4U.tk-h Xt vs7tS?S , s i- i J 1 '" ' " &. I I hi i. nn ili.l'H.n C" rt " V:1 - . V. 1 h '' K , I ' ' ( m 41 If t y 1 1 is n r'l n II 1 1 1 1 1 1 LUltli ml IS ME UP at tit tii, ttiwiM, iriaww. '. Wtf Advance of Fifty Cents Report ed at Seattle Shingles Also Advance SWATTLB, Wirt., Juli lWth ordorn and InqulrMa pllK up, lumber Iihr advanced flttr coiHh r thotwanrt within the Pft't erl1 a,,rt b,n,w nro up lo $1.50 tor gtnri, with offera of $1.81, an adTMP of ton ronta a tlioiiMiul wllnln two weekH. Borne of tlio mil line art Uied for cars In whloli to haul the Iwnber and ahlnglcii that nro now nioTlnf, and the uualne Ih enjoying a hrlak raovemont tuat it linn not Known In ftionths. Should the movenmnt Increaae with the hnnreetlnf of the cropa, lead liii; wlioloaalera nnd manufacture declare that the railroad will ho lin nhlo to fiirnleli lufflclent rolllnf stock to meat the wlrcmenta.. Kollowlnjc out the tradition In the lunilior trade, whan lumber advances tlioro Is nn oaueriieae lo buy. Coun try yards In the at for the paat four yenra liars been postponing the day for "stocking up," the hopo arlalnff within tlio pnat 90 days that the I'niiaiim Canal would give them tho untor rate Innulrlea and ordera from nit over the middle west are pouring In. Wheleaalera are aaaured of n profitable bnilneai ou tho prea ent mnrkut level. All nlong the lumber lino the out look In one of optlmUm, backed by tunny ordera, more Inquiries and a concciiuvnt cheerfulneoN for tho Im mediate future that the trado ban nut known aluce Jttll. r .- r--',r --1 ,,.-, .i.iiiiriiiii 'r" "" AKenttonlPreseniFacts! enTUNi "-"" umh&am S85C2iBSL . -" art i m -r- i ,V ' V I eZi&tOu' AT .THE . MOTELS o -'JlPf Urn mk I ' .4V .11 'I fix I'luilKlli.r W. M. KiiIhit. Hi I' ul. M An doraou, I'orllitid, And P. PivIh. Itandon, K W. Couilnm, I'lmrito C. V. Puuthworth, KiiLKiin, A (' Ullory, l'ortlnnd; Mm. Alfred lirimn Portland; A. I. lllltx, Portland; Kiln '"Vouulitoii, Ran KranrlMco; T. V MYtlRotrery, North Rend. At tlie Moyil. K. Hiullh, Portland; ('. A. .Tnhn i!Oii, Hen 1'ranrlwo; H. SIipMoii. or wny:Mr. and Mr. fl W. KpsII) Hentllt; .lack Spllliinc, Cnilcdo; Cur Ibh McMann, Proaper; M. It. (lordmi imudiin; J. J, Ott, AlleKany; 8. II True, Ibtudon. At Hm lllaHcn, C. 8. Onnlelaon, H.inlon; r K Mi'At, Jhi4Ia 1I..Im. u vr .Myrtle Point; Claude Donovan. Cnnn I; C. W. Vlerher. Camp I: je Iluntmw, llamlon; W. I. Wnlkci Cooelon; W. I.. Creaann. All. nnv K. I'. Itubnnk, Illuo HldKi: W. i: Ilerry. Uluo RldRn; It. I iunb m;ii lHu Itldao: Md Urtn- lilno m,i ., O. A. Anderson, Blue Itl.lgc; William vuioj, niue muie; si. (Joiuihtk. cciib. Illue Ridge; Ray Noel. Uluo KnIH W'lluin III,.., In l... ... ......, u.uv iin'Ki', ii, n li re IIH. Itlue RldK: y Xiiol, Him Rldgo; CharlcM Nelwn. Tir Htol A I TJ-ii Ml, l.jinrrtirf It. 15. Handcmon, Illue l!ii(. v A (lanlii, Hairamento, II. T ilmi FnrrniiKinlii. Clmrloa T. I.ii.ik, I'uri-' Innd, Ituy Hi own nud li ("nil,, i,, llillen Hint wli.-. 8oiitiln K yow. i-i. i uiiiiiiiii, mrK u' ii.. st. i.iiniH H 11 Out Up, Coon Hlvor BE PRETTY III GRAY HI hk LOOK YO!(J! XOItOltV CAN THIiIj II' YtU 1'iiK aHA.x,). .MOTIIIilfK HtMI'U-: HKTIPH ()f SAt.lC AM) Hl'U'Hl II. Aliuoat overyone knowa that 8agt rcn nd Sulphur, properly rm. pauitdail. hrluga ba.k fc natural color and luatro to .ho hair - wliVt. ftdejlj atiMkad or Kry; Uo onUt lndruff item..,, a.alj m $$l fulllug Ualr. rtra n(i tho onlv way lo get thl rU uro wH t0 Jimko u at homo. vm,i, i4 ig mutiis nud trouulMomo. Now . .hiya. i "..., "" fore for V ith a 84ge k.j ful, Uur ll.ir Item Hly. you will t law b.-tn. of tliU faBiuua old roclpie far about 50 renti Don't atnjr Kruy! Try It! No on., can po-wlkiy lt that you darken J your hair aa it doe It ao uuturih and ewuly uU danipeu a p nte or aoft bruh with it and dra thli through your hajr, taking ono mtt! Btrnnd at a timv by morning the grtty hair dlsn ienr8. nn.t after ao othor applli'atii.u t,r two. jour h.ilr Ikh onion bcuutitully d.rk, iilck and cIobsv. For Rut. ti itiow-i nriiu Co Wwiinii.taw ii i mi mm ibijj-il tTV Al'l-O M TAVI SKIIVirV A V tuu ecrrlcw Oarehil rfrl. v win -Y . '0 aiivk niVru t-v... K - Will 1 TT$ m It'? i. t !- .yninnfnflflfU BEST motor supplies, lowest V"aKi' and completeness of atock-all aid vx rapidly increasing our business. "Nobby Tread" Tires are rral antJ-ihid lirei, aid are now wit underlie ala,M 5,000 Miles Repairs Made on the Spot GOODRSSS S GARAGE CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE 373-L K & oJ iJJ ttfiW 2 YRTLE POINT ace Meet an( Celebration IGDAYS LY 3rd and 4th, 1914 $1,800 vou do wo will sco you n Myrtle Point both days. 30 horses X alio at Ihl Log Sawing Contest for Championship of Coos Co. rSFVR? your own saw " FREE VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURP SHmu ?iiFSnlVllNn6 JULY TH GAME-LOG SAWING CONTKNDRTE0TWi?ORTS OF ALlWI' BAU BASE BALL wSflrft oamlWf y !cam- Bifl bal1 vm in forenoon ot each day. FIREWORKS S3QQ fiisnlnv nf mnnnlfi.,. t: i.. . . . Special train leav M rt P r MTrSSrSS-- , , tvoryono to 5lay for cntirejwaiii. '"'cld "1ldn'l" Jul' -tth, allowing uook in,s prcoram Over-ll you do you will rslcbrate at Myrtle Point" mawnasMa llOTIJIi DOl'hO.V f. A. IIhiimiu, niii lotor Opon uuder now inniuiwiueiit A hoiue plate with lt.m0 cook- Z T",;;1 tr afrUy 8,yl 2 ,, o "' 6 B0 w" weelj. 315 South So.oud at.. IMionJ 157-J. 1 1 micli of .Inly Haipilns.' Ijulhv I-jmikmIuiii. 7H tViitml Aunuo. .flll'llfcillilM " FLANAGAN & BENNEn BAIM OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNTV. Kstnbllsliod 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Fronts, 1 1 j,uuu IntM I'1 oa Tllu0 DoP",t Officers: J. W. Uennc t, VIco.l5aIllo,lt. il V. Wllllnnm, Caalilor. Geo. F. Winches I rr. AbsU jTOndhlcr. QUIPPED WITH VERY FACILIT FOIt IllNDMNO ACCOUNTS IN A I'ltOJUT AND ItHMAIIIiK MAN NRH THIS HANK SOLICITS TJIK IIU8INB3 OP CORI'OItATlONH, rilUISAND INDIVIDUAIS IF YOJ HAVK NKK1) FOIt A SAT I8FA0TOIIY HANKING HKIIVIOK WE CAN FILL IT :: :: :: a :: SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First National Bank Ot Coos Bay tiiv oun 7 NEW BRAND OF COFFEE At 35 Cents A Pound ITS TIIK IIK8T IVKH. IX ONIM'OUNI) TINfl. COOS BAY m, COPFEE & SPICE HOUSE Phone 334. 130 North nrondwny. The Union Market fio pnrtlculnr abott your lummor monts, Mmlnni. OurhiK the wnrm aunimor days, oitrcmo enre should Lo cxorclsoa in the nurchnso of meats. No More Tainted or Fly Specked Meats We now hato ournow COLD STORAGE PLANT In fuir opera tion, which means b tho public: 4 Better, Fresher and More Sanitary Meats 5; , 'Bl - . -5!!? y Vuftw taxlrh hna I,m iud U ! M. c. F. IIIIIAHGnit I UrvfcMiinMiii; Hint Iju TlllI. urliiK Frkw Itraauiiubla h:al rm:u 5nm. ....r .School and .ft,. Sunday stieclaltv i Cnlc , crowd leaves, s a TJ jWs. m.weeirS,S,,UdayanJ! r or nhnftH . LET )l MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trustf Co.. Abatrar. thnn can poeslbly btfurnUhed In nny othor wny. GIVE iir a TUIAL AND I1B COIVINCED. Order ono of our dellclout, Bloal or ronata that has ben "iouks Properly Cooled Our supply ot VRL, MUTTON, PORK and POULTRY In i waya complete, tretcd In tlio aamo snnltnry manner. We aro here to lease the people of our community. J. E. Fird & Co. phonev5g i 17-t SOL'TII IIHOADWAV i I - pnn ucir HOUSEKEEfING APARTMENT! AT THE LLOYD I0TEL HAVE THAT R0(F FIXED NOW See CORTHILL Phone 3171. SMITH'S VARIETY STCRE, muiui oena, for Fanoy and Dqmetao CHINA I i""" f Ti MERCHANT'S CAFE Populan place for ' . Good! Meal. Prime Dnncxh.t.1. Cor, Commercial t B'dw'y ODU IiW9tiAjsT2lNS lit NEW SPRING I00DS NO 8AW EDGES on YOUR OOLLAIta W you linve them lanaderr m, J ! UITV 8TEAM LMjKrfny'I ll -.! i,--, O C ' riuuiraairammg Uoll. pi..... fTuintl omaio I ..'at. Trii n i ill JHr?flN.. 0r MaHa & Matson storo rnngoraenta "R? Plcnc at- I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. J Pw !. Pronrlptn.l " iUI "V"U tOJ, uuuiv nn V-, a - - vw uuura -4AT S. S. ENNURR S' 'i '-. -.-atafff! BfiW XOiTiinBAI,KKJ - - i 3 A f Vntlnn ., V4- '1VIIJBI UTVM O. A. Mctlln, Prop, LO t 1 l'; . a. ) 4 Auy X4Ll s ,r. IHy phoae, 78. THE COOS HOTEL WASHINGTON AVENUE RTIImuu n. i. "' "PPiy OB hftnr.1 . - i : -r-i , 4, , I . ... S . v kl . . L-ftw .' -' ir Ha