if111 1 wwiy .aaa ZJBV' ,, j1 7 V 1 tfc-fiaernv,9rarai?"7 r 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1914 EVENING EDITION. PLAY BALL tWWBEh -v tst P1 i - 1 r1l r M i to in BH i IH v 1 1 KiiVt J it CHEI m BB BBill . I 9 mmWXWmmW Ml ill rvalPti . ..nsn BBbTiwB CpfjrllM llirt. Sdudtacr ft Marx BREVITIES TIDES FOIt JUNE. Ilolow Is rIvcii the time and holght of high mid low water at Mnrshfiold. Tho tldoa aro plncod In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first line and heights ou tho second lino of each day; a compar ison of consacutlvo uolguts will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water ou tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. JULY TIDES Hrs.. 2.38 8.1 C 2.07 Ft... 1.2 4.1 1.3 Hrs.. 3.B0 10.00 3.00 Ft... 0.7 4.1 1.8 0.11 CO 10.04 C.2 The Fourth ,N this day in 1776 our freedom was really born; from that day on it was a long, bitter ut right won out. In the last decade men have beerv gaining freedom-it's in, clothes They no longer have to suffer the ft made-to-measure charges nor the time-wasting, delayand ity You men can now get just what you want when you want it in ready clothes Hart Schaffner & Marx eenthe big factor in this victory ...Men everywhere have come )w that no matter what their size or what their taste, they can iiething they'll like in these good clothes at a very moderate land at a monvnt's notice If you're one of the men who are not in on this victory, you'd better come in today. WI3AT1IKII FORECAST tnr AMorlited I'roii w Com 1U) Tlinm.J OREGON Fair; northerly winds. LOCAL TEMPER ATURH RECORD For tho 24 hours ontllug at 4:43 a. in., July 1, by llenj. Ostllnd, spoelnl government mo toorologtst: Maximum CO Minimum G2 At 4:43 A. m G3 Precipitation 00 I'roclpltatlon slnca Sept. 1, 1013 CG.43 Precipitation samo period last year G3.47 Wind: northwest, clear. TO PROFESSIONALS AND HAS-BEENS THE SECRET TO WIN (JET YOUR LEAGUE HALLS, DATS, GLOVES AND ACCESSOR IICS AT Schroeck r & Hildenbrand Fishing Tackle anil AH Goes to Mnko the Sport it Success PHONE 77. GENERAL HARDWARE AND PLUJUJINO Emplro road auto holdup case. Tho -officers have somo suspcctB under, HORN i 1 SOCCOMQNO To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Soccomono, at their homo at Bea ver Hill, a daughter. surveillance. Parties from Dnntlon report that a party crossed tho Co nditio River In a rowhoat at tho Dullurd's ferry sometlnio between 12 o'clock Sunday night and C o'clock Monday morning, nnd somo thought that these might havo been the rob bers, but tho officers place llttlo faith In this duo. Child Died Today. Elnno Clmlno, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Clmlno, of Ten Mile, died this morning nftcr suffering for about two weoks with measles, and whooping cough . Funornl Borvlccs will bo hold tomorrow from the Dun gun undertaking establishment, Out ( Claims. Sam Wilson, Coo, Kruso and Sain Qoldbcrry, of tho McDonald & Vnughan camp, left this morning for Eden Rldgo wliero they will spend n day or so at tholr homcMtoads, but tlioy expect to get bnck hero In tlino to take In part of tho celebration ns well as Bcclng somo of tho Myrtlo Point colobrntlon. Have Diphtheria. Dr. A. ,L. Housoworth returned Inst night from Ton Mllo whoro ho was called to treat Alec Carlson's children, who aro 111 of diphtheria. Two aro very sick and ono Is In nn cxtroinoly crlt Itcal condition. Fivo other child ren havo been exposed to It. A llt tlo child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith, who llvo on tho Carlson ranch, died of tho discnBO a couplo of days ugo. Carlson's ranch Is ou North Lake, about eight miles from Lakcsldo, SOCIAL CALENDAR. I All clothing purchased in this store will be kept pressed free of charge. Woolen Mill Store The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes North Bend '.'.IRVING NBLOCK 1 tjijii. dr Week Special PIES DEPARTMENT SrfeL: 1-2 Price are composed of all thj newest materials and ' Nofeservatlon made. (ALL SUITS INCLUDED. and look' them' 6ver. It wil be a bio money-saving i. (.. , i 'ATCH OUR WINDOWS MISS DONNELLY Sculp Treating nnd Facial Massage 1)01 El rod Ave. Phono 11 O.J My Own Formula HAIR TONIC PRICE $1.00 Is For Sale Only nt tiio Owl Pre scription Pharmacy, Frank D, Cohan. Tho Central Avenue Drug Store 'nt f NIGHT '. If. M fi A i 'i"" !" r r tu vAtnrB. U lJikbK '2C OflntttT fantlEt. -i4 t..'" .., . I Inhlnl Frnhmnn nresontfl HonrV E. DLey, aupportp'd Tjy Laura Sawyer, 411(1 iiuuio curt), iu v,i,,.w ar.ma or tno unaorwona, umoibbu. 7750." A metropolitan mystory (n ml Hon pictured, prtduced by " tho Fmous Player's Film Company. 1 'Somo 'Runner." A. ono-reel Near tc comedy that will inalce'you forT B : that Oty Jan Gloom waa over . Cooa Day, Admission: ' Lower floor, 25o; balcony 15pj clldren, 10c. Yea! "Lucille Lovo, tho Girl of :stery," second series will bo hero rflrinv nleht. If' you Saw the first CHAS. ZIMMERMAN DEALER IN INDIAN RUGS AND CURIOS , A large seloctloii of genuine liandwovea NAVAJO INDIAN BLANK- ,ETS, AND fJLLOW TOPS. Bought direct irom the Squaws who wove them Air .sizes and prices, pine for the, de,n Kvlngroom, ,summerhpme, bujigafow, . etc. Everyone absolutely guaranteed. Now ou Exhibit and Sulo at Going Uorrey's, North Frout Street 10 Gent t IO"I Messenger Service 'MARSHFIELO CYCI.ERY i ii ' i ' i " ' i i y1n2r you go awat Have The Times sent to your sew addressu Closed All Day Tho Mnrshfiold Public Library will bo closed nil day July Fourth. County Court. Judgo Hall loft this mornliiK to attend tho monthly sosslon of tho Coos County Court. Ihhuo InvllntioiiH. Mrs. E. I). Con verso nnd Mrs. Win. S. Nicholson havo Issued Invitations for auction brldgo Wcdncsdny afternoon, July 8. Open to AH. Tho Women's rest room In tho O'Connoll building on Market nvonuu, will bo open to nil and will bo frco. Out-of-town visi tors and local people who dcslro to can bring tholr lunches nnd servo thoni thoro. Get Steam Shovel. Moon and Dnr clay havo secured Porhain & Old ley's steam shovel and part of tholr track nnd dump cars and ono loco motlvo to bo used on tho North I Eighth strcot work and aro today put ting In tho track. I'Jru at iiaiHioii. rartics irom Randon report that tho Wigwam, n small ainuBoniont pallvlllou nnd eat ing Iiuuho erected near tho bench, was burned to tho ground Sundny. E. Lowon, tho proprietor, had liv ing Qtinrtora there. Wants Position. Mrs. Makutls, whoso husband coiumlttod sulcldo at tho ConloKtio Camp on tho Coqulllo n short time ago, has moved to Mnrshfiold. She has nindo appli cation for n mother's ponslon, having three children to provide for. Salmon Season. Tho salmon sen son ou Coos Day opons July 1C nnd closes Novembor '0. Tho Tallant cannery Is nearly ready for tho op ening of tho season and a good run Is expected. Tho Southern Oregon Company will oporato its own can nory ai;a!n this year. Dangerous Pmctle0. Many com plaints aro bolug hoard about young boys being pormltted to Jump on and off tho work trains which aro now bolng oporated on Front streot. Last night a number woro Jumping on und off and somo narrowly escaped accidents. Mill's Dig Cut. Andy P. Davis, Inspector at tho Johnson mill at Prosper, came over last evening for a fow days' visit horo. Tho mill Is now operating at full capacity and Inst weok averaged n cut of 103,000 feet per day. R. Stanley Dollar loft on the Graco Dollar Monday for San Frnnclsco. Huy Jjumeli. Tho Puget Sound Rrldgo and Dredgo Company havo niirchasod tho launch Fish from dipt. Dolboer, who recently brought It bnck to Coos Day from Yuqulna. It will bo used ns a dredgo tender for tho Seattle, aiding tho Dermuda Tho Fish was built hero by Capt. John Swing, who later sold It to Capt- Dolbeor. On Long Hike, Hrs, C. W. Houso worth and F. W. Comings, of Eugeno, left hero this morning en route up tho const on route homo aftor a long open-air trip. They wont down to Grants Pans and thotico down Roguo Rlvor to Gold Beach aud thence up the coast and will return over the routo of the Coos Day-Eugene line. They report that they are having a flno trip. Smoke Hothers. Much complaint is being heard on Front street about the smoke' from, tho work trains. Some or the heavy trains, some hav ing thirty-two loads of gravel, make the engines work hard. Yesterday a donkoy engine on a flat car added to the smoko, the top of the smoke stack barely passing under tho guy ropes of' tho Fourth of July stream ers 'strung across the street. No Robbery Development. There. were no new developments in tho (I Vjl si i BARGAIN IN LUMBER ' If you want to build, I have a lot p DRX and FENCE lumber of various kinds which I would like to sell. Apply at Hoelling GroceryfMNorth (Bend, llPEQPhE'YQU PKWOW ABOUT W. II.NORTON, of Sumner, Is n vis itor In tho city today. II. 13. DAKIOIt, of Loon Lake, camo in yesterday on business. II. C. HKSTKR, of Lnkcslde, is In tho city todny on business. GUS PETERSON, of North Inlet, camo In on business this morn ing. CHARLES MAHAFFY, of Coos Rlvor camo In this morning on busi ness. R. A. CHURCH, of Coos Rlvor, was a visitor In tho city for ft fow hours today. GEORGE NOAH, of Allegnny. was In tho city for n fow hours todny on business. A. M. HURDANIC, of this city, left on tho morning train foe Co qulllo on business. MRS. A. P. MYERS left this morn lug for Coqulllo, whoro sho will visit frlonds und rolntlvos. TOM LAWHORNB. of Allegany. camo In this morning to nttond to somo mattors of business. MRS. WM. EGANHOFF haB return ed from Coqulllo, whoro tlioy havo been spondlng tho past month. HENRY CONLOQUE roturnod this morning from Sumner, whore ho had been visiting Judge Miller. MRS. A. W. COOK nnd daughter, or North Inlot enmo In to visit friends and do a llttlo shopping. MRS. OROVER MOTLEY, of Sum ner, camo in this morning to visit friends nnd do a llttlo shopping. W. C. MORGAN, of Coos Rlvor, enmo In on tho Rainbow this morning to attond to somo business mat tors. MRS. J. ANDREWS and children aro horo from tho Valley for a short visit at tho W. II. Lingo homo. E. L. PIERCE enmo up last ovonlng from Tar Heel camp. Ho says ho will res ii mo operations thoro next Monday. MISS FLOSSIE LATTIN, of this city, roturnod this morning from Coos Rlvor, whore sho has boon visiting. MISS MAY MAGEE, of Emplro, Is spondlng the wook horo nt tho homo of hor brothor, Capt. W. A. Magco. MISS ADA CLINKENBEARD, of Coos River, camo In this morning to visit friends and attond to busi ness matters. HENRY BLAKE and wlfo, of Coos River, camo In this morning on business matters and to do a llt tlo shopping, TOM PORTER, of Allegany, camo In on the Alert this morning to, iook uuor oomo manors penaimog to his business. MISS ESTER HOLMES, of Coos River, camo in on the Alert this morning to visit friends and do a little shopping. ED WEI8ER and wife, df Allogany, camo in on tho Alert yesterday to do somo shopping and attond to business matters. BILL M'CAHEY and Jack Durrand were among tho advance guard of tho Blue Rldgo Tigers who s(rupk town last ovenlntr. TOM PORTER, of Allegany, camo In on the Alert this morning to look after somo matters pertain lne to his business. MRS. JOHN FREELUND and two WEDNESDAY. Narcissus Club with Miss Dlnnclio Tellefson. M. E. Laldes' Aid. D. M. C. Club with Mrs. J. C. Wallace. Swedish Lutheran Ladles at j North Bend church with Mrs. Clins. Olcscn and .Mrs. Nols OIo- ' son as hostesses, '. 0. W.'d. M. with Mrs. J. 6. J" Jones in Kcrnuaio. THURSDAY Norwegian Luthornn Young Ladles' Aid lwth MlBs Elslo Larson. children, of North Inlot, camo in on tho North Stnr this mornlug to visit somo friends. CHAS. SWANSON, Alfred Rodlno nnd Allen McCroady, of tho Tnr Heol Camp, camo In last ovonlng to spend tho Fourth. HOMER RING, tho coon fancier, enmo in today from Tnr Heel camp whoro ho has boon located tho last fow months. MRS. M'DONALD, of this city, ro turnod this morning from Cooa Rlvor, whero sho has been visiting hor mother, Mtb. Holmes. MISS ALPHA MAU55EY is expoctcd nomo next aunuay rrom n fow weeks trip to northorn points. Sho is now visiting rolntlvos at Sa lem. S. T. SMALL, of North Inlot, camo In on tho North Stnr yostorday nnd spont sovoral hours In tho city on matters portalnlng on his busi ness. MRS. EMILY M'FARLAND, of North Inlot, camo In on tho North Stnr this morning to do somo shopping, Sho left for her homo this after noon. JIM HERRINGTON, of Allegnny, wn n visitor In this city yesterday. Ho attended to somo mattors of business and left for his homo in nftornoon. CLASSIFIED m w m- I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY' I WANTED Dishwasher nt Stafford' candy storo. FOR SALE Range, heater, side board, beds, springs, .mattresses, rockors nnd desk. 1C9 Hall avo. WOMEN wanted to new nproiw at homo during sparw tlmo. 8ondv25c sllvor for our best PERCALE npron and full Information. "Now Idea Apron Co., 1027 Belmont, Portland, Orogon. ' FOR SALE i fr : , r HERE'S A GENUINE SNAP FOR SALE Cliolro building lot, OO- xlOO in Forndalo, very cnonp ic taken at once. Call or address II. L. 134, Golden avonuo. ,l roil SALE Eighty aero tract with thirty acres of (Ino bottom land, cheap and easy tonus. I. B. Kauf man & Co. FOR SALE Good 124-L. wagon. Phono Streamer Alert Special Schedule y . , ": Dujrfog'tho ( JULY FOURTH CELEBRATION July 3 Leaves Alleaany. 4:30 o. m. July 4, leaves AllegatiV, ;30 p. fci. Returning July 4 Leaves Marsbtleld, . . , . . , 11 FOR RENT FOR RENT 1-rooni modern rot tago, furnished. Phono 3G3-X. FOR HUNT Six-room liouso on South Ninth streot, 20 per mo. Phono 171 or call 130 North Broadway. FOR BENT Private garage. PIibo 244-J. WANTED .1 WANTED Roomers nad 229 South Broadway. boarders. WE IIAVM a good invest meat. 4 acres near Boulevard Addition ct $400 per aero, Terms, 26 per eat down; balance in 1, 2 and 3 years. intorost 6 per cent. Tltlo-Guarantee St Abstract Co. Make Her SHlQL by', Qettirfa Ii M rqf WHITMAN'S1 . ,KPUS OCHL.CU I 'SWJEETS Always Fresh. For saleqnly at the Quality . Store .it 41 .wv- a(aV T1pimnn. tirflmlflp' erie y9,u yi be ojire to cee the jii r (Leaves aiarsnneia , up, m. I pppipHPHBlHHHiiiHi I MJ H-.MMM .ww. .' utortloout., . Ii 19 . i. '..-... ...... . go, Boa or inesea. juiy i. vi3& - ' . ..., .., .... . " w - 'i"' -.-.- , - my "...-. ... . w , ;:v-R,'fiir-'Bfc. a ' a & - . . . . . . . - - fe w a . m.v n nahriAiii km i-. mma w .1 iji 4