"""-"""i35lia BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT BEFORE THROWING OVER THE HIGH SPEED LEVER A I1ANNKR YEAR Thif pennon opens with brighter proojN'ctti for tlio Rrcnt Coos liny nd Coqulllo Vnlley country (!um eTCr lieforo In ItH history. For tunes nro In tho making. Arc yon busy laying "o foundation for yours? lmj mmts DOX'T SCATTER SHOT Concentrate your advertising In tho nev spn'per that reaches the peo ple you itut to talk to. Ainniiii'l tlou costs money. Tlio Times wives money to iidiertlsers. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATE!) PHKS9 " Established 1878 VOL XXXVII. as Tho Conot Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of limes, Coast Mall ami Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 278 i (EflflB NO TRACE FOUND BALLOOH IN POMP RACE Springfield With Roy Donald son and Wilburn Henderson Is Still Missing CASCADE MOUNTAINS ARE BEING SEARCHED Four Days Have Elapsed Since They Ascended in Portland Balloon Racing Contest 11T AwotMtM l'f" Coo I'T Tlmw.l PORTLAND, Or.. Juno 15. Al iIiourIi nearly four dtiyH linvo elapsed since tliu balloon SprliiKflold Hnlled nWOy with throo other unlloons on n lone dlstnnco rnco from thlw city. not n word nB to tho fates of Hoy Donaldson, tho pilot, lmd boon rc tf.n.inrHon. his nine, had boon re ceived up to noon mini. "" for tbo neronnutB Jms grown ncittu. and tho Cnscndo forests nro being .....Iiml tnitllV llV nUUIHOIltCd h.llldR ann mo wdv"" ........... ..... -.. Marched todny by nugmontcd bands of mountaineers in AiiotUtM I'mm to Coo IUr Tlmw 1 I WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno jtl, 11... j "! ". . . j r tlnrrif IT TlltlW U'Da IlOIUGIl I reloaso on mm pcncnnB cunsiue. atlon by tho Supromo Court of his extradition from Now llnmp shlro to Now York. ... . ... .,' Attack On A bania Capital Dy MnccMlmon lnlimHlts I Is Repulsed ID; ahmIii! tt C. TIbm.1 ni'itAV.zo. Albania. Juno in. Tho govornmont troops under tho per Tim i-nviirtiinnnt trOODB under tllO per- I :m,Bl In,l.,rhln of PrlllCO William today repulsed a strong attack on the Albania capital by Miissolmeu In- suriscnts. Tho Princoi) need himself at the bond of tho dofondors nftor Colonel Tliomns Dutch, tho com- mamlor. was killed. UIOTEHS IK) DAMAGE. t thaw loses out. j A. FRINGE WILLIAM LEADS TROOPS I v'iiw .......... ........... ' . . ,, tornaon to bury tho body without any 8rtMwlriillilrnl and Other 'V"T" Xlav It Is lii such n de- miy ltllllllllim. ror AtwcUttxt fn i cw. iu Tlmxl 110LOGNA, Italy, Juno IT.. Ulot trs sot flro to tho cathedral, tho Church of Ponco nnd tho Church or tho Holy CrosH lu Senlgnldn. Tho latter two woro destroyed. I PEHSONAIi OVEHITX)W. N. WEBSTER of Allegany, came In on tho Alert this morning. MRS. HOWMAN. of Coos River, Is a visitor In tho city today. J. It. ELLSWORTH, of Coos River, Is a visitor In tho city today. L. J. HODSON. of Coos River, camo In on tho Alort this morning. HIRAM EDWARDS, of Coos Rlvor, was n visitor In tho city today. DAN ROBERTS, of Coos River, camo In on tho Alort this morning. EUGENE O'CONNELL and family are spending a fow days at Tho Mare. J. BUTTERS, of Allegany, camo in this morning on business mutters. MISS BLANCHE LANDR1TH, of Al legany, wns n visitor in the city today. . . MRS. JENNIE LANDR1TH. of Alle gany, enmo In on tho Alert tins morning. , ,., O. A. BROWN was In from tho a fi ner ranch to spend Sunday witn friends. MRS. J. A. STEMMERMAN, of Coos River, camo In on the Alort tins this morning. . , HOMER RING loft today for Tar Heel Camp, where ho will work for Emmett Plorco until July ,. ALMA PRATT and Grandpa Pratt -MA PRATT and Grandpa W ""d lt "n ie BOft fju ami mado ionv in,inv rr shnrn Acres, wheroianu iuiu " .'. ., ,.,,, ,...11 tha Ihwiii inonrt n week or so. GEO GOODRUM and wife and Dor- r 1 . ... i .i,i Ttnr 1 sey Kreltzer and who 1011 a...". day for Browster Valley wheio they spent Sunday. MRS. J. A. GOODWILL waB In the city today perfecting plans for op ening the Goodwill summer resort . for tho season. . , , . . LKO. MARCOLLO. of Richland. Cal ifornia, has arrived here to spend the summer at the homo of nis uncle, F. A. Sacchl. , ., CARL ALBRECHT and family left today for his ranch near Myrtle Point, where they will spend most ,. of tho summer camping. MRS. A. E. ADELSPERGER and children returned overland yester day from a visit with her parents at South Bend, Ind. Mr. Adel sperger met them at Portland. MISS HANNAH SANDQUIST, who is taking a course in professional nursing at tho Good Samaritan Hospital In Portland, Is here for a few weeks' visit with her par ents In South Marshfleld. OF FOURTH IS AT NORTH Thought to be Man Who Fell From Launch Union Last Monday. i no uouy or man nnnioci .lo.iii aii-i derson wn8 found flontlng In the liny ' near the dock of the North Ilend. Man-, Tlio body of nuin named Jo'm An uiueturing company nlioui 7 ocioc.it. nils morning, it Is supposed to bo ' ti,0 i,,ly of tho nuin who fell from m inuueh Union Inst Monday. I Dnlinru mil,, I I.. 1,.. l,tlil,. mn.ln it Is supposed to bo Identification possible. Part of tlio iimn'H fnco has boon torn nwny and It Is doubtful If bo can be recognized by those who knew him. The body Is nt tho morgue, where Coroner Wilson will hold It In tho hoio that some relative mny claim It. According to papers found on the limit' Andnrsnii wim tuitlirallzcil 111 ItliA .Inlii .if M'vnmlfitr In flf.tnlinn. 1004. Ho also carrlud n card show ing that he was n member of tho Snowball Minora' Union. Several let ters written In Swedish, somo or tnem over two years old, wore also found. Cinn I- alt'fin.l Anilv Aniloritnti ntltl It Is probablo that tho writer Is u broth er of tho dead man. In a note book found In one of tho pockets of tho clothing Is the address of John Erlckson, Hill Fnlr vlow South Ilcrkeley. There are oth er names and, addresses In tho immo book which nre Illegible owing to tho wntnmnnkiMt rnnitltlon of till) DODOr. Among tho pnpors Is a paper showing that ho was given employment by tho n?!?WLW.J? Among tho pnpors Is a paper showing land, on May 10. lie Is classed as a inuoror ana uircctcu 10 tno uuurur & Hauser camp. It Is generally conceded that An derson Is the man who (oil off the I- ll I-... (InHilnn A It lwtl()t """''' r ' '."', " ,ii,.(,,K. iniMinn i in win iiini .ti iiinnii . Jiiiniiut.il B n WU. ' W ""V" "' "V," ... 1, FOUND BEND ' . (i8nin)enre,. Ho fell dollniB was promised to bo deposited , , '", inph twcc tho first time. In tho U Salle Street Trust & Suv- ' ' ' h ( 0 com.'inBH bank, nnd William Lorlmer and ' r l " . 0I)0glt0 c. n. Mundny, president nnd vice tho Ilrenkwnter dock. Thoso nbonrd tllO boat at tllO tllllO 8.IKI lliui lliu.cn ut uiu nio umm uAuuiiiiui, ni man was Intoxicated. Coronor Wilson iieeiiioa una ui composed Mn'to tbot ho could not hold it for unnai iiwrucuuiiD I i F D. L. Foote's Children Have Narrow Escape Soft Fill is Like Quicksand. Tho two llttlo sons of Mr. and Mrs D. L. Footo narrowly escaped being lost In tho soft mud of the Mill Slough fill about six o'clock last ovcnlng. Tno muo cunpa, u aro only about four or flyo years old, wandered out on tho f II near the corner of Third and Anderson. Tho younsor ono wont first unci when lie began to sink, tho older ono rush ed out to help him. He oIbo sank lnMUs Annie Smith and Miss Marsh heard their cries for help and Miss Smith made her way on a board, hut also sank In the mud when sho made n misstep. Arthur Block, time keeper the Southern Pacific, also n ' '1...1 ...i otni'dxi nut. hut sank resp mum. -:" :--::; iw tno muu Hu n ?" - "":" U way 10 .- lana urn. , ... . . , City Engineer iiuckiuh.".v """ time ago called the attention of .' ...... l.n ilnncrnrH of tllO .Mill Slough fill, saying that there were 'pockets" lu It which were liable to remain sou ur Bumu ... C!ltClTITCOl'RT C.Si: FILED n-i.n fniinwinir cases have been filed In the Circuit Court here: Fva Z. Crockett vs. Joseph Crock ett Suit for divorce. First National Bank of Bandon vs. Norman Phillips and Da nlel S I Her. G. A. Cobb vs. G. Lee. Suit to foreclose mortgage Tiny Ray vs. Win. M. Ray. Suit for divorce. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Ralph Chrlstensen and Gladys .Lu- C,,ja.nebBbHUVwohey and Ruth Barns. Coqutlle Sentinel. RESCUE ADS ROM SLOUGH PRES. WILSON SIGNS PANAMA BILL Uses Historic Pen in Attaching Signature to Making Meas ure Annulling Toll Exemption a Law. ID; AMoelttcd r-rtu la Ceof tlir TlatM.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 1C President Wilson todny signed tbo Panama tolls exemption repeal bill luneiiucii in senate nna agreed I gnvq flip Cpntimpnt in Fnvnt oayb ' I1L oUUIIIieni in ravor of Postponement of Program Due to Certain Interests 111; A llJ ,'rrti lu IVn IUr Tlmn.l WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno If.. President Wilson uinde n direct charge today that tho sentiment In fnt'ftt rt tint itftat ititmitit itt ? tltn ndmlnlstrntlou program wns the re sult in a campaign uy certain inter ests and Intimated that It was tho ftltuit tif navftlinIfiiliMi I liiiultiiiuu ilit. prcsalon" of which ho rerun tly bpoiCg. 'Ptui nntl.lKimt t.t.tl-Iti tn.. Ill tut uiu tiuti-ii not. ivftinititiuu vtiu uu pushed through tlio proHont bcsbIou of Coukichh by evury mount, nt thu PrcBldent'B command. President and Vice-President of Chicago Bank Sever Connections inr AMccUtfd Vtnt io Too. IUr Tlran.1 nillPAfin l..nn 1 R n ...llllnn president of the bank which was clos- u it i At tliilt iniiitA)l Inn wtt It tint 111 BtltutloM, nccordliiK to Btatoinenta by Mundny. Thu million dollars, ho uit til irmilit lin atif flftlmit in rommn tho banks. "The resignations of 1or- niior ana mysoii, no nuuoa, -secui nt this time to be called for by clr- cumstnuceB." HAD NARROW ESCAPE. (aid Sawyer of Elkton llchriie Wo men anil Olilldreii. ROSEHURG, Or., Juno U. Mrs. Harry Ross, her twin daughters and 4-year-old son, Molvln, and Mrs. Ross' sister, Miss Ruby Elliott, or Canyon vllle, nonrly lost tholr llveB when n boat In which they wore floating down the Umpqua River, near Elkton, came In contact with tho ferry cnblo and capsized. Mrs. Ross and Miss Elliott each rvrntiliii.l Aim nt thn twins nn.l tilltll? Biisponded to tho cnblo whllo the boat floated beneath them. Molvln Ross, although only four years old, also clung to tho cable. When help arrived the Infnnt held by Miss El liott was submerged and was only re suscltatod aftor an hour's work. Other members of the party aro suffering from excitement nnd expos ure, uaru ttuwyers, u m.ppur "i tho Elkton country, rescued tho party with difficulty. CLOSE LIIUIV ROAD County Court Vacate Part of High way from Miiihfei In tho County Court, tho Catching Creek, Myrtle Point nnd Port Or ford roads was continued and it was ordered that tho county road vlewors meet on June 2C to go over tho proposed route. In the mutter of tho Stringtown, Footlllll and. River Road, tho view ers were ordered to meet Juno 22 at 10 a. m. and proceed over tho route. in Hi., mnttnr of the ro-lOClltlon iho Vnv itrlriPA nml (irnvel Ford county road tho viewers wore order- ed to meet Juno 23 and go over the inAfl T.a mnllor nf thn Incntlon nf a county road from Marshfleld to South Slough bridge was conuuueu iu mu next term of court. The bridge tender at South Slough was ordered to prevent any one from fastening rafts or scows to the bridge there. It was ordered that no salaries or fees be paid to any member of tho board of county road viewers unless they meet and qualify according to law before doing any Job of road viewing. , , In compliance with a petition pre sented a portion of the Marshfleld Llbby county road was vacated. Coquille Sentinel. WILSON MAKES 010 CHARGE MILLION TO WOMEN'S GLURS BE DEPOSITED HEAD IS NAMED ceremony nt tho signing. Assistant Secretary Forester was the only per son with tlio President. Mr. Wilson signed tbo bill with a quill pen used by President Harrison In sinn ing tho International copyright law In 1S91. and by President Tnft In signing tho Pnn-Amorican copy-right treaty and tho Lincoln memorial bill and act incorporntug tho Nntlonnl In stitute of Arts and Letters. Tho pen Is tbu property of Ilobert Under- MOUNT LASSEN ESF Great Excitement Prevails in Region Surrounding The Old Volcano. Itlr Ai.ocUtrJ I'rtM to C IUr TlmM.I RED BLUFF, Cal., Juno K,. Great excitement prevailed todny lu tho region surrounding Mount Las son. Tho old volcano, whoso long fliitMiinfit nrtttur la mmiv f Ifllllltltlt? II huge plumo of noxious black Hiuoko nnd sifting flno white nsh over tbo country sldo, sprouted two now cones vnalnrilnv ntlil fnrflinr flnVftlniltlllUltfl uro awaited lu nnxlety. On man was uiu ....... v.. ... ....... w. w - fatollv Injured by falling rocks and two were temporarily demented nnd fitltnra li.aa anrlfltlHlv lllirl Wtlnn cnught by the outburst yesterday. Nominating Committee Pre sents Name of Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker. tn MI.W Vmt l'o. Hr Tlin.1 CilICAGO, Juno 1C. Tbo slnto of tho uomlnnttng committee of the Gen eral Federation of Women's Clubs, prepared to bo presonted todny, was headed by tho nnmo of Mrs. Percy V. Penuybnckor, tho prcsotit Incumbont, who was offered tho traditional sec ond term. Eugenics, sanitation, pure fond leg islation, tuberculoids nnd compulsory education woro wio ichuiuk which to day. MIsb Julia Lathropo, head of tho children's bureau of the Depart ment of Labor, mado a strong plea for compulsory registration Qf every birth. Over 100 Machines Crossed Coquille Ferry Several Minor Accidents. nva 1 tfi nntna prnKKPrl thn rlvtT on tho Coqulllo ferry yesterday, Ste wart Lyons and a party crossed thero about supper time last evening nml tlinlm wflfl thn Illliotv-flftll car. Thero wero several carH behind thorn so that tho 100 mark was easily tieaton. Many or tno cars wuru irom Coos Bay. During tho day several bad acci dents wero reported but most of them ended luckily. Mr. Peterson, of Rlverton, nnd Tom Dovernux, of Bear Creek, col lided on tho Coqulllo-Baudoii road and smashed up their machines. Bill Nye and Georgo Laird, of Ilaiidou, uro roportod to have col lided and damaged oach other's ma chines. Chns. Skeols. of Coqulllo, had bin car pretty badly damuKeu li a col lision. BIG LINERS COLLIDE. Pretoria lilts New Voik Glancing woir 111 iieiiso iog I mr a..ui rr u c- iu, ti.i IUJ lvtliviB f tnm i . 1 ,,.,-, f nv nn a it it q s vhw YOlttC fllv Wireless), Juno 13. Tho Hamburg American lindr Pretoria, Now York to Hamburg, collided with the Ameri can liner Newi York during a dense fog this morning. Tho blow was a glancing one, Just abaft tho bow. The Now York jwaa uninjured. SHERIDAN ENTERS PLEA P6RTLAND, Or.. Juno 13-T. R. Sheridan, former banker, appeared before Judge Bean In the Federal Court and entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of misappropri ating funds of the First National Bank of Roseburg. The date of the trial will be set later, CAUS RIGHT MANY CARS ON SUNDAY TRIPS UNITED STATES INSISTS REBEL BE BAISE RATES Railroad Commission Said to Have Made Decision Com pany Wants More Time Tho order of tho Oregon llnllrond rfitttiiiiuuimi 11 tin, I'ntw nn wnutr enses was completed last Friday and wns supposou 10 nnvo ocen lssueu nt once, but copies of It have not been received here. The Coos Hay Wnter Company has filed an objec tion to tho order mndo Inst fall re quiring them to extend their mains, etc., nnd fixing tho time by which It was to be completed nnd It may bo that this has resulted In tbo filial order relatlvo to ratoH and Improve ments beltiK held back. Tho final order Is unlit to have nllnwod the water compnny a raise In rates unit tho order relative to the Improvement ami extensions is snm lt UlJ nrnciicany mu buiiiu ho mv ina. ffl . Awt Cl.u fVi.li ... v .j ....... 1.. Hifl ii.ilillnlltlmi fip nn nvtitll- slon of tliuo hi which to iniiku the linpriivemeiits ordered by tho unn- roac: commiBston nisi year, mo uooh liny water Company gives ninny ren- sins. It states thnt owing to tho Kticot Improvements In North Bend, It has iieen required to niter nuiiiii miles uf mains them and thnt ow ing to the dredge fill In Mnrshfleld It wns required to alter about four seven miles of mnlns on streets here. It further mates that this work ami repair havo taken all at tlio compnny's receipts and that It haH no money with which to make thu Improvements which tlio comrnls- iilnn rniinlrnH. In poilgiioueiU'U. ttieV ask for time lu which to Hunt bonds or securities to rulso money to cover too expense, tins, u Kriuiicu. win tirolmlilv menu another year before anything Is done. L Shed Located at Seventh and Ingersoll Burned Satur- , day Night. Hundreds of peoplo woro attract ed to tbo corner of Seventh and In gersoll uliout 0 o'clock Suturduy night when a shed wns destroyed by flro. Two fires occurred oil tbu same property on Mnrsh 17, ono sturted In tho morning, destroying u hinise, nnd the second occurred lu tho evening when u shed wus burn ed to the ground. uMw... tin. lu'n iiritvlnim flri's nr. currod tho property wns owned by C, II. Aicituguiin. inco men 11 has been transferred to Dave Hold- en, Repairs wore being inauo to tint shod nnd It Is understood that It wns to bo occupied by u family wnn In a short time. The fire department mucin a quick run to tho scene of tho flro nnd llttlo time wus lost In getting water nn til. flnillPH. Manv tlfiOllllI who havo homes In the vicinity of tho flro and wuo were uown town ni cue time, thought their homes wero burning. The cause of the flro Is not known. Big Fill Causes Fill to Slide Towards Channel Change Dredging Plan. L, J, Simpson, president of tho Port Commlhslon, wus here this af ternoon and stated that the greater portion of tho North Front street bulkhoad was sliding out Into tho channel, Ho ordered tho d red go Se attle to gtop filling In to the west har bor line, leaving 25 to 100 feet be tween the channel and tho bulkhead in hopes or holding It. The weight ot the rill us caused the whole flat to slide mid even the Southern Pacific tracks along the waterfront, ho said, wero swerved out ot lino. Whether the change will savo the bulkhead is doubtful. It will be very expensive If It docs not and may cause them to stop pump ing Into the Ferndalo flat. NAMED MEXICAN ON WATER HERE FIRE ATTRACTS ARGE GRDWD BULKHEAD IS GIVING AWAY PRESIDENT Rumor That It Caused Huerta Delegates to Withdraw Denied. MEXICAN LEADER SAYS THEY ARE NOT PEEVED Have Not Made Charges of Bad Faith Against United States at Any Time Pr AooclntfJ 1'rrM I Coo. IUr TlmM.I NIAGARA PALLS. Juno U -Ro-ports that the Mexican delegntes to the mediation woro preparing to wlth- fliutv liniMiiiuii .if llui liiHlntnnrn nf till! AinerlcniiK on the appointment of n ' CoiiHtltutlonatlst Tor provisional pres- t liliili, if M.ivtnfl iVfirn ,1 tlf.Ifl fllil u'ltll- OUt fotuvdotlon todny when tho medi ators nnd delegates resumed their sessions. Emtllo HnbnHa. head of tho .Mexican delegation, authorized tho statement thnt no charges of bad faith ngalnst the United States had been mado nt any time. BEST ROOM FOR PLANfl'D AM UInM Imiilnrl In AlfnnrI I Mil VVUIIIUII IIIVIIUU lu MClv-nu Meeting Tomorrow to Ar- range The Details Eugene O'Connell, owner of tho O' Conuel ApnrtmeutH, has notified Dr. E. E. Straw of thu Fourth of July, committee, thnt one of tho vacant idoro rooms In the npnrtmont Ih nt the disposal of the commlttco during tho Fourth or July celebration. It Is planned to use the room ns n rest room ror women nnd children nnd It wilL bo fitted up with nil tho neccs sory conveniences. F. A. Sacchl, dalrymnu, bus nlB tcld thu Fourth of July committee Hint ho wilt furnish freu milk ror the children. In order that everything mny be 111 ranged that will add to tho com fort or women mid children who innlcu uko of tho place n meeting ot club women nnd others who tnko nn Interest In matters pertaining to pub lic welfare will bu held nt tho Cham ber or Commerce tomorrow nrtornoon nt 3 o'clock, All Interested In tho mutter nre Invited to attend tho meeting nnd maicu suggestions. BOOST ItOSCIIl'RC; LINK .1. W. IVikliiH Hays DouuhiM Comity .mum Tit He Mau. Tho Roseburg Review says: m'i'Iiiii tin, luxiiilii nf fiinu ('ountr are anxious to Join tho citizens of Douglas County in tno movement ror n railroad from Roseburg to ,1... ...mat nml nrn niilv '' liwaltlliir for tho people hero to tnko tho Jnl- tintive in inn proposition, u.w statement of J. W. Perkins, who re turned to Roseburg from Marsh- " 'The peoplo or Coos County fully realize tho benefits to bo derived rrom nn east and wost railroad,' said Mr. Perkins, 'and they nro ready and willing to assist In tho project. They havo been assured that th" people or RoBeburg mean business mid do not look upon tho project ns n scheme fathered by any private promoter. I tnlked with Al Powors, ... ,1,,, Mnruliflnl.l rullrnnd commit tee, and thnt gentleman informed mo tliut tho citizens of Marshfleld were Jubilant over tho prospects of tho lino and would follow nny nctlon taken by tho people of Roseburg. In otlior words, tho peoplo of Coos County nro only awaiting nows from Roseburg. As soon as wo call a speclnl election nnd uiithorlzu bonds, I bcdleve the people of Coos Coun ty will Immediately get busy and do their shuro (award rurthorlng the project. Tbo peoplo or Coos Coun ty nre unanimous lu ravor or the proposition, and l have railed us yet to hear ono dlBseiitlug voice.'" AioNG the WATERFRONT I Tho Adeline Smith sailed Satur day afternoon lor Bay Point-. The Tillamook arrived in Satur day Irom Portland with railroad ma terial. MRS, TIIEO. MARCOLLO and Mrs. ' Dun Nozellu, of San Franclso nro oxpected hero booh to spend the summer at the F. A. Swell home Mr. nnd Mrs. Sacchl and their guests expect to spend most of the summer camping on tbo beach. MRS. C. HYLAND, of Ban I-run-clsco urrlved here last week to spend the summer at tho home of Mrs. F. A. Saccbl. Sho Is greatly enthused over this soctlon. Mrs. Sacchl wos a guest at Mrs. Hylond's home In San Fraucslco a few years ago when she was re ceiving treatment thero, WOMEN