'ft WW'' 11 Sr K ..B.t --- iJhLiJS: u: w -SIX 3 h HUB . ... k h wnm en of Marshf M .,..ui, iivithonetoljeremeniDcicu , Will help maiw u. v -- vlsltors TNoru uwiiv. EDITION. J Jl ANY no i is u:wr:. w ilJli U.M'i L v, M Now On In FuB Swin And Contim This W GARMENTS 1" imnr nF THPSE ,u WASH WJUSI&ATO MIDDY BLOUSES, EVERY WOMAN WATS AND ""eY PRICE GIVEN AND EVERY it- 111 1 1 i mm in iu in i uuu.in uul.jji-v - ..-.-. it io aim i i in i y n-nr. u m. ii io Lftuiiii""1 - ik i S TeTd THE foLLOWINQ LIST OF DESCRIPTIONS AND row. - VIoN IS GENUirJEr (!& LOT A- Ladies and Misses White Lingerie Dresses ,,, White Marquisette, cool .beer Volte. ...I Organdie. -Many are lace trimmed; some arc , , , .h.ln Tunic effect; others ,1th sailor collar, .nd still others with Dutch all-over embroidered; soma showing runic uicci. u neck and short sleeves. Not one In the lot ..III.. regularly under $7.00. and some as high at .0. All go In this Special Holiday Sale at $4.50 LOT B Ladies Tub Dresses n...ir,.,.l. ...,,l Clash. Excellent f(H Consists of Dresses of lllmlly. C$;; Following Is a ll.t Illustrating tbo un inornlnK onr. All In good stylo, and all at Wi, luiucw.. usual values to be had In this lot. nMno .lm,uc,i Tan, Pollonnlso effect, niaelc and White Stripe Itntlno. Embroidered Col- UcKtthr j,;.r,o. M QK Inr In colors. HuRtilnr I8.7B. In tills gr fig , lhli 8n0 . . iJUiUU n, '.'""' .'..... i Tm.i,. r l.nveiidor. skirt of White. White lledford Cord, Piped In lllue. i-unry wi- """ , " . . (10 tar. Regular $ l.r.0. CO OR . V J, , " p4, JO In this salo .$2.8 j In tills sale Ladies Novelty Tub Dresses LotC Women's and Misses' sizes In the newest IMIsso and other Crepes, stripes nnd floral patterns; Hat Incs In plain colors, stripes and plaids; some in bolero and coat effect; others have vestecs and com blnatlons of Vol., novelty and shadow laces In various stunning ways. Many finished with wldo rib bon girdle In assorted shades and havo tho lorn? fashionable tunic skirts. Kimono Slcovo and Drop Shoulder styles Included. All colors and sires. Priced regularly $4.00 to 1 10.76. All dresses In this lot go at a straight reduction of 20 per cent discount Lot 1,2 and 3 Ladies Lingerie Blouses Word. .,,,,. ,10 J...... .o ,. .. .... rS-oSL'V'lllTTZ: Co'S broidery. Three groups. GHOUP 1 Soiling regularly at $3.G0 nnd $4.00. In this solo trrO GIIOU1 2 Selling regularly at $2.50 nnd $3.00 In this' sole ijHiOj QRp GHOUl it -Soiling regularly nt $1.25 nnd $1.G0. In thli sato UUU Lot 4. Ladies Khaki, Madras and Soisette Shirts Varied assortment of stripes. Not ono In tho lot under $1.25 regularly. Many of them arc $1.50. Sires to 40, All go In this Special Holiday Sale at 75c Lot 5. Ladies and Childrens Middy Blouses Somo with nnlknn effects, somo button front; others regulation stylo; soiuo solid color; others trimmed In red nnd blue. Priced regularly CDc to $1.75. All go In this special Holiday Sale nt n straight Discount of 25 per cent SEE: DISPLAY WINDOWS Hub Dry Goods Company Corner Broadway and Central Ave. "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN" Phone 361 MEIaM jifiX&NffvrWwfm CLOSE CALL OF II i Bullet Crashes Throiifjh Auto Windshield nnd Glances on 1 Steering Wheel W. F. Ilnrillnn i-i'Iiii-iiihI liml nvit. nlng from a business trip to llaudou LFVELY RIGHT III C01IE Closing Hours of Saloon Thero Last Night Council Remains Firm Pnrtlcs coming from Coqulllo to day report that tho closlui: hours COMPETITIVE nnd states that theio bus been nulto "J" ro"rt l"t tho cIosIuk hours a furore thetu oor r shooting case r ' , 'llooii thero last night wore that Is n divided ni)slery. , vory lively. Contrary to the oxpw- Mm.illt. iimi-nlnu al ........... t&tlOllH. tlim.t UflH n fr...i l.,i. ....... Juu Fish was drlvhiK Clmrloa b"1 m'l"; bought homily In nntlelp.i itiloson's ear through the suburbs. ' "" "f ,l10 "'''"Ught " Tho saloom bullet crashed tliiough tho wiml- c 080( 1U "ll"lKht and will remali I. .1.1 rt...l ...Mlt.l.... . ... . t'lnmVl ll.ttlillllur lnn.il n. tl.... UO Jniulesou n uiiiiui rinmiuii iuiouku 1110 wind- "-"; " """wn 'i n l.l.ilil nml alrlkliu- ...... ,.r II.. I'lOSIM lK'tld MIC lllcill nitlim In tho HteerliiK wheel ulanced off.1 Monday night tho Coiiulllo Conn HhIi was nlono In tho ear nt the time i, 'J!0' "n" ri,Jcl,l the petition of nnd the variation of an Inch In tlu .. "I",,r lm" ""King for a rocon- ' --..-.... ... ..'...iiiiiu UIIUU1 ! Until the Ninomlinr nlnr.ll... i no petition was signed by 400 and Mi.ru. ,r ii,.. i. ..it... . Nuli'nuiim nr tlin r.ifnu,.i ... meant that It would l.ao struck Uolwi urging that the saloons him In tho ehcMt. ' Xw allowed to contliuio under license owing to tim uouo the auto was oinxiiiK. fisii iiia not hear the shot nun i I'AIIIO Ined the wheol and saw tho mark of , " ."..". ." Ant'eon the drys. tin HioAi.niiiiii.hi i. nii.it i About sixty had slencd bntii tniitin.,u! Whether It was a dollberato at- a,l!! ,R,,.(lr rl,klK lm over nnd tompt to klli l-'lsh or whether it win ?"" "H "auioa that were ob- n btrny bullet, thoy do not know. IV?!?,1 t0. wo stricken off both po- Klsli snjs thnt ho does not know nf ",'"' ?nlnK tho drys with 4S0 auvono who would attomut t.i liii BUrt "? vvots with J37. This mndol lilui. our uo nnnn's of voters nnd this iiib. risn n in not near the shot ,i ',,". "'"'Bvu ny uu ami he did uot ronllio how eloso It , UV"U" tho" lin'l It chwkod up. ) to killliiB him until bo exam- r ", , ?, ""l0iiti,d tho liquor the wheol and saw- tho mark of ',' .",,". ; Anderson the drys. T ALONG the WATERFRONT The Elliabeth and Grnco llollnr Mlled yesterday from Uandon for h Francisco. fi HOVfi. flo to concert ilO TOXIOHT WHS t lOUCllt too mnnv ll. - tho Council voted unanimously not to Issue any saloon IIcoiisqs. UK A llOQCTKIUAttciiil tho IUX1) ji.utiir, Don't forgot the 33c lancheoa it The Cfanndltr. Warren Construction Company Favored at Meeting of North Bend City Council ' At a meeting of the North Hem! City Council last night competitive bids for street improvements woio Mibmlttod by sevoral conttnetors. The principal contract was lot to the Warren Construction Company, for tho paving of Sherman avenue from California to tho Park. The company agreed to covor the street with S-liuh bltulithle at It.SS a ard. The Council adoptod a resolution favoring their bid and another reso lution whli h calls for the laying of a sewer on tho same thoroughfare An ordiiiaiuo Tor the Uunnco and sale of improvement bonds was also load ami passed, l ho greater part of the sosslon W,n,kou. "P I" lllscu&alng tho ad visability of establishing n sewer ills trlit tiklng In the btieets "botwoen Coiunmrclal avenue and tho north lino of Florida avenue. No defluito action was taken, how over. ' aii vounciinion wore present with tho exception or Ilolllster and liar- IIO. Whn nrn In nullrn...i . Simpson . presided. Many ' citlacoiis v.u u.uro in near tno discussions. wu.ii not simvn luxxnus. Owing to so ranch illness thn Marshlleld Christian Church lad.fi W0TBRCYGL1STS SHOW INTEREST ISAAC It. TOWIIH IlKI'OltTH THAT KMitllS AUK COMlXtJ IX FOIt 111(1 KOL'ltTII OF JULY .MOTOH CYCI.i: HACK. Isaac It, Tawer reports that en tries aro fast coming In for tho big motoioclo raco which takes placo on tho aftornoon of July aril. Tho motor cyclists aro taking n keen Inteiost In this contest and every jidor is going out to win. This raco will undoubtedly bo tho biggest thriller of tho colobiatlon, as when the machines como dowu tho home stretch on Fourth street they will roar past tho crowd at bettor tbnu sixty miles an hour. Tho course uina past the Masonic. Tomplo out Fourth street to Johnson avonuo nnd thenco out through Itoynolds Addi tion ovor tho old CoijulHo road and tuins back through Flagstaff nnd Ilunkor Hill to Mnrshtleld and flnlhh os down Fourth street at tho Mason ic Temple. Tho machines will be startod In pairs, one. minute, apart, and each rldor timed. Every pro caution will bo tnken to keep the courso thoroughly patrolled dining tho race and tho assUtanco of every one Is asked In seeing- that thero is no crowding on to or Crosslin: the courso curing the progress, ot .thoJ close tomorrow night and all motor cjcllsts wishing to enter nro request ed to do so nt Tho Gutnury as early ns possible. Tho purse will bo 5 for tho fast est tlmo; ?30 for the second and ?20 for tho third. Thero Is no entrance fee. f::i; nmiss.MAKixo by experienced dressmaker, by dny, or pleco. Will go to lomo. Plnln or fnncy. Phone 116 after 6 p. m, Mrs, Lonsdale St. Lawrence Hotel. BOXING Contests WAT KCICIIOFF HAM,. Noil I'llllMV I'P IIAUj, Noit, AY KVKMXO.F it' ly a. I llciKl race, Entries for this contest are to Viulci' Diiection of Fiwluv Main i:cnts I.KX POWKHS, of I'oulana JACK LKWIfiTTif Oret?,! City leu itninils at m 1'ourJs 1'relliiiianry FHAXIC M.VSOX of Xorth Hiul ' FHAXK HOM,ISiuT)lv, of l.,mlfl Sl round nt 150 pouns OPKXS 1'KOMITI.Y AT O.O'CT.OOK iGeiTerSl mTitsstoirj-f ,oo. iAjvver Floor, ,$i.go i ' "f S,dn2.00. GALL SCORES Portland Wins First Game of New Series From Venice Los Angeles Won in Auttte4 1'rtM to Coo Br TIm.J PO ITLANI). Or.. .Tulv 1 Pnr. land took the first gamo of tho now series from Venice yesterday, 3 toj -. 'i no scores: ' ai vonice r, h, H( vonico ,.,,2 3 Portlnnd , . 3 c Ilatterles - IIIU nnd Elliott; II gor, Kvnna and Yuntz, Flahor. ai sacramento .r n, Sacrnmonto .., ,,V,17 San Francisco . .. ' 4 Ilnttorles Klavvottor nnd Standrldgo, Lolflold, Lozor Schmidt. At Oaklaml t, Oakland LLoh Angeles'.. ..'.'.! ''in nnitorios Prough, Chrl nnu Mitzo: luninx. nn.i 1...1 ,. ... "-C-VO ..1, ,u .t.VIV. AMIUtlGAX WUGUH Chicago, 1; Detroit 8. St. LouIb, 2; Cleveland, 8. St. Louis E; Clovolniul. A i,flnW York' 1: Washington, ""h"i lloston. C; Philadelphia, 3. Cnclnnatl, if Chicago, 5. . niouurK. 1 Phllnrinlnfcli innings. Ph ladoln od oighth on llrnnlrlwn NOHTIIWl-isTKItV V!if'. Tacoma 2; Victoria, li 3 Portland, 0; Spokane, 11 J " Seattle, 3; Vancouvefl ' i , ' WOXAIi LKAGU10 1 1 tl, If Chicago, 5. M K. 0; St. Louis', l.il" IPhla, 5; Doston, IM Ipbla, 2; Doafon, H on ucJounf oi(fWkl , n, 1; Ndvv" ln.! ' Wi L t . iM r H i f b I, i - Ti VX s t JL r PH ..v iJl3l oj "$. v,-? J,