hroiiglititii litis Itettmicil. Engineer Ilroughton, who will hnvo supervision of tho Southern Pacific brldgo construction across Coos Ray, returned yostordny and Is at North liend. Today tho first work on the brldgo started, hut will probably bo a month or moro boforo any per ceptible progreBB will bo made. Agreement Between United States and Great Britain is Extended byequest SPANISH AMBASSADOR APPEALS TO BRYAN Will Not Support Claims to Mining Properties Acquired by Cancellation IliT Atorll!l t'rM to Coo n Tlm ) WASHINGTON. D. C, July C-- Tlie agreement between the I'nited I States and Great lirltnln to pro tect propert'ei In Mexico will be ex tended to include Spanish and HwIm property. Tho Spnuhdi Ambaswiclor todsy asked Secretiry or State Rryan to Include Spain and Swltxerlond In the compact This moans that the ' four countries will not support any claims to Interests In mining prop- 1 to Include Spain and Switzerland In ortlea acquired subsequently to Jan. 1, 1013, by cancellation or contls- , cation. tllr AMorlMnl l'ttM io Com nr Tint.) WASHINGTON, D. "(j!. July 0 Joseph E. Vasconcoloa, one of tho Constitutionalist Junta he-o. will leave tonight for Snltlllo to report to Carrntiza tho attltudo of tho United I States on mediation nnd plans for tho , resumption of business In northorn Moxlco. I Rnfnol Zuilmn said that no flnnl answer had coino Cnrranr.a roln tlvo to participation In tho proposed conference over ponce plans with tho Hucrta dologates. Tho opinion In Constitutionalist circles horo was that ' no answer would como until nftor tho conforonco nt Torreon between the I ndhorontH of Villa nnd Cnrranzn waa COUCIUUUII. ROMANCE NO LONGER SECRET Princess Wah-Ta-Wasa and Lew Gillespie Married Over Year Ago A secret which had beon kopt from tholr Mnrshfield friends a year ago and from most of them bIiico, was unfolded yesterday when Mr. nnd Mrs. Low F. Gillespie and chil dren arrived horo to spend tho sum mon Thoy aro woll known on tho IV.iy, through having spout sovoral Bummora hero, Mrs. Gillespie then being Prlnccsa Wnh-tn-Wnsn. Their children, n boy and a girl, aro about two months old nnd aro hearty llttlo 01108, Prlncesa Wnh-tn-Wnsa, for whom the Catching Inlet steamer was nam ed, was Mr. Glllosplo's ward, and gained consldornblo ronovvn as bolug tho modol or noted artists nnd sculp tors ns tho typical American Indian maid. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gillespie and chil dren and tholr uurso aro stopping at Tho Chandler nnd oxpect to spend somo time horo. Thoy will make their homo nt Kansas City, whore Mr. Gillespie has extenslvo banking and business intoresta. They woro accompanied horo by his brother, J. T. Gillespie and Miss C, M. Westphal, who spout last summer on the Day. COMMENT WITHHELD. IHj AmocUiw: frni In (' ntr TIium.? WASHINGTON, D. C, July C President Wilson rorused to commont on yesterday's election In Mexico In which Huerln elected himself presi dent. "I am afraid I nm not In his confidence," gnld President Wilson when asked If ho know anything at Huortn'H plans -for leaving Moxlco. CARItANZA "FIRST ClIIEP." German Laborer and 'Family Murdered by Unknown in Chicago Today (Dt Awocltl4 Pr to roc' !)? TlniM 1 CHICAGO, July C A fnmlly or four wsb wiped out by blows from an nxo In tholr homo in tho German set tlement ot Blue island, a suburb, last night. The victims wero Jacob Neslesla, a German laboror, his wifo and daughter and tho latter's Infant child. Whether tho butchery vas the work of a maniac or a person seeking revenge was not disclosed In the first investigation. It was learned that! the young mother had been living away from her husband for a year and efrorts to find him wero begun. The murderer, according to the police, proceeded with great delib eration, Nothing of value In tho house was touched. Tho crimo was discovered by the son of tho old couple who were murdered. WOMAN STRIKES MAN ' WITH LOADED GUN In tho O. K. Chop Houso on Market street near Front this afternoon, Mrs. J. A. Roberts, wife or tho proprietor, struck A. Harris, known ns "Scotty" ovor tho head with a pistol, In flicting n rather severo scalp wound. Sho charged "Scotty" with being responsible for hor husband going on a sprco today. Harris waa tnkon to tho Central Hotel to have his wounds dress ed. The police woro waiting for him to ftlo charges against tho woman from whom n loaded revolver was taken. READY FOR TRIAL. Free Speech Advocates Go to Tarry tow n, New York. Dt AnocUlM mil to Coot Ur Tlintt.) TARRYTOWN, N. Y., July C Nino freo speech advocates, most of them Identified with the industrial Workers of the tj'orld and nil of them associates of the four victims of Sat urday's prematura bomb explosion in Now York, came to Tarrytown today to face trial on charges growing out of tho demonstration &omo weeks ago agalnBt John D. Rockefellor and his son. At tho request of counsel the trial was put over two weeks. Times Want ads bring results. tnr Auoclttftl rrttt tu 1001 Dt Tlm.J SALTILLO. July C Tho division of the north, Vllln'B army, has ngreod to ncknowlcdgo tho authority of Car rnnza as tho "Hrst chlot" and Villa will romnln tho commnndor or tho division or tho north, ns tho rosult or coherences in Torreon botwoon representatives or Villa and Cnrranzn, according to nows received horo. PORTLAND FIRE INVESTIGATED AUTHORITIES THINK .OCEANIC DOCK FIRE 8UN1)AYWAS OV INCENDIARY ORIGIN INVESTI GATION HAS HEJCN STARTED. Dt AuocUtod 1'rcM 14 Coot nT TIdm.1 PORTLAND, July (5. An investi gation was started 'horo today Into tho firo thnt destroyed tho Oceanic dock yesterday, causing a loss ot $200,000. This Is tho third disas trous flro within a fow months an4-v tho authorities think nn Incondlary Is responsible for It. Tho stoamer Mario was slightly damaged In yes terday's fire. ORIENT LI SOLDITODAY Stilwell's Railroad Project Bought in by Committee of Stockholders (Dt AmocUich Prrii to Coo Ur TlmM.) WICHITA, July C Tho Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Rnllway waa sold here today for JC, 001, 000 to the reorganization committee represent ing tho bondholders of tho company. Tho bid wns mado by A. M. Wlckwlre of Now York. Thoro were no other bids. CILAMI1F.RLAIN IS DURIED. Dt AuocUtel I'mt to Coci tit 7 7lmet.) HIRMINGHAM, England, July C. Tho body of Joseph Chamberlain, the Unionist leader who for many years occupied a prominent placo In British politics, waa hurled today In Hookloy cemetery In the constituency ho lone represented in tho IIouso of Commons. Kv fes V BBH