THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 191 EVENING EDITION. THREE THY OUK c PtFSIo 0! a j ji ime NEW BRAND OF COFFEE to L At 35 Cents A Pound I; TIIK HKST UVHH. IX OXIM'OUXI) TIXS. s Great Offer F"S" dy Readers feSHS UhK r?'.. rV m IS BAY TEA, COffEE & SPICE HOUSE J0, 130 North Hroadway. bbrate the Fourth At Marshfield ClltlrO btlBlllCKB section Of tllD rllV Will bn tni-nc.,1 Infn n omul for her guests. Vr .: street and ivntrni nvumm win ervod for visitors "nml do lestrinns almoBi exdnstvelv Tim iready owns a liberal nm unit of dworatho material, but car ?G00 moro hns been allowed for a b'IU more llliernl sup V th flngs and buntlnir, and evergreen, the Ity will present nnpuurnnco surpassing sn tiling evor attempted. For tlio i?s lights nml artistic efnrts will be secured by sporlnl olec jhtlng. On the night of the Fourth a grand display of flro- Wlll bo Bt't Off ncrOSS llln linv flnm lllr pllv Tin. nffnnt I works bi) dlBplnycd Is most satisfactory. They" am then Been best nuvnntage. Tlyp "across-the-water" erfert adds groatly pleasure dorUed from them. Abstracts, Real Estate, mi Marine Insurance ;GUARANTEr& ABSTRACT CO., inc. HKNKY 8KNGBTAOKKN, Wnnnyer IAL, T1MHKK AND I'liATTIXO IiAVIIP A Sl'?CfAIiTY. gi.xkhal afjkxts iiastsiiw . .maiihiip'ii;m) okkioi:, i-hom; m-j. COQtlLLK CITY Ori'iriJ rilON'K 101. MERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay- ' n rvr haKiiiH Cn I I Mrlnmif tfft Dnminllnn Dnlml nuv aim iuuuiii. i ua, uiiuci wuuu numuiijiuii, nuyai, L ( Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. :, rWbdtliii: or neir iiluloim, work uiinrnutceil. millions nnd mpcr delivered, l'liono tmyoiir order, l'liono -II. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. BUY THE VERY BEST BUTTER -iy .. . SLVD1TJ UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IX A qi.EA.N AXI) JIODEHX FACTORY. ALL KINDS OF MEAT REDUCED IN PRICE ENTERPRISE MEAT COMPANY PHONE 52-J If you can buy cheaper, we will meet their prices sterTmzm) MIIiK iVXl) CRICAM. PURE Iff Ivcry, Si a. in. and 'J p. in. I'-onii 7;i I. l-'lffii: flKQVI'J AMI PICNIC .OHOUl'V.S g u.m. nn tuning iuckio iur u dlfm' lUtliiB. aunuay iU pbiI picnic crowua V ..1... 1 ii. I-. in kllCCIIU)'. 1 r.ruiiuu " 1 VWa vij luntliflcld TIlllO Tnblcl v uiirti Kim ess, week days, a, g n. si: Btoamor Hnln Ic&ua ynrshUuIrt at 8 efry Sinuny nnu - p. IocU dart ir clmrtet cments. nnd rPly picnic nr on board 4 MAKE 5TRACTS ro Austrncis. K.. i . , IHUIU. Iimm ie, piompt aueniiuu rekti of our clients. f I U 11 COST iUFMAN & CO. UMa.A.M' U.Mw OF .(' ,, '1 iJW SPRING GOODS ' v! 'w& jrsT nr.cF.iVK' v fern : tfw& tit I S. S. JENNINGS NORTn UKXI) ITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. Fancy and Domestic CHINA NO SAW EIKJE3 on YOUR COLLARS you Iinvo (liein laundered FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS AT THE LLOYD HOTEL :: HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. -4 MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dvv'y MRS. C. P. IIIHAHaKH I DicsMimkliin and Ladles' Tall oilun li Ices Reasonable Over Moenos & Mntaon Storo . Phono 248-J. 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 Marslificld.Xortli Hond Auto I.lno. Cars every ten minutes from tl u. m. to liii'Q p. m. GOHST & 1CI.VQ. I'rops. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul irunKB between Any points In Mnruofleld for the follow Ing rates, delivery to e mado in Iho flrnt stories of bulldlnjw One trunk 2n Threo trunks fu Twelve trunks I-00 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Ileldiirr. Prop. Pi,nn in i i'l-r.- "c-" at S. CITY STI3A3I LAUNDRY ctures & framing Walker Studio I THE COOS HOTEL I Formerly of Marshfield WASHINGTON AV-KXIK ! STADDEX STREET NORTH RI8XD I C A. Metlln, Prop. ,. 1MINT LOSE SLEEP COUfiHIXG . AT NIGHT, I Take Felw'i Iiony and Tar Com pound It flldes down your throat I ai ' bprfBH K l.MUt. """ e t nn ovar the innamm ummw v M,e. That's immediate relief. It l.H.sens up the tightness in your cheb . t-tops stuffy wheeiy breathing, Owl Prebirlptlon Pharmacy. Frank D Cohan. Opposite, Chandler Hotel, i Phone Ti. Central Avenue Drug; ; store, local asanoy. 1 ( IT WILL INTEREST YOU, WE KNOW To Look Over The List Of Free Embroidery Patterns Given TO YOU 3 Dcsigus for Apron a Designs for Wafsl Kuniung liortlcr Spraya Bulgarian Collar nnd Tab Running Scallops Pointc Scallop Rulgor :t Designs Scii;t Iplmbct Block Alphabet Centerpiece, lire lfcclG in. Cenicrpiece, i!re Vi.v in. Spray cf Bow linols Spray . r Wheat Spray rf Violets Spray t,f IIoli.7 Wheal Dcuigii SetSfayo Baby ( at) t'in Cu-hinn Design for Towel Tnl rfhirtniifit frrCrcu-Btlteh dpray t f DaWca Spray r f Iforget-mc-noia Hat Pin HoIScr Sofa Ttllow OdJ Untlcrwenr Desigiiii Corgcl Cover Bow Ties Sprays of Daisies Bulgarian Belt Design Fern I caf Baby Dress De3lpi Doily, riz 5 x li inches Spray f Vioicln Anchor for Sailor CS.i Jabot Butterfly Design Designs for All-over Work BirJ Design Bulgarian Scarf Sal: n Suit Set . . Grn e Peslfpi Towel !:: Design Bon ', In BorJir .Oc7i2n f t Trcpfl S ty c f Forgct-r.ic-sola H ir- : ' 'tiverj Crosa-sli'tn J;r v t-; Wheat itir i r IS MtU Hoiifflmr.mJ Htxr. i Pc.V.VLVoktKrtbrvIJ- cy A 'ion Bunch at Vfoki i Bov ""- r-r Crnas-satiU SpM-wd Uorr'r Tny k.. i'tiudi V.r!: jpraj-i UwdcrfcrTov-cl 3ra:uh cf Lcavca Spray cf Tulip Od:l DcsigUM fi.r Cclhirs, DrSt'SaT, etc. , Pillow Case liorder Large Centerpieces, size 12 :t 12 inches ButlerFy Design S-jray Lily cf Valley Wreaih Scias ir Case nzi'l Back Sprays of Ferns Spray cf Jasmin 3?ray cf Tulip Jabots irsy V."lii Hose 'ir. .vnifct Dc-dgn Anchor tVheat Deaign w itli Leaves 1 -ily. site fi x Li iches 'J:il jnrian Fin Cushicn 2'.il:!arJu;i Border S nt!l Cordcrs Borders for Scalloninfj Butterfly fcr Collars cr Waist S.:ialUr Butterfly Powder Box Cover Spray of Wheat Shirtwaist for Punch Work Medallion Sprays Extra Large Butterfly Bulgarian Doily Forget-me-not Bow Tie Box Cover Sraif Small Wrenthsand Sprays Bulgarian Bow Tie tat Design Star Design Wild Hows and Loaves 165 MORE ft-tO. THAN Ji.V? YOURS FOR 6 COUPONS AND PATTERNS WORTH 00 c. ggf A Touch of Embroidery Adds Refinement to Every Garment EMBROIDERY B ism B B WAiS il I k rr. ( I Time Dti Piirrtc qITK Hook of Lcs A sons on Embroidery byAIme. DiiPnrqtie, the noted l-'rcncii expert, is .so plain that niiy one of the !8 stitches can easily be learned, and with cure i and attention to instruc- l iijj:r any one nmy ne conic a real expert in the art. P. EVERY GIRL OR WOMAN CAN BECOME EXPERT All fl-lfoese lraadttaniTiS asudl book of this Instrucihioini in E mbroider y . Times' GiveB to Coos Bay Readers for Sk Coepomis and 70co - &$ &S && Free Coupon IIHCr AUT l'ATTHU.V Ol'TIMT l-HItSKXTATION" HV .VAMK DATH i il ' UWV. 1,1 V . A ilelin' tt il htl informal Imflu l Jh unpin i in tnJo.M'd Woiltiondnj nlitlit at t''i honn of Mr mid Mr Warrau I'-in'- in North Dend. the KHPita xliig t oe V(i hmi attended the Klks ftnll. Th r :i ,..t woro Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Hem of li:indon Mi. nnd Mr. Hon Oitrdlnor. Mr. and Mm. tt. A Woi'tllnh nn.) V! I- . ...1 Mi a. C. M. Hylor. IIO.VOH VISIWH. I il These pattfcem btitfit mraay mow be s8wni Timmes Mr. It. If. MrPharantl a rnrmnr wli koitn reldtnt of the liny, but now making hr homo In Snn l-'mu-claro, who la on tlia liay for a short vl-lt. wan the InRMratlon fur n ohnrm liK nftoriiouti nt carda nt Iho homo of Mra. Henry Senntarken Thursday. The SeiiKHtneken home wn lieantlfnl ly derorated Tor the orrnttlon and nt the eoiielnalon of the nflernoong play rorraahnieiitM were served, MltR Oono po Senisalnckon naelatlntt tho Imst f". Those present were Mrs Mr l'herson, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mr. W. T. Merrhant. Mrs. Ward M Hlako, Mrs. .1. It. FlnnnHan. Mrs. Clando Nns hnrc. Mrs. noble, Mrs. J, H. Klnnn ann. Mrs. V. S. Tiirpmu Mrs. J. V. llonnett, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs 11. M. Jen nings nnd Mrs. V. M. l'nrsons. .j. 4. HI I A' Kit TICA. ThH Melhotllsl l.sdles' Aid will nlvr n Silver' Taa on Wmlnosilny nf ternoon at their hall. ANNUli IMiAXS. .i I OwIiik to so much Illness tho Mnrshfluld Christian Churoh Indies hnvo decided not to servo dinners on July 3 and 4. PIiAX HOMO. I Tho Allco H. loft tho dock nt 10:15 this, morning for tho Sundny school picnic of tho Episcopal church. FIX WAGE FOR . E GIRLS Nine Dollars Recommended to Industrial Welfare Commission llr AH'ltll I'fwl t Cm" lUr TlntM.1 OI.Y.MIMA, Wiish., Juno 30. Nino dollars was recommended todity to the Industrial Welfare Commission by the telephone and tolonrapli wiu;o eouferenie as n minimum wno for girls omployud In this Industry. Tho vote was six to three on this flKuro, brln1 i'h to a close tho most romark able ruiiferenco yet held In tho stato. I'lie liegHtlve votes wuro tlioso of tun employers. Three girls representlm; the euiployus had stnOll all duy yes tordny nnd last ulRht with tho em ployera for n lower minimum wnKO, lull this nioriiliiK Jtdnwl tho ropro tmulntlvoM of n dlslntorostod public ndvouRtliiK hlKhur flKnroa. niciav "xkw hanks. lU'Hi'i'vii Hjlem Oiin't Klnrt Heforo Sit,nilM'r I. WAHHINOTON. 1). C, Juno 30. AlthntiKh August 1 is the date whloh treasury deiiartment officials origin ally set aa the probable time for thu organisation of the Federal lteeervo Hanks. It now seems probable that the organlHitlon will not bo oarllor thnu September I. The Ronnto'e do lay In the confirmation of moinbora of tho Meral roservo board mill de lay in tho otiolco ot dlreotora for tho federal rosorve banks will dofoat tho plun to opou August 1. :inds of Job Printing Done-at The Times Office THE COOS BAY TI WOLV CltltHIC OASK. Tlmv Hound Over lo flnuid .fury fr llciMii'tliiK li niclior. OKANTR I'AJW, Jtm 30. U. K. (Story, II. C. Kletoiier and T. M. Ka laont, the trio from Wolf Creek ar retted on n charge ot havjijn bii leaden in the dutiionstratlou nxalust Rev. W. O. Suil'h. when the lattor was "eniwd," were toouod over to the iraad Jury by Justice llolnisn t4$f itprut the avrdrnro of th immenms wUuesaos auuiiuuucd to ( ff. HonUs were fixed at !mo aeli. ilch were supplied by tl. defend ant. It Is expected i'kh tlia grand Jury will wake a thorough lnveatlga- Iton. HiadeVr Irtitationa. kiii tfou. biea. dull hMUlaries. veaiineaa. tin In baek and aides, all uhut ihu kid neys nee I to ). ii' ned, their regulai fole'H Klt'ii' y t 1 " ly and i"l lly 1 healih, lu"l" ' rl.jni i' . ' ito ulftt-u Try tho eeriftlo lJW n lAiwf MEMjsi JHIUmBM&tEBKKBBJQmiT 1 . .r . ..1. 11 7 Ii; n . t ji b JtMfeMft jit riilCKK ' 1 1 i H i -. MMt MPCHSHKntp V wl ' U .i r?.sHi N Al "Yt4-lrr s -JV '