The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 30, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(reach tho Brent purchnRlng power
family riitri.KH reached
with every copy of thin moillum.
Hnn vnilr nilvni'tlamiinnt wtrt.t tit
Looked In placing your ndvurtls-
Jjfal merchants 18 Till! TIMES.
. the Homo Community regularly, so
I Hint they will know you. Uo In-
irouuceu uv Till-. TIMES.
Established ih;8
us Tlio Const Man,
Cys That Plan Proposed to
pliaiuio vvuuiu muni: rru-
posea uiecuon anam
Lrranza would be
iplanation Given for Mexican
Delegates Rejecting Pro-
n ..AAnb nfr I'nnfAPnhnn
,L u coo, ., TlraM,
mexico city, Juno no. Actinp
WlRn Minister hstovn Ruiz hnB,
(a out momorniiiiiiiii Hearing on
itato or iwexicnn uoiegnios to
Mediation eonforonco, addressed '
(ho American uoiugaies turn nrst
rie public Juno 17. In tlio mem-
ndum ho brings out certain pas-
d which were not contained In
utatemont ns issued at Niagara
n'lin ttmtlinriltullltlt nmiiti.ill,.,!
Vropwals presented by tlio Aiiiur-."1'5,"1-
La, which It claimed to bo tunln-l, ,k' nx filler niiltn a talking
count to rcilucltiR electoral liberty i' nn" Fil111 thnt ho felt that the
li Jlcxlco to n Bliam ns elections !"' x'0,"'1 was the sincere one and
nnlil bo hold under pressure In "mt M'er In his protests of Inno
hror of Cnrrnnzn. This, It was ar- VPM,ro "l0 stnnd had been por-
J wnnlil Ik, liml fnr Mnvlrn JUrlllg llllllHClf. Ho Sllld thnt Miller
U for tho United States, as woll l"'1 deliberately ohnson n crlmlnnl
MCarmnzn, nB ho would cause bad,"'0,"1"1 w,ns 'rrl"B ngnlnst his wlfo.
Ming between two peoples and' ' B talk to Jack Marsdon was
Cirrania would alwayH bo regarded ""l,l,r- Baying that In paroling him
M tho nominee nnd subordinate of 10 Pointed out tho danger of llciuor
ioerlcnn government. For this rea- to Jlnrsdon and that tho latter had
m, It was Btntod, tho lluorta dele- " 'ceded It. He said tbnt ho could
jtki rejected tho proposals, for they J10' "? other than that Mnrsden
Nild not countonnnco nny nrrnngc- "Xcnded physical violence to J. W.
it enabling Washington to put In "ennutt.
taldent of Mexico. .
t; AM. UIKl ITrll in Cool b TlmM
;WA8IUNaTON, I. C, Juno 30.
ihlrato dispatches received here
torn unofficial sources In
KIT stated that Huortn hud sent
Ston und doiiKhtor toward I'uorto
ilco, and tlint lio was making
preparations for his own departure
on ihort notice. This Information
th convoyed to tho Stnto Dopart-
tat today.
Dr AiKKltlvd I'mi 10 Coo. lltjr TlmM.I
-After n couforonco todny between
Avbsxador Do Oniun, of Ilrazll,
Ml Ministers Kaon nnd Suarez, It
im onnounced that tho mediators
Kali formally recess tomorrow un
til such t lino iiH the CoiiHtltutlonal
UdelcKiitcs and tho Ilucrtn rcpre
Mtatlves could confer Infornmlly
M Mexican Internal problems.
Tguas Calientes With unly
14 Men Many Wounded
IDr AiiocLtw l'rM lo Ocoa IMj Tlmn.l
TOnitEON, Mox Juno 30. Ilnll
"ad men brought tho Information
today that Gonoral Hnrron, command-
OCIIIIL LUNG! '. pFB ,,. .
IDE NUiEOfillS Lbf J ..
GllJRommanftr Reaches' NnyL urLUInL
of tho fodornl garrison which was jujy tnrt0,i today nnd tomorrow will
defeated at Zacntecas, hnd roachod WjtnoM tho nrrhal of a larno nuni
Asuas Calientes with only fourteen bon Somu l( t10 logging enmps
ten. liarron was wounded In the ,mvo e0S0( ,iowu until tho Fourth
tllgh. nn,j tll0 Snilth-Powors camps will
Tho body of General Olea, anothor t.080 ,j0Wn tomorrow night and re
federnl commander, was found on tho ' mnn closed until Mondny.
tattleflold, according to reports mndo! Jn or(icr t0 accommodato tho
to Villa, who wns horo today. Tho ,nrg0 nun,i,0r of loggers at Coaledo
on of aonoral Darron, a major, was w,10 wnnt (0 conio In for tho Fourth,
'o killed. Tho only group of fed- superintendent Mlllor has arranged
cms which left Zacatccas in any Kinut0
ot order, wns ono of about 200 men
AH tho others f led panic stricken.
As far as It was possible to learn,
the Pedornls who managed to escapo Sunday aftornoon. another special
the Constitutionalists' fire numboreil j wlll b0 rlin f0r tho Myrtlo Point log
no moro than 300. Tho garrison con-' gorSi
lted of from 14,000 to 1C.000 men., l0 j,,,,. TKeis.
About BOOO woro tnkon prisoners. On I ,. . nidge Tlgors aro com-
theGundaloupo road alone some 2000
federals died.
IBj AuocUU4 rxm lo Coot U7 Tlmw.1
MRYinn niTV lnn 30. News
'eached Moxlco City that Zapata, tholgtuff but just n good time" Is their
Muthern revolutionary leader, ,
Published a decree rejecting nny nl-
'eelance with Carrnnza and saying
that the Constitutionalist chief had cam)( wJ)cll ,ns been closed down
refused to accept the "Plan of Ayala," ,ujtlj after the Fourth,
the original agrarian proclamation of. Decorations Up.
the southern leader. I Today many of the stores aio
Zapata Is said to havo declared (,ecorating for tho Fourth and bunt
that he Intends to extend his opera- ng am, flags nr0 m evidence every
tlons along the western coast of Mex- wj,ere
Ico as far as Sonora and that he will Mogt of t'ho street decorations were
"8ht Carrnnza "forever." This in-
, formation was brought to Mexico City
by persons who arrived from towns
inder the control of followers of
2Pata In the state of Morelos.
I MI 10
JudD0 Coke In Passing Sentence
' umia uul nuuuie rrom
inpoeiai to Tlio Times.)
COQUILLK. Or.. .hum no in
passing sentenco on "Larry" Miller
convicted of tlu Myrtle Point hank
"iier. nim in rooklng tlio pnrole
!,r ;,n,,c Mnrslcn. Judge Coko yes-
""'" "" poiniou out tnat lliiuor
WnS lirollltllly riHlinilHlllti fnr tlinlf
. ,""'!' MiiKes Statement
(1. II. Miller, known ob "I.nrry.
mndo the fallowing written state
ment In connection with his raso:
"I have no knowledge of who
ro,,hed the Myrtlo Point Ilnnk, or
who piirucipaioii in ino roniicry.
And 1 realize now tbnt I drank too
much "Nutwood whiskey," and that
I an' ' Mm of clmntiHtnnrcB.
I , .-.. n,)cg lt t)10
day Is not " 'vhon tho real
Kiillty ones will lie b ''' Jus
tice. I appreciate "ml exeiiu "y
thanks to Attorneys Pc " '
Htemuiler for their honext mid sin
cere work In my behalf. I will state
for their benefit that all the money
I Knvo them was $13, all tho money
I had In tho world to fight my case
"I consider that tho only crime
that I havo commltteed has been
Multilist my wife nnd myself nnd I
linpo tho time Is close by vl"ii I
can face my frlomlH again nud tho
wholo world nnd prove to thorn that
I am liniment.
Coalecfo Camps to Have Extra
Train Tomorrow Night
For Celebration
Tho Influx for tho Fourth of
run a spoolal train for uiem. i"
morrow night tho special will leave
Marshfleld ut 6Hfi and lenvo Conl
min nn tho return at 7:4.'. Next
(lg tomorrow nnd will bo horo with
bolls. Tho boys huvo uoen buvwk
up and planning a gala program for
tho whole celebration nnd will Intro
,i enmn now stunts. "No rough
li ut u - "-
M . of nmn,et Plorco's loggers
np .... today from the Tar Heel
up n dny or two ago,
Many booths are also bolng put
up today to be In readiness.
Times Wanfads bring results.
Coos Bay Man Whose Metaoric
Career Has Attracted Wide
Attention to go to Asylum
Major L. D. Kinney, whose meteor
ic career on Coos Hay during the past
ten years has attracted much atten
tion, was todny declared Insano nnd
ordered committed to the state nsy
lum nt Salem for treatment. Just
prior to his examination by Judge
Hall and Dr. Horsfnll, he had become
very violent nnd hysterical and pre
sented n pathetic spectacle to those
who had known him In his palmy
This afternoon ho was taken to
Coqulllo by Constble Cox nnd Henry
iHolm, who found It ncOessary to
strap him In tho nutomobllc. He will
bo held In tho county Jail there until
attendants nrtivo from Snlcui to tnkc
him In charge.
Without Funds Now.
Although for years Major Kinney
has controlled n largo amount of the
most valuablo holdings on Coos Hay,
ho Is now without funds. All his
belongings nro In the hands of He
eclver Walters, who cannot furnish
him nny funds pending tho settlement
of tho clnlms against his praporty.
Owing to this lnck of funds It Is
scarcely likely that Mrs. Kinney and
his other relatives will bo able to send
him to a private sanitarium as they
would like to do, It Is tho causa of
deep grief to them and their closo
This Is tho third attack that Major
Kinney has suffered Tho ono Inst
fall was tho moBt serious until this
time. Then ho wont to n Callfornln
sanltnrlum, whoro ho romnlned sev
eral months nnd had practically re
covered. About thrco weeks ago ho
began to show signs of another break
down and for the past week had been
suffering from Insomnia and yestor
day wont to North Hend nnd caused
lu.uo trouble. Ho wns sent homo by
friends but on returning there gath
ered up some clothing In n suit caso
a ml left again, Flnnlly ho was round
1 and his condition was such tbnt ho
could not longer bo left nt liberty.
May Not Hccmcr.
It Is stated by parties closo to him
that Major Klnnoy Is suffering from
softening of the brain, or n form of
paresis. Owing to his advanced ago,
llttlo hopo Is held out for his rccovory.
Here Ten Yearn.
Mnjor Klnnoy'B enreer on Coos Hay
has had fow equals outside tho tales
of (Jet-Hlch-QiiicK wiuiuigioru.
Victims of Empress of Ireland
Wreck Are Brought Out
By Divers
JDr Aworl.lM fw to Coot fit? Time. )
SIMOUSKI, J ii6 30. Two moro
hodloR woro recoWtd by dlvors from
tho sunken ship Empress of Iro
land. Ono wns n man, aged about
thirty, and tho other wus u girl of
sovoii. The Canadian Pacific Com
pany purchased n plot of land near
Father Point ns a cemetory for the
unidentified dead.
Decision of Supreme Court
Will Mean Big Gain for
tnr AttoflttoJ Prt lo Coot IU Tint.
OL.YMIMA, Wash.. June 30. The
Supremo Court bitting en blnnc, ro
versed the department decision und
held that the constitutional five per
cent gross earnings' tax on eM'tvss
companies doing business In Wash
ington will give the state an annual
revenue of $50,000,
Vf AMoeuie Prttt lo Coot lur Tlioi.l
CHIUAUU, June ou. 1 " i
tho Norh Avenue State Hank ceased I
last night and there were fifty per-!
sons awaiting their turns today to
replace their deposits. During the
run the bank paid out $300,000. j
He came hero about ten years ago
from Hosoburg, where ho had been a
short time. He had operated In Alas
ka and also In Utah nnd waB a Cana
dian by birth.
He came to Coos Hay with practi
cally nothing, but In n short time hnd
secured valuable real estate holdings
nnd Instituted tho first real boom
thnt Marshfleld and North Hend vic
inity ever had by boosting real estate
prices ho created n big demand for
renl estate and Incidentally to tho
worth of his holdings.
The stories of his subsequent deal
ings, his various real estate promo
tions, Uclt Line Hallway plan, rail
road schemes, etc., would fill n book.
He spread out too rapidly nud In
mnny ways wasted his money In op
erations and was caught In a pinch
along about 1907.
Later he started ngnln on tho Hap
Id Transit project, caused qulta a
flurry and encountered n failure from
which ho never recovered.
Ho had a marvelous memory nud
even lost night when so hysterical
that ho could bo heard for n block
nnd almost drowned out tho city
council proceedings, he remembered
accurately llttlo details about money
dmr-llyslerlrnl Totliy.
Mnjor Kinney was held In tho city
Jail last night and seemed to bo In
his right mind this morning. About
0:30 o'clock Marshal Carter topk him
to tho Palaco Hcstauraut for "break
fast and ho began raving 'while seat
ed at the tablo. Tho Major talked In
cessantly, declaring that .o was nn
army officer, n Hrltlsh subject, rail
road man, lawyer and what not.
V...o seated -t t",o table he knock
ed ovcrn bow1 of b.oa.l and milk end
when Mnrshul Cv'nr uttempted to
set the dish up, the Major nt""" '
grab for him. So tight ;.... '.tls hold
that It took Hal Stutsman nnd two
mon who word called In from the
street to control him. They took
him back to tho station by force and
ngnln sorvod him hrcnkfnst,
A crowd of curious people soon
congregated In the police station and
Mnjor Kinney wns bent on making u
speech. Ills thoughts wero discon
nected nud meaningless. Now and
then ho would boo someone In tho
crowd whom he recognized. Then ho
would get up from his chair, place
both hands on tho shoulders of the
man addressed and tall; a bluo streak.
Now and then he would Imagine thnt
tho rowd wns making fun of him and
ho would demand thnt thoy shut up.
Japan and United States Not
To Give Out Negotiations
About California
1117 Auoclit rrftt lo Coo. Dtt Tlmft.1
TOKIO, Juno 30. Japanese For
eign Minister Knto announced that
tho details of treaty negotiations be-
....,... Tnimn (t.l.l til.. ITllltn.l !3tntftll
I n.. .!.. rlnllfnw.iln nll1,1 I fl W U'nlllll
llll IIIU rfiltltUI 11,1 .,,, " ..w.....
not bo published out of doforenco
to a request from tho United States.
State-wide Prohibition Goes
Into Effect and Over 1200
Saloons Must Close
(Bf A.KKlito.1 Prtt lo foot Dtr TIm I
CHARLESTON', W. Va., Juno 30.
Reports from over the state Indi
cated that many saloon keepers an
ticipated the enforcement of u pro
hibition amendment tonight by clos
ing their places of business. Homo
of them have disposed of their stock,
nnd others confessed they feared dis
order In closing hours of business.
Over 1200 saloons wlll bo closed.
Arthur H. McDonald has boen ap
pointed postmnster at Elkton, vice
Fred H. Andrus. Hose Muservey has
been appointed postmaster at Illahe,
Curry county, vice Lewis Hostetler.
A Consolidation
mill Coos
Heir to Austrian Throne and
Consort, Who Were Assass
inated, Taken to Vienna
t)it 4nfHtl Trrii to Too Hn Ttm
M1CTKOK1TCII, Herzegovina. Juno
30.-The bodies of Archduke Franc's
Ferdinand nud his consort, tho
Duchess of Hohenberg, arrived hero
on n special train from Sarnyovo,
Bosnia. Tho town la draped In black.
(luardB of honor from the army nud
navy were drawn up along tho plat
form nnd behind them local officials
nnd a dense crowd. Tho coffins
wero removed to the roll of muffled
I'runis nud the toll of Jiolls, and
convoyed to the roynl yacht Dnlmnt
lying In tho river. Tho yncht wns
covered with military flags and
wreaths and surrounded by hundreds
of floral offerings. At tho mouth
of tho river, the yncht transferred
the coffins to a wnrshlp bound for
Trieste, whoro tho bodies will bo
transferred to n train for Vlennn.
i The vessel was proceeded by a tor
pedo boat and followed by the Gov
ernor's yntch bearing members of
tho household of the Arcbduko and
The bomb wns thrown by a youth
standing on tho corner of tho main
street, It wns tho slgunl this morn
ing for a serious nutl-Scrvlan out
.break, which the troops found diffi
culty In quelling.
Four Parties Hold Conventions'
to Draft State Platforms
(llf Anorlil! 1 1 .a to Coo, fit Tlitin )
,r...i t.l ....... IA tit...........
I nwinu, iuii., iiiiiu .iv. riiiiiuuii
conventions of tho four political
parties recognle I under tho primary
election law of Idaho Kopubllcan,
Democratic, Pioresslvo and Social-
,1st opened I ere nt noon today. Pro
htliltlou Is the chief Issue before
eiKh of the tb e lending parties.
Sheriff Gage Passed Through
City Early This Morning
With Prisoners
Shorlff Ongo and Wnltor Condron
ni rived In tho city nbout 8 o'clock
ahls morning with Larry Miller,
Frank Vaughn, Jninim Ferrari nnd
Jack Marsdon, prlsonors who have
long terms to servo In tho stnto poul
tentlnry. Tho party loft shortly after
their arrival on tho launch Gasco.
Frank Vaughn was convicted of
stealing horsos Bome time ago, but
was brought from Salem to testify In
the Miller caso. Larry Miller, con
victed of tho Myrtle Point Hank rob
jbory, will norvo an Indctformlnnto
hontenco of C to 20 years. Ferrari,
convicted of tho murder of John Kol
lv. also has n long sentouco to serve,
land Maisdon was returnod buonuso
of drink nnd threats against J. W
Marsdon's parolo was rovokod by
Judge Coko yostorday.
fRneoliil in The Times.)
COQUJLLK, Or., Juno 30. It was'
statod today that nil of Coqullle'B
saloons will bo closed at midnight to-,
night and remain closed pending tho
outcomo of mandamus proceedings i
which tho liquor Intorest propose
to start to compel the city council to
renew their licenses. The old licenses
expire tonight and the council re
fused to grant new ones nnd tomor
row It wlll be up to Mayor Morrison
and the marshal to see that no sal
oons are operated.
i 16
of Time, Const Mall
Hny Adu'i-tNor
No. 288
Says He Will Not Use His In
fluence for Passage of
Questioned on Attitude With
Respect to Other National is
sues but Draws Line
W? A.nxLtisI Prr. u Com p TIitm 1
WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 30.
President Wilson told tho dolegntlon
' of moro than 500 women suffragists
nt the White House that woninn suf
frage was a stnto Issuo ami not x
untlonnl one. and for that icnson ho
would uso his Influence for tho pae
sage of a constitutional amendment
In Congress.
The women represented tho or
gnnlzcd club women of nearly ovory
state. When tho President declined
to support tho Mondell-Hrlstow am
endment, some of tho lcndors began
to put him through n sharp cioss ex
amination, whloh tho President took
good nnturcdly. Mrs. Hhutn Chlldo
Dorr and Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley quos-
j tloucd htm on h'ls nttltudo with res
pect to other national Issues and nftcr
'answering several of their questions,
tho President declared: "I cannot per
mit myself to bo cross examined,"
I'l-ogrcNHhi lender Wlll Test Oul
Ills Voice There Tonight
lit . Iti) rtrn i root PT Hum.
NKW YOUIC, Juno 30, Colonol
Hoosevolt, accompanied by his son,
Theodore Hoosuvelt, Jr., left this
morning for Pittsburg, where ho
wlll speak tonight at tho closing '
of the second annual couforonco of
tho Progressive l.onguo of Pennsyl
vania. Tho Pittsburg, ho
said, would serve as a tost for his
wilrc, nnd to determine to sumo ox
tent, his plans for the coming cam
paign. KOO.HKVr.l.T IS HUl.liY
Df Amo 1(11 I'ttM lo Coot nr Tlm.)
OVSTKIl HAY. Juno 30, "I
I feel bully, Just bully," said
lltoosovolt, nB ho mounted bis
I'ersinn gomiiig anil stnrinu on
it ride with his son Archie.
An a cniKosslou to the doctor,
who prescribed four months
rest, Colonel ltoosenlt slept nn
hour later than usual.
lf AMerltltsI I'n. lo Com Ht Tlmta.)
U'ASIIIS'flTnN. II. fV. .limit MO
The Lovor bill, iluslgnml to oiimjiinte
the gambling fenturns In cotton ex
changes, pnssed the House of Hop-
I'scptatlves )esturday by u vote ot
xl to 21
Explodes at Noon Today For
Seventh Time Smoke Shot
Up Thousands of Feet
llf Auocltlt I'riM lo Ct nr ilmM 1
RICD HLUFF, Cnl., Juno 30.
Lassnn peak exploded at noon today
for the sovonth time and a donso
column of smoke shot up thousands
of feet Tho eruption was moro vio
lent than any of the previous ones.
Carries Provision for Two New
Dreadnaughts and Per
mits Sale
ID Awocltttd IVCM lo Coot P. 7 Tlnro.1
WASHINGTON, D. C, June 30.
Prosldent Wilson todny signed tho
naval appropriation bill, whloh cur
ries a provision for two new dread
naughts and permits tho sule of the
battleships Idaho and Mississippi to
Greece. ;