fAL SCRVIC SISTS Of DOING AND NOT TALKING ABOUT DOING A IIAXXKIt YEAR This tiCUSC is with lirlKlitor great Coos Hny y country Hum lils(iry, l'or nUlng. Arc you foundation for m&m DON'T SCATTER SHOT nrostcrtfl taf And ("o.juiiju Concentrate ,vimi' ndwiilslng In the newspaper Hint muliiN the peo 1U ,vmi want to talk to. Aiuuitinl tlon rilf money. The Times wives money to nth ci titers. cvcr IICIOIU tiino mo lr jours? 11 z& MKMIJKU OP THE ASSOC1ATKI) 1MIESS u3Litaoix.aiLaaMit,li.ii:ii.i:aHiU;'i.vfc? ' " ttstnlillshrd 1R7H " " " - - - ' V0L XXXVII. n8Ti.ocN.ktMu MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 17, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Conolltlntloii of Tlineo. Conxt Mall ami Coos May AihertNer. No. 279 CON (Eons ita IEXI HE DEPEND ON IN II imonnnn Dnlenates Telonranh Long Report of Conference Yesterday DISTINCT CHANGE IN POLICY IS PKUBABLE Junrtn Dnlenates Show Great Anxiety of Have Conference Continued (Itr Amoflilfil Vmt lo Coo, lit,? Tlmm.) NIAGARA TALKS. Juno 17. On linent depends tlio next miivc In tlio k.c.i.i rrnm inn iv iinniiiuLiiii uutiMii- (actuation eonroroneu. American Iclcj;atca telegraphed u long report cf tlio conference yesterday nt Huf- ifnlo wiili tlio Cnrrnnzu rcpreceiitu itlvc.i Tlio general fooling here I tint the United RlatoH possibly may himitr.iinito n distinct ciinugc or poi- Mcy MtiD ueen protiiieuti uy mu im- rni.ii.t.,mui,i. niiiiiifin fir iirrni 7n SilsimtflicM telling of friction hoiwoou MsimtrhcM telling of friction hetweon Carrnnzu nnd Villa, roports of a nip- irn in Knnnrii hntwron fiovornor viiiiv ... ,.."..- ..-.-....,. . - .m in Kniiorn iiniwnnti iinvertior ntniorcnii mm urai'ini uuivnuu, news or tno uoiiBiiuiuonaiiBi reverses .1 .ii. .... rtitn it'inin villi l)OWI (III HUIU 4tllll nun, i iiiiu iiiu oth on land nml non. Whllo tho icillntlon tlniH fnr has nccompllBhe.l Ittle, tho Huortii dologntea showed rent anxiety todny to liavo tho nnfnrollCO COIltlnilCd. 1IIIKAC1I NOT SKHIOUH inr AH.WM i-m. io .vo, n.r ti.m.i ivARiiiMfiTONn. c. Juno 17.- Cons i.utlonallstB' re pruenlntlvcH' llicre said tho apparent hreach he- Ilicn Vllln and Cnrranza wns not rm icrlntw iib It npnonn. Carratua s roprosentntlves oxplnlned VIlln'H ro- lelKnlng his commisBion anil impris-. oning r.irrnnzn BticnucrH mm uiu rt iilt of tho former'B determination I in r'd lilmsalf of tho troublOBOiuo liolltlrlnns who liavo hoon nssnrlat- i with Cnrrann, mid making trou- llle hetweon tho two' men. In tho opinion of tho louden, Villa will- I proceed to tnko mipromo command of Northern Mexico and tho dlffor- iiiri'H iietweon ho nml Carranzn wilh ItlP COIlipOHCll. POLICE CALLED TD QUELL RIOT Skirmish Between Administra tion and Insurgent Factions of Modern Woodmen ID AswcliM Vrtf lo Co". Wr itm-. fnt pnn m,i Tunn 17A stilr-1 I """" "i". U....V, ... .- imisn ami near riot ueiweon mo ininisiraiton nna insurgcni iutuuu of the Modern Woodmen of Amer- lea, that provoked n cull of tho po- IIpa r.i..,iA Inlnv Thn trOU Ma fi4n.l ...Km Il.nil fnn ail 1 ' 'Tlll- lOt tried to adjourn tho sosslon un til tno credentials committee iw imported. Pnndemonliim ensued and it took two hours to clear tno una- MOUNT TiASSKX QUIIH'. Black Smoke Ih Still Touring from tho Crater. IB 7 AtucUtol rreu Cm. B TIbm.1 Tcrrti.?n ,.! T..nA 1 7 Vniint lessen continued quiescent today, al- luougn uiacK amoKe is sun .iuui"t from the crator. J. H. Dlllor, of tho it c rnntnnii .rrav lnft from " W. UCUUILai M.Wf .- '- - nere to make observations, .MAY KKSTOUi; IB.CK. 10 AMOCI1U4 riw .0 Cool I TlBWl MRXICO CITY. Juno 17. High of flrlnio nt n.n iiovi.iiii fnvernment stated that mntt'en of great Import- "ute would uo aisciiBseu in m "- neon elu"""v"MVri ' i,V iinl session of tho Chamber of pepuMM'.on for the preBMency of the , Unl Which would result In tllO COIlipletO restoration of peace. XO DAMAGE DONE. KaUer Wilhelm II Arrives Safely nt Southampton. IBr A.iocuie4 r 10 Cooo Ur TIbm.J . SOUTHAMPTON, Juno 17. The Kaiser Wllholm II retoirned horo to- nlnl.i i...i .!.. aiifforpil 110 "Bin, IIUVWi; OllU'K. -"".' ." , ,tn nnrnar.A i.iA y.a ...oinp llnA in tne collision with tho steamer Insemoro during a fog. WITIIDItAWAT. IU.QUIT. Doinlnicnn Oovenimeiit Says A inert can Consul Is Partial. (Dr Auoclttod Freoi to Cool Dor Tim-. SANTO DOMINGO, June 17---The Dominican government has asked tne I'nlted States for tho Immediate witn grawal of the American consul at uerta Plata on tne grounu i. -had sided with tho revolution. Tho GEO. AV. ELDEIt sails Tl.urs-1 otMW iv. .T..n. in f fi n. in. from.MarsnuBm day, Juno 18, nt 0 p. WILL IS1GI0N ADVICES LASI BALLOQN LANDED SAFE Roy Donaldson and Wilbur Henderson in Portland Aero Race Had Hard- Time mr Awaivts rrm In Co. tlj TlniM.l PORTLAND. Or., .In tie 17. Roy Donaldson ami Wilbur llcmlersor, I-.lot iitul aide of the Imloon Sprlm: ilehl, wlili h disappeared Tlium in night nfier it liml started in n ru fi'Kin lieie with three other ti'illoniiH sl.tggered In the Walker's Prairie f (i rent r miter's station this lunrnliri oxhiius'ed. lint unhurt. They land- tllI t s n. in., Frldnv on the rocky hide of Tahle Mtiiitilnlu. nhout is ...n..u .... ,. .n..... n.,.. r... iit. ...'. ...n .n..... n.... rH..... ti..ii...H niiivn no it iiuvii inn' limn diiii'i n I'rnirie, wiilcn Is 18 tulles southonst 0f I'ortlnnd Lost and without nititihos. thoy liml wnndored through ,tu motnltis until they viuiio upon ,l0 r.mger'H stntlon. The i,3ii0oh liinded on n rocky ilnnn nml wna a IiikIIv iliililtlL'Oil slnpo nml was so Imdly dnmngeil that It Is prohahto Donaldson will mnko no effort to recover It. Tho nuronnuts wandered from Frldny mornhiR until Into yesterday before !??. Vr' LL ,n.?!iph ,:""K.,t ' "! " ," UVL""V '."' ,,' ' Milnr , ,,. ,r,,, ,imm, a., n,innni.iin wnB ent , , , nornllg ,0 brIlg tlicm . AT F Policeman Misuses Gun Ma chine Occupied by Ambas sador From Germany n. amotKIo-1 rtM to Coo nr Ttm. CHAMPAIGN. III.. Juno 17. A special policeman fired nt nn nuto occupied by Count Von Hernstorff, Ambassador from Gurinuny. when the driver rofused to stop while on his way to commencement exercises nt tho University of .Illinois. Tho Ambassador was the guest of Oeorgo Meeker, of Cblrngo, who wns driving tho mr Vice-President Klnley, of thn iTnlvorslty. and Dr. B. I). Orecn. ngQ ,n .,0 cnr. TIlO pollCOman .... u i..i nt Hi. Hra n'hnn iiiSBOriVII lie llltu " ,.,w ... --.---- tip rnr refusod to stop, uiu aicnitur charged tho snot wns nimuu jiuun ivlnnlc nt tho car. The Mayor raado Iormai apology to tho Ambassador a formal apology to tho Ambassador and said tno ponceinuu nuum u removed. . JlAlllllACK IVW UI'KBl.D. Sup'reino Court of WNeouslii neTejcH Jiiilfimcni or iwwcr Willi. Dr AoMiHttd mw ! Tlimn.1 Mimcnv u'la.. June 17. The Supremo Court sustained the Consti tutionality of the eugenic marriage law, reversing the Judgment of the Milwaukee county circuit court, which declared It Invalid, HUM. FOII 1'IIKSlllK.NT, Detroit Mnn Hocominentled for Shut tle Unlveihlty by .'ret. Wll""", DETItOIT, Mich., Juno H, Al though I Imvo not sought tho office, It Is pleasing to know (hat my friends havo thought mo wortay of filling tho position," said Dr. Lawrenee C. lull today, when told that he had beon recomraenueu oy rmjiucui. .. . - ... ll'noh nitlnn ni Meaiiiu. Ho admitted the matter had been mentioned to mm, um - Inlte action had been taken. SUFFHAGETTES' NEW tMX Chains Herself to Ixiiiilon Statute anil Asks Aid. .. ...i.i..l Prcai to C00( 0r TlffiM.) LONDON. June 17. A nillltant suffragette created a diversion In the center of tho cli by chaining herself to a statue of tho Duke of Wellington In front of tho Itoyal BxchtiSS She then shouted to the crowdcalling on them to Intervene in behalf of Imprisoned .women Eventually she was removod by the police. EIJvS NOTICE. There will be an Important meet ing tomorrow. Wednesday evening, o which every Elk Is urgently In ked There will be an Initiation alT a farewell to a w-..nown brothers, wno, "" .;- " FIRES AUTO CONVEYING OUR V. UIUU Ul .... .-...... THOS. B. JAMES, Sec, BUTTE MINERS VOTED T Will Decide Whether Union Cards Shall Be Shown at Copper Mines nr AorUtl I'm, ts Coo, lur Tlm..1 llt'TTP Mmil limn 17 Vnflnr. hy tlio copper miners of llutte on the question of showing their union curds nt the mines hero begnn this morning nml will continue until midnight. The referendum wng he gun hy the seceders of the union, ..nil in uuuuy.i HK.IIIDI uu uuim- 0 iiiiiuiiuiiuciiiniiuuBuyuiuviiiuniiT1p Alm,rrnlls announced thnt tlie.v i-deration, .no moveiuo. t to nri ng( lUV II tUIIIHlllUW Kit l"W H'W tions wns started todny. Miss Helen Mesow, Known as Second Helen Keller, May Be a Suicide llf A.uKlitod rrra, lo Coot lit? Tlmn I OAKIiANI). Cnl Juno 17. Miss Helen Mesow, tho blind soprano singer, known ns "Tho llolen Keller of the West," wiib found dead In her apartment Into Inst night. Tho eauno of her tieatli hub not uuoii fl.ti.iftiiliifiil A nnnnii mnnil In nil empty glnsB In tho bathroom will bo examined to sco If It continued poi son. TO BE ISSUED Millions of Dollars of New Cur rency to Be Issued by Regional Banks III AMorltlod rrroi to Com II" r i"M.) WASIIINOTON. 1). C. Juno 17. .Millions or dollars worth or paper iiinnoi- nf tho now tvno will bo put Into circulation upon the establish ment of tho Federal iiosorvo nanus within n fow weeks. Under tno i-ou- eral Heservo Imnk net, each or tin twelve federal reserve banks win recolvo ndvnncos from tho Itusorvu Hoard In tho1 form or notes, n dis tinctly now sort of paper money. AVAU IN IIUTTB. John r0ii'e' Suy W'exlern Krder ailuu Muot Fight It Out. Ill; Au lito( rrM lo Com r TlmM.l HUTTK, Mpnt., June 17. John C. Iwney, jijomher of the executfvo board of the Western Federation, throw- down tlio gauntlot to the dls gntlsfled faction and declared unre lenting warfaro against them. MAINE IS LOST Vessel Presented to England by Americans During South African War Wrecked Dr AuocUtt4 Pr lo Cm Br TH. OLASGOW, Scotland, Juno 17. The hospital ship Malno, presented to the Hrltlsh nation by Amorlcan women during tho South African war, went ashore today In tho Firth of Lome, on tho west coast of Scot land during a fog. It Is feared that sho will be a total loss. NEWS OF SUMNER (Special to Tho Times.) A meeting was hold at the Sum ner Hall this week for the purpose of talking about a Fourth of July picnic. Committee on music, sports, re freshments and so forth, wore nam ed. Tho plonlc will be followed hy a dance In tho evening. The Sumhor orchestra noiu a m.mini? meetlnc at the Sumner Hall last Tuesday, about twenty visitor being present, sorao or mum t joyed tho evening dancing. :.- nr ii Ttianir pnw tnstlnir exnert. Jeft for "isthmus Inlet today, having completed ins worn m " in.... for this month. The Sumner Orchestra will meet at the Sumner Hall Tuesday 16 visi tors welcomed. BLIND SINGER IS EOUNO DEAR PAPER MONEY unQpiTAJ QHip POLO OOP TO ' ENGLISH TEAM Americans Defeated in Second of Series of International Games Today Itlr A.iorlitM t'rrtt lo Cool Dr Tlmfi.t NEW YOHK, Juno 17. The West chester cup, tho much sought trophy emblematic of tho polo chnniploiiBhlp of the world, Is stored todny ninong tho effect of tho Hrltlsh Invaders nml Sntiirdny will start on Its sec ond trip across the Atlantic Tlio score of 4 to 2 'ft hy which It wna won, told only part of tho story of ,, , , ,,,,., ... fought gnnie over plnveii. W()(lll, clmUcnw for glimo IK,xt yenr. I Rnnmn Smith nnd Frank WIlitG ULUiyu Oil ill UllU riaim vviirn. oalu tO HaVC UOntCSSCU IO Many Holdups lllr AhivKIM Cfr.. to Too, liar Tlmn.l POItTLANI). Or., Juno 17 Oeorgo ARREST TWO EOR FIGHTING Smith. nllOB Harry Smith. iiUns fleo. wards im that Is held by your peo 0. Melbourne, and Krnnk Wltlto wero pie. 1 nssure you that tho loss Is arrested after holding up n restaur- not so grent as at first glV'Mi out. . ... . ".. :.!., ... ...in ..,.1 iiviwi.i. t"i:i) nnn nn uiu litre, i lie iiiuii uiu biiiii hi iiihu ....!. .., ,n ,.,... .u i. ,.i, I,,,,.. u.i.i,.i. recently baffled tho police. a.,.ii. i.na u..ri.n.i Lirma in iiui u'lmli. Ington and California penitentiaries for robbery. . i First Officer of Storstad Says He Did Not Hear Signals of Other Ship llr A.uxlitfel I'M" to Com p. Tlmn.I QUB1JBC, Can., June 17. Alfred Tuflenes, first officer of tho collier Storsttid. took the witness stand again today when the Kinpress of Ire land wreck Inquiry wiib resumed. Tuftones suld ho did not know wheth- nr ii u piitita in koi n iiontiH ror n Or HIS CUIIllllll Kl Ullliun iui pcedy trip with coal for tno Doinln- Ion Coal Company between Sydney .. . .. ... i i.. i...lnHInii unu .Momruui. wiihiiiii iiiiiiumuui sitting In the rear of tho court room, , i -i ii n...i -.... H...I I, ilm UB UBKI'U HUl'lll l, "" iwnu in negative. TuftencB Buld thut when WRECK NQUIRY RESUMED TODAY tho Bmpress' lights first emtio lntonyH ho was not surprueu. jir. n view Bhe was ntrotit a mile and a half , Bard says t hat Miller hits i not been uway. Ho said ho did not henr the closely confined nt the Coqull Ii Jnll Emnresa blow two long UinBta anu.anu aim nuu iuih i uin"" Ilia, u.aa u'liv ll lllll tint Htlll). Tllft" ones was In charge of the collier Im mediately prior to tne collision. Resolutions Passed Endorsing Social Organizations of Women. Pr AnotlH4 rrtM lo Coot Btr Tlau J CHICAGO, June 17. The closing sessions 'of tho convention of the uoneral federation of women'H club was held today, Resolutions were. passed endorsing tho social organua itmta r u-niium nn outlined hv tho ag ricultural department and the body wont or rncoru u upihk iu uihiuoi tlou to the liquor traffic. MUS. SIMON ENEOKEN and Mrs, A. Ingman left this week ror wnsu, Finland, where thoy will spend most of the summer visiting rela tives. MRS. CHARLES TIIORWALD. of Dunkor HIH. expects to lenvo on .tho noxt Ilroakwater to visit at tho home of her parents In Mlnno- ; a polls. FRANK HEATH came up last oven- . S It. . If nonlifitlli fnlwh tit WOli'S CLUB SESSIONS CLOSE I?.."? .lv.i.:"''u" ;.r-v.Vi.i;n !. case aVe'dln'g 'Voir " honTymoon Ho returned there toaay. r..w,m-i finivii MTii:(ii'rit7it DAXCK at the FINNISH Hall, gluii S VHATUIVrJuileS CONSTITUTIONALIST GUNBOAT TAMPICO SUNK BY EEDEBALS BANDON MAYOR THANKS ALLEN Says He Appreciates Expres sion of Sympathy and Of- terrca Assistance Mnynr Allen la In receipt of n hitter from Mayor .1. W. Must, of liHitiUin, In which ho and tho fit I ?eiiH of Mnishfle'd are thanked for iron- of Mnnhfled are thanked ror their sympathy ati.l assistance o.fer- 0,1 on the day of the fire. Mayor Allen offered IliiniUui the services Pnnilnii. fir., .limn l'2. 1111 I. i "Mr. V. K. Allen, Mayor of Marsh- ricll. Dear Sir: On the part of the iiii,ton. I life to thank ............. ... . . -- -- you heartily for your expression of iiympnthy and offered assistance, tiio .. .... . f iiuiih Jill 1 wit it a I'lUHlMU'l? ill nil iiiiiiiv in juiii HHLrin lioro yoHtenlny Ih taken iik a fltrout; ... ...udliii. .. Ik. .,.....! f.uilliii.u til . - ..-. ... , !i . T its inini wns m.iilu from estlmntei mndo by myself mill concurred In by annio of tho best business iiion III the town. Tho figures, nru npprox Imntely correct nml you liavo my per. mission to givo mum otii us such. 1 lmve tho dotnlls or tlio estimate, but will not tnko time to glvo them. "Again thanking you for your uood friendship. 1 remain, yours very Blncerely, J. W. MAST, Mayor." oi me .(inmiiuiiu uiu uviuu !'. c'onHtltutlonnllKis lest ten killed mm hut owIiik to n lack of trntmpuitntlon , WOUMut.(( ,m, i.vdenilH none. Iu facilities. Mayor Mast did not nccepl m,,m,r nt the outcome. Cnptuln Mal- the offer, but extended his thaiikH ,,,,. ,, hiH (,,f ,,KmH,r, after neverthelewi. The text of his lot- fKltK wlth great bravery iignlnHt tor to Mayor Allen toltowtt: ,V. mllHi ,.ommliteo stilcklo. .. t--....... - f ttiit !.' 1 I... a. I.. !.. tU.i liiv. SAYS VAOGRAN HELPS 1LLERL Attempt to Break Jail Bslioved A n. Atl Ttlnl Ctnrlo to Be AidTrial Starts Monday Tho report rrom Coqitlllo that J. v... ii. i. ,.n Mi., iniilii wltnoHu for tho ..... V.Vn I Btate In the mho of Urry M r ' . will bo placed on trial om ) tut rnlilillli, tin Mvrth I'olnt llUUK. "". - -----, , , 'attempting lo break Jull caused quite ti utlr lii.rn. - "!",:: , .. .. . ,,. ,,il,. I C. I. Itelgard, attorney for Ml er. I,r..nl lull nnrenllv bu lias been con fitted In tho ouler jnll with Jack MarBden, who Is awaiting trial on the charge of violating IiIb parolo. t- iii.limril unvu Hint Miller lniH no desire to get away pending the trial because ho wants to get me munu. cleared up. . . I I n Qlominlnr it MvrllO I'Olllt IB iiBsoclu'ted with Mr, Itelgard In de truding Miller nnu it is qxpeqieu mai the trial will bo one of tho tutrdoHt fought criminal cubch that has been known In this county. The evldenco against Miller Is said to bo Inrgely circumstantial and a largo amount of testimony will have to be Introduced. It may take two weeks or moro to try tlio enso. Miller's wlfo Is expected hero with in a day or two from Portland. She will remain during tho trial. Mr. Helgurd waB rioiing rnmur against Miller Many Searches. Soveral sonrcheB have beon made by tho officers on duo glvon by Vaiighan as to the hiding place "f tho money stolen from the Myrtle Point bank So far not oven n traco has beon found. Vaiighan Insists thnt Miller told him h dozen different pluces whore the money wag hidden. Vaiighan Kept Alone. During the absence of Prosecuting Attorney LHJeqvlst. Shorlff Gago and IiIh deputies have not permitted uny one to see Vaiighan. .Thoy even do. tiled C I. Itelgard tlio- privilege nf seeing Vaiighan tho other day. Witness lx Missing. a fiMintWa VmIIhv traiinar named Harris Is being sought a a witnes) turns is now snm to In I.r.tUh Co.umhhi n..firiliiiif to tlio tales tolit by Vaughni). might bo able to Klvo some corrobotatlve nldonco In the ta8e , ,. GEO U. Kljl.l.ll -JJ- 11-- jubilant yesterday concerning be J-1 V"' ' ' over and yesterday from a. tempt of ynughan to break Jail a. he .""v", 8nn Francisco, believes that It U In.llcatlv. I .in ' w Jn Ak ,, Jnck Vutiuliun 11008 not kiiuw uiijimihh. Guerrero is Sole Surviving Warship Representing Either Faction on West Side CAPTAIN OF TAMPICO ! KILLS SELF IN DESPAIR Naval Battle Witnessed hy American Warships New Orleans and Perry I ttjr AmocUtril Vm lo Coik nT Tlmni ON I.OAIM) lr. H. i. CAMKOUNIA. I Mazatliin. June 17.1 lly window.1)- The CuiiHtltutloiinllstH' KiinVoat Tnin- plco was sunk yesterday hy tho I'edernl gunboat tluerrero, In twenty- two fathoms of waters, lenxliig tho m,rn,n, t10 .lllt. 8rtivliit warship rH,,r,.pmK ,.iher faction on tho WM t lf M,.xlt.0. T,. ,..,. ,.,.,, ,,,... ,.. T)l0 Tlio nnvnl Imllle belwoeil thu Mox ...w (...... ........ .... ..... .... -- icini ships wis witnessed by tho mited Htntes ships Now Orloans. iwrv nml Preble. Tim enienuemont occurred off Topohibnmpo. Homo of the crew or tho Tampico were res- I... 1 1.. Mom Mtltfiiiu t)ilnli riiiiii iiy tutr prn w"i tvs accompanied the (luerrero southward yestprday. Othurs wore rescue.; by tho Guerrero, A report that tho Tampico lintl sunk has not been verified. Thl Is tho second time the Constitution- .. ; ,. , ... . . n. n st warshln has suffered at tlio limids of the KeiloralB. Tho Tarn- iilco wob Hunk June II and only yesterday was repaired so nho could move under her own steam, Tho (luerrero Is nearly twico tlio Uo of tho Tampico. CKVHll IH UKI'OUTl.1). inr ahojUioj rrrn io coo iu? tioim i VBUA CIIU., Juno 17.- -Hiitlflll subJectH arriving hero from Mexico City todny reported a recent clash be tween lluortn mid Hrltlsh Minister Cnrren. (JUT CAUUANA I.IS'I'. Mexican MedlaToiN Confer with Itelx-J KeiuvM'iilalUeM. Pr AmwUIM I'fM lo Cw llr Timfo ) VIAflAKA l.'Al.lJt. Ill mi 17. Thn m.irli'iin ixiiiiiiiluHliitiuru motored ov er lo Murrain vesterdnv to confer with I .. ........... ...if.il...... it 1fiti..rnl lnrrntivfl I U I'ov'lliiitij, vn iv .,v..w..., w,. .. ...... I MV vium.ii """ ... "Oti Sh!,H.!omwn,lmrf0?o i. ...... .!.... 1...1 '.... t.rfiLli.liiiii1 urohl Tney expected to obinin me niiiiif have solecled for provisional prosl- dent. SII.VEUTO.V EIIITOH GUIITY. Condition ror Mitel In Mt. Angel im Kiihlnliicil by Htipieiiie Court. inr A.tii rno to vo iur ti. HAI.B.M. Or.. Juno 17 - Tho con viction or J. E. Hosiner, editor or the Sllverlon Journnl, In circuit court hero ror criminally libelling the prioress or the Uenedlctluo con vent nt Mt. Angel, wub affirmed by thu Supremo Court, llosmor printed n pamphlet relating to thonllogcd story of Mary Lascniiu to tho effect thnt she was kidnaped nni mistreated at tho convent by the prioress and priests. PEUKONA I. O VKHFLOW null ! MltS, F. E. WESTERIlEItG and son. George, left today for a visit with, friends In Dandou. Sl'PT. A. G. 11AAH of tho North Doiid schools, wns a MurBhfleld liinlnesH visitor today. C II, MAH8H has returned from Portland, where he attended the Btutu Masonic meeting. MltS. HOWARD DUNNING and daughter Isabel, have gono to Min neapolis to visit relatives, MISS NORM AN, who has been visit ing Mrs. U. A. Ilowatt left on the Elder yeiiterdny for her homo. Merchant left today for whero they will spend J. W. HKNNKTT, J. N. Tonl and Col. Cnholl, who are Hilling orl Ton Mile, are expected to return hero Friday. C. F. HOONK, o( Myrtle Point, left on the early morning train nftor spending three days In tho city on htiilnoss. ROV M'DKItMOTT. of Coqullle, lott on tho early morning train uftor peudlng a few dayB hero on husl uowi mntiora. 1. M. imLW.KW'ia, county road maslH?f toi he from Coqullle yontonla) looking after wont In tlilt section. B. Ii. HAGUBWOOO ha returned to Portland after an extondwl visit at tho h of his sliter, Mrs. F. K. WeatorlHirg. HUGH M'LAIN and wife returned on thu George V. Elder from Port land, where thoy were uttendlng the Rfne Carnival. The GEO. V. FLDEIt sails Thur. tluy, June 18, nt 0 p. in. from Mnrhliflehl for Portland. lLl lll.inill.Mirn I IWMf IIA If'l' fl. .'larstineia for' roitianu.