A SELESQTRYJQ BE A JUDGE OF HUMAN NATURE UNLESS YOU WORK AT IT (Ejuib VOUK OPPORTUNITY lo roach tho grent purchasing power f this community should not be overlooked In plncing your ndvortlR inB, Tho cholco or media of ;Ui eessful nicrcnnnts IS Tilt: TIMES. wxmts FAMILY URO.I.S HI ACHED with ccry ropy of this medium. Hnt your ndvortisenir-ni rend by the Homo Community regularly, bo that they will know you Do In troduced lY Till! TIMES. MEMDEU OP TME ASSOCIATED PRESS iini YYYWII ns Tho Const Mull VUL AAAVII. EMnbllshed 1878 MILLER CQNVIGTED OF T Former Cook Found Guilty of Blowing Safe for $10,500 Last November JURY OUT SEVERAL HOURS DELIBERATING Big Victory for District Attor ney Lilieqvist Henryville Case Begins (Speclnl to Tho Times.) COQUILLB. Or., .Juno 25.--The Jury In tho enso of Larrv .Miller, charged with robbing tho Hank of Slyrtlo Point last November, this nf- ternooii lirotiRht In n verdict of cull ty. Tho raso wan submitted to tho Jury soon after 9 o'clock this morn- B ing nnu mo vunuci was returned iigninn n in. Lov no uiiceroinnnlotiM abo.it 2 o'clock. ly left after conducting n fc ' 0 Imincdlutoly nftcr tho verdict was and tho iUHpogal of tho Htock nnd flx announcod, C. I. Holgard, nttomey Hires failed to nnywlioio near nay tho for Mlllor. mndo n motion for n new ciedliors. Lovlno's present wherc trlnl. This wns tnkon under consld- abouts are unknown. Ho went from cratlon by tho court. I hero to San Francisco. MIllor'H conviction wns on clrcum- Lovlno was formerly In the cloth Blnntlal evidence, tho many stories Ing luminous M Montnnn and linH a he told to dlfforont ones nnd prnc- brother In business nt Miles City. Ho tlcally coiife88loiiH of guilt wero nc-i Is said to have property In boiii'o of ccpted by tho Jury ns bona fide, nl-, tho .Montann towns nnd the bnnkrupt tlinugh ho denied them on tho wit- ey proceedings will ennblo tho crodl nejs stand. tors to get In It. Tho conviction Is n decided vic tory for District Attorney LHJenvlst, who Insisted on holding Miller ami trying htm for tho crime nftor others had declared that Miller was simply n fakir. Mr. Llljoqvlst worked hnrd In getting tho ovldonco against Miller. Try Heiiryvillo Case. Immediately nftor tho conclusion of tho Mlllor case, tho trial of Dun' llrovlno nnd J. Doiiipsoy for rioting' at Ilcnryvlllo wns Htnrtcd. Eleven Jurors lind been obtained at 3 o- clock. Jns. Forrnrl was also Indict-' cd, but nB ho Is under sentenro for . miiiiik .luim ivuuy (luring uiu niuiuu, ho will not bo tried. on this score. Ho will bo rotnlned hero ns a wit ness. .More , Criminal Ciihch It was reported hero today that thero might bo somo snnsntloual do- tvclopmonts In tho Myrtlo Point rneo now thnt Mlllor has been eon- vlcted. Sheriff Ongo went to Coos Way and Doputy Sheriff Clyde dago went tu Myrtlo Point. I Just whnt Is doing could not bo learned. TALKED TOO MUCH Sheriff On co enmo over today noon from Conulllo. Ho was not surprised to hoar of Miller's con viction. Ho said thnt Miller had simply tnlkcd himself Into tho pen itentiary. Shorlff Oago understood that tho $2500 rownrd which tho Dank or Myrtlo Point offorcd for tho nrrest and conviction of tho robber wos withdrawn somo time ago. Dotec tlvo .Mitchell has been paid by tho bank. Vnughnn, although tolling of Mil ler's admissions to him, rather spoil ed tho effect of his ovldonco by foolish rcmnrks on tho stand. Fer rari, who had somo good ovldonco, got Irritated about something nnd did ndt como through on tho wit ness stand. Hn ai ti o r,H..i n( . B. Claflm & Company, of NfiW Ynrk Hail Labi ties of $35,000,000 inr AMMUte.) Urcn,.to Coo Wr TIipm 1 NEW YORK, Juno 25. Tho great dry good? house of H. H. Claflln & company failed witn immune $35,000,000 nnd nsset8 estlmnted nt i iu,uuu,uuu. 'i no cuiiipuj i"v or Is -affiliated with thirty retail stores throughout tho United States end It was tho endorsement of their paper, hold by more than 3000 banks, that caused tho crash. A reorganiza tion is contemplted that will be ac ceptable to tho creditors nnd stock holders. ... Announcement was mndo ims morning that the so-called Claflln stores, strictly speaking, would bo closed, ponding adjustment of the company's a'ffalrs. , President John Claflln announced that tho failure was duo to the un precedented shifting of trade centers in New York, the uptown movement of business seriously curtailing tue company's profits. . Among tho stores affiliated with tho Claflln Company aro the W ntte House t Spokane, tho Peoples at Tacoma and the McDougall & South wick at Seattle. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USIH). riione72. Ucinc Livery nnd Transfer Company. BIG DraODS ' MR FAILED MYRTLE JOBBERY TODAY iifiir LEVI FUNDS Creditors of Former Coos Bay Merchant Start Bank ruptcy Action Creditors of s. T. Levlne, who rnn ,llc ' X. L. clothing gtoro In North llend km yonr and moved It to this i city In Jnmint-v nmi mn,, r,. ........ .i mndo an nMlKiimciit. have Instituted luvoltmtr.ry bankruptcy proceedings I STOP DISEASE CoUflty Health OfflCGT Clllin Will Rigidly Enforce Law Against Its Use Dr. Walter Ciilln. of Cooullle. Cons County Henlth Officer, has taken stops to suppress tho salo and throwing of confetti, snlo and itso of duster ticklers, etc., during tho Fourth of July celebration. Ho states that owing to tho prevnloiico of contnglous and Infectious diseases In many pnrts of tho county mako It Impcrntlvo that rigid steps bo taken lest regular epidemics follow tho colourations. In n letter to Dr. Straw, City Health Officer In Mnrshflcld, Dr. Cullu says Hint tho uso of confetti, the duster tlcklors, etc., aro tho bestj posslulo means or spreading any contnglous or Infectious diseases that peoplo who aro mingling with tho crowds may bo afflicted with. Ow-ulHo to Stop It. Dr. Culln says thnt ho has al ready received assurances from May or Morrison of Conulllo, that tho Conullle authorities will give him their hearty support In suppressing thin menaco to tho public health. Dr. Straw has already stated pub licly that ho will not permit tho salo or uso of confetti, tho duster tick lers, etc., during tho celebration bore. Although tho now city ordin ance prohibiting tlieso things do not go Into offect until after tho colebrn tlon, the stnto health laws glvo tho health ofriccr ample powor to deal with tho situation and the penalty under tho stato laws Is much more severe both on tho parties selling or using tho stuff In violation of tho Health Officer's orders than nro the penalties fixed by city ordinance In addition to whooping cought, mumps and measles, which have been so prevalent In Marshfleld and North Hem! tho past month, It Is stnipd that there aro a number of caeca of smallpox In tho outlying ;lrM,t it is on this account that the health officers aro taKiug tno precautionary stops. Says He Has Ended Career as Geographer Calls Colom bia Deal Blackmail Or Attosltiw Prett 10 Coot Bit Timet J OYSTER HAY, L.M.. June 25.--Colonel Roosevelt, who returned last night from Europe, permitted him self uo rest today but Immediately got to work on his correspondence and other matters which- accumulat ed in his absence. "My career as a ceographer ended last night, he de clared. "For the next four months I suppose I shall be a polllclan. Colonel Roosevelt's statement Issued last night saying that the payment or twenty-five million dollars lo Qol ombla was "belated blackmail" was the main topic of discussion among party leaders today. BAR CONFETTI: RUM T K NOW POLITICIAN; MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, IfEF! PLAIS CHRJSTOFFEBSOI Kill OIL I 1 BO0KEJIEG0BO Says Peace Cannot Be Re established Until They Are Driven Out of Butte ... mover threatened. tnr AMoriatoj iTtH lo root nr Timet.) ' Ill'TTE, Mont.. June 25. Tho announcement or President Mov er of the Western Federation In Helena Inst night thnt ho Intend ed to return to Hutto caused n sensation heie today when tho citizens rend tho Interview. Men connected with tho proposed vig ilantes openly said thnt If Moycr should return without protection thnt his life would be In danger I O They declared thnt If Moycr ap peared hero or attempted to nssert the Jurisdiction of tho Western Feder ation thnt certnln men connected with the Insurgents of tho old union would again put up armed resistance. Pres ident McDonald said ho Intended to rid tho now Independent union or miners or industrial Workers or tho World. Tho vlco president, secre tary nuu treasurer of tho now union nro nrknowiedged to bo members of the Industrial Workers. Ill AteorltteJ Vntt lo Coot II. r TlmM.J HELENA, Mont., Juno 25. Gov ernor Slownrt wns urged to assert stttto control In llutto by President Moycr of tho Western Fcdorntlon of Miners, who left llutto In nu auto yestcrdny and mndo tho 73 mile trip dlicctly to tho stnto cap ital. Governor Stewnrt refused to comment nftcr n conference nbout tho llutto riot. Moycr declnrcd that pence will not bo restored until the Industrial Workers clement, which ho said was In control, was eliminated. AUTO PARTY IN DEEP BAIE Five Dead and One Hurt When Car Drops 100 Feet at Los Angeles (117 Aiioditud rmi lo Cool Br Timet.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Juno 25. At tho foot or a hundred-root bluff, thrco women nnd two men aro known to bo dead and another man serious ly Injured. Tlioy wero victims of an auto accident at White Point. Tho auto, driven by Harry Raker, wireless operator at San Pedro, plunged over tho bluff nnd ho and Mrs. Laura Townsond, her daughter, Miss Laura Townsond, and Miss Myr tlo Crnndon, woro killed. Porcy Townsond, son of Mrs. Townsond, was Injured. Hrynn Clark, a member of tho automobile party, was nlso killed. NORTH DAKOTA ELECTION ID; AMoclttod FTM lo Con Ur timet.) FARGO. N. ., Juno 25. Pri macy elections to solect candidates for the United States Senate, Con gress nnd stato offices wero held In North Dakota yesterday. Constitu tional nmondments providing for woman suffrage, and tho initiative nnd referendum wero nlso voted on. LANOUlo GETJPUBL1CITY Correspondence Between Unit ed States and Japan to be Published Tomorrow (B, AttorUte-1 Prett lo Com Btr Tlmft ) WASHINGTON, D C. Juno 25 Dy mutual agreement between Sec retary Hrynn and Ambassador Chin da, tho correspondence between tho I'nlted States and Japan over tho Pniifnrnin nntl-allon land law will bo published In both countries slmul-, taneously tomorrow morning. Tho Japanese correspondence endeavors to show that the California law Is a violation of the treaty, which appar ently almost in terms excludes me Japanese from the right to hold agri cultural lands. SOUTH DAKOTA STORM (B Atoelitl Pr lo Cot Br Timet 1 CLEAR LAKE, S. P., June 25. A man, a woman and a child were fatally hurt In Tuesday night's tor nado. Damage ainouuuiiK iu tii 000 wns done. If jou own an auto you auto be In the auto parade at tho celebration. JUNE 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Flies Over Peak of Mount Whit ney, Reaching Height of 16,000 Feet ItlT AuocltteJ TrtM lo Coot Dar Tlmea INDEPENDENCE, Cnlir., Juno 25. Silas Chrlstofferson flow over tho penk or Mount Whitney, nttnlnlng an nltltudo or 10,000 reet nnd establish ing a new American record. Wiw On Cooh liny. Silns ClirlstoffcrBon, who has won now Inurels by his flight today, Is well known on Coos Hay, having mndo n number of nights hero two Huns ngo under tho-auspices of tho Coos liny Times, giving tho first ex hibitions of aeroplane flying that wero over soon In this section. IIIC1 RACE TOMORROW. 0cr 1MO Oiii-xincii to Enter Rough keopslo Regnttn Itciuly Tmliiy. (Ilr AnixLleJ I'rrw lo Coo. u, TlfflM.j POUailKEEPSlE, N. Y., Juno 25. 220 bronzed oarsmen, represent ing Washington, Cornell, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Syracuse nnd Wiscon sin, rested today for tomorrow's nn nunl Intercollegiate regnttn on the Hudson, tho blue ribbon event of American collcgo rowing. From ev ery one or the training camps enmo word that tho crows nro fit. CONDEMN TOItACCO. Clittrtii llix'tliicu Conclude Tholr lltilnc-s Conference. Hie Aitorltled Vntt lo r-oo. IU Tin"- t SEATTLE. Juno 25. Tho general conference or Church Drothrcn con cluded tho business today nnd they adjourned to meet next year In Her shoy, Penn. They adopted u resolu tion condemning tho use or tobacco nnd liquor. SET DATE FDR SPDRT EVENTS Amateur Athletic Union Con tests at Panama Exposition Next April. llf Aeotiti4 rrtea 10 root nr Tlmx, GLEN COVE, L. L, Juno 25 Tho Rcsoluto won another race, beating tho Vnnltlo soven min utes and tho Defiance eight min utes. . t j AttocltltO l'rr. u root iur TIvm.1 PORTLAND, Or., Juno 25. Moot ing dolegntes of tho flvo Western branches of tho Amntour Athletic Union to nrrango for tho Panama Pacific Exposition Athletic Meet ended today. Tho swimming cham pionship dates wero set for July 10 and 17: track moot, July 30 nnd 31, nnd. boxing and wrestling, April 12 and 15. 8ETTLK PARIS STRIKE. Dr Auoclit4 fmt l Coot U Tint. PARIS, Juno 25. Tho letter car ries' strllto wns sottied today whon tho Minister or Commorco promised to Investigate tho men's grievances, Plot Set Apart for Agricultural Department as Breed- ing Ground (Dr Auoclttt4 Pint to Coot Ctr Time ) WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 25. Smith and Miner islands, rourtoon miles north by west from Port Town send, Washington, havo boon set apart for tho Department of Agri culture as a breeding ground for natlvo birds. Tho ordor, which wag signed today by President Wllfeon, Imposes a heavy penalty for Interfer ence with tho birds and eggs, . AGREE ON TERMS Mediators Arrange for Settlement Hetwt'en Hiieitu tiliil U. K. (Ur AuocltlH l'f.. io Coot Utr Timet I WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 25. With Villa's army triumphant at Zacatecas and terms concluded at Niagara Falls for tho settlement of the dlfrerencos between Huerta and tho United States, officials he,re to day awaited the complotlon of ar rangements for Informal confer ences of the Constitutionalists and Huertlsta8 to discuss the establish ment of the new provisional admin VE GABBED A Coniolldntlon of Time, Const Mnll tun! Coos liny Adiertlier. BEBEL LEADERS TO CAPTURE MEXICO CITY HUERTA'S END ' BRINGS PEACE United States Agrees to Re store Friendly Relation Then Mediators' Plan ' i' wwifi i ctm io voo 1117 TimM.j 1 NIAGARA FALLS, Juno 25. Dof lulto nBsurances were gten today by tho Mexican modlntors that n meet ing Is to ho held In tho near future between tho representatives of Huer ta and the Constitutionalists with n lew of bringing nbout n final penco settlement. This ncllon, It Ih declar ed, will allow tho completion of Inst night's protocol agreeing thnt diplo matic relations between tho United ' Btntes nnd Mexico shall bo restored nnd nil other International differences ccnsiuereu sottied wiien n new pro lslonnl government succeeds the Iluerta administration. When tho tlWl MnYflMltl frirllfina linen n.l l....tn.l their Internal problems, the media tion bonrit will fm-riinlli- -.i,...i....... ' ..... J llbUIMUIIt' and protocollzu tho result. President Declares Country is on Verge of Most Pros perous Era tnr AmU!J y.. o Coot llr Tlron 1 WAHlllMrinvw 11 n !..., op. "A now constitutional freedom ror business," is the ubjert or tho nil- miiiistrntioirH trust legislation pro grnm, President Wilson told n party or Virginia editors at tho White House today. Ho predicted that tho country Is on tho verge or a great business rovlval. IS SHOT IN THIGH W. H. Reynolds Painfully In jured by Accidental Dis charge of Revolver (Or AuocltloJ 17m 1 tu voot lit 7 Tlutt NEW YORK, Juno 25.- W. II. Roynoldn, former State Senator, was shot and pntnfully wounded Inst Saturday by tho accidental ills chargo of Mayor Mitchell's pistol, according to a statement Issued to day by tho Mayor. Reynolds, Mrs. Mitchell and a friend of Mrs. Mitch ell and tho Mayor, had returned from tho Mitchell farm, where tho party hnd been targot shooting. Tho Mayor, In allcbtlni!. dronned tho nlstnl to the sidewalk. It was discharged and the bullet entered Reynolds thigh, passing through nnd shatter ing tho bono or a Hngor whon It en mo out Tho Mayor snld Reynolds hnd not wished anything said about tho accident, fearing It would worry his family, now abroad. Dozen Factory Building De stroyed at Salem, Mass. Several Reported Killed (Ur Aftorltl4 Prut lo Coot Mr Tim" 1 8LEM. Mass.. June 25- A iloion factory buildings were dostroyod by fire this afternoon und tho flumtm aro still raging Tho loss so far Is a million dollars. ,Sovorul are report ed to have been k'illud, PARADE IS 1'EATURE. (ii'iiiul Ami) f the Republic of Wash ington JUKI .tlUNMI. (Dr Aitoeltle4 hralo Coot Utt Tlml HELLINGHAM. Wash.. Juno 25 - A parade of veterans and school chil dren was a feature of tho encamp ment of tho Grand Army of the Re public of Washington and Alaska to day RUSEBITY WILSOIf - E RE LOSS IS OVEflJILLION No. 285 W General Villa's Army Captures Zacatecas After Long Siege of Town GIVES THEMC0NTR0L OF OVER HALF COUNTRY Now Plan Capture of San Luis Potosi and Guadalajara Mediation Progress (llf Awoclltfr Trree 10 Coot nt TlBM EL PASO, Tex , Juno 25 Tho Inking of Zurntecns by Villi's troops Tuesday night plnces tho entlro N01 thorn part of Mexico nnd much more than linlf of tho ropubllc'i territory In the hands of tho Con stitutionalists, It marks another stngo In thu rnro or the thrco rival lenders to .Mexico City. Villa from KiicntcciiK will probably mmo ngnlnst Aguns Cnllontes nlmoHt directly to tho South whence the remnants ot tho Zarntecas garrison retreated. General (louzules bus been ordered to take San Luis Potosi nnd General Obrogon Is about to attack Guaiala Jara. IN NEW POSITION. ConNtltutloiinllrlM Can Now Demand Major TerniH. Tho Constitutionalist victory nt HncutociiH bus placed them In a po sition to demand major terms nnd would Impel Cnrrnnzn to withdraw whatever objection ho might have1 to sciiding itelegnti's to. moot tho Iluerta nilsslnu. If thu Mexican ruc tions rench nn agreement, It will bring thu mediation proceedings to n succcHrul conclusion. Tho Amer ican nml lluerlMBla dolegntes havo again signed tho conditions for tho resujnptloii of diplomatic relations between tho two republics. Cnrrnnzn's plan to proceed nt ones from. Saltlllo to tho Amorlenn bor der nt Nuovo Laredo Is with tho chief purposo or being In direct com munication with IiIh agents In tho United States when, they begin ne gotiations with tho Iluerta dulogntos. The Constitutionalists hero bellove tho conference will begin thu first or next week. , VILLA TAKIX ZACATKOAH. t, til, AuotUlO rrtoe lo net Pr TImm.) ZACATECAS, Juno 21 (Delayed In Transmission) Tho fiercest fighting on both sides mid nu unusually heavy loss or life to both Federals and Con stitutionalists ended Inst night In the capture or KncatoccH by Villa. It ro il ul red four days or battle to take tho Federal stronghold In Central Moxl co, As usual, General Villa wnH In the vim or tho attacking party but seemed to bear n charmed life. Flvo members of his Htnff who nccompan iqd him were wounded. Heaps of dead on the mountain sides und In the city boru inuto testimony of tho fer ocity or thu fighting. Gi:.i:itAIi WOUNDED. (Dr Auocltt4 I'hm lo Cum lltf Tlmot.) EL PARO, Jupe 25. Constitution alist Oenoral Rodriguez died of his wounds today, according to advice received from Zacatecas, Anionic the Federal wounded are General Horrern, General Garcia and Colonel Fiorro, TO ntOTMTr MINIM. Bf AtMtlttW l't.t lo Cooo Dor Tfmeo-l WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 25 An ngrccmont between the United States and Great nrltaln to protect mining property In Mexico has boos inudo similar to that tp protect the oil Intoi nuts. FIX I'llONK RATliS (0 AitocltttJ )' lo Coot Hi, Tloto.1 PORTLAND, Or.. Juno 25. The Itullrond Commissions of Orogon and Wnshliigtou met hero for the purpose of readjusting teluphona rates In tho two states. Plans to make Mir rates In n more Just pro portion In tho two stated were for iiuihitid MOTOR CYCLE RACE F Entries for Contest Are Being Made at The Gunnery foe 1 the Big Event Plan for the motoreyclo race to bo pullou oft on IhH Fourth of July 1 -. !..,. ..vnn,l. lll A...t.1lt wl A large niimLer of ntrls are expuct 'eil. These untrbw are bolng made at I Tho Ouqiier and all motorcyclleU I urn rumnufteiX tu make Innulrv about it and help It along. I Plans for the parade nro nNo pro ' grossing and today the prizes 4or iha i.abi flunrnlpil rlniita WA.r InrwaHed to $50, $30 and 10. OURTH 1