m - - - aMsiynaansji 6223 BSSSS l-W't' f W1")1,i'lVfMW!1 pwwfiBjBajBBjB THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT mawwvm wow HJMMWWlWWMWilfW WttWMW'V! B i idutuiiBiiji"w7,r":rTir!r--- t. - S ill! Miss Herthn Smith, Miss Helen Smith, Mlsa flora frown, Miss Allre ("ailMti, M'ss Genie Krlck, Mis uianche Cutllp, Miss SIgne Stora, Mlrs tiertrude Morgan, Hits Hutli lie Idea, Miss Hlawhp Lnnilrlthi! .Miss Ada Cllnkenbenrd. Miss Stella , Jutstroin, Mr. Carl Cllnktmbeard, Ralph Cllukenbeard, Roy Latidrlth. Phillip Laadrlth, Allien Uessey, Os car Carlson, Jay Cllnkenboard, 151 l.t it T?iif. A'fro! JutBtt'om, Er nest Finite!!, Sam Smith, George Cllnkenbenrd, Al Foster, John Smith,! Ouy Cutllp, Lorenzo Cutllp, Wm, con was served to the following n .a f fi f I I f" Mr mi.! Mrs. i: T,. Dexter. -Mr. Ill11 I fl 3 i I mil Mis. K. Don MeCrary, Mr. and f l-i l" Hill I V i. M. .lutstmm, Mrs. Rcberis, y J LLllUUL" BALL SCORES lSlfllilllHIHIB9Pi&2jlEiPflHEflV!lHVw v WnwriE ajikriwn' J,i:.(!ri:. o nn.li i:i soon showered with kitchen utensils. In senilis; Mm. DlaUe was assisted by Miss (lenevlevo ScitKstnrken ami Jitlstrnnt, Masters Don MeCrary and nings. St. Louis 8; Chicago 3: thlrleon Innings. Cleveland 2; Detroit s. Pf-ton 0: Washington la. Pnston 3; Washington 1; d-n In- Gordon Jutstiom. Friends of Miss May Magec, the Mrs. W. F. McIOldowuey. chnrmimt and ncromnllBhcil daughter of Capt. nii-I Mm. .lames M.igce of Kmplro, nml .1. J. Daly, chief en gineer on tho V. S. dredne Mlehlo, liavo beon apprise 1 that tlielr mar riage will take placo at an oarly dato. Tho wuldlng will probably bo solemnized at St. Monica's Cath olic Church In Marshflold. Mr. Daly, during Ills residence on tho Day, hns won ninny friends who will congratulate him on the great vic tory ho has won In Cupid's ronliu. They will reside nt Kmplro. 4 , 4 gi'IKT' WKDPING I Among those present wore Mrs. Q. A. Dennett, .Miss Kvelyn Anderson, Mm. Henry Songstnckon, Mrs. I. S. Koifinnn, Mrs. O. W. Kaufman, Mrs. I'lXi: COXCKRT. Ne.w York, 0; Plillndclph n. New York, 0; Philadelphia. XATIO.VAL JjKAtil !:. The concert given nt the Mason ic Opera House last Wednesday eve- T. H. Drown. Mrs. .1. S. Coke. Mrs. II. nlng under the direction of 0. W. It. Chandler, Miss Genevieve Seng- Kiiiifmnn, It. O. Graves nml Arthur slacken. Miss Hazel Powers, Mrs. A. McKeown for the purposo of rnlslng II. Powors,' Mrs. W. II. Konnedy, funds to send the Coos Hay Concert .Mrs. D. Y. Strfford. Mrs. C. K. Perry, Hand on a tour of tho state was nn Mrs. Voriicn A. Smith, Miss Drew, nrtlsflc triumph, although not tno fi- Mm. It. J. Irwin, Mis. .1. II. Pinna- nanrlal success that was hoped for It gun. Mm. Dnble, Mrs. Nasburg, Mis, or that It deserved. Tho program 12. MIngus. M:s. M. C. Malnuey. Mrs. was arranged by Mrs. Win. Ilorsfall, A. 1C. Adelspcrgor. Miss Daisy Push, Jr., who added new lnurels to the ills Miss N'orn Tower, Miss .lussh) Chase, tliirtlon sho has hitherto giiiued Mrs. J. S. Hansen, Mrs. W. P. Me- In nuislenl circle. The nudlonco Chicago 1: Pittsburg 'J. Cincinnati r; St. Loul ;!. Hrooklyn 0; lloston r. Philadelphia .1; Xew York (i. xortiiwi:sti:r.v lkwht Welcome to- th t ion Celeferati Tnconm i; Victoria 8: called In seventh Inning by ugreemont. Seattlo a; Vancouver 1. Portland G; Spokane !i. COAST I.KAdt'l-?. Kldowney. Miss May Preuig nml Mrs. W. T. Morchnnt. ; : I Tho marriage of Miss Mamie Ma lioucy and Mr. Malr Dnnrt was ipilet ly Bolcninlsod at tho St. Monlcn Par ochial residence last Saturday eve ning, tho Itev. Father A. II. Muro officiating, n surprise to tho young couple's uh.i,, ' .,.. f,.D,i0 . i, ,.' ,,., i tho concartH will In vlven Intnr. At Venice It. Venire 0 Portland 1 II. I was a most appreciative one nnd ev ery number, Including the final one liv tlln Pnna Hnv Pniipnft flnti.1 mi. der tho direction of Director Fenton, Hatterlcs: White and Klllott: was encored. The local talent ap- Krause mid Yantz. nearod to their best advantneo mull At Sacramento-- II. II. K. Mf ltti. I)..n,l mm nt lUn i.ln. Ilieri! Wlinlll l!l lint HVHI-MM tllll tll'.llsrt Sr.('l"tlUI'll t(l II I i 1 The nuptlils came as I1Cor ,'e8:dHnts of Coos Day, will on- t It Is entitled to. Another of Snn Francisco .0 I 2 DiLMVI irB, illl'tl ill k MUll lllllllll'l , Itnrham and Schmidt, Supul- I 1IIHTIIDAY PAHTV. TIV join (lie people of Marsh field tll S .Ivmliny jjnu Ihe liospilnhli of I lie n'lij f()l irMihiti llml on iikiij riijoi ijonr ulai) j llic riilcrhiiiuiiriil llml litis bctn provide or noil. .Dry Goods Co .Hub "SMAU'T WKAIt vmmmmMtommimv!A kifci.wwrirfw Oli WOMEN." Earl toc ua WO friends, who expected It oarly In i-M,...iii0 vf v.,i..'n,i,.v i i. ,... i v l'ernol July. Immediately afterward they ,,..,. ,,,.,,,,;.. .,.. ,.!,. a . ' veda wont to Kmidre and Sunday returneil PVOthm ,,,,,. wll0 ,8 lloro fron; , ori'JNcJ PAKTV. I ' Af 0klnrt It. H. VI. IP tho homo on Nob I III wl ilcli Mr. c'rliroinlR for the summer nnd who -1-1 I , Oakland s 7 0 Dano prepared for his bride. Mis. g now eight v years old. will be ono I ist qnnitqv mnrrv iittio n,.i-iv nt Ios Angeles R 1 1 0 Jlano is one of Srarshflohl's l.ti Vho SiV Mm. Marks h ho M affile K, ! Jlnttorlos: Klllilay Jlalarkey and known nnd mon, highly rcHpsfteJmntllcr of Mn(f (). A nullllott . tl K ' , Cnlc groundi o n Coos SiSJlJlSaiiUillll young women. For several years she I .h , IMtv,. . r "l "?". ,"i was cashier of tho Cons Jiay water ;A . . I ,, .,,.,, . ".. ,," ,,,7,,,. ," V isons. Howard nnd Kugeue. expect HK.'MA cm pic.vir. I nn.l M nil- llMl.m, Mh .....1 .- ! ' 'CHVC I1CM 1VCCK Mir 1(0110, .M'V i N II. McMillan. Mlu' Wllann '.n.i wlu,, '.!? wl". ."- -Mr- K"" of tho Mr. Peterson. 8ls,,e,r- llwy w,u nlB" vlBlt at olllc1' f'iitn.iiiv !i Mfitin la rrtlittAAfdfl " with tho Flanagan A I.eanott hank. J A lnrgo circle of frlonJs will tinlto In i vt ; : ; : ...i.i. 11 ii ii... i. ...... i.. t Slllulnv tin. Inrnl niniiilini'u niDIIIUU II1UIII llll IHU IIIIIMMIIUBB IUII1 . ! . " . . .7 ". . I .success that tlmo can bring. s,Kn uni rrniernity ami their wives' .j, nnd lady friendH will enjoy a picnic a nt Mussel Ueef. Amonir tho mom- ' ...in. (...... nnrH wlin nrn nvnrwrml In liu In nl. V " '"' nW'11 I . - . ... ... .. .. It-.. t. .. . ...Ill .... ...... ... 'f 1 1... I.n.,.,. nt 1,l .iun..l. t .....I leniinucc nro .1. w. rinnngan, ic. k. ' .,,,B. '") rwa win uiuuruiiii 1110 "" " v. " rnn-nm, ..... ...... n-i. ,.i t 1 ..,... 1- Iinntli. (Iporao Stnnhoiisnii. Paul mm. Fastsldo Sowing Club at hor homo' Mrs. .1. P. box. nnd nl (he homo of ...i I.M.... 11.V-..:..' ..-" '..'.:.:,.':.' mink, ninniln .VnHlmri?. i. . Tnwnt- next Thursday. I Ills sister. Mrs. .1 " " "" .iiiviiiiiiii . - .. .... . . I J HASTSIDK Cl.1'11. I FIIT1I ItlltTIIDAY. point 4 4 Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Fox. of Port land, arrived hero this week to visit W. Chapman, In West Marshflold. 4 : Dr. nml Mrs. II. 10. IlurmcHtor and little daughter, .lane, of North Rim.lnv nvnnlnip at Hi.. Iiniiin rvf Hi.. Tom IlCIinett, Dr. MOtt and J. C. Kroom's mother. Mrs. J. L. Forroy, Sr. Kendall. I on First street North, .Midge John' ' ' Ii". Hull nrrir-llilltiu' l'dllnulnu Mm iinnllnlR. n wi.ilillnir annnnr u-mb snrv. I l. M. C. CI, I'D. I I.CBt TllOgdllV Ilohcrt ATO. soil of.Iloild. arrived lioillf this wool: from ed, only Immediate relatives bolng . ' Mr- ","1 n- Ooorgo Ayro of South an auto, tour of the Willametto Val- in nltonilnnco. They Included Mr.' Mm. Jack Wallaco was IiosIosh at Marshflold, rolohrnted his fifth birth-, ley, most of tho time uuIiik Bpont and Mrs. Ij. W. Traver and son. " lellglilfiil mooting of the I). M. C. !' A number of his llttlo friends at Albany with rolatlvea . Kurciio, Mr. and Mrs. George Forroy fJI"' nt Iht homo In North Horn! on n"l playmatos wero Invited In fori unil daughter, Miss Gladys, Mm. Wednesilny. At tho business sosslou lle afternoon, which was spent In! Mrs. Joseph Sehmcildlng left today Uoyd JacobH and little son and Mrs.' tllu following offlcors wore chosen various games. At tho conclusion of to Join her lumbniid. who Is omcHxed J. U. Forroy. The young couple will tur tho onsulng six months: , l ny n dollclous sprond, Incliidlng a In tho mercantile business near Oal- $35.00 CASH and $3.1 per your for throo yearn Buys a Level Building Si ETisiiti fOWlVJ Cleared and ready for building 10x90 feet. Otlier lots, sightly nnd nttrnctlvo. 51Sr.( $225, ?;110, JllfiO ami ?.'H30. Full 50 lots on or near Improved HtioelB with city water "si:i: iti:ii aiiout it." Act nfonce. Only n few left nt those prlcos, 1 1 eh 11 fnrta.1 nlrnci flcT bWIio llunil) jvJjoE terlfii! SluRloJ yntlu sthers RliHw OW-l'H Prosldont Mrs. J. Wallaco. Secretary Mrs. Ilarrv Truman. Treasurer Mm. N. G. Ilainos. iiiaiu) ineir iiomo on tite grooms flno ranch on Istliinus Inlet nnd that their future will ho n bright haimvl one Is tho wish of tholr large circle' Pollowlug tlin ImihIiiwh nnd social Mauxey, Join Walters and i:dwnrd or rrlonds. i hour, refreshments woro sorved, Mrs. Magnus. 4 4 4 ('has. Wllllains asMlstlng. Tloso 4 J liresont were Mrs. It. o. Dralnard. ! (.'AIH)IC PAItTV I MrH- ,,R,1,, I'"1'1". Mm. L. A. I.ooiiiIb, A' Mrs. A. K. Morten. Mm. Walter Itim- nirtiKiay cako with five candles, wns lup. N. M ami the many friends that enjoyed. Those present were Jack thev niailo nn tin. Hnv will ulh iln.m I and Frances Sncchl. Dale ami Alice much success In their now home. 4 4 Dill McAithur. the little son of i 4- sntPIUSK I'AUTV. If you want the hoit location money can buy, ask Hold about Perham Par AIAVAYS A PliKAHUIti: TO SHOW PKOPI llll .The ghore; toraiii il?p veieun Myzth cltedS pjqatil OAflll W A. R.EID, 150 Front, SfreBigS I.sst evening tho MarsVfleld min isters tniiuered Itev. nnd Mm. J. MJ Mr. nml ilrs. K. I). McArtbur. who has been t Mercy hospital for some time, Is reported getting a'ong nicely j mi win pro in my ne aiiiu to return home early next week. 4 4 4 Tho ladles of North Inlet held "" V1.1"- Harry Truman. Mia. S. Mc n L'lirilnn imi-iv m Hiu imn.. .f w Donald and Miss l.uclnda Parr. Mm " - i-"- - - tV Wk 1 , . . ... --- -..-...,. v-B-"fi avt J. Howard on the evening or July ')" ,eri wl''n win oniertn-n the i.urKnart. who aro.to litre tli Hay Wm. Hsl'e Mcltiemni tm non. 1. Good music and eutvrtaltiment clu'' wwk f!;on,.nt'it Wwlnesday. soon, a surprise nt their home In the Howa il. left for their hone In 8n wb proviueii uy local talent which . ' ' ' i--i-Miyien.in.Mnna. Tiie party gntli- Frnnclt.ro this week after a pleasant mib inn nppreciHtua y mo etuiiu- ..,. nlantlo audience. The proeevin I HO.NOIt 31 IKK CHAKK. nmounted to twenty-novel) dollars. T. ... ' ' - which will he used for the cuaiwl ' n' K- wbb hostetn at n A dellhtrl social time wns followed orgun fund. jiewliig party Wednesdny afternoon by refreshment which the ministers ricKiiyierun Manse. The party gntli- Frnncltro this week nrter a pleannnt cred nt the M. E. Church nud pro- visit with friends and relatives oh I ceeded In a UoUyto the Horkhtrt the liny. Her niece. Miss UerlnR, re- homo, making the surprlBo comp'ete. mnlucU for a lonner vlilt. Camping -i 4- I.SSP IW I X VITATIO.NK. Mrs. ,15. A. Converse nnd Mm. W. uunip'iiueiuniy 10 .miss jessio Chnse prepared. Rev. A "i ifiooKiine jiass., nnd .Mnrahflild Illuh is spending a few A number of piano mluisters Mr. nnd Mm. 4 F. 4 D. Kiel. r nnd V. Hansford mak- Mr. nnd rs. J. T. Hnrrlj-nn nd oh i? , ,orm1fr '," ,e """""oh"- Rv. UrownlMg tr. nnd Mrs. C. IC. Perry nnd MIm School teacher who Pe ,ocoa. Re. Hall th, ln crnnm Mnb.l Harriet nro sdlnV 'hf 8.." V,V- f,? H,"v' f,17,B ",,rt ne7' wford fourth nt Brewster VpIIo. They o se ectlons by Miss the en ken. Tbos prwent were Rer. rrranireH yni.i . ' n, .", present were Rer. rrrnn1 n soeclnl Fourth of -July H. MoholBoi. have Issued Invitations iryWr. MIEu. T.' , LiiLi"?: m . " .""SF Hnd w,f,, Kev' ud Vgwm for the outtn , fnr at l.rliliTA rniitv Ik. VI..I..I '' v ' IHIKUS WHS USSISted by Mrs. .1. K Knnll.- II.. ...I if.. j- j. tor n bridge party nt the Xlcholaon home Wednesday, July 8. 4 4 , . I MKIW KltlUAV Mra i r i.i.... i ... .. ....... --.. .... ..,. wi ,ilr. -. .... v. W....U..O,. i.uu ..ntH ,iirj Dnninei Ii MR. HOY. nnd t t I . Mr It T Viinl.. .- ii Krune. Among tl ose Invited were I'ov Hn b! ...ii"v - 'JZl 'J? ....."; 1?VT'.AnJ"lr "n x,uf SK tt ssJis'smas: ei- kutk kv .-uas w ff-K l"1,' Tth.'Si. "i .! . 'AWxK'rJiffi.S'aKi.'IS Mm. Ulan will entertain th. VZ' .i'.i... ...?- ?.' .' ,.,.v,l:I' V -"V" her sister. Mrs. J. A. Mai. nrt .i . --. . . " - .hip! vis 11 mi; ivriint. .ti i . t t- i iBBTiftiftfiit.tm n i . .. - - - - ?r: .rjrr: . ?''l.m.., . . nA,,:xz. - " ," .''",. " . -. u. unanuicr. Mm. 4 her slater. Mrs. J. A. I other relative. 4' 4 IS !: k tCh tx n M t..-ff v?i.iVt itIJK sere HAMMOCKS CAMP UTENSILS FISHING TACKLE Camping Goods at EKBLAD'S TENTS CAMP 5' -ntrHek BoHioi ngnti fitrMck wereji lelnnn rfrasst- tolth. thd Fm oneji Idodnti Krns ftlskyt JHW InmiM Sdditf tewnn HU.'JTCRSmSS a cm RIFLES, AMrUfJlBStl WATER BAGS KwinTXP pisKsm I'ICVDICitKI) howi;h. Mrs. Ward M. lllnke wns htmieiu s at a delightful nfternoon nt son lug Inst Snturdny coinpllmeiitary to Mini Mamie Mahoney, who became (be nruie or Muli- D.tno lust Kuturdtiv c,M MmUW.T Kennedy. MaS ot,?K72StmTYn V Wh To"',,n v 4K4W4 '! r?Lll",:,te.n:,ed Mr "i ome l?d'y or tomorrow. Mlsi InrJ - i. ni .Vmi .- i l'"-'r'n. vnr- ariiw nns Deon ?ery err cent In the i J ." and mus, wor WtoKl 'or- during tht absence of Miss Ton I uyusiiniiituoiissniesd. The .!, i.lnir tiuwiiwwjimjoy. w mm uu ltxuiiiat. it itiuti ----: I "'"wirtMiHinnpnad. Theoccasioi ping. Mr.a.ul.Mm.M.Juts.romofSouth -'-..,. I , itner eiitertnlned a merrv a "r""T" - ll ' ww uni.i.ian.. .. l ...... ,, u, uuiuanii aim nor guest, is. Max Tenner, returned inriv n.i. eek from a stay at the Unhincnn ranch on North Inlet. They had the MIllBO. VlU.knll. 1,11.1 ... ... Poned much Improved. -( Ayr H ti.r.. ' , i..L,,!k,uM!?-M-! 'wtroin .' C. W. Cumbersrthe new manager kniiV, ...":.,""'" J",w. ? wwiwau of tne gtaudnrd Oil company, ami exenlng. NastuiUums predmnln , o, rod of ,uni " uiiV.to at n bonf Z T " , ' In the dc.ra.lng The afiornoon ,., Mom") S, ho tSie- 1 '"MAI( CHAT. Mr Mas devoted to nwllowoik on linen ing n,wui playing various laines UZT, " present., fr .he bud,; Wuaaa aU, ,. at ltlffi g? .HT.dV.7KiS2r8ta,: K wife, arrivwi here this week' from For Two JM WatcSi Sale Iays OssSy 3 and 4 fcoutliern aud eastern visit. " V .. r .. 7 ' Miss cnva umi . . . ",HH "?" l n'irorn a. They will thl'.u Jv .,l,?v arr,V81 hw MVW ttl0 residence on Hlevon .later, Mm. 1. chandler. , Montgomery aio vacating. -rniS fi."i,nMl." !m ,oth. daughter ,' v. . nouiii oi Kiigono, ami her ,.... -n. .umM nessio uockett, nro penning part of the summer on tliol Everything you need for that camping trip. -$tfl Ekblad's Prices are' always rifjlit. jnglt nosMi I tWnm ft v'Umlft. r J i Thp r ft Aft tJ n .ft ml h fmtexJm & D JCit?sSSfHEl & m EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE , ,. ..:"" " wiihs1 it'll home this weuk tra .. ,.v IUI..I...I -i .. . .'."'" "" - ' "l. ". uisronsln. , eoun'n. Miss Dessln Some great reductions on many of our standard watches, such as Elgins, Walthams, etc. We also carry Howard and Hamilton Watches. See us for Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Red Cross Jewelry Dept. Jewelers and Opticians Red Cross Drug Store wioxi: laa. Mr. nnd Mm Mslr n.nn .m . T,,",,w,,.1 '?.r.1 r ,lie "ncr on tho Ti en v fr si', i? Df'10 Hi leave liny wth Mas Hocket's brother C PENNOCK BROTHERS PI,l'MIH.V AND HICATIXO I'li-Kt-clnss voik by e.xpeilenco nml U.iKit Won KSTIMATKS FltKK ' AIilTwoiflclJa M-hiiii imililliiR, Tlili.1 Street uml AiiiIcimiii A Waul OfUM WAra n ) Wnt' tkr,t or, t Xrug '"HraW from! askftri BOOWJl the;d 4 4 Mrs. Kst'ier M. I.ockhnrt ha b niov- Mr. l n.l fnu. 11. n. -".. un. lliov-l .111". HIUI Oil IrOHl tilt. Tou-ar A i, o..t. ........ . , . Pun. ii. ...i r. r : """ni hi t-iR'i'iuu no i.tment ntnU to ,he Hood Ap-, vf.lt nt the ". uiiiij ti. c. roii nml other rolntlves, while Mr. Vniiirh nn i nnd family will motor to McMlnn. Mrs Yu rvin . . . . this wee froB" a ,le ,ffl,7ui Ti? Tl T,,oy 'nn'tol .. i.i.i. .. V """' "wllBlltfUl Visit tl Oil' Bliinmar l.hi.in i.. -i Warner rTUfe'r1 .sl-l..m- ntier: i r j. i ::. ' ""'"ua. uieiiiiK nore. atntUB tint -5. ... ... Mrs. w. S. Chandler aro """' H,,tro lll' wH.vllt rolatlvoa. ZS$ 'JXISSU.I JZiJ:. ja . i i-oiiinino, in vancouvor. iu; V. .", ",""""'"'11 "i- owfjjR tholr trln to llono- "" ' .l,..l" ,1.urtn' r.anclt nro torn- ....... .. : . -" ' Mr. and Mrs furl nl..i. . . cl heie soon rnT, VI "," ". eci' trip Thev will be n Z .. -V n . rm ,,er s,8,er- M"- S8 norgron, 8etemb.r-l n th "Mym- r, n!" T !" "r"'1' ',ft l4 eek for apartmonts. ule Arm I Teu MHo. where thoy wiW spond tho Bummer at the Jonos cotVago. Mr. Deibjshlro and Mr. Ilonjren will spond part of their tlmolthoro off iiuiuriiv innifiiii. tiw.li. i.n...n ...i.,. 0CC1IDV ii. . . ." "'" muiiu will! ,T..T").Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Halnoa. but v. letter to' r,?l t. f'""- 'mo of they have y" "S T"l,.. , . , . 4iivii iiiia i rui iirnnfi yllinny nnd Lebanon whero rolatlves followintr Mm Stnr ineotlng In Portland. .OlllBa Ttnvni. mwl -itm..i Prlzeon nro planhine tn lonv ,.., Mm. A. II. DerbvshlU nml hii.i Ji?.r...1rt,an' wUor thoy .wHI visit .. . i . . . " X" " v.- KO nVAK'a mini).. ' -- n mill ner sister. Mrs. Nns llm-m-m. ' "'"' D "vua. 4 4 4 ,Ue ft wlioieUJiey mnV lo-U,i(, 1J or i-esldes nud wlioieLthey.mny Mm J. c. Swluford and dnucb 1 ev win T7 ?.r. ,'2.r. .?. whoro Will Join Mr make tholr futuro homo, 4 AT THE HOTELS. and on during tho aumnior. j'ick .Mcuona id nnd William At Tho Chandler Oeorgo nrougliton, Portland; A. A. Ilale. Portland; t. A. Frowen. auto this week for Portlnifl. T hor Htrer; n ,Vi "' i,"L,,"oa!?n.' C?.oa nwinrnpii ...i i tr t . ;" IXtWi tl II I I I I 1 I lllll'linil n .1 I. I ... M - - . . - ( I Ullhllllll Jl I I I I I IIIC Tnlll .K Infl 1... ll. . T 1 1 a ..... .... '. ..... Ill ni uu Muiit'H: HT. clscoj N. J. Lnrson, r IF. Terry nnd family, William Hnnloy, Iltirns. llama, Portland: Marll Scrnnton; Agnes HugH V. W. Fuller, Portlai Valentino, San Franc is At Tho M) John Smith. Portlnnd cliiiiB, Portland: George and wifo, Myrtlo Polni .;oauiiio: r. p. siuvo, y C. 0. Laylos, Camp 2; ton. Myrtlo Point: I. aullloj T. Stewart, Myrt At Tho Hlf J. W. HnBSOii, Soutn m, stora and wife, II. L. nuncli, Heaver Underwood, Conledo; niichael, South Inlet. At Tho St. Lnwr Clom Nlles. Portland; North Slough: Walter Joj siough; P. E. Larson i Allegany; F. F. Lllkle,! ... m. Kol i?4SBr&WttXiJS!S River; H. T. Smith H son, Bandonr E; A. V'J Point. IV--.I- TIT i ... J