ff T!! gaayavTixg THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, JtJNE 15, 1914 EVENING EDITION. i-..i. 'PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY COOS BAY TIMES DIP I ETAP11C SMITH'S VATnT"" M. O. MALONKY BAN 13. MALOM'Y Editor nml UK Dill LLflUUC M ILDREI) ROGERS NELSON News Tonrlior of IMiiiin. Pupil of Hugo MiiiiNfeldt, Sun CHlli. Official Paper of Coon County BjMBBPBBMHIWBpiirwBWi P ttw iBW roT rnw H BAL L I'niucl.Hco. HaiiiKiny tiiuglit. .luvenlle Pluiio Club. Application fur les hoiih by appointment. Mai-sliflehl, Or. ELKS II BT 5G0RE OF 8-5 Portland Wins TWo Gabies From Oakland Sunday Los Angeles Loses lllr A.auOlt! Plni to Com lltf TltDM.J PORTLAND, Or., Juno 15 Port land won both games of a douhlo hondor from Oakland here yester day: Tlio scores: At Portland It. ll. E, Portland oil 2 Oakland 3 8 IS Uattorles Kranso and Yantz ablesj Klllllay and Mltze. (Second Game.) Portland 3 0 2 oakinnd 2 7 1 Ilattcrles Illgglnbotham and IlroncKan, Prousli and Alexander. At San Francisco It. II. 13. And thorofrom vantage point on high '-08 AnRoles 1 3 4 'o wntnh oi- "Montle" knock a fly Sn" I-nuiclsco ... ... ..3 7 3 Into the distant garden. ' ,.,?, J' KmPko n,ltl Doles; Ami Minn w.i HimiHli nnr Hole llinrH' . ouuiuriugo aim UiarKO Catterlln and Howatt Batteries for Elks Deweese and 1 Wilson for Eagles Vhenovor life scoiiib dull and dark, We go out to the baseball park, And sit upon tlio bleachers, Among the doctors and clerks, The bosses of tlio public works, (Mayor Allen was thore) The painters and the teachers. hats, And If we kirk men In the slats Wo do not beg tholr pardon. Whcno'or Ed Uowntt throw an "In" That hit an Eagle on the shin Wo ro very much delighted, And If they did not roast the Umpi (Second dinne. Los Angeles San Francisco ttattorlcs Chech Funning and Sopuvoda. At Vonlco R. H. E. Sacramento l n 1 .0 ..3 and .". 1 0 1 Meok; 'Venlco 0 For being such a blooming chump Wo d think that wo wero slighted. Batteries Stroud and Ilohror: Flahaorty. Uofloy and Elliott. (Second damo.) Sacramonto 0 r, 1 j Vonlco Oil 2 uattorles Klnwltter. Caldwoll Wo gazed on Conrad's pretty hit And throw a neat conniption fit, t .1 .!.. Cft nil !.'.. n ! .. t. .IrtlH.i Went sailing o'er a distant cloud !n"1 "? " "D ""?" ,ott All thought that wo'd gono crazy. With tho only double play during tlio gamo to their credit tho Elks closed tho contest with tho Eagles yesterday with tho scoro 8 'to fi In tholr favor. Tho Elks mado four ..nu lit .lin Hilf.t I....I.1.. ... It. !.! I IIIID III tllU 11I..I. 1111(111, b ,1 If 111 1IIUI Vancouver. 7; Tacoma, Hpokane, .1; Soattlo, 0. AMERICAN LEAGUE fipvelmid. ; Washington, Philadelphia, 8: Chicago, New York, lj Detroit, 3. 0. 3. sixth and two In tho eighth. Tho Eagles mado four runs In tho first Inning and 0110 In the seventh. Catterlln and Howatt woro M10 bat tery for tho Elks. Doweos and Wil son did tho strong arm work for tho Eagles. Tho batteries had fairly good support on both sides, but an analysis of tho gamo shows n number of or iorfl. Ed Dougherty and Dr. Morrow wcro tho official umpires of tho gamo. Thoro woro several plays during E. Saturday's Scores. A Portland It. II. Oakland 2 7 2 Portland 013 2 Uattorles Prultl, Christian and Alexander; Mltze, Illegor and Fish er. At San Francisco It. H. 13. Los AirRelos 2 8 2 San Francisco l 8 1 (Ton Innings.) Uattorles Ryan and Holesjlnuni and Scpulveda. At Sacramento It. II. E. ""onto 3 8 tho gomo that brought cheers from Vonlco 2 n tho grandstand. Tho most spoctap' ular pleco of field work wafl dono by Jay Doyle, who played loft for tho Elks. Ho mado a run from his posi tion In tho novontli Inning and caught a fly which sailed over third. Uoth pitchers stopped a few hot ones right off tho hat. "Red" Uert Stanley, who played contor field for tho Eagles, also play ed clown. His uniform was not uni form nud his notions woro not un like thoso of the circus comedian. Ho wore i pair of pink socks and al though 0110 covered his shoo top In stead of his Bhlu hu showed no trac es of embarrassment. Stanley mado a hit In tho ulxth Inning which wan followed by a spectacular slide to second. Ho might have brought In a scoro If tho next man at bat had not fanned, making three outs. Tho Elkca-EaglCii gamo was tho opening gnmo of tho season on tho MarBhflold grounds and whllo it was well advertised It was not well pat ronised. Tho attendance is estimat ed at 100. Many of tho spectators enmq In automobiles and watchod tllu gamo from tholr machines. Just before- tlio game started tho specta tors watched with much interest an Informal motorcyclo race around tho race track, Tho lineup of yesterday's gamo follows: Elks Eagles. Frnnk Catterlln Peck Doweeso Catcher Ed Howatt William Wilson Pltchor (oorgo Stevenson First llasu W. J. Conrad Inhnnv Tollofson Sououd Uase Del llengston Jack Davis Shortstop. Hnrry Kimball Fiod Hill Third llano Jay Doylu Charles Doweeso Loft Flold. Phillips Ilort Stanloj contor Kioiu. Uattorles Stowurt. Slaclo and Hannah; Klopfcr, Honlcy and El SATURDAY'S (JAMES. AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington-Chicago Rnln. Hoston, 8; Detroit, 0. Philadelphia, 10; Clovoland, 8. Now York. 4; St. Louis. 5. NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago, 4; Now York, 8. Pittsburg, 3; Hoston, 4. Cincinnati, t: Philadelphia, G. St. Louis, 0; Brooklyn, 0. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Portland, 7: Victoria, 0. Spokane, 2; Soattlo, 2. Twolvo Innings. , . -T'i1!0-1".0.'.-. 31"-ny?1Jv--r; 3i tho fo"'t Inning with a hit und a scoro that resulted In a tlo of four and It wan July 14 In 1914. 8 nids for Stovonson, Rullt like a floa; Rut when It comes to tho bat Ho's a wondor to sco. John Dohorty, from Empire. tl:o umplro, was u: AN EAGLE TO AN ELIC. "You made mo whnt I am today, I hopo you're satisfied; You hung my feathors on tlio fonro And salted down tho hldo: Johnny Wilson i You panned mo to n fare-ye-woll, you tnink you ro mighty smart; Rut I'm far from broko nnd I hopo you choko That's tho curso of nn aching hoart. C. W. Montgomery Right Field. " ' i -Nfc mMF PIN FEATHERS AM) HORN SPLINTERS Tho weather man mado tho finest "hit" of nil. Yau always tried to muzzle- mo , And bid mu shut my mouth; Yau nngged and nagged and nagged mo tut You had mo going south. I You knocked upon tho umnlro Hilly Wilson You onlv lot us get a start. nut I in far from broko and I hopo you'll choke That's tho cilrso of an aching heart. Speaking of ball playors, when "Monto" led tho parado In the fourth Inning ho mado friends by tho scoro. Oot It? rrr . I MONTGOMERY'S HIT. L'v ' CM jK. MTS l vl blu" oul ,tl .'lonio cut inse ami givo inai iiorsoiuao raro abuse- hroak up gamo aftor gamo. Dos batted strong for years and A.M lift'. nlin.lnnil . 1. n ... . r ... I U I""'" IIV o Villi! IIIUII illU IU1IB IU WIIU- I est choors and had I1I3 share of fame. Ills tureo biiso nita grew common- placo. No pltchor lives ho fears to fneo thoy'ro all allko to him. Ho's I scon tho others rlso and shlno. then 1 potor out. drift down the line, no back to soiling scrim. His circus catches say. thoy'ro groat! And ho can throw back to the plato just like a rlflo shot. He's InVilil nt limnn ni fn Hin rnnitt YiA'a A 1 In baseball codo and don't you .I.I..1. !..'.. .. . TI..MI II.... I.. I.l.ll iiiiiiiv iiu o iiui, 1111 11 iiiu in uuaeutiii history with Wagner and Nan Lalolo ana rollers o mat sort. 110 s clean I nud qulot, makes 110 fuss, and that's I what makos him dear to us us lov I ors of tho sport. Hut wnou his old bones stlffon, luos, and ho can't hoar tho yolps and nolso from hleachors any more I when ho's rotlrod. too old to piny, an Will Sneddon wan mado the victim gots to talkln' 'bout tho day ho of misplaced confldonco. Ho had a holpod to tlo tho scoro, I'll bet tho right to guoro the umplro but ho did- yam ho'll toll tho best, nud llko to n't Kot tlio scoro. tell 'bovo all tho rest and will toll I o'or and o'or, will bo tho Elks and Four sqquis to bo C. W. Montgom- Eagles game that added to his hunch ery's lucky number. Ho led off lu 0f fame when his hit tlod tho scoro. I How could au Eagle fly Elk would catch 'em. whon an It would ho a different scoro And tho Eagles In tho air If thoy omitted Inning four And Jack Snyder was only thore. Onr reason for tho result wns that Col. Going lost hU rabbit's foot tho, night before. Ilort Stanley was a bit rusty With ItU feet and with his mitt. Rut tho way ho wont to first on a fumblo Mado it hit. 1 W"' 1B5II llSSJI Cigarettes Camels unite In a marvelous blend all the roo Jncss and flavor of choice quality Turkish anci domes tic tobaccos. The man who has a laded ciearettc taste will delight in Camels, be cause they're so good in flavor, so smooth and even, that we tell you that money can't buy a more delightful cigarette. Do not look for premiums or coupons la Camel packages. The cost of the tobaccos prohibits their use. It your Jtattr can't tupptyyou, ttnJ lue for on pachatm or fl.uu lor a carton of tn pacMaif (200 clga r). poitagm prtpaid, Afttrtmoh' tnr on pachagt, If oo don t find CAMELS at reprftnttd, rtturnth o(Ar nlnt pacha f and u will r fund your monty. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wiaiton-Sttcm, N. C. E f lJU H. Yl Quality! ill Ml premiums W a i p. B 'trrSlTStt' 'hHHiSi rlf I II. HARPER. House RulMcr. Goncral Repihlnt; nud Cabinet Making. Phono -M0S. McllHOOM CoiiUiictor nud Rtilldor. Mnrshficld, Oregon. O. Rox Oil. Res. Hunker Hill. W- T. TO.MPKIN8, I). 8. T. (Weltmor Methods.) Evory known dlsoaso treated without drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 and 2, 237 So. Rroadwuy. Phono 132-L. Marshflold, Or. TOHL OHTMNI). J Piano Tuner ntul Repairer 4 in S. Sixth Ntrcet. .Pliouo IU.'1-L I Nivn nrdera at W. It. Haines Mush Company. stadden .k.T::.'"' MnlshlnK. "I1" ntf Kotlnk I Hlllla rt . a. 8ult Clcani . .. u.... " "" rrtA "1IH tlllllln .. . " """ WHO t (j . 'e U Trial. ' vjin t . u' - lUCOtr " w.inn ft) fr l'll. .. hot , , - I 1 1 Ili JM. WRIGHT Phono 1118-11 RUILDING CONTRACTOR CHUnuites furniHiicu on rcxpaeat. GOSNEY Phono Hint i "- contractor ntiu iiuiiuor FLANAGAN & BENNLTF BANK W.HKHT RANK IN COOH COUNTY. Established 1KHI). CopitaJ, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Intcrixt PmUI on Tlmo Depolu Officerni 4. . Reniiiitt, President. J. II. Klnnagnn, Vice-President. R. P. WIlllnniH, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, AiHt. Cunlilcr. EQUIPPED WITH VERY FACILITY FOR HANDLINO ACCOUNTS IN A PROMPT AND Ri:LIAULE MAN. NER THIS RANK .SOLICITS THE RUHINE8S pF CORPORATIONS. FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS :: :: :: IF VOU HAVE NEED FOR A HAT ISFACTORV RANKING SERVICE WE CAN FILL IT :: :: :: :: :: SERVICE THAT SATISFIES lhe First National Bank Ot Coos Bay TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchanne. Cleaning, repairing or neir pluteus, work guaranteed. Rllibons anil carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono 4-1, Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND' SUPPLY CO. of COF glvo yon Cape Arago Coffee Come to our storo If yod want anything In tho lino FEES. TEAS. SPICES and EXTRACTS for u-n tS tho best for your money, but wo also glvo you coupon checks that nre good for ROGERS' SILVERWARE. Como iu and seo this mu. u uidu curry a tun uno or stapio grocones and our prices are right and our goods oro trade winnors. GIVE US A TRIAL. COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE & SPICE HOUSE Phono 394. i30 North Droadway. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RKTA1L DEPARTMENT LUMUEK, LATH, SHINGLES. MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. OUT TIJB rUKL BILL IN TWO UV USINQ OUR WOOD. PRONB IOC. IRS SOUTH UROAJJWAT Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEED ABSTRACT CO., inc."" HKNRV SENGSTACKKN, Manager FARM. COAL, TIMRER AND PLATTINO LANDS A SPSCI LTV GENERAL AGENTS EARTSIRE ---"C MARSnFIELD OFFICE, PHONR 4-J, COQUILLK CITi' OFFICE PHONE lot. r EstlinateH Famished on Rouuest MV PAST WORK IS MY REFERENCE First nnd Alder Sts. Marelificld. DR. II. M. SHAW lOyr, Ear, Nose And Throat. DR. MATTIE H. HIIAV HInchucs of women nnd children. Ofllco phono 330. Rooms 200. 201 202, Irving Block. Houso phono, 10C-J. WOS HOTPt. Formerly of Hnhm WASHINGTON AVENUK RTADDKV NORTH iiiiNii O. A. Mctlin, lp TnEKt D' It. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST llarshllold. OroRon. Rooms 204-205, Coko Rulldtng. itesldunco phono 252-X. Odlco phone 112-J. Krilri. FARRINGER, 1VI Teacher of Piano. Rosldenro Studio, Phono .180-J BKNJAMIN im'UM), CoiihuIiIu Uniclmi-r - Arrhltcft. Offices, l-'OH IrviuR Rloc. Phono 10.T.L or 207-1. ' Inrtliflelil. Orevot. pKRL RILEY HA LUNGER, Planl.it nnd Teiirlicr. Kesldenca Studio, 217 No, Third St. Phono 3C8-L. w. O. UHANDLICK. ARCHITECT. Kwraa 801 ami SOU, Ooke rlatlAla. MarnhflHd. Oreo. ri.i..... .......,, i,.r- J. N. Bayliss ll"-are a?-". AND ALL WOIIK mftn. iRTWO0D AT- CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Fnuit Buret, llmne 1KOJ. r. J. SOAIFE Jg A. II. H0IK1IS8 Marshfield and UtLUKAIINO CO. I'tiiimte FurnUtitd. Itmne HOfl-il. Mnwlilli-M, Orfjo,, MRS. O. F. HIllAIlOEn DrennmaklnR nnd Ladled' T0. orliiR Prices llrasontbl Ovor MoBncs k MaUoa Stor , Phono 2 4 8-J. ww- H. TUUI'BN, AJtCMITEfTT Marahfllii Ornrnn LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS THIo Al Trus Co. Abstract, thoniuplily dopendublo. Iin mcdlnto aerylro. prompt atten tion to all Intercuts of our client. Minimum cost. !. S. Kaufman (8b Co. SZJm TIME TARLE Willamette -Pacific Motor Car Effective Juno 8, 1014. Lv. Marshfield. Ly. North Bern! 6:30 a. in. 8:40 a. m. 7:30 a. m, 7:4C a. m. 8:30 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 0:30 a. m. 9:45 a. m. 10:30 n. m, 10:4G a. m. 11:30 n. ro. 11:45 a. m. 12:30 p. in. 12.45 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 1:45 p. in. 2:00 p. in. 2:15 p. m. 2:30 p.m. 2:45 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 3: IS p. m. 3:30 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 4:00 p. in. 4:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 4:45 p. m, 5:00 p. m, ' 5:15 p. in. 5:30 p. m. 5:45 p. m. 6:00 p. m. G:15 p. in. 7:00 p. m. 7:15 p. in. 7:30 p. ra. 7i4C p. in. 8:00 p. in, 8:15 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 8:45 p. m. EDISON'S LATEST A itornKC battery that contltu) over charKnt will not hum. ROICS NOT COUnODE AT TEILMINAL8. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lotm Its cluirgo KbUt stoudlnu Isle. IS GUARANTEED FIVR YE.W Coos Bay Wiring'.Co. ttlp Rrowlway. Afnt. for Con if Coo lUy. OL'R KLKO.IM' Ll.M OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST IlKCKIVKii S. S'. JENNINGS north ukxi) ARE YOU BOTHERED With Corns? If so, you re fleprii ed of half tho pleasure of llf ploosant talking and bealthr " clso. A visit to Mm. Olivia Mnuj. Scientific ailroji(Mllht, Ap't 3, 0". Uoiiuell IUiIk.. will e the a'1 a normanout remedy for acnlnt w 4 MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw NO 8AW EDGES OB , YOUR OOLLARfl If you have them laundered TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A now taxlcab has boon added to my auto Borvico. Careful driver. Will go anywhere at any tlms. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phono, 78 Night phone 139-X. TOM COODALE. Proprietor. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with W JV THro Ulllard I'wlort. For U1IU1CO uuwru JJ'" OM.L nlfrtit service, m"" nitrlit Cafe. D. L, FOOTE. 20 21 Commutation TirkcLs $2.00 Marrfifleld-North Bend Aoto U Caw every ten ininui to 1210 P. ' GORflT & KlXfLlgB AU Kinds of4 Job Printing Done at The Times Office' Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post tVB FURNISH A RAG AND MILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield Pictures &Frammg Walker Studio I Atji Rates for Handling Trunks ' We haul tTfftatlblV polnta In Marshflold for w ,, ing rates, delivery W J tho first stories of buiwuw One trunk ;,,. JO Three trunks k 1J Twelve trunks , Cl' ' . &. Star Transfer and Storages