The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 26, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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188,250 VOTES
Tremendous Gain by All Can
didatesMiss Eriksen in
Lead With 146,850
A tremendous gain In votes hns
Ijcoii noted since tlie count In the
Goddess of Liberty contest wns mndo
yosterdny. In nil 188,250 linvo been
turned In during tbe last twenty
four hours. Miss Krlkson, the Elks
candidate, gained 100.750. MIbs
Gladys Hoddy, the telephone cx
chnngo cnndldate, gained 44,000.
Miss Gertrude Scnlfe, the Moose enn
dldato, gained 42,000 and Miss lies
nlo Flnnngan. the Kaglc's candidate,
g.ilnod 11,000.
According to the official count
mndo by the conuultteo in chnrgn
of tho contest, the cnudldntes stand
ns follows:
Einnin Krlkscn, Klks II I.SiiO
Gladys Roddy, tel. ex SU.GiiO
Gortrudo Scnlfe, Mooso 81,300
Dosslo Flaungnn, Knglcs.... 50,350
Klmn MneDonnld, salesmen. . 20,000
Even tho committee which hns
charge of tho contest, wns startled
when tho count wns mndo today.
Not since tho contest began has such
n Rain of votes been mndo from ono
count to nnother. Perhaps tho llt
tlo announcement yestcrdny to tho
effect that tho Mooso planned to put
their candidate at tho bond of tho
list caused tho commotion.
Thnt there will bo another big
surprlso when the votes nro count
ed for 'tho last time nt !) o'clock
tomorrow night Is nlmost certain. ,
8omo of tho societies nro determined i
not to bo outdone anil Individuals
nro plnnnlug to dig deep Into their
l)ockots rnther than boo their cnndl-,
date lose. I
Tho committee In charge of tho
contest requests tho presenco of n
representative from each candldnto
nt tho Chamber of Commcrco at 0
o'clock tomorrow night, when tho
final count will bo made. Unless
thoro Is n representative from each
candldnto there will ho no count.
Tho result will ba posted on bul
letins In tho drug stores and an
nounced In Tho Times Monday, .
Machine Owned by Ben Davis
Caught Fire Last Night
Damage About $15
A motorcycle owned by Hon Davis
was damaged to the extent of $15
when It caught flro In front of tho
Gunnery on Front street about $:30
o'clock last night. The flro vns
extinguished by Dnvls, who beat tho
flames with an old cont. Tho fire
department wns cnlled nnd the chem
ical apparatus was brought into
Tho flro started whon Davis pour
ed some gnsollno in the tank of
tho motorcycle while tho hendllght
wns burning. In an Instant the
tank was nhlnzo nnd It was with
difficulty that tho flro was oxtln-
1 gulshcd. Wnter hnd llttlo effect on
tho burning oil. An nlarm wns sent
to the flro department nnd tho boys,
who an hour beforo were engaged
. In their weekly practice, responded
Tho burning mnchlnp nttrnctcd n
crowd of two or throe hundred peo
ple nnd consldornblo excitement pre
vailed for n while. Some thought
the flro was In the Grand or Or
phoum Theater nt first.
Coos County's foremost men's and boys' clothing stores
Now at North Bend Where She
Is Loading Lumber for
San Francisco
NTEGRITY and EFFICIENCY have placed "The Hub" first
in Coos county Men and their families find it enjoyable
and profitable to trade here and freely recommend these stores
to their friends
"The Hub" is a place of right goods
right prices and right methods. It makes
friends easily and keeps them.
It invites your patronage entirely on the
merits of its merchandise its superior values
and its courteous accommodating service
. Bandon , .
Myrtle Point
"Money Talks"
k ..!!,-1
Goodrum Makes Provision for
Comic Section in the Fourth
of July Parade.
Oondronds Goodrum announced to
day thnt provisions hud Just been
made for additional prizes for n
comic section in tho nuto parade,
which will ho hold on tho morning
of tho first day of the colouration.
This featuro Is to provldo fun
for tho crowds nnd enliven
The steamer Yellowstono nrrlvcd
at tho Arrow Lino dock about 10:30
o'clock last night after nn unovent
ful trip from Portland. She had a
big cargo, Including a consignment of
dynnmlto for tho Coos Hay Powder
Company, two Kords for Georgo
Goodrum nnd some machinery, which
wns unlondod at tho railroad dock
tills morning.
Tho Yellowstono Is now nt North
Ilend, whoro she Is londlug 700,000
foot of lumber. 2000 rnns of con
densed milk nnd otlior miscellaneous
frnltllt. Rlin will Hnll fnl Knn 1,'rnn.
Cisco this evening.
.Mrs. Fny 10. Wnrd und children nr
rlvcd this week from .Missoula, .Mont.,
to visit her parents, .Mr. and .Mrs. V.
S. Shcppnrd.
Cans. Tucker, who sustained a'
broken nnklo whon ho slipped
foil on tho floor, Is reported to
doing nicely nt Meicy Hospital.
.Miss Inn Johnson hns roturnod
from Portlnnd, whoro sho complet
ed hor business college course
I'M Forrest, now n rnnchor on
Kcntuck Slough, Is plnnnlug to add
sixty mora goats to his hord of for
ty. Ho says they are clcurlng tho
land In good shnpe.
C. C. Johnson, road supervisor In
tho Wlllanch district, has heon In
structed by Judgo Hall to go nhend
'nnd mnko tho ?S00 Improvement In
visit with Supt. Hanh nnd to look into
tho mineral deposits In tho South
Slough section.
P. A. Mc.Vabb has bought Mrs.
Spoug's Interest In tho Ksthor Hotel
(Jo South. V A. Smith nnd A rim (iet miviim1. .Malr Datio nnd Ml.-i
.uiiruu wim neiii mini nuiu in i-iiii- mmiiIo .Mnlioney today woro grantd
Intnl. nro now nl Korku oy and Oak- . , . , . N
laud und will spend time there. 'lma,rl,,K ,lmiso ' Cor Cll
!'. A. Winner or tho compnny Is ox- "tson. lho date of tho raarrun
peeled on tho liny soon. I has not been announced.
cnrrlos no passcngors. i Col. Hrlghnm, who has been laid
i nu riiruiHo is nun tomorrow mnrii
Ing from Sau Frnpclsco with a big
cargo of miscellaneous freight nnd
sovornl passcngors. Sho will snll for
Portlnnd nt r o clock tomorrow eve
ning. given tho funniest clown, costumo
and cleverness of nctlon both to bo
considered In nwnrdlng this prize.
Theso features of tho auto par
ado nro to take tho nlaco of tho
tho old time cnllthumplaus on tho Fourth
up with nn attnek of sciatica, Is now
able to bo around.
Alva Grout has returned front Ku-
""''iiuid ho and T. S. Hoggs will conduct
ou i It. .Mrs. Snonir linH uonu to KnrliiL'-
Victor Anderson is repairing tho
North Hond city wharf by putting In
now piling.
Snd news wns received by Sirs.
Loulo O. Anderson nud sister, Mar
garet Wilson, and hor brothers, Irn
nnd Donnly Wilson, when n tole-
grnm enmo announcing tho donthl
of tholr father. Dr. W. J. Wilson,1
of Ucoce, N. C. .Many friends ex-'
tend tholr sympathy.
Hob Mngloflnn, whllo working
at the Portor Mill, hnd his nrm bro
ken, j
Mrs. C. H. Pullon, n formor resi
dent of North Hond, hut now of
nnrniln with thn variety that Ih tint of July.
uplco of llfo nnd Fourth of July Clowns mny bo mnsked or uumiisk
celebrations. ,otl.
A prlio of ffi.OO will bo given1 "ring out your old vehicles nnd
for tho most comical vehicle of nny Hx H'om "P !rlzo winners In tho
lilnd from n wheel harrow to n, comic section
donkey engine that will bo -shown i Any Additional Informntlon mny
!n tho nnrndp. Thorn nro no ro-i secured by cnlllng up Good-
roniiH uuoiirum b uarago.
gono, whero ho nttondud Oregon ,....' ""'vo " ii "
Unlvoralty. Ills mint. Miss Jonnlo ,mE" "X, ,7 "' , n
Tate, nccompanlcd him. Ho will ,.Tl f ro Moo lug of tlio O.
work with tho S. P. survey crow this 111.- ?-w J'o ',ln,,1 '" 1,r',,".v
Binumor , evening nt tho homo of .Miss Mnr-
Unrl i'owell and family hnvo mov- BL?.,nm!1)"!,1- .,. ,.,,.. .
cd Into tho Nowklrk rosldenco on ,,i?"ynl "J" li0; "' (!o 1 I,0IR',1,
Moado street lawyer and booster, wns tho guest
Loo Heath' has bought n Hudson ,!rL?'n ""ii'n lLttny' f U!
six. a sovon-passonger car. and will "" , ' ?' ?t.Y.i "? S"H, "n r0"t,
conduct nn nuto llvory service. ,S 'ra n..,vl.Hlt , Sioknno, fol-
Hov. A. S. Hlsoy has purchnsod tho IV" "Jf, ".."?. '"V'i u,,u "u. "" '"
icn nn Mniwln alpnnt ntwl . " Hlll CBUIIU HlOU III JOri-
Btrlctlons or regulations nnd nothing
la barred, It may bo n wheelbar
row, n bicycle, n cart, u buggy or
v-nenn, or on nuto of the model of
17.7 U.
A second prlzo of $3.00 will bo nlng was n motjtftcnjoynblo affair,
awarded for tho second funniest Thoro wna nn ' iju5unlly Inrge nt
vchlcle. i tendance, Tho decorations were un-
A third prlzo of $2.00 will bo usually Attractive.
Tho Riles nail nt tho Simpson
i ivivnion in North ilona inst ove
Grocery Company
Wo hnvo n full lino of all kinds of FRKSII FllUIT and VKG
KTAHLK8 arriving on tho Nann Smith this evening, tho Irreakwnt
or Sunday nud Iledondo Monday. Got your supply early In tho
week, Everything In tho market wo will Have In this lino at
tho lowest market prices.
PHONI3 -m.
Ackcrmnn houso on Moado street and
Is remodelling It for n homo.
Dr. T. F. Montgomory of Tho Dnl
los nnd a graduate of tho Atlnnta
Dentnl College, has opened n dental
liarlor In tho Simpson building and
I win nngngo in prnctlco here.
I .Manager Georgo Sheridan of tho
I Coos Hay Condcnsnry roports that
' they nro doing tho biggest business
In their history, turning out about
200 cases of Sunrlso milk dally.
Prof. 8. W. French, tho Oregon
Stnto Metallurgist, Is hoio for n short
Mrs. O. A, Richards nnd grand
daughter, Mabel Drcsslo, enmo In
vesterdav from .Areata, Cnllfornin.
They will bo tho guosts of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Leonard Masters, of Sumnor.
Rev. D. A. McClood, who spont
sovornl weeks nt Northern points,
returned to his homo Tuesday.
Tho Mlzpah Illblo class will give
a social tonight at tho Presbyterian
Miss Kthel Oloson loft yesterday on
tho Cider for Kugono.
Decorate and Celebrate
The Glorious Fourth
We Have the Decorations and as Usual, the price is
right. All kinds of
Flags, Festoons,
Flag Garlands
Jap Lanterns
Government Rain Proof Bunting
"Always Something New."
All Week Special
1-2 Price
On Suits, both Novelties
and Plain Tailored
These are composed of all the newest materials and
colors. No reservation made. ALL SUITS INCLUDED.
Call and look them over. It will be a big money-saving
Will Examine Wah-Ta-Waso,
Transit, Tramp, Liberty,
Rustler and Others
Two assistant Inspectors of tho
Department of Commorco, with of
fnus In Portland, Will bo In Marsh
field on July i) for tho purpose of '
Inspecting tho stenmors Wnh-Ta-Wnso,
Transit, Tramp. Llborty,
Flyer. .Rustier, Randolph, lmro
l.awn'iieo nnd such other vessels as
nut.v need Inspection.
TJio nbovo Infornihtlon wns recolv- '
ud by Thomas Harry, local collector
of customs, todny from V " "''
wrds and W. S. Fuller, of tho De
partment of Commerco, who havo
tholr gfflcos In Portland. They also
stnto thnt they will Inspect tho
stenmors Ji'norlt. j.Munlo. Dora md
Ohnrm aC.Caaulto on July 10 or
11. .-'ft
Thoy will Inspdai tho tug Klyhlnm
nnd tho sen-golnrahargo nt Uandon
on Juno 11. or . All ownors of
the vessola nra wquested to hnvo
Uielr 0raft (ttfhvvt and ready for
Inspection on tnp( dates named. i
i- 'TJli. Ittmi StJOa'a Custom Houso
flag lil now ' f lylng''fm1te'wlndow
of Collector Barry's office. It was
received today and In accordance
with a Govomment rulo, It will bo
displayed every day. 1
Our Millinery Season for Spring and Summer
1914 Ends During the Next Six Days in Un
precedented Reductions.
Pattern Hats Latest Styles
In winding up the most successful Milinery season of our history
we have gathered together our entire stock of trimmed Hats with
many .added models never before shown and shall offer them at the
following prices!
$2,50 Trimmed Hats :,. $1.25 $ 3,50 Trimmed Hats
$4,00 Trimmed Hats $1.98 $ 5,00 Trimmed Hats
55,75 Trimmed Hats $2.65 $ 6,50 Trimmed Hats
B6.75 Trimmed Hats $3.33 $ 7,50 Trimmed Hats
$8,50 Trimmed Hats $4.25 $ 9,50 Trimmed Hats
$10,00 Trimmed Hats ,..$5.00 $12,50 TrimmedHats
"... '.T$2jO
"""" I$4j5
Sale Commences Tomorrow
Reserved O. 5 J 611111112 S on Approval