'wEaSK255J Jk. ,Mtf3, WiAftrU . - A" TUC nnno n .... .. - uuo dm! limes, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1914 EVENING EDITION ,v FIVE j w ii Kill hi: He 111! 'In; 'Isj 'M b ind ?ra be!: IVe, am PO' li shl So W. I CopjrlKht Hurt Rchsffnir A. Marx VOU'LL see 4 4, 1 T cc people doing the Tango indiffer - 1 " - ontly well; you'll sco few who arc ronlly export; you can tell thiMii instantly though. It's that way with clothes you can always pick out those in the best of style; those that show the work of ex perts. You'd be surprised if you knew how many of the clothes you like best are made by Hart Schaffner & Marx Men and young men of exacting taste, regardless of poe Jcetbook, choose them. Ask to sec this .soft roll model pictured here. Wo have them from $18 up to $85. Clothes Purchased at This Store Will be Kept Pressed Free of Charge. Woolen Mill Store . The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes. IRVING BLOCK Two Exceptional Good Lin ers in LadiesHatsJgr Thurs,, Friday and Saturday 1 LINE 1. Values to $10.50, your choice. $3.75 One line WAISTS, values to to close out SEE WINDOWS Send Your Laindry to Us By Parcel Post W1. FURNISH A UAd AND WILL PAY THIS POSTAGE! ON TSS RETUKN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield PHONE 158-R 10 Cent Messenger Service , MARSHFIELD CYCLERY a good many ya6Ua LINE 2. Values to $17.50, your choice, $5.50 $4.50 $ J 45 Y IDL.VL l'lMIi: flUO.VI-3 AND ' PICNIC fiROUXDS I nrlug jour lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tackle for a 1 few days' outing. Sunday i Sihool nnd all picnic crowus a specialty. excursion io South Cooa River overy day. .Multifield Time Tiiblel Launch Express, weok days, loaos, 8 a. m.i Steamer Rain bow loavos Marshfield nt 8 a. in., every Sunday and 2 p. m. week days. For charter and picnic ar rangements, apply on board Llbby COAL. The kJnd YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Lively nnd Transfer Company. Times want ads bring, results. ws BREVITIES TIDES FOR JUNE. Below Is given tbo tin and height of high anfl Lit water at Mnrshflald. The tides are placed la the ordor of auaurrauce, with their times on ths first lln and holghts on tha sooond Una of each day; a compar ison of consecutive holchta will ln dients whether It Is hlch er low water. For blah water an th bar subtract two hours 34 ntiautes. Hra.. 5.51 12.25 5.18 11.44 Ft... 0.5 4.1 2.5 5.8 Hra. . C.39 1.17 0.09 0.0 Ft. .. 0.1 4.2 2.C 0.0 llrsi. . 0.27 7.24 2.04 C.68 Ft. .. 0.0 0.1 4.1 2.S Hra. . LOG 8.05 2.48 7.41 Ft... G.l 0.4 4.5 2.8 Hra. . 1.40 8.43 3.29 8.23 Ft... 0.2 0.5 4.G 2.8 23 WEATHER FORECAST (Br Amo-U4 rrru It Owt i Tine. OREGON Fair. Saturday warmer West. Northwesterly winds. LOCAL TKMPUHATURH RECORD For the 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., Juno 19, by HenJ. Ostllnd, special goversmont me tcorologlst: Mnxliniim fiS Mliiliiiuni 40 At 4: 13 n. m 40 Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sopt. l, 1913 C5.57 Precipitation same period Inst year CI. 12 Wind: northwest, clear. Will llulld. Androw Storgnrd Ih clearing n lot on Nob Hill which ho recently purchased nnd plans to erect a bungalow there this sum mer. ' """.v i wimi. worn unR neon ;an7M0r!i,n0d,,fi,&tS0 at their homo In Snn Francisco Itnliy Dead. Word ImB been re- llt- rceno nf- tcr n short Illness. Mrs, Green was formerly Miss Murv Mlnot. of Marsh. I field, a niece of Mra. Etigcno O'Con uell, and Mr. Greene was slightly known here, having made a few trips to tho liny for a candy com pany for which ho traveled. M eel lug P(is(mhic(1. Owing to the nhscnco of Dr. Mlngus from tho city, thu lecture on Social Hygiene to have been delivered by him this evening nt Central School, has been postponed. Father III. Mrs. W. T. Stoll loft this week tor Rochester. Minn., In re-1 sponso to a telegram announcing that her fnthor had boon brought thoro from Wisconsin to undergo an op- I'lilllUli. 1 the Klionsuurg isorniai acnooi. air. Weil In Poiilniul. AnnouncomentB uicnson is an cngineor employed oh havo boon recelvod horo of tho mar.tl0 Irrigation projects In Okanogan rlngo of Miss Roso Florence Ilor- County, Wush., whoro thoy will mnko Inger to Sherman W. llrnlnard at- tholr homo. Thoy loft on tho llroak- UIO HUlHU Ul iiiu uwuun muiuui, Mrs. Anna Ilorlngor, In Portland, June 8. Tho bride was woll known on Coos liny, having been Identified The Store That Saves You Money Tlmt's our way to horve you ItKST THE LATIWT AND 11F.ST THINGS IN TDK MARKET. WATERMELONS CANTALOUPES PLUMS APRICOTS A FULL LINK OF VECiETARLES We Can Suvo Money on Your (rororlcit Let Us Huve u Trial Order Portland Grocery Store :J07 South Ili-oadway Next !or to Pontofflco PHONE 102-.I. HETe Royal TONIGHT The House of Illg Foatures. Mayes & Soulo will bo back horo tonight In an entire chnnge of act, Flvo rools of all NEW plcturos. In tho Days of Trajan." an Amer ican two-reol foaturo of tha aarly days of Rome. The Rnco With Doaeh." A Rox drama showing tho chancoi takon by a mechanician In his race for his child's life. Tho Snako Charmer," a erl funny comody. 'Tho Pitch That Doflles." A Ma Jostle drama of heart-felt Interest. OUR CHIEF AIM IS YOUR SAT ISFACTION. .IF YOU ARE SAT ISFIED, WE ARE. Admission, lower floor, lfic; bal cony, 10c. Children, 10c. Coming next Tuesday and Wodnos day. Daniol Frohman presonts "In the Bishop's Carriage," featuring "Xf'SnTScth. "Lucile Love." The Girl of Mystery. This Is the first of a series of fifteen weeks of this GREAT feature. with the Hub Dry Goods Company i for a couple of years. They will ue nt Home at 134 Hast 54th street. Portland after July S, nnd the ninny frlen 's of the bride here will unite In wishing them nil the Joys and success that time can bring. Piny Simtliiy. The Llbby baseball t team is planning to piny the Smith mill team near the Llbby bunkers here Sunday. The Smith mill team is a real classy bunch and Llbby claims to have some big league timber. Rilng Hody Home The body of Len Younce, of Prosper, who was drowned while nt work on the Slus law Jetty last week, has been re covered nnd will bo taken to the family home for burial. Younce's brother went to Florence to aid in recovering It. To Rring Rover. J. V Joseph, tho manager who Introduced Luplo Cnrranzn In the boxing gamo here, Is now managing Jack Hums, a. 145 liound glove artist with headtiunrtora nt Los llnnos, and writes that he would like to itrrango a bout here on the Fourth of July. Nothing defi nite has been done about If. (JimkI Service. D. L. Footo's auto line is enjoying good business be tween here nnd Drain and last eve ning brought in about n dozen passen gers. They nrrived about 8 o'clock. Tho road la a little heavy and rough In places but docs not Impedo them. A little later they will bo able to make much better time. Killer House. Cnl Wright Is plan ning to give 8omo prowlers who linvo been molesting his place n warm re ception. Mrs, Wright Is now In Snn Frnnclsco nnd the house Is vucnnt during the dny time, nnd severnl nrtlcles have been stolen from there. Mr. Wright lias his shotgun loaded and says that he will make someone make a hnsty exit if they don't stay awny. .liiiNt i m hock. capt. .Miicgenn gany. where ho hnil been on husl of the Ilreakwater stated todny that iiohh mntters. n year ngo he told tho Port Commls-i MR. AND MRS. HURT ORAY. of slonera thnt thoy would hnve to ubo North Rend, returned this morning lock to hold the bulkhead along from Allegany, whore they have North Front street, where It has been visiting. starled to slide into the liny. Ho says it was n inlstnko to cut the deep chnnuol s close In to the hiilkhend nnd declares thnt rock will still hnve to bo used to retain tho dirt there. Cute Tried. C. It. Peck has re turned from Portland where the case of F. II. Wnlto vs. the C. A. Smith coninany to establish his claim to n pnrt of the tract lying west of tho C. A. Smith Mills was tried before Judge Morrow, to whom tho enso wns referred by Judge Coke as Mr. Coko had been attorney for tho com pany prior to taking a placo on tho bench. Mr. Peck was III of Inflam matory rhouiuntlsin most of tho tlmo that he was in Portland. .Married Today. Miss Olive Wnn dn Hlbargor and Claudo F. (Reason ,.,, ,.' , . i., n, i.,i,in'a pnronta Mr nnd MrH. 0. Hlhnrger, ' ,,!., ,), n, u k. ,,, ,fiiM.,.r Tim nrhin .nu ,.., ,i,nr i , pnnin nini the past year and Is n graduate of Water, A lOW ClOSO iriUIlUS uvniuun mombora of tho family were present. PEOPhE'YqUl iovv ABOUT STEVE CURREN la hero from Han- don today on business. J. D. LAIRD, of Sltkum. was a Marshflold visitor todny. JUDGE HALL went to Cociulllo this afternoon to nttond court. E. R. GEHRKE and wife, hnve gono to I land on for u short stay. GEORGE H. HARDY, of Coos River, camo In on tho Express this morn ing. MRS. CLARENCE GOULD, of Alio gany. came In on tho Alert this niornliiL'. C. C. CARTER camo over on the noon train from Myrtle roint on business. T. C. RUSSELL and wife of Reaver Hill are visiting friends in Marsh- field today. GEO. GOODRUM left today for an auto trip out on the old Coos Hay wagon road. C O. PRATT and Miss Alma return ed today from n pleasant week's MR. AND MRS. PETER THURSTON, of this city, returned this morning Grand Theater TONIGHT THE BARGAIN HUNTERS One of the Funny Essanay Comedies ' THE BRASS BOWL A thrilling drama in two parts, based on the famous novel of the same name by Joseph Vance 'FRAID CAt Here's a play for the kids. Bring the children tonight. 3fwPI ll a Z i nil ii -t i i-- ! assEflw SOCIAL CALENDAR F1UDAY Ladles' Art Ctub. Past Matrons with Mra. C. H. Dungnn on Cooa lllver. Dr. Mattlo 11. Shnw social hy giene tnlk at homo of F. A. Golden In Ferndale. from Coos River, where they have been visiting friends. Thift brought tl elr automobile with them on the steamer Alert, outing at Shore Acres. JOSEPH SULLIVAN, of this city, left for Myrtlo Point this morn ing to visit relatives. C. F. M'NIOHT and wife nro ex pected homo tomorrow from n trip to Portlnnd nnd Salem. A. K. SEAMAN and son. Wesley, plan to leave soon for a trip through tho Willamette Valley. MRS. ELLA IIOWMAN, of Coos Riv er, came In this morning to visit friends nnd do n little shopping, MISS ANITA Ml'LLOl left on tho Redondo for Southern California, where she will visit for awhile. MRS. ROUT. E. DROWNING and family returned this weok from a most pleasant sojourn at Lake side. MAX TEPPER nnd wife returned last evening from Golden Falls, where they enjoyed n few days' outing. O. II. REYNOLDS, of North Ilend. returned this mornlni: from Alio- MRS. RACON arrived hero last eve- nlug with her daughter, Mrs. W G. Chandler, to spend n few weeks on the Ray. MR. AND MRS. RORERT M'CAR THY, of this city, went to Coaledo this morning. They expect to re turn tomorrow. W. G. RRICKLEY. of Portland, Is In tho city for the purpose of looking over options held by John R. Smith, of South Inlet, C. II. FARNHAM. of Portland, Is here to study business condi tions with a view of Investing In real estnto to soino extent. MRS, GEORGE REYNOLDS nrrived hero from Clncknmns, Oregon, on tho Ilreakwater to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. P. W. Dodson. MRS. E. K. JONES nnd son, Eu gene, loft yesterday to Join Mr. nnd Mrs. O'Connoll nnd Mrs, Rtchnrdson nt tho Mnze. C. It. PECK and wlfo and baby re turned last evening via Allegany from Portland and Ralom, whoro they havo spout n fow wooks. M'SS MARION ENOLEHART, of this c ilty, roturnod this morning Hj0. Mnblo Iltlllngs, Myrtlo Point; Coos River, where shu ha8'cnry nioch, Portlnnd; II. W. Lin- from boon visiting her slstor, Mrs. Hod son. MISSES MARJORIE AND MYRTLE Cowan returned last evening via Allognny from Eugeno. whoro thoy havo been attending tho stato un iversity. MRS. II. II. M'PHERSON and little son nnvo posiponeu niuir ruiurn to San Frnnclsco for another weok or so. They aro now stopping at Tho Chandler. JUDGE COKE loft for Coqulllo thlH morning after spending two days in tho city, lie will hear a num ber of oniilty rases which are on the court calendar. REGINALD S. WRIGHT, tho woll known nnd popular representative) of tho Moore-Watson Dry Goods Co,, of Snn Francisco, Is calling on the Coos Ray trado. CLAY CHURCH and mother will spend Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank llenth nt tho Morchnnt ranch. Mrs, Church will remnlii for u few days' longer visit thoro. CLYDE LIGHTNER left on tho Re dondo to resume his position In tho Government boat servlro at Han Francisco. Mrs, Llghtnor will remain for n couple of weeku longor. DISTRICT ATTORNEY LILJEQ VIST returned to his homo In Co nulllo today after spending a few days at Salem, whoro ho argued n tax case before tho Oregon Su preme Court. MRS. I). I). PIERCE, of Coimlllo. wob In tho city today, on Imr way homo from attending the mooting lu Portland of the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star of Oregon, to which she was a dole gat e Whllo nwny slio aUo vis- Fresh Candies Just in, another fresh shipment of the famous Mars candies. Twenty different wholesome varieties. The half pound, 10c Always Something New Peoples 5 St ores Bandon Myrtle Point Marshfield fUOTIED AD I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I IFOR TRADE Ten nrres nlfiilfo In Columbia Valle. Washington, to trade for Marshfield property. Address D. U.. Times. FOUND Itebeknli pin, on Hatlde. Owner may have same by describ ing nnd paying for this ad. FOR SALE Furniture for five room house. Inqulro C. E. llums, North Rend, or phone 253. LOST Auto lmunct, color Nell rose. Finder leave at Times office WANTED Children to couch during summer; will take any grade, terms reasonable. Call nt 130s comer 13th and Central, or Ph. 31S-L. r. f I HELP WANTED I WANTED Position hy lady steno grapher, graduate of tho Polytech nic nusluess College, Ashland, Or egon. Phono 1030, North llond, or address Miss Mnzle II arris, North Rend. FOR RENT FOR RENT (l-rooni limine nt4 barn, lot 100x200, fruit trees, berry vinos nnd chickens. Pbon 302-X or sell Mrs. A. Cnvanaugh, Eastslde. FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment, luqulro Nasburg Gro cery. FOR HUNT Slwooiii house on South Ninth street, $20 per mo. Phono 171 or cnll 130 North Uroudway. FOR RKNT apartment In Phone 20U-J. .M)in furnished tho Illnck house. FOR RENT Seveii-iiMini house, 75 Seventh street South. Ph. 284-R. J .THE A iTIm rtinndler. A. II, Lalnnd, McMlnnvlllo: W. A. Cook, McMlnnvlllo; Jnmos J. Rich ardson. Portlnnd: II. M. C. WhltU ker, Portlnnd; Mrs. I). I). P erco. Conulllo: E. II. Clarke, Portlnnd: E. V. Thompson, Donvof; J. B. Paul- an,, Pnnillllll! lVlll M. Wolff. CO- dy, Myrtlo I'oini; Tnomim uuuu, Eugene; O. King, Portlnnd. At Tim Uoyd. W. E. llnrdy, Tncoma; B. J. Slnlx, Hood Rlvor; W. J. Sinclair. Hood Rlvor; Elmer Ellison, Hood nivni" w. lr. Wheolor. Conulllo: J. C. Pnrkor, Coqullle; J. J. Ott, Coo mvor, At Tim lMnnco. James Olson, Portlnnd: Do Morse, Portland; F, II. Morton, North Rond; J. W. Rutledgo, Co nulllo; Mrs. J. W. Kutlodgo, Co nulllo; M. Sullivan. Conulllo; C. K. Klepfer, Random J. Cameron, Ada; C. A. lphnm, Honryvlllo: ". Holdon, Random A. W. nrlcklojr, Portlnnd; W. G. Ilrlckloy, Portland; C. II. Farnham, Portlnnd; Rob Porks, Raymond; Horhort Hwoot ur.d wlf, Portland; John Kugle, Portland. At Tim Kt. Iwiwrtmro. J I). Laird, Sltkum: P. O. Levar. Conulllo; Mrs. I, II. Coolldgo, Ran don; LImIo Perkins, Gardiner: Mrs, J. M. Miller, Portland; C. A. Hen derson, Gardiner. ttod frlonds In Spokane and mada uu nuto trip to the Coour d'Ahme district which proved very on Joyablo. Mrs. Frances Mncleod, delegate from tho Marshfield Lodge, who accompanied Mrs. Pierce, will roturn todny. ARTHUR K. PECK nnd I. K. Tower loft this morning by auto for Gold Reach, whore Mr, Tower will de liver tho machine to a purchaser. From thoro thoy will go Into tha Eden Rldgo country for a short C HtW.' HARD, of the Club Cigar 'Store, has ont to Port Orfonl to visit his old friends, J. n. LoiKks, and enjoy a vacation l Curry County. Mr. Loucks was one of the founders of Sherldnn. Wyo near where Mr. Rurd Uted for years and still own u lilic ramh Sylvodora Face Powder The most elegant face pow der ever put out. French imported. For sale only at PENSLAR and NYAL store r 4 JHQTELS T . 4MUr K-3ZI-.M