Mi V'i r W v bf V?d B! iu,: kj : ivivM l,r NwafOUR i- $ l I" f . i i 1 1 in i in . l IOCS BAY TIME! n IfAt AfcTr tMIJAr Miff VW- SAN K. MALONKV NcffsJ.uiw V. ITfiAliViirJl IjUHV r-..i,j Official Pnpcr of Coos Connt. ntlA.l' ... l.- irvfM) Ol l -lOnnlfl tlln. ..n .rr.,1.1 nilfie 811311 I'M uvuiuniuu iu lliu " " . .i J , w,..v, ...a,, .u ,,.. -. , ...II rt clinmmon. and that evn -i rtbriTo linoptiQBod a. BALLAD OF BOOST Oh. tho nfchtlnnalo Is calling An,l flin mnnblnffhlrrt BtT ' H HVhon lin ulimlna nf nlellt are falling In tho Bunimor and tho ipr'n Dut tho ordlnnrr rooter Is n better frfend to men For the rooster Is tho booster Who awakens us agalnt Thoro nro klclcors In the city Thoro aro knockers In the tof Who will toll you It's a Pitt How tho plnco Is running dtfwn But tho optlmlolc booster Is a bettor cltltcn For the booster Is tho rooster Who awakens us again! Sblci CLIMBING ROSESj IB riot of roses that glorify somo Coos nay door, Kurds ls'of tho Wlllametto Valley nnd north - only suggestive of wnawa uenu- tlful pinto this city could bo mado -with a Htllo tlmo and attcHllon and I onorgy devoted to cultivation nnu enro of flowers. f Ainoim tho roses, all of wlilcli grow gloriously nnd prollflcally hero, tho ramuiors innKo a rine showuik. "I'lims over been prcscntou ny uoos uay though many hnvo suffered a bllgh It . tno nast few yoars. sun in ninii; many ' jilncos thoy make a beauteous Bhow-itj, iK. , , I Thoro nro many clambering vines, tnd somo of them bear lovely tlow rs, but nono of them adil so mueii icatity to a norcn or wan ob iiiu 1lmbtng roBcs, Kvon a shanty may Bo mndu to look llko a fairy halilta Ubn with theso glowing blossoms poorlng nnd pooping from ovory wnll nnd nnglo and window lulgo, nnd 1y thorn tlio most beautiful of homos may bo niado more beautiful still. Tho roao covered cottage, who bus not himrd of ItT Who has not hcoii UT Instantly wo know that taste ami lovo and culture io screennd behind tho roses. Woiknow thoro aro books there, and af I the things wo most dcslro. i Thoy nro faithful, ton, theso climb- r. They lo not roqulro much faro, nnd thoy nyiny eyory attention ih coin of color and fragrance. Thoro nro ninny varieties 'no obtainable crimson, pink, white, primrose, yol Idw, In mass combinations thoy aro wondorfiilly Uoautlful. -sWlth somo llttlo hesitation ,5;-' I am planning recreation, jna win iniiu n unci vncniion If my wallet hut hangs out. H will a tit t front strcot's uproar And will loiter by Ten Mllo lake- slioro If I sleep upon the barn floor Drowning of the. festive trout. W N CKDKAD. Service to Bunker Bay Park Tomorroyv ..: tiler, of tho Southern Pa iiincol toiln thnt tho mo-. i t would bo start I g 'UiP- mi and Hay Park ijfiiVFo- ."If-WVI. . . ... ...v..,.,v .,, w& T , i iilM v . a jeMr v iy. . Miii r. .i. -. a tAir MLS' .w ? i I sum; v VSEBt-Mt .1 1 Ob, i 'Tmmm iihcw- . . i .ri twmxt m SSHHSI A'Ci'iBlHi.WA' J Vmffi-MzW fVrf Will Fix Road CJE tWa . iiJB fijflTf1! ryim nkSlnr imimi Kl) til TVf mms.ni SL"P'vff riDKA'f 'fMI jr ..our. K.....K ntr as dr0Wg br0UB,lt Uf gpn fc I switch or mllo post! No.',0(ia.. from 'Elkton . i,v ,.. ..i 1WM M .wWi intflwnv Park After tha.eV'lobra'!nni,iii r.,mn'v'n,i n- ,i.. ... ... "wnf,itf . . . ., ;,'". 1 plans to continue tyomotor Xa,j5fVlie 0,lt Umo hiiJjt)yJhon I . "Y"I'-flf nnttiilNKUi run no inn not uotermmod. flfciii! r,f' wl" SliarKT bo- twfrfn h ro and there jjtMs ' (d.llBt Ill'W SIOll tholti'Ai'ffwlli lie rartfd i u tin run bot Sre on Mr i lo rami m nw nn rnilned, Ti . . . k lire lias moui tw or weeks' I2-i. ... ... .... ,'r YOfll l"l UlC I .III V8UIIS..I j; lltie; fVIost fl ttu ,r it iSSaEfll'lnPf' Hong tlii road an F vim MP 8", that the m tor lonr it Sniit Miller IftTjljUbwd hlf wfrl row t.i Knjtinoor W"lEoFfC,(o hnllait tlio N.'rili .ik Bit mtliO UAv rftad .mil t!yiy wi l next 'yhimiav ?i2S UV u' iuia tn i. 'i brought in Will til III)' lltniovift'truclr i itfh or i Alls warehpns, ty."1""; v" fvimtiiimwa ma lur th iise of. the on VWUa, KxnoaHu spcisyonik p ill makfi .a. laJui Wteoxt yoar. ' Th 'Trl1' SMMOSJ aiiuiu WBUtUllfAUliMialtM A ikv.n. ulSoUsliOowhty ex" iihd Ade.lMga llfllllklk I ' AID if7iitii. 7nvi IV J"wfW ""lUUl UI W1U1L n F'vnrMJutM pou Aw ilg?wrv,fi W HM!!"firS fnnHivvMMVTH. . ."WllllBBLLB n.i i'(fii3WL2 .xv . ni dlBPCSc H Ky t.w Attcjldanoe J& Not as Larfljf as Deserved ? uiners nannuu Not as lnrge nn audlonco greoted tho bit; concert gl trio Masonic last night as was expected mid B lt (le" .orvoil. Tho altondnnco was fair nnd tho prograrh was by far tho best . . . ' ' . t l.l,t1.l Thn over ronucroa tin audlonco was - an appreciative ono and tho varidus numbers roceived much applauBo, It is bolloved that tho prepara tlona for tho, Fourth of July do tractcd considerably from tho at tendance. Tiib program was under the Idlrectiorf of Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Jr.,1 and was an artistic trumph, many musical critics pronouncing It tho equal nnd superior of many concorts In tho lnrgor cities. Another of tho series will bo givon in tho near futuro, and it Is hoped that tho attendance will bo much grcntor. Tho proceeds of tho concert aio to bo used In Bonding tho Coos Day Concert band on a tour Oregon, orn " ,,,,', Tho following program was ron- dorca: I Tho Jirogrnin wns arranged undor tM0 direction of Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, jr nn,i wm i,0 Ono of tho boat thnt mimlpnl tnlnnt. .i.i.n.... L.&.ua.h ' Tno conccrt Is tho first of a series rnBo (n,iH t0 gCnd tho Coos Dny Concert Dnnd on a tour this fail and tjl(a COuplcd with tho fino program .,. nhould attract an audlonco ,mt wm .mck tj10 nou house. Tno program, wnicn win uo ron- cured under tho direction of Mrs. Horsfall, is as follows: . Coos Day Concert Hand, Ilobort N. Fcnton, Director; Overture "Stradolln" Flotow 2, Malo Quartette, "Oood Hyo" . . . ' Tostl llenjamln I). Ostllnd, Alexander Martin, Hcrbort Lupton, Hoy 13. Miller. 3, Kiiphonlum, "Lo Hnrhlor do So- vlllo" Uosslni-Painparo Claries S. Kaiser. 4. Soprano, "At Painting . . Rogers illfe THE COOS riiiFpntoT ciRF nFRTRnYR NHL UUIMJLIIi I '"I- ." ; ma here bucket dreogei ' 'ft- i "A Song of Wnlting" .... Wright .., ',..: Mrs. Chnrles Stnuff. Knntts, preacher. G. Piano, "Vnlso do Concert. Op. 3 July 19. Kplscopnl Church, No, 1" Wlonlawskl Ilobort U. Drowning, proacher. Clarn Isabol Myrcn. jly 20, Disciples Church, G. Malo Quartette, "I'd Llko to Oo... ' .',.. Ilnwn RmiM. flnrn Mn'. ... Pnrk. Iloiijamln 1). Ostllnd, Aloxandor Martin, Horbort Lupton, Hoy 12. 'Miller. .7.; Heading. A, Hamlet, Act I, bcciio ' -2 '. Shnkcspcnro I). "Old Aco." Drot Harto 8 Piano, "To Spring. Op 13, No. C , Orlcg Port ltlloy UallliiKor. 0. Ilnrltono. A. "Uoloved It Is Morn" Aylwnrd H. "If I Wore King" . . . llrnlnard 10. Hand. Solcctlon, "Luctn dl Lam- rncrmopr" Donizetti AccompanlmenlH played by Mrs. William Horsfall. Jr.. on Hnrdmonn pi u no, courtos Compnny. ? Wiley II. Allen ii. u. iinivi's, it. v. nniirmnn nnu Arthur McKenwn rnnuinmi Hi a anno. Inl commlttoo directing tho booster trip. LOCAL OVERFLOW. Slluo 1o! Tho Smith-Powers mlno closed down Inst night until af ter the Fourth, and most of tho lion ryvlllo people aro coming In for tho celebration. Siipt, Hennessey was In today, having Just rturned from n few weeks' tour of tho Wushlnnton mines, IW tiiK-riiiiuii. Mrs. J. ii. An. ....w.v... wi, iiuununuiui oil- crnted on him J&. Court ToHwrniH-Judgo Coke will .'CoTTo tomorrow to hold n special jMssJop of clrciUt court to oar 8orSraTorc orco cases. HHSSMLTHa has returned from ci. ,1. A edojoljwnil the Fourth with his ,MSIUlht,f mayor of Coaludo. ndiiift'.:'ro hero to spend tha ta,AnSfiBl weel'- r,V'rwj.- TVK,A'QU IJQN.or CoqulU is a Marsh K 'Mvlettr, today. WJolSjuslnoss visitor. f 'n!T7na O. croiuh pu, buslupBiC v WHILE VISIJING THE V v, vul;i ''' ,. r--'' Make YoVir .WSTCARD PHOTOS $1. MaRSHFIELD. OREBONJ!!" T&tiT Off Porter The old bucket dredge, owned by the Simpson Lumber Company, was damaged to tho extent of about $3000 when It caught flro while an chored off Porter about S o'clock last ( night. The cause of tho fire has not been ascertained. Tho deck of tho dredge and most of tho machinery was destroyed by tho flro, which burned fiercely for about an hour. Tho North Bend flro department was called, but owing to tho difficulty experienced In reach ing the dredge tho flro had dono much damage when it arrived. Tho blar.o attracted many to tho waterfront at North uenti nnu iuu flro could bo plainly seen from Marsh field. Tho local flro department was not called. Tho bucket drodgo has been work ing in tho vicinity of Porter for somo tlmo. About ten men were employed to operate It . Marshfield Protestant Congre gations to Unite During Summer Months During tho months of July nnd AugiiBt Union Sundny ovcnlng ser vices will bo held In a number of tho churches of Mnrshfleld. Tho commltteo appointed by tho Minister ial Association arranged tho follow ing program, which was approved: July C, Mothodlst Church, Itev. Gregg, preacher. I Tnlv 1J llnntlnl Church. Itov. Uov. Rov. l'""" uumiuiu, .iuv.m:i. August 2, Presbyterian Church, Rov. Gregg, preacher. 'j August 9, Disciples Church, Rov. Knotts, preacher. August 1G, L'plscopnl Church, Rov, Robert L Drowning, preacher. August 23, Ilnptlst Church, Rov. Gregg, preacher. August 30, Methodist Church, Rov. A. F. nnsafonl, preacher. , Last Hummer, when theso union services wero hold in tho Opera House, thoro was always a good at- tondnncc, and whllo some outsiders would bo moro Inclined to como to the Opera Houso, tho commltteo thought it wise to uso tho son oral I churches In rotation, - Somo Coos liny men nro born I umi iiiiicu eyes nnd others hnvo to fight for them. Don't Be Disappointed r,v D:LAYi.a vouu nitocKitv OUIUIKS. AS VK ItXPKOT TO ' .101 X IX TIIK (IH.im.ri oiiskhv.1 AXCi: W Ol It NATION'S INDHPKN-' dkxci: l).V, this stork wiij, iik Closed All Day Saturday Plioiu )oiu oiileri, caily fop I'HUITS AND imitRlliS. I'lllWJI ttUKKX VROm'AllLlvS I'ltin.VY DKLIVHItV Bunker Hill Dept, Store W. II, DIVDIXRKU CO., Phone J'J. CELEBRATION HAVE uiabb Pictui -3 PER DOZEN Awn up PLAN CHURCH SERVICE HERE 'r' Iiiv o ioiicVFWIWG EDITION. " ' " - irmiR Bav 3 Designs for Apron 3 Designs for Wnist Kunning iioraer Sprays Bulgarian Collar and Running Scallops Pointed Scallop Bulgancn Designs Script Alphabet Block Alphabet Centerpiece, size IGxl Centerpiece, fcfre J ::i Spray or Bow Knotd Spray of Wheat Spray cf Violets Spray of Holly Wheat Design Set Sprays Baby Cap Pin Cushion Design for Towel End Shirtwaist lortrosfa- Spray of Daisies Spray of Forgcl-tne.nots Hat Pin Holder Sofa Pillow Odd Underwear Designs Corset Cover Bow Tics Sprays of Daisies Bulgarian Belt Design Fern Leaf Baby Dress DeMpi Doily, size C x S iruhes Spray of Vioicto Anchor for Sailor Cult Jabot Butterfly Design Designs for All-over T.Vork Birvl Design Btil4ri.inS urf Saliar Suit Set Gra:i rape Lesion Tov :iCn Bow Tie florder Design f-r TreRi Spny r.f Frrgct-: u-: l.i Corast Cover, Cross-stitch Spray of Wheat Anchor Little Designs nnd "gi:rcs Doily for Eyelet Embroid ery Apron Bunch of Violet3 Bow Tip for Cnw-otilch SralHifi'l A.or'Icr fray for Punch V.r!t Sprays Border fcr Towel Branch cf Leaves Spray rfTalh Odd Desir ns fcr Cellars, Dresses, etc. Pillow Cane EcrJcr Large Ccrterrlcces, size 12 xlJ inches Buttcrilv Design SnrayLHycf Valley Wreath S.-iisers Case end DacU Sirry-icT Pirns Siray if Jasmin J,)rny cfTulip 'r.! jjs i-Tuy V".!d Bose V:U lUtDfidgn .'.nchor v':!:ntD"siBawiUiLeves )!y,i.kenx.';hc!-cs :.:I:ur!tnr:tjCuMci il 'ur!iti Eordcr 5 "all Lprtfirs .'jrJcri fcr Sralbsir;; DiMcrlly for Collars ir Waist S-.all -Butterlly "j'lVjer PoxCoier Spraycf Wheat bliirtwttist for Punch Wcrk 'IwlalUojj S.'raya r.ura I ar,io Butterfly Bulitriau Doily .rgct-me-Mot Bow Tie Bu Cmer Scarf Small Wreatlw mid Spravs .mlp;ari.in how Tie Cat Des'ini Mar Design Wild Koae and Leaves 1G 13 6C! PATTERNS O WORTH MORE THAN $16.2 YOURS FOR 6 cpD0I 68c. w - v to Lady Readers IrwiLiii ; To Look Over The List Of Free J ! Embroidery Patterns Given l TO YOU v iwaa , wTiir'" t - t - ua i iv. "; " -r w sp" f w ' i k in - - , I IBM surciffis mmomirn si n BV" ?lmc Dil Parfjiic EVERY GIRL OR WOMAN .- ,.....r,,. ,.,.. I wit &&,i.l 7kw M r v;Sk y nm Ami much L-iihJv -iwj . j.&ij l HiHaty j t n TfirrauK .t. j :vi ii jii rf n A Touch of EmWtdcry f ! '? P'finrcnt to Every Garment Lini -T- - .-" , iiwiwiimii m 1 -.i-g ,tT..rJI.4iJ I , All these patter&is aedl this book of In in E ,mbridlery Given to Coos Readers for S and 70co t&& Free Goupon U)ICiTj A I IT PATTKHX OUTFIT IMtFSKNTATIOX 1V XAMK ., DAT It Heae patterp .tow oe seein at toe Tiinntes npTIE Hook of Lcs- .sons on Embroidery 'vy Mint. Dul'arquc, tho r.ot'.'l I'rt'iicli expert, is it) piuin tliul any one of tlic 48 stitches can easily he learned, and with earc n.ul attention to instruc tions any one may be come a real expert in the art. CAN BECOME EXPERT . .n.n.,.,Mmn raetams Times )ay IX sis && outfits inniay Office L,ouapo V toViJ " -AJY' WaZYi UWWSVW 11 MH.l k.A.'l -- y&Front Street A COO1 fcx :!el DA y4 "TPTr A I : Jl Jl '. i 4ftP J W-, vj Hi'"" ",'v" VII 1 THE Mbw ':,, m 'I l (I W 1 Mt SWSf w HSU ssni . J Mm