", -T-..uw " ' WW! Iff1 r WTwrvamE iui " ----- wnfcij f TEN THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1914 EVENING EDITION. RlflAli cdbsolutety BKIBiE ffl Pure POWRER Mates Home-BaKng Successful and Easy Mrs. A. E. Dlment, Mrs.. Arthur the surrounding country. She will Blnnchnrd. Mrs. II. .1. Mohr. Mrs return to her homo In Marshflelil A. L. Hutz, Mrs. L. L. Thonins, Mrs. nbout August 1. Jnko l'rortor, Mrs. Ilowon, Mrs. . i J. T. Haines, Mrs. Iloliert Wnnl. Mrs. Dr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Toyo nnd II. C. Noble. Mrs. I M. Flye. Mrs. I daughter. Catherine and Mrs. II. II. V. F. MrHldowney, MrB. J. W. Mrl'herson nnd llttlo son nro plnn Flnnngan, Mrs. I. S. Smith, Mrs. J. Inlng an auto trip to the bench to 13. Hurkhurt, Mrs. M. A. Sweotmnn, ' morrow. Mrp. A. .1. Holso. Mrs. Deffenbnugh, Mrs. Holmes, of North Coos Rlv Mrs. Vernon A. Smith. Miss Alice er. has been the guest or her dnugh Ox. Miss Edith Ayre and MIbs Eliza- tor. Mrs. Hoes Smith, horo this buth Cox. week. PAST MATRONS J- ! - I cowille society Xews. peaiadwiim (Continued from Pne Three IUXE WEDDIXG. Friday, Juno 0, 1014, at the homo a Hrbarg-er of'ihj 'cUoVcur, ed ft!. The advlsa blllty nnd posslbi. among theso that of buying a private library which hns been offered tho eoinmlttce at an attractive price. The library Is now open only two afternoons n week, Tuesday nnd Fri day, with n growing demnnd thnt It he kept open every afternoon In tho Mrs. n. II. nunimn. nf South I (Sneclal to Tho Times.) Coos lUvcr, was hostess toy.i most A Jolly good time wns spent Frl- dollghtfull session of the .Past Ma-' day ovcnlng nt tho Ko Keel Klub, tron's Club Frldny afternoon. It rooms, when tho momhers of tho Klulii wns an all day session. Hoses and Invited their wives nnd sweethearts, myriads of flowers were used In tho The ovonlnir wns snont In dancing nnd decorations nnd a lunch nnd 1 o'clock cards. Punch wns Borvetl during the j dinner, tho most sumptuous nnd ovcnlng. Tho rooms wero prettily jpalntnblo lmanlgnblo, wero served, dcocrntcd with bnskotfl of flowers I At tho business session, Mrs. J. T. which hung In tho center of tho I Unit was elected to inomborshlp nnd rooms from streamers of crcpo tissue arrangements mndo to adjourn un- pnper. Tho lights wero shaded and , til tho third Frldny In September pnvo tho room a soft yellow glow. when Mrs. Ora McCnrty will Do Jnrdlnlcrcs of flowers filled every hostess. Those present yestordny I nook nnd corner. Thoso present wero wero Mrs. Fnnnlo Hnzard. Sirs. C . Mr. nnd Mrs. Loo Carey, Mr. nnd wedding of Miss O.lve Wanda Hlbarg- o "'" . :. . er ami Mr. uinutio v. uicnson, oi "i"" " -"" "Washington. Tho rooms wero pret Thirty now books wore ndded to tho library the past week, a largo number of these being fiction. Eleven enmo from Mrs. I.. .1. Simpson nnd four from Mrs. It. B. Hums. City En gineer It. .1. Andrews presented tho library with a handsome set of civil engineering encyclopaedia. Tho "Magazine Exchange" Is at tracting largo attention, but tho li brary is still In need of some of tho populnr mngazlucs for exchange. Por tions having theso magazines current In their homes will confer n great favor to library patrons by exchang ing nt tho library for other magazines. , , , . ., ' Tho wnys nnd ineniiB commlttco On Wednesday of this week at tho c0nslst8 of tho following persons: homo of tho tirldo'H mother, Mrs. McBdnnies Frank Framo, chairman, "Wltchoy In Coalcdo, tho marriage of i j. Simpson, (loo. Mandlgo, C. M. Miss Violet Moans nnd John It. Mar- Hyor, virgll Wntters, C. F. MeCol- ttn was solomnlzed. Tho ring coro- I11( c. 8, Knlser, L. C. Reynolds, L. jnony wnH used, tno Rev. O. Leroy , Woodliorry. R. A. Wornlck, Goo. JJall officiating. Tho brldo wore n n7.or, c. S. Wlnsor, F. W. Wood nnd ennrming nress oi ram nine luuxsnuuo II. Armstrong. tlly decorated with roses and carna tions. Tho bride wore a tango color ed travelling gown. Tho ceremony vns porformed by t'o Rev. R. E. Drowning nnd witnessed by Mr. and Airs. Mel Duncnn nnd Miss Dubuu,uo, after which the young couplo left on tho Hrenkwntor for Okanogan county, Washington, who re tho groom Is em ployed on nn Irrigation project. Tho boat wishes of n host of friends follow them. I I 4 I WED at coam:ih). I ornnmontod with gold lace and was attended by Miss Frances Martin, sis tor of tho groom, as bridesmaid, whllo Mr. Martin wns nttended by W. It. Hell as best mnn. Tho couplo stood tinder n wedding bell formed of roses and pnnsUu which was suspended from nu arch of ferns nnd bridal wrenth. After tho coremony Mrs. Wlrschoy sorvod n delicious wedding dinner nnd wns assisted In serving by Mrs. Clins. Stallurd, Mrs. Goddls, Kirs. Jones nnd Mrs. Wllllnuin. Tho guests prcsont wero Mrs. Mar tin and dnughtqr Frances or Coqulllo, Sirs. Hethorlngton nnd dnughter Tholhiu, Mrs. C. R. Stallurd. Mrs. J. Outhlaben nnd son .luck, J. Lonos, Wnrd Williams, Theo. Williams, Hat vejy WllllnniB, Mrs. F. Ornnt nnd ilniiRhtor Helen, Mrs. Myrtlo Jones nnd son Roland. Mrs. T. II. Williams nnd dnughter Gertrude, W. It. Hell, Francos Roiisch, Mrs. William Grow, Mrs. Gommlll, Mrs. 1). A. Correll, Mrs. J. T. Parks nnd boh Daniel, Mrs. L. Tlbhets, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goddls. Cecil Wltuchoy and Rov. G. LoRoy Hull. Tho couplo will ho homo uoxt week At tlielr now resldeuco nt Crane Camp. v CARD PARTY. I 4 CLl'll AR.JOL'RXS. I The LndloB' Art Club did not meet thin week, It being decided to ad journ until tho first Frldny In Octo ber, when Mrs. E. I). McArthur will bo hostess to tho club. About fifty par ticipated In tho annual picnic of tho club on Cons Rlvor last Sunday, which proved to bo ono or tho most delightful nf fairs. p f n give shower, i Mrs. Ward M. Hlnko will ontertnln nt n kltehon shower next Saturday for Miss Mnmlo Mahonoy, who will soon become tho brldo or Malr Dano. Tho ditto of tho nuptials has not bcon announced. ; 4 I ISSUES IXVITATIOXH. 1 Mis. T. S. Hnrvoy hns Issued Invl- ttitlqns for next Tuosdny uftornoon, I wed .iuxe ui i Tho mnrrlngo or Mr. Carl- Daylsl II. Marsh, Mrs. Ora McCarty, Mrs. Geo. F. Murch and Mrs. Fulolln Tur ner. p 4 I IXFOIUIAh CJ1AT. I 4 4 Mr. .nnd .Mrs. A. E. Adolsnorcer arrived home the rirst or the week cott, Mr. and Mrs. F. S $1.50 and $1.25 Khaki, Madras andSoisette Shirts for Women Special 98c BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL LADIES' SUITS COATS SILK AND WOOL DRESSES.' NEW FALL CAPES FOR WOMEN NOW ON DISPLAY $13.75 TO $18.50. Hub Dry Goods Co. ( Cor. Hroiuhvny and Central Ave. WXMBGME3u2HMHHBNHBHHS3HHHMB3KEflHQREK53SHHBQi5iSHfiKJ i rrom Portland, where Mr. Adclspcr ger met her on her return rrom n visit with her parents In Indiana. t Mrs. Geo. F. Murch and son, George, have- been spending the week tt their summer home, "Elk Rock Lodge," on South Coos River. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugo Quint nnd daughter, Miss Suxy, will spend Sunday with them. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. It. Peck nnd dnughter arrived home this week from Portland where they have spent t Hums. THREE GAMES Mrs. C. J. Fiihrmnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Hartson, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. LyoiiB, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Johnson, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. W. Jones, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Clins, , Haxtor, Mr nnd Mrs. Robert Watson,. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. N. Gould, Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Sterling, Mr. nnd Mrs. AIM t..l. .... T Tt n.wl M.rf Ittnn t .. .1 I I ju iiunuii, .it., ui, (inn .tun. itiiun. ruui- . Single, Mr. I nnd Mrs. J. A. Lamb, Mr. nnd Mrs.' I.lljoqvlst, Mr. and Mrs. Wnrron. Lnlrd, the Misses Esther Johnson,) Eva Schroeder, Emily Hnrlocker audi Hnrtolls and Messrs. Dollar, Hender son, Oerdlng. Moon, Wntson, Mc Keimn nnit Miller. I MrB. I). I). Pierce returned tltltl morning via aiilo stago rrom Portland i where fcho iwent (to Jro'prosent f.io nnrin n,, m:m j t r, grand lodge Order or Eastern Star. , COOS Bay Nine and Team From Mrs. s. R. Stcolo, or Myrtlo Creek.' Valley tO MeetMill TcaiTlS Oregon, Is visiting nt tho homo ot isim ai ql,, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. II. i vwiii hiou nay Smart Wear for Women." Phone 3G1. Mrs. Claudo Nusburg was hostess ,, jIl88 ,oUni Kuil,,wj ,0 Holenin ai ono or n sories oi parues nuirs iny (mj Iu.xt wednesdny. Juno fi4, nt nftornoon, (onipllniontnry to hor tho ,lomo of tho br(o.a ,mr0llt8 cnr liiothor, MrH. Doblo of Eugeno, who alutl ni,Iltli ,,,, A(t01. 8ll0rt In Bpondlng tho suinmor hero. An- honoj'moon trip, thoy will como to other or tho boriea will bo given next coos Hay to mnkn their homo. They week. Pink Biinp dragons nnd Scotch W bo warmly wolcomed by tho broom wero used In tho decorations. ,. frlonclB thnt tho popular youn During tho afternoon Mrs. Nnsburg couple has horo. wns assisted by MlBses Doris and Gnu-, tivlovo Sengstackon and Mrs. lllake. At en ids .Mrs. I.. J. Simpson won first prize nnd Mrs. V. F. McEl tlowney received t'o consolation. Mrs. Nnsburg'a gueBts wero Mrs. Ar nold of Portland, Mrs. Doblo, Mrs. W. B. Tiirpon, Mrs. L, J. Simpson, Mrs. C. M. Hyler. Mrs. Ward M. lllake, Miss Genevlevo Sougstnckeu, Mrs. Henry Sengstackon, Mrs. E. G. Por littin. Mrs. J. W. Honnott, Mrs. W. F. - I 4- HAITIST W()Mi:.V I 4 The North Rend Hiiptlst Women will hold a cafeteria sosslon at thu Myers building next Thursday. 4 AXXUAIi PK'Xir Tho l.adlos' Aid Society of tho McEldowney nnd Miss Mamie Malum- Mnrshfiold Raptlst Church will havo ey. I their annual ' picnic up Coos River 1 next Frldny. They Invito their friends to accompany them on tho trip. T t ICI.ICS' IIAMi. 4 I Thu Mnrshfiold lodgo of Elks will hold their fifth annual birthday party nnd ball next Wednesday evening nt tho Simpson pavilion In North Heud. In addition to the members of thu lodgo, each member Is entitled to In vito ono couplo so thnt a largo at tendance Is anticipated. Tho nffnlr promises to be one of tho finest of tho season, 4 4 4 . I I.UtltAltV .MKKTIXt; I 4 4 piiA.v orn.VG. I 4 . 4 Next Thursday Mrs. C. II. Dungnu will entertain tho momhers or tho A. N. W. Club and a row friends nt n strawberry picnic at her homo on South Coos Rlvor. 444 4 4 I SILVER TEA 4 4 n row weoKs, .Mrs. reck Doing tno guest of Miss McChcsncy, who hns visited on Coos Hay u number of times. X T Mrs. Paul Pernltn Is horo from California to visit nt tho homo of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O. I.nugworthy. Sho arrived In tlmo to attend the mnrrlngo of her sis ter, Miss Evelyn, to Cnpt. Herman Edwnrds, this week. 4 4-4 Miss Vivian Aiiuln is spending a few days hero ns tho guest of Miss Zella Swlnford. 444 Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnudo Nnsburg nnd Mrs. Doblo leuvo today ror nn over Sunday stay nt Ten Mile. C. M. Hyler nnd fnmlly or North Hend lire planning to leave soon ror Ton MJlp, whoro thqy will, siientj. thu summer vacation nt the Simpson bungalow. 444 Mrs. J.' W. Honnott Is spending tho weok-und ns a guest or Mr. nnd Mrs. Morton Tower at their summer homo on Coos Rlvor. They also have Miss Gwyuodde Tower of Eureka as their guest. Mrs. Dennett plnus to lenvo soon for Ton Mile, whoro Rhogcxpects to spend most or tho sinniuor season with hor son Roderick O'Connor. 444 Mrs. Mary Marks, n pioneer resi dent of Coos Hay, who has bcon making her homo .for tho Inst few yours nt Pacific Grove, California, ar rived on tho Nnnn Smith to spend part or'the summer with hor daugh ter, Mrs. G. A. Dennett. I'rof. nnd Mrs. I. Hlldobrnnd plan to lenvo Sunday ror Cnllfornln to mnko their homo. ' 44 Mrs. R. E. Miller arrived horo last ovcnlng to Join Mr. Miller. Thoy will mnko their homo on Central uvunuo west, where Mr. Mlllor nnd his moth er have been living. 444 Mrs. C. W. Montgomery nnd hor son, Jay, expect to lenvo next Sunday ror Snn Francisco, whoro thoy will visit hor mother whllo Mr. Montgom ery Is getting established In their new homo nt Eureka. 444 There will ho n baseball gamo nt North Hend tomorrow afternoon he' Tho Sunday school of tho M. E Ptuiwnli rt t.Mlttn nulitl'itil n tilntilt .. tlo V. 11. Plilllmm rnnrli nt llonv. ' twt'c II '"" OlgUlllzod .by.Tlinip 0S- . . I er Slough. CONTEST VOTES ARE COUNTED Tho Presbyterian Ladlos Auxiliary enjoyed a delightful silver ten at tho Tho wnys 'anil means commlttuo of homo or Mrs. Evn Gammil last the North Ilond Library Association Weduosdny. .Mrs, Howard, Mrs. J. will hold u special meeting In tho Cox nnd Mrs. W. F. Squires and library room on Tuesday nt four Mrs. Gnmiull wero tho hostesses and o'clock. Sovoral or tho ladles nro they wero nsslstod by Mlssoa Edith out or the city, which mnkes It very Ayro nnd Merl. Cox. At tho busl- Importnnt thnt overyono como. who nos session It wns arranged to hold can possibly do so. Several manors a cooked rood sale Saturday, Juno of Importance nro to bo discussed, 27. Thoso present this weok were AGATE Jewelry Bring your agates to us we'll grind and mount them Into rings, charms, pendgnts, scarf pinsv and broophes. Prices reasonable,,' ' , . 'T Red Cross Optical Dept. Red Cross Drug Stbre 1'IIUNK 12-J I Miss Margaret Drew, or Minneap olis, Is spending n few weeks on tho Hny as tho guest of hor niece, Mrs. Vernon A. Smith. 444 Mrs, II. W. Dedford, who hns been visiting at tho homo of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clins. Sned don nnd other rolntlvos horo, ex pects to leave soon for hor homo nt Conllugn, California. 4 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. A. h. Dnrkor nnd daughter, Francos, expect to lenvo tomorrow for Derkeloy, Cul whoro they will spond tho Buinmor, 4 4 Miss Mnrdecnl, who has been spending tho summer with hor sis tor. .Mrs. F. W, ITertrnm, oxpects to loavo In u weok or. ten dnys ror her homo in San Francisco. 4 Misses Mnrjorlo and Myrtlo Cow an nnd Mndgo nnrry and Max Rol gurd or tho University or Oregon nnd Gordon Rnsmussen, of O, A. C. wore among tho students returning for tho summer vacation this weok. 4 4 4 Misses Mnbol nnd Helen Smith, of Portland, daughters of M. C. Smith, wno rorinoriy resuiea in MnrsnrioJd. are expected horo nbout July 1 to spend a month nt tho home of their brother, Wni. Ross Smith. 444 Mr., and Mrs. A. J. Rolso havo tnken tho Carl W. Evertson houso In West Mnrshfiold for the summer months. 444 Miss Mildred Wilson, daughter of Mr. mud Mrs. J. .Wright Wilson,, who hns been attending tho University or Southern Cnlliornla nt Los An geles is expected to jeturn homo on tho next Speedwell. 44. Paulino J. Hnhr, artist, will leave on tha Nnnn. Smith, for a month la California with friends. Whllo thorn sho will Join a special art class at tho San Joso, California, Normal School, making sketch trips into Miss Elma MacDonald is Still in the Lead Miss Flan agan is Second Tho count mndo In tho Goddess nf Liberty contest today shows thnt Miss Elinn MacDonald, tho traveling salesmen's candidate, is still in tho lend with 27,.r00 votes. Miss Resale Flanagan, tho Eagles' candidate, is second. According to tho count, the candidates stand ns follows: Miss McDnnnld, traveling sales men ?7,ron Miss Resale Flanagan, Eagles 20,000 Miss Emmu Erlcksen, Elks. .. 10,000 Miss Gortrudo Scnlfo, Mooso llt.UOO Miss Gbdys Roddy, tolephono exchnugo 8,r00 The contest will close next Satur day and much Interest In tho race will bo manifested next weok. IIiiIIooiim Sour. Faces woro turned skywnrd last ovcnlng nbout 8 o'clock when two papor bnloous sailed over tho city In tho direction of Hunker Hill. They woro roloasod by Hurry Kimball, gen eral mnnngor of tho Fourth or July Committees, and each or tho balloons cnrrlod n ticket providing trnnspor- tntlou to nnd rrom .Mnrshfiold for the party finding thu balloons when thoy descend. Ono of thorn mny bo going yet, but tho other caught flro nnd burnod before It stnrtcd. Kimball Is an xiously nwnttlug word from tho find er of tho other bnloon containing the noto. Two balloons will bo sunt up each ovonlng about 8 o'clock from tho wlroloss station or thereabouts. Each will contain n unto which will ontltlo tho flndor to freo transpor tation to and from Mnrshfiold dur ing tho celebration. LUMBER IDE OF GOKB Shipments From Here Totalled 6,865,000 Feet During First Half of June borne nnd a team organized by II. R. Eland, or Comillte. ThomnB. Horn or Marks will catch ror tho Coos Hay team, nnd Osborne or Krnuso will pitch. Tuttlo or McDonald will will catch Rir tho Coqulllo Valley team and Collier or Clinton will oc cupy tho mound. Collier recently returned rrom California, where ho wns pitching for Hun Joso In thu Stnto League which went to pieces. Other plnyen in tho Valley team were picked up at Ilaudon, Norway nnd Coqulllo. .Mill Teams to Play. Tho Llbby baseball team will play thu Smith mill team tomorrow morn ing near thu Llbby cnnl bunkers. Doth teams are composed of good ulnyors nnd n big crowd Is expected to see tho game. There will nlso bo a gamo nt .lus trum's ranch on Coos River between Sumner and Coos River tennis. TIiIb j Albion win no urn nrsi game oi inu season on Coos River. Cons Hny continues to bo tho bl gest sourco of supply for tho 8a Francisco market ns Is shown by th following rigurus from tho Pioneer Western Lumberman of tho rcceloti at tho Golden Onto during tho Jlnt half or June: Fir n"d Spruce. Aberdeen 0,215,059 Astorln 1,685,000 llandon 1,070,000 Columbia It 3,251,000 Coos Hny CCS5.000 Everett 1,916,000 Grays Harbor . . 860,000 Hoqulnui 725,000 Portland 600,000 Muklltco 800,000 Port Gnmhlo sr.0,000 Port Ludlow 1,225,000 Umpqun 200,000 Wlllupa 3,197,000 PORT OHFORI) NEWS PORT OHFORI) WHARF The tug Klyhlnm started rrom Hnndon lust Frldny ovonlng with rivo rnrts of piling In tow ror uso on tho Port Orrord whnrL When off Rlacklock Point tho raft that tho tow lino was fastened to went to pieces. It wns tlion after dark, and all flvo rnrts wero lost. Con tractor Webb will stnrt Immediately getting out piling nt Port Orrord, which will bo hauled by team to tho wharf. Port Orford Tribune. FISHING TROURLE Jncob Johns nnd C, A. Woodruff wero nrrosted by Fish Wndren J'ow oll for violations of tho fish law. They wero givon n honrlng before Justice of the Peaco Stafford, nnd after n plea of guilty was entered, tho'Judgo nssessod the minimum fine of ono hundred dollars and costs Gold Beach Globe. Events In Curry County Svwh From The Tribune. Cnpt. John Swing enmo down from Coos lrny with his gasoline launch Tramp Suturdny. Tho Tramp is u staunch llttlo craft, and will bo used by Geo. Forty for tho next month or two In hunting son lions. Geo. Wilson nnd nephew, Arthur Getty, enmo down from Emplro on tho Trnmp Snturdny. Mr. Wilson Is going to fix up a homo on his Middle Elk homestead, tho relin quishment of which ho bought from A. E. Knorr Inst fall, nnd Arthur hns come along for n short outing and to help his undo get Bottled. Edgar McDanlol, editor of tho Coos Day Harbor nt North Ilond, nnd family, wero tumped nt Port Orford Saturday night, whllo en route by auto to San Diego. Ciil., to visit Mrs. McDanloIs' parents. Thoy hnvo their llttlo Ford car equipped with many conveniences for n camping trip and nro going with tho oxpoc tnt!on of thoroughly onjoylng thom selves, W. C. Drndloy, of tho Drndly Can dy Company or Marshfleld, was In town Inst evening Intorvlowlng his customers ns far south ns Gold Hench. Mr. Bradley has not mado this torrltory personally ror tho past rour yours, hut uxpeets to mako reg ular trips hero In tho future. Tolnl 29,198,000 Hediwxidi Eureka 6,176,000 1,310,000 Caspar . .' 1,190,000 Fort Hrngg I.47O.O00 Greenwood -176,000 Mendocino l.OSl.OOO Crescent City 01 0,000 Total 11,315,000 3 Our Specialty is Good Pianos I READ THE AI) IX THIS PAPER adopt i.og;eimff LANDS. Whatever make you buy from us, we add our guarantee to that of the manu facturer. "YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK" Could anything be more fair? "Talk to Thomas About It." Wiley B. Allen Co. L. L Thnmas. Manager MYRTLl POIXT ELKOTIOX At the annual meeting or School District No. 41, at the High School last Monday afternoon the electors voted to Invy a J 2 mill, , tn.x ten mills for general school purposes nnd 2 mills to pny Interest on tho district's Indebtedness, M. R. Lee was chosen director to tnko tho plnco of.' J. S. Whlttaker whoso teriy oxplred. h. A. Roberts wns re-elected clerk. A resolution wns passed author izing tho directors to sell tho dis trict's property In Dixon Grove ns well as tho property on Railroad avenue whore the small frame school building is located.T-Myr.tle Poiut Enterprise. READ THE AD TX THIS PAPER ABOUT LOOGKD-OFF LANDS. Only a Few GoodjCorner Lots Left in Bay Park Bay Park Is selling. Most property Is NOT selling. Could thoro bo more ppworf ul , proof that Bay Park lots are genulnoly deslrablo? What shows that nn Investment Is Bnfo better than a real lomand for that Investment? The day is past whon real estate is sold on talk. Today you must have offerings of real, positive merit. Then you don't have to talk In seductive terms. 'Tho proporty sells Itself, and all you havo to do Is to show It to people who know. ' Let us show you Bay Park,., and oxpla'ln our easy purchaso plan,- Ehanojis,to call . p -yo'u or (or evening appointments. . , L S. Kaufmaa & Co 177FROXT.STltEET. I 'W'' i j'.. .. , , ,r-- . -- rsssssstm NiiiiitHiiiiiii EEEEESEET gjgHSiMKHMiH