.RllU,f-i " Ban ,T T'"'? mCiA J l! A FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, IVIARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1914 EVENING EDITION. S552 r ' ii "if in wmi'i i i M E CHANG E PIN Government Asks for Bids for Thrice a Week Service Over Old Coos Bay Road Postmaster Curtis Is In n quandary ns to whether an effort will bo made to have Coos Day Riven mall sorvlco via ho now railroad to Florenco after November 1 or to have it all brought In via tho Myrtle Point routo. He has Just rocelved notlco that sealed nronosala have been called for In a lottor Irom tuo I'osiomco uuparuuuui for carrying tho malls from Nov. 1st, 1914, to Juno 30, 1918, on tho fol lowing described routo: Prom Marshfleld, Oregon, by Sum ner nnd McKlnloy to Sltkum, Oregon, thlrty-fonr miles and back, three times a week. Loavo Marshfleld Monday, Wcdnes day and Friday at 7:00 a. m. Arrlvo at Sltkum by C:00 p. m. Lcnvo Sltkum Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7:00 a. m. Arrlvo at Marshfleld by 6:00 p. m. Uond required with bid, $3000. Proposals to be In tho Department by July 28, 1914. This proposed routo Is now part of tho routo now sorved by Contractor Barnard of Roseburg, Oregon. Whether It means a chnngo In the present sorvlco of tho Contractor over this routo after November 1st Is not Known at this offlco, hut ns Sltkum Is tho last offlco on the routo this sldo of tho mountains, It Booms prob able that ho mo chnngo In our present sorvlco for next winter Is contem plated. SCHOOL HOARD HKPOHT Financial Statement of School Dis trict No. 1), Mnrshflcld, Oregon RECEIPTS. Cash on hnnd at last .report, June, 1913 1 6.C49.41 Received from County Treasurer from District tax 23.300.0C Rcrolved from Co. Treasur er irom county scnooi iiinci Recolvod from Co. Treasur er from State school lunu Received from tuition . . . Rocelved from nil other sources . . 0,002.50 l,r.r.G.2C 40,00 7C.80 Total receipts $37,433.91 DISBURSEMENTS Paid for teachora' wnges.'$20, 875.55 Paid for fuel and Kthool supplies ... , 4.697.9C Paid for repairs, Improving grounds and Janitors.. 7,440.90 Paid for Insurance 450,00 Paid for district dork's salary 250.00 Paid for nil othor purposes 1,767.43 (Tho ubove Includes lights water, tolophono, tolo- graph and Don). Scl. supplies.) Piece Goods Special CREPE TOSCA iu Light Blue, Nile Green, A O Lavender and Tan. Was 68c. Now Ot FRENCH CREPE EPONQE m Tan, AVhite:r7r and Pink. Was $1.00. Now ' C MATELASSE RATINE, extra special; AC Was $1.95. Cut to "JC BROCADED WOOLEN DRESS GOODS. HZ Extra special. Was $1.15. Now JC Big Range of Colors The Golden Rue SALTS HIE FOR MUG KIDNEYS .THE AT gHQlDELS Total disbursements ...$35,681.84 Cash on 1914 ... hand, June, 1,752.07 Amount of bonded Indebt edness ... , $67,000.00 Estlmntod value of school- house nnd grounds, four ncruu und one block of school ground 1150,000.00 Estlmntod vuluo of Bchool furniture nnd apparatus $9,500.00 Amount of Insurance on school housos and other proporty $62,000.00 A. ii. Powers, chairman of board of directors. A. T. Hnlncs, director for two years. (. W. Kaufman, director for three yoars. , John I Hall, clerk. Sunday Arrival. At 'Hie Chandler. S. W. Dny, Salt Lake City; 1. 11. Hock, Salt Lake City: S. C. Arml '.ngo, Portland; C. R. Peters, Jr., Portland; Richard R. Duugan, San Francisco; II. Llppmnn, Portland; H.J.Lustlg, Everett: T. W. Williams, Portland; Georgo E. Richards, Port land; Chestor Davidson, Kolownn, R. C; C. L. Hooper, Snn Frnnclsco; E. T nshlr. Rnn Frnnclsco: O. D. Patch- i Portland; Georgo E. Sutton, Coale- do; H. P. Holdon, Portland; F. s. Lnmpott, Portlnnd; M. 8. Lamport, Salotn. At Tho Lloyd. J. Jackson, Coqulllo; II. Brown, and wife, Portlnnd; J. Rnnoy, Coalo do; J. G. Vasjy, Myrtlo Point; J. W. Klrkpntrlck. fNowport; Leo West moreland, Camp 7. At tho Hlnnco. J. A. Pottongor, Grants Pass; G. Wltthooft, Roddlng; Chnrlos V. Pot orson, 8umnor; William Vunovlch; Portland; C. P. Wiles, Schofleld; fohn Porklns, Snn Francisco; E. Spraguo, Lakeside; Lynn Dnteholor, Sumnor; Ruso Johnson, Random W. H. Smith, Coos River; Kd Hulnes, Coos River; Joo Foster, Conledo; A. II. RoynoldB, Coos River; H. C. Reynolds, Coos River; J. W. Rey nolds, Coos River. At Tho St. Lawrence. H. W. Wllklns, South Inlet; A. Wy man, South Inlot; Rnympnd E. na ker, Conullle; Mrs. J. Goodwill, Coos River; H. Cnrston nnd wlfo, Rose burg: II. Shoron, Norway; E. R. Uundy, Portland; A.f. uuru, iior jnco. COST OF MEAT TO STATE INCREASED IX SIX MONTHS Ulndder Irritations, kidney trou bles, dull headaches, weariness, nam In back nnd sides, nil show tho kid- ucyn nccu 10 uo toneu up, strcugm encd, their regulnr action restored. Foley's Kidney Pills will do It sure ly and quickly. They glvo good health, freedom from pnln, a return of nppotlto and sound sleep. Try them. Owl Pre scription Pharmacy. Frank D. CO' ban. Opposite Chandler Hotel Phona 74. Contrnl Avenuo Drug store, loeni ngoncy. CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Ilrlck Work at Prices Thnt Aro Right And nil .Work GiinrnutctMl Call at "Tho FlroBldc," Johnson HIdg., 137 Second St. Phono 434-J. French Ranges. Roller Work Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WD FURNISH A I1AG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos. Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J MarshfieU STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Iiromldo Enlarging and KoLik Finishing. CAHIJ FROM! FLOIIENCE. Tliomn.i Russell Convicted of Assault t Euguno. EUGENE, Or., Juno 22. Thomas RusboU, nccusod of tho crlmo of as sault with Intont to kill, was found guilty by a Jury In tho Circuit Court at crime of assault with a deadly -weapon, with a recommendation to court for mercy. Ruaaoll nnd M, W. England, who nre nelghbora on the lower Sluulaw River, .became engaged In a quarrel on May 2 over tho uso of n trail on England's ranch, which was formerly n homestead held by RtiBsell, RubboU accused England of. stealing boiiio fence and England struck him with his fist, whereupon ituBBoll drow n long hunting knlfi and Htabbud Englniul In tho sldo. The man's life was despaired of fori a) time, but ho was nblo to bo present in uiu inai. PLAN FOR RAILROAD. Legal Steps or Iluschunc Iloml Issue Arw Taken. Tho Roeshurg Review says; Attor ney II. L. Eddy expects to begin work In a fow days on the legal document necessary in calling a special election to nuthorlzo bonds In the sum or $300,000 for tho construction of a railroad from Roseburg to the coast. There Is considerable work connect ed with an undertaking of thin nature and It may bo several week: beforo tho logal papers are In suclJ stinpo as to allow tho election to jro toed. Attorney Eddy is bolng assist' ed somewhat by Attorney Robert Gl Smith of Grants Pass. Attorney Smith has had much experience In tho legal departments of ra1roadu und Is conversant with tno necessary proceduro In calling n special eloc tlon to Isauo bonds for railroad con utructlon, ' SALEM, Or., Juno 22. Comparison of the bids received by tno state Hoard of Control for supplies for tho noxt six months for tho stnto Institu tions, with those accoptod six months ago, show that beef haB Increased 20 cents n hundred noundfl. Tills In crease Is attributed to tho gonornl shortage throughout tho country. Hard whoat flour Is ton cents a bar rel cheaper than It was six months ago, while soft wheat flour Is flvo cents chenpor. While tho flour Is cheaper, bran nnd shorts have In creased from $1.50 to $1.75 n ton. Thrond Is chenpor than It has been for years. Prior to this tho prlco has ranged from 40 to 51 cents a dozen. Tho lowest bid made for tho supply for tho next bIx months was 45 cents. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS Rrtng your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tackle for n fow days' outing. Sunday School and all picnic crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Coos River every day. .Mnrwlifiolrt Timo Tahlol Launch Express, week dnys, leavcB, 8 a. in.; Steamer Rain bow leaves Marshfleld at 8 a. m., every Sunday and 2 p. in. week days. For charter and picnic ar rangements, npply on board A Convenience Wo Eat Too Much Meat Which Clogs Kidneys Then Hack Hurts nnd Rladder Hoi hers Yon. Most folks forget that tho kidneys, Jko tho bowels, got sluggish nnd clogged nnd need a lliiBnlng oc casionally, oIbo wo havo backacho and dull misery In tho kldnoy ro glon, sovero headaches, rhoumatlc twinges, torpid liver, ncld stomach, sleeplessness nnd nil aorta of blad der disorders. You simply must keep your kid neys activoanu ciean, nnu mo mo ment you feel an ncho or pain In cho kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from nny-good drug store horc, tnko n tnblcspoon- ful In n glnsB of water boforo break fast for a fow days nnd your kid neys will thon act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llth la, nnd Is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stlmulnfro them to nor mal activity. It nlso neutralizes tho aclda In, tho urine bo thnt It no longer irritates, thus ending blad der disorders. Jad Salts Is harmless; Inexpen sive; and makes a delightful effer vescent llthla-wator drink which everybody should tnko now and thon to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known locnl druggist says he sells lots of Jad. Salts to folks who bollovo in overcoming kldnoy troublo vhllo it in only trouble'. For sale by Drown Drug Co. and Safeguard J If yon havo ever stumbled on ilia dark basement steps, you ran real- izo what n convenience it is to havo ntt Electric Light Switch at tliu head of tho stairs. , When planning your now home or the remodeling of your prenout home, don't forget tliu h witch on the basement Mtnlru, or the switch to light the second from the first floor. "mfnm'"li Btti SB Pt ', lzhM $&fM a Remember to BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield RHTTFR Creamery PU"LIX SIADtJ UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICf Fro delivery, fl n. in. and 3 p. in. Phono 73 DEVELOPING ' PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue jr- i h" Itl rlA, HghtH, porch limits, bawlioard lftrv floor lights 0:s fop le fnt ,roM fliij nppllaucen. It's Hlmiiler mid less enimiL. to plan thrMo things bcfurc the actnM work is Htaitcd. SEE YOUR KIiKCrillUAfj DEAI ER or telephone to in. Oregon Power Company Telephone 17H. Cor. Second and Central. QUIPPED WITH VER.Y FACILITY FOR HANDI.INfl ACCOUNTS IN A PROMPT AND ItELIARLE MAN. NER THIS RANK SOLICITS THE HUN1NESS OF CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS IF YOU RAVE NEED FOR A SAT ISFACTORY RANKING SERVICE WE CAN FILL IT :: SERVICE THAT SATISFIES- TETe First National Bank Ot Coos Bay Goodrum's.Garage SOX SUCCEEDS FATHER. of John P. Weyerhauser Is Heart IWjj TIiiiIkt CniitMUiy. TACOMA, Wash., Juno 23. At tho annual mooting of tho Weyor hauBer Timber Company hero, John P. Woyerhnnsor, eldest son of tho Into Fredorlck Wcycinuser, was el ected president of tho company to suce'eed his fathor. Othor officers elected were: Vice president, F. S. Hell; Secrotnry, Geo. S. Long; treasurer. F. E. WoyorhaiiB er. Trustees were named its follows; John P. WeyerhaiiBor, F. S. Dell, George S. Long, P. N. Mussor, Wil liam Cnrson, II, H. Irvine, F. C. Denk mnn, W. L. McCormlclr, F. II. Thatcher and H. J. Richardson. P W. Ill Mil " iiiii.im fMinim FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Cnll on I nMimiv JP. Millnn 393 No. Front St. Phone 11C-R. home ot the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Pld on Time Deposit Officers: J. W.. Remmtt, President. .1. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F, Winchester, Ant. Cashier. 847 Central Av. Phone U7!'L WHEN YOU GO AWAY Have Tho Times sont to your now address. n? WHEN YOU GO AWAY .. Have Tho Tlme3 sent to your now address. DON'T IX)SE SLEEP COUGHING AT NIGHT. Take Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. It glides down your throat and spreads a healing, Boothlng coating over the Inflamed tickling surface, That's Immediate, relief. It loosens up tho tightness in your chest, stops stufy wheozy breathing, dse. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. Central Avenue Drug Storo, local agency. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager FAnM, COAL, TIMRER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDB MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE .4-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME :- -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many years and n lot of our customers will toll you whon it comes to getting, good, sound, durable framing material nt tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build and tho amount you want to spend and we'll get busy with: our pencil and flguro out the beat your money can buy. Try ns. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. R ETA I L DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO HY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH HHOADWAY Unique and Magnificent Easy of access, rlght In the business soctlon of Marshfleld, over. looking Coos Ray. Tho railroads, shipping nnd manufacture "" trlcts, with wldo streets on the contour of the laud, no heavy cuts, or expensive fills, alloys and cross streets for ogress and deliv ery. ONLY A SHORT TIME to select Bites or luvestnisuts at $300 to $600' per lot In the NEW BEDFORD ADDITION Purchase subject to a contract, or deed; contract provides tor a good and sufflclont deed with abstract showing ruenhaiitabl title. Contract and deed will be Issued In a reasonable llrae aftir purchase agreement, Stutsman (8b Co. RIO North Rrondivny Marshfleld, Orcii. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, A.- ili. -' j Try the IVIARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For. Steaks and Chops I P ne i Hi 41 VI Tl le; th on ad se Re ffffFfjF mlt zmKZHrtirm "AX" ' '".EWU.'.J Psiii 'j