r TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1914 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES , TraTuverflow. M. C. MALO.VKY . Killtor ami Pull. DAN K. .M.VI.OXHV. ,.Xcun lltllmr An Independent Itepublleun ncx paper published every evening exeunt Bunduy, and Weekly by Dip Coo liny TIiih'h Publishing Co. 13. . Kd- Entered at tho postofflce at Mnrdh Xlold, Oregon, for transmission through the mails as second cla3' mall matter. BUDSCItllTION HATICS. DAILY. One year $6.00 Per month 50 WICKKLY. One year $1.50 When pnld strictly In ndvanco the kubscrlption price of tho Coos Hay i..l...u A..ulr,illllllt. .1 .minds, of the Coos "'V WlrlnB Co.. has made an asaknmont to .on Kercuson. Ho estimates his debts at $r00 and his assets are prac tically nothing. Ituliv Dion. N'ws i cached Mnrsh tleld friends today of tho death from snlnal menlnKltls In San Francisco of tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. It. 0 recti. Mrs. Clreen will bo better remembered as Miss Mary Mlnot Many fr'ends of tho young couple will hasten to oxtond their sympathy Evident That Greater Interest Is Being Taken in Goddess of Liberty Contest A decided change was noted In tho ... .- t it;n nnnn nt fi. positions of tho candidates In tho It Wale against Mrs. Hompci. of , Goddess of Liberty contest when tho ,:...," t .,., ttn imB rendered commltteo In chnrco counted the Tlmoa Is $5.00 por year or $2.50 fjr n decision. Wndo presonted a note votes at noon today. No count was BIG GUIS FOR 2 C S lz months. Official Pniwr of Coos County. ,. ,,.. l.-" .- - , ..! ....!.. I.... .1 l ... of $225 against the lioinpei csinio . .iu uui muo w iui ui and Mrs. Hompol as auininisirnirix ."'" nun. muio wus ui disallowed It. JudRO nan anowcd Jcdlcntcd to tho servlco of tno people, that no good cause shall la K a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. An Indopondont Hcpubllcan no.v. papor published every a iiilng oxcop! Sunday, nnd Weekly by The Coos Dny Times I'liblNliIni; Co Address nil communications to X)OS HAY DAILY TI.MKS. Mnrsliflclil :: ir :: t Orriron the note conditional on certain cred its. Tho Hempel estate amounted to about $3000. I lug Just tho same. According to tho offlclnl count made today tho candidates are lu tuu following positions; Miss 131 inn McDonald, Travel ing Salesmen 27,500 IIOIC.V. I - I1ARNK8. To Mr. nnd .Mrs. names, hi. uiuir iiiiinu in iiuiiKor inn, n daughter. She Is tholr second child. i.. i. ..i. .. M....i..i..il T V.. Wnlllnc. In a letter to C. I. Itclgnrd, Bays that "" HmhIo Klanagaii. Eagles 20,000 his son-in-law. who wbb found in tno "? """' o'"-1. .uuuBO river thcro recently, was murdered. I ''0UBi- .. .......13.300 Ho says his head was crusned. They " 0 In lys noddy, Telephone nrn nnw wmlMnir nil a clue 111 tllO ' hXClMllgO 8,850 case Mr willing liaa moved his M8 Kmmn Erikscn, Elks ... 1,000 family to Vor'tliind and will remain I , The returns show that Miss llossle thcro until general conditions lm- MnnaBnn. tho Eagles' candidate, nmvo. when he expects to return to snlned i:u00 votes since the previous i,.. II,... n.i ,,mn.v..i u-iih bin brick , count, .miss .McDonald gained 3500 ..iu ....J ...... ,.... .. - ----- - , ., ., ,1....... .. Our Specialty is Good Pianos Whatever make you buy from us, we add our guarantee to that of the manu facturer. "YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK" Could anything be more fair? "Talk to Thomas About It." Wiley B. Allen Co. L. L. Thomas, Manager ; R.ANC HERS VAiKUft Initiate. Tho Marshflold Aorlo of Eagles last evening Initiat ed Chas. u. Hill nnd Harold P. Atiireh, making nlmost three hundred local morabers now. linv nnd nrocee plant project. This will not bo bo fore next spring. W. E. THOMAS, of Snlom, arrived today for a vIbII at tho homo 01 his son, L. L. Thomas, mnnngcr of tho Wiley 11. Allen Co. II. A. DOCK, of North nend, was In tho city today aftor a visit with his family, who arc e-ijoylng an outing nbovo Allegany. nnd the otl.er three candidates also ninile good gains. It Is understood that tho Elks and Eagles, at mcotlngs held last night outlined n campaign that will bo hnrd to beat. MAY PLAY SUNDAY. CIihiiko SlilftM Tlio Mnrahfleld po- uunil HAHl.OCKEIt, of Coqulllo, nco rorco in now work nc on now Hhlftfl. Mnrshal Carter works during tho day tlmo and early evening. l'a- trolninn Waltor Itlchnrdson works from 11 o'clock In tho morning un til 1 1 o'clock nt night nnd Patrol man Shoupo works from 1 1 nt night until 11 In tho morning. Uiinrhcf Hurt. John Cntchlng. a well-known Catching Inlet rancher, wns qulto Ixiilly hurt yesterday. His team ran away nnd lu was thrown ff a disc harrow, it ran over I1I1 right log, Inflicting somo sovero flesh wounds. Ills bark was injured but his hurts are not serious. Dr. IlniiHoworth wan railed to nttond him. Mr. Cntclilug's son wns drown- cu recently. rodo over on his motorcycle today to visit hln brother. FrnnK liar locker, of tho First Nntlonnl Hank Ho will return this aftomoon. Health Hints Tho Times has arranged with Dr. II. It. D.mlols, tho well-known writer on henlth subjects to con tribute to this pnper a series of practical articles on honlth and hotly care. This Is tho second of tho sorlos. Coqulllo Team Wuntu 3? 10 for flitino nt Not th Dviid. I'lnns are being made for a base ball game at North Hund-noxt Sun day botween n team organized by i Tnmp Oshorno and a tonm organized by II. It. Elnnd, of Coqulllo. I Osborne Is In receipt of a letter 1 from Elnnd In which ho states that his team will moot tho Coos Day team provided $10 cxpenso money Is nsHiired. The lineup Is as follows: , Coos liny Coqulllo i 'I iiomas-Horn-.MnrkH Tuttlc-McDonnld ' Cntchor. OHborno-Krniisn Colllcr-Clluton LOST An Opportunity to buy n lewl nt tiiictlvo liomcNito nt $l-.1. TliCNc Imtc nil boon nold. Tlicie iiK n few left at 9 1 00 nnd 91200; nil full fto-fout lots, leU'l nnd clenrcd, on linproml streetM. If you mo loikhig for u place to build a little home, M'o Itl-:iD AltOUT IT. You ran buy on your oun tvriim. Dliono HO I. " or call at office. i Now Is the Time to Drain When You Can Get. Drain Tile at These Prices Throe inch pipe, per 1 000 $33,75 Four inch pipe, per 1000 $47,59 Five inch pipe, per 1000 $65.50 Write or call for quotations or large or small quantities 1 all sizes. These are Guaranteed and not Broken 'The Fireside" 137 Second St., Marshficld. Phone 434-J. Johnson Building Klssa.ni Httrko Sator ! Hrlggs ItATlllNCJ. I 1 Chandler Hurf IIIr,,.r Coining. 1 I). Cohan, of the Fourth of July coin ml lino, ro- rolvoil n special jrollvory letter this .t oly Necelty to Oood Henlth, , , morning from Kddlo robin. In which ,lt ,,. lllxnry itl Ught I.UIi.k Woods ..u ......... 1. 1. ii. iiu 11 mi nnu mi- mo colohrntlou and Hint ho will nnr- tlclpnto In tho wator sportB. Problo Daniels.) I nnd Ooorgo Kelly will rldo tho surf honrd nnd do fancy high diving. Uoth of tho boy nro crack swlm morH, Kolly has a record of 100 yards In l:f. to bin credit. Pitcher. First Daso. Second Hnso. Shortstop Third IlnBo. Loft Field. Center Field. Right Field. Kland , W. A. Ki:iD, 1.10 Front St. I, Loronz CITY AUTO AND TAXI SKItVICh A now tnxlrnb hno boon added tr I my auto servlco. Careful driven Dement w"l Ko ttnrwhoro nt any tlms. Stan Uluuco Cl8r Siuro. Day phono, 7l .Night phona 130-X. TOM GOODALK. Pronrlclor. I Piper Poland , Howoll Oordlng Mlv Mr II II In flplto of tho contontlon of McDonald unmn nt mil liniilMi u'rl'nfo Hinf "WIIIV Wt Will IIVIMtll "II.VIll ( j ... -- - ii'iui Ib n land nnlmnl nnd should uso .. "r rcceiu.y roiurnou iroin uni wator on tl-o body sparingly, thoro jnrnln. whorp ho was pitching for b no ones on that n n inoBt ovory au" "nv " lM" 9"-' "". ";ii PKItSONAIi OVKHFLOW CAIH person a tepid sponge bath cvory I dny and onn or two hot bnths a week or retiring nro condticlvo to bodily " vigor and onorgy nnd to dlBcnBC-ro-. Blntlng power. " Tlio nblii lu nnl innrnK n morlinn went to pieces. (iOOD WOIIK. FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call on LcMieux & Miller. I 393 No. Front St. Phono 11G-R. ittl h. STOCKIN returned today lcn cn;r 'L . ' , b, y ill is one from a husluesa trip to Kugeno. , JSnlt,To ,o"t" Imnor. n body nZf Its chief functions being to assist In 'nrnliii! pwpv tho body wasto, and (From the Coqulllo Hnrnld.1 Wo tnko off our hat to tho Coos Ilay Times. It came over Thursday evonlnir with n wII ovecutd mnp of the district of Daudon that wns swept by tho flro that morning. T" o ALONG tllC WATERFRONT to r.-nlato the l-eat production llrnwng wnsinadoby Hoy Lnwhorno -a I ... . . nml wn uiiaitpnt f lift nnt wna nlan mnilfl - t mi mull' n nu m moor urn nnnv w n""!' - "tn Tlio Hiistlor sailed todny for linn- ncods In chnnglng tempornturo. Thoso '' " "' , A,t1i"Wrir in nnR im tuu iiiinuur sailed louuy tor Hail- lueus in runiiKiim limiimrimim. I noui '. -:. , ,',. ,:, i,., ;", ,i ' don, Port Orford and Oold Ileach who nro "bilious." or subloot to colds, " , ''' t'10.nf'rn8,t '"'"..""i.iin wiin eonerni innreiinmiiKn. . pniri n. nnrvnusiiPRa nun rnnnniniism ' Tho PnralBo Is duo In otnlglit. I nnd who "fool" tho cold of winter Tho Adolluo Smith arrived In this "n' the rent of summer hnvo n slug morning from Ilay Point. I NORTH BEND NEWS f II. P. Kehoo, the Ninth IlemI mill man, returned toda fiom n vaca tion trip to Portland nud other north ern points. Tho North lie ml liiditm or the M. i: Church will hold a Tamale Snlo Friday and Satunlay lu tho Coos Hay Grocery nud at the Pacific (liocery. 'Hill CHItlSTIAN Sisterhood of NOHTII HKM) will hold a STUAW DKHUV HOCIAI at r-snii:it HO- THU Juno 19, coiislHtliig of straw berrlos, whipped cream and mUo. ICc for 1 dlah or 2 for L'.'c. glsh skin which falls to perform Its proper functions. Active Sklu Must Hnvo Dally Cure To keep tho skin nctltvn It must have dallv raro. A thorough rub bing of the skin with n modorntolv roniso towol or a soft flesh brush following n sponging of tho body with topld water will open up tho millions of tiny poros, and Increase tho skin activity In cnrrylng off the bodv waste. Kxcopt In tho unusunl lv robust rold wnter shou'd not bo used on the skin; the shock Is ton great. YVMIo It may Invigorate torn J pornilly, It tends to denleto the nervo I'IK'lHV llllll l" IfDIlll III IH'IVIIIIH ux- hnustlnn. Tho best time for the Hponco bath Is on rising, hut It enn bo taken In tho evening. In addition to tho dally Bpongo bath ono or two hot whoro n local event has been HliiHtrntod tho snmo dny by n homo- mnde cut. It Is so seldom thnt Mlko (loos anything to suit us that wo fool constrained to mention this. I 10 T 10 TI KIDNEYS AMAItYIililH OliUll D.WCi:. Mil hie by (.'HAND NOVKIjTY OHCIIHS- hatha n week with soap aro necessary TICA. la'KIIOIWK HAMi. North ir Cleanliness, Demi. BEPOBT BUBS IMQIIRRfMTQ i. Tnko n Talilesiooiiful of Salts If Hack Hints or Dladder Dothers .Meat Forms l.'ilc Acid. Wo aro a nation of moat enters and our blood Is filled with uric acid, Hays n well-known authority, who wnrns us to bo constantly on guard ngalnst kldnoy trouble, Tho kidneys do tholr utmost to henlth. with nhvslenl nnd mental on-,,reo tl ulooil t,1,s Irritating add. orgy when wo consldor tho loss of out becomo work trom tno overworK; lljitlihiir Ix IttNil IVonoiiiy. Oood skin enro Is n necessity to the man thnt wants an abundance of DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHPELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue GoodrunVs.Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars a 17 Central Av. Plum il7:M. time from feeling "out of sorts." and from nctunl disease, tho fow mlnutea thnt tho Bpongo bath requires each dav nrn economically Riifint I Mnrn Minn tlilfl llin romfnrl Mm llltrllVAMtfllAII M...1 4 I. a ilnll. . ' uiimuiuiiuu aim iud lUUilllK U4 KCU ernl woll being following a morning sponge bnth mnkvs It n real luxury. AIWnNISTHATIO.V 1X)KC11S WIS OYKll JNHUKUIJNTS IN OOX'K.V. TfO.V OF SfODl'UtN WOOIWHIV OF AMKHIOA. AT TODKDO. Br AuU(4 l're to Cm Dtf TIM J TOLfebO, O., Juno 18. Tho ad-, mlnlstrntlon forces won toilav at tho national, convention of tlio Modern Vpodmp of America vhon, o, voto Mas taken lu a stormy session. A urnnglo over tho open report of tho commltteo on credentials ended In a voto of apcoptauce, 233 to 125. Tho committee's report bar8 tho insurgent delegations from tho convention. Dlnddor irritations, kidney trou bles, dull headaches, weariness, paix In tAek and sides, all show the kid ney o need to bo tonod up, strength ened, Uiolr ' regular action restored. FoleyM Kidney Pills will do It sure ly nnd quickly. They slvo good health, freedom from palu, a roturu of appetite and sound sleep. Try .thorn. Ovl Pre scription Pharmacy. Frank D. (Jo ban. Opposite, Ohandjer Hotel. Phone tlii Cootrnl Avenue DrUe Store, local agency, i tlOS'T 1.0SK HTiKHP COUflHINO AT NIOHT Tako Foley's Honoy and Tar Cora pound, It glides doMrn your throat nnd spreads a healing, suothlng coating ovor tho' inflamed tfoltllne surface, That's Immediate relief. It loosons up the 'tightness 'n your chest, stops' stuffy whoety breathing, use. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74, Central Aronut Drug Store, local agency. 1DKAI; FltEM OROVK AND PIONIO GROUNDS nHn(f your lonch baslcotB, kodak 'and fishing tackle for a fow days' ovtlug-. Sunday School and all plcnlo crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Coos Ulver every day, Mai-tfhffolri Time Tnblel Launch Kxpresa, week days, leaves, t a, ra.; Steamer Rain h,ow leaves atarshfleld at 8 a. m., every SuHday and 2 p. ni. week days, "For charter and nlcnlo ar rangements, apply ' on board they got sluggish; tho ellmlnattvo tls suos clog and thus tho waste Is ro talnod In tho blood to poison tho en- tiro Bystotn. When your kidneys acbo and feel llko lumpa of lead, and yon have stinging pains In tho back or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, or, the bladder la irritable, obliging you to seok relief during the night; when you bavo sovore headaches, nervous and dzty spoils, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad weath er, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; tako a ta blespoonful In a glass of wator be fore breakfast each morning and; In a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Uthla, ,and h,as been used for generations to flush and stlmulato clogged kidneys, to neu tralize tho aclda In urlno so It Is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disor der?. ,, Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and can not Injure; makes a delightful effer vescent llthia-water drink, and no body can make a mistake by taking a little occasipnally to keep the k(d nejrs clean and active. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that aro Right all the time, SERVICE that is satisfactory. ' DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner ( Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 790 South Broadway Phones Convenience and Safeguard j SUJ If you hnvo Mcr Ntiiinbleil on the ilailc basement Hteps, you cnu real ize ulint n convenience It N to have nn i:iectrlo Light Hwltcli ut the head of the Mnli'H. When planning your nciv home or the tcmodcllui; of your p resent hmiic, don't forget the Nwlttli on itomeiuber to Imliide rlc the baseiiiciit htnli-H, or the Hwltcli K,tH( porch llulits, baneboard tot to light tho hccoiiiI floor llghtH e. ti)r ,j,0 t iruiis nnd oth from the flint floor. iippliaiicrH, . fo , , ... Itfi ftlmplor nnd Iew fpailfl to plllll tllOJte llllllgM iiviorc i" "n work In xtnrted. mm&tti 8KB YOUR KLKCTRIOATi WEAlj Kit or telephone to im. Oregon Power! Company TolOiilimin 178. Cor. Second and Ccuu;I WALL FAPER See VIERS About it, NOA8AVT jpOBS OB YOUR COLLARS If, you Ikve tne, 1aaadere4 TWIN CITY STEAM LAVNDllY Yftur. Luqdry , to Us By Parcel Post Wtf PUKNtSpL J tUB AND Will PAY THE P6$TAGB ON 1X8 r , EETURN. r Cops Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J MarshfieW & Ta.e Times Aoei Job prla(Uff. .-I Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE ABSTRAf T CO., Inc. HENRY BKNGOTAqKEN, ' JM(Uger PAKAI, COAL, T1MUER AND PLATTING LANDS A, PSqALTI. GHNEIIAL AGENTS BA8TSIDK MAItSHFIKLD OFFICE. PnONB 4-J. ' OOQUILLS; CITY OFFIOB PnON i01 new oei nx. w , rui uanu a"i( . Eureka The iteaiysfclp Qee. W. Slier completely refurnished pracleaj ly atew sfeamaotj-wlll aa(l for Portland erery Thursday and w Eureka every Monday. ,Sallafrom P.ortland every Sunaay w a. a. I v - . North Pacific Steamship .Co- Pi. w ?. P. M'QEpaii, Agent. , Alliance .Peck, Marshtleld. Phene 44. ' H.' W. PAINTpn. Agent, 1 1 1 r f r ' fff' - t ah -: ortft & P0Be r ra