Fr- ''BMrftBlSggBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV f d5rt""J imsJkt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATUF. AY, JUNE 20, 1914 EVENING EDITION Nations of the World Will Pledge Friendship to America at Vast Panama-Pacific International Exposition l!ssm J -li. f ?t- . BSi NINE oK ! ' m 11 Hioto copyright. 1014, by Panama-Puct tic International Exposition Co.. II. 8. Crocker Co.. ottlcliU photographers, T --. , l---- i m , I 1 i m . - I. ...-- ---.i - - " L TAi Tif. jflVVM ilr1' I Bb r r lt3kfllZir(i" Ifl "? M"1l .ln.'JrLiiiiiiVBiVBflBiiiiiiBiiiiifliBiilf How a Portion of the Main Group of Exhibit Palaces at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Looks Ten Months Before the Gates Open HIS view, tnken from the roof of thp completed Pnlnee of Education nnd Soclnl Economy, shows ne:irly fifty ncres under roof. Alone the tmy shore, beginning at the left, are the Pnlaceaof Pood Products, Agriculture. Trans portntlon nnd Mines. In the dlMiuice Is the completed Palace of Machinery, covering nltout nine acres, In which exhibits nre now being Installed. To the rlj:ht are the Palaces of Liberal ArtH. Manufactures and nrlcd Indus, tries. In the left background Is thu Golden Gate. The photograph, wua taken during the latter part of March, and treat progress has been uiudo since that Utue. The picture was selected because it shows the vastnew or the building operations. Mr. Alvln E. Pope, chief of the de partment of education and social won. amv at the Panainn.Piiclllc Interna tional Exposition. Is preparing a child welfare and practical education exhibit. Mr. JnmcH A. Uurr Is director of th division of congresses nml conventions of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition nt San Francisco In 1013. Two hundred nnd twenty-flvo conven tlons and congresses will meet Uier Mr. D. O. I.I rely, chief of Uio depart tneut of llvo utock at tbo Pannma-Pn. clllc Internal lnual Exposition, has or gaulzud the greatest animal show ever ecu. I G E L MS MB! COUNTY HAS SENSATION Dr. Frederick J. V. Skiff, director In chief of the Panama-Pacific interna tloual exposition, to open lu Ban Fran cisco on Feb. 20. 1015, li one of th world's create t exposition experts. FOUR REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A LOT ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN fund that will for FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD 1 V,. nl ntti.n icftililicli ii cnvitlfrs I Hill ill Willi; tswuiiuii it v,......0 - - a two reasons, vour obligation to meet monthly payments accord- ing to contract, ana tne naiurai uiuraibu m iuu wia tumt. 2 You can quit paying rent aiul live more economically nnd com fortably in a home of your own planning. 3 You can have a garden and a poultry yard, both of them ef fective in reducing the cost of living. 4You will gradually acquire a valuable equity in real estate which vou mav later sell and with the money establish your business independence by engaging in business on your own account. Buv the lot where vou can sec values growing every day. Buy for $10 per niontn. isuy a ul wiui mi i"'i" ""'"I "- -v, water service, FIELD. Plan to llao County Officer Serve Four Viiiin, SALEM, Or., June 10. To make mio terms or uounty uicrKH, ireiisur 'ers, Sheriffs, Coroners nnd Surveyors four Instead of two years Is the purpose of n constitutional amend ment which has been submitted to Secrutnry of Slate Oleott for npprovnl its to form. All other county offi cers in hnvo n four-year term, nnd tho object of tho amendment Is to cqunllzo tho tortus for nil county of ficers. It Is belni; Inltlnted by H. P. Hnssmussen, of Corbott, nnd W. M. Davis, of Portland. HOUNIMNCrt MADi: IX HTOUM Wnves llmtk Out II. Ij. Heck While Iltioy Posltloim arc IU-Iiik Itwttctl NBW POUT, Or.. Juno 20. Honry I.. Ileck, United States LlRhthouso Inspoctor, nmdo n successful trip In Yanulna Hoy llfosavInK ntntlon pow er boat, nnthwIthstandlnK a tourIi bar, and located by soxtnnt nnd soundlnRS bearliiKS for two nddltlonnl channel buoys, Mr. Ileck found his positions whllo water broko into tno ooai. nu wn held In plnco on tho stem bulkhend of the iowor boat by n surfmnn. Mr. Hock wns ni'coinpnnlixl by Captain SchllllnKBky. of tho Ilnndon. nnd Captain John I.lndberR, of tho schooner Flflold, Captain I.lndhorK enmo from San Francisco to exnmlno Yniiulna liny bar nnd hnriior preparatory to oniiK lnt the Flflold hero noxt week If, BUttlcioni lumuor is ruy v m ledo. Tho IHandon Is londltiK C75, 000 feet nt Toledo. Mrs. CImm. Smith SayH Slio'N HeliiR KallnwuliMl to .H)linit OOKI) llHACII, Or., Juno 'JO Mrs. Charles Smith, n resident of llnrbor. u small town on tho const, 2G miles south of hero and within ten miles of tho California lino, committed to tho Asylum for the lnaano at Snlem, declnres that she Is sane and that her husband Is tryliiB to rnllrond her to tho asylum In order to securo Im, ornmirtv li'l-lntlllfl of tllU W0- innu circulated n pennon to nnvu her ro-exninlncd nnd Riven a honrlng on her clinrRo, nnd tho husband meetltiK ono of tho men bnckhiR his wife. It Is snld, drew a revolver nnd tried to shoot him. Hiniura prelimin ary hearing will ho hold UiIb uvenlnK lu (lold itench. Tho people In tho neighborhood whero the Smiths llv nro very much excited over tho matter. f AT .T1HITE . IOTELS Wl HHAI.V MAIIi COXTHACT etc. Buv in FIRST ADDITION TO MARSH- n Mnttnnn. nt Drain. hn8 been lot the contrnct by tho aovornmont to till I " limit ij."vj.. ......... nnd ScottsburK for tho noxt four yenrs. It Is understood that tho con sideration Is $4G00 n year, tho pres ent contrnct boInK I1D00 n yenr. Tho horoasotl cost of carrying tho mnll Is cnused, so It Is said, by tho large amount of mnttor being sont by parcols post Hosohurg Hovlew. iv . Vi. Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) i 178 Central Ave. Phono ICO. -. . ... Oriine fcr Drink Habit THY IT AT OUH H.YPKXHi: Win nm In nnrnnflt U'linn VQ 11 fik H IU ...- ....... - -- you to glvo OHIUNK a trial. ox hnvo nothing to risk and everything to gain, for your money will bo re turned If after n trial you fall to got results from OKIUNK. This of for gives tho wlvna nud mothors of those who drink to excoss an oppor tunity to try tho OUHINK trcattnout. It Is a very simple treatment, enn bo glvou In tho homo without pub licity, or loss of tlmo from business, and at a small prlco. OIUUNE Is proparod In two forms; No. 1, socrot troatment, a powder; OUHINK No. 2, In pill form, for those who deslro to toko voluntary treatment. Costs only 11.00 a box. Como In and talk over tho matter with us. Ask for booklet. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. .Frank I). Cohan. Opposlto Cbnndlor Hotel. Phono 74. Tho Chandler Hotel. Karl II. School, San Francisco; W. O. Moyd, Portlnnd; Wnlter Hlbw, Portland; M. J. Hums, Mllllngton: N. J.; It. W. Cnmpboll, San Frnncls co; A. W. Ilrnndt, San Francisco; I)u M. Agulvo, San FrnuclBco; F. Dohor ty, Ban Francisco; 8. C. White, Port laud; A. A. Flynn, Ilorkeloy; h. M. Ilrown, Kmeryvlllo; F. Ii. Hotsford, Portland; II. K. Smith. Irtland; J. B. Norton, Coqullle; W. A. Cook, McMlnnvlllo. ,.,, J ' Tho Unyti lliitH. Murray Thomborg. Tnft, Cal.; C. Pi.,..nn Tnfl Pnl .1. .1. ntt. I.aUo- side; M. K. Mnxon, Mkosldo; W. J. Wheeler. Coqulllo; C. IJrown, Co nulllo; Charles Dowmnn nnd wife, Coaledo; J. C. Parkor, Coqulllo. Tho Illniico Hotel. Hap Holbrook, Ssn Francisco; Ilohort Jonos. Snntn Ilosn; O. A. Pot erson and wlfo, Illvorton; I. D. Mc Affnoy, South Inlet; I). II. Fulton, Port Richmond: P. Kllbane, Olonnda; William Jolly, Portland; Don Morso, Portland; Jnotns Olsen, Portland; (Jeorgo Itunnoll, 8llvorton. Tim HI. ijUHrenro noioi. Jnek Ilnney, Portland; W. Wal stead, Pondlolon; Mr. and Mtb. N. 8. Cutllp, Pondloton; C. II. Hcckoy, Ilnndon; Mrs. IJmot Mcllroom. Tor luck, Cnl,; Norman Bavago and wlfo, Onrdlner; O, 15. Hill. Hrldgo; C. 8. Murphy, Urldge; J. M. Ilrown, ltoso Twin Citv Steam Laundry NiintlryTh Always Treats You Right The Royal TONIGHT Tho House of Dig Features. Miss Mablo Ford will sing two now songs. "Tho Highwayman's Shoes." A very strong dreraa. Hy tho Eclair "The Iluffer." A Ilellance dramn. Animated Weekly No. 12. Now . and highly Interesting subjects. "Mike and Jako Go In for Mat rimony." A screaming comedy, Admission, lower floor, iuc; bal cony, 10c; children, 10c. Coming Tuesday and WeduonUy. Daniel Frohman presents "In Tb Ilishop's Carriage." featuring Mary Plckford. Don't forget Friday night, "Lu cille Love," the Girl of Mystery. n 1 A 1 li I