BEST FRIEND THEM vomt opportunity .i. tlin itrnnt till mil nutmr hmnv m real I i,,u n I-... -....u...b iuiupi FAMILY tTUCi,T.S REACHED with every ropy of this medium. Have, your advertisement read by the Homo Community regularly, so that they will know you. Ho In troduced 1Y Till: TIMES. i" .ii. . tniinltv nli mi 1 rl nnl l. f in is umii"'" ..i.v nut, ui hf The choice of media of stir fcssful intTclinntB is tiik TIMKS MUMMER OF Till: ASSOCIATED PRESS i: VOL XXXVII. Ksliilillshe,! Ihth as Tlio Const Mull. SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A CoiiMilldiitlon of Time, Coast Mull Coon Hay Athei-tlser No. 286 WILL IDT STOP u THE r i WAY TO KEEP IS NOT TO WEED ff a A L - nm mm THIPH H WIN POM Negro Champion Has Decidedly Best of Twenty-round Fight in Paris Today LAST TEN ROUNDS w ' ALL HIS OWN WAY MnranHanflinn On and Hardly ,i.i. l Unlrl Unnrl I In nlinn ftUlU IU iiuiu !- yi ..i i vi i Uin iiuunu wiuoou ThOUSailds Gather In Drpc Queen's paTnsol caught another He contended that one of tho snips in, AMOciited rrrtu tu v.oo ur Timri.j o,,.i0 i- oil il shower of pnmphlctB. Two women was to hlnmo and brushed aside tho uiunnROME- D'HIVEIt 1'arlH UIIS 10 bee J3CK JOllllSOn who were struggling violently, were theory that the accident wns iiuo vhiAiwiv . I . - . rin-n- DnML aiicstoil. i to a misconception nnd that both nn.ii uniinn nenn . . mm iMiuvm-u it Biui-wiija ihiiiu mu ... ...u viiiii.hiuh w. iu.iui.j i. etUlo "" ",m """'"" Ua bot" b,tt ro responsible. Ijuv . .. ..... ..... don against uwun .minm, mu mo iliht went tho limit of twenty rounds1 fleht Well lim limn i mumy iiiimun 'B1V. . t . Iti. I.. ..r 1. 1.. ..i.l nd Jolllison Blioweu iiuiu ui iii oui- ". . i.u.....iu ..viiri.tiuii.1 i iii. orinlon that only the negro's stl- v'' i.l... c.i.i.1 I. ,l,.r.,! ence Batll o , fu , Whllo Mornn winded himself from111 Will 0 .M'irnn winuuii iiiiiihuii iruiu 1, ..IU ...... mcrtoiis. no inn noi suner miicii (Tom Johnson'B miiiclics. except in ene "or two rounds. Townrd tho end Moran was In trouble and tho crowd lend bis IioIiIIiir tactics. Johnioii .entered tho ring follow- ri by Moran nmld cheering, follow- tdby Uofcn-'o Cnrpentolr. Itounl Ono Moran found nn op- l g and landed on stomach nnd kid! Johnson landed on Mornn's Iiw They mixed JohiiBon landing Mnrn n's Btoniach. I ' R "un Two-Moran forced fight- tofcbSt Johnson managed to lan.l , tuduppur cut to jaw. Aipron ibiih- 'rilf0tnhnok"toneheelf JOmiWII,ln February to be handed to the ne- n,d T Iren-ohSn gave Mor-'-'H wife today, did not material- Round Tlinio-oiinson tax oior questioned, Johnson t? "Ihm, M I reinonded Wl h 'l' "' ' 8' l8 tl,nt l wl" ffiMWiVo nnftdy' JoK iRW ttat M,,rn" ion crowded Mornn, who stumbled niU,!C" '" .lnul rnnnH. 1 Four- -Johnson drow first blood llh right to nose. Negro Bin lldently. I.ncli uxunangcu head. Johnson .landed on . flM . Klvo Mornn landed on .loiinson a Jaw And tho crowd cheered. Johimon landed sevorul on body. Moran blocked hard uppor cuts and liuid- eA lli.litlv nn nnirro'u solar IlleXUB. Six JohiiBon countors terrific up- .......1.... .A l.i... irnp'lll Itlllllpil ' both right and left to Johnson' face., oCft'li .iiuraii uuuiviuu uw.wti hard blows while Johnson got In bard ono to stomcli. Moran lauucu S to rllpes .. dam- ZJ?Z? ,,0nCl1 W,,,0r gUt " K?gh h-Johnson followed 1,1.- old- bto flRhtlns on defensive, rat inreo minor ciub to rjwuumi, r mz s-sr-: jaw gro't stomach, landing or s.x Kro nauincu, aiiuuiiiH . "" Blows and uiockou more hihhh- k.h from negro. Johnaon la Ind Vr! rlRNlU-fcn MDt left Jiooh to bodr whllo Johnwm landed sovornl bard blows on head and Jaw. .lolm- on nmlioil lnnillnir loft OU iliW. I Ten Mixed iinmeuiateiy. junou.. npiia.r,ii nt in.fii'iiiinir. Johnson lent ono to Moran's hobo. Mornn b cond claimed foul In clinch. Blow cut Moron's nose nnd mouth. Crowd booted negro. Hard fighting ro umed. Looked oo if Moran was weakening. All Johnson's round. Eloven Moran landed on Johti ton's head. Negro pushed Moran and received another warning from refereo. Moran eont threo hard blows to body. Negro landed on Moran'a Jaw. . Twelve Johnaon landed several upper cuts to Jaw and straight loits to eyo and noso. Moran seemed In distress. Moran dodged heavy blow to Jaw. , , . Tblrteon Moran lod nut couiu nu. land, whllo Johnson landed on Jaw. Moran landed hard on negro s Jaw. Johnson sent hard right ,to Jaw. Fourteen Mornn missed negro s I... I, un Inln fllinPM Oil . .uuran run im - ---j noie and In maKing iuuio biwhj, ru Into ropes. Fifteen Mornn , avoided negro, ho BtooU still, laughing. l0.rf" landed hard to negro's face wlilio latter rushed him to tho ropes. Sixteen Johnson forced fighting. Moran landed on stomach. Ne8rf ent left to noso; followed this wltli 'he more In lightning succession to tome placo. Moran landed two ttrnlnt. i--. l n1ti Seventeen Johnson sent hard le t,gtep8 taken for a.,"8, " Te"uod. to Jaw. Moran Bent loft to negro's ngemont of the tuf "' J1'0 'ace. Moran sent another loft to Je8 of B man am J ama"' ?8naun ! tace which brought cheer. . t third ao charred that its '""", "'"'bill HO IU till". . -. T.--ii. . vr .,t nna tn stom- '.'biiiuuu i-iufciu DDlll. w..w - -- en. two to face and liara . "so tar. tak (rom b0L.-. . John.l.i.- rnina? but It was so charred m In fighting and holding at si tlmfi! tnnflo nnimnH referee tO-W nucleoli 1UUI Ull i- " - same am him. , . Johnson sent several hard lefts to 5118 io .- "-'",.--.- Vnrllll ie and rlgnt to neuu. v , ; ,0i"" ; rnvnmor Walsli, oi twung wildly and Johnson landed, t telegram to .G?4e,Jnosrurai' "peak H1. Moran hanging on and tried . f .s 9rjcanA op e tender iaeffectlvely for body. or f mpathy to you and r . '?.! le T stricken In the city of Don't forget the iWc luiicnetui ' "'V ' Can the Federal viovern i. n. .. Inaieni. v.m. .i.-.n I The Chamller. V... ... . ...1.. l...irnlns. Tjlllles' 1 uunu oi iiui; imh(,..i Koniorluiii. 78 Ccntml Avenue. soc OLK WITNESS I 111 APFUI'IIIHI ITPII in I HAI ! TIK11I I ,- " , I'ARIS. Juno 27. French sports- - " - ..v.. v.. o.u,io- tMflll ntl.1 tt n...1 - "' " "ivi iiiiiib iiiin I Oilier I n re 1211 n I'ii nrn nxsnlillilnrl linrn ' l nee Frank Moran. of 1'lttHburg ' ami .lack .IdlitiHnn. Ilin unrM Imiivv. Uf.lEliI rliniiiiilon inni.l In il... -i.... lit chamnlon. meet In the rln tr -n... ,,,) ::1 tonight, to fight twenty , . VP I. "' . "": ""j r111 ,1.1 11 11 11.1 l.H I 111! I.l Kl. 11 la .f nilKAIId .i,-. ,,,,1ul,,TOra.. ry ntle. Mrh of the coinbntants ls niiriiloiit. but tlio betting was .1 ' ou ;,,oll"80ll 'M?rnn Hn,tl hls Pnn would bo a cautious effort to l. n 1' did not expect to effect knoi-kout by n chance swing, Ilf . m was more sure In my " '"'l JoIiiihoii. 'ornii expecte.l to en or the r ng wflghlng just under VJC, and tho '"-'Kr -1U- N'iroiH'nim early begnn gatliorlng t ! rHiB-lile In dress suits. Many "' cIJ,Jfe.,1?n, ;,., ,;"r ".Vfohi n,,,i,, !x,,"r punprr Tn m.q inrniuc !U BUTTE PEliPL . - - i . . Did 1lot Expect UOV. StCWail to Call for Federal Troops ,in Union Trouoie Jr " -. !5 ws fro?V'i...ShKov-e7rno,-ireB- wart asked that F Wal '.oops iod o 0,t j u .. . s " -' "."".,....;........ i..m i, a. - m '"'''.","- "Rl,Pi m "T.-. Ki.rnrlse here. Such an v........ "-" .,.,, ov.vOCtod In ryi,,. hoer. ?' "l i&TvrSS!?- the cl ty Jim hec. nulet s nco woanw day morning, the feeling i " tenBO. APPLICATION WI'.IIK AGO P; Amo.UI.4 Pft ' C Tlm-J) HrXENA. Mont., June 27. Gov. Stewart said today that ho had not asked for troops elnco the original application over a week ago. He said It was apparently thla appl lea tlon which Senator Myers had Just presented to tho President. Hundreds Proffer Assistance to Thousands Rendered Homeless Thore IDr Anxit f"" ,0 Co' D,r T"""'1 SAL13M. Mass., Juno 27 Relief for the 10,000 sufferers from tho grea fire which wiped out a large section 01 W ',,, r,,ln SALEM FlflE VICTIMS I stnted measure. Wh e to ruins . iesolute did not the second of half tho city are still smouiuer-, , the auB,,(.e8 of the Sea 0""..,,i u-nnt 1ms been mot and ace iiuuer i o i int. iwiM " -: . in.. have been recovered ilnlormined. ... - , ...w . "--- . that the sex was undetermined. WILSON SBXS IIKGHKT8 ,VVIoVut-t Pre., to IM B Tlm.l ...tctuvnTON. D. C. Juno 27,"" --'.- ,,ivi n...Mnl. WIlBOn BOIll l" '"""'" ment be of any service! The Times ids" Job- printing. 6 i Suffragettes Cover Him and Queen Mary With Pam phleis at Park till AnDclttvd rrws to Coot D7 Tlm.l LONDON. F.nir.. .limn 27. Mill- tnnt suffragettes rlrcuinventcd the mm Biiiirngcucs circumvented me iinllun runt If tin. riimypit 1'wiii; lit... utlllltll.. lltl. ...i., v..vanv and Queen Mary with leaflets at tho entrance of the nark. A bun- IIIU 01 JJIipLTH BirilCK UIO IV1I1K a Hill ....! 1... -.nV-,.1 It H,lmiini)d tl I1 In II.. .. t. il.. !... . A JAPAN IRATE OVER TROUBLE Mikado's Press Say They Must Find Remedy for "Insult ing" Situation (Or Mocltld l'rc lo l.'ooi llr Tlmn.l TOKIO, Juno 27. The Japanese press generally expresses Indigna tion today at the attitude of tho United States tho Callfornln alien land controversy ns outlined In the correspondence between thu two governments Just published. Several newspapers InBlBt that a remedy must bo found for tho "Insulting" ultun Hon. Tho N'lchl Is especially violent In Its utterances over what It calls Jap an's flattery of America by participa tion l) tjifl exposition at San Francis co, and says Instead of doing this, Japan, In view of tho United States government's Inability to control the BtateH, should consider tho wisdom of taking action against California In or '.r' to obtain satisfaction. IS IN BAD HEALTH Physician Says He Must Rest Four Months to Hecuperate From His Hard Trip Wf AumIiIH rrm In CM Ki TIimi.1 OYSTKIt HAY. Juno 27. Four month of absolute rest has been prescribed for Colonel Itoosovelt by his phyBlclan, who Informed him ho was suffering from enlargement of tho spleen nnd loss or vitality oh u result of malaria fever he contracted In South America. Can't Quit Politics "Ilut In four montliR tho cam paign will bo over," tho Colonol anld. Conacuuonty ho considered It Impossible to follow tho physician a ndvlco. Ho abandoned, however, a campaign trip ncrosa tho continent In Soptembor. Tuesday night ho will make only ono speech In Pitta burg, Instead of two. Malaria Is Trouble. The change In Roosevelt's plans came after an examination last night. Tho doctor urged him to give up the trip to Pittsburg and make no speeches during tho campaign, and so fnr as possible glvo up every thing else that would tax his ...1..W.H. nnnsovoit tndnv exnlaln- ed that the physician said It would . t .1 A nli nllA Milt require a long penou io effects of the malaria and If this la not accomplished, tho disease might become bo securely fastened on him that he would never recovor hla full strength. It might even Impair hla mental vigor, the physician said. Colonel Roosevelt declined to heed tho warning. JtKSoTuTB IS lAMAfii:i Ml? Aio.-Uil Prt-M IO I W7 TIlUM.l oyster RAY. N. Y . Juno 27. i wniuiaKii uuiiiivin... v.. ...- -- day on account of an accident to Her bowsprit. The Vanltle ana Reliance started over a 30-mllo course, . IIAKKIt SIIKHIKF MISSING I IB. tuvllllj ffM. I. l ! TlmM.I BAKER. Or., Juno 27. Sher- ... i..i ,1.1m otnrtofl Intn the I mountain's after Edward Fisher I live days ago, lias not - ucu , i.-i --m ii ih ruuuu H 1IIUV a party will be sent to search I for him. ! rn.mir Mavor Stewart. Of I r. n.a. niinced to have I been shot by Fisher, Is out of danger. I ' i. ..r .Tnlv Huraalns. Ijidle-' Tfavort '&& ffa J pnnQPUFi t I U J KJ Lw n m I Attorney for Storstad Declares One Ship Was Responsible ror uisaeier I lit fmi to mot m. TlmM.J QUBUEC, Juno 27. Hither the Empress of Ireland or tho Storstnd j - .iiiiih. - bb ui in-uiuti ur mo oiumuiu Ifl (n lilntiln fnl tint rnlllulfiii nml - . ... ..w. ...... loss of lives, according to C. S. Right, counsel for the owners of til ik Ct.i.Htn,l I.. Mi.. ........ I.... ...1.1Hnn.a mv oiiJiniiiu. ill uiv uM;juiih a mil una In till V ttw Mm nnmm loalrtn rxt Imiiitt! BUTTE IRDER Witnesses and Visitors at In- unctinntinn nirphorl fnr VtOimailUII OtUIUllLU lUI , Arms TodSV (nr AuocUM rrt lo e IUj Tlm,l llirTTK. Mnnl.. .Tiinit "7 Tim In. quest over Krnest J. Noy, who wis shot down in front of tho Miners' Union Hall Tuesday night In a riot1 between tho metnl miners, begnn Inilnv. Hvnrv mini iniloroil tint Pfir- oner's office wns searched for arms. county Attorney .Mcuauory reiter ated Hint ne expected to mo a cnargo .if mllriliir nftfi Hill lliriimat I In asserted that the testimony at tho unities' i. i nmvo inni ine uuiioi that hll'rd Noy v.i.i r J from tlio il r.).)f i no ii iii'itiiiuiiiivni .in-. dent -McUonahl nnd oilier off!t V S SUBE NI . . .. . ... Speaker Clark Declares It is inevitable anU UIVCS WO- men Advice on Voting inr AkkUI1 rmi to Com I1i TlmM.I . INQUEST OPEN SATS SUFFERAGE WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 27. 'of the Clnflln C upany. It Is un- ezueln to the United Stntes, died Speaker Clark today told a delega- derstood tint the Clnflln Interests bore of heart trouble. Ho waa sov tlon or women from the Nntlounl , will oppose tho pultlon, contending enty years old, American Women's Suffrngo Asso- that tho compiiu, Is solvent. I elation: "Womun suffrago Is ns In- cvltnblo aa tho rising of tomorrow s sun. For more tiinu n iiiousanu yonrs," said Clark, "men hnvo been trying to run tno world, ami some think thoy have mndo a bad mess nt II I linnn vnu will voln fnr the best principles nnd tho best men." rctJUoiiH A iv i'ivmmhwi Clark wns addressing n group of u-ntnnn frnm tlilrt v.nleht stato. Who had presented 300 petitions for wo man surrrago in me lorm oi resolu tions adopted by various organiza tions In tho Natlon-wldo demonstra tion May 2. Vice-President Mar shall also received the women and later the Sonators and Congressmen received tliolr petitions. One suffra gette fell In with Secretary of Stato Rryan. From her earnest gostures, nryan had to uso vlgoious measures to extricate himself. American Medical Society Will Endeavor to Educate Ijiid lic in Medical Matters (117 AMOClAiaHl ri- w -w "- i ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. Juno 27. Tho education or tne puune in mum leal matters In order to prolong life Is to bo tho supremo effort of tho American Medical Association during the coming year, according to tho SeS eie'cW t .rth. close of the congress. He said the, association wouiu aiieiiu is of money In preparing medical mat- ter for the newspapers. Tl TltAI.VIXt. Sill I'M. tnr auocuim i-reM to coo. B.j Time. i SETTLE, W..h, June 27.-The' ,.."':; ".T-ininf. shins Asama and japaneou i ui.....i, -"-r- --"" Aairna arr vl here today from Ta- coma for a ten days' stay before re- tSinU to the Orient. Formal calls WPrP exchanged with the American officers. . , LONGER LIFE IS THEIR 1 1 Fill! Councilman Leach, Only One to vote tor Licenses, I urns in His Resignation (Special to Tho Times.)' r in.... ni tv.... V.V..1.' . a...... v ifi.iivi mi I'nij.'. Morrison and the Coiiullle council are expccicu lo ny me order to ... ...- lii.t rnuli. .....ww,, .uvhbvb, .m.i.wv... ... ...n .n utillrt.i it' it ii lr ml lnvnn fntrL iiiiiiuii i ii in ti itn iiimi iuiijui niwiir son will appoint his successor, making a solid "dry" council. One saloon was closed this week by Sheriff Gage, ,. ,,tlnpllI1lnlll. pnni.R onfi in riHslnnriillfl Pa- ---"- : , " t)Cr bllt UrCCIItOrS Will ri. ii Wcl ire Now i...-. li. &. laitvA Pnaa It. rmi. Itat Tlrti 1 NEW YORK. Juno 27. With the noto holders committee nctlng bb n funnel for tho claims pouring In from Imnks over i'io country, thero. were today hit rei jing hopes of n riifriiiiiirntlmi fnr in II. II. f!ln fl 111 pv !- .....f.. .v. ... ... --. .......... Company and It.i string of dry good h stores. Tlio creditors' lawyers ox- iresHen no uiu'inuu in iiiii'iiurniK lith Hie receiver-- so long ns they m riuivlllPlllI till'.: tliolr rlldlllH nro resHed no inieuiuu oi inierieriiig I nro cniivliioml that tholr clients nre I being protected. AXOTiiim vim Tas faim'ui: 'XlV,r7,:wlxTiLni. ;,,,; petition Ii bankruptcy was filed against tlio Defender Mnnufnc- ii-i-lnr. Pfimnniiv. nf tliln cltv. milk- om of Underwear mid a subsidiary 'of the Clnflln C upany. It Is un- iiiunu luiiumu ii uij tunii uiiui-.nn nM representatives was practically 1 when the saloon licenses expire. assured. Whllo It Is estimated by The saloons nre threatening legal pro- m)mo tlt n t-onference between the cecdlngs If their now petitions are two factions will result In failure, vejeeled. George I.eaeli, tho only t wns mndo elaar that l'resldont councilman to vote In favor of the Wilson Is viewing tho negotiations saloon licenses, handed In his reslg- ontlmlstlrallv. ..... i... J. ...... in.. .. .iu.. ....... -rt..u ..!. ... .... nurc LLHrL i WILL WIN 0 T FLEET'S STAT WILL BE BRIEF r, i . o . Dniouino'Anotner quantity or letters ai Sec. Daniels Says Battleships TeeQrams From Business Will Remain in Pacific Only Short Time. I nr ammi.ii rrt. to coo. nr Tim, i WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 27. nnnlnla Iii n slntement to ilay announced that tho ships of tho Atlantic Iieoi. WHICH win icau " international navy parade out of II......I.... n.iniiu rnr tliii onenlui! of lllllUI. ..wm .-.- -- ' tno rannma mum nci .uunu, " return rrom uio I'ueuiu wra tho Atlantic nftor participating In tho Panama Pacific Exposition. The statement was Issued with regard to tho navy department plans which have been misconstrued and an nouncement mndo that tho fleet would remain on the Pacific Coast a long Umo. One Killed, Conductor Drown- .. Mjn njurecj ear i f5i:i-M. MerCCd, California u CoM , , iivnfipn PhI . .Tuna 27. One ""u"'" '. -,"" ....... i. ...i RAD WRECK OF hA mu HUN! L.II I llll nun. I! paBsongor was crusneii to uuuwi uiu .... wis'Juno 27. The the conductor JJ? away In tno werrai m r ,.-.. - . wo "f extra tra n p -. . bo oseml io Valley Ral roa le n the ralU a nd rolle. 1o n bank i .'- ' GO IS Constitutionalist Leader An nounces That He Will Con tinue War on Huerta MEDIATORSWAiT FOR DELEGATES TO COME Rebel President's Secretary Makes Announcement of Stand at Washington (11; AMotUt! 1'rrti tn root tlty Tim WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 27. President Wilson today received a lengthy message from tho American delegates nt Niagara Fulls and offi cials clove to the executive, express ed the opinion that a meeting be- m iibu.i in HU .I...I..H...H.. unUIUIBlU'UI.-t . u. in, am n io ro nr ti i WASHINGTON, 1). C, Juno 27.-r The Constitutionalists are detormlu- ,l I.. .... ..nt llinl. niltllnrv num. limlun to n conclusion, regardless of participation In the Informal media tion conferences. Tliolr pinna woro Indicated hero on the arrival of Al fredo llreecda, private secretary to Provisional President Cnrranza, who came to confer with Cnrroiun'a of ficials In Washington, Denies Dimension Confirmatory of military plana, It was learned that Villa plans to attack Hnu l.uls Potnsl next week and expects later to fight thu red eralH In a Inst stand nt Qucrctaro. Soon after the arrival of Ilrciedn, ho received a telegram fiom Carran r.a announcing tho nssurnnren of co operation from all leading general, ineiuiiiiiK viun, nun uri-ii received, nnd ho wished tho people of the Pulled Stntes to know tho cnusa f tho revolution was progrcaslnir without dlHsenaloii. AOVANCi: ON SAN M'lH POTOSI (nr Ahik-UIM Trm I. Coo. IUr T'.mM.) . r.v.Mi'iuu, .nine a. rniriy-one cars loaded with n thoiiannd tnon, '.tiiiiinnlllnii nml iilliinlliM liiurnn thn advance on San l.uls Pntosl, Four sources nro now concentrating forces ngaliiHt San l.uls Potosl. vi:.i:n:iiA .man dkad f Aio-Uitf Trru I. Coo. IUr Tlmn. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., Juno 27. P. K. Rolas, Minister from Von- PRAISE STAND OF Another quantity of letters and Men Made Publio (nr AuMittti rmi i. rM tt tikm.) U'ABIIINflTON. II. C. Juno 27. J At tho Whlto Homo another quanti ty or leuora nnu leiegruiiiB irom uum iicbs men from different parts of I uiu luuiuir iuuioiiik ii.itoii mu tno (ouniry praising i-iesiiiuui vu- son's Bland on business conditions nml nntl-trust leclslatlon. huvu boc I .... -.- -.. . ihuiuu imum. Life Savers Endeavor to Save Crew of Matafa Which Is Going to Pieces (ur a.. iiii r "' tioim.j SrPERIOR. WIbc., Juno 27. Aftnr liiizarilnus work, tho big I steel steamer Mntnafa, which I was stranded today on tho Su ! porlor entry breakwater In n gale, was released by tugs and I towed to safety. I (Ur AuorLIti! Tlf t lW Tin..! - ,:".,,.', bo colne 'oaai tho Superior cntFy t P. ,, , lIarl)ori Tho fe . " -are worklirW '.Un effort to ! save--'the crew. "' ,' L('l'll till' llllll V UlinillltlllMI- (iiniiii ilia iiiinHin ft i i -filial itiii inn. PRESIDENT LAKE VESSEL IS 1ECKED I v.. i I i -ft, -t?frf7 " ;'4T"r'T.'