The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 30, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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    VrF Jwii',4rTi,pfift
-JsV. piiVtQmfln mw -- M , j nr',1. ...
i a v
cie IB
my; 10 COME HEBE
10 801 110
low A
wun'n nninmi win hn i oonfnri Handlers and Dairymen to
Wfioie Colony Will be Located Hnlr, Rirl Mnntmhc snnn fnr
Hold Big Meetings Soon for
Prof. R. R. Graves
Ted Prcbble, of Portland, and Gardiner Mill Company Must
Near Here Work in Mill
While Clearing Land
rumjiii.M, wi.i mu- o". it n. over iroui v.(iuini: luua) iu ni'mw, . ,. .... ,.,,, .... ,.,, ,i, ,.
Schwabe. foreign Immigration agent for n carle-, nf meetings of ranchers 'or?o .Kull' w " V,u.x '.. l"5 ......
of the Oregon Immigration Controls- and dairymen to l.o addressed liy l,oa" BXm " lP ., ,"." .....r
Cuiintv Azrlciilturlst Smith canto
P. 12. dver from Conulllo today to uf'MiRn'
George Kelly, Make Ready
for Water Events
Tel l'roblo, of Portland, nnd
slon.retnrned from the Coos Bbv iret. K. II. aiavcs, chief of tho Prnciieeu mo r ioiu ijio J'""';
nnimtiv. whAm 1i miriwvilAil In Inrnt. .l,w ilon.riMM,i f n A IT. nml aiicruouu. ijuui iuu, iiis '
.-' ,7 1 -- ....-w- -. ... .---.. Udll J ( ! laitv-M I w- -- ! .... . ,
ing a party of Dalian honieseckers other expel ta. Mr. Graves li ex
or. lauds now bo'.ong.n,: to the Smit.i peered UUb weak to ueud nbout two
Lumber company. Tneae anvanea week in this county
Pay $2.50 Per Acre for
4500-Acre Tract Now
PORTLAND, Or.. .Tunc 0. Judge
Dcnn forfeited t'""1 nereB of lnnd
near Onrdluur, Dot ' s Cnnnly. be
longing to llio I nrJlnor Milling
CnmiHiny. to llm ( ovcrnmeiit with
the sneedlna: shlnglo. which wits Mod I the pro.lBO that t' c company buy
to the motorlioiit Pronto and ro.lo It back In b!x mrntliB for $1! rn por
from Ferudnle to tho fobt of Mar-;)tre. This wna me of tho 15 ennos
.... ... i" n.nnn.nj .v,nii i.a ... ,.. i. ..ii . ,... .. 'kot utrcot. rneir sium nurucieu involved in inoi uiegon una i uiiiur-
:r":--i. ":i. u.;... ;: ,.."rL.r" , "A. "-a ..." . ... mm neonle to the waterfront. ;n!a land grant cac. two-th'r.'a uf
mii JKifiiPivn . nn ir iiht ii l -, t - iiu.iii-iii.'fiit'ijiti'i-iiiit. Li.Aiinijn-iw -. .
ftllnir nil nr tlm' fnltoH State In ,', fnllmvln ..--If af linMr.n'i Although It W18 the first tllUO which have already
been settlod.
gc Me', of nn 1-lcnl dulrvlnn country, i rrvL on Coo River Messrs E 1. ,lle-v hnve I'evfonnel together In The UJidlncr Milling Competiy Is
Their' dllr? operaV.ons "SS t'"0 an P Tmf Dlark. "charge of .oral week, they eyper.enced no ,,, f tho ol.leat rompanle, In the
will ho done with B'.eop nnd f.e miik the cow teating nnsrUllons Here, nref"'1""; j koenlim heir bahuco .Btnte. t begun Iho pincl nse of I o
wilt he transformed Into cheese. aMIng In arrauging for It and In and both fee sine i f- nio and Invo he. May. U77 a
Pablo orlifou, nnitaeppl Una and aidltlon to apeechc? by the experts. ' M & ".V1",.11.. ",V, i i i.,? P0l,f U '"' ' tt ' , ' ,Br 5 ril""
Anton Spaneda are tha men Mr. they will make reports on their work. UhMon mi the l;ou th. Ul o boyg t time until March 10. tflOO. a
Schwalie took to the lend. The par- arrange a program of sports and a llorfonned an act termed the drunk- prices laiiBlng from $1.... to I nn
ty went cut fiom Itoseburg by auto- bl dinner and a rfor.d time In gen- " r'"' """ a " ...n . ,,. uJ , ' , ,l' """""' , , , V . . V.V
mobile stage to Myrtlo Point and eral. A feature of 11 will be a aatcnlshnient at the skill they dls- land ww granted under to net of
thenee bv mule lack end nick horse stock Jiidalnz content played. Congress of August 20, 11112. Spo-
TheTeet oT for Slush. w f o " V. . Snflth In called a meeting ''""le '""vert yesterday mornn,g , lal Attorney IluH.ed was In charge
reserve, hoping t, find suitable lands of the dairymen or tha lower Co- ' the Oeorge . I Side r. e br migh of tho case for the Oovorn.ncnt.
In the agrMftural segregation, null'e to be held at Parkersburg ,lB "Wo . R . J ". J m!
m...i .i.. .m !. 1-...1 .t..... ... m.i..-.i.... . -..i.. .. .....-i.. Is now on display In front of the
W.....1. n...l l.lvl. fnr ..inAfxl m1wu l.w, annl ,. I 111.. ll,D,- Mai'Bllf lUltl lNB 8 htnllll, 111 ! 1 Olll RIM
inns pr onnn
gaf rb 'attriiTUffin'
i i
I Market streets. Preblo Is also e.
!hlbltlne a Kold medal, which ivub
presentod to him by tho lit II Hose
I Festival committee, of Portland. It
shows that 110 won lirai prize in
the water events as well as the
i hiunplonship of the state.
Preble's lunutntlon as a surf-board
rider Ih well known, and his ser
liejt lmvo been demanded by Fourth
of July lOiiiiiuttviM In many differ
ent towns. Ilo had an exception
ally good offer from Astoria and
another from Conor d'Aloue. The
Marshfleld committee outbid thei
l..t. 1... .......... t..1 IImaI.I.. .1....I.I
Association: ouiuin. '. " '' , "'
WhoroiiB, Wo, the members of tho u; . 1, !,",,ul,l'""; '" Ul" i"'""
Ul HXttJt
daliytcg. tho party went north Into
Coos county nnd found what tho Ital
ians said is nu Ideal spot.
Means .Vew Industry.
The only cheeae of the kind to be
produced by these colonists ic now
biouphf from Italy nnd nn Import
tax of four cents Is exacted on everv
pnnnl A large cheese concern of
New York Is nld to be helping In
the search Mr n tinct w! ere this
variety can be iraJo In tho Cnltod
If first oxperlmcnfii In Coos county The following resolutions
prove successful, other ImikIh will bo adopted by the Marshfleld Ministerial
sought for a more "xteualve develop
incut of tho Industry.
Coos Ih Ideal Plncc. I Mnraliilold .Ministerial Association,
Tho "Idenl Hpot" they finally pick- hnvo learned with doop ro?rot of
cd on Is near to tho Hoa level, very the resignation of our bolood fcl
molBt and would prove rich In Brnss. ' low lnboror, Uov. .1. 13, Uurkhnrt,
Arrangements nio now bolng mndo from tho paatorato of tho FlrBt Pres
wlth Mr. Smith for terms of pur- byturlnn Church of Marshfleld, nnd
chnBo. In the meantime tho ItnllniiH of his Intended dopnrturo from our
voro given JobH tit tho Bnwmlll In inldBt, nnd,
Xlarshflold nnd ns Soon na tho deal Ih Whoroas, wo desire to record our
closed will send for tholr peoplo and alnccro appreciation or hi m iih a
begin clearing and seeding tho lnnd. Christian gentleman, a loyal friend,
Tho ordinary westorn Oregon sheep a faithful minister of the OoBpol of
will bo employed In tho now Industry, our Lord Jesus Christ, and a devoted
with a fow Morlno rams to be Import- aupporter of tho wldor Interests of
cd to Improvo tho milking quality of tho Kingdom of Cold, nnd,
tho owes. I Whoroas, we, his follow pnstorn
I In thin community, have nlwnys
- .'found film broad In bin Hympnthles,
I MnDTU Dam Mrimo I Kenoroiis In spirit nnd n urotlior he
I NORTH BEND NEWS loved, therefore, bo It
tlixnlvml Hin llilu liniH. ovi.fnca
Chnrlea Van Zllo. who has been to llrother Uurkhnrt tho high esteem i WWM t0 ,,c tlr' II ,nuat bu vcri' llrl'
nttundliiK collogo at Herkeley. Calif., Mn which wo hold him iih a man and Would rather ace It wot than hnlf
rotnrnod home recently for his vaca- as a brother mlnlBtor, nnd that wo, dry. Will do everything In his
'"" 'uaatire lilm or our nffectlonnto pray- ...,,. , ,,. h ii.-v i.ivm-,.ii ,.u-.
Mrs. M. Young, of Lents. Is vlaltlng rs and best wishes for the uccom1 ,ouo,r ,0 ,",uKo ll ai- , "', K,
friends In ICmplre. , of his future ministry, nnd of tho ' ' boojloggurH n good stiff flno
Mr. and Mrs. It. n. Fulton have deep sense of lots which both we , for the first offense, and for the
Bono for n visit with relatives In and the community sustain in his second favored putting a ball and
To ?,'!? !? l,H,,n"4.HVlf"ror .... I chain on them and nutting them to
vm. aieiu is qwm mi si nis Home nwauivuu, inni a ininuio or iiiibi , ... ... ... T v yi
on aherniaii avenue. taction bo spread upon the record of iwu,'k " the atreet. If they wouldn't,,' J ',,,:,
01 ISL1
President Wilson Puzzled as to
What to do About Santo
Domingo Strife
nr AnorUtr.1 rrr.a to Cn.n liar TlniM.
Preblo Is a personnl friend of i -Verv muddled" wna Mm ehnrneteil-
F. I). Collnn, one of tho most netlvo suUlon npplled to tho San Dominican
mombors or tho Fourth of July com- notation by President Wilson. Ho
mltteo. and that coincident nlso sorv- Bnld It wna difficult to know Just
cd na nn Inducement. wlmt to do In the Dominican Honiib-
nouy is employed in me .miumii
ficld News Stand and la well-known
In baseball circles.
MMaafa wMMa-aawaatakAirh. awwwaaatwataaaawiawwwFaawtM,
.Miiyer .MoiiIhoii nnd Attorney IjIIJc
(IV'IbI to' Keep Coqiilllu Dry.
The Coqulllu Sentinel says: "Mayor
Morrison united the Council what
they Intended to do nbout pnsslng
an ordinance forbidding tho licens
ing of saloons. Ho said If the town
lie, bccnttBo of tho ninny olcmcntH en
tering Into the situation. Ho received
word of firing by nu American gun-i
boat to atop the bombardment of
federnl troopa or the rebol city or
Puortn Plata, but did not dlacloao
what ho exiecta to do finally. The,
gunboat took tho action hecnuae tho I
two factloiiB hnd agreed not to uso
artillery and destroy propoty.
' yVj
" -yw&
At The ( ImiMllcr
Hou,:htnn, .i i Frnnclvro:
Mi'iii-i , c.ili llend:
. ti.... i...... ......A '
MlhR Wllla Hall, of liitlnil lm this naanrlatlnn uml Hint a r-nnv nf I work, fuad th-ui nn lirimil nn, I .. .... . . .7 ''."'' .."'""
been the cueat for a rew days or her thrre roanlutlona be given to the r. IConiillu'- i cter' ODcVle' Port n'li'il-
'"St' S'rJ J)'- ,),fl,.?,"IV.V- ' ir.MlS;. '' l:.:L"- """Jjl -.Vr. MIJ,vl.t .aid ir the Coun-'l). VanJe. PortMn " Vhs. (' Tclm-
..... ami n. .,. ij. r.miKiu". Ul '! mi" j-iini i iniuisiiail VUHIl'ilt .. .... ... ..,... I'.. l,,, t - n m i .1 .,
111 en iiesiit.i, iu nuu.ti 111 11 up nn ., : ft i ,, .
South Marahrield, visited vo:atlveB -f Marahfield
here Sunday. I For the MnrBhfleld .Mlnlserlal Aa- draatlc an ordinance as the laws anl It)Bf Kb. ijv,',r'to- C A Parker
lllJnt"'l !iiSo W.m hVv?un S!;rtt',J,t,0a, UOIIKflT K IIROWS'ivr '""tllH,l"B "f th "' the New York': O. D. Thomas. Portland;
!lClhtiU..,r;o.t aly'SinpSf AUlffi R "uSsFo'fc J'""'1 , - '"t- J' hfC""
laK ' I he wouldn't care to try to enrorco nn h- '!,"' "A" V ' ' '"' J' Ko1'
i . i. .1 .i3.'l n..u..n.., i.. . .1. ... i, or, Portland.
M la- flmij irialtfkaa avul 1i !
Hoy, have moved rrom Marahfield' to
North llend Holghts. 1
Mlas lSmiiia Fitsgerald spent the
woek-ond with Mlaa .oe Dulnu on
tho Sniltbgnll ram h on Catching In-Iot.
xit,1.l niuvm ... &., ........ I nrillnniirn iwirnilll liii tlia itfirnlilm
"""""' '" "."in. I"""--'. "" ".."! At Tlio lllfiiift.
'in iiiuHBin, uavauae auuiier nr mier (. A, (5nK0 c0,,lu: . Mlcliol-I
.uhs iii i pper iiiiiuie niiey ,h ue wouiu im involved iu a lawsuit, brink, Allognuy: W. C. Stnuct, (!nr-
MAKi: rlll) .MII.K TltlP.
Dr. W. I,. Pomhe. ton, a brother of
old by The KiMci pi Isc,
Mra. Mllo Siimuei' cnnio from
' Marshfleld the end of last woelc to
visit for n tlmo with relatives and
i frlonds In the Myrtlo Point aoctlon.
The Social Art Club nnd a mini
and stuck for heavy damages.
wife, the couplo having como from
their home at hnuglolM, Curry conn-
diner: F. M. .laincs, North lulot;
ueorge Jaohlng, Kinoka: W.
Cliere nnd wire, Ilonvor Hill; V. N.
Dnlley. Oai'dlnor: II. C. Mclnnls,
Coriiillln: II. Hiilnna. Nnw Vnrlf
Man Says Freight from Kugeno Is Hon (Sentry, Coalodn.
Illgliei- Tliun Around Cape Horn I At The Moyri.
A. Wlkor showed up some old ' M. H. I.ordon, Itnndon: J. J.
obnhly tho oldost In ox- Ott. Allegany; S. II. True. Ilanilon;
Conulllo iinth envnrn.i ,T- "nrdlng, Prospor! l?en Wondring,
COaillllO. llOtll tOOIOd Arvr,l0 lnl. M,.Mra,t
... . ll.r, ,.... 1, . .....! .!. 1 1... .." . ."" . " . ' .""... -"Il""."i
weiinesilay evening. Tho roonm ""' u' .uu iiuh, rortianii; .incK spninne, Camp 7;
were prettily decoratoil with pink lW0 ('"'8. 'wo "unuios or Do-uung. At The St.. Lnwi-enre
The Union Market
Ilo particular about your summer inentB, Madam. During the
wnrnt summer daya, cxtrumo care sliould bo exurclscJ In the
liurchaao or menta.
No More Tainted or Fly
Specked Meats
Wo now hnvo our now COLD STOKAOH PLANT In rull opera
tion, which menus to the public:
Better, Fresher and More
Sanitary Meats
than can pnsBlbly lie furnished In nny other wny. OIVK'US A
TKIAL'AND 1113 CONVINCED. Order ono of our delicious steaks
or ronats that hna hoen
Properly Cooled
Our supply of V12AL, MUTTON, PORK nnd POULTItY Is nl
ways complete, treated In tho saujo sanitary manner.
Wo are here to please the people of our community,
J. E. Ford & Co. P!j8
wi. v. I,, i-iiiniie.ion, a uroiueroi delight- C- A- 'Mw si
Jlra. It. W. DIHoy of tho Dllley house. ,, l ," V , ' ,K", , ,wo . K l rocolnts nrobablv
1Mb iv l- viaidiiV i,.a uiti. i.i- f,1,l' ""tortalncd at whist by Mr. and 'oipts pioimtil)
tils olt, I Waiting lieie with his Demont at their homa Istonco In Coqull
win I in niniln l..vl.. onmn fr-n... " " " "moni l UlOir 1101118 ...
.. ' -.. '",n " ir'" Ul PUU ramble rosea Mrs T Uuerln carried oue 'mlr of '""""I'B. one keg and two Mark (Soltzo. St. Louis; S. 11.
nilca. They came by way of Cob- it , ," i oxte. Tho first of these receipts Cutllp, Coos ItlvJ; Hnrry Fnrbor.
cnt City. Calif., and will stay here a 0ta; T ,.... ... 'was dated November U. 1819, nnd I I" nc! O',,8'1'1'; l0'1'
COUpIe or WOeks. The doctor la n , ,', """ Mn' ,!' "' C,,lt "' r0r,mn WI1H foP J.foi. Mln trnnanni-lnHnn n i i ?' ' Cnmhora nml W,fo-
t.ra.i..i ..r vninmn iTi,..iit" v el1 'wn rcfelileiits or tho Myrtlo SUXH xov - ro' u, tinnspoitntloii, Oakland.
SUmL!.,r. N"lnmeUe U"lN i,lt . Point section, can.o rrom North llend of theso goods by steamer rrom
?nivjii JvuitHiiiiPiii, i
.laiiios J. Cl"'
last Thursday and woro guosts of """loni, conn., to .ow iorK uuy.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 12. C. llroadliont Mr a u wn8 "mt, out ,0 K I"kton, who
few days. Friday tho Droadbont and wnB tl10 Kront firnntlfstlior or Mr.
rtls rninllles wont to Ilnndon nl"n,kt,r- Tho second wna for $t. 12,
rr Sutiilfi .rtrtiln
i,.i.i,..- ..,.i.. r m w !.!! Mr. Ilioadboiifa Ford and snout tho1'0 ""' for tho transportation of
., and Mlldiod of Scotta-' " "' tho lunch. Mr. nnd Mra. Ciir.'80 j00l,B ,frora , Yk C,,;i,I
M,rg, were united in the bonds of H- returned to their homo Snturdayjf ni1,faiM;'jc0' Cn "J"1"; T"8
, ... , ,. ,. .. , . I artarnomi wits made out to Mr. Wnlkor s srnnd-
umtrlim.i.y In tho Catholio oliuroli,1 no.01 .. ,,.,... T.,.. ,,. ,,....,.. .,., ..,
by the Jtev. McDevitt of North Heud. i Uiu'k l,ll8' so Mr- nd Mrs
Tho best man was Joseph D. Hughos, ! 0ni li,lo of ,llls city roturned on
a cousin of tho groom, and Laura ' la,t Friday fternooir stngo from
Nottage. a slater or the bride, was s" I'ranciaco. where, for tho past
father. John W. Denning, nnd wns
datod December I, IS 10. Tho htufr
was shlppod by tho schooner Roches
ter. Mr. Wnlkor says that for the
the bridesmaid.
The following were present at t'..e
ceremony: Mra. W. F. Jtwett, Mr.
nnd Mra, Wilson Jewett. Mia. Peter
son, nu aunt of the bride, Mra. Per
kins and CHffoid Perkins. After tho
three years bo has been attending' "ansportntlon of the snnie goods
the dental colloge of tho State uni
versity, from which he griuluated at
the head of hi class about n month
ago. Mr. (Slleg remained after the
graduation exerclsos to take examl-
excellent break last given by Mrs.
Jewett. Groat credit la due Mrs. Wil
son Jewett for the flue dinner given
to. the oouple and friends. Many
appropriate and useful gifts were re
ceived by both the bride anl gruom.
IMSKH iii:m. IX rilMTII1 COl'ltT
The following cases, b.avs been
filed in i be Chu!t Court 'here:
I crna Imcne Cobb va. Joseph
11. coltb, fir divorte.
Henry V. Uutes vs. 0. A. NolltteT
nud Ida May Nollner. Suit to fore
close mortgage.
J. A. Qwdner va. Ofsan lleaoh
Gold-Plstliuni) Drodgd Co.
Henry Qninpo & Go,, s, A. W,
Onrtoi). CoquHIo Sontlnel. ,
cereraouy the couple partook of an ,,8t,on oefuie the CallfornU State
uoara, Having decided to accept the
chair offered him and will teach Iu
the achool the ensuing term, which
commences July 0th. He says he
may possibly teach for a couple of
years, at the same time taking all
the post graduate work be cau find
time tor.
" Prof. R. H. (Sraea. head or the
Inlry depsrtirent at O. A. C with
his wife and baby, are expected her
'or a v.natlon visit with Mr. aud
Mrs. J. L. 8mlth. Coqutlle Sentinel.
HAVfXR the agency for the PT.OUlt
af the .VKW .MILL at Astoria, can
furnish you FLOUR or tho HIOIIKST
(.'(.AIM at St.iW per sack. A. T.
rrom ICugene. Oregon, to Coos Coun
ty, by way or Portland, with tho
addition or n cabinet organ, he paid
a freight bill of $RS.S0 or at a
rate at loast three tlmo as great
as was paid to bring them around
Capo Horn alMy-rive yonrs ago.
otors Vutf mi Xew Coiimiihidmi
I'oi'itt T (loxernuieut TeOy
I Br Uu-UM rrM to oo ar I.
SDATTLK. Wash.. June 30. A
dty election is being hell today to
pas upon a new eliy charter sub
mitted by fifteen freeholders who
were chosen lust March for the pur
pose, rue rreennifle'- were
llcniyvllle .Muu Seln VUv Ut Co
qullle City .Tall.
Tho Sheriffs orrico horo having
IVort Johnson In tow, nnd desiring
to have htm sobered up na soon na
poaalblo, turned him over to orflcor
Mlllor to tnko caro or In tho city
Jail. Uort naked Mr n inntch to
light a clgnretto boMro bolng locked
up, but It aftonvards tranaplrod
tint bo had matchos. Sonio tlmo
arter thore was a suioll or Hro nbout
tho building nnd the hodding in
Johnson's coll wns found to bo In
flames, which It did not tnko long
to extinguish. Whon found Johnson
was fooling badly from the smoko,
having tried unsuccessfully to put
the fire out by taking tho bedding
to the sink nnd running water on
It. Coqullle Sentinel.
If you own an auto you auto he In
tho auto parade at the celebratlou.
rrjaaesjf. ' " -i"m u";uu m j' j. "?
.oy Cathartic Tablets are a
Wi'laUy good little regulator that
:eepa your ay stem lu perfect work
ng order. No blllouanesa. no con- greasy. g.ias taste. A stout
Ion form of government, hut tha person who uses them constantly
charter provides for a city manager , .ill really feel thinnel out an' u t'-.iuii' or tuiriy it.ein
bera who shall be chosen by dis
tricts. A Mayor will be chosen bv
the whole city, but his duties will
bo largoly social.
-ore comfortable as a result of their
eases distressing, racking, tearing
coughs. Children love It. Rofusu
any substitutes. Contains no opt
ntos. Owl Prescription Phnrmnoy.
Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler
Don't fniict the !15c luncheon nt I Hotel. Phono 74. Central Avenue
'he Chandler. Drug Store, local agency.
and Safeguard
w '" - i .ia r5
Ii e jlll in It I ??, h 1
Sf2j W'M
i all kI wWMl )
ymM jSsi Iffl 7
If you hnvo ever Ktiiinbled on the
(link basement steps, you ran real
lo uliat a convenience It Is to have
nu lvlectric Light Switch ut Hie
head or tlio stairs.
When plauiilng your new homo
or tho reiiKxIelln;- of your present
Inline, diin't forget (lie switch on
the Jiascinent stairs, or the Hwitcli nK1tH, porch lights, Imbcboard sotk-
llglit the second floor lights 0t fm- the flat Irons and otu
ltemcmber to
hu lude clo
front tho first floor.
-- f
WDttiXlBNMijRlS"., S
w fcli.u.ler and less expend
to iilnii these things la-fore the acta
work Is started.
1211 or telephono to us.
Oregon Powei
lei'piione 4,n. .
Cor. Second nnd CenttJ--
, . r I ' ''nmmmmmm I
5PajK." - I 4. M