vs ' U "'""f 1 ''fe w ?'" "it I VVU -5- Xtw wwwxr .T. ..V JUKI j. , , inc OUUb BAT MES. MARSHFE.n nRFf.nM Tiiron.v - -7 " ' TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION', EIGHT 'WWJJflll RV 8. .u . m LEI CflllCT FOR STREETS somo places they had to dig out six or seven feet of tho old soft muck nud fill It again In order to make the street solid. It wns stntcd that enough curb hns been put In to onnblc tho War ren Company to go ahead with their paving work. Street Matters. .1. D. Jones objected to having Johnson & Larson and Pcrham Tenth street piankod up to his prop- '&Gidlev Got WorkOther Council Matters orty on tho Ferndnlo Hill, saying It would cost $1000 and would not do them any cood. However, his nro- riohnson & Larson were awarded ( icsl wna too In(C n8 t)e contrnct had tho contracts for planking Eighth ,)pcn nwnrdcd for tho Improvement. Torraco and Tenth Btreot In I'erham Dr. w. A. Toyo was given pormla 1'ark and Perham & aldley wero)B,0l to mI,roVo tho nlley loading awarded tho contract for grading from Tcnth atrcot to tho rcnr of hl8 tho Btrcets; The totnl coBt of tho propCrty on Central avenue, so that Klghth Btreot work there will bo ,10 cmiI(, bull(l n Knrago. Thnt Is,' about $10,000 and of tho Tenth 1)Is ,,orn,jt Wna conditioned on his street work about $20,000. Tho BCCrng tho consent of tho nbuttlng two firms wore tho lowest bidders, (property owners and doing tho work Besides Johnson & Larson, Hag- umIcr ti10 supervision of tho City. qulst & UJorqulst, MrLnln & Mc- pjigtnccr y -Lain and I'erham & Gldlcy bid on tho, ' "miIc , f,,,,, planking. Johnson .& Larson were r considerably under Hagqulst & Iljor-' Councilman Cofiplo and others, qulst and away under McLaln & k,lko- on n 1,ni for iw tlro (lo):,, McLnln nnd Pcrh.un & Gldloy, .Mi-Imcnt "orvlco In extinguishing tho Lnln & McLnln tied on tho sidewalk. , flro In the sawdUBt fill at Hunker On tho grading, Moon & Ilarclay Hill last week. Tho flro was outside Mil 30 cents on Klghth Terrace and tho city limits and they said that 40 cents on Tenth street. I'erham tho city should not have to pay for &Oldlov bid 31 cents on Tenth Btreot It. They snld thnt If Hunker Hill HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. STORE NEWS Get R eady to Celebrate the Four i And When You Do Don't Fail to Visit v Coos County's foremost men's and boys' clothing stoif; Everything is Here For You yard on Klghth wanted fire and police protection they should petition to bo consoli date with Mnrshfleld. Finally the bill wns paid and an nnd 27 cents per Torrnco. ' Repair Hi'imdVMiy The Council Inst evening decided to repair an additional block of tho effort will be made to luivo whoever jilanklng on North Uroadway, mnk- sent In tho request for aid pay tho lug tho repairs Include tho block .nionoy back to tho city between lllrch nnd Cedar. Tho prop erly owners will havo to pay for it. Cliuugo Sidewalk t o (ilion Iti'lmto. I'roporli owners on tho west side of Kotirtt. treot hotween Hnll and Tho Council granted n petition f0Idcn, vt 10 put In concreto walk's from tho Reynolds Development Co., Cobs Hay Ice and Cold Storage Co., Port of Coos Hay, 13. A. Anderson, Standard Oil Co., nnd Uonuott Trust Company, to have tho sidewalk on instead m plank walks were ordered rebnted tho amount thoy wero as sessed for plank wnlks. C'liango Water Mnlnn. A resolution approving tho pro li II k n NTEGRITY and EFFICIENCY have placed "The Hub" ifj in Coos county Men and their families find it enjoyaPr and nrofitable to trade here and freely recommend thes sWLv r . ' rm to their friends tho east Bldo of North Front street ,,., c1inn0 . 10 ,., of ,hn Placed out even with tho curb Instead '.. ,..,- ,., . , nnna Un Wntor Company wns adopted. Tho council, however, refused to ingrec8 to an oxtciiHton of fluid or of alongside tho property lino. .Must Move Pole In order to do this, tho Coos Day Jlomo Tolophono Company will havo to ngrco to tho proposed chango In to movo n polo In It9 cablo Utjo. City reservoir sites. Knglncor nucklnghnm stated thnt It would cost about $r0 to do this and that tho city or property owners jvould have to pay for it. Councilman Copplo snld that the polo would havo to bo moved nnd tho company would havo to stand tho oxpenso. Ho snld that tho com pany wns utilizing tho street on a franchlso nnd would have to do tho same na tho other companies do when n Btreot Is improved, mnko their polos nnd pipes conform, City Ilernrdor Hutler was Instruct ed to notify tho compnny to movo tho polo to conform with tho now lilnn nnd nlso to notify tho other public utilities to get their mnluH nnd lines on South Hrondwuy ready for the hnrd surfneo paving there. I'ouilli of .Inly Money A potltlon from tho city employes asking thnt tholr Hnlnrles bo paid last night Instead of noxt Monday night bo that they would have money for tho Fourth of July celobratlon wnB grnutod, Soma of tho Council men wild It might bo hotter to defer tho payment, n thou thoy would not havo It nil spent. (ill 'ii Mitro Time, IVart Itrntliora wero given a fifteen-day extonsion in tlmo for com pleting tho curbing on North Ilroad Amend Ordinance. An nmendment to the plumbing ordinance reducing tho inspection fco on hotels and other buildings whoro there are n largo numbor of fixtures was adopted Tho chango was mndo nt tho request nf F. K. Conway and reduces IiIr plumbing Inspection bill from about $rG to $31,715. Itoiitlnc llusliiess. Tom Mnddon's request for nn nrc light near his hulldlng In North Mnrshriold was referred to tho light committee City Knglncor Hucklughnm wns In structed to sco what could ho dono about improving tho eoworngo for tho residences on South Ilroadwny. If his plan for disposing of tho sowngo does not succeed, a now sewer systom or cesspoolH will have to bo put in. Councllmnn Wilson reported that tho health commlttco wns having emtio nil put on tho stagnant water around tho rccont fills. O. W. Trlbboy, F. 10. Conwny nnd othors petltlnnod to hnvo a flro hyd rant Installed nt Sixth nnd Central to afford thorn bettor flro protection. It wiis roforrod to tho water commlt tco. Mayor Allen wns empowerod to ap point mirli additional police, officers STORES Marshfidd ' Bandon Myrtle Point "Money Talks" "nTL lUt" ! T r 1 . nit: jliuu lb d. p:ace 01 rignt goo right prices and right methods. It rriaik! friends easily and keeps them. It invites your patronage entirely on merits of its merchandise, its superior val and its courteous, accommodating servic Store open Wednesday Thursday and Friday Evenings Store closed all day Saturday to celebrate the Fourth ivny. Mr. Ponrl stated thnt some of "8 "' ',0 nooiloil Tor tlio l-ourth or tho ground 11 is so soft thnt thoy J,l,y oelobratlon. Tho colobrntion wero boing delayed by tho fill. City committee Is to pay for a number of Kuglueer Hucklnghniu stated thnt in them. CURTIS AVE. IS HEAL PROBLEM NOTICE This Store is Open Even ings From Now Till July 4th The fever of Holiday Shopping is now at its height; hundreds are taking advantage of our JULY PRICES on wanted things for the Glorious Fourth. ' ALL TRIMMED HATS 1-2 PRICE SHOP IN IF YOU CANNOT BUY IN THE DAYTIME, THE EVENING The greatest values OFFERING nni f5 F-k X0N in Children's White Dresses for the Fourth, 50c to "ONYX" SILK BOOT 0 each, AND THE BEST THE MARKET AT 50c PER PAIR. S. Jennings '' NORTH BEND Mixup in Old Surveys Will Nar row Street or Lots on i North Side The question about tho width of Cm Mb avenue between Ilroadwny and Secolld street wau brought up by W. II. IlougloH In bohnlf of Mrs. M. C. Chapmnn nt tho meeting nf thb City, Council Inst evening. Tho pliu hIiowb tho street should bo Blxty feet wide, hut If It Ih Improved thnt wide, It will bo necessary for Mrs. Chapman to move her house. Through some mlxup In tho survoyu, thoro will not ho enough lnud thoro to Allow Mrs. Chapmnn to hnvo a full sized lot and allow a street sixty feot wide. Mr. Douglas stated hy making the street fifty-throe foot wide, Mrs. Chapman's property wquIiI not b imrnieii ami Mint t lie street would bo of ninple width. Ilowovor, the Council wanted tho mnttor Invosti gated further to see whotlior (he street will hnvo to bo sacrificed or whether Mrs. Chapmnn nud tho other property owners on tho north side of Curtis nvenuo will lose about soven feot of proporty. City Attorney (loss snld thnt If tho old survey stnkes could bo found or their location established by ovl iloncp, then tho property would prob nblo hnvo precoilonco ovor tho street. Mrs. Chapman said that this could be done, ns tho stakes worn there when sho built tho houso and ?, It. , Cathcnrt and others could prove it. 1 Tho City Knglner and Citv Attor ney woro Instructod to look It up. 1 lltni for Kerry. City Attorney (loss snld that ho had talkod with Attorney Sherwood representing tho Coos Hay, Itosoburg & nnstern, thnt Mr. Sherwood had stated that ho would recommend to the compnny to grant a right of way across tholr. tracks for tho Ferry Kxtenslon street. If it can bo ar ranged without condemnation pro ceedings, Mr. Ooss thought It woul I he best. Mr. Ooss snld that Mr. Sherwood also Informed him that ho had rec ommended that tho Southern Pacific withdraw Its objection to tho South Wrondwny paving. If this is done, tho paving will be hasto.iod. TO K.VI JUIMJK COXmST. 8AM3M, Or., Juno JO. In n tele gram sent to Justico C. L. McNary, Judge II. L. llenson stated thnt ho had signed tho stipulation ngrced to by tho former looking to tho settle ment of tho contest for the Republi can nomination for Justico of tho supremo court. According to t,ho stipulation it was agreed between tho two trnt the tally sheets for certain precincts In Multnomah county and three in Marlon should ho recanvass od In tho preesneo of Circuit Judge. It is considered probabb thnt this .rcanvass will determine tho nomlna- WANT TO CLEAR FILLED AREA Proposal to Driftwood and De bris Removed Off Fill Re ferred to Port Mayor Allen last evening suggested . os, tho snmo ns thoy did nt Coqulllo, failed to materialize. Thoro woro n numbor of minor do fects in tho applications nnd bonds, which City Attorney Gobs pointed out. City Recorder Hutler wns requested to hnvo thorn corrected today. Saloon Is Sold. ho was going to proses was much surprised that tho screens woro d smokestacks. h. O. O. M. N All moinbors of tho nnd tholr whos, swu mothers, nro urgentlv George W. oi.ll.!. petitioned tho'Jj; Z council io liiuiio ins iicuubo iu u;u )0 something latere Coos liny Liquor Compnny, stntlng ono should miss. Si Mint lin u'tiu unll.iwr llm I K. ciitnnn CVOry mltltltO. ."..'.:. ", '.;;;,?,; ..l "'. i i qeo. coo iu itiuiii. i iiu jiuiiiiiJii itua Kiuiuuu. that tho council hire a number of men Llbby COAL. Tiiolll always i'lAar iyji was tho I'ort of Coos Dny's Job to I tho company would hnvo to pny tho do this and It will ho referred to damage. j thorn. Tho largest amount of tho Mr. Ferguson snld thnt owing to kdilftwond hns collected near R. A. tho high Insurant o nito, ninny Front Copjilo's place nnd Mr, Copplo hns stieot luminous men woro not nblo KUlllK lilltlUM' Flflllt Stl1Hf. Councllmnn 1'ercunon nnld that n r.iiinlier linil lipnn rnimitnlnlncr limit Idvei'V anil TrilliNfer (iin """ ,,ul l",", lu wo,K Cl"u""li "' l" sparks from tho Southern I'nclflc en-, (lobrls, logs, etu on top of tho nowlyl giuos endangering buildings. Ho filled men. He snld It looked had snld that tho company Hhould bo com nud thnt Mnnagcr R. E. Miller of polled to put on spark arresters. i tho dredgo Seattle had uffored to fur-1 City Attorney Goss snld that tho ulsh part of tho men needed to mnko engines were supposed to bo equipped. W r-fi tho fill look hotter, Tho couucllinon iloclniod that way. Anyway, ho snld that If that It n spnrk from an onglnn caused a flro boon clearing it off his property. Someone suggostod thnt thoro woie sovoral hundred cords of good wood nud that someone might do it for tho wood. Another suggestion wns mnde to hnvo city prisoner work out tholr flnos clearing up tho dohris. License to KiiIikiiis, Tl o licenses of the fifteen Mnrsh flold saloons woro ronowod for an other Hlx months Inst night. Tho rumor n few weeks ago that tlto pro. to carry any lusuranco nnd honco tho anxiety. t .Mr. Goss said thnt' Supt. Mlllor should bo notified not to load tho engines so heavily that thoy had to bo forced and thus throw off sparks. In this connection Mr. Goss recall ed n humorous incident about Jesso Smith's oxporlenco when first ap pointed firo warden. Mr. Smith wont down to tho raundhouso ono night nud looked down tho smokestacks, his hero wero going to potltlon tho nnd not holng nblo to sco any screens council to rofuso to renew tho llcens- to prevent sparks being thrown off, Decorate and Cele brate the Glorious ...Fourth... We Have the Decorations and as Usual, the price is right. All kinds of $35.00 nnd $35 por yea foi; U years. Buvs A Building VKVKIi AXI tlVMXW IfixOO lot, close fiOxDO lot, clearr 00x90 lot, grade.: r.KxHJi lot, Impr G2xl.11 lot, impr, fiOxlDO lot, Imp nil W oxLV a i-'i-:v tiii:si: piticu City Wilier m K, Isiirni"rn 'See ItelJ Ant fl riiiwio -" W. A. Rei I ISO Front Street FLAGS, FESTOONS, FLAG GARLANDS, JAP LANTERNS I M GOVERNMENT RAIN PROOF BUNTING SEE OUR WINDOWS BUY NOW "Always Something New." Peoples 5, 10, 15c Store HOME Is Just Wl You Make i No Home is Complete f out a Piano. It is a Duty We Owe the' dren to Give Them Musical Education "Talk To Thomas About Wiley B. Allen ( ft L. L. Thomas, Miwp tsfa v.v w w )' teJJMNiiaagai mw acnxa, . n. r tv V MiiMiwf - i in iliyff' i i i JM