The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 29, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    fcr .
.. ,iih tho creat nurehnsltiir in,.
if this connmmlty should not ii0
Jrtrloikccl in plnclng your ndvortis-
Willi every copy of this me Hum.
Have your advertlxomont rend by
the Home Cominnnliv rniruinriv ...
Tho choice of media of
cctsMl merchants IS Til 1-2 TIM) .
I Hint they will know you. Ue' In-
irouuced hy Tlll-3 TIMI-2N.
jfbdaty s !
idsAre What Make
i JM8 rzr mm?
, 3 2 ft .rrt. J . . .
WiSJUii Kiail
' n - -w -v
uo 3G1.
IMulilKI(', (,S7S
us Tin. (,,,., t(ij
h io Clue Found That Would
Lead to Arrest of Two Men
Who Held up Auto Parties
Robbery Occurred on Lonely
einnlnli nf Rnnfl Altnnt Miln
. West of North Bend
No due has been found that would
lend to tho nrrest of tho two masked
men who held up three automobile
of tho country In ninny moons, and
It has been tho chler topic of con -
rersatlon slnco It occurred. It hns
been Impossible to lenrn the exact
amount of money nntl vnluables tn-
ken by tho robbers, but It Is estlmat-
turtles iinii irigiucnou rour oiin-r tint would nmic. n... ,.,...,. .i,.m .
drivers of empty ears Just west of "ni.nle" ur ,,,, , :i7i ! ' , , l" onR'ne to cimniiier
ni, . ' .n"J'J"L"vrV "'"":' "rlndrod declared that
The holdup was ono of the most I well-1 ," " ,?,.. 5"K..., I '.'other told him that lie in
J ..irm.trnlmt In II, lu a II I . .... " ; V """ " "' """ .""' '" U1U ellglllC. UllntlUIOr. W 10
umiii. i. ,... . ... .. i iiniii viimiir miifu ui,. ii-ni... ti... .... f
cd at botweon 5100 nnd M00. Miss Ittith (lllbortioii. of North llend-
. AAlin I,,,l;,,; , 0, 'Sidney Htreut. of North Kond; Hen
Thoeo In tho car driven by Shan- liavls. of Marshflcld. and Jack No
non Mltchol wcro Miss Itutli (lllbert- blu, of Mnrshfleld
,on, MIhs Itiith Mntthcws, Miss Norn v wore out 'for a little plens
Hago, Sldnoy Street, lien Davis and urc ride and no ono ever thought
John Noblo. Although there was of such n thing as n holdup," said
considerable monoy nnd Jewelry. In Miss Matthews. In talking nbout her
tho party moat of It. was overlook- experleiue. We had Just reached
ed hy tho holdup men. Noblo was tho rirst clump of woods beyond
relieved of $17 nnd a gold watch. .North llond when wo heard n re
Dnn Davis nnd Sidney Street lost vort like n punctureJ tire. We did
$2 or $3 npleco. Miss Mntthows hnd not think of nnythlng else that: a
a diamond ring, but tho robber did, tiro blowing out until n minute
not find It when ho searched Mr. I Inter when our car came to n suddon
Davis' pocket. linlt and wo hiw threo masked men
Thoso In tho car ownod and driven with drawn guns. One or them wns
hy Herbert Kern wore Miss Dorothy i right up to us when tho car stop
Klblor nnd-CIuronco Klbler. of North, pod and he puslidd tho old revolvor
Uend, nnd Lylo Chnpell. Threo dol- rKnt m., front or m. fnct, nnd (t
lars wns tnkon from Miss Klbler was still r -oklnc nmrsmnllmi nwfni.
and tho othor In tho pnrty wcro- '. r t. 1 realize It, and
relieved of what smnll chnngo they wns Hughlng. ..e i- ' tnlk Rruff
had. Kern nlso lost n gold wntch. but his volco was slinky s- " or
Olher Victims dered us to get out, P- ''In" the
Wllllnm Krlckson, who drives for.drlvor to turn off tho lights. T r
Footo. hnd only two passengers, undo u Htand nlomtslilo Km mm!
Jnck Cnrtor, Jr., nnd "8hnrkey"lwhro tho tnll man searched the
Nowhouso. Thoy wore ro loved of ,oys. The sillier two kept us cov-
omo simii cnaiiKo. wnaries now-
or, lost,
mi the
limn Id
I1J nml ix vnlimblo gold
wuoi twiui niiD uuiiuiiuu jiuiii niu
Tub! nilint mm t t n t tt ikil t mn 11
otner victims or mo noiuup men is
a mntter of conjecture
. . . . ... a ..
Tho holdup waH onncted on n lone-
ly stroteh of rood nenr Ilnngor lllil. wore gray elothos. I saw hln best
The pnrty In MltchoH's enr wns the wlion wo first (topped. tho lights
first to bo Btoppod by tho lilgli- )mii not boon turiiel off the". Ho
wnymon, who stood In the ra!"o neei;ied nwfully iurv-"i anl tho
of tho rond, flrod n short, r-Iered otlioi-j appeared likewise In t:.o dnrk
1ho driver to Btop tho innchlno an2 nes.
then ordered tho entire party out.' i;c hurriedly soart'icl tho boys
Ono robbor kopt tho party i rel, nn, took Mr. Noble's gold wntch
while tho other searched for money nni n his money. He also took
and vnluables. Mr Street's money r-id hastily
In less than five m'"" "' nrthod Mr. Davis. When ho enmo
the first mnchlno v? g..)P""'i v 1 1 AIIbs Hugo, slie hnd u five-cent
cars woro on tho bcoiio The clrlv- piece, nnd after taking It, ho turned
era thought nt first that t'" pnrty u mv( j0 her. saying thoy didn't
had met with nn nccldont, but they Want that. When he saw that I hnd
soon realized what was taking plnco tt ,,,B on ho asked what It wns
when tho lights from tho lamps on nn,i when I told him It was a tur-
tne cars shown on tlio pany oi ma
first part with tholr hands In tho
nlr All woro commanded io uoisi
tholr mitts nnd tho two hlghwnymen
went through pockota In short ordor,
Hid Not Attend umicc.
The parties In tho mnchlnes driv
en by, Mitchell nnd Kern did not
attend tlio dance given at South In
let by the Napahnnnn Club, but
woro on n pleasure rldo through the
north end' of tho ponlnsuln. William
Erlckson, Lynn Lambeth, Roy Ruff
ncr nnd Charles Bowman were re-
lurnlnr tmm Rnnth Inlet to North
Bend and Marshflcld. . ,
When tho highwaymen nnwne.i i
their Job, they firod another shot
ana Jumped. on tho running "..
of Bowman's machine, pointed
their guns In his face and ordered
him to drive nt full Bpeed toward
Kmpiro. After they hnd covorod
n dlstnnbo of nbout 300 yards the
two highwaymen Jumped off una
made a dash for tho tall and untut.
Tho victims of tho highwaymen he d
a short consultation nnd then mn-io
a beellno for tholr respective des
tinations. Anderson Forgotten
Strange ns It muy seem, no one
notified Chief tff 1'ollce Anderson
nt North Bend of the holdup. e
beard nothing of It until ir
llfla. 1 n'nlnnls RlltlllnV inOniWK'
Mnyor Simpson, who learned oi' tho, '
holdup soon nrter it occurrvu. v.v
Phoned Sheriff Gage, who waa ati
Bandon at tho time, and somooue
notified the Mnrshfield police.
Sheriff Gngo arrived In Marsbfleld
early Sunday morning and wont im
mediately to tjio sceno of tho roi
bory, accompanied by Chief of I o
llco Anderson, of North Bend. The
two spent the entire day 80rcJ'l"S
tho woods nnd running down false
reports as to tho whereabouts or
tho highwaymen. ,,,,,
Both of tho robbers wore masks
nnd only a meager description or
the two men is obtainable. One'8
described as being tall and lunk,
tho other a man of med urn height
and weight. A boat anchored near
tho South Slough ferry dlWg
some time during the night, and it
U thought that the men probably
! HOLDUP 111
'WiSSnU!!1 Matthews Says She;
uuuiuii i ituanze iiibv Had
Met Real Bandits
To be tin. victims of a real holdup
ciipanls of the first car held up by
, the Kmpiro road bandits Saturday
night. Those In the party were
.Shannon .Mitchell, the chauffeur'
Miss Hulli Matthews, of Marshfleld:
Miss Nora Hime. of North H.....I-
Prot with their guns.
i didnt gut scared, I.ecnuso .' mr.n and his wife havo boon camping'
goomcil so f ly nnd then It seomel on tho sandhills for several days nnd'
n8 though I know tho tnll man. Ills . that they worn thero on the night of
.. i ..!. .? .. '-
n iikiiikm I nv inn Hill iiinii. mihi
voice sounded like someone's thnt
I had heard and I kept tr-lii" to
i;i'.,U who he was. Ho wns till" and '
qiioise setting, no snni tuey didirt
wnnt anything oxcept money, dln-
monds nnd watches
"Just as hn finished searching us,
another tar came along and I think
it surprised them. Ho told us to
hurry up nnd got In the car nnd
wo did.
"Kn routo to Kmplre wo mot Hoy
Ruffner coming towards North Dend
and hollered nnd told him what had
happened, but he must havo thought
that wo wero trying to Joko him
and kent .'light on. Ho found out
ii,nt wn were not Joking, though
"Luckily I had given my diamond
riB j0 Mr Davis ana ne naa u in
his pocket and nlso luckily tho bur
glar didn't find it. Miss Gilbert
eon had given her purse to Mr, No-
b'e, so ;hat she would not no oom
ered with It. nnd the burglar over
looked it In Mr. Noble's pocket and
so fche was nlso lucky.
When wo reaohed Kmplre, the
boys sot some guns and wo came
back but there was no signs of any
thing then.'
M' MRtties was sifforlng from
the injurle which she sustained in
the motorcycle lolllslon and this
had ail the thrills of tho
holdup out of her mind.
Disorders Break Out in West-
inghouse Strike Many
Deputies Guard
(Dr AMMUI"! Fmt ! C H Tl 1
niTTsnmtG. June 2. snenu
"riVfi of the State Constabu
Vary was ordered to Pittsburg as a
result of tho disorders this morning.
T. H. Grinrod, Who Took Gas
oline Engine from Boat, Not
' Recognized as Robber
T. II. Orlndrod. arrested this morn-
"IK on n complaint filed hy V. S
C.inmllor. which charged him with
stealing a gasoline engine from his
motorbont, Is suspected by tho police
ns ncing ono or tno two men who
held up the .nuto parties near Hanger
Grind0.? " broSi before j
",vv-'v , " n,lu
charge brouglit by Chandler was ills- lenced last fall when ho hnd to he
missed when Orlndrod agreed to pay 'taken to San Francisco In a straight
Fred Nelson, to whom he sold tho'Jnckct. '
engine for $15. the same prlco to
ONnd -
I1. lnvn
hi "'
filed the
lomplnlnt. denies thnt his brother
told Orlndrod thnt ho might hnvo tho
engine. He Bnys that ho told him he
might havo a certain part of It to
serve n cortnln nurnose. but thnt ho
did not tell him that ho could havoj
tho whole tiling
Whllo Orlndrod was In tho nollco
station this morning awaiting IiIb pre
liminary Hearing boforo Justice Pen
nock ho wnH Inclined to talk n llttlo
too freely about tho holdup InBt Sat
urdny night. Whllo ho said nothing
mat would linpllcato him suspicion
uniurniiy ion upon him.
Marshal Cartor rounded mi n mini
her of the automobile drivers who
were at the sceno of tho holdup nnd
they hnd n look at tho prisoner. Miss
Itutli Ollbertsou, who wns also In the
pnrty, took n look nt Orlndrod whllo
ho wns In Justice I'onnockVcourt this
nfternoon. Nono of tho nnrtlcs con
corned could Identify Orlndrod ns ono
or tuc holdup mon.
Whan U. A Coppto found that
Orlndrod wns under arrest ho hnd
Attorney Hoy draw up n writ of gnr-
nlsiieo for $27 which Copplo claims
Orlndrod owes him for articles pur
chased In his .store. All of tho prop
rty owned by Orlndrod was attached.
" 'ind sonio baggage nt tho Drenk-
xirsonal effects In n tent on tho
sand hills, opposlto h2mplrc.
orlndrod says thnt ho, Jim Hush
f.n ..-j ..,
tho holdup. Ho says that ho Is a
victim of circumstances nnd Hint ho
nor his friend nushmnu know nothing
nf tho holdup further thnt what they
havo heard on the streets.
Orlndrod snld thnt tho officers
needed no soarch warrant to go
through whnt personal effects he has.
Ho said they wero at liberty at nny
tlmo to Hoareh 111 in or his property.
Constable Cox nttached his prop
erty nnd Orlndrod will bo held until
Clydo Gngo and Chief of I'ollco An
dorson return from tho Sandhills with
Jim Bushman,
Huerta Losing Grip on Situa
tion There and Troops May
Mutiny Soon
(Or AuUte4 riw U Co Bf TIbm.)
VERA CRUZ, Juno 29. Fear, that
the spread of.dlssatlsfnctlon among
tho Mexican Federal troops might
result In an uprising In Mexico City
causod tho British residents there to
hold n meeting Saturday nlghtno ar
range final plans for defense In case
of disorder. Refugees arriving hero
who nttended the meotlng said thnt
the general opinion was that Huerta's
hold on the situation in tho capital
Is wuvering nud many predicted an
uprising or revolt of the Federal ar
my within ten days.
California Goes Ashore With
1016 Passengers Near Lon
donderryAll Saved
(Br AuofUlM frm to Trot Sr Tlmu.1
1016 passengehs on the Anchor liner
California, which went ashore last
.i.u nn T.rrv Tallin,! rfnrinp n ,ionnn
r BUCcessfully transferred
to the Donaldson Cassandra
and a small coasting sieamer wimoui.
nnv loss of life
The California lies In a precarious1
I i
Well-known Coos Bay Resi
dent Held on Insanity Charges
General Breakdown
MnJor'L. 1). Kinney of I'lnt II was
urouR. i nero tills afternoon by Con
stable ICmory and placed In the city
', Jail on charges of Insanity,
Constable lOmory returned to North
uend to Have a formal comnlnlnt
miulo out.
For tho pnst three of four days,
Major Kinney hnd been evidencing a
Irilllllll. nllllllni. (.. 11... mm Ian ........a.-
j For two or threo weeks Major Kin-
.ney slept most of the time, but for
tho last fow days ho linn not Blept
Ho had shown Indications of be-
nnmltitr vlnl.iti n.1 1.t ......!...! i..
m . iii tin ii ma i i-OIIUUU J
i his belni: tnken Into cuaiodv
J. C. Hammel and Wife, of Al
bany May Take Over Gallicr
Will Run the Simpson
(Special to Tho Times.)
I1ANDON, Or., June 20. Mr. nnd
Mrs. J, C. Hammel of Albany nrrlvcd
n st- ' fMntmny
Mrs. ii. ..nut. '1 bo Intereb,
Bandon pooplo in II
then tuko n long lease
i,nn..l I- .!...,..... I I ,
ilia. !, j. iiuililliui Ul JVIIJ1IIIY urilVUII. ,, , ," i , , , ,. "
hero yostorday" and nro negotiating, " ,!o" '"J ' wlfo, n ,".,'
for trMnir over the Onlller Hotel. u;tM0 l'l''ll honors nnd cut off his
Is unduiii.o t' 'r plan Is to form cn'ltlrpii from nil hope of succeeding
tho present Oalllor Hotofand "remodol I J! wj1" " ovor BO years of age. rain ninilo sevoritl nttomptB to punish
It nnd thou mid nbout sixty more' "",8 '"" nn,no WflH ' 'nmcls 1 'crdlnniid llu' Serbs, but tho troopB wero called
rooms to It, arranging It to enter tolCnrl ''Udwlg Joseph Marin. His.01'. Hmo of iho Servian stiidonli.
Bummer tourist business as well as
taking care of tho regulartrade
Mr nnd Mrs Hammel Jiavo recent-
ly closed negotiations nt North Iloml
for tho Simpson Hotel to bo built
1 i
Judge Coke Revokes Parole of
Marshflcld Man' Because
of Drink and Threats
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQUILLK, Or., Juno 20. Judgu
John S. Coko todny revoked the par
ole of Jack Marsden, of Marshflold.
Marsden was under sontenco for
throating to shoot J. W. Bennett, tho
Mnrshfield lawyer and banker, a
few years ago, but was paroled on
promlso of good behavior. A fow
months ago ho was arrested by
Marshal Carter oft" the charge thnt
he wus drinking ttgaln and making
throats against Mr, Bennett. He
has been In tho county Jlal for some
time. Tho principal evldenco ngalnst
Marsden, charging him with violating
his parole, was given by Mnrshnl
Carter and Constable Cox. C. I.
Relgnrd, Win. Cox, Mrs. McMakln
and Marsdon were tho witnesses in
his own behalf. Just how long
Marsden- will have to servo at Sa
lem is not known.
Miller In .Sentenced.
Judge Coke also sentenced Larry
Miller, who was convicted last week
of the Myrtle Point bank robbery.
to an Indeterminate sontenco of .1
to 20 years. The maximum sen
tence would havo been five to forty
years. Miller protested his Inno
cence whon called up for sentonco.
Br AMotUIH ITfu lm lur Tlmn ) ,
29. Surgeon General Blue of I
the Public Health Service will go !
to New Orloans to tnko charge of- I
the campaign against the bubon- I
Ic plague. Ono death has ul- I
ready been roported. I
position on the rocky coast, but It Is
expoctod that she will bo loated as
soon as good weather sets In. Tho
crew remained aboard although water
penetrated three of her holds.
All members of the Mooso Lodge.
and their wives, sweethoarts and
mothers, are urgently requested to
hn nrBnt at tho lodne room
day evening. June 30. as there will
be something interesting that no
one buuuiu iu, nuiuciiuur, uuuifi
every minute.
GKO. COOK, Secretary.
A Consolidation
mid Coos
Assassination Second Double
Murder in Austria's Royal
Family Tragedy Told
tm ao utM rrt to com ut Timf.,1
l.ONDON, Juno 211. With tlio
death of Francis Joseph, his ueuhew,
llie Archduke Francis Fcrnd.
I Willi wim fitthUitlti iilml. vrii1il Unvtt
11 i ."" "-"- " " ' xt
wns nssisBinnicii, wouiil nnvo
?IimI to the throne or Austria-
wry. It was a succession which
succemlcd to the throne of Austria-
Hungary. It was a succession which
polltlcal observers had discussed with'
much concern, but In popular In- "': "", V, ' . V""VU",B '""" n"
terest. the uffnlrs of stile were L,, n ff. ni C0,l",rV MVmUnRU
eclipsed by tho ense of n woman- pJ I?. " nl r,,,"r'' w ,0 . Vwlo
tho morgunatle wife of tho now ruler ,.r'' " ' .V'0 1;?,!"K!f',Kn,',',l.n' f rod ,ho
-and their children. I lr,,?l.H"",H' l'h,,,, Mnrlinl Oskar Po
lly solemn until, after tho Arch-' "r.". Oovornor of llosnln. wns sont-
iiiike's marriage to the llohomlnn V," ' V V ''- k n,l,' Coun
Countess Bophlo Cholok, ho sworo ' ,"M",' Von lrnrrni.h wnfl Blfl1i(R
In the presence of tho F.mpcror I1",!"0 folbonrd acting ns n shield
Francis Joseph, nil tho primes or !", ''V orc"l"iitH. of whom ho consll
tho house of HapBburg, tho Cnrdlnnls urQ" himself n speclnl bodyKunrd
of Vlcnnn, and ninny other high dig- !V,or, V10 lll)ni, '""l heon thrown nl
nltnrles In both tho Austrlnn nml I J J10 ,,olr ,0 ,no throno of AustrJa
Hungnrlan governments that ho J.,ll!";nr' n ow minutes bofcro b
wnnlil lliunr nttnmnl In mlm l,lu NedOlJn OnlirlllOVlcli. Tint Arr'i n,.br.
I .v'fe to tho position of Kmpresi nor
to cstniiiisn rights or succession to
tho throne for nny children which
should bo born to them.
Ab king tho will of Francis For-
'""wr, tno Arc - ;uko unri i.udwlg, ,
lwaB n orotllor of Kmporor Francis
JoBO,n' n",, n''' "'H'er waB Mnrlni
' Annunaslittn. darjjhtor of Ferdinand i
" of..Hr,e1,l' ......
I l'flous Double 'I ingeily
. nP to his twenty-sixth year, F
loir. I.'rt .Hun ii.l ln.l l.1,m !...
Ich Mr. nndi"""' 'ero wan wiueHire.iii specu-. J, " """ """ imui iy a nomii m
u ' "siion nun no eini '"" ",Bl miuru ninny wns prnnnunc-
wm W.,t. , - ... n,l fill nt .ln...nM ...1.11- .... .. .
nnminla will "i tuiiipilt... wuiu luruncun III " ""." V """Hi wiiiiu 1110 injury
animeiswiu rcr rniura" auD.ctl fivcrct wish tg JBUtnlucO by, Count Von Hoos-Wnl-
nnvo i ii ik iiiinini rnvnKKii. " in iiibiKiiiiirani. urniinn num.
els Ferdinand hnd no Idea thnt ho fomented by the newspnpors nnd ngl
would become Kmporor of Austrlu. .tutors throughout Servln nnd llosnln,
Tho Crown I't-lmo Rudolph, tho. which helped to Inflnino tho minds
only son of Frauds Joseph, wns nf the studeiitH nud indliro them to
then heir, wber o tbu i-oiistoriiiitloii ."arrlflrn their lives In tho bollof
I of the nnd to tho sur-tn, ,lny will go down In hUtory
prise of tho woi Id, tho Crown I'rlnco'1" pntrlolH. Tho rrlmo Is llkoly
met n tragic death In what Is known
the Meyerllng tragedy, the result
nu uncountn:mnced lovo for n
young bnromiHs. The mystery of tho1.. it mnyombltter the relations with
shooting nt Meyc-llng lodge. In which
I both tho bnroness nud the Crown
I'rluco wero kl.lcil, bus never been
With tho Pr-wn Prlnro thus re
moved, tho fir t choice ns an heir
to Francis Joseph fell to his brother,
tho Archduke Cnrl I.udwlg, but ho
nl ready wns nn old mnn, and bo de
clined the honors In fnvor of his
ttldest son, Francis Ferdlnnnd. Tho
title of heir was novor officially con
ferred upon Francis Ferdinand, but
from his twenty-sixth year his train
ing for tho throno was carried on.
Ills escapades had been such ns
nro so of ton ascribed to royal1 lads,
but It Is said that many of tho crim
inal pranks related about him wero
those of his wilder brother, Otto.
Francis Ferdinand had a very
thorough military training, extend
ing over 20 yon re, nnd In 1801 ho
was mndo a general. lo reorgan
ized the general staff of tho Austrn
Hungarian uriny with such success
ns to excite tho admiration of all
Kuropo. As a hobby he took up
locomotive engineering, and received
n diploma as u full fledged railroad
engineer. Ho was said tn enjoy
nothing so much ns running an en
gine He also been mo recognized
as one of the best shots In his coun
try. Ills lslt to tho United Stntos was
made In 1802, at the time nf the
World's Fair In Chicago.
He made ,
n diary of tho trip, which continued
nround the world, nnd which Is nn
Interesting piece of travel llloraturo,
dlunlavlnic shrewd comments of ap
preciation or things hn saw and did. I
He thought this globo-tourlng would j
especially contribute to his oduca- parts of the ducnl monarchy, as well
Hon as u future monarch. as foreign countries, messages pour-
Ho also wrnlo two volumes of Al- ed In todny testifying to the pro
plno poetry, and put on pnper for, found Impression produced through
tho first tlmo many of tho old met- nut tho world by tho assassination,
odlos of his native Ktyrln. 'When the old Kmporor Franco Jos-
It hud boon sugKoxtod that the eph arrived nl the suburban station .
Pope might absolve die Ardidukn from Ischl, he wns greeted with I
Francis Fordlnand from bis oath nud chimin bv the larcn crowds. Ills
thus enable him to mnke his wlfo
Knipross-Queon nnd his sons ollg-
, for succession to the throne,
.but there were grave difficulties In
tho way of this course beliiK adopt
ed. Archduke Charles Francis Jos-
eph, elder son of Francis Ferdinand s
.brother, Otto, was always lookod
upon ns tho second heir apparent, und
Tuos-'enJovs nil tho privileges of proeo-
'deuce duo to that position Since
W- rrtaa In 1911 to Princess
,. - .. ........... .-,...- - i
birth of their two sons he would ap-
pear to bo still more firmly entrench-
No. 287
Arch-Duke Ferdinand and
Wife Shot Down in Auto Af
ter Attempt by Bomb
Affair Revives Long Discussion
Over Slain Nobleman's
Morganatic Marriage
"" ' r t , n ti.j
L hahatbvo. nosnia, June 20.
Martial Inw was proclaimed todny.
both In tho city and district of Snra-
!'"' ' eonHeinienco of tho nssflsslna-
r""nCm. 'iTi mA m''1', M,,,H '
?h" ", n I 'Ch2T,-r "S&St
. V ,,IB "".M I,I.IIU,C HU.
iii,w ,..,., ..i..i . . . . '
f,, l"'01 "' ' calnfnlqtn
. .,"''. f ..' . ,Vxin .?'" '
' .. ,..r. . ." "" ' caiaralquo In
.'...,".. ,"..l'll, .l1'""1'.0 ""' r'
. 1' . .t ... . Km,".tnt "'"'"" e
wiIB JK,K nboHt htH procnutlons
""V" i'rui snois rnng out. Knch
i bulet Inflicted n mortal wound. Kor
"" iant, tho flold mnrshnl thought
I iru rtrcn uuko nml Duchess bad c-
nni.n.l V'..lll. . .. .
1 n,i '$. l,.t'1; ?L icr0iX n boiiiM I
n tnoment inter they crumpled f
wnn, Llentonnnt Colonol Krl.t M
n i . iicnru no news i or tno ns-,.,
Bassinntlon, shnutedi "Thnnk Ood.
wo 'i1''''' not do It ourselves." They
worP nrrpsted us accomplices of the
Kcrvlnn hatred of Austrian, which
hnH always been violent. linH been
" "nvu n contrary errect. Austrian
ninnoriues nro contempintlng sovero
. m'',,H,ir',H nKiilnst the Kerbs.
, Russin, tho protector of all Serbs.
was caiiiu-tij vuvr.
AxkiiKMliiiitlou WaN Armngi'i! Klutmil
ly from Capital of Kervln.
(Br AmmIiIM Tim U Coo Dr Tlmx.J
LONDON, Juno 20. Kvory dis
patch brought additional evidence
thnt tho nssasslnntlon of tho Arch
Duko and DhcIicsh wns ono of the
most carefully planned crimes ngalnst
royalty ovor carried out. It wns en
gineered by persons possessing n mors
unit nro organizing ability than that of
tho youthful assassins, It Is goner
nlly thought In Austria and Hungary
that tho plotters hnxl their head
quarters In Rolgradc, tho Servian capi
I'icnIiIciiIc KonoN Mcftfuigo of Syra
williy t Austrian' Itiuporor, '
Br AMMltttd rjf u Cm Br TImm.1
WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 29.
President Wilson sent the following
to the Kmporor of Austria-Hungary:
"Dooply shocked at atrocious mur
der of Arch Duko nnd Consort at
nssassln's hands. I extend to your
mnjosty and to tho foynl family to
give to Austria-Hungary the sincere
condolences of tlio government nnd
people of tho United States nnd this
expression of my own profound syro-
pa thy."
oi.n K.Mi'intoH wi:i,co.mi:d
(Of Atwxlttfcl fifM la Cm Bar TlmM
VII2NNA. Juno 29. -From all
Majesty was received nt the palace
by the Arch-Duke Charles Fronds
Joseph, the new heir opparont to
the throne.
td In tho order of succession to the
throno of the HapBburgs,
of Times, Const Mull
liny AdeHKor
Both Francis ferdlnnnd and his
wlfo wore devout Catholics: ee
to the point of flerco contentloi
to the fslth and tenets of tho church
of Rome.
I'oiirlJi of July Bargains. I4dlel
i2mK)rIuiii. 7H Central Avenue.
HWSfgMp 'gfjfsrrwis