51- T i lAucr THE TIME MAY COME WHEN YOU CAN'T DO Aff THEM. i VOl'R OPPORTtMTY i0 rench the great pun haBiiiK pnwnr 0f tills community should not im overlooked hi plntiug Nour whert't inK Tito eholco of media of bu -ccfsfiil merchants IS Till: TIMES. ag amtws vamilv circles reached with every copy of this incillum. Hne your advertisement tend by the Home Conitminlt regularly, so thnt they will know you l!o In trodlieecl 11Y THE TIMES. MKMI1EU OP THE ASSOCIATED PHKS9 VOL XXXVII. PBTiiecontMHii MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A CoiKollitntlon of Tlme, Const Mull m 909 and Cwh liny AthettNcr. '" c-oc- AP I nVF... 00 RAILROADS WIN CASE OVER $00;OI,OI OIL LANDS TDDftY United States Supreme Court Sustains Title to Califor nia Holdings. GOVERNMENT TOO SLOW IN ATTACKING CLAIMS Decision Against Intervenors and Government Can't Can cel Conditional Patents inr AimeUtcd rrrn to Coot Bar TlirM. WASHINGTON, 1). C... June 22. -The triuiHcoiitlnenliil railroads won their riKhl for tltlo lo hoiuo'STOO, not) 000 oil Iuiii'b when the Supremo Couit today held void n clause In the patents making the l'i'l rovort to the uovornnient If found to eontnlu , IneralH. The court held that the intents were Irregular hut that the mild not ho nttnrlied collaterally h other elalmnntB .hut could onl lie pet nsldo by direct Mtiiek or govern ment .IuhIIco Van ttewuitor for dm claim Hi"!- "" government's tlm- lu which It could uttnrU the patent hud expired In 11100 or 1001. Hut-lit Ciim' Imolioil. Todny'B iIccIbIhp wiih In tl.u ease brought by Edmund Hurko of Cali fornia who claimed tho right to Inud now held by tlio Southern Paci fic on the ground that It should re vert to tho government bccaiwo oil hud hen found after the Issue cir pat '.. ... ,i... .niiwiniiH. Inasmuch ns nil transcontinental railroads have similar lands, Omy camo Into tho ,,rTChom,Cmrt beU that tto ' Iiotild rovort to tlio nov""""""1,,!'.0 muse, It lator was round to contain CnL u nuttan wojilM rlM whether those who long M purchased fnrniB from the rail road had utiy rlKhs. r ho Government has .a wimrnto mil . dis tinguished from thu caso to di . to cancel patents to oil lands Ull hold by tho railroad, Al,h UOATS SAI'Ii. Xo Lives IM l' Chicago th-ntl In ,11, AUHKlitxl IrrM to " TIum.1 ,,rn.nn Inrn '" All l)Ont8 caught on hake Mltfilgnn In yes or day's Btorm have been nccounu.d or. Tlio Charlotte It. and Annum rtmched port today alter jui owhihi 1" Iciico. WILL AVE" iX EARL. tlr AmocUI.4 P lo r.o. n Tlra.l new youk. J''-;,;rf'Scr. from London amioumo tl 0 wB mont of Miss Kdytli Hiiouior, aughlor of tlio Into Henry 1 aveii ycr or Now York, to tho Karl or bnbton. Tho duko is alxtyrour years old .and Jllsa Hiivcmyor Is thlrty-ono 181 BODIES IN 11 RECOVERED 1 Victims of British Columbia Mine Disaster Brought to Surface Today iiiLLCiucsT, n. c, JUnf-fvfT: Tho discovery by tho rogciiow of flft bodies In ono of tho tunno Mln No. 20 of tho Hill Croat CoHlor-OB to day brought up to nitl'ot tal nuro bor of recovoied dead at the in no which was wrecked by ho oj) oslmt Friday.. Bluhty grnv dlBBO sj w h ed all day In tho It tie niounta u do cemetery and by nlfiht It U M that the greater imrt of to former malo population of tho inino coiouj will be resting there. TWELVE LOSI 1ER6ER CASE MUST GO AHEAD TELLS ABOUT WORK UTTE FOfiffi A I H UNION Wilson anil McRevnolds Decide to Kusn New Haven case Unless State Acts til? AfwUtM Crrti lo Coo. II T Timet WASIIINnTON. I). C. .time 22.- rii'Mhlcut Wilson and Attorney (len criil MdteynohtM agreed that the iMnBohitloti suit imnliiHl thi Now I lu veil Knllron'l must ko forward iinU'n-i the Mn'Hihusetts legislature empoMcrs 1 lie holdliiK t-nnipnny to sell Its llosto'i and Maine M01 k TNTER IUNTAIN ! RftTE UPHELD Second Officer of Storstad Testifies at Empress of Ireland Probe (tlr AmoclJted rmi (o Coo. rui V.iom QUKIUCC, Can.. Juno 22. Sec ond Ofricer Iteltnortz, of tho Stor stad, tool: up the story or tho Em press of Ireland tragedy when the Government Commission began the RCconil week of Its Investigation of the rewnt dlmster on the St. Law rence Ulver, He snld that he took charge of one of the boats lowered from the Storstad nnii rescued nrty pervuns; from the trjtor on the first trip. Ivinitn Tmiilnt. n Hnllnr nn the I collier, wild the Empress was on 1 no port oow 01 uie siursiiiu whvh 'he first wiw her. Ho could tell by I Mirations of the propeller, he said. 1 Mint the Storstad' engines had been put (istetn I Fort J'-hox en unldentiriel persons T.ho pc Ishe.l were hurled todny. WILSON RAPS EORll LETTERS M TO MEET AT NIAGARA FALLS Men Secede From Western Federation and Steer 'Clear of I. W. W. t)r AmooUIM rrnt to Con. tlif Tlran, iiitTTK. .Tntin 2". With nrenara- tlons going rnphlly forward for n permanent organization of llutte mine workers union, tho body cre ated yesterday by secessionists from tho llutte miners' union of the West ern Federation, n feeling of hope pervaueil tlio utisitiess liueresia iiiiu the community mny yet escape from further business stagnation as n re sult of labor's Internal strife. Pres ident McDonald's statement that tho new union had nothing to do with the Industrial Workers Is tho basis for the optimistic opinion. Presi dent Moyer or tho Federation Is still hopeful that the secessionists will return to work. WATER CASE IS NOW DISCUSSED 0 muni It ONE KILLED IN RANGE BATTLE U. S. Supreme Court Reverses Commerce Court and Sus tains Commission I DCUISIO.V IIEAIIS I OX HATE LNVIIEASE (nr AnixlilM ITmi lo C001 Ur TlroM i WASIIINCITON, I) .C, .Itino 22. The Commerce Court had ii.iiu -411111 thu Interstate. Com merce Commission could not I niako blanket or zono rates, t That Js tho contention o fthoso . ulin rftminun tlln ! tier L'C'nt In- creaso In rrolght rates now be ing nuked by tho Eastern rail roads. The U. S. Siipiemo Court today hold that tho Com mission couiu. HZ I hi amo'HIkI rn 10 Oo. lUf TIB- I WASIHNOTON, 1). C. Juno 22. Tho U. S. Supremo uoun rooru Coniinorco Court and upheld tho Inter mountain rate order of tho lntorstnto coniinorco commission. Tho Buproino Court rovorsed the decision of tho Eighth Circuit Court .., t..,.r,iu wiiinii hold vows of pro perty In Catholic orders was void bo- causo it was against pnii (,u.,w. President Discusses .Psycolog- ical Business uepression in .United Slates (117 Aimi lttl Ytnt to Coo. lur TlmM iiiAainvnTnv. l r... .limn 22. Discussing tho so-called psychological litiHinosn Kieprcssion nvmi cuhl-id, President Wilson said hu nad no o,uar mi tvitii iiiiv nnt-KniiK or coriioratlous wJio doalmid to oxprowv oltlior to hint or to Congress tnoir own opiumnn on buslnoss conditions and anti-trust legislation, hut contonded thnt tho hjBtemntlr circulation of form lottors and telegrams protesting against tho now legislation was opon to criticism. 1j.llln SL'.M SENT to coNseiiTxri: vvsn WOOL GROWERS WIN IN CASE Pr AhII4 l'rri to Co Uiy Tlmn ) I Washington, I). C, Juno 22. 1 Sficrotiirj' aieAiloo rectllved today I $C:iO contribution to tho con science fund from an niiony I moils person In lliirllngton, In. I Nearly half a million dollars lias fouml Its way back to tho (loveriimeut 111 iiiiu inmuiiuiio Inshlon ulnco Madison's term. Cattlemen and Sheepmen in Deadly Encounter Near Goldendale, Wash. ttj AmoIiM I'rrt. lo Coo. ll.f IIuim 1 (lOLDENDALE, Wnsh., June 22.--Nows of n Imttlo between sheep and cattlemen In which one wns killed mi.i iwn unrlmiulv wonndeil rencllcd horo from Wnhklacus touay. norm and two p'..yslelniiB rushed to the sceno In an nuto. Employes of Leo Uriiuo, a promliiout ttheopiiuin, weru called from their tent on big Klick itat lllvor at midnight by mnsked men. The sheep stampeded to tho timber and wore slaughtered. a nifiit nltiirk was made on tho sumo camp about ten days ago, n tout being rired Into aim a nuinuor 01 sheep slaughtered. Tho authorities hero rear a war baa been started which will bo hard to chock. Citv Council Will Consider Tonight Commission Re fers Request. I The water question will he brought borore the Mmsl field City Council this evening to he thioshed out. The Ull'H11!1 Mill" HUM (llllltlinBlllll U"D li- J rerred the Cues liny Water eonipnn' request for nn extension or time In which in mnlie tlu Imnrovtliiiriitrt or- deied by the Commission to the City Council. Saturday evening the water com pany called a number or the Council men Into conrorence and requested them to grant thorn more tlmo In which to make tho Improvements and wanted tliein to approve certain ni torntloiiH In tho proposed work. Coiiiicllnien, Doll and Copplo wore present and so was J. N. Teal or Portland, attorney ror the conipnny, and It. II. Corey. J. W. lleiinctt and I II l.'ltiiiiit.nii Tho company wants to divert the now mnlns rrom tho reservoir to tho city rrom tho Porhiun Park route to Commercial nvcniio ami tlien lirancu otr north at Eighth street. Thoy also ivrmlaiil t,i (tliniiirn t lift rnutn nf the main to South Mnrshfleld. They nlso I wanted to clinngo tho reservoir slto. 1 I It wns stated at tho meeting thnt .tho company wns now arranging to I expedite tho work and that they could complete uie improvements uy ep tcmber or October. Unto QiiOktlnu. The Council will prohnhly delve In to tlio rate question this evening, as tho dotnlled copies of tho now sched ulo have arrived. Around town, parties who havo been figuring out tho pioposed In crease aro protesting vigorously tignlust It and claim that there Is nothing to warrant such charges. Endeavor Marie to Hav Agree on Man for Pro visional President MEDIAT0RSTHINK THIS WILL DECIDE Huerta Delegates Agree and Carranza Expected to Abide by U. S. Wish villa ii:michcia.sh (Ur A.iorltlf i I'm. lo Cnn tlr TIrim TOUUEON. June 22. ltumor thnt (Ion. Angeles has been pro el ilmod provisional presldoiit Ooneral Villa and (ieuurnl Chao had been execiitetl were denied by Villa. Villa said that he had heard nothing of Angeles' dismissal rrom Carrausa's cabinet FOUR NARROWLY ESCAPE INJURY I Tl'UKEV FEAItS UHIXCE. I (llr AMoelt4 rrM t. . H Tlnw. I I WASIHNOTON, D. C, Juno I 22. Tho Turkish government I haB protested against tho pro I posed siilo or tlio battleships I Mississippi and Idaho to (Ireeco I by tho united Hintos. A . ' INSTALL OWN SYSTEM. AUTO ACCIDENT TO GRAND JURY Smith Miuhflelil ItchlilciilM to llao. Water Supply of Tliclr Ohm. I Mr. Halo, I. S, Smith, F. A. Tied gen and Mrs. Smith, living In South Multifield west or Tenth street, are Installing a wntor system or their ....,i 'I'l.i.i' hnv.. uiu'iiioil 11 tnil.vimr imiun mi n ll l' HnrliiL' on the South- ern Pacific company property nonri Itnosevolt Heights and will plpo tho wntor rrom tliero, about 1S00 reel, to1 their places. Mr. Halo recontly put In n plpo from the First Addition1 nuil m ,.f tin, u'litiu- I'omimiiv. hut call got water only n few hours a day! and tho othors aro In n similar pro-' .llnninnnl Tlln HllflllLr In unlil to be a flno one nnd will supply them with nmplo water and prussuro. Interstate Commerce Commis sion Holds Against Rail roads in Rates rB, AwrUiJ Pmi l C T Tl 1 ...,n.nvnTnv 11 P.. June 22. Many thouwiuds or dollars must be I ieturiiQ with Interest to the wool , growers of the west by the railroads, e n m. K Vro.Sht rates which tho interstate Common Commission today held excessive, PARKER GIN fim DA1AGES ON SILL BOAT Craft Carrying Twenty Goes Down in Oswego Canal Licensed for Ten last night is being made by the cor oner. There were twenty passenger on board and I the crag . ' ma to carry only ten. een cui i . three women were an ng the uc tlma. Only one child was Baeu. A man who uses a Times Want A4 once, need, no further argument. Florence Man Gets Verdict in Portland Martilla Case Continued . ,. . rnrmor u'oll known roenVreos;.Unow,S is foii'annWo.-r ft TdKowas dismissed bo- ""! LWiTrtffdh TfhU against them i ior o br0 Uernri line with a pile of wood cycle, colliding in u , 011 attorney for Parker and J. D. SoVrlSSSnted th. C. A. Smith company. u VlMlMmy The trial of the Martilla case vs. ifcJroos Bay Pulp Company was port tho c.003 "ha.yn,aintlffs amended their fflfeSSs as asr? answer It. MISS AfiXES Hl'SSELL. MIL AMI MKS. KltAMv H(.IE AMI E. P. LEWIS IX AVTOMOIHLE At (MHEXT. MUs Agnes RiibboII. aged 18. book keeper for the Plonoer Hardware Co, E P. I.owls mid Mr. and Mr. Frank liaguo nnu nmiun " from death or serious Injury when an aiitomobllo In which thoy were ..in.... ...,,, nv.ir Ihn niiibniikiuont '. .i? n,w,a llnv U'aifnn ItOIld IlOHr un inu st"f -"-- , .., .. Mlnords Mill aiioiii -jiju u viui-n )vi terday nftornoon. Miss Itussoll and Mr. and Mrs. Hnguo aro now at a hotel In Myr tle Point suffering from a nervous shock They wore badly shaken up, but not seriously hurt. Mr. Lewis returned to tho city on tho noon train and wont immediately to his office, Ho says inai mo onmr wum- bors of tho party win pruuum , turn to tho city tomorrow. .....! ....,. iio mneii n was not ,.... ... n I.I..1. rnln nf (.DOeil WllOIl It run over tho embankment Accord ing to his story tno maciium uiv on a pllo of brush near tho roadsldo. Miss Russoll and Mr. Hague were thrown out of tho machine and wore severely shaken up with a few minor scratchos. . . . Lewis and Hague buweu getting the machine on tlio road again and the trip to Myrtle Point, H miles from tho scene of the ac cident, was completed. At Myrtle Point the party went to tho hotel, where they spent tho night. Lewis says that tho roads between here and Myrtle Point were never In a better condition than they are now and that thoy aro especially invlt- Wg 10 i.uii. . T . . ,. ,. "Uut, auueu j.cid. "TV, want to take another automobile ride for some time to come. Why, I wm actually afraid to r do In the machine from uie uejnn iu -" "' noon today." KEHX TO ItUX. E. IL Kern, of this city. U an n denendent candidate for tho office of 'county surveyor.-Coqullle SentI-nel. Investigation of Death of Do los Davenport Coroner's Jury's verdict. (Special to The Times) COQUILLE, Or.. June "-110 auto accident whhh resulted I" tlu death of Delos l)aenport rrldny night will be InvesMHated by the Coos County grand jury, accord iik to Justice Stanley who conducted the Corouor's Inquest In the ease. The Corouor's Jury consisted of It. Saunders, u. u. ir k. 1 1 rock m a ii, Leo Goodman, Win. Oddy nnd O. A. Mlntoyno and thoy re turned substantially tho following "Wo find thnt Helen Oavonport camo to his donth by bolng thrown from an automohllo and his neck broken; nlso that said car was Uo liiB driven In a cnroloss mniinor uy Joo Schilling, Jr." Hojs Xot lliluKliig. i..i. 0...1 ii.u.i who ware In tho enr at the tlmo of the accident, tes tified that thoy had boon r nk ng soiuo boor, but sworo than Schilling had not boon iirinKiug, mr Davenport. Iloth Hose and Jnrvls were -more than twenty-ono yeark -i.l A l.nltln nf HllllOr Which tllOV had bought In Marshfleld was round hidden near where the Occident had occurred. This liau not ueuii op ened. . .. .., . The Marshrioui pouco wiiii-oib looking up to sec i whore tho liquor wns secured In Marshfleld. liie n,..., .,. rminil hv soarchors after ono of the first ones at tho scone of tho accident nau neoru ono u. the parties In the car call to an--.i.- , ..iin thnt I ouor." ac cording to evidence furnished Dis trict Attorney Llljeqvlst. XEW HAITIEX KKVOIT. , (Bf AworUI4 PrM l cow " IVi1 HAVANA. June 22 Tho rfinous. nesa of tho Haetlon revolutron has caused President Zamor to take the field In person. During Ae Pres Idont'a absence from thh capital, he government will bo In tho hands of a commission which will act with the cabinet. riiDnmcin n IftYOilS SHOT tn AmwLIM I'n. In Coo. flr TlmM J XIAOAIIA FALLS, Juno 22. Aa the (,'overnnieiit lias Invltod represen tatives of Carrauzn and Huerta to meet at an Informal conference hero with the hopo of bringing nhout tho pnciricatloii of Mexico, tho Huortn delegates Informed the AmorlcniiB that they were willing to deal with tho Constitutionalists In this wny - i (tlr AMOfUtM rrr.1 10 Con. Ilr TlmM. I NIAOAItA FALLS, Juno 22. Ac tual negotiations between representa tives of tho two righting fnctioiiB In Mexico In nn errort to ngrco on nn Individual ror Provisional President Is thu lntest plan which tho media tors have evolved ror a solution of tho Mux I (Mil problem. Just how tho two element will ho drawn to gother roinalned a secret today, but It becamo known thnt strong pres sure hns been brought to bear upon C'nrrunxa through the American gov ernment nnd that tho mediators horo persuaded thu Huortn government to come Into tho plan. I ltr.HEL DELEGATES CHOSEN VHIn ami Cummii Said to llnvo ApproM'il Men Sent to Coiifciciuo mr amocUii rrrM to coo. hr tukm.) WASIIINflTON, D. C, Juno 22. Indications hero todny wore that tho coming three Constitutionalist rop rcscntiitlvcH would open a way for Inforinnl negotiations between thoao forces nnd American representatives nt Niagara Falls. That tho modln tors themselves will welcome any thing tho American delegates can do with tho Constitutionalists was as sured hero In official quarlorB, Tlio tnreo now iieieKntos en routo horo, who nru said to havo tho ap proval of Cirninzn mid Villa, aro Fnrnndo Cnldorou, Alfreda Ilrornnda, mid Lunpohln Khihiiiosii, It Is be- Moved that Cameron win hiiccooii Itnraol Ziiharaii as chief reprcsoiKn live of tho Constitutionalists iu Washington. IIEXKV M. STEWAUT SHOT HV I'XKXtlWN ASSASSIN THINK SAI.OONMEX'S WAU HAS HE (jl'. theih:. lily AwwLUvl I'rrM to Cam llJ Tlm.l COPPEitFJEI.D, Or., Juno 22. Ilonry H Stowitit, formor Mayor of Copporfleld, who wob removed by (lovornor West Inst Decomlmr, wns shot nd probably fatally wounded by an unknown assailant today, It Is bolleved ho may bo a victim of a saloonmon's war. TO SELL IIATTI.KSIIII'H Pi-esliK'nl Wilson Would Sell Old Hlilps to t.iCH'ce. Df Awotltlrt Vint lo too. Uit TlmM I WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 22. President Wilson told Inqulrors to day ho was supporting a provision in the naval bill to sell tho battle ships Mississippi and Idaho to Greet o. Ho has boon assured that tho battleships will not bo usd In an immediate war. CHANGE AiaSKA TROOPS Four CoiiiiMinles of I Hit Infuutiy Will Iliieo ,itiiii iiitif. (Dr AllJ rrtit to Com TIibm 1 onniiMH Wnah . Julio 22. Four companlos of tho Fourteenth Infan- try uepartou uum ,'"' , '"?,, Wright for Sonttle, where they wll embark on tho transport Duron .",..... I., AlnuVn. The 111011 Will be dlbtrlbuted among tho various Alaska posts anu me iniwii. bring back the men of the Thirtieth Infantry. CIRUS DOLPH PASSESIAWAY Prominent Portland Capitalist anci Attorney succumns Today. Ur AmocUIkI I'm. to Cw IUf TlmM PORTLAND, Oro., Juno 22 Cy rnu A. iiiilnli. 11 niuiiiluent caiiltnl- Ui mid attoriioy, tiled bore. Com plication and old age was tho causo of his doatli. Ho was 71 years old and camo to Portland In 18G2. SUGAR CASE DECIDED tDf A.wUIkI Pf to Coo. Itar TlmM I WASHINGTON. 1). C, Juno 22.- Tho United Statos fitipromo Court refuse tho State ot I.oulslua to on- l,.l.i tin, Ki.prntnrv nf Trnliuurv from continuing to grunt Imported Cuban sugar twenty per com preiorontiui below tho rmlutcHl sugar duties of tho Underwood tariff lnw. OIL CASE DIICIDED tnr a ii rrn ' - i tiism.J xirABtiiMP.TnN. II. C. Juno 22. Tho Supremo Court today utiheld tho plpo lino oi J uuc pine-nib' "" -n..iin t.inn ilnnR under Intorstato Conimerco Cominltslon regulntlonB, as Constitutional, u'ti iuh uppntuum to tho uncio nin uu v.uuiiuujr u cuuso It Is not a common carrlor. ELKS NOTICE. All Elks, members of Marshfleld lodco, and all visiting brothers, with their wives, sisters, mothers or sweet hearts, aro expected to attend the an nual birthday party danco Wednes day evening without further lnvlta- . Tit nrlnr nf l,u"' " THOS. D. JAMES, Secretary, ; ii