J SS' MARSHF'. OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 26, ,9,4-EVENING EDITION FIVE Tr. 1 VknJmv T vrvwSiH(j?yStiil'sTBs. II lnVJf.I "i ..Id taiiiiHliJWXSr ATrW' . ' V .A uk W' ' y "v irhh nmm ft JlM mm a LOOAL OVERFLOW. Copyright IJett Schaljnir & Marx ' On July Fourth LMOST any young man we know would be glad to be Lin this young fellow's clothes; because they're Hart Schaffner & Marx ies, and that means they're perfectly tailored, of all-wool fabrics; the styles designed for young men are very smart, lively, snappy, kionable roung men want such clothes; they pay dividends daily in comfort. and service Suits at $18, $20, $25, $30; $35 IVEATHER FORECAST lUr A..o,,Pj rrM, (J Coo, nA) Tlmn.J OREGON Fair and warmer In east; easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For the 24 hours etitlltiB nt 4: -J 3 a. m., Juno 26, by IlenJ. ost.Ind, Bueclnl government ino teoroloRlst: Maximum C4 Minimum ,'45 At 4:43 n. in jr0 Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. J. 1013 (jc.43 Precipitation samo period Inst year 6.1.47 wlnil: Northwest, partly cloudy itmiv 1 TAYLOR To Mr. ami Mrs. George Taylor, of Conledo, at tho Holers' Hotel In Mnrshfleld, a son. Moth- t.r,.?.nU c,,,hl nro (,ol"K nicely. IUOKK To Mr. and Mrs. Leo HJork nt their homo In North llend a son. their third child. HOMME To Mr. and.Mrs. J. C. Hom me nt Cooston, a son. ADAMS To Mr. nnd Mrs. Adams, of North llend, a daughter. Neuly-Wcdt Arrive. J. W. Hll denbrand received n telegram yes terday from the nowlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Ilultman, announc ing their arrival In San Francisco nfter a flno trip. Machine Jimmied. Aug. It. Lind ner, mnchlnlst of tho Mergenthnler Company, was hero today en route homo from Ilnndon whero he made some repairs to tho llandon Record ers mnchlne. which was slightly damnged In tho recent fire. Hiiyn liots. Hobort Marsden, Sr hns purchased two lots at Hunker Hill front Mrs. Fannlo O'DonnclI and plans to erect a houso thore, utilizing tho lumber from tho old wntcr tower which ho recently re moved from tho city park. Flv I-ntor Date. Owing to tho In ability to got In touch with somo .00 All clothing purchased in this stoic will be kept pressed free of charge. irshfield Woolen Mill Stores The Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx Good Clothes. SATURDAY SPECIAL 17 Pounds $1 SUGAR . I CASH OXIjY. A FULL LINE OF FRESH FHUITS AND VEGETABLES. Portland Grocery Store 1107 South llromtwny N.t Ifcxtr to Postofflce PHONE lOij. . 1 ? non-resldont parties Inter ested in the Kinney affairs. It now appears as though It will be about u.mU,t.1..boforo "w'ver Wnltera will get tho matter threshed out ... j..v- i-uuns so mat Uo can pro ceed with the sale of the property. unV'".""' '"vow. Sheriff Gago was here from Couullle yesterday tO SerVn lllltlrii nt n .11..... .. I ny i r unuii-u huh on ;, ll",,,,ucnu' wlU) ls now re siding in First Addition. They recontly sold tho Homo Hotel on South Fourth street and Mrs. Ar" clmmbenu went to Portland. Mud. Slek.HV ,..!. cimlnlo came In from Ten Mile this morning, liny boat landing, ns ho missed the f 1 K?;... " cnnu' for I'li'tllclno for if ,. tl?..Klrl w,, la 1 to be lVily '...of W;,I01,I,'B cough. All of his children had tho measles and nro now III of the whooping cough. He says practically every household In the Ten Mlli rmmirv io ncti... Owing to the heavy rains, the ntito oiiihu hub 1101 ueen running Intoly. llalliiHiIng Done Tho work trains 011 tho Coon llnv.Mcrtl.. i) 11.... 1 -1 7T. ""'"""" "' "iu V . .. " lnK0" orr nml t I sntil Hint iim u uuiBung nnB ueen completed for t.:e time being. Next week It Is ex pectod that tho work trains will bo started ballasting the Willamette Pac ific lino from hero through North llend. One report wns thnt the sup ply of gravel of tho Smith-Powers company was getting low and ns they have lots of their own lino to ballast yet. Drunk In Fined For the second tlmo this week Thomas Fox. has been arrested for liim m, .i. streets In n drunken condition. Ho wns arrested by Officers Shoupo and Smith Inst Sunday night and bv muiHiiui unrior inst niglit. No cash WaB fOtlllll Oil llll llnrirm . ..111.... occnslon. Fox wns brouelit Imfun. Recorder Ilutlcr this morning nnd tho customnrv flno nr sr. nnni.. assessed. Fox will have to sottlo the 1 account when ho Is less finan cially ombnrrnBsed. WoICOIIUWl Ilill'k.Mnilrlnn ni.lnv Who won llinnv frlniwlu mi (lw iin.'. during tho last visit of his troupo nore, arrived yesterday from Ku roka And wns warmly welcomed by Mn. no nils postponed oponlng In Mnrshflold until July 3 n8 he needed somo new people for tho compnny to put on tho plnys ho hnd selected for tho stand horo. "Tho (Hobo Trotters of 1015" will ninko their first nppenrnnco nt Myrtle I'plnt next Tucsdny and will piny Wednesday and Tlmrminv m nn. iiulllo. Orniigc Shetbct nt HAUTKIt'S. XAtnb,!,A (7'ni J,ANCM nt S"" inlet. Saturday, Juno 27. Vniillln, Chorolntv, Straw berry nml livncli lee (Yenni nt SAUTKIt'H. WANTED NOTICE Party railing for mall In my name warned to stop nnd nlso return promptly letter which thoy received today or Investigation nnd HVNSON011 Wl" f0"0W' CLAUA FOIl ItKXT Stole riiiitn. nly.. .. o-room flats; modern Improve ments, laundry, tubs. etc. Flno view. Madden bldg., No. Front St. Fourth of .Inly ltiirKnliiN. Idlc' i:iiiH)ilmn. 7H Central Avenue. OK SAI,i;l;J2-aci-o fiirin, 107 nc res rich bottom land, all In cultiva tion nnd pasturo except n fow acres. Houso, bam, orchard and plenty Kood spring wnter. located on Co (Itilllo Itlvor. Price $12n.00 por acre, one-half cash, balance S yenra with Interest. Tho best bnrgnln In tho county. Address P. O. llox 151 Coqultlo, Oregon. COOK I'AKM'lenceil man r(Mk wnntu position either camp or boarding houso. Address E. L. Wuorth. Pen. Del., Marshfleld. WANTED llnnril nnd room In prl vntn family. lleforoncos. 8tato terms. Address Dox 11., enro Times. WANTED Dressmaking by evor enced dressmaker, by day or pleco. Will go to home. Plnln or fancy. Phono 117. Mrs. Lonsdnlo, 8U Lawrenco Hotel. WANT to innke iiiTaiigoinentH with Coos Itlvor rnnchor for qunntlty of eggs, produco and milk dollver ed nt dock every day. II. Itt E., caru Times. roll SALE Kl.liul. aider. Apply to L. Flagstaff. wmNl, tnoMtly M. Hozolton, l-'OIt HALE MiincovIo duck eggs; f3 por sotting. Stnuffs Orocory. 1'Olt HALE Fiirnlturo tor tlvo room house. Inquire C. E. llurno, Nortk Uond, or phono 2C3. l'OU KENT I-rtNini fnritlHlw.l tint with bnth. G48 South 11th it. l'OU HENT UiiruriilNlnxI hoiiHvkrcix lug rooms, close In. 230 South lirondwny, Phono 70-L. North Bend Heavy Car Type FISK TIRES . i are today rolling aver Coos. Bay rpads . on automobiles operated by men who make-their living operating stage lines and rental servioe cars.' .ijin-f-W ti--- xnt - These men studyitheir tire. eypen?e. ' , -Bigi mileage, and actual service in a tire .means more money in their pockets that's why they, use Fisk Heavy Gar Type ires Grand Theater TONIGHT n . Mr. Private Car 'Owner, you caii profit by the experience pf-ese men. It pays them; itwill pay you io use FISK TIRES. JieGminery h j ' 1 FILTERED GASOLINE. " tf flTpRftYCLt? SUPPLIES C00S COUNTY'S PIONEER AUTO SUPPLY HOUSE. THE ADVENTUHICS OF KATIILYN .. 7 TIII'J fiilllllEN OF IlKIDEH fttnrtlni- whnrn wn Inf .iff 111 Hin sixth Installmont, the seventh Install mont shows tho heroine lashed to tho cngo of a hungry tiger in tho hrlcnnilfl' rnnm Plhn mnlfnu Imp ah. cano to meet worso norll In the Qar- den of Brides, surrounded by n lionlo of leopards. This la a most Interesting numbor. GEUTV OUTS THE CASH She has to pos6 to her own lover to get the motioy. Tho result Is simply groat. Kalem comedy. HUimV'H NIOHT OFF A wlfo fond of bridge; a husband fond of poker, and n burglar fond of loot, create a mighty funny mix-iin. UNDEIt liESPEHATION'H RPUIt Tho mountain girl's torrlhlo sacri fice to savo hor lover from death at tho hands of tho moonshlnera. will bring a tear to every oyo. Spaclal music for Kathlyn by Prof. Lopport and wlfo. Children, Cc; adults, 10c. Coming Monday: "SCuzu, the Hand Loader." A comedy sensation in two roots. Coming Thursday: "Sports and Travels In Africa." In flvo reols. Coos County Vegetables FRESH AND CIIISP HIOIIT FHO.M THE OAltDENS HEAD LETTUCE IIUXOII TUHNIPS CAItHOTS OAllllAOE new P(yrAT()i:s CIIOK'll OHEEN PEAH AIho hoiiio entrn fancy HOME GROWN MEItRIES l-'OIt RENT U-rooni Iioiino Mid barn, lot 100x200, fruit tree, berry vinos nnd chickens. Phono 302-X or soil Mrs. A. Cavnuaugh, Eustsldo. FOR RUNT HU-room hot wo ea South Ninth street, $20 par mo. Phono 171 or call 130 North Broadway. FOR RENT Prirnto giimgc. Phono . ' 1 ' ' , LOST Thuwrfdny, Juno 4, black lynx fur collar and atolo. Rohirn t Mrs. McDonald nt Tho Chandler. IOOAN-RTRAW-RASP-WILD HIiACir. Berries Wo will hIho liue a choice line of CALIFORNIA FRESH FRUITS Hint Villi arrive on the rttcanicr PurnlNo tomorrow II10110 your ordei-s eurly Bunker Hill Dept. Store V. II. DINDINOER (X) l'lione !R2. MISS DONNFLLY. Sculp Trvntlnic nnd I-'ncliU Mnwuvgc nut i,iiwi (lvn, I'liono -i iihi My Own Formula HAIR TONIO PRICE S1.00 In Fur Kule Olllv nt llm Out I'm. Kcrlptlitu Pluiriimry, Frank 1), Cohan. The tVntml Avenue lni( Htoro FIGSEN A vnluablo laxatlvo compound for tho relief of CONSTIPATION contains figs, senna, cascara and other Important drugs for tho euro and relief of this trouble Trial Box, 10c. TEe Koyal TONIGHT The House of Big Features. Margaret Eleonoro, will again cod tlnue to nleaso her audlenco with her slngingi "Lucille Lovfc, The Girl of Mys ery,'" Series No. 1 In two reels. Dv&jinntlni flnra Plinfl rA nnrl VmH cla- Ford in the greatest mystery of an time. 'Dances of Today," showing the gentlno dip. Maxlxe, Parlslau wblrl. etc. br SobastUn and Allen. uring Boh (Leonard. "Rllm Becomes an Editor." A rip-roarfng comedy, Admission, lower floor, ISc; balcony.- 10oi 'Zlngo. Bon ot tne tea." juiy tn. PHONE . j c or D ;MiHfer, .Senace Grand Opening OF The Globe Trotters .. of l v ? at Mashfi'eld r M .. ., . i A ' H Masonic Opera House FRIDAY, JULY 3, 19.14 - - v- ,", i I It will be the biggest and best ever. We are sorry that, owing to the illness of Mr. Maurice Chick, the leading man, and the non-arrival of three new prima donnas' from Portland, that'We.had, to postpone me opening iioir lumunuw mum, uui neuwiuMi iw " ;.. mu--4 waJT rtAt hnt-An-4 ehnuj.nrt tn niir.htrin ftfnnriarri Tamer man iiui yu vn oiiwifuj w vw, ...u .-..... ... '.'" "'"' '"' ' ' n r-T-' rm 1 ST"! O0NT FORGET THE DATE, FRIDAY, JULY 3. i'j, " A A n r . HAHSHFItLUUTULtni