The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 03, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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nyw w jflpffiWf fj giny r-
f--.r,"-' ' " T.:f'TTtT"
with every copy of this me Hum
llnvn vriitn nitvnrt Untunn roml liv
I'h tho great purchasing power
community BliutiUl not be
ked 111 lilnclni vonr ndvnrtts-
! the Home Community regularly, so
Pho choled of niedln of buc-
tnnt tnpy will Know you. Do In
troduced 1JY THIS TIMES.
morchnnts IS THIS TIMES.
'.-3. Tl,&
I'ltnlillMifttl 1878
us The Conit Mull.
A Consolidation of Times Const Mali
iiml Coos liny Advertiser
No. 289
IV., M
timrmn- 1 1 i ninmon wmwniMW ri w miwimi
DsoiE wine
rs PHI
Coos 'Bay's Guests
L. Houseworth, Miss
Curtis and 'Mrs. E.
iBargelt Winners
rong Witnesses Open-
rwo Days' Cclebra-
in Marslificld .Thronged Today With Women
a (ittin.ntion tnnt there, and Chi dren s Fine V
' r thf nun iai, . , "
ll would EClUiPPCtl
now ui
rodl'r (1
hd'i i 'r h'ul In Dceii the
1 par l'K nun nlnKi the
feature (t t o two tiny'
Tl If VMU H It 'i dl-
rdei i . ni'ii" of which
fKCt i hi i it- on ttfi atrcoU
i rtlfilfi'i tntttfv for the
d . 'i . in iiriwH
ti' '1 1 i! (i Tier sollio
The "Prtm lltwt Hooitt," whleh In
iM'ln;? mAltitrttnud in tho O'C'ounoll
btillitlng on Market nrenuo by thu
women of Alnr-bfleld under tho dl
roetlcn of Mm. Vernon A. Smith;
fi'r the visitor, i-siioi-lull the wo
men and eliildioa, lifts Immui thronged;
nil day. It in province ono of tho,
moat vnhinblo features and the mini-'
!V, :,.r,,h-r.lh2 - ' - ls .trniii
51.-1. r .'. i., , ,i".Jm ,"tts t-'it was n of tho must
'.,?'. f ..'..,' .l'lCn.i' neoled f.'otur,.
inii' u ' . ' ii in i" iii Aita. ,,,, . .
unut.ii. it, ..r Vn is Th.i i ne rcoiu arc nttmuwitupiy uecor
WO, tt. VIh AMro r'ni'tl. In a"' ' provitHui wuu .verytiiiiiK
f, tui'l Hi third, $20, to AIll. m,nou inm n coinuinuiiie. wn
Olt It i Itr NC-. 7. ("iipic iw kpit iiiimiin in nun
, r is . ,.,nui .-rimtn..! ,,r hotel nmitlllllOdatlonS IttMt tllgllt WUlU
kent w n to Winter Wel.uoi'" "r "rmius inn mnrijum. ai -
Itli'iitl. .sho diou. cur No. lS.,"iner .woT" T" "ra '
L..i i.p'v., r,,.. it.., .,,,.. i ....,!. don attiwic of lUnepM, whh jhIbo tar-
vt'nt to II. . I'uinniii inul i5'1 f1-
1'rutt, ol Xoitli Ilend. Mlwi! Potien of ilaiHlifloltl woman are
orry wis nwarded tho prlxu wiuiiik i 'nnnt? ror mo viHiitira,
tho fntinli'-rt iloWn. Al-. h"'i nl lluht rerruahini'iiU IioIiik
fOWH won tlio ni'lzo tor llio wiven inss 10 iimao uniriiif; iiiuui.
kVnted Kurd. The luduen kIvii Mm.y bnwiKht 'Cliolr lunt'hoB to tho
fcontlon to tho vnr driven byri'Ht room iind ojijoyod It thuii'. Kree
Wld, No. 11. hf.uonible iiipii- IIK l nlwo HoIiik provided Kir tliu
tl.o cur driven by C. W. M'ol-, "MIjh.
rnr drlvvn bv U. II. Wnlter.i Theio Is n aplrlt of co-opi ration
lrlven by V. V. Cntterlln. the ami npprerintlon iilimit 11 thtit inoro
on by .1. S. Lyons and the ear tlit.ii recompi'iiMeM the women who
MrH. CKirRo rjoodrtini. inro vnrKlnKio hnrd to make It bono
kch wctft .1. A. Smith, of the fli'lnl mill fill the object for v'hleh
en,l Chntnher ol Coiiiinuico, It viM jirorideil.
knnii and Wlllliim Orltnon. I
SroHiilt of wlnnliiR flrHt p V.e
nuto parmlo tula mornintr. H Tf If fl JfJJPtH
L. llouaewnrtli rm-elvoil two 'J) I i U L J j i fcl L
Iam. Ono w:ih n fine rob J(l i I Wfi$l
d by I. U. 'lower, tho 'loral IVH I UlfLLL HW MflU
utonioli!li( iiKent, ntid the
Mh $50 tnah jiroHentod by Dr. i
vorth !
pnrudn ei'lliircd r.ll nntlilpa-,
nntl eveji the moot nrdent ox-
of Oeot'KO Ooodrnm. who'
linrKo or this feature, and wbb1
Btidld rcHpotiHo to IiIh onorxy . -
flelent JimnaKoinent. .MnnnKr UOVCl'S UOUI'SC in 10 IVIinilieS
H wjih nil stullOM when no wiw nnfi oa Cnnnnrlc Ynkn 9nt
nflrtoino tirraj. ",,u w r ,
Ins tho pnrndo watt tho Coon JOlmSOIl orU
ncert llntiil and followlnB wns' , , ,
nontnliiif I inn. H. A. iiontl.. Shannon .Mlteholl won tho motor
pone, Hon. Win. Ilnnlcy, of olo raw over the nine mile courwe
l'rotildoumuKh Mcl.nln of the tnm nuernotm in imeeu iiuiiuu'b unu
field Chntntier of Coniiuorcc, thirty-four aecuiida. otna auo nn-
P. IS. Allen, Chnlrmnn J. Al- lahcil Becomi in sixteen ininuicH. nine
fatHon of tho Fourth or July teen and oiie-haf hccoihih. ucorRO
tteo nml Senator I. S. Smith. Johnson cumo.ln third with a record
Ciuk 'In 'lilnv. ' of novenU'ou tnllLutoB and nineteen
owltiK nro tho names of the accondn. Jfolllo U'ltmnn flnlahod
1n encli cnriind a brief ties fourth In seventeen mlnutea, nino
of tho inachliio: I teen and uno-fuiirth Hcconda.
1. Mn. II. M. Drews, Gone- Max KriiKor ami wiuori narvey
VGoanoy, VlrBlhlu'OoHiioy, Gen- did not flnlall. .KriiRor, who atartcu
oscoy, Mnrjorle Drowa. car acconu, urojiimii'iHu mi mo nmi ii".
ed In TOBOa, carnations and at Kouria ami .iihiiibuh aireui, whcii
with 1arKo btittorfly abovono ineti to ium uio corner iuo mm
or and doll above itonneuu. nnd ran uuo ttw uurn. mo was no.
2. C. W. "Wolcott, Alias Alice nun. imovy mriwinm w hi i
11, Mlas Mario Lnrgent, MIbs bccoiui turn, wntin aomuuung woni
Cook, Mr. A. D. wolcott. . wronj; wun wn uiiireuv.
1 no winner huib ,n l'mu ui fuu
and tho second man gQts n prlzo of
Don Gardiner and AV. J. 'Conrad
woro tho official tlnifckoQpers. Mar
shal Carter started the racers Uy fir
ing his trusty.
Crowds lined Fourth .stroot ifor a
dlstanco of five or six lilocks from
tho starting point at rtourth and
Consldernblo difficulty wns ov-
pcrjonced In keeping the crowds off
tho street, uui loriunuieiy
was hurt
COME, COOS MAY, your brightest smile! Your
'best loot foremost, loo!
And show these visitors today -why we're mighty
proud of you.
Yon may not be so very large, but you've got a lot of snap,
So show these visitors today, that you're really on the map.
("1oiiie, men and maids, your finest look; with brightness in
your eye.
.hist show you're glad to sec Vni and tell the reason why!
We've got the finest, town on earlh, as everyone must know
And when the railroad vouches here, we've simply got to
Then welcome, all you visitors! we arc mighty ghjd you
came, '
And hope that when you ljfcve us you can (oil us alt the
same. '
"We hope you'll look around you and we also hope you'll
ISvoi'ywhere a welcome warm, in Una town of dcsliiry.
11 AMottatril jti U Lbu tlf TlmM 1
CIIICAQO, July .1. John Sul
livan, ngod in, bccnnio Chicago's
first Pottrth of July victim to
dny when ho died of burns caus
ed by explosion of flro crackers.
i l
Slain Robber Identified as Har
ry Whitney for Whom $50,
000 Was Offered
Don't Know Whether Other
Bandits Escaped in Auto or
to Blue Mountains
csk lu.oooniiorxns.
In Washington Today to Con
fer With President- Reb
els Still Firm
'.Ir AwrlilM rrw.. to Com Bar Tlmx.
WASHl.VGTON. 1). C. July 8.
The American dclpftntea to the .N'la
11 am KkIIh Mf'lnin medial Inn roil-1
(Mr A""i 1I1 rn lo oot tm Tlm J
l.A OHAXDR, Or.. July 3.
Thnt the hlcodhotinda from Wal
la Walla this morning struck
f i cah tral'a and .were leading
their guides northward from
Meftrlmm was the word brought
in from the arena or ytaterday's
train i.oldup. Detallml hrtiah
heatlna- hag been abandoned and
the hunters are going back Into I
the hllli fnrt! er than yesterday, j
ARSII FIELD extends welcome to its visitors,
mstly neighbors from nearby points, but others
om more vemotu sections, and even home citizen
should and will constitute himself a committee of one to
... . ., , ., ,. , , . . ., ' " ."MM' " i" wiiLuiiiimwnii WI18 HIIIUll 111 IUO UHllIB 111 1110 I llllir
Ni'l' that all guests have that attention that Will give them cltlofs would nuthorUo tho acndlnx enr wns positively Identified today
the largest tlegree of pleasure and comfort during these 'Xwe'asi'" perH,nV,So ttnrlKr '&
been set a prlco of 750,000
if Aaoliill 1im t Tom. li Time .
PKN'IH.RTn.V Or.. .Tlilv .V Tllft
fetonco, Jtiatlce Lamar and Predorlek iiimim in thn iilun Mountilnn enn
W I.ehmBnii, returned here today and tim,P,i the search for the two or pos-
conrerred with Preaident Wilson and ii,iy (aree robber who occaped
Secrotary Dryan. yesterday after holding up the Ore-
iKleslaa Culderon, one of tho Con- gon-WnshliiKton Uallroad and Xavi-
stltutlonallat leaders, who la oxpected nation Company's train No. ft near
to represent Carranxn If he aonds del- Aleacham, Oregon,
ogatos, said ho did not believe thnt The body of the highwayman who
I ho camps of tho Constitutionalist Wns klllod In the battle In tho ihnlr
two (lavs ol losiivai and I nil.
The business men of Murshfield 1m ve subscribed Jargely
and liberally to provide royal entertainment Tor these visi
tors. The promise and prospect is that it will be the best
and biggest celebration ever hold in this section. There
will be no dull hours during these two days. .Begin
ning with the auto parade this morning under the di
rection of (leorge Goodruni a.ud until the last spark of theJ ZZ rr AiexiioVTre8id
final fireworks fades awav in the darkened depths of the ' envoy to attompt to in
sky on the night of .hily-lth, there will be something doing
vvory minute.
In the meantime The Times joins with everv loval resi
dent to bid the visitors welcome: to wish them Hvo dnvs of not nt this time, because
pleasant entertainment, and to hope that when tho'timeToVor" Ho0rto.""tr,,ed "" " rocogni
. j . i i . i -"iii 11.1
coniex to say goou-Dyeiuey iu oegiati ,tney came and de
jmrt with assurance thai they will came again.
The city is yours.
tp,.i.n ;- ...wi" n 4 in
1 1IV II (Will fKI Lll II.,
Whilo the Xlngnrn Fells conferonco ' Altlimti'h It I. thnucbt nnsnlblft
Is In recess, nwnltltiK Carrnnzn's that tho robbers may havo escaped
cnnvuBs of his Kcnorals under tho n tho brown nutomobllo seen In tho
lilnn or Oundnlttpo, ns to Bonding vicinity of tho holdup, tho general
dologates to troat with lluotfa, tho opinion wns that tho bandits struck
Amorlcnn dologates will romaln In directly into tho mountnln fnfitnosa,
Wnshlngtcn. The three South Amor- olther on foot or on horses,
luin mediators will return hero. Oopttty Shorlff (loo. McDitffcc,
John It. Sllllmnii, formerly Vice- whu killed Whitney and wounded
Consul at Saltlllo, went to Wnsh- another of thn robbers, wns ronortod
osldont Wll- oittof dnnicer from tho wound ho
dUCO tho rernlvnil.
vJonstitutionniiBts to meitinto wun ,
Iluorta nnd bring nbont hnruinuy be
tween uarranza and villa. Hiiiiman
will ho ralHod to tho full
Consul Inter, It was annoui
trimmings, red rnmblor flow
3 Miss Vlrnlnla Clnrko, Lll
iBcumnn, Margaret Powers, ISnft
own. Rosce, Scotch bloom unu
4 .Tnnio nennett ami Mrs.!
ett. Waltor Hill and Mrs. mil.
iron, running board reading "Its
rain attain." Umbrella aoovo
passenger nnd ono abovo each
ilL'ht. niack nrodomlnntlng.
J. . Zolla Swlnford, Marguerlto
nnn. Mablo Lingo, Kthel Lingo.
"Mecorntod with Scotch bloots.
a and flngs.
'o. G. It. II. wnitor, .miss ivum-
Sinlth, Allss Kllon Dow, Aliss
ly8 Dltnont. Car decorated wltn
ison ana wnito ramoier nowum.
a good display of national colors
Joseph Cliarriheclain, Most Not
ed Figure tin iturope, Suc
cumbs to Heart Trouble
Today. '
Or AMOclit? Ir to Coot Dtr TlfflM.
LONDON, July :3. Joseph Cham
berlain died here today. Ills death,
which removes one it tho most strik
ing figures lu BrltSfih politics In the
as his health wns not generally
known to bo any worso than at any
tlino In tho last two or three years.
Mrs. Cbnmborlnln niul tholr son woro
nt his bedside. The ovont cast a
gloom over tho London season, which
Is nt Its height. Ills Jnst public ap
pearance wns at a garden party at
n ih -irtniugnam name on May c,
when ho appoared In a whoel chair.
Tho causo of death was announced
ns heart failure. -Ho had beon sink-
with Ted rnmblor flowers nufi wild
I No. J 3. L. W. Trnver, Minn ,Dal
Iglo, Ktnnm Hansen, Lillian Thorwnld,
I Gortrutlo Scnlfo. Itopresentlng tho
Will' "I Il.....w. .. J-..l.. -, Ul.. ,! ...
7. Captain Alfrod Alatsoa,, uriiuiuj v,) v.u. ...(,.........-
btaln Llghtner, C. C. Pratt, K. , era. Marlorie
rai ATrs nareolt Alaster Fritz No. 14 Alico wiirtis, .Marjone
fff'roSSera?!.? n sold er and Jul-' Cowan, Bvolyn Anderaon, Myrtle
(MaTson nnSa".or? The elder men Co .wan. Alto Cox. Car ' de com ed In
all Civil War veterans. uari u "B" ... v.w4. ....
imed in roses and tho national m J'k'wih noodrnm. Essie
Vn' r v a Porham Airs. Per-' Cameron, Dogs Cat and Ilabo and tho
BO. 8. -ti. U. lonwill, .mo twi I ; trtnwr nnrt fhn nnf.
iri.i Aii nnn nirs. . uiu uiuuiv v-i. ..... .... ..w ..
Rfl itlinnrkSnr. Tiivitni.rvint o'f Cr.
no onei uiiiiiuiiaii v. i iiuu.iiiiuii ui u-
attle, Succumbs Suddenly
at His Home Today
IS. Turpln, Alias Agnes Hutchison
display of balloons nnn gruuno
...flriv flnivR
'""" ""Dr ,- .r- 1.
Jo. !). 11. A. -onine, iu. -"!'
lonal colors
No. 10. Percy Pratt nnd H. D.
Putnan, dressed as farmers, with n
wagon thnt has coverea many a mue.
n A Connie Mrs. Cop- wagon umi iwa i-' "
innn Tnin iron iTnrrifi anu Mimiiiiu uu n" "pr" -o
,1UID UUAIU ...., -. --- I !..
ucho Connie. Car trimmed l"rT"Sd Airs. Ale
s and wild flowers. . '. Mr. and Mrs. Newton C. Liv-
o. 10. u. u. koou, mid. ..- --.----; - -.
kum. Mrs. Alary MorKB, mi ..- --:- -7,:- ,,,,, ,.ro
n Mclntyro. Mrs. D. L. Rood.' -'' "" " "" """"';" ;;::'
r, decorated with flags. . ,, lrSi r to deeorated in
No 11 -W. A. Reld, Mrs., neui, wi ,,,;' ..
1H-W'?I5. RILi I X' pUjft0 ia0n.-lleSvValnter and Mr,
Painter. P. It. l-'incn, rs. p. -k
lilen Itoid. representing coiumoia
to warren, ubihiuiih
Car trimmed with
rira sffi .-s s
Knlglll. IvUr Ullllliicu will! nuncio
and the national colors.
No. 20,-Airs. c. jonnson, Mrs. u.
rnnA flnwors.
fru 12. P. V. Cntterlln and wife,
'onraa, wrnf u
FUn.i.0, 0riir.W. Mr,. J. B. Lyow. Mr.. A.
Ilr AM'KUted 1'rMt to Coot Dir Time I
UKATTLB, July 3, Cyrus P.
Clnpp, former Btato Sonator, and 0116
of tho wealthiest 111011 In Seattle,
died tmddonly last night of ncuto in
digestion. Ho acquired 11 largo for
tuno lu Investments of timber lauds
J. Larson, Mrs. .Andrew Lyons, J. S.
Lyons. Csir trlmmbd in yellow and
No, 21. Airs. Georgo Goodruni,
Frances Williams, Grace Kruse,
Aladgo Harry. Japanese effect.
Flowers and national colors,
No. 22. Tho Gunnery car. Ad
vertising Flsk tires.
Lino of Afiirch.
The parade formed at the corner
of Fourth and Commercial streets,
continued South on Fourth to Blrod,
east on Blrod to Broadway, north on
Droadway to Alder, east on Aldor
to Front, south on Front to Cen
tral avenue and,rest on .Central ave
nue. -
All 'Elks will meet nt?h'e lodge
room Saturday morning at 8:30 for
the Fourth or July parade.
Purser McCollum, of Paraiso,
Receives Word of His
Brother's Death
Bert AlcColltim, purser on tho
Pnrnlso, nnd we'll known on Coos
Hay, today received u tolegrain stnt
Ing that his eldest brother, Will Ale
Collum, was killed In an accident
In San Francisco yostorday. No par
ticulars wore given.
C. F, McCollum, ngent of tho
Dreakwator nt North Ilend, Is .also
n brother of tho deceased. Uo left
overland for San Francisco this
Tho funeral will bo held noxt
Monday from Dort AlcCollum's homo
In San Francisco, Immediately after
tho arrival of the I'arulso there.
S. F. Bennett Kills Wife and
Mother-in-Law, and Com
mits Suicide
Dr A wlittd rrwi to Cooi D17 Tlmec.j
ATLANTA. Ga July 3. The bod
ies of S. F. nonnett nnd two women,
uouevou to bo ins wire and mother-in-law,
woro found lu a swamp near
n suburb this morning. Tho bodies
of tho womon were covered with
brush whllo thnt of nennott lny In
the open a fow yards nway. Tho
evidence Indicated that ho had killed
the womon and then sent a charge
of buckshot from n shotgun Into his
own body, pulling tho trlggor with n
The womon woro later Identified
as Dennett's 17-yoar-old wlfo nnd
his mother-in-lnw. Tho pollco bo
Hove Dennett killed his wlfo by
strangling her two dnys ago and
lured his mother-in-law to tho scono,
whoro ho killed her nlso, and be
fore killing himself, ho shot Into his
strangled wlfo's dead body,
Think Chas. Bowman Killed
Nellie Brewer, But Mystery
Surrounds His Injury
(Dr AMOclal Tltt I- Cmi P.v TtDM.1
YANKTON. S. D., July 3. Nolllo
Drowor, n 17-yonr-old school girl la
dend today with a ballot wound In
hor body and Charles Dowman, her
roiiusln, was found lying across tho
body of tho girl unconscious, with
his skull fractured. It la bolloved
that Dowman killed tho girl, but
mystery surrounds tho manner In
which ho received his injury. It la
said Jealously prompted tho deed.
Throngs of .Mourners Visit Vienna
Cluipel Where llodlcs lie lu Statu
Br Auocltte4 Pr to Cor.i n. rtmea.
VIENNA, July 3. Crowds of
mourners visited tho'chapel of HUf
burg, In which the coffins containing
the bodies of Archduke Francis Fer
dinand and Duchess Ilohenborg lay
In state. Emperor Francis Joseph
left tho suburban palaco today for
Hofburg. Thousands cheered him
t ho passed through the streets,
Captures 10-Mile Auto Race
Today American Cars
ID' AnocllteJ rrfil to Coot nay TlmM.
TACOAIA, Wash., July 3. Par
sons won the Integrity hundred-milo
nuto rnco horo. Ills timo was 1:2G:4
2-r. Drock was second; Lattn third,
and Stnloy fourth. All four loaders
were Amorlcnn machines, Cars from
Oregon, "Washington, Idaho, Alon
tatia, Dritlsh Columbia and Alberta
Liquor to Coqiilllo. A number of
auto parties came hero from Ooqulllo
last evening and when most of them
returned they woro pretty woll lad
en with liquid refreshments for
Fourth of July parties.
at jap: POST
Vermont Man, Who Had Been
Advisor of Japanese for
Years Succumbs
Or Aiectat) Pmi to Cooi Dt TlmM.
TOKIO, July 3. Ilonry Wlllard
Rennlson, legnl ndvlser of the Japan
ese department of foreign affairs
slnco 1880, died todny. Ho was
stricken with pnrnlysla a weok ago.
Ho was born at Guild Hnll, Vormont,
In 1SIG.
Announcement of Donnlson's (loath
was withhold far sevoral hours in
nccordanco with tho Jnpaneso cus
tom, Tho Emperor conferred n dec
oration or tho Grand Cordon Order
of Paulonlnn on the dend man. A,
eulogistic fitntomont with regard to
tho services of Dennison wns later
issuod by tho Jnpaneso Foreign Of
fice, In which ho was said to ho one
of tho greatest benefactors of Japan.
Houso Takes RcccfcH Until Monday
When Resolution l.s Pres&eil
ID' Awxlttej Tresa to Coot Bay TlmM.)
An effort by Representative Levy of
Now York, for tho consideration of
a resolution to end tho session ot
Congress July IB forced tho house
to adjourn until Alonday. Republican
Lender Alnnn demanded action and
after n llttio parliamentary sparrlnr
Underwood moved an adjournment,
which carried unanimously.