I.JWW JWI'WJ V WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1911 P"W'w cnYlT Je ll1'' T VJB W rm n rr mr.M-&ski' w smmi c 35 L'OUll . tho P f " comi? Kca in Iho ct ' more t y f ' ft ' rrite coos 6ay TIMESM jftV s ?ftC.fJiLD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JlULY 1, 1914-l-EVENING EDITION. IINBYS FrnE PLAnion J. N. BAYLISS Kind Of Brick WnrV nt -Prices That Am niihf -.' fOK .Woik flithraiitfwfl ; dt"Th5 Fireside' 'Johnson i7 Second St. Phono Pre nil 1 Ranges. ''Bailor Work AnJ Bldg 434 PROFESSIONAL m. ; ,r i , n DIRECTORY U" 13 - i Mildred Rogers, Nelson. . , Teiuliei of Pinnb. " Punlll of Hugo Manafohlti San Francis-. Harmony taught,, Juvcnllo Plnno Vu. AiinliafiUOii" foV lcs- bIoub UyMpolntniont. Mnrshftold. Or., H. H. rper USE HUIhDEH , Gonoritir Repairing and .Cnbluqt ,. I HJlUUIIh'. Phono 3 4 ol-X - McBroam& Cameron CONTKACiTOIW AM) HUIIjDEHS Estimates filirnlshcd. Jlopnir Work Spoolnlty i W. T. Tomtokihs, D. S. T. ,OVAUiM,aicllito I fl , Every ImViwn J lUsuaso. vtroated without, drugtl or surgery. IIoomb 1 and 2. 237 sl-Uth Urondwny. Phono 32-L. 1 MnrBliflcld, Or, Joel Ostlind PIANO TUNlVR AND REPAIRER 41C S. 81xth Btreot. Phono 103-L, Loavo orders hi W. R. HalncB' Mub- bIc Company. VI I M AnmliH HUILRING V-ONTHACTOlt EstlmatcB MrnVBhed on re.iuest G. 0. Gnsnp.v.. . IMidno .1154 CONTRACTOR! AND IIUIMIKK E3timntea PurV8,lcd on Kenuoflt MJPnut SVo"rfc I In! M Reference FlrBtftrfdA,WIc'MSiH. . Marahfleld Dr. H. M. Shalv Eye, Ear, NohP nnd Throat. DR. MATT1E R. IHIIAW -RifietfReTror WlnK'li" ftrd Children Offlco-Phoncr 330r Rooms- 200; 201. 202, IrvhtK U!ock. . , . IIoiibo phoJio, 10G-.T. Dr. A. J. Hentfry . . Marahfleld. Oregon, nooms 204-205 Co'ko Hulldluj: ItoBldpnco phono 2ff2-X. V Offlco phono 11?-J : r" J Mrs. Farringpr TEACIlY.R OV PIANO Resldcnco St,"'llo Phono 38G-J. Benjamin Ostlind OLaULTIN(i; Allt'l "- " 1. ' . Offlcea. 2" Irving umcic Phono J03-L or 807-J. Marshflold, Oregon A'&ULTINfl -ENGINEEILAND - -AIU'IIITIKT Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND THACIlim ne'sldou6 Stodlo, 217 No. Third St. M.IJ tr Phono I! C 8-1 J. ,W. G. Ghandler RooniB .TCflfaifd W)2; Coko Dulldlne. rBnuoiu, urofcuu Wm. S. Turpen AUClllTKCr .ki.nin nirBhflold, Oregon. -M sun's clkaw:i and iiti:ss. K1HUITS .MA1H5 TO OIIDKK llL-GiVKUSA THIAIj UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JOY D0YLE & C. O. DAGGETT 250 Contra! Ave. Phono 250-X. SEND'YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WE fURXISH A RAO AXD . vox iTSiurruRN 4f fiolb'S' BAY STEAM LAUNDRY PJIONti 7T. MAKSIIFIEriD ARU YOU BOTHERED With Oons? If bo, you nro depriv ed kpUJiaJXiitbe pleasure of life, Blea8anUKftlkiae.Jiad healthy oxer cIbo A visit to .Mrs. Olivia Eilinan, Selontlll Chiropodist, Ap't 3, O. cSSienidu., will be tho sourco of ft permanent remedy for aching feet. LjW Rates for handling Trunks 0ve''naul trunks between any oolsta In Marohflold for the follow, ilng' rates, dellvory tp be made Id tho1 Drat. BtorleB of building Oni trunk ,,.,,.. ...... ..,jj.I.j'W TtyeTtfunka s 80 Twelve truxiKB .o Star Iranster and Storage Lo. Levi Ilelsner, Prop. Eurek? v i SatrHFraiicisccr SI Sf'feEb. W. ELDER :sl)Av a. si. LTUVIW SIAHSIIFIELl) WEEKLY EVERY SIOXDAY AUIUVICS EUREKA TUI B. S. 1'. A. KIMIUIIX leaves eureka Tliuisdiiy. JuiiHsrmiliiy, .Time l!liii(1, Friday, Juno day, luiio ;iin iuiu i TJtiuy, .iiuy ;i. .'J NORTH PACIFIC STEASISIIIP COSIPANY . C. I"1. iSIcflomw, Agent, SlarHhflold. . l'hono -M. V., , W. II. Palntor, ARont, North Kcnd. ,1'liono 121. Mi I ) i(tt (I, Tues- Tlll-2 XEW PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEASIER I ! S; S: Geo. W. Elderi TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SERVICE. PORTIAXI) TO COOS RAY EVERY SUNDAY, t) A. SI. ARRIVE COOS RAY EVERY SIONDAY MORNING SIARSHFIELI) TO PORTLAND 'EVERY THURSDAY SIAHSIIFIELl) TO EUREKA EVERY SIONDAY AlFTERNOON NIJWLY EQUIPPED SERVICE UNEQUALLEUlVj'U . NORTH PACIFIC STEAS1SHIP COSIPANY X O. F. SIcGcorgo, ARcnt, St ninli field. .Phono -II. W. II. Pnlntr, Agt-iit, North Rend, l'hono -1111. fi i .. U v EQCIHPJID WITn WIREIiESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIBIE. Sails from Marahfleld during month, of June nt on tlio 4th, 9th, 14th, lDth, 2 4th nnd 29th. i I ao u ii& 1 o'clock p. in. Tjckptfl jODjjilo to ill! RaAtcni jiolntfl and Information nfl to routca and rMoH cheerfully furnished. -'WC' Phono 4127-L. p. t. SHELDON? Am't' Inter-Ocean Transportation Sosi Semi-wcclcly serricc Coos Bay and San Krancisco. S. S. Redondov!1 SAILS-KHOSI'MAItSHFlHIiD FOR SA.VVKANnSO!md SAX PEDROTHURHDAY, .JULY 2, AT I P. SI. Equipped witli wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. . . - - t---, r - r Hiir--T i-ut i i . i , . .mi . . - S. S. NANN, SMITH , Equipped, with, wireless and submarine bell. Passengera and freight. hAILV FROJ' MARSHFIELD FOR SANf?FHAXOIS(X) , . - - San Franeiseo-off ice, -Greenwich street pier No. 23 -and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McGeokge, Phono 4,4. S. S. PARAISO Now Steel Ildat. , . , ICiiilppe( Itli WlrcIcM. Fluo rmsscnger ,ArcommodatlonH. ' SAILS FOR SAX FRANCISCO SATURDAY, JULYu4,..AT ,t P. 31. WITH PASSENGERS AND; UHUJUTi... . -. ST6M2VVli'S l-'OIt PORTLANDHOM c:OOS Il.U,' YBLIV SATURDAY. JULY I, WITH FREIGHT ONLY N0R1H BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOSI JAMES, Audit, Slaifihlicld. G. P. SHERIDAN, Agent, ' North Rend. :tlS. S. HARDY SAIL8 FROSI SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY EVERY NINE. DAYS lau Francisco Office, Harrison Street Dock, Pier 10, Coos Ray A! Eureka Steamship Lino , , E. J. LINDDX, Agt., Phono Doug. 21)70, jr. .aoAiFE li L3 e. A. II, IIODGINS 'fMarshfieldKco. estimates furnished , -' Phon 80P-J. Arnrshfleld. Or, on . DR.Y WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD TO, &EAI THE BUILDING" GAME , -:- ,. -:r lins been a hobby with us for n good many years and a lot of our cuBomers will tell you when it comes to getting good, sound, durable framing mntorlal at tho right iprlce1 wqiknowour .busi ness. Just toll what you wnnt to build and the amount you wnnt to speiK and wo'll get busy with our poncll and figuro out tho boat your nyney can buy. Txy ub. ' " ', ( ' ' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. fnoNK j oo. HETAI L DICPARTSIENT (7'T THE FUEL lULIi IX TWO RySIXG OUR AVOOD - 182' SOUTH IlltOAUy V.1V. ll Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine' Iftsaiice riTIEGUARANTEEi& ABSTRACT CO., Inc. c HENRY' SENGSTAOKEN, Manager FARM, DOAL, TIMnER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDR i( . i . A MARSlfFlELI)' 'OFFICE, JlI!OX&U 4.-3,"- "" OPODILLE CITY OFFICE PHONP 101. w Nbrtii Front Street, "' Phono 180-J. 4J(VI wtlllC .1 I Vl Celebrate the Fourth At Marshfield The titlro business BoctJon of tho -citr will be turned Tn5 a:. playgroid forlher guesttt. Front BTftiTsrand Cenfval avenue will boTescfed for vlsltorB.anU pedostrlans almost exclusively. Tho cltylhlrttdy ows a liberal amount of decorative irnaterrlal, but this yefr $500 poro has been allQwed for a still nibro liberal sup ply. Wth flagand buufinB. and overgyeen, tho, cjty, wl present a gala ppoarai(co surpassing anything cfver altempitod. For "the evening lights nd artistic effects will be secured Uy special elec tric HgMng. Cn the night of tho Fourth a graftf Hfsplay of fire works 'Hi bo set off across tho bay from U't) clt. Tho effect "ofTIrdf rka so displayed" ts most satlsfactpry. TjtoySiro then seen at the fcst advantage, Tho ,,across-tho-wator,, efleeLViads greatly to,4ho .leaaureLAerjlve fym them, ' TfiTrlTTDrifJF " TOR' THE NEXT SIXTY" DAYS YOU CAN HIRE A rroalwb Seated livery Rig FOR ALL DAY JTOR ONJAr (' $5.00 """," fy THREE Vfi S mn m mis ;; . IN NEW ORLEANS li - t AYJLY NOT TATGD THAT SUNDAY TRIP TO TILE J3EACJT NOW? Ask Torrcy About Jt, or 1 1 lis.- i r PHONE 138 C. (k H. Liyery Barn TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. CIcaiiliiK, repairing or new plateOH, work Kiiarnritird. Ribbons and enrbou paper delivered. Phono iih y$(jr,nrdfjj Phono ! I. Alliance offlco. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Now Ready To Wh and Polish AUTOMOBILES BRING Y0URCAR'IN,AtoD-GET IT ,IN SHAPE FOR THE CELEBRATION. WE HAVE EXTRA HELP TO TURN CARS OUT PROMPTLY. NEW GASOLINE SYS- TEM. FINELY EQUIPPED GARAGE. AND REPAIRED. CARS STORED 9 1 : Koontz Garage North Front St. GRAND OPENING THE GLOBE TROTTERS OF I915- AT -THE MARSHFIELD Masonic Opera House "Friday Evening, July 3 Presenting the famous Western drama, "MY PARTNER" First time played west of Chicago, featuring Maurice Chitik as leading man, well supported by Harry Walters, Mr. Case and Mr. Gilfoyle, also Florence Roberts, the famous dramatic and commedienne, Vaudeville between acts. Admission 50 and 35c. Children 25o 20 Commutation nn Tickets $2.00 U Marshfleld-Xorth Rend Auto line Cars every ten minutes from 0,a. m to 12s 0 ji. in, ' GOR8T & KING. Props. T77T All Kin of Job Printing iDone at Thf $mes Offiti .,,VV?,:f;m , r J. ,tjiuai wuiite iiV-V wwrr t fy I .ii - ' -) -i 'n--r 1 i - -1 ii r Jx Southern Officials Will Try to Prevent Spread of Bu bonic Plague ' (Cr AMortl fifn (o Coo. IMf Tlraw I NEW ORLEANS, Ln., July 1 Statu nnd City Health authorities to day Inaugurated the first wholesale campaign In tho history of tho South Tor tho extermination or rats, In order to provont a gprond of bu bonic plague. Two cnso of tho dis ease were recontly discovered In the homo of tho Volunteers of America Ono ninn died, nnothor la ill and twonty-olght woro Inolatcd. With tho home a tho radius of a zono extending four blocks In every direc tion, plaim nro for tho construction of n concrete harrier around tho ontlro urea and for a rnt drlvo to ward tho center. ROUGH ON RATS YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTCfS Four, good pars with careful drlvors Foi day en'lcoX).phcujv.l4'r-Jr'" -"nniiiro iiiuaru rurinrs. For night sprvire, Phono 200.1 Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. If you own an auto you auto be In the auto parade at tho celebration. mho Mimoa aiuea juu pnnung. uiii'itlni ,i t?ii , "" V Mbby COAL, Tlio kind YOU Iwvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery ami Transfer ConnwHy, JN MISSISSIPPI Board of Health in Many Cities Fear They Will Infect Bu bonic Plague (Mr AMOdittd I'tm la Coot liar Tlmri DES MOINES, In., July 1. Tho hoards of health In tho cities along tho Mississippi nro expected today to tako immedlnto action to exterminate rats anil mnko bacteriological exam inations, in accordance with tho ro Utiost of tho Banltnry engineer of tho Iowa Btnto board of health. It Ih fenrod that rats infected with .tho bubonic plnguo may havo boon brought north in boats. 1 TO DISSOLVE Cherokee Nation Will Divide $600,000 Between 4-V 000 Members Mr AwoclaleJ I'rtu o Cm llr Tlmeo.J WASMINOTON, D. C, July, 1. rho Chorokoo nation, tho largest of flvo civilized trlbos, was dlssolvod is a nation nt midnight, nnd tribal funds amounting to $000,000 will bo divided among 11,000 members. SINATION IS HOT TOPIC Denunciation by Nationalist Croatians of Catholic Coal ition Leads to Tumult IDr A.iochtM frf la Coos Pr TltnM.l AORAM CROATIA, July 1. A douunclntlon by tho Nationalist Croa tians of tho Catholic and, Servian coalition in connection with the as sassination of tho Arch Duke and hl. consort led to a violent tumult ln tho Croatian dlot. Tho spoakor was forced to dismiss tho Bossiou. J IcnvTly Insured. . CIlT Aia,ltet I'ri to Coo. Da, Timet. VIENNA, July 1. Tho' Tngblatt today says tho lato Arch Duko'a Hfo was insured for ? 12,000,000 and that of his wlfo for $0,000,000. When t"io news of the assassination was con vejoil to tho orphan chlldron Sunday night thoy broke down and tholr nunt, tho Countoss Chotek, fainted. DIPLOITS HIT LAST TRIBUTE Funeral Services for Venezuel an Minister Held at Wash- jncjton Today J fBf AMOflttnl itm it (.too. ny TlmM.J f WASHINGTON, 13. 6., July 1. Funoral Borvices (or the- Dr. Pedro Ezoquiol Rojas, tho Venezuelan min ister wild died at Atlantic City, woro hgld horo today. President Wilson, mombors of IiIb cablnot, tho Supremo Court and tho diplomats corps at? tendftd. After high mass tho body was xken aboard tho gunboat J?l phln with an escort of troops, ana" started for Hampton ItoafijAo bo trnsf Qrroji to thiisttleahlJaCansaa jmjr ia waai ,JLIfx JSmmmlBrMm w .. r- k t , if- . jh w. Ta 'ymmzcMMMiavmL nnAte. I w i )U.tL - 'rf t.. sr A 1