THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELdToREGQN, MQNDAY, JUNE 15, 1914- EVENING EDITION. .-. THREF C.ffiliU I" schtffntr & Mitt 0 nint tor how well vou lllav fin inn nl' f1 .' innw) steps, if your clothes ami t correct and in good histe. you'll not nmko a llAHT SCHAFFXEH & M.VHX flotlu-s are designed and inade exactly right. They'll Rive you the ease and eom iort you Avant; they'll give vou the "air" you 'ought to have. The worth in stvle and wear make them the hest step for you. At $18 to ?35 ::::: Woolen Mill Store Tho Homo of Hnrt Sclinffncr & Mmx Good Clothes. BREVITIES t TIDICS FOIt JUNK. Below Is given the tttu and height of hlch ana low water nt Marahflcld. The tides nre placed In the order of occurrence, with tholr times on the first line and holghta on tho Bocoid line of each day; a compar ison of couseciltlvo heights will In dicate whother It Is high or low water. For high water on the har subtract two hours 34 minutes. All clothing purchased in this store will be kept pressed free of charge. IRVING BLOCK wMUuwu SEE OUR WINDOW FOR HIGH-GRADE MERCHANDISE AT LOW PRICES. WHY? Because We Sell For Cash. JP''"lBHiiiBB-M i.r3 1.0 2.42 i!r." 3.30 2.1 4.25 E'.is 2.5 S.52 5.2 8.05 n.3 10.18 5.G 11.01 n.7 11.44 b.s 15'Hrs. . 1.50 7.43 In... 2.1 4.4 lCillrs. . 3.00 8.G9 Ft. . . l.S 4.2 17Hrs. . 4.04 Ft. ..1.4 3.0 ISfllrs. . 4.r.!i li.m Ft. . . 0.0 4.0 tO'Hrs.. 5.51 12.25 !Ft. .. 0.5 l.t - . , WEATHER FORECAST in? AnclitM I'rfM f Coo, !) Tln.) OREGON Continued warm; northerly winds. r . . LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For the 24 hours ending at 4; 13 n. m June 15, by IJonJ. Ostllnd, Bpeclal government me teorologist: Maximum C8 Minimum 48 At 4:43 n. ni 50 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1913 05.57 Preclnltntlon same period last year CI. 12 wind: northwest, clear. North JJend-KmpIro road. Thoy also arranged ror new work In Ilrcws'er Valley and on tho Middle Fork. They stnto that Supervisor Perkins Is" doing somo flno work between Sltnset liny and tho lighthouse. Council Tonight. The Mnrshfield City Council will meet tonight and will probably take steps to go ahend with tho South Broadway hard pav ing. Son Is Hum. Word has been re ceived hero of tho birth of n boh to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monroe at their homo nt Olenadn. Mr. Monroe for merly resided on the liny. Court ToOny. Judge Coke went to Coqulllo todny to open nn ndjourned term of circuit court. He will prob nbly hand down decisions In the Hnn don port case and n Uandon bnnk case. Finds Hont. 11. O. Graves todov found a rowboat In Conl Hnnk inlet which he believes Is one that Eugene O'Connoll lost and wns advortlslnc for In Tho Times. Mr. O'Connoll Is now up Coos River, but F. 12. Hngue Bald that ho would look tho matter up. Mnny on Cdso. C. A. Smith, F. K Wilson, II. Nerdrum, Arno Mercen, nnd J. W. Chapman nre among tho witnesses to testify In some Federal Court cases nt Portland. One of the cases Is that of Jnck Pnrker, who Is suing for brench of contract, al leging that ho wns dlschnrgod by tho Smith Company becmiBo he sued for damages for the death of his brother. Another Is tho Mnrtllln caso against tho pulp mill. Suicide Sent Enst. At tho request of relatives of E. P. Hopkins, who ended his life when he Jumped Into to bay Frldny evening, Coroner Wilson 'yesterday shipped the body to Rural Retreat, Vn,. In response to n message sent to J, S. Hopkins, father of the dead mini. Instruc tions woro received by Marshal Car ter early yesterday morning and Coroner Wilson forwarded tho body by Wclls-Fnrgo express to tho sui cide's relatives. Suit or Hmk. Mr. SwlUor, for merly purser nnd wireless mnn on tho Hrcakwatcr, but recently In tho Ilreakwnter office nt Portland, nrrlv I .Motorcycle Trip. Chester Rlggs c cro onuiniiiy mi iuko a nntioii mill viiiiuure lorucu, WHO IlUVe U0OI1 "l "' imu-utuiui i ruuniuiiimuii employed on Tho Times, expect to 'Company nnd may bo assigned to leave In a fow days for a motorcyclo "lu Rodoudo. Ho wns nccompnnled i trip to various California and south- '' ''Is wife. Ho stntes Hint L. H. jem points. .Keating, formerly of Mnrshflold, I To Tvn .Mile. J. X. Teal and Col. I who Ib ngont for tho Hronkwntor ' H. C. Cabell, formerly In tho U. S. 'nt l'ortlnnd, Is doing flno nnd Is Army nt Vancouver, arrived yestor- "ou ' more. tiny via Drain to spend a woek or so I Hwu-h Acme In October. Tho fishing at Ten Mile. Thov will come' Western Union lino crow which Is . . . t.l..l. .1 1- . Tolophono 77. We hnvo decided to run our speclnl GRANITE EXAMELWAHE SAM J Tuesday nnd Wednesday for tho benefit of out-of-town trndo that have not been able to take advantngo of this sale as advertis ed In Saturday's Issue. Seo Saturday Times for prices. Schroeder and Hildenbrand HARDWARE AND PLl'MRING. lRKUPhEYOU W KNOW ABOUT SECOND COUNT CHANGES LEAD riASSIf IED ( v W IP A yw 2L ALS Unique and Magnificent Knsy of access, rght In the business section of MnrBhflold, over looking Coos liny. Tho railroads, shipping nnd manufacturing dls trlrls. with wide BtcetB on tho lontour of tho land, no heavy cuts, or expensive fills, alleys and cross streets for ogress and deliv ery. ONLY A-SHOHT TIME to select Bites or Investments at 300 to SC00 nor lot In tho NEW BEDFORD ADDITION Purchnso subject to r contract, or deed; contract provides for t good and deed with abstract showing morchantablo title. Contract and deed will be Issued In a reasonable tlmo n'ftor purchase agreement. Strfibsman (Sb Co. UNI North llrondwuy Mundiflcld, Oicgou. hero Inter. Hard on Autox. J. C. Kendall, who returned yesterday, 8tates that mo iiench routo Is proving very hard stringing tho wlro between Eugene and Coos liny along tho Wtllamotto Pacific right-of-way, will probably bo laid off In tho near futuro to on tho nulos. Thoy wero Blow coming nwnlt tno completion of two InrKO now irom unnnnor nnd he titlnka i ""k, ih-iubb mu oumuw unci, some now Borvlrn will havn in lm do- Tho wires will bo strung on these vised. Ilwly Shipped North. Tho body of Mrs. Doris Nowklrk, who tiled horo lnst Thursday, was shipped to IMrtland on tho Breakwater yester day. From Portland It will ho tnkon to Sodro Wooloy, Washington, for burial, Relatives of tho decensed re sldn In tho Washington town. Piirmr In Married. E. E. Phil llps, purser of tho steamship Hronk wtor, wont over to Vnniouvc, Wash., yostordny apd wob marrltl to a Portland young woman. Ho ni.d tils hrldo left on tho Ereakwr or for Coos Hay. Portland Tele gram. Will I.tvtiuv. Dr. II. M. Shaw will conduct tho socond of n series bridges nnd tho crew cannot proceed much further than It has rouo till thoy nro In, which will probably ho lato In tho summer. It Is estimated that tho wlro will not ranch Acme till lato In September or somo tlmo In October. Tho crow Ib now n Btiort dlstanro beyond Chlcknhomlny, tho cars being on Walkor's Spur. Eu gone Register. IiitPirxti'il In Coos Hay, Ji C. Ken dall returned yesterday from Port land, whoro ho has boon tho past weok. Mrs. Kondnll and llttlo sou loft Friday for Minnesota nnd Intor will proceed to Pennsylvania and New York. He nays thoro Ib much Interest manifested In Coos nay. Somo poo I plo camo to his room to find out of dlHcusslons ut Hunker Hill School about It. Uo said that they complain- tomorrow evening, ins suujoct isioa tnni tnoro wns no piaco in rort "Sex Hyglono." Ho will bo assist-'land whoro thoy could find put about cd uy Bupcrintonuont toiukoii, or coos nay or oven how to got hero, New Service to Portland and Eureka The steamship Geo. W. Elder completely refurnished practical ly a new steamship will sail for Portland every Thursday and for Eureka every Monday. Sails from Portland every Sunday at 9 a. m. North Pacific Steamship Co. a F. M'GEOROE, Aeeat. Alliance Dock, Mursatteld, Phone 44, H. W. PAINTER, Agent, North Send, Phone 421. tho Mnrshflold public schools. These talks aro given undor tho auspices of tho Oregon Social Hyglono So ciety. 1 Auto Diutuigcd. Whllo roturnlng from the South Slough damn with a party Saturday night or ourly Sindny morning, noway Stutsman's nt to skidded rounding tho curvo w'lero tho Forndalo road turns Into Front street. Tho car smashed Into a telephone polo nnd damaged It con ellorably. Tho car belongs to Tom Qoodalo, Tho to V1. F. R. nurch, who has been employed nt Shore Acres, was hero Saturday on routo to Port land whero ho will ho married soon i nnd expects to roturn with his bride , In about three weeks. Abol Enc- strom, sawyer at tho C. A. Smith lath mill, will bo married tills weok and Albert Burroughs Is temporarily taking his place lu tho mill. Inspect UouiIn. Judgo Hall re turned Snturtlay from n weok s tour of Coos County roads. They nro Miss El ma McDonald Now Ahead With 24,000 Votes Miss Scaife Second Tho second count in tho Goddess of Liberty contest inudo nt noon to dny shows n slight change In tho standing of the candidates, Miss El ma McDonald, nominated by tho trav ollug salesmen, Is now In tho lend by n big majority, Miss Gertrude Scaife, nominated by tho Moose Midge. Is socond, with Miss Uesslo Flnnngan a cIoho third. Tho offlclnt count shows tho num ber of votes cast to bo as follows: Miss Eltua McDonald, Traveling Salesmen 24,000 Miss (lertrudu Scaife, Moose Lodge 13,200 Miss HoshIo Flanagan, Eagles. 12,500 Miss Gladys Roddy, Telophonu Exchange 5,000 Miss Erma Erlkson, Elks' Lodge 4,000 Thoro nro votes for a number of other candidates who hnvo not been reglsterod. According to tho rules of tho contest committee nil entries must hnvo nt lonst 2500 votes to icglster. Registrations must bo made with tho chalrmnn of tho committee, F. D. Cohan. Tho Order of Owls held a meeting Snturndy night for tho purpose of selecting a candidate. It Is under stood that thoy hnvo two lu mind. Tho Elks will hold n meeting on Wednesday night and nt that tlmo will formuluto plans to boost their ramiiuate I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I 4 FOR SALE 200-nero dairy farm, UO milk cows, 20 head young stock, 4 good horses, 10 hogs, chickens, 2 wngons nnd buggy, 3 mowing machines, 3 sopnrntors, mostly now, nil farming tools needed on farm; about 00-ncres bottom under cultivation, bulnnco mostly bench. Good liouso nnd bam. For pnr tltculars, seo John Hear, Tol. No. 105-X. FOUND Cntholle ini)or book con taining nnmo Louis Knnpp. Owner may got unmo at Times office by paying for this notice. WANTED To borrow $1000 to 13000 for 5 years, 0 por cont In terest. Security $800 for J100. Ad dress Hox L, Tltnos office. FOR SALE FOR HALE Huby riirrintN llbrnry tablo, dining room chairs, bod, gas range, fruit Jars, Hooslor kltchou cabinet. All good ns now and cheap. Also 30 chickens, Auconnn ntid Rhode Island Rods, nt 827 S. 5th. Phono 299-J. Ho said that nil of thorn wero en thusiastic over this section, declaring It was much hotter than other places along tho coast. Ho Bays that tho Chamber nf Cnmmorru otiirht to do something about providing for tho .Dale, uoiiiouo; u. u. ."Norton, Hiim- ..,. 1. 1.... ... -!..... nnn. ' tini l,,l Aiuliironn Mvrfln Pfllnt Fan Francisco: Leo. J. Cnry, C'o uulllo; 8. L. Larson, Portland; G. 1). Patch, Portland. At llio LIojil. II. L. Monde, Gardlnor; E. Smith, Uandon: D. Lockmnn, Hood River; E. V. Srhllor. Hood River: Curtis Johnson nnd wlfo, Richmond, Cnl.; Li Doom. Myrtle Point; Charles Evans, Portland; Jack Gnrdnln, Portland; Jim Koarn, Camp 7.; C. O. Loyler, Camp 2. At tho llliiuro. C. C. Minor, Coqulllo: E. Han nan, Myrtlo Point; E. C Johnson, North Inlet; Ano Pratt, Conlado; Harry Waters, Illuo Rldgo; R. E furnishing of information about Coos Hay at Portland. TOE HOTELS AT l Celebrate the Fourth At Marshfield Tho entire business section of the city will bo turned Into a Playground for her guests. Front street and Central avenue will e reserved for visitors and podestrians almost exclusively Tho fy already owns a liberal amount of decorative material, but this year J500 more has been allowed for a still more liberal sup-1,Jp- With flags and bunting, and evergreen, tho city will present 0 eala appearance surpassing anvthlng ever attempted. For the evenings lights and artistic effects will bo secured by special e ec trc lighting. On the night of tho Fourth a grand display of fire works will bo set off across the bay from the city. Tho effect t fireworks. so displayed Is most satisfactory. They are then seen a- the best advantage. Tho "across-the-water" effect adds greatly o the pleasure derived from them. Katurday'M Arrivals. Tho C'IiiiihIIit I loud. C. M. Leonard, l'ortlnnd; N. J. Cornwall. Gardlnor; Q. A Cameriii, Salem; Horry Llttlo. Camp 1; Thus. Rurrell, Heaver Hill; O. A. Hrown, Mvrtln Point! Minn Hollolll. Couiltllo: trying 10 niruiKuiuu out ino mugi" g, c. Whlto, Portland: Adam nonniti about tho proper locntlon of tho 1 80n norkoloy; II. A. norst, Portland; J. H. Rohr, Ban Francisco; n. a. Hratell, San Francisco; W. H. Hos klns, Snn Francisco; Lloyd Swayno, Bnn Francisco; R. II. Swayno, San Francisco. The Hluuco Hotel. R. II. Norton, Sumtior; W, M. Dungan, Tncoma; II, C. Jackson and wlfo, Portland; V. S. Prlne, Nrth In let; Jim McOrnw, Lampn; Potor Tul ly, Lampn; A. Spraguo, Lakcsldo; E. Davis. Lakeside; R. M. Wleder, Inkesldo; John F. Hano. Handon; G. II. Enyeart. Coqutllo; P, M. Hall Iows, Coqullle; John Porter, Alle gany; Georgo Ridley, San Francis co; L. Murphy, San Francisco; John Houbleln, Madera; T. U. Cowan, Al legany. The Lloyd Hotel. II. 1: Mlad, Gardiner; F. M. Ar nold, Myrtlo Polnj; Wilboum Stock, Myrtle Point; Irwin Ross, Kentuck Inlet; II. E. Kelty. San Francisco; Herman Johnson, Eureka; Mrs. E. Phillips, Los Angeles; R. A. Hitter. Roseburg, Tho St. Lwrcneu Hotel. Georgo II. Wasson, South Inlet; Raymond 13. linker, Coqullle; Mrs. C. Cross. Myrtle 'Point; C. A. Stoff lln, South Inlet; C J. Racoan, Lake aide; Jay Motir, Portland; Muudo Drake, Euroka. At Tho Chandler. E. I Kennedy, Los Angoles; 12, R. Hodson, Coos River; W F. Hod son, Coos Rvor: E, L, Huntor, Jof ferson, Wis.; W. T. Fny, Jeffer son, Wis.; L. M, irrown, Emoryr vlllo: C. 8. Howntt. Portland; Hon? ry Hlankert and wife, San Franclsy co.; E. J. Qhandlorjk Ban Frnnolsco; J. T. Menefeo, San Francisco; W. G! Elraan, San Franotyoo; R. MayerJ nor: Kd Anderson. Myrtlo roint: J. Linden, Dnnlols Creek; II. R. Golden, Portland. At tho Kt. Ijmrvnro. Oco Tludi'll, Euguuo; J. M. Haker, Coqulllo; Clara E. Spraguo, South Coos River; Jainos Conn, Sacramen to; C. C. Caldwoll, Coaledo; E. Gardlnor niil wife, Sacra mento; Curtis Johnson nnd wlfo, Richmond, Cal. TKe Royal TONIGHT Mayes & Soulo Jn an act that is bound to plonso all who see It. A very pretty electrical song that Is bound to mako you say "It Is good!" "For the Honor of Old Glory." A very vivid and descrlpttvo portrayal of tho cruelties practiced by tho Mexicans upon the Americans Just across tho border and the action of tho troops takon In the matter. This Is & film that will hold one's Inter est throughout tho entire picture, You should see It. "How Frecues Won Ills Wife." Another of the Freckles series. A good cure for the blues. Five reels of all, new and full-of-intprest pictures. Admission: Lower floor, 15c; balcony, 10c. Here tomorrow night, Mrs. Flske In "Tess of the D'Urbervlllos." Tho fjrst series of "Lucille Lovo, tho Girl of Mystery" will bo shown hero Friday, tho 20th of this month 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY PERSONAL MENTION MRS. GUV WARNER and daughter will leave toduy or tomorrow for Oakland whero they will mako nn extended visit with her pnronts. WALTER SPADE of Sumner wus n .Mnrshflold visitor today. Ho 1 iirutiarlni; to get the road work un dor way and rush it during tho good weather. II. C. HAKER, traffic manager of tho Swayno & Hoyt StenuiHhlp lino, and wlfo and sou woro passengoru on the Paralso yesterday, going north to Portland. Mr. linker Is making a tour of Inspection and will return horo Thursday and meet a number of the business men. Ho says tho company wants to give Coos Hay tho host possible service mid will appreciate any Kiittu'CHtlons along that lino. FOR HALE Irfirgo rubber plant. Inquire Hox R. Times offlco. FOR HALF l!(l lot truck un First Addition: 200 chlckons; z cows; fulr buildings, water piped to garden. Phono 3151. FOR SALE 0U) new National CaaU Register. Phono 140-J. I LOST I I()ST In North lleud, Jndy'n ( watch fob, Flndor ploaao roturn to Mrs. Georgo Ilartman nt Smith Variety Btoro. . REWARD 1 villi pay sultnl.lo t ward for rctovory of row boat ta ken by mnn who was to repair It. hut map 'has disappeared, taking boat with him. Eugene O'Connoll. Phono 113-L. HELP WANTED f WANTED Ciwh by iirofrwdo-Mh nurse, Will go out to homes. 481 Second street North. Phono 423-R. FOR RENT - FOR KENT Oombliuit sitting anil bod room, with bath. 371 North First. Phono 1C0-R. FOR KENT Homo juirtly furnished. 7 rooms and bath. Reasonable. 1108 North 2nd St. Phono C0-X. FOR HUNT Two-room funUubwI" apartment. Inquire Nasburg Grocery. FOR RENT Modern flatM over Cook's Grocery. Enquire Th Gunnory. Phono 34J. FOR RENT Wlxnxui houso ou South Ninth street, 120 per mo. Phono 171 or call 130 North llrondway. 1X)R HUNT FJv room bungalow, bath, electric lights, 11th street, ! qulro F. E. Allen, Grand Theater TONIGHT THE HEFRHJERATOR CAR'S """ " CAITIVE. Rescued from the- refrlgenitor cur nnd brought buck to life. A thrilling drama in two reels HATTY HELL'S LOVE AFFAIR A comedy that ix n Mdc-vpllttiug seremi. THE MYSTERY OF THE laUOIN INO lmvni. Fifth M'stery hi tho Chronicles of deck. 5 , t fi,t MviH " . i Ml SELECT ROOMS and tnblo lorl for gontlomen, In private family: close In; rates reasonable. Call 23'J South Fourth Street. FOUND FOUNIX .Viitlci!mn'rt aUh, Oinior may have snmo by describing it mid paying for this adv. FIRST CLASS CONCRETE WORK. Cumeiit Wullus Vv'ulln, Steps, HoMenieutii, lXa. Had or aLfarii M. B. GIDLEY I 120 Ho, Fourth St., MnnJifleld, I Orvgim. 1'honu UOU-jr. Mauirme Beauty PUBPARATIONS AS KEPBATERS ARID THE BEST YET! ii lvjM fl ?4 ! m x Exclusive Agents