tMWMKffl!w!i$jM THE COOS BAY T.MHS. -W BEGO- FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1914-EVEWG .-..,, I r inn i k pu 'fffl I COOS BAY TIMES M. C. IAIONKV..IMHor nnd Pub. DAN K. ,MArX)Xi:V....VcwH Editor Dedicated to tlio service of the pcoplo, that no good cnuBO slia ImI: u cliamnlon, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed HFFIM I LOCAL OVERFLOW. . 1 ' - Out Today. S. I.ando was nl)lo to bo down town today and see the Fourth of July festivities. He Is considerably Improved although ho shows traces of the long siege of Ill ness. Ho was warmly welcomed by his f i lends. ,. ... Ono An't Deputy (lame war den Thomas has returned from a trip to tho Upper CJocjnHIo. Ho kill ed a blK panther nt Johnson Moun tain, and chased four follows who tm.i imnn kllllna deer us far ns HARDY SAVES rmnna. whnri! lie lost tllOII Roberts of Myrtle Point, was nr rost"d for fishing without a llu-nso. Too Arrest. Only two arrests were mado today and both were for Intoxication. The pollrc are giving tho lelehratlng iiiiibs lots of Icowny. Those arrosteil were Oust Carlson, who had $2(1.10 and Ous Johnson, 127.70. CiimliiK licit'. S. (1. iicues, who Is known throughout tho west as t!iO "Cowboy Preacher," and his wife aro b.....ln.l I, n fim, .tnva fnt nil ' extended stay. They arc making a tour of tho stato In behalf of pro hibition. K. C. IIARKKR, who Is now running a rnnch above Allegany, enmo In today to attend tho celebration. Mrs flnrlnt ntlrl nllllltrOII rPltmltlOll at the ranch with her sister, Mrs.) Richmond of Coqiilllo, who Is visit-' Ing them. Kdgor Mauzey Is able to bo up and around after a week's Blego of the mumps, OIL FUME Capt. Michelson's Timely Ar rival With Oil Boon to Autoists Today n MiFwS nairPR Jr leBEIie IN PARAJSO BE rsmu Tfiniivi i nut v imiiiv a tflilLl lUUm CfinLi muni Tho steamer Hardy arrived In oarly today after one of tho hardest trips that she bos had from San Francisco. She was out seventy- . i...Ma l.t.nlrlfirr ntlvnran annft nml IWII liuuia, iiui ixnift ii...w. ... head wind and packing her way through denso banks of fog. Capt. Mlcholson, considering the ndvorso conditions, mado good tlmo and his advent this morning was more than welcome, (or ho saved Coos Hay from a gasollno famine wiuc.'i inrcaiencu to mutiitu muj with tho Fourth of July plnns of ntiloisis. J no local suppiy hb imu tlcally exhausted. Capt. Mlcholson had tho largest shipment of gasoline ever brought In at ono time, having over uiiii drums ui Hi"""""; uuuuiu for tho Union Oil Company and tho Standard un vompany. A man who uses n Times Want Ad once, needs no lurmer arguiui-iu Steamer Arrives From Portland With Cargo and Large List ' T..o llreakwater nnlved In early this morning after n good trip down thp coast. She had n fair cargo of mlmellnnootiB freight and a good list of passengers. Tlio following is mo iisi oi iiii'uni' ing pnssensors: i ! Marian Young, Klslo Klnloy, Roso i .Inpnlisnii. Jewell Jacobsnn. J. J. Vnl-' eutlne, C. H. freemnn, Mrs. Frank f nnn1.,..nn Mine, II llrnlit t.'tl Vnif mi COUPLE WEDDED TODAY J. J)l UtlWIIilll, .HIOO 1,. IUIH. 1.1. , Ul... I tfl Mnni1 'n)f TrtMl .1 vuift, 1111. 1 w.fc, lu.ii v.. uu..n.., Ainog Mustard, Mrs Amos Mustard, K. J. Callahan, Mrs. Nellie Clyde, Agnes Hughes. Mary Masterson, Dr. Thos. Fox. Mrs. Thos. Fox. J. W.i Olass, J. T. Woods. J. D. Pierce, C. A. ' Wise. F. W. Fuller, Mrs. J. Parker, J. Parker. Pearl Elliott. Gordon Ho lucket. Arthur Craig, Amll Mntson, (ieorgo urouguton, wosioy inyior, u "" ,,,,, .," T John Williams, Wm. Hanley, A. J. A. Stearns. It. Rob iison. Mrs. U Rnhmer. Allen Young. Edgnr Han- Snyder. J. Honk. M. httiek. Mrs. non. H. H. Donahy. Victor Koskcnan Carson, Miss A. Carlson, Miss I), nnd five steerage. Carlson, II. Lorenzo, A. Ilendrlck, I. .UjriL'K, V.. IVU1BUU Steamer in From Portland and May Be Making Her Last Trip to Coos Bay .... ..... ..-i. ...i i.. itiia ntfirn- l lie rnraiBii iirmu.i " Ing from Portland with a fair Hit of passengers nnd about 2r0 tons of freight. In the cargo was n don key engine for Hagiiulst and lljor nulst for use cm their grading con tract on toh Mnrshflcld-Coiiiillle road, and some automobiles. This niny be the Pnrnlso's last trip .1...... Inid llnilll Itllllll lllll llOUllllK uuinuiu "'" ui-uu n out yet. Swnyno & Hoyt have not announced tho boat they will put cm In her place, cttner. tho rnr.uau will sail nt -I o'clock tomorrow for San Francisco. Among those arriving on her wore J. W. Doulo, S. K. Decker, Mrs Decker, Mrs. P. Robinson. Ilyron Robinson, II. II. Platts, W. Witting-, ... .. ...I.. I. ....... .!.. It lln ion, .Mrs. wuuumiHi, .ns u. uni son, Miss L. Watson, N. Mcintosh, AMERICA WON AGED COUPLE NEGRO KILLS IN BOAT DACE KILLS ROBBER . FIGHT 6LACKS i Christopher Danielson, of Lam pa, and Gertrude Morgan, 1 Married Here Chrlstophor Danlolson. of i.nmiia, uregon, nnu venna ucriruuo .mot Kan, of Danlols Creek, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Morgan were married at 12 o'clock i today by tho Ho v. (1. I.eltoy Hnll at his rcsldenro in South Marshfleld. I A few Intimate friends of tho brldo and groom were prcsont. Tho brldo was becomingly dressed and carried a bouquot or roses and lilies. After tho ceremony, tho guests adjourned to a down-town restaurant for uj wedding dinner. Tho young couple! will take In tho celebration at Marnhflolil nnd will then go to the Broom' farm at l.ampu, where thoy will bo at homo to their many friends Tho Times Joins In congratulating mo nappy nnu patriotic couple. RUNAWAY ON SIREEI I0DA1 Harvard and Boston Crews to Race for British Trophy Tomorrow ID; AuaeUtfrl Trrit to Cmm 0t TlnM. IIKNM-:r OX TIIAMK3. July 3. Tho coveted grand clinllengo cup comes to tho United States. Tho two American elght-oar crows, tho Union lloat Club of lloston nnd tho Harvard University second crew, were left to fight tomorrow for Its possession by victories todny In tho soml-flnnls over Mnyenco nnd Winnipeg, respectively. Hoth worn most exciting races and rowed In almost record time nml won only after n hard struggle near the f I II lull ttlfr linn In nnM, lltalniinn Tim nice between Harvard and Winnipeg' resulted In tho best tlmo recorded In this year's regatta, soven minutes flat. lloston Immediately afterward equalled this time. Tho grand chnllongo cup hns novcr beforo been won by an American crow and In tho tunny yonm It has been raced for It hns left Kngland on-' ly four times, tho Royal Nnutlcnl Club or Holglum winning It thrco times nml tho Sydney Rowing Club of .Vow South Wnles once. (llusoppo Slnlgnglln of Italy bent Itnlmrt Dlpplo of Toronto, the Am erican nmnteur sculler champion. In. the second Homl-flnnl of tho olimlnn-i Hon hcuIIh. Ho won by five lengths.1 IHppIo collapsed and foil out of his boat at the end but was rescued. i Illinois Farmer and His Wife Win in Deadly Battle With Bandit (1)7 AtaxUIl Prria In cool D17 TlmM.J YOHKVIM.M. til I11K. .1 A drnmntlo story of n fight to tho death In tho dark with a masked robber, who Invaded their homo early today, was told by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clrlmwood, un aged couplo who llvo on n farm near here. Tho robber died as sho wns throttling him, Mrs. Grlmwood said, after ho had boon knocked to tho floor by her lius bnnd. Sho Is a Inrgo and powerful woman, although Co. Hoforo tho robbor was felled, tho farmer, nrmcil with n Hni, nml !. robber with an Ico pick, circled round ami rounu in mo unrk nnd striking at each other. Tholr heavy hrenth Ing wns nil thot guided their blows. When tho robbor fell tlio womnn pounced upon Mm and choked him to death. Angry at Countrymen Because They Charged Him With Horse Stealing IDf Allocate! Trfii to Coot I)r TIbw. IlltnU'N'SVII.I.M. Tov .I11K. 1 Sholl Mnnnlngs, n negro, killed eight other negroes hero today with an nx because ho suspected that thoy lad charged him with horse stealing. TwiL'U tills unnlf U'linn nirnuliul nl smnll towns nenr horo on tho charge, .Mannings nroko Jnll. Ho arrived horo todnv mill nflor tlin Ullln,. una arrested, but escaped from tho trnln en routo to Jnll. AgO0lloil8toV0(()Ca11 n wooil or coal nii,.. . RiVIR M.lll lllXVq if llllinlr, , yi v ,.r l: uul cask Roasts ;:z: ' cotu or Tnncfq T,mt llicnns Vvht work n,l a dm I ,l0aSib kitchen. The W-kj- PriT?riYirti Otl COOK STOVE burns kerosene, the clean, cheap fuel. It i8 8cicJ tificnlly constructed. The chimneys direct a coq. ccntralcil heat just under the cooking utensil9 And tho heat can ho regulated just like a rri... AT.xir Pot-liu'lmii ia mi gas range, mu w xa .. ideal stove for home, camp or bungalow. It doesn't over heat the kitchen; doesn't smoke; doesn't taint the food. Ask to sec it at your dealer's. Standard Oil Company (California) Mnrshllcld mmtMJ, 4 W f I S I FOR BE3T RE3ULTJ ' uat. j-tAKL Oil. A full line of NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES Always to bo found at Ekblad Son, Also Camp Stoves, Ranges, Etc. KINDLY RBMKMBKK AND GIVE US A TRIAL IJVKItYTIIIXd IX Till: IIAKKUV I.IMJ ALAKSHPIELD HAivING COrPANY iaa NoiiTH sixoxi) st nuakckxthaii avknuk. imioxk -ijm.1 NORTH BEND NEWS 1 (aoi: has vaiciix IX STATU 1MHS0.V (Special to Tho Times.) HOSHHUHO. Or.. July 3. Tho report about Frank VuiikIih escnplnB a second 'tlmo from Sheriff OnRo is untrue. Shor ff OnRo left hero yesterday and Inndeil Vnuchn In tho Orcon State prison nt Salem Inst eve-nliiB. Miss I.llrlln Rnrnnmin nt lUn .. W. A. Rpiri'5 Anfn Wnrrnwlu l""!0..11 .! "i,0'"!'k " week. Escapes Collision With D. i '(l Ar" ' mw up with a coupio Mus5Pn'i Rin I!. "J"""-11' wlfli ho sustnlned at IVIULII nlJ lie Coos nny Sns.i and Door factory.! Despite tho blR crowd on tho JA, 'i(),n k'!owl,,l "'J18 frac'i streets and tho lnrno number of ," .ll ft,r n fow " nf tlio accl- ntllm. nml ....1.I..I.... .. .1. . . ,111.111 ..wi nnu n,n un mo Hireei. HKJ MVItTf.K POINT CHOWI) only ono nenr nccldont wns reported today. Thnt woh when n horso be loiiKltiB to David Mussen rnn away nnd almost collided with : .. Hold's nuto In whlcir Mr and Mrs. Held nml tho children-were rldlnK. Tho rur nwny gtarted'ln a-HtrniiBO wny. Tlio lenm hnd hften unhitched nnd tlielr Irldles taken off nt the barn on South Fourth street. An they stnrted mi; uum, uio trace of ono uorse caiiKhl In tho singletree, frlghtenlus llm. He ran south on Fourth, turn ed on Conrtnl nml then north rn Third, where ho was caught. Mjilniplani. In. Mannger J. C. Kendall today in creased tho prize for the speed boat rares tomorrow to $100 nnd (lorst & King agreed to enter their hydro piano with K, v. Hteolo driving It In competition with tho speod boats m Abb KOOS Aiti: MlvMHKHS Timu: xo. OF ::i TO Mr. nnd Mrs. Hasp. wi,n r,.nn,. retumod from Australia, nro horo to visit nt the homo of her parents, Mr mid Mrs. Hull In Ilnngor. J. II. Jacobs Is havliiK n now homo bul It on Murlon street. W. K, Mn i 'lol"!?, tlio work for him. Slg Hansen has returned to San .rnnclgni after Bpendlng a fow months In this vicinity. ii,i '. y i'omlsey loft on the last llreakwater for her homo In Portland after nn extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Hoy Hrnlnard. .Mrs. Kllllor Innn la l.. Sail Francisco for nu extended visit With tier mntlmr M.o 1.1 . n .- ' .. .K,,.Klnror Andrew., whoso res- ...... jouk oirect ttio first, ex- K ! m ",,xt week for No iwkh ?. ? .up nn 08,n,' ""or which he will bi-nto in California. He .hns sold his household goods to Murr reS,oWl, W,U " Mrs. Wlliinm iMv... . Wlxn"m?.l,:! ? Oregon. .-...-o ...on.iuu, w(10 jm8 ,,,.. vigi(. P? t tho 11. o. Kern ioi. . ,....,, V( tin: MKI7P AT Till! U)1K!K f, " . "u " K1 home, let HOOM. l.'ivvicn in.. .u,lo..-,elJ.for J?r homo In Portland ---.., . ..Ki.tisi llillllj. I I HUM VIM Villi I... --a . . MTUIHIAV MOHX.XO "orke.ey. wh. I he" 1 a 1 ." 'atS AT n IUIII ,l,r Inu I !,. IT..I......I. .. ..." "in till" ... f . irtii-u mi.iiii1 ".;,. -'"riny oi uaiirornla. ll'IA- FOVUTII. iv OHDKUOF ul U,10. "?' ,oK "f Poseidon i: SAt'HIIM. iCT.0' 'yf,i'Kl,8 of Pythias, tho fol- . .. .... i lowing officers wn .i.,i.i .. .... A.JU auiiniKI.1 C. of n. -... ?te moBth.7 Ho nral'nan" - i. ... J F. Orubbs V n . i t rOLMtTIl of jitlV iMtlK. SoarlnKon. P.; Frank Miller M of OoorKo nnd Frault Terry liavo w, 1- Hazer. M nt r w finn"a,v l),ock '" Stwinilioat AddU! V10, lo,, 'l meet onco a month h" iXfrrow ut",r lMorlJ strtHt.i'rlnKJily and August-July 13 , u Tho bulldliiK' of tho rallroml bridge ABUt 10. The regular weekly mSnt makes this property desirable, and '"s l hegln the "lt MondSv in nulto n number of liluo m.ige Tigers Sl'l'tembor. l Monda In nayo made Investment in this ad-' ., . dltlon. "u 1 For tolial.l., i,m. ......-..." . . im,,v, II,.,-..:.".. """""", 'n com IVr ttUal.l,, life pi.siu,iiMX, MX, my vii. 110 ri'iinvKiiit tho SIu rl-Vl?'?" Vork, Clio ohtot .l.-.l, IMIll lltTtC, (Special to Tho Tlmos.) MYUTI.B POINT. Or.. July 3.- One of tho biggest crowds thnt Myr- tlo Point hns over entortnlned as- sembled liero todny for tho Fourth "i uhi, n-ifiirnuon niui raro meet. Tho program continues tomorrow and It is expected that tho attend ance will bo grenter then. All) FOH SAl.KM President WINnn Asks Coiicu.s for sWlMHl Fr Tlieni inr AlOClttI rrl IO .O0, U, Tin,.. . WASHINGTON, I), c. July 3 . President Wilson sent n special m"os- .iko 10 uongress today urslng thorn o appropriate $200,000 for tho re" llei Of tllOSO lnnilft Imm.l... ...... ... tltuto in Salem. Massachusetts, flro! The President said that action taken KVn,,ni K ,, at ,h0 tlmo of San St d,9"8ter burnished a prec- REST ROOM FOR SERIES FIR "SHUT-INS" HERE :.,.,,, ' i nunumi fonts on :yrss2SnE?-': . n v -. Inn Pacific ItAHway vSmmy'uUmL "l meet at tho lodge in Southern A.U room Saturday morning at 8:30 fS tdtewan. 8o JUm for . laforl th p"rth of July parado WUW -' ' I roURTHOFVJULY'COM Old Folks and Invalids to be Taken to Church Next Sunday Fo!ks,lmv"1,l:,; "!lBand Old has lllBlIn cnanlnl ' ' . "'ia X?S1w? rrKr Si's? stir 'M rniiw "I. mii, .. ?,Tn " "-s':!!; rn. 1 .,hn "o..Ti"' nrnlnB. ass -- ' s AuIfclMPORTANT. room Satnrdar morning "at 8 so til the Fourth of July parade -9 (r FOURTH WTlT COM Women and Children JULY 3rd and 4Lh O'CONNELL BUILDING COFFEE For the Mothers MILK For the Babies rnrpi 11 iaH H Hj IB H 9 VHbBi LVHLLI iiH siiiH m m m ih ,-,, J REST... IIIII T ' ' I FOR. THE WEARY I I I LL. i I U ' u h -j m -iJL. fcU tMCb?aM . 1