Jmm TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY. JUMP ,7 iou-ewe EDT0N. iL.j FIVE HU30 82.550 81.300 66,0 29.000 II The Men From the Woods The Men From the Ranch The Men From the Mine The Men From Everywhere Vo Join the people of Coos liny in ni,ii celebration, Friday and Saturday. Jy 3 nml 4 " f ,,llI Wo want you to come In and see , TIIE mu your homo and your headquarters while here. Leave your parcels here; meet your friends here. You will fml Tm, mm, . Cl " ot welcome and a place or rest. Whether you want to buy any thing or not come here. This Is a store of service nd . wait to servo you In a practical and helpful way. When Yon Come to the Celebra tion Come to the FIXUP t . . "V TIOI M'ltan., l.l I.. .. . .V"'.V. I mmmmmm BREVITIES WKATHKIt FORECAST FIXUP MARSHFIELD. Two Store9 NonTn hmgSSSEHS23 III. mvi-m Vm ! Coo. On tIbxh J OREGON Fair, westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPKRATUIti; nix'oao For the 24 hours ending at I --V....U, oL-uuu guvurnment me teorologist: Maximum eg Minimum At 4:43 a. m 48 Precipitation ,"oo Piecipltntlon slnco Sept. 1. 1913 ....CG43 Precipitation samo period last year C3.47 wind: northwest, clear. I Guernoyllle. The latter wired Coro- nei ilson this morning that ho did not have money enough for funeral , expenses. Tho telegram camo collect. Water 1am or. Dal Cathcart says , that the drain pipe is lowering the l pond between l.8 plnce and It. A. , Copple about two Inches a day. He " "m me uotiy of water Is larger than Is generally believed and that It woud take one hundred miles flow of the pipe to lower the pond ono root. Mr. Cathcart has figured out tliat a cubic mile of water contains tnoug-, to fill n canal to float a hat tleshlp around the world nt the equator. EVERYBODY M r, ''' itA,n TWO ,,AVS ,l',tV "' AX1 -ITU, HUT OUlt tl'TOMi:usrKI.KIIHATKJMW DAYS IX TUB YB I , VOL' KNOW WHY? ASK Til I'M AM) SKK I'S PRICE, Qt'ALITY AMI SKIIYICK. Schroedf r & Hildenbrand HARDWARE AM) l'Ll'MIMXG I'linoraum View v w qi,i. will climb Into a tree top at Cooston i early Monday morning nml tnko a panoramic view of ti o cities of Mnrshflold nml North Demi. When finished tho picture will be some thing over six feet In length. Sheclor has erected a platform In n tree top at Cooston and has everything In readiness for the snapshot. He would ii? V? nnvo ns ,nn"' uont8 B l0S' , slblo lined up on tho waterfront when the picture Is taken, which will be about 7 o'clock Monday morning. 0 LE ID PIE D NOW l!icet Hoiik'.- Wed In HiiHolnirK. Tho following J. A. Ensmliii-or In . . "UBUU,lrK ueview will Do or .' i !,.1fc?.rJ? Intorost hero ns tho bride la well known on Coos liny, whero n number in nor reinitves reside.: "A quiet wed IIiiHil Wlmif. Chas. Noble Is to-' m"B wnB o1ci",m1 nt tho offices of1 day moving hl8 pile-driver to sta?t .the county . Jm,R0 lato CBterdny of-, work driving WU forthlTA'ldSr u'nX& J"". & of I building n neat cottage on Southwest ,, lloulevnrd In First Addition. 0" Decide to Go Ahead With Brick Building at Third and Central at Once CLJOTIED ADi LOST lint-go Moose lionil rlmmi on street, Reward for return to Times office. Chntlen N'nliln nniiniiiinml that thev hnd romiilninii,- ... ahead with the construction of tho . l!J.0. K.9,n,t3 building nt the corner of Third and Central. The building will bo BO x 100, two stories blgh and of brick construction with 12 Inch wnlls. FOR SALIC Registered HoIMclit today' bull. Jns. Lnmlrlth, phono 30.1X8. WA.Ti;i (Jlrl Mlltltfl M)Slt(ll tit work. Apply Phono 2D7-X. WE IIAVI0 u kxh1 liivcMtincnt In tl) acres noar lloulevard Addition nt $400 per acre. Terms. 2G per cent down, bnlanco In 1, 2 and 3 years. cent. Title Guar- Co. 1M. I. ..Ml t .... 'uh tun uu cuiisirucitui ror intnroMt r. nr nvnn in ninr uiituuiiiici. jinn .utn. .iiunnainn n .u -.-,--- tv,iiiij n iiiii I. . ... ...., w laiMvuiiii. ii ii iiiuiir inr 11 ini.ina. !... . ... ,. Hlbbard Itlcher worn unite,! In ...; ....': ":.". "U"?K' '"l11 wl" nnieo & Abstract n,nri. r, ... ....-.:. "inu i Bi-uuuB cninc v or ufio. mmiHl Over. Tom Hall has re- ncnted at the we.!,' T xf ? i , '" tho coiwtructlon. however, they cr.D PA1 M'LT Co1,llll aml 8,nlcs thnt "in .Walker are ?, ,' v .11 pln".t0 mnko eo t,1t the bu Idlng FOR SALE I .Inck OMlrlcn was bound over to the ,, i n.ilJ ,? , ' ,emVn ;? fow dnvs ran be easily nlterod Into n business SEqiiSF Und?,r G. "nd hy JU Sn?XVoJtoo5e?tTSkfth lll0?ki.,B,m 'vl.I".onntsbU prove roil SALK-Yoflrl.n l.olstc.n bull. tlce Stanley on the charge of robbing "mImi-o homi Tlwi nro roil.iPrP.lnJ "' U W'" ,,r,nK Kron,or ruturn8 for w marked. August Carlson a man known nB "Frenchy" nt Coal- B local hotc " rosl8tercd nt storeroom purposes. coos Itlver. Phono 303XXI. do- I cnl "0,C1, Thoy plan to build It tlmmanivn. I ma I IRVING BLOCK AH Week Special LADIES DEPARTMENT 1-2 Price On Suits, both Novelties and Plain Tailored These are composed of all the newest materials and colors. No reservation made. ALL SUITS INCLUDED. Call and look them over. It will be a big money-saving event. WATCH OUR WINDOWS Ih'liiy Wedding Mrs. Emily Mc nrlln, owner of tho McFnrlln rrnn- uorry rnncli on North Inlot, lR .uuisuiiL'iu visitor touny. i that her mnrrlage to Judgo WHO rnrpntlv nnmn inrn rrnm nll fornln, will' not tnko plnco for an- roYolvor- It Is understood th.u tlio other year. i f'olvor belonged to tho foreman nml ?onttp.0nnW",i i,h0 "),n,Srl.n.1 .I,ml WW HAIiB-IIKMicro fnrni, 107 nc o? Vnr Ii n2 ! fr C; 8;.Kn,"p. res rich bottom land, all In cultlvn. Of North Heml, Will probably tako tlnn nml i,n.l..rn nvrni.f n f.- nrrn inn wnrir TUn t.itii.n.. i .. i :: " " v Blio says '' ,lcnrp' today, wns accidentally started within a fow K the ling good s'nrlng wa?or Fltn. um!,n,,th0,r?ht ,0R,th, ,Vornl,,ff f?l "" Jmvlng recentb- been com- , ' fc S om Call- w'cn one of tho workman dropped Meted. i "'" ' " J,J : ', Arclilenlnlly Klml. Ono of tho foremen nt tho Houser & UoiiRnr supply enmp, wlioso nnmo could not tho work. Oels Doks, at tho request of tho workman It wns nnnuod to him for examination Herbert Mitrnhv nt South Mnrshflold today recovered two ":,'Hpe(i u ami u was ncci Joiuul'y d'. Aircunio pups winch ho had lost. , '"""Y"- " wuiiiiucu nu"i w.ts Yesterdnv ho mndn n rln tn Mm. brought from North Inlet In tho nlrn in ini-patii'nin , nin .,.i i.i i.. Inuuch Pronto nml Inkcn In Mpi-m resulted In tho two dogs roturnlng ,Iol',"l. whero tho wound was dice i. .. .11 . . . naif 1 iiir r linn '' um. ... ... imiiiu uiih morning, nowovor, ho " "'""" " iuil-iiiiii iiu did not find out who was responsible. . not Bcrlously Injured. $35.00 CASH and $3fi per year for three years Buys a Level Building Site Cleared ami ready for building 46x90 feet. Other lots, sightly and attractive 1185, $225, $310, $350 and $3C0. Full CO lots on or near Improved streets with city water SKI-; lUIll) AIIOL'T IT." Act nt onc'o. Only a fow left at those prices. Hon and pasturo excopt n fow acres. Houso, barn, orchard and plonty located on Co- rlco $125.00 Dor aero, ono-hnlt ciibIi, balanco 5 years with interest. Tho best bargain In the county. Address P. O. llox 1CL Coqulllo, Oregon. HELP WANTED Hl'XDAY nXCl'IIHION lPE0PbEY0Ul NORTH BEND NEWS i u KMOW ABOUT fl V, Jl r ' tins been on his Crook rnnn. try, has returned hero to spend tho -UU ill. I If you want' tho best location monoy can buy, ask Hold about Perham Park ALWAYS A PLHASUKK TO SHOW PltOPKItTY. W A. REID, 150 Front Street, KiimllcM !: Mrs. P. U. ninkc.l who conducts n largo chicken rnnph.i ? I'S' .L"lT th. .T,IIHi" of,.leo Rtonmer Alert will leave her rog minRir,l,Cili lB,n,,01,t U,, Bh0 ot n "Inr dock at S o'clock. lteturn mothba II. About a month ago Mrs. from Allegany about R o'clock I f L, mo Times or ico tho ovonlng. Hound trip to Alio-1 company for somo line. p ?npn tnlnT,KCaLC3B f"nd 0n hor, ""' 0,,,' 7r,c' Aut0B r to r MSSLIB IILANCHAIII) who riii nSif-li-iThil,tionoi ",cn8,im! "" aoldon Falls. $1.00 ono way or ponding several weeks irnnP ' ",C,,C8 '" rlrC,lm" ,,'B. for rol,,,d ,rl"' Flsh,"B ,B '""""toad In the Knll Cre. "tnct .good. try. has returnoii burn m , Ai-ipsIciI Toilay For tho first tlmo this year Louis Knglund Is reglstorod nt tho Hotel do Carter. Ho was ar icstcd at 0:20 o'clock this morning by Marshal Carter, who found him on tho street In an Intoxicated con dition. According to Carter Knglund was taking up moro of tho streot than Is required by tho nvorngo In dividual. Knglund will licvo n chanre to explain when ho sobers up. Xot Alnrmcil. C. It. Perk stnted N. WBHSTKH. of Coos Hlvor. wns In ...M.rH:..,,...Y?,,nB .of ,.'.",H- w''o has today that although ho had not ro- the city today -on'ufiilnort - I Z . V." I ',, .... " .wu" r. nUv" I David Con verso of Lents was a Ho left this afternoon after attend lug to mnttors of a business nature. MKS. IIUTTKIIS, of Allegany, camo In on tho Alert this morning. Af ter visiting friends and doing some shopping slio loft for her homo this afternoon. MKS. II. B. BtnVAItns nml sister, of Allegany, came In this morning to visit somo friends nnd do n little shopping. Thoy left this after- p i"iii o . . .. . WANT to mnko nrrnngeiiu'iits wIUi t';.Vi ' 81inoorr 'ho Southern Coos Hlvor rnnchor for quantity ,,,. ;cniCOm,mil:t'' . l ?n.tho "'orn- of eggs, produco and milk dollvcr- i ... . .nyfuo roiui, wuoro uu win no engaged in work for tho COOK KHrloiircil mini cook uniiln position olthor camp or boarding house. Address B, L. Wuorth, (Ion. Lei., Mnrshflold. I ed at dock every day. raro Times. H. It. K.. FOR RENT l'OIt IIICNT Kloro room, ulwt twu-C-room flaU; modorn Improve ments, laundry, tubs, otc, Finn view, Mnddon bldg., No. Front BU Mrs. Ollvln Kdmnn of Marshfleld ,''0,t HAW! Mimrovlo duck eggsj f3 vimiuu inoniis in .North lloml yoster day. 8. Hanson left today on tho Speed well for San Frnnclsco. Ilo will re liirn soon nml bring his family to iMJrin iionu where thoy will reside, per sotting. Stauff's Orocory. MHS. 1HL In on tho HOY LANDIUTII, of Cods Itlver, enmo In on business this mqrnlng. rolvcd word from his brother. A. K. Peck, ho wns not alarmed over tho report yesterday about two men bo Ing drowned In Iloguo Hlvor, Ho said that he did not expect A. K. Peck nnd I. It. Towor to return beforo tonight or Mbndnv. Thero has been ho confirmation of tho drowning OBOROB DIVILD1SS, of rumor. . Offlclnls Here. District Attornoy I.IIJeqvlst wns hero for a fow houra nt noon today on prlvato business. Dotcctlvo Mitchell camo over with him nnd they woro elated over tho conviction of Larry Mlllor for tho conviction of Lnrry Mlllor for tho Myrtlo Point Hank robbory. Mrs. Ida Mlllor, wlfa of tho convicted man, al so returned hero and will proceed to Portland Monday. ! HM. ifis? x.aiwsar &z CAItD OF THANKS. To the friends who by their kind ly nets ami wordH of Hvimmilii- ip. sened. tho burden of grief In tho 111. I .n lnaldn pnmn in nn i.m.iiw.u'o iii .........i....' . ness and death of our bulnvnrnii .mi "'land brother. Norman Peterson. w CHAHLBS SIBSTHBM and wlfo, of UA,U,,U u,,.r.,r, ' mi.? o i.aKosiuo, woro visitors In tho city today. CHAHLBS MAHAFFY and doughtor, of Coos Hlvor, woro visitors In the city today. l'OIl 1IKNT 1-room funilNlinl flitt with bath. CIS South 11th at. l'OIt HUNT O-rootn Iioumo nad barn, lot 100x200, fruit troct, berry vines and chickens, Phone 302-X or soil Mrs, A. Cavnnnugb, Bastsldo. l'OIt HIIN'T HU-rooui bouse on South Ninth street, $30 per mo. I'hotro 171 or call 13C North Ilroadwsy, : : ion mcM'- -Private trnnige. Phono llixly Not Culled l-'or. Coroner Wilson has received a reply from two relatives of James Taggart, who, dropped doad In tho Illanco Cnfo on Thursday night and nclthor havo money enough to caro for tho body, j Coroner Wilson decided to bury tho dead man this afternoon as a county i charge He first wired Mrs, Agglo Whclan, of South Borkoley. 8ho re ferred him to W. F. Taggart. of C. It. BARROW AND SON camo ovor by auto this morning from Coqulllo to spend tho day on tho Hay. MISS JOAN FITZGERALD, of North Inlot, camo In this morning to visit friends and do a little shopping. II. B. MILLBR, or this city, left on tho morning train for Coqulllo, whore ho was called on matters of business. MR. AND MRS. JOHN PBTBR80N AND FAMILY KS HALAMtf KLBIKl'M Hoirken, Yo Faithful Noble to this: Thero will bo an Importnnt meeting of tho Bl Knb Klub In tho Murshflold Oasis, Monday, Juno "'J, mMlT 10U. AUGUST FARLBY, President, IlyB.J, Chandler, 8ocrotnry. I)HT Thursday, Julio 4, liliirk lynx fur collar and stole Return to Mrs. McDonald at The Chandtcr. PI(J!X)N8 juiy ilollurti whero chicken pay cents; small capltnl neodml; small sparo requlrod; always pea ucd up; ready markets; send for May Issuo of our Journal; fully ex plained thoro; prlco ton cents. Ho-. Ilablo Squab Journal, Versalllos. Mo. FreckleFace 8un dad Wind Will Urlng Out Uglf Spots. How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle "ce, to try a remedy fer freckles with tho guarantee of a reliable oealer that It will not cost you a penny unless It removes the frockles; "una ir it aoea give you a ciear complexion tho expense Is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othlno double atrength from any drug Slst and a fow applications should how you how easy It Is to rid your elf of the homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely U more than one ounco needed for tho orst case. Be sure to ask tho druggist for the double strength othlno as this the prescription sold under the euaranteo of money back If It falls tg remove freckles. HOTKIi DOTSOX S- VV lk-n.tHlnlllll J, t. iiitllMHi, rn'i'iiii"' Opens under now management, June 29. A home place with homo cook ing served In family style. Board and room, $6.50 per week. 316 South Second st., Phone 157-J. Fourth of July Bargains. Ladles' Emporium. 78 Cvntral Aveuno. The Royal TONIGHT Tho Houso of Big Features. Margarot Eleanore will sing two nnur snncfS. "The Bucnneers." A thrilling 3 reel Gold Seal feature that shows the pirates in action; of the cruel .! nmi Hfnredatlons practiced upon other weaker ships. ".MaUIOS uruuinnu wi'wi " other of tho Keystone comedies that always make you laugh. ..n -.. n.v" Thl Intor- estlng picture will again be shown tonigni auu ii "". .. . Jnnl ni. VH Will Hll.. in me an ui v" .wt. . ""..r. . n very good display in tnis mm. Five reels of the most Interesting pictures in the city. Admission, tuner i" -- C Coming next Tuesday and Wednes day: Henry B. Dlxey, supported by r"' " - n nrltrlnnl Hrnnin Laura sawyer, m w..o... --i, of the underworld. "Chelsea 7750." "Zingo, aon oi iuo Grand Theater TONIGHT OSCAR ICAINO and Win. Bvnnhoff left this week for tho Sluslaw, whore tho latter has taken a homo-stead. presents OF BLDKKimUHH D. W. Griffith TUB HATTLK GULCH This Is an early day settlement pictures of tho West, produced by tho world's famous photoplay direc tor. D. W. Griffith, of the Blograph company. This featuro was shown in North Bond last evening and pro nounced by the manager of the Joy Theater as being the best picture they have had for months. HICKVILLK'S FINEST. A rough and ready comedy by the clevor comedians of the Blograph company. Laugh as much as you please at this comedy. RINGS AND HOIlltEItS This Is another good Blograph comedy, that will tickle tho ribs. PATIIB WKKKLV NO. 27. News that is News. Happenings of tho world in motion. FIXB FKATIIKRS MA KB FINK itiltllS mid BATTV HILL WINS A BABY ... I Two very clever comeaies tnai win please. It is useless for us to say we have the best you know It. Children &c. aauus, mc. Remember. Monday is laugh night. "Zuzu, the Bandleader," a cpmedy sensatlon,wlll''be showm JAMBS AIKBN nnd Jack Merchant left this week to Join A. G. Aiken on his camping and prospoctlniv trip In tho uppor Coqulllo Valley. MRS. HBRTlIA MBYBIt loaves today for Tonopah, Nevada, to Join Mr. Meyer who has been there for somo months. MRS. ROBERT ROOKE. of Coos Rlv er, was a visitor In the city today. She left on the steamer Alert this afternoon. A. E. KARDELL, of Coos River, came In on the Alert this morning on business. He left for his homo this aftornoon. MRS. CALVIN WEBSTER, of Lake side, came in on tho North Star this morning to visit her sister, Mrs. Billings. MRS. HENRY NEAL. of this city, went to Coqulllo this morning. She will visit relatives and friends and return Monday. JAMES COWAN, of Lakeside, came In on the North Stor this morning. 158-R PHONE 1 0 Cent M essenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY We Lead - We Do Not Imitate That's the reason Brown & 8wantou have selected soma of the highest class agencies that cost the consumer as much In Now York as In Marshfleld. Your money refundod If tho goods arc not satisfactory. Only tho most progressive drug stores can ob tain those "exclusive" agenclos, as tho Ponslar and Nyal Family Remedies, Maurlno and Sylvodora toilet requisites, Whitman's candles, etc. The Orange Label and prescription blank was first originated In Marshfleld by us, to distinguish us from our competitors. Bring your proscriptions to the storo that built Its repu tntlon on Its own morlt. We are experienced Pharmacists and we do not allow Inexperienced kids to fill prescriptions, Patronuo the store that gunruntecs you safo service, Quality Goods and money ba k If not satisfied when you buy goods that Brown or Sw anion recommend Phone HI, u ij A. HfcSS BSS