!T?fflSE!raSBKMMIMiliBllBHHHHBPBMBMB SSSSJJlWWw.'!alaP ."? !iratfr-fr ,i ' , f, imMrrittVrf ,r.iwf11tt''flSieagLi Til""" SOMCT TO CRAWFISH EVEN WHEN WE KNOW WE'RE WRONG 1. A HANXKIl YEAH. Tli It soiWion om!iih wltli blighter proM" ectM for Hie Kii'Ht Coos Hnv DON'T SCATTKH SHOT Concentrate youf mhcrtlsltig In the newspaper that rem he, d. .lcv. ttttea nil CoqiiMo A'alley country than Mcr before In JtH history. Vw. nines r' '" t,M' ",,,I,B Are you l,uy laying " foundation for jours? . pie. .Mill Wlllll 0 tJilK (). Atlltlllltl. I tlou costs money. The Times wics nuiney to advcttl-crs. (Ecus ita Msllllillnlinl 1H7H VOL XXXVII. w The comt mmii UN MEDIATORS STILL HOPE IB SETTLE TROUBLE Minister Naon Returns to Niag ara Falls From Conference With Wilson SAYS HE IS OPTIMISTIC ABOUT THE OUTCOME president Wilson Says Out look is More Hopeful for Adjustment Today Il; AmocUim P'"" to Cooi Iltr Time. .NIAGARA FALLS, Juno 20. Tlio Mexican dolcgntlon lioro received u telegram todny from the conmil of their government nt El Puso Hint Villa litnl iBBiied n statement nddrosB fd to tlio American people saying Hint ho had proclaimed Oonornl Anglos i provlBlonnl president of Mexico. XAOX AT XIAAHA. ID; AmcUH1 PrrM to Coot IUt Time.) XIAOAHA FALLS. Juno 20. Mlu liter Xuoii arrived lioro this after noon nnd went Into conferonco Im mediately with tlio mediators. It wnB uld tlmt thoro would ho no fornuil tonferenco with tlio delegates until Monday. Xnon nt XlaKiua. "I nm optimistic," Nnon nddod. "while I regard tlio dlfficultleH ns icrloua, lliero nro nlwnys difficulties In mediation nnd it In tlio duty of tho mediators to overcome thorn." Ilo declined to say whnt proposal ho hid In mind to break tho deadlock. D; AnocUiwI Pr lo Coot in; Tlmrt.l Kl. I'ASO, Juno 20. Tho Iliicrln Consul hero snld thnt two dnys ugo he tallied with sovornl persons who uld thoy had hccii In Torroon n manifesto Isauud by .Villa proclaim ing General Angeles provisional rresldcut. Constitutionalists hero denied tho report. No further details of tlio action readied hero beyond tho statement lhat Angeles hntl received orders from Cnrranwi which ho failed to carry out. Angelos Is Kcnornl of Artillery In Vllln's army nnd n itrong Villa partisan. Mo Is a jradunto of Chapultopoc Military Academy nnd played a promlnont part In Villa's cauipali;us. J III; AwkII ITf lo Con nt; Tlmrt.l TOHItEON, Juno 20. Tlio last of tlio organizations or tho division of tho North, to ho employed In tho attack on ZncntocnH loft lioro yes terday. Villa s expected to follow today. WI 1.SO.Y8 8TATEM EXT II T amoui4 lr to ikw. wt IIKt! WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 20. President WHboii authorized this brief statemont concornlng tho con ference last night with Minister Naon "Tlio on tiro Moxlcnn question was discussed and ns n result, tho out look Is moro hopeful." Officials decline to go Into details. COXIMDEXT OP Sl'CClSS. Ill; AuoclttrJ rrr. to Com Bit 'Ihum.i IIUPPALO. Juno 20. "I wns nover raoro confident than 1 am todny of tho ultlmnto success of tho media tion," said Argontlno Minister Noon when ho arrived lioro of tor a confer-, ences m vnshington wnn rruwuuu. Wlbjon nnd Socrotary Br'. AXOELES IS OUSTED. U; AisoclttM TrtM to Coo IU; TlmM.1 SALTILLO, Juno 20. General Fo llpo Angolos, acting secrotnry of war Of tbn PntiHtltiillnnnllBt cublliot, wns deposed from that position by ordor( ot C'nrranza today for Ulsoueuienco m orders. ItEHEIiS CAITUItK TOWX. tn; AnocUled rrt to foot U; Tlmw.J mimitin t.... on nln fSnle U'tKlllllUi UIIIIU v. .- I terrez, a small town six inllos north of oan Mils Potosl was captureu iuuy !)' tho Constitutionalists under Gen eral Torres. IS T Attitude of Executive Commit tee in Miners' Dispute is Carefully Watched in; Auoclatcd Prut to Coot D; Timet. IUTTE, Juno 20. With tho cam Mien of President Moyor, of tno western Federntlon of Miners, for ; preservation of tho federation's vin ons here fully launched, attention i t(day was turned to the attltudo 1 f the executltve committee of tno Ceding forces on a plan to be an nounced tomorrow for tho f"ur ?' that faction. It was believed lhat Moyor would seek tho reslgna I'oa of lower union officials, la the l-ope- of reoonclllns the recalcitrants. ATTENTIO lliffi MARSHFIELD, OREGON, PLOT ON BIT Detective Bryant From Syd ney, N.' S., Tells Story of Strange Crime. Working on a crlmo that has stir red all of Nova Scotia and which, It Is charged In tho confession of one of the principals, mndo Just heforo lie was banned, wns plotted In Mnrsli field n year ngo this spring. Geo. A. Ilrynut, provincial detective, of Sydney, X. 8., Is on Coos liny get ting additional evidence. Tho enso Is of much lutorost here as n number of rolatlvcs of tlioso Involved re side here. Mr. Ilrynut attained cotiHldcrnblo IIIU lillllllUI III null .1. .iiiimowii ....... Inter secured llnyncs' ronfesslon, ho wns porsonnlly prnlscd by tho l'rlnio, Minister ana outer iiigu oiiiciiub there. Tho story of the crime Is extra ordinary and would tnko volumes to toll. So far. Frank W. llnyncs has been hanged, Mrs. Hon W. At kinson Is under $10,000 ball and John Donald Is under $fi000 bill on Indictments charging them with be ing accessories to tho murder of lien Atkinson, August in, inn. UuynoB wns hanged May $ and the trials of Mrs. Atkinson and Don ald arc sehuduled for Octolior. llnyncs spent two months In Mnfilifliilil Inul Hlirllll!. CO 111 I 111: 111' TO onrly In April and lonvlng early In Juno. While hero ho was selling stock In the l.ucky Hoy initio in ie IhirhTnSt hSrT AnX hnd been visiting in .Mnrsiirieid, in , Snn Pruiiclsco. Thoy beenmo nc- qualntcd thero and nftor a month, I or so thoy enmo to Coos Hny via i I Hnndcui nt the same tlmo. Ilo said that no necniiio gruuuj '" with her and she clnlined that sho i did with him nnd laier toiu nun that sho wished that Atkinson was out of tho wny. Finally ho agreed to go East nnd put Atkinson out of tho way, after sho hnd refused to his urging to divorce Atkinson. Howovor, tho vnrlous plans that llnyncs worked nt Sydney boforo her return wero futllo. llnyncs wns stonnlng nt tho Mlnto Hotel In Syd ney which Mr nnd Mrs. Atkinson conducted. Atkinson becaino sus pIcIoub of llnyncs nnd told tho Chief of Police at Sydney thnt Haynos was trying to kill him. Thon llaynes was ousted from tho Hotel. Later Mrs. Atkinson establlslie, a -i.... u....,ni mllos nut of SVU- 00 lonel,. roaVK Her brother was with her and also her daugh ter, who ncconipai ieu "'"".'"" tor who ncconipniiicu oui u ... :. ' .. ..ii. iiiinunii itrnvo lincK UOOB iray viDii. ... nti in, I i Ai. twit wniin tint Liiiiiii . ... : . ....... i. ..i.. .,.n. Hia pmnn. KU"roVr.r!!l.i. .j buggy returned 10 vnmv ""."",. m., river. A search revealed Atkin son lylim 'load In tho road with .Is iti.i.1 crushed. It was stated that o nd " ored n fainting spoil and lm ho horse had boon Jerked "round by Atkinson when ho foil from the buggy and topped on hi. bond A coroner's Jury brought In n verdict of accidental death. nryant happened to bo cnmpInK the oNvlth his wife at the time CLAIM MURDER bolng tnoir "' ',' , , il nlclous wero arousod and he starteu nn Invostlgntlon, with the result tha ' p. ASQUlth Fulfills Pr0ITI- thostorycamooutplecobypocoaml:r.u. . M holng tholr vacaiion ,..,.. .----. ',?oad by loadr Upon the clrcum- llilOMii "j tinviina Wns COH- t c!cd nnd ontoliced to bo hanged Mrs? Atkinson's nephew, a former ncnibor of tho Canadian parliament. ofended Haynes. Just thirty mln- tos before his execution Haynes confessed nnd Involved Mrs. Atkln- wn and Donald. Ho said that Mrs ukluson had furnished him about $800 but he had not committed the crime for money, but because ho bad fa Ion in love with her and thought at el o reciprocated. He said that n!inni,V 1 ad agreed for a certain ?um to aid In the crime He said that he 1 ad pulled Atkinson from ho buggy when Donald stopped e horse He choked and then lmat his head with a rock. beat nis arrested Imme diately a e'rwa'rd and so was Don- She and Donald profess their Snocenco and the chain of evidence "now being strengthened by Bryant f Atkinson was worth about 50. AlKinbon . ..nnn uff, Insur- 000 and carnwi ---- - ance. Ho ana n. n- "--hn married twenty-six years. She h. about forly-twp years old and a Womb women. Atkinson w4 MEMIJEH OF THE . - Z- SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1914 Joe Schilling, Jr., and Three " ' Others Run Off Thirty-fOOt ' i IThI kMlkul Pll . u n mM u ciiiuaiiKinuiu iMuar ouuai , 1 Point Early This Morning. I .Ijiultll IU 1 1IU llllll'B.J COOtMLLE. Or., .limn 20 Melon Davenport, tho twenty-year-old bohi of Ernest Davenport, a rancher living n few miles from here, wbb Instantly killed last night when n car driven by Joo Schilling, Jr., went over n thirty-foot embankment nenr the Mc-1 rtunnis rnncn. 1110 sceno or mo nc- rldent Is only a few miles from Co- nnllltv I ....-- ,......... 0 ...... m . , a-.... ,- .. iioiiiiii (ownni uoquiiic. ino uoyS' hnd been In Mnrsliflcld hnvlng a good time. Young Davenport, who was! n mriilnl iwiiitiir mnti fntnoil Hintii fnrl time. Young Davenport, who was . ... t, . .. . ..., .1. I n moiioi young man, joined ilium lor n little ride nnd It proved to bo n fatnl one. I Just what cnused the accident hns . . - t 1 I..1 ll III ARE SET ASIDE1 Land is in Oregon and Cali-, luriiui iMuuuy ouu.uuu Acres in This State 000 acre. In Oregon Steamboat Majestic Sinks in Mississippi Hiver iwo Arc Unaccounted For. fiw AMCHltJ rrrfa lw vo 0y Time. J OT r ATTIQ l..nA OA Tlitrtv.tliron ' persona were on tho excursion steam- l.n. MnlnoHn u.ltnn W onllll. In tllO : when It sank In tho uui.1. .....jv.... ..... . . - Mississippi Itlvor nenr hero this morn- Ing and of these two nro unaccounted ,of. The others either swan, ashore 0r woro ihkcu in inui ". . . ... ., t. ...i.ii. .. "w on lno upper uuun, wumii .- saieiy on ino upiioi im,i " -- tiinineii nhnvn water. Sho sank aftot ...... nt.r...n ...ntni u ti ii anttif ntii.T running Into tho waterworks towor. GET AUDIENCE: ise to Receive Deputation and Prevents striKe in; AmocUIhI Prm to Coot B; Tlmot.J LONDON, Juno 20. Premier As nnith fulfilled his promise to recolvo qultn iu'"l,ea " '',: ,..hlch tho deputation of suffragettes which ho mado to Sylvia Pankhurst to pre- ...... ho- .nnriimtini? a huncer strike IIO IIIUUU IU u;im -.- .- ,-- vent her conducting a hunger strike .. . on the doorsteps to tne houbo y Commons. Ho received a party of six working women and promised consid eration of tholr representations for equal suffrage highly respected at Sydney, a city of 20,000 people. Marshal Carter has been working with Mr. Bryant on the case hero and tholr movements aro rather se cretive. Mr. Bryant leaves this af ternoon for an Francisco and I.os Angeles and stated before leaving that either some witnesses would be sub poenaed from here or that arrange ments would be made to take the tes timony of local witnesses hero and have the transcript Introduced at the trial at Sydney He did not say who all would be called ae witnesses. DELOS DAVENPQR H1RTV-0NE DAD GROSS EXAMINE. NARRDWESCAPE; THIRDJFFICER SUFFRAGETTES ASSOCIATED I'll ESS EVENING EDITION I KILLED IN LLE m"8t ,m, b.00n Boln nl h,Bh 8,,co!1- ' "e accident occurred on n curve In tho road, but tho road was about ft t.iet wide and In good shnpe. TXTIi AM it, a aAm ton H Avniitltinil l,lmt It "uvu i,, ""' "."" . umib mi t lin h I irli a in ml imriK ntitl 11 n wiir uti tlwi hlirli niinnil trnni ntitl tlin emergency brake liad not been set, Indicating- thnt tho enr went over bc- 11MU Ol'llllllllKi tlnin In no! It loro scniiimg, who wns driving, una I'ho nccldent has caused a sevcro shock hero, ns tlio dead boy was well liked nnd highly respected, Mnny rumors aro afloat about tho matter, I,lljcilsi o There. uisinct Attorney i.iion.vist fitnica thnt ho was not going to participate hi Hin luminal fit nttnnil H. no lin folt ... l..u ...1,...'V ... ........ .., . ..v .. ..... . . .- . i fi'i in -iiiii-H'irii-ni. no sniii ino pnriy nan iiccii in Marshflold last ovonlng nnd were en routo home. Tho report thnt the nlniirliiif front nf tlio nint.hlnn wnn 111 COU routo home. Tho report thnt tho'bronk It up. Ho says the scheme . (.. m a I. ... ..!.(.. ... (.. l.n l.n.i.i ... ..ll.. II... II......M 111 frill. 1 mcenng f,cnr oi inu mnuiiinc whb hi bod shape was not correct bo said. Tho car dropped nbout fifteen feet nnd hnd been run off tho eiubnnk- .......A m 1. ... 1. .... au ... .. UUVli blllllVll IU I enr must have, landed upright According to Reports Many iiuiivub vvuiu uiuwiiuu ua Result of Earthquake Counsel for Canadian Pacific . irytosnow i nai aiorsiau Was at Fault. lilt AMOtUUd I'mi lo Coot P.r Time., QUKI1KC, Juno 20. Counsel for il. Innniilnii llnnlfln nuMWirU nf III! - - " V- " " iiuln0, t no iicd lnrn,. Rn tMri, amcor 0f tin -"! " " X.T'T ' ,V, , .,. jnc0) hux, lllirn ouicor oi nu storstnd at tho Inquiry today, to show thnt tho collision was duo to the aeHontho pj-ffj P;; wn8 not tlio enso. no uecinroa ii ... . . i. i.oi... in wim 1101 iuhh h !' " n foe hecnuso there was a strong wns 1101 wtuiik i" !' "" n currant. I L FOB WIRELESS i ' i Message Exchanged Between prpJc!fnnt onri Fmnnror President and Emperor William ot uermany in; AmocIi4 Preit to Coot lit; TIiom 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 20. J An oxchange of wireless mossagos ln - tween President Wilson and Bmperur wm,Bm wn8 mad0 I11bc t0lay ni tJl0 Wnt0 houbo. Tho messagOH ctinrkml throiich 40C2 mllos of air jj,q yilliu I1UIIOU. ...vo-" sparked through .40C2 miles of air i.......n T...lnr.ntl V .1. find KH- !.,.., ....... Tnnlnt-tntl. V .1.. and Ell UCinvvii .mw..w.., ... --. - -- - vorso. Germany. Tho Prosldont s message read: "On this occasion, the opening of the Tuckorton radio sta tion, I sond your majesty host greet ings and congratulations on this ad- .... ... l.i ll.n ITnlfti.l Qtalna UltlOnai IWK IO UII1U III" Wllimu oi' and Germany In closer intercourse, and good friendship." The Emperor replied that he considered tho station an additional link to1 bind tho two countries In mutual friendship. HHOCICJVIXS HACK. Ameriruii Aviator Heats ElgJit Coin Itctltors in Alt'. JD; AtMclttad Pr to Coo ", Tln.l LONDON. Juno 20. Walter h. Brock, American aviator, won tho air race from London to Manchester and back, beating eight competitors, ISLAND ARE DEVASTATED " 1 ' . DNG BA . in PflRF A Consolidation of Times, Cond Mall i 001 IU THUCO a(, C()(lM ,lliy Athcitl.sor. IMO. xlO I . AIR District Attorney Meredith Is sues Warrants for Three Shipped in by Auto t Special to The Times.) " m. nui mu iui ..u... I California over tho stnto Hue. -, ! K U IN DIS RED . , ,, .. Emil Anderson, Who Has Been Qnh?nr In Prnmn? Mnv bUIJieCl 10 lraiHUb, IVUty WHEN AFTER CURRI BOOTLEGGERS I U1U tu Have Taken POISOn i noso of the biplane grated tho air ship, ripping It epen. Thc.e wnn n Emll Anderson, nged thirty-seven, torrlfle explosion nnd tho i irslilp wns found dead In his room over tho took fire. Tlio tlnmes cnrulfnd tlio Union Saloon on Front street nrly blpluno and In a few moments botli thls morning. The body wns ruinov- nlr crnft with their orrupniits crnslied cd to tho Wilson iindertnklng estnb- on tlio Mopes of n mountain. The llshinent, where an autopsy will ho hodk's are No chnrred an J maiiBlct porformed by Dr. lloiiseworth at K .they mo scarcely rccognlnblu, o'clock Sunday morning. -- - )' ... '.. ... i-..t..i.i.i - lll.l I J ll ui.n .,,u.. . "I thnn a yenr he worlted on n rock quarry on the siusinw. Some say that Anderson una neen ilrliilliiir nvriiuHlvoU mill tit fit hit hnd been suffering with cramps for some tlmo. Aitoiii n dozen ocer iiuuicm, worn found In his room HiIh morn-. lng. i.,.iSmonrnT "k BXV'ff.' dorson took poison. Some thought, Hint no migiK unvu cmiru nm nm. Anderson has lived In (his vicinity nilOlll sixteen yearn, no iiiib a mm or nud sister living In Finland. B Judge Coke Holds That Two Ports Can Be Formed On One River fHiiPclnl to Tho Tlmos.) COQUIM.E, Or, Juno 20. Judge J. S. t'oko has naiitiou uown a ueci - slon sustnlnlng the validity of tho l",.ft nt llnnilon. In Htntintr Ills (I O - ctslon Judgo Coke stated that ho was Informod that tho caso was going to tho Supromo Court anyway nnd ho folt that Iffiriy law wns made In It tho law should como from tho Ha- promo Court Ho did not pass on four or five quostlons raised but bnsod mi iiwihuh mi i iihuii ability to form two ponH on tho same river or body of water. Ho said that tho law wns ambiguous but that enr- hls docUlon on tho question annul tno river or liouy 01 wuiur. nu win mm. tbo law was amblKuoiis but that cer- tiilnly tho organization could not ox- cludo others In territory outside of It . . ill.... .l.n...n..l.... tx9 ll.n afittlA from nvuiuiiH inonio ui mv p... prlvllogos. It U expocteu mat ino cno win ( ,avo to bo-passod on by tho Supreme court before tho Port of Dauuon oan f,oat l)()tu aIlj B0 tho Port will have to stand tho expense of the appeal. . ,.- ACCIDEXT TO STKAMEU m Aauvlttv Vm o CD" l"f Tl ) YONKHR8. N. V.. Juno 20. The ti?xAl' $ BHU" "7 " - ',,,,,, given by J. '. iimemeyur imu uisenargou, w n..niw "" early today and sunk. The crew of seven was roseuou. l.MI'OltTAXT NOTICE. ANDON PORT IS SUSTAINED TWO HOURS IN ah nimiiei-a of the various Fourth out letters from business men la r t v comnmtoes are roouesto ' different parts of tho country, tend- ' KJSD,ra,.KKr,.''S,.t,''"ro''','0'," lajitiLJLaMJAi.iptLux''jf.jiityrrxTiTV'f LOSE LIS CRAFTS COLLIDE Accident Occurs During Aus trian Army Maneuvers in Vicinity of Vienna BOTH CRAFTSWERE COMPLETELYJESTROYED Occupants Were Military and Naval Officers Bodies Burned (II; Atrixlalfsl rrr. lo fix.. U; Tlm.a.1 VII.'VV !.... mi Vl ....Inl.r- ll.....n( .111111! .w.- .IIIU (I, iiit.vt n lost tl elr liven todny when n inleula war In the air Hiiddeuly turned Into a wlu,n ,( roHon followed by nil . . (..p()on, occlirreu. The Austrian uriiiy dlrlglblo Koert- HnK iiBcended nt l'lschniuont. nliout twelve miles from Vienna. It wns tlio j mi'ite iiini'H limn itMiuii. ii nun hid ' Intention of Cnpt. Ilmiswlrth, tho rnmmnnder. to tnko photographs of I. .. .. . . . till! troona ludow inul llicn loin In .the innneiiveis. The aeroplnne, man ued by l.leulcnniitR l'latr. nud lloosto. stnrted from the snino spot it linlf i hour Inter nnd soon overtook tho dirigible. Then began tho shnm bat tle. After encircling tho nlrsblp bov- crnl times nt a height of 11.00 feet, l hit liltilniui nllnl uiiililiinU itinnniivnr ' ed the little air craft with tho object of taking n position directly niwvo ,tbo nlrsblp. Tho navigator evidently I i,iH,Milonliit,l llm distance, for tho cd the little air craft with tho object - Hns n Dcnosit of Nearlv S2.- 000,000 President Gives q RfjaSOn. ' III, AuorlttMi l'rr u root IU; TIb-m.1 I.ITTI.E HOCK, Ark.. Juno 20. The Stnto National Hank or this city city did not open for bustnesH to day. It hits a deposit of nearly two million dollars. I'rosidont (Inrnnflo said the action of tho directors was Inken hecnuso of n steady wlth- oniwai or uuposiis, Vice-President of Bank at Bel- lingham Works Way Past Three Steel Doors , i l in; auui.j vw to coot iu; tiom i rkmj.noHAM, Wash., Juno 20. i.ockod In n stool vault two hours, vici-l'rosldent McMillan, of tho Nprthwostorn National Hank this mumlng worked his way past throe t0,. doors with n smnll screw drlv- t.r amj omergod llttlo tho worso for er nun ciiiitkuii iuuo him uio iui j,g experlenro. The doors woro ac cldt-ntally closed. A locksmith work. , frantically from U.o outside .and C'KK-nlUliy Ciosuil. A iuchbiiiiiii wnin- , frantically from tho outside and a physician with pulmotors and tho c'orouer assembled. - - OF White House Officials Give Out . i nttnro Wh fm bnOW DUSI- ness is Good Ur AMtxUtM rrttt tt Co IU; Tlmt.l WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 20. u'liiti, HiiiiK.t officials today gave STEEL MULT CONTENTION WILSON UPHELD