(jal MMWBWWPWWBHBBB i -yZ- . " niniimimiiiniii w .. ' r I V t f iB R Zm itiuQ Lii !vc,;b!?,Xr,0"mo vk' "" ' :- m KmmSf We Carry the Most Com plete Line of Furniture in th tt v OUR PRICE will please you too. Mrs. Goodshopper:- When you look through our high grade line of furniture, you may expect our prioes to he of the same quality. That is the only thing in which we will fall short of your expectations. For we endeavor always to make prices as satisfactory to our customers as our furniture is. Therefore, when you come to our store and buy of us, you will pay only reasonable, fair and square prices for your furniture. We can prove these words. "WE SELL IT FOR LESS" City Come in and let us prove it to you. Examine our line of Bedroom Dressers $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $13.50, $14.50, $15.00, $17.50, $21.00, $22.50, $25.00, $28.50, $35.00, $47.50. PINE MATTRESSES $3.00, $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50, $18.00. SPRINGS $2.75 to $15.00 Chairs and Rockers 75c to $35.00. GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers IRVING BLOCK rQaUUcm Look at the Parisian for your FULL DRESS, SUMMER and EVERY DAY Apparel SEE WINDOWS I -k-G-T-v' w Ivf J Practice Tango and One Step TO THE MUSIC OF A VICTROLA Everybody is dancing the new dances the Maurice langoi the One Step, the Hesitation Waltz, the Castle Valk we have them all in Victor Records for the VIC TROLA, Get a Victrola today and learnmany are acquiring the art easily at home, Victrolas $1 5 to $200 and on the easiest terms. Let us advise you as to the best selection of the new dance Records, LOST An Opportunity (o buy n IoycI nt troctlve lioiucslto nt $123. These have nil been Hold. There arc it few loft nt 91(10 nnd 8U00; till full BO-foot loin, lovel and cleared, mi Improved streets. If you sire looking for n plnro to build u little home, neo REID ABOUT IT. You can buy on your own terms. Phone UUI5 or rnll nt office. V. A. REID, ISO Front St. Mm WKwjEwlBwfui 'Alii 1 1 En l 1 111 IliifiP t Bi U L TH0WAS, Manager. The Royal TONIGHT Tho Houso of Dig Features. Entire chunge of program. Margaret Eleanoro, the WeUh Nightengale singing "Mother Mc Cree," and "Whllo Old Glory Wane." Daniel Frohraan presents in the nishop's Carriage," featuring Mary Plckford. A fascinating drama of tho under world that annroaches tragody and ends In romance. With Fate as stage director, Nanpy Mary pick fnrri . nlnvB many stranee narts. but eventually adopts a role that leads to love and happiness, "Max Under." Max prefers to get DYED than to DIE. This. Is SOME comedy. "A Fool and His Money." Ilex. Six reels. C000 Wet of HEST pic tures. Chase's five-piece orchestra. Admission, balcony, 15c; lower floor, 25c. children 10c. Here Friday night, "Luclle Love," the Girl of Mystery. 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFiaO CYCLERY "' - -- WHEN YOU GO AWAX Have Tho Tl sent to rour bw addreaa. REVITIE5 TIDES FOR JUNK. &n&. hl8h nna Uw walor at The tides nre placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on tlm first 1 no an,t i..i..v.. .... ..it, " "" OH II1U seco.id line of eacU day; a compar ison oi consocutlve Heights will In dicate whether It Is Ulan or low water. For high water on the bar subtract two hours 34 minutes 23,Hrs. IFt.. 24Hrs. Ft.. 25 Hrs. Ft. . Ilrs. Ft.. Ilrs. Ft.. Ilrs. Ft. . 29Ulrs. I PL. IlOIHrs. Ft.. 2G !S "1.46 0.2 2.25 G.4 3.05 0.4 3.47 0.3 1.32 , 5.7 5.20 5.7 0.21 2.0 1.2S 1.0 S.43 0.5 0.22 0.0 ' 9.50 0.7 10.30 0.0 11.14 0.5 12.02 0.1 0.1G 5.2 7.23 4.7 3.20 4.G 4.07 4.7 1.40 4.9 5.20 5.0 0.03 5.2 0.4S 5.4 12.29 0.3 1.17 0.7 8.23 2.8 9.02 2.7 9.15 2.5 10.32 2.1 11.25 2.4 0.0 0.0 7.33 5.7 8.21 5.8 WEATHER FORECAST tnr Aclit4 Prn I Coo ll.j Tlnus.) OREGON' Unsettled, prob ably showers In west; fair In Enst mid southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE UNCORD For the 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. in., Juno 23, by llenj. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: ..Inxlnium 61 Minimum 4C At 4:43 n. m 03 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1913 05.05 Precipitation 08 1'roclpUntlon samo porlod last year '.. ..03.18 Wind: southwest, cloudy. HORN'. r D'AMHROSIO To Mr. and Mrs. Dominic D'Ambroslo, at tholr homo In Hunker Hill, a daughter, their second child. Wants Engine Puuido. Roy Ab bott Is trying to got the Smith-Powers peoplo and Supt. Miller to havo n parndo of tho different kinds of en gines In servlco hero on the Front street lino during tho colobrntlon. Hullds Here. Henry E. Rennlcr will soon commonco building a mod ern six-room resldonco on IiIh IoIb In First Addition nt the corner or Southwest bouluvard and California avonue. Silver Ton. Tho Women's Mis sionary society of tho Prcsbytorlan Church will sorvo a silver tea nt tho now homo of Mrs. Hnrry Fol som on Eleventh street, botwoon Cen tral and Commercial, Wednesday, Juno 24, nt 2:30. Picnic Thursday. Tho A. N. W. Club will hold Its annual picnic on Thursday of this wcok when they will Journey up Coos Rlvor and spenu i no uay wim Airs. U. 11. Dun gan. They havo chartered a launch for tho day's outing and will loavo Mnrshfleld at 10 o'clock a. in. New Hull Phi) or Arrives Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder and their two-weeks-old baby boy arrived homo from Portland yesterday. Mother and child nro doing well and tho proud father wouldn't change places with the president of the National League. Tho new nrrlvol weighs 8 pounds, but IiIh daddy snys he Is al ready a great "bawl" player and can "talk" to the umpire with the best of 'em. Meets Accident. Hnnlc L. St. Clair, who resides at the corner of Kruso and Second streets, nnd n mem ber of Frank Norton's road crew, uas the victim of a painful accident this morning. Whllo driving ono of tho teams working on n wheel scrap er, tho catch broke, overturning the scrnpor, which caught him and frac tured the right leg. He was taken to Mercy Hospital, where he Is re ported resting easily. Names Delegates. Mayor F. E. Al len, In response to a request from Governor West, hns appointed George Goodrum nnd Hugh Mel.aln delegates to tho second annual convention of the Oregon-Washington nnd Califor nia Pacific Coast Good Roads Asso ciation, wheh will bo held at Mod ford July 27 and 2S. Win. Grimes of Mnrshfleld Is a member of the exe cutive committee nnd plans to attend. Tho aim of the association Is to has ten tho Pacific Highway nnd nlso to promoto good roads genornlly. Drunk Destroys Furniture. While under the Influence of liquor Chnrlcs .upon tried to destroy the furniture In two rooms In the Joy House nt North Hutul Inst night. He cut tho mattress on which he had been sleep lug, smashed a mirror nnd broko two or thrco chnlrs. He got nwny before, ho could be apprehended nnd enmo to Mnrshfleld, where ho got moro whiskey, upon was arrested at 1:30 by Officer RIchnrdBon nnd returned to North He ml In an au tomobile. Ha Is being held In tho city Jail pending n preliminary hearing. SOIIAIj CALENDAR. TUESDAY. North llend Library Commlt 1 tee ineetlnc. Mrs. T. S. Harvey entertains nt Flvo Hundred. Royal Auction Ilrldgo Club with Mrs. W. H. Kennedy. WEDNESDAY. n. p. q. E. Danco at North llend In Simpson Pavilion. Wedding of Miss Helen Rush and Carl Davis at South Uend, Ind. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. J. Iirockmucller. Mars' field Ilrldgo Club. Mngniluo Club with Mrs. El mer Vineyard of Enstsldo. ed through hero yesterday en route, homo from Portland nnd northern points. MRS. I,. A. PETEltS nnd daughter. Alice-, of this city, left this morn ing for Myrtlo Point whero they will visit relatives. Damages Autos. Local nutotsts aro planning to offer rewards for somo vandal who has been placing roofing nails In the road near Hon ryvlllo. Sundny Ed Ixroiu nnd Clnudo Moon hnd their tires punc tured and picked up n lot of tho nnlls. A little later moro were found In tho samo place. Soma of tho nnlls hnd been filed to make them sharpor. Ono mnchlno had all four tires punc tured nnd another ono got four nnlls In ono tiro. A detective may bo put on tho case nnd tho suvero punish ment that tho offender needs motud out to hlin. MRS. J. U. HENDERSON, of Port am!, formerly connected with tho ladles' ready to wear department of the It. M. Gray storo In that city, arrived In Mnrshfleld today to tako a position with tho Hub Dry Goods Company. Mrs. Hen derson Is an expert In ladles' wear goods with many years' oxperlonco nnd will bo plensod to confer with tho ladles of Coos Hay In tho mat ter of dress nt nny time. CLASSIFIED AD (PEOPLE . YOU Ikmow ABOUT Tor Dance Pavilion. L. .1. Cam pau, who enmo hero recently from San Francisco, has rented the F, II. Wnlto lot Just south of tho Coko building nnd plans to put In a danc ing pavilion there, for tho Fourth of July. If things nro favorable ho pro poses to maintain R during good weather. HetuiuH Hert.- P. J. Shenhan of tho Smlth-Powors company was ablo to return to tho Chandler Hotel from Mercy Hospital, where he spent about sovon weeks following an op eration on his feot. Tho operation was entirely successful, but It will bo n month or so yet before ho will MISS DONNELLY Scalp Treating and 1 Facial Massage 1)01 Kliixl Ave. Phone 4 10. J MY OWN' FORMUra. HAIR TONIC ' PRICE $1.00 Is For Halo Only nt tho OWL PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY FRANK I). COHAN Tho Central Aw. Druir Storo MRS. II. E. EDWARDS, of Allognny, Is n visitor In tho city today. JAY CLINKENHEARD, of Coos Riv er, Is n visitor In tho city today. J. W. CHAPMAN returned on the Hrenkwnter today from Portland. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL and Tom Hall were Coqulllo visitors yes terday. TOM NICOLS, of this city, loft this morning for Coqulllo on business. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I 4 - WANTED Dressmaking by oter- enced dressmaker, by day or pleco. Will go to homo. Plain or fancy. Phono 117. Mrs. Lonsdalo, St. l.awrenco llotol. STOLEN Two Ahrdalo dogs. Ho ward for arrest and conviction of guilty person. Leavo Information at Times offlco. . i COOK Experienced mini rook rnt posltton either camp or bonrdlng houso. Address E. L. Wucrlli, Gen. Del,, Mnrshfleld. FOR BALK Household goods. Call nt 1G9 Hall avonuo. VOl HAIiH lUng", IimiUt, Circn slnn walnut chiffonier, couch, bod, mattress, springs, etc, Mrs. Josoph Hchmcddlng, 990 South 4th st. I FOR SALE I, FOR HAM-J l!0).nrro tbilry '"" 2 milk rows, 20 head young stock, 4 good homos, 10 hogs, chickens, 2 wagons and buggy, 3 mowing machines, 3 soparatorB, mostly now, all farming tools noeded on fnrm: about 00 acres bottom undor cultivation, balance mostly bunch. Good houso and barn. For par ticulars, see John Hear, Tel. No. 165-X. T. F. MONTGOMERY, of Tho Dalles, arrived hero yestorday for a short stay. A. S. HAMMOND and wlfo returned today from a short stay In Portland. MRS. A. C. VESTAL hns returned from n visit with relatives in San Francisco. RAYMOND E. HAKER of Coqulllo was hero yesterday on business and pleasure. DON GARDINER left on tho early morning train for Myrtlo Point on business. Grand Theater TONIGHT OOOO PKKT OF PICTURES THAT SATISFY. GEO. E. TONNEY, of Myrtlo Point, was a Marshflold business vlsl tor yestorday. A ROMANCE OF THE KVKRGLADES A two-part Ellon production with Mis Muble Trunnell In the lead A bautlfnl offering IIEAH8T-HELIG NEWS All tho Latest ErenU IliotogruphMl A Sunny Jim Conwdy entitled AV HAKTOH IJLY. A Dandy VlUKraph featuring Hobby Uounouy, mo imuy ucior. WHEN' A WOMAN GUIDES Ulugmph drunm Host pictures made always shown tu-ra at iYMUMnabl price. Ctifldrea -He Adults JOc Comlag tomorrow, War la Mexico, showing tho raptor ot Vtj Crux, aa Man Wllbtv Bfar Ht Ciuaerau W. II. PIPER, of Coos Rlvor, came In this morning to look after busl ..ncss details. MRS. F. R. Kirk returned today from a visit In Portland and other northern points, MRS. E. L. WALTERS, of Allegany, came In this morning to visit her sister, Mrs, Clayton. FRANK HARLOCKER wont to Co- qullle last evening to testify in tho Myrtle Point bank case, DANIEL MILLER, of Ilandon, a well- known contractor, was in warsn fleld yesterday on business. WALTER E. WADE, of North llend, went to Coaledo this morning to look after a business engagement. CELL IRELAND went to Coqulllo yesterday, having been summoned for Jury duty, but ho was excused. GUY CUTMP of Coos RlTor, spent several hours in the city today on matters pertaining to his business, .MRS. PAUL STERLING, of Coqullle, left on the afternoon train after a short visit with Mrs. C, F. El lerbeck. FRANK E. HEATH and brldo ara expected homo the last of the week from the Merchant ranch where they have bees Bpendlnc tbftlr honeymoon. WANTED Good Iioiucm wliero thero . .nro no chlldron for three woll tralncd houso kittens. Apartment 2 ovor NnBburg's Grocery. FOR SALE Musoovlo duck cggfij f.? per sotting. Htauff's Grocery. FOR SALE Housi-hold goods; din ing tnblo and chairs, rockers, bod, muttrcss and springs, hall trco, kitchen cabinet, otc, Also Ivors & Pond piano at bargain. Inqulro of J. E. Hurkhart. 205 North 4th street or 'phono 3G9-J. FOR SALE Furnlturo for flvo room houso. Inqulro C. E. Hums, North Hond, or phono 2C3, FOR RENT FOR RENT O-rooni houso and barn, lot 100x200, fruit troes, berry vinos and chlckons. Phono 302-X or soil Mrs. A. Cnvnnaugh, Eastsldo. FOR RENT Two-room furnltdied apartment. Inulro Naaburg Grocery. FOR RUNT Hlx-rootu bouse oa Souta Ninth striwi, jso per no. Phono 171 tr pall 13(1 norm Uraadway. FOR RENT Prlrato iruruge. Phonw 244-J. I LOST M)ST ThuwOay, June 4, black lynx fur collar and stole. Rorurn ta Mrs. McDonald nt Tho Chandlor. NYALS CORN PAINT does the work while you sleep. This Is the safest and best corn, wart and bunion remover. Price 25c. . I, - ' ' " ' T3l. rU H. ' F. HJS3 ICATB KQ3Ai f R4, mat jm-