mmpjipinijiipiiiu-. "-'H3... .rfaAsssitta. . , a RPL lit " I IE WHO BQASTSQNjiS HONESTY MAY BE HONEST-BUT BUTTON YOUR COAT m f ' 1 sto ' b " " ! 4 a i m T-III rItlr4lTltXIrin id reach tho grent purchasing power if this community Bhould not bo :Terlookcil m nincing your advcrtls ;. Tho cholco of media of suc eessful incrchantB IS THE TIMES. ypL XXXVII. "faSwShed ih'J'h FORTY-FIVE BILLION FEET OF LUMBER PROOUGEQ IN U. S. Forest Service Reports Re markable Growth in Industry of Country FURNISH MATERIAL FOR ' FIFTY-FIVE INDUSTRIES Pianino Mills. Use Most; Box Factories Second and Car Shops Are Third. (Dr AMoflil-4 r Coot ' Timet.) WASHINGTON, I). C, .lmo 21. Anproxlmatuly 15.000,000,000 feet of lumber of nil kinds la unnuully pro duced In tho United Status, accord Idk to a report today by the forest lerVlcc, Of tlila amount nearly 21i, 000,000,000 .feet, board measure, re further mamifacturod. Wood Ib the mnterlnl frtr Tltty-rivo or tho rrlnclnnl IndiiBtrleH. Moro than one hilf of tho total connumptlon con ilits of pinning mill productB. Man ufacturers of boxca nnd crates are the econd largest iikltb, followed by builders of Btuam mid electric tars. II PETER I Abdication Made In Favor of His Second Son, Prince Alexander i i t AmocUIo4 Trru to On nif TtiuM.1 IIKLGRAD15, Sorvla, Juno 24. King Peter 1, of .Sorvla abdicated his tbrono todny. Tho nhflkrutlon 'was mailo In favor of tho king's second ion ., I'rlnco Aloxnndor, ob IiIb eldest , I rlnco Oeorgo, In 1000 renounc- ion td his rigllt or succession to mo QUITS 0 throne. Tho king B action was taken of 10 t.imrfiC8 n,,n apparently making lecausp or 111 honlth. A royal proc n K()0(, im)re,H ,, , jury. jo amotion announcing; tho fact Ib1o bo mIm(ed having been drinking heav iMuod. uy who. out of work ami of Joshing Onlr TomimriirJ. i,... , ., r,i.i,ni-.. imi i,minut.,i I King Petor of Sorvla, was roport- cd to hnvo abdicated In favor of. , locond I'rlnco H9nry, loft for Vrnnyn ouu in ii nuifi ibsiiiiii iiy mi. .......... , ,nle for Btcnllng tho Lib llalncs enry, did not say ho nbdltated, UHtnnU, lorg0Hp wn8 on tj10 8tnnd yestor ..bji ropflnod Itsolf to tho.stntomont ,nynnil told practically tho story that paying ho had Blgaed a Jikaee on- ', (, ((),(, n8(rct Attornoy Llljo- iruiiuig ino govuiiiiiiuiii uiiwiih auaenco to Alexandria. HUERTA WOULD IET E Claim Federals Are Now Try ing to Force U. S. to Inter veneRebels Progress 7 Ai(cUt4 rrtM to CM Utf TtaM. I WA8HINOTON, D. C. Juno 24. Persistent rumors of sniping by tho Mexican federals on tho American outposts at Vera Cruz and rumors of tho Constitutionalists' further ad vances on Mexico City, served today to stir Interest In tho Mexican situa tion. Although tho War Department will make no reports public from Oenernl Funston regarding the snip Inc. It Is known that thero have been Investigations of continued re ports to that efredt. Thero havo been many lnreroncos that Huerta's forces are attempting to provoko a fifiht and force Intervention. "Patient waiting" on tho mediation continued to be tho attitude of tho administra tion. DIVIDKND IS CUT. L IB; AuwIiM Prw lo rooa D, Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Juno 24. Tho , directors of tho Pittsburg, Cincinnati nd St. Louis Railway, a subsidiary ot t'io Pennsylvania Railroad, today gagged tho dividend on tho common stock and reduced tho preferred divi dend to hair or one per cent for the quarter. MEDIATOHS STILIi IlUSV. Consider U. S. and liner ta DlKciviices AVhllo WnlthiK for ltebels. tBf Auoclttod PrtM lo Coot Dt Tlm.l N'taoatja tat.t.s Juno 24. The further discussion ot thoso planks of the peace program which relate to tho International differences between the United States and the Huerta govern ment occupied the mediators and del I date's whllo watting for a deflnlto understanding of the Instructions 1s ined to the fionstltutlonallst agents who are expected to come here.. tro MARSHFIELD, OREGON, s TOTAL (6800 Report of Appraisers Filed at Coquillc Liabilities Are Not Given. (Special to Tho Times.) COQl'ILLK. Or.. .lime 21. Tho re port of tho appraisers of tho F. S. Dow estate wnB filed hero today. They find his assols to total itbotit $I1S00. The assets are In book ac counts, stork carried, etc., anil nas no real property. Tho amount or the liabilities Ib not stated. Two montliB still remnln In which the creditors can file tlnlms. MILLER CASE Expect Myrtle Point Bank Rob bery Trial to go to Jury ' Late Today. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE. Or., Juno 21. It Js, expected that tho en so of Larry "Miller, on trial for robbing' tho Myrtle l'olnt Hank, will bo submitted to the Jury late todny. Miller wns placed on tho stand In his own defense this morning and. trIn, t,ml ,10 ,,, , wt. 1CM for i,lm80f tull(? 8tory tnnl imvi iid ! it a nni'A iinnn iiri t it it I u ir inn ,.. ,.( i.. mnvlnnlnir lii rnluiMnl ll(g nnot.cnce F vnughan. who wnB brought back fro Sa)oll( wlero ,l0 lmg ,)Cen 80rv. '"-.nvigt ni,0t Minor having admitted n.n rniiiiorv to lilm. .Ins. Ferrari, under conviction for killing John Kelly nt llonryvllle, wns placed on tho stand, but failed to glvo any good cvldonco about Miller's allegod admissions to him. So far. no sensntlonnl evidence has been sprung nnd nnd llttlo has been told on tho stand but what has here tofore been published In connection with tho cano. Y Appraisement of Property Not to be Made Public Bryson Returns Here. L. R. nryson, of Eugeno, attornoy for Recolvor Wattors of tho Kinney properties, returned yesterday from Eugene nnd is endeavoring to close un tho final dotalls of tho matter, so that Judge Watters can proceed with the sale. Ho says that all of the parties most heavily Interested havo J.aro,i in tho nlan and all that re- "p . - .t t - .o-n... In nnluf1 ma ns s ror ineir iiihhj " - .i, norfunctory pleadings In rourt so that tho legal order for tho ni,. . ,m nheail can be secured. Thero are only ono or two minor pieces of litigation pending. Mr Hryson stated that ho un li'tDMv. . e" l derstood that the appraisement u the Kinney .properties. Is to be kept , eot-rat Hlld that a COliri oruor iu iiiui. . effect will be secured. Tho Idea la to eiivil "" ... .,, 011 ' X iVeeeWae. who will 'not J Willi ueionoi """'.. ., ,,,. ,. 1 01 ASSETS J KEEPS E IDE SECRET cKshtHs been wound upV The red"cU cal ed' to fix wages This reason ir this, he stated, was that Is the third Industry ror which , a ffUie ai nra "erne t was made public, minimum wage ror women has been f ,ne $ILT?. Vk. nrmin that narties' recommended. A minimum .or $10 1 JirinrV to buy the property would to employos or mercantile establlsli SoWr moSW-nli was appraised ments became 8.U,rar M,ir.h of the nronerty he saiu nan ibihi o.. " y ..-..-S IlMtliS value- which would . become effecjlve next month. change with conditions and uy Keen; iris the appraisement secret. Receiver Wattors would be able to take advan tage of any development that would enhance the value of different par- ce " Wlley Duo Ruck, W J. Wllsey Is due here most any time and it Ib expected that ho wI SSlTtb.rof tSeSprop-l MEMBER OP THE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, ITY HEALTH OFFICEIt Dlt. linn proiesi against me custom i, ., I Dr. Straw Is Right MANY VIETIMS OF CYCLONES uiiKiiuiiiy n picnsint? nnn Harmless diversion, tho custom hns de generated until It hns become, as Dr. Slrnw truthfully says, "a nasty habit that Is a menace to tho health of tho community as well as an annoying and disgusting fenture of what should bo an enjoynblo occas ion. If tho confetti throwers confined themselves to tho llttlo colored paper, It would not bo so bad. but when ranny of thoso oiiRnRed In tho so-called run iilclt up hands full of confetti nnd dust from thu street, filed with dirt nnd dlscoso germB, It becomes positively harmful as wen as disgusting. It Is nil very well to say that the pollco will regulnto the matter, but past experience hns proven thnt tho police cannot nnd do not regulnto t because tt Ib Impossible. With seernl thousand people on the streets It would require several hundred polco nnd even then they could not prevent violations of the llcenso granted conrettl throwers. This year with n number or contagious diseases about It Is especially uiiiiKeroiiB -nn uity iienim uincor commended for IiIb zeal and cnnicatness In opposing what promises to be n positive evil. The pint of some merchants thnt they hnvo purchased conrettl Ib a speclouB one. Tho records of the Council will show that tho same plea wns made two years ago at tho last celebration and the promise was made then thnt It the concession was granted It would not again bo asked Tor. Tho Times Is surprised nt tho In-.llfrercnco or tho City Council In Its Inch or support or a city oiriclnl In the enforcement of his sworn obli gation. Either Dr. Straw Is compltont to be City Health Officer of Mnrshflold, or ho Is Incompetent. ir he Is Incompetent, ho should bo dismissed and ir ho Is competent, ho should be supported In his efforts to protect nnd promote the henlthof this community. IScntlemcn of tho City Council, your duty Is plain In this matter. Dr. Straw should bo upheld and his ordcre obeyed In a matter that Is vital to the good health and Rood order of this city nnd ho should llkowlse receive tho earnest and loyal support of every good citizen In this matter. 35 LOST II LAKE STORM Large Number of Victim of sudden Fury of Elements on Lake Constance P, Anrll4 I'm. it " H T'ibm.) (' FHIEDERICH8HAFEN, O o r -many, Iluno 24. Tho bo dins ot ten tlshcrmon were recovered today from Luko COnstniieo nild at least twenty-, five moro are missing as n result ot a sudden storm which broke over that section yesterday Unity of Action in Bible Read ingSunday Schools Stop Vice in Arizona. (II, AiKH'Ut! rim lo Com IU, Tint. CHICAGO, Juno 24. "Co-operation by Protestant. Catholic and Jaw In thu mutter of Illblo reading In tho CHURCHES WO 0 TOGETHER NOW . -T- public schools is nn indication of tho'Duko of Saxo-Coburg-Gothn nnd Vis growing spirit or brotherly regard count Ilryco, former ambassador to and toleration." said. Martin Law-, Was! Ington, when they arrived to rence, sccrotary of tho International Sunday School Association, at tho session of tho fourteenth triennial convention hero today. Rov. W. C. Morrltt of Claremont, Cal., reported that tho Sunday schools In Arizona had effected the closing ot many saloons and danco halls. IMG VESSEL ASHORE in, AuocUtot rrt. u co vj tibm.) LANDS END, England, Juno 24. The Ilelglan steamer Gothland, rrom Montreal to Rotterdam, went ashore today on a rock near Illshop Rock, Scllly Islands. . ... . mm P- . en ppr vveek hor nose tm- PO rLl Vtt i ui inuoi. uui ployed in Laundenes and Dye Works Recommended mr AofUt4 rr 10 cooo utr tiium.1 OLYMPIA. Wash., Juno 24. A mlnlmuni weekly wage of J or nuiiicu 01m B" i-.ww- ... . derles and W mrii wii recoiu- n,Hi.i in ilin Slain Industrial Wei- 0 Commission by" a conreronce of ,i,.ro nninlnvna nml rils Interest- will ertles as soon as the Receiver is In a position to negotiate So far. It is stated, there havo been bo negotiations between Mr. Wllsey 3r his syndicate and Judge Walters, FIX MINIUM WAGEJR GIRLS Wllsey has been in uonoon, oui.ui mo """' """""i "v due to return to Portland some time o'clock, p. m., Thursday. ik i, am na,t nt Ihla tnnnth and tho I ' Unectancv was that he would come1 to'os Bay -on after hi. arrival. figg tos ASSOCIATED 1'llKSS 1914 EVENING EDITION. STRAW Is right In 1.1b pronouncement or throwing confetti on July 4. Straw Is to bo comnl mentnd nml KILLED TODAI Lieut. Kolbe, of Kaiser's Army Corps, Victim Passen ger Also Injured D AmxIii! PrtM lo I'oot In, TlttM.l SCHWEItN. Gormnn, Juno 24. Another nvlatlon fnUillty 'occurred In tho (lormnn flying corps todny when Lieutenant Kolho was killed by tho overtuming of an aeroplane he wns piloting. A passenger suf fered a broken leg. F THREE DEGREES Ambassador Page, of United States Among Those Honor ed by English School Itlf Auoclilol TrtM lo Coo. IX, 1'mw.J OXFORD, England, Juno 24. An enthusiastic reception was accorded American Ambassador Page, tho receive degrees rrom Oxrord Univer sity. Tho first two wero created doctors or civil law and tho latter a doctor or law. HOOSEVEIT DUE TODAY Soooml Homo Coming Cannes Dig Htlr Among' 1'rogroislven Dr AuocUlo4 PrtM lo Com IU, T1im.1 NEW YORK, Juno 22. Tho sec ond homo coming of Colonel Roose velt within two months rausod al most as much stir among tho Pro gressive leaders as his return from South Amorlca. Fogs will probably delay his landing until tonight. John Wanamaker Says It's an Insane Thing Not to Rec ognize Organizations (H; AotltJ rrw. lo root tT TlmM.) PHILADELPHIA. Pa., Juno 24. "It's nn Insane thing not to rec- ocnlzo organized labor." said John I Wanamaker, in giving further tes timony before tho United Status Commission on Industrial Relations. ' He made this statement in reply to j a question whethor employers should I recoL'iiIzo tho labor unions. Ho said i that thu only way to wlpo out prej udice between labor and capital was to unhitch labor unions from political names. i FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral services of Norman Peterson will be held at 12 o clock Thursday, Juno 25, at tho family residence In Empire. Rurlal will bo, Don't forget tho U3c luncheon 4t ,T1,e ChanOlcr. A 00 IS Ill LABOR UNIONS ABE APPROVED A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall i nnA mid Coos liny Adcttlser. IMO. ta't IN WISCONSIN AND SOUTR DAK f NARY AND BENSON TIED Hold Conference at Salem to Determine Method of De ciding Contest. Mr A.xvUtM I'rt.i to Coo lur Tlnifo.1 SALEM. Or., Juno 24. Judge lien son arrived hero today to confer with Justice MeNnry with a view of decid ing what methods shall bo pursued to determine which was nominated nt tho recent Republican primaries for supremo court Justice. According to tho Intost check they aro tied. It wns expected an agreement would' bo reached for a recount In tho several counties. RESOLUTE TO Completely Outlasses Defi ance and Vanitic in Last Race. Ill, AMocltl4 rm lo Rom D47 TIibm. RYE, N. Y Juno 24. Tho mannor In which tho Rosoluto outclassed the Vanltlo and Defiance In yesterday's race led to tho belief that she will do rend tho America's cup. Tho threo yachts are being thoroughly tried out to detormliio which ono shall contest with Sir ThomiiH Upton's yacht. IS T Police Scare Robbers When Attempt is Made to Blow Big Bank Safe (II; Auoclit! TrtM lo Coot IU, TIum.J VANCOUVER, II. C. Juno 24. An nttompt to rob. the Hank; or Nova Scotia at Mission, a village near here, was frustrated by the arrival ot pollcdmuii bofore tho robbers could blow opeu tho Inner door of tho safo containing ovor $20,000, A policemen .heard the .explosion which shattered tho outer door of tho safe. Wbon ho approached the bank n robber guarding tho entrance, opened fire. Tho policeman return ed tho flro and thu two other men In tho bank joined their comrade outside and escaped Into the woods, A posse pursuod. Federal Authorities Take Act Ion Against Ohio Concerns Tried Coos County Tim fnllnu'liiL' fi.lm'f.l nil utnrv sent out from Dayton, Ohio. Is of local Intorost nore, ns me nils, or tne iaxo firms worn carrlod In a local paper: Ttin ontifi.rtiii hnvn mmrntiul through Irresponsible papers through out tho .country nud those aro said tr. tiara Itftrin 'alimif" filfin lint sui ting anything for the large amount of publicity given. So rar as known, tho concerns failed to got any pa tronsin Coos County. The Times received tho order for advertising, but a llttlo Investigating nulnnn.t n'l... rpl.,w.a tl.n tlir. .inn. cern wero apparently fukos nndtlio offer was turned down. Tho following- Is tho dlspatrn from Tl-vlmi' l f DAYTON. Ohio, Juno 23. Immp dlately following thu appointment of Attorney A. L. Hughes as recoltv nr tnr n number of total concerns. which for tho last year havo been under the scrutiny of tho Postofflce -- - . ..- (Continued on Page Four ) P R A FAKE ADS ARE BEING STOPPED family nnrij.s reached with every copy of this medium. Have your advertisement rend by the Home Community regularly, so that they will know you. Ho In troduced 11Y THK TIMES. Two Towns Named Watcrtown in Different States, Struck By Windstorms. EMMETT, WIS., SUFFERS MOST FROM TORNADO Two Killed, Three Fatally Hurt and Seventeen Others Are Severely Injured. (B, AnocUtM rrtit to Com Hi, TIhim 1 ST. PAUL Minn., June 24. -Tho two towns named Watcrtown, ono In South Dnkotn and tho othor In Wis consin, suffored from a sovero storm last night. A number of houses In Watcrtown, South Dakota wore blown down nnd several persons wcro In jured. At Emmett, Wisconsin, two were killed, threo fatally Injured nud seventeen hurt. It.l IN MINNEAPOLIS Four Killed In Storm Affecting Wldo Aii. tn, AMoHiltJ l'r. lo Com nor Tlmn.l ST. PAUL, June 24. Four per sons were killed In Minneapolis: two fatally Injured and n score ser iously Injured at Watertown, Wis. Tho property damage Is estimated at more than two millions, with al most complete prostration of wlro communication was tho reported havoc of last night's storm or wind and r.ilu which swept ovor North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota nud Wisconsin. Tho reports aro Incomplete and It In nrnlinliln Mini Mm l,a nt IIP. .and damage may bo greater, He- . 1,1'i.i.H .ir.n ...... ,aa i. ..n. ii.... invi-M -,v mill UVtf UIIHUI1IKB WLTO wlpod out at Watcrtown, whoro tho storm swept through sixteen blocks with cyclonic torco. butteH riojs fatal One Killed, and Threo Hurt Last Night Pres. Moyer Cannot be Found (nr AmoiIiim rrroo lo Cooo lur TIbim.1 IIUTTE, Mont., Juno 24. After n night of terror In IluttoT nppro hunslon Ih roll throughout tho city today thnt tho mob or Insurgent miners thnt Inst night wrecked tho minors' union hall, with 25 blasts or dyunmlto might turn their act ivities In other directions. Never theless, the city Is outwardly calm. No traro has been found of Pres ident Moyer of the Western Federa tion, who Inst night called a meet ing of tho old union to order nnd presented his plan ror a conciliation or tho warring factions. Hardly had Moyer read IiIh paper, prom ising to correct tho grievances of the miners that seceded, whon the first shots of the early evening riot ing, In which ono spectator was kill ed and three Injured, was hoard., Moyer and 200 miners steadfast to the Federation, fUvl for their lives through tho rear' of tho building. I Moyer, It Is believed, jumped Into nn automouiio onu escaped, Hlioot nt Mo rr. Two men In tho crowd, through which Meyer's machlue dashed, gavo chase, discharging their revolvers. After several shots from the weapons wore fired, the dyunmlto ciow began Its work, I'mi Much Dynamite. This continued until 2 a. in. when tho dynamite which had been takoa by form from the Stowart mlno was exhausted, The roar and side walls of tho union hall remain standing. Properly loss Is estimated nt $ 100, 000. At midnight the efforts of the offlcors of tho new miners' un ion to stop tho riot by circulating handbills, had no effect. Tho pollco nud Sheriff's offluirs were Inactive, taking tho position thnt to attempt to stop tho riot would only cnuso I greater damage. It Ih claimed tho first shots came from tne minors' union hall. I Tho killing of Ernest J. Noy had the efrect or lururintlng tn crown conversation with tho Governor this conversation with the Oovomnr tils morning, Mayai Duncan said that ho saw no need for stato troops, believing tho situation would quiet Itself now that the hall had been destroyed. )i)l)S FAVOR NEGRO AGAINST MOHAN D; AwoiUttJ l'i. lo Ccoo IU, TiaM.) PARIS. June 21. Jack John son will weigh about 210 whon he outers tho rlug Saturday for Ills fight with Frank Moran. This moans that ho will be about ton pounds heavlor thau whon he runt Jeffries. The oddn rUIIk'Q ! from C to 1 to 2 to 1 In iaor of i the negro. S"