rm Wr&MFp?zzKIMi HIHIj slllllH I jf Eureka S. S. GEO. LEAVES MARSHFIELD WEEKLY EVERY MOXDW 1 M H. S. V. A. KILHUUX IJtVVMS,KU.S"JKA T":S,,AY ' '. Thursday, Juno 18, Monday, .imu. :,. ... ,.,.. , OI1 . dny, Juno HO, ami Friday, .July :. ' 3nn ""' lucs' , .. r, XOUT" ,,AC',' STEAMSHIP COMPVVY C. V. McOeorge, Agent, Moishflehl. I'lionc-lY W. II. Painter, Agent, North uLiul. .Phono -liil. THE NEW PASSENOER AND FRKKillT STEAMER S, S. Geo. W. Elder TWEXTV-FOl'R 110111 SERVICE. PORTLAND TO t'OOH HAY EVERY SUNDAY, l A M ARRIVE COOS HAY EVERY MONDAY MOIIMXG MAHSHFIELD TO PORTLAND EVERY THURSDW MAHSHFIELD TO EUHEICA EVERY MONDAY AFTKRXOOX XEWLY EQUIPPED SERVICE UNEQUALLED XOIITII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY 0. V. Mcdcoige, Agent, Muivlifield. .Phone 44. W. II. Ialnlr, Agent, North lloml. Phouu .121. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. Sulla from MaraliNpUl during month of Juno nt 1 o'clock p. m. on tho 4th, Uth, Mtli, 19th, 2 4 th and 29th. Tickets on bhIo tu uV. Extern point nml Infornmtlon n to routci nnd ratoH cheerfully furnished. I'honc 427Ii. ,it Tt SHELDON. AUit Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Ooos Buy and San Krancisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISl'O FOR COOS HAY SATL'ltDAV, JUNE U7, AT U P. M. Equipped witli wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S.S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SAILS MOM MARSHFIELl) FOE SAX FRANCISCO MONDAY, JUNE Ui!, AT .", P. M. San Franeiseo office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McOeohoe, Phono 44. S. S. HARDY SA.TS KHOM SAX FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY EVERY XIXE DAYS San FroiiclNC'it Office, lliirrNon Street Dock, l'ler 10. Coos Hay At Eureka Steamship Lino E. J. LINDEN, Agt., Phono Dour. 21). 0. S. S. PARAISO Equipped IHi Wireless. Pino Passenger Accommodations. -'" wl ,,,m, SAILS PHOM SAX lflANVISn Tlll'HSJAV. jrxij as, AT !l P. m., with passengers and iri.k.iii. Yellowstone sails fo coos ."...MVVVMMt'nTVLY0 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, AT A.M., Willi I'HI.K.IIl ONLY NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, ArciU, Mnndifleld. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, ffiivp I r Smith and Smith Premier, or rent or exchange. SSRTVeiXSK JJ8JJ-S j& carbon paper delivered. Phono usyo nr o wr, l y TYPEWRI I hHtAonHiiuc hj)!u' ' t-' "w TUY oun NEW BRAND At 35 Cents IT'S THE HEST EVEIt. COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE & SPICEJ HOUSE Phone 394. Celebrate the Fourth At Marshf ield .inn nt tii city will le turned into a Tho entire business section of ,e cUnJ"entral avenue will plnyground for bor guests. Front Btre ciu,ively. The bo reserved for visitors and eatrlans a i .naterlBl. but city already owns a Jera1l? SRUd for a still more liberal sup thls year $500 more has been a fa I0erena the clty will nresent ply. With flags and hunting, "Jjer attempted. For the a gala "PPearance surpassing anytng gpeclal e ec- evenings lights and artistic effects vw.i fl ,ay of ,, trie llgktlng. On be night of he tour in y efUct works will be set off """JJ1" -,Byfactory. They are then seen of fireworks so displayed la . njos Sr" effect adds greatly at the best advan W. a"em. to the pleasure -" Ml Kinds of Job Printing THE CODS BAY TIMES, San Francisco W. ELDER 0. P. SHEHIDAX, Agent, Xurtli Menu. OF COFFEE A Pound IX OXE.POU.VI TIXS. Done at The Times Office MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 19KMVENINQ EDITION, r LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co.. Abstracts. thoroughly (lepeiufhulo. 11111110- dluto service, prompt attention 10 an interests or our ullents. M 1 N I M V M COS T I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. OUU ELEGANT LIN Kb SPRING GOODS JUST HECE1VED AT S. S. JENNINGS XOUTH HEXD SMITH'S VARIETY STORE. North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA NO SAW EDOES n- YOUK COLLAHS If you linvo them laundered at TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDItY Pictures & Framing Walker Studio FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS AT THE LLOYD HOTEL HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. , 4 4 MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y MILS. C. T. HIHAItOElt DreflsiunkliiR and Ladles' Tall orliiR Prices IteiiNouahlo Oror Mngncs & Mntson Storo . Phono 248-J. 20 Commutation Tickets; $2.00 larshfiold'Xnrtli Ilcnd Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes from (1 n. tu to 12:0 p. in. COI18T & KIXO, Props. Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunKa botwoon an points In MarMiflold for tho follow Ing ratos, dellvory to bo made It the first etorlea of bulldlngK One trunk t .se Three trunks 1 Twelre trunks 1M Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi HelsBer, Prop. Phnnwi 120-1' 0-U' .n. ARE YOU BOTHERED With Corns? If so, you nro doprlv. ed of half the ploasure of liro pleasant walking and healthy ezor else. A visit to Mrs. Olivia Ediuaii. Scientific ailropodlut, Ap't it, O' t'onnell IlldR., will bo tho sourco 61 permanont remedy for aching feet YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers Pot day service, phono 1 1 1-J, lilmico Hlllard Parlors. For ulght service, Phone 2(I0-L Illght Cafe. D. L FOOTE. DR.Y WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street, Phone 180-.T, r. J. SOAIFE C A. II. iiooaiNf Marshfield K DECORATING CO. Estluiutes Furnished. Phone BOO-J. Mnrshfleld. Oregon CITY AUTO AXD TAXI SEHVIOT A new taxlcab has been added to my auto service. Careful driven. Will go anywhere at any tlma. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78 Nlgbt phone 139-X. TOM COODALE. Proprietor. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly or Marshflold WASHINGTON' AVENUE STADDEV STREET XOUTH HEXD O. A. Metlln, Prop, BANOOH MILL 10 BE R. E. L. Bedillion Here En Route Home Cooston Deal Is All Off Now. H. E. L. Hodllllon, of Ilnndon, wns In Mnrshfleld today en routo to his home at llmidon after a three weeks' trip to Klamath Falls. Lake View, Astoria and other points, which hnve been negotiating with him to secure thu woolen mill. Mr. Dcdllllon said there wob nothing definite to glvo out, as no deal had bueu closed. However, he snld that thu woolen mill wns going to bo moved from Ilnndon and that short ly as ho wanted to have It estab lished In tho new location by Octo ber I when tho season starts. Mr. Hedllllon stated that by mov ing tiro plant Into a wool section, ho would snvo thu freight on thu raw product, and get It cheaper, making a dlfferenco of about $30 per day In thu plant. Tho option or contrnet which tho Urals promoterH had on thu plant some time ago expired and It Is not going to thu Uoostou section, al though soino of tho real estate pro moters havo been trying to ronow their offer. 'cloy Cathartic Tablets aro a jpv. "lolly good llttlo regulator that eops your system in pcrloct work .ng order. No biliousness, no con stipation, no dlstrless nftor eating, no greasy, gassy tasto. A stout person who ubcs them constantly "111 really fool thinned out and Dro comiortablo as a result of tholr eases distressing, racking, tenrlng coughB. Children lovu It. Jlefuso any substitutes. Contains no opi ates. Owl Prescription Pharmncy. Frank 1). Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Central Avonue Drug Store, local agency. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Mildred Ropers Nelson l Teuthcr of Piano. Pupil or Hugo Mnnsfuldt, Sun Francisco. Harmony taught. Juveniles Piano Club. Application for Ics- slons by appointment. .Murshfluld, Or. H. H. Harper HOUSE IIUILDEIt General Repairing and Cabinet .Making. Phono aiO-J. McBroom & Cameron CONTILUTOHS AND 1IUILDEIIS EstlumtcH furnished. Itopalr Work Specialty W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Weltmer Methods) Evory known disease troated without drugs or surgory. Rooms 1 and -, -It" South Broadway. I'hono i:i2-L. Mnrshfleld, Or. Joel Ostlind PIANO TUXEIt AXD IIEPAIHEU 4ir. 8. Sixth Streot. Phono 103-L. Leovo orders at W. It. Hollies' Mus sic Company. J. M. Wright : Phono 318-K IIUILDIXO (OXTHAOTOIt Estimates furnished on request C. 0. Gosney. Phono 31 C4 UO.VTKAUTOIl AXD IIUILDEIt Estimates Furnished on Uouucst My Pant Work In My Iteferenrc First nnd Alder Sts. . Marshflold Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye. Ear, Xoso and Throat, Dlt. MATTIE H. SHAW 1s(mim-s of Women and Clilldn-n Orflce Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201. 202, Irving Illock. Ilouso phone, 10C-J. Dr. A. J. Hendry DENTIST Marshflold, Oregon, (looms 204-20S Coke Hulldlng. Itosldonco phono 2C2-X. Off leu phono 112-J. Mrs. Farringer v TEACIIEH OF PIAXO Itcsldoiuo Studio, Phono 38C-J. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTINO EXOIXEEU AXD AHCHITEOT Offices. 20C Irving Illock I'hono 103-L or 267-J. Marshflold, Oregon Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AXD TEACIIEIt Rosldenco Studio, 217 No. Third St, Phono 368-L. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke nulldlng, Marshflold, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshfield, Oregon. SUITS CLEANED AXD PRESS EDSUITS .MADE TO ORDER GIVE US A TRIAL UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JOY DOYLE & C. O. DAaOETT 25C Central Ave, Phono 250-X. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. I ! r Ii - JZZ1.L; , "T1"' ii ii Li. Good Roads Editor Coos Lay Times: The statement of Mr. C. A. Smith on tho needs of Coos Hay In June 4th8 Issue of Tho Times, and yours of samo date commenting on same surely goes direct to the point. As applied to tho needs of, and conditions in Coos County, a bolter goods roads nrtlelo has not been written. Hut permit us to stnto that we commenced agitation along these lines some time ago and so far convinced tho progressive busi ness men of North Ilcnd of tho merits of our case that they wero Instrumental In having soventy thousand dollars allotted to tho largo farming district on the cost sldo of the bay, for tho special pur poso of changing conditions which, as Mr. Sm'lth aptly states, nro not only n disgrace, but tho economic loss Involved la n heavy handicap to tho property of Coos Dny. And tho task of changing thoso conditions aro neither Impossible nor difficult. Had the bond Issue been submitted to the people as outlined In tho petitions with over n thousand sig natures attached, It would havo eas ily carried and tho roads that would hove been built with tho funds roU cd would have given largo forming districts access to tho consumers, which would have soon mndo unprof itable, shipping farm produco Into Coos Hay. Shipping farm produco Into Coos Hoy Is ns Impractlcoblo and uncalled for ns shipping Ico to Alaska. There Is no more ncod of shipping farm produco to Coos Hay than their Is or shipping In coal nnd wood. Hltt unfortunately, tho Idea that tho people who pay tho bills and Buffer tho loss when mis takes nro mada should havo any thing to say as to whero and how their money Was to bo UBod, scorns to hnvo been repugnant to tho County Court. To quoto from Mr. Smith, It Is almost criminal to al low tho lands to lay Idlo nnd nllow another section to furnish theso ne cessities. What about thoso who would porpettiato such conditions? Hut bringing mora mon onto tho land without first changing tho con NEWS' OF NEARBY TOWNS COAt.EDU NEWS 1 (Special to Tho Times.) Tho Coaleilo school closed Juno 10, nnd tho following program was ably rondorod: Song. "America." ,. .School Recitation. "Vlllogo Hlacksmlth.'' Fifth (Irado Ilocltatlon. "Cold Wntor Man.".. Alto Lnyton Recitation. "Mansion Just Over tho Way." Mary Johnson Song Marlon Mooro DIaloguo sowing society Recitation. "Pa." ...Eric Williams Recitation. "Llttlo Man." ...., . Vernon Oaedecko Song. "Wo'ro Tenting Tonight." 8chool Recitation, "tho First Snowfall." ,. Hnrrlson Rouw DIaloguo. "Foxy Grandpa.".... Lynn Medtoy, Adolbort Johnson nnd Honry Medley. Ilocltatlon. "Flog of Our Coun try." Emma Rouw Recitation. "Your Mission." ... Thclma Hothorlngton Song. "Juanlta." School Dialogue "Hattlo's Singing Les sons." Recitation. "Juno." Mlllo Stallord Recitation. "Tho Ropuhllc." . , Adolbort Johnson Recitation. "In It Anybody's HubI noBs?" Amanda Anderson Recitation. "Llfo'a Railway to Hoovon." i. Lynn Medloy Recitation. "Tho Llttlo Holpor.' Cloronco Armstrong DIaloguo. "City Ignorance." lono Anderson, Emma Rouw, Alta Lay ton, Amanda Anderson, Thulma Ilotherlngton. necltatlon. "Tho Sood." dorold Williams Recltotlon Cecil WltBchoy Recltutlon. "When tho Cornors of Your Mouth Turn up.' ... , Iona Anderson Recitation. "Smile When 'Bro You Can," Alta Layton Song. "HaUlo Hymn of Ropub- He," School Recitation. "Llttlo Red Hen." Emma Rouw Dialogue. "Hiving Aunt Jono n Shock." Amanda Andorson, Thel- mn Ilotherlngton, Emma Rouw, Alta Lnytdn. Eric Williams wns presented with a boy-proof watch by his teacher as ho was the only ono perfect In attendance during tho year. The exorcises wero given In the now school houso which Is ono of the most modorn school buldlngs In Coos County. The school has made splendid nrnai-ma .IlirltllT lllfl VUaf. PUnllS havo taken excellont Intorest In 'all- school work. Tliore was a large unu attentive nddlonce present- Miss Carrie B. Rodlno was tho teacher. a SHIP MANY TIES. Saturday of tho past wook was tho most active In tho local tie market for several Inonths. 2160 ties being. otiaxVnit in nnd nlled In the Ksta- brook rompauy ards nlono, Thlrf Is i rnnrtfii the larKest day's run of tles.l for several months the largest pre-' vlons nurahor receivea in ny oou day bolng a few moru than 1700. Handon World. IIANIKN POSTOITTC1X i a notiHnn u belnc circulated ask ing the poital department to with hold from des.gnaung i " " - tlon for the local Postofflco until the elty ba. assumed i a more se led : con. dltlon Ince thq Ire. 1 is being 1IU- erally signed and no doubt will btf granted. nandon World. ' A man who uses a Times Want Ad oneo. needs no further argument. n " - TM-t. Develop Land dltlons will only aggravate and not alleviate tho condltlnnn. Tho ni.t. of Coos Hay aro not to get more men onto the land, but to glvo the meu already on tho land access to the consuhiors. Tho mon on tho land right now, (homesteaders and ranch ers), within nn hour's time of the cltlea of Coos Hay on a good road, can- easily raise produco way beyond thu present needs, If thoy- only had ncccss to tho consumor so they could market It to advantage. nut tindor present conditions, de pendent upon boots nnd mlddlomcn, It Is nhsolutoly Impossible to market produco to advantage; consequently it Is not raised. It Is Bhlpped in, subject to three rokcoffa and freight charges when It renchos tho consum or. Whore on tho othor hand, It we only had tho roads produco would go direct from producer to consum-1 er without charges or rulddleinea'a profits. Tho cilice of Cooa Day with their largo floating population nro the best mnrkots on tho Pacific Coast, oud oil things taken Into con sideration thoy nro tho best In tho whole country. And with good high way connections with tho farmln districts, they would bo as far as concerns farm produco tho cheapest plnco In tho country in which t live, whero under present condition thoy are about tho doorcst. And to tho rapidly growing cltlea of Coos Hny, public mnrkots nro Indlspen snblo. Hut public markets to be of tony real boncflt to tho consumer, must bo in direct opon communica tion with tho forming districts, thus making posslblo 0 constant flow or produco from tho producer to the consumer. Tho pressing needs at Coos Hny, of Coos County, aro roada. Not moro railroads to bring In mora produco, hut good wngon roads that will permit tho rancher to market his own produco. With a good sys tem of hlgh-wnys to devolop lis re sources and mnko nvollablo Its not urol advantage, Coos County will Indeed hecomo tho land of oppor tunity, second to nouo In all UacU Sam's dominion. Ten Mllo Lnko Oood Roods As sociation. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS Xpmn of Upcr Ooqullln As Told by Tho Knterjvrloo. Dr. E. E. Straw Is hero from Mnrshfleld today to operate on MUu cla" Chorllo Roberts at the Whit Crofis Hosultal. Mm. L. E. Wilson nnd daughter went to Mnrshfleld Monday to visit for a few days with friends aud rel atives. N. (1. W. Perkins nnd son, Flentgt, woro nt Marshflold, Monday, where Mr. PerkttiH wont to consult a special ist about his oyo, which ho had Is Jured recently whtlo cutting kind ling. F. M. Arnold returned last Satur day from Hrowstor Valley, whore he has been framing a largo barn for Hnlloy Laird. Tho structure Is 4t by 00 with 30 foot pouts and the hay mow will havo a capacity for iuu ions or any. ELECTION I.V COQUILLK. City Council Colin HjocUl KtacUoa Aug. 'M to Amend Ctuu-trr. Tho first business transacted by tho Coqulllo Council was tho paoslne; of au emergency ordinance providing for n special election on Monday. August 25, to Yoto on nn amendment to tho city charter, and also un am endment and an enactment. Tho amundmont Is to provldit means to rnlso tho funds neoesBary to run tho city, now that tho rareaae from liquor licenses Is to bo cut off! nnd tu do thnt it la proposed to nlf tho limit of taxation for city pur poscs from ono per cent to two per cent. Thu othor amendment Telates to waterworks nud provides for the H sunnco of a now series' of water bond to tho amount of $17,600, or no inucJj of that amount ns may bu necessary, for now construction' and exten&loa of tho mains. Tho city attorney la directed to havo all the iiccewary farms for the referendum reacy at tho next meeting. Thu mayor und Council nt Ike City of Coqulllo havo designated Fri day, Juno 20, as "Clean-up Day," Coqulllu Sentinel. MAXY PIIJNO lOflT. Hart from llundon for Port OtUd (lot to Piece. A raft or ISO cedar piling, Tmlut at $1000. en routo to Port Orford I tow of tho tug Kllbyam,' went to pieces ofr Capo Illanco Thursday eve ning and was a total Ions'. The HtM were tho property of the Xtntfra Construction Company and were t havo been used In the eoastrueffea or thu now $0000 municipal dock si Poit Orford, A scow loaded wlrti construction material, also In tew nt the tug, was not damaged and was towed back to Randon Friday rnwr lug. Handon World. I1ANIKLV SCHOOL ELKCHO.Y. For tho Handon school district clerkship, tho voto stood as follows: J, W. Mast, 101 1 Hert Harriott, 34; C Muyne Knight. 31; John NleJ son, 24. Mast received a majority over all. ; Tho nomination for director wr Dr. L. P Sorenkon and Mrs. El Nil Oyer Mr. Hoberly's name was le ncsented, but ho declined. The tU rtfsultod In 174 for Mr. Sorennon a 4S for Mrs. Dyer. nandoa World. AVOTIIKIl FIRM AT HANDON. ' u0 Jock at the rear of the Oolden "u J l ht f UUVV(M)4ir jj'J o'nVof iVFrii joi I discovered before It nYiUMg9na was etUnguWed by g. m. Averll nnd two other uea i who woro standing nearkj. A bete about a foot square "WMburMed $ the wharf, Dandon Worfd. ( 13 1 Jgjlgyjpllgllhl .JSJSWr