The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 13, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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ciun i
Admittedly the highest class, most eff Helen!
and economical quick-leavening
v agent made, sold or used
S2J r-s i--
Tho Ladies' Aid Society of tho
Norwegian Lutheran Church at
MnrHhfleld held Its monthly hnsl
nt'Bs and nociil in ci'tln (? In the chapel
parlor, Thursday nftcrnoon, with
Mrs. Kdward Urlckaen and Mrs. Hor
fllnnd ii h hostesses. The nftcrnoon
wafl nlenanntly upont In social chat
and preparations for tho hazaar
which wilt he held tonight. TIiohu
present were. Sirs. A. II. Snow, Sirs.
Knml tfrirkson, Mrs. I.. Hrlekson,
Mrs. Alfred Olson, Sirs. Chris l.oo,
Mrs. E. HofHliuid, Mlsa Sonnlo Ilefs
land, Sirs. O. Larson, Sllss Klslo
Larson, Sllss I'd tin Johnson, Sirs. T.
E. KrlckBcu, Sirs. John TollefHon,
Mrs. W. II. Koloy, Sirs. Edward
ErlclcBon, Sirs. Kolit. Myron, Sirs.
C. 0. .Magnus, SIIbs Alice Mnthlson
Miss Uannn Siuino, SIIsh Stella Mag
nus and Ilov. and Sirs. It. O. Thorpe.
noutii m:.i svi:nisii
lA DIES' All)
Tho LadloA' Aid of tho North
lloiid Church mot Thursday after
noon at tho home of Sirs. William
Btranir. This was the last nicotian
to ho attondeil by Nov. J. V. lion
eon, who loaves tomorrow with IiIh
wlfo for tho Enst. A largo at
tendance wan present. .Mr. Uen
son complimented the women very
highly on tliclr work during tho
year. Another mooting will ho held
In two weeks, tho phco to ho nn-
A party of Mnrahflald pooplo loft
today for tin ovor-Siiitdiiy outing nt
llaBtondorfa Hunch. Aiuoiik Umbo
going were .Mr. mill Mrs. Slclntyro.
I). L. Itood, S. Iltookn and Sir. and
Mrs. Yoakum, of North I to ml, Sirs.
ItnyllHH, J. N. HnyllsK and wlfo, MIsh
Led ward, Stowart Slclntyro and l.u
land HnyllHH.
- - -
Tho uiarrliiKo of Mlaa Allco Hntler.
daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. W. J. Ilullor
a well known Mfiralirielil young wo
rn an, to Dr. Palmer II. Dunbar of
Storrfng City, California, will he ol
oninlxod next Wednesday nt the lipl
topal church In Sacramento, Calif.,
lIUIiop Monrlnnd officiating. Tho
bride a n sister of Walter Holler, as
sistant cashier of tie Klrat Xntlonal
Hank. StUa ltiitior parents are now
at Colfax, near Sacrnumnto.
Kugle'a Hall. Marahfleld.
I Keyser's Alrdonie, North
I lienri.
I Meiihfato Club. North liend.
Sumner Hull. Hniincr.
North Inlet Social Hull. I
Mr. Kdltu M. K11jr has returnel
from n tt'tp to (loM Beach, where
ttlii conducted the V, M. eiimlna
tlona for Poatniuaters In thnt auc
tion. h
tioo. Slurch. Jr., returned Wednes
day from Corvullla, where he haa
heen attending Oregon Agricultural
.5. ;.
Mr. and Mrs. Auagar Ijigerutroni
are oxiieetwl home noon from their
extended Eastern trip.
Mrs. Voriinu A. Smith returned
tin tho Alllauce yesterday from Her
o!oy, where she accompanied Sir.
C. A. Smith. She was accompanied
tiiiiiie by her Mint from S.iiineupoll.
who will apend aome time on the
? :
Mrs. W. T. Merchant arrived here
yesterday from Bin I'Yumlsco w'ere
bIic haa spent tho prist few month.
Mi II. II. MIheraon and llt-ie
won Mid he.- rate, Miss Herlng. a ill
lcai' tomorrow on the Nana Smith
or tln!r honif In Sin Fun, !( o
J'liov had pl.iiiind to icualu I 'ii "
hero, but fear lest SlaBtor Howard
should contract the measles led
them to shorten their visit.
Dr. nnd Mrs. 15. Sllnuus will leavo
tomorrow for Portland where tlioy
will spond n week or bo visiting
friends. Sllss Jessie Chase, who linn
been spending a few years In Ilrook
llne, Slnss., Ih expected to return
with them.
Sirs. Cnthoy and lltllo son, who
hnvo been visiting nt tho K. V.
ICriiBo homo In North Ilond, expect
to leave booh for Klamath Kails,
Oregon, to Join Dr. Cnthoy.
Sllss Slarle T. Stalonoy loft yos
torday for Horkoley, California,
where she will visit hor slHtcr un
til next Wednesday, whon she will
sail on the Mntsoula for Honolulu,
where she will spend six weeks or
f. 4. 4.
Krlc Holt arrived homo todny from
Wlllainotto University to spond tho
summer vacation at tho homo or his
pnroutB, Sir. and Mrs. Coo. N. Holt.
He will tnko a position with Connor
&. Hongland .Monday.
SI.rH. Alfons Urtelt, of San Dlogo,
California, arrived on tho Nnnn
Smith to visit her sister, Mrs. Harry
Slnuu, of North Monti, who hns boon
', seriously 111 at .Mercy Hospital.
Sirs. Itoy O. Ilralnard, of North
Houd, oiitertalued a number of
friends at cardB .Monday evening
(complimentary to .Mrs. Fay Doiupsoy,
who loaves tomorrow for hor homo
,ln Portland.
I Sir. and Sirs. W'm. Chnpollo on
tcrlalucd tho official board of tho
North Demi SI. K. Church and their
wIvoh nt the Woslcyan cI.ish rooniH
.Monday ovoiiIiik.
Sllua Nottlo Savago, Sirs. K. K.
UIkks, S1i-b. SI. (!. Colomnu and Mlsa
, (iolillo UIkkh, expect to leave today
for tho Colemnu hunic'ilnw at Iranlo
Lake for a week's outing.
Mia. JnniHa Cownn, Jr., of Ton
.Mile, linn hoen tho mieat of her f li
ter. Slra. A. V. llowhny tho past
few daya.
: :
Mra. F. M. Frledberg nnd aou are
returning on the Itedondo froi Cai
Ifonila. At 4. 4
Mlsaea Slyrtlo nnd Marjorlo Cowan
re expected home aiJon front Ktt
gene. where tuey haX been attend
ing Oregon Unlveratfy. to apeno the
'iinmer with their pitrcuta, Mr. and
Slra. Jaa. Cowan. 8r.
1 ;-
! Mr. nnd Mtf. A. K. Seaman nnd
children exitert to migrate to their
summer hotne "The Orchard" on
8 itith Cooa River tho latter part
of next week.
Slra. M. J. liunVp and daughter,
MIa Orva, are vlnlt!n Mlsa Ir'ta
liodire, beforo dntartlnn on the
Prenkwoter for Port Wayne. Indiana.
Norntnn Dodge, of Myrtle Point,
la In the city, on bualneae and ploae-ure.
Her. Frederick. 8. Sthlmlun and
bride returned yeterday on the Nairn
Smith front Snn Frnuciaeo.
I Slra. Ceorgo Anthony of North ill-
I let aud little daughter, Kloro, worn
let ami little daughter, Flora, were
Slra. It. W. Potter, of Kugeuo. ar
rived today 011 the Hreakwater to
vlalt rolatlvea In Nmth Heud.
Slra. K. It. llniWon aud daughter,
)ma, are atiHiidiiig the weok end at
tho home of her parent, sir. and Sirs.
Itohett SIcC'nnit in North Menu.
1 Mra. Arthur llorton. Slra. Frank
1 Prey aud Mra. Fred Moore, of Kaat-
aide, attopiMNi in .no ft it uemi yeater
dy. Hand embroidered SlIIUTWAISTS,
dresa riouut lnuf. en , n"h, l"iH(i).
plne work. t) I.K VFIKKIY,
June 17. at PKIUtY - MCHOIJiOX
DAX'i: T A1IMMMI.: S ITl'lt
)Y. MA: If) (KM'lirsi'KA. '
Red Cross Drug Store
l'HO.NK 11M
Standard Oil Company Ad
vances Local Manager to
Eureka District
C. W. .Montgomery, for the pnst
few years manager of tho Coos Hay
district of the Standard Oil Company
has been promoted to tho Huroka
Agency of tho Company and will ho
suueedot. ore by C. Onnniors.
special ngent of the company nt
Santa Rosa. Tho change will ho
effective July 1.
Tho chnngc will bo a decided pro
motion for Sir. Montgomery ns the
Kuroka branch embraces n larger
district than tho Coos Hay district
Tho nowB of Mr. Montgomery's
transfer will he received with re
gret by the mnny friends thnt ho and
Sirs. Montgomery have niado hero.
Mr. .Montgomery has been nn active
mombor of tho Slaruhfleld Lodgo of
Hlkfl, of St. SIonlca'B Catholic con
gregation and has taken active part
itr tho Boclnl as well as tho commer
cial welfare of the community. I
However, tho fid thot tho chnngo
brings him u promotion will moiiiry
tho regret felt hore over his transfer.
Day at the
Plti:SllVTi:iMA.V ( lll'HCII.
Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock tlio
following Children's Day program
will he rendered:
Orgnu voluntary, .Mrs. V. F.
Song by school.
Responsive reading led by (3. II.
Welcome ndtlrcss. Ilttth Snow.
Hecltatlon, Itnlph Illschop.
Anthem by choir. "Suffor Llttlo
Children" (from Cantata "From
SInngor to Cross).
Infant bnptlsniK.
Hecltatlon, Amelia Pratt.
Dialogue, Itnlph Dlscliop aud Arno
ICxorclse, primary department.
Itccltatlon, Vlolu Wilson.
Song, Viola Scnlfe.
KxgitIhc, Juniors.
Hecltatlon, Clitra Ferguson.
Duet, LUIIau Suanmu nnd Virginia
Class uong. Loyal Longue.
Heading, F. A. Tlodgcn.
Solo. Helen Hoeao.
Hecltatlon, Duncan Scnlfe.
Hecltatlon, Duncan Dnrihuey.
Hecltatlon, Herultn Lapp.
Offertory. Sirs. V. F. Stjulrs.
Addroas, Pnator.
Song, school.
Expect Over 100 Machines to
Contest For Prizes Geo.
Goodrum in Charge.
Tl e nuthiiiohlle parade will ho
made one of tho big features of tho
Fourth of July celebration In SlarHli
fleld and tho committee has placed
(leorge (loodruin In chargo of the
ovont. Ho will hnvo tho' assistance
of the other atltolsts hero and It will
eclipse anything of the kind ever
held In Oregon.
Threo prizes will ho awarded for
tho best decorated machines in tho
parade, $50 to tho best, $110 to tho
second heat mm ?L'0 to mo mini
It Is expected that over 100 mach
ines will participate In tho contest.
Autos from Unndon, Coqulllo and
Slyrtle Point, ns well as those from
tho liny will bo entered.
It Is planned to mnko It an affair
of art.
In addition to tho prizes offered by
the Fourth of July committee, Sir.
Coodruin has offered as u special
prize a set of tho famous "shock ah
Borhor" springs for tho best decorat
ed Ford.
Portland Defeats Oakland 8
to 0 Venice and Los
Angeles Win
nr Ao. Iil l"rrf 10 Coon tl Tlmf 1
PORTLAND. Or., Juno lit. Port
land won an 8 to 0 victory over
Oakland here yesterday. The scores:
At Portlnnd- H. 11. K.
Onklnnd !1
Portland S 10 I
Hntterlcs Malnrkey, Harney and
Slltzo; West and Fishur, YantB.
(illtlSTIAN (ilFHlil PlttX.'AM.
t'hlldren'a Day service at the
Sfnralifle'd Chiiatlan churrh will be
tlven next Sunday evening, the fol
lowing program being rendered:
Opening nong by the arhool.
InviK-atlon, Itev. Samuel Oregg.
Reeltatlou, Marjorle Drew, "Wel
come to Our ChlHren'a Day."
Bontr. "Chlldreu'a Dry Pi Juue."
by fix HtHe B'rla.
Ited ntlon. Alice McDuflle.
Patriotic drill by fourteen boya and
Recitation. Rutti Kouaon, "The
Children's Hour."
Recitat'on, Thurlow Ward, "The
Mlaalonnry noy:''
Duet. La vtna, and Dorothy Painter,
Chlldren'a Day."
Hesitation. (Jeneveve Vard, "On
ly a l'op In the Uucket."
Recitation, "(ieraldlne Ward."
HecltAdon. Krnoi? lnunel.
Tableau with aong. "Ten Vlrglue."
Mabel lintuel, occonipanlat.
Cloalng aong and beuedlulon.
At Snn Frnnclsco H. II, K.
Los Angeles I S 2
San Francisco 1! -I 1
Hntterlcs Hughes ami RMlcs;
Loflcld and Clark.
it. II. K.
I 0 I
At Vonlro
Sncramonto .
Vunlco 1! 0 I
Hattorles WIlllauiH nnd Han
nah; White and Ulllott.
WaghliiKton, r; Chicago, (I.
MoHton, 0; Detroit, I.
Phllntlolplila (1; Clevulnud 1.
Now York, :i; St. Louis, t).
Chicago, 7: New York, ii.
Pittsburg, It; Hostou, .'.
Cliicluiiatl. I: PhlltidolphlH, 5.
St. Louis, s; Hrnoklyu, 7.
(Sixteen Inniuga.)
Portland, I; Victoria. 0.
Spokane, 2; Heuttie, 0.
Tacoina, '; Vunniuver, A.
on all
Ladies Spring Swats, Coats
Silk aiiad Wool Dresses
Hub Dry Goods Co.
"Smart Wear for Women,"
Cop. Broadway and Central Ave. ' xhonc 3G1
: --- i
Five more alli'aclivo honipsitcs at an
average price of $i:J5.00 each,
Can You lival Thai Price!
A few more lei'l, only net promptly.
Phono 2(M-.T or 1527 and make an appoint
ment with Uoid. He will call for you in
his car and show yon some of tho cheapest
and host buys in tho city.
Have yon noticed the now homes going
up in Porhain Park? Time now to net.
W. A. REID; 150 Front St. '
Celebrate In Marshfield
A good parade Ih always popular. Tho plotistiro l real, Ictplr
lug, genuine. Thuru In tmtlsfurtlon In mom iitiinliora to fay noth
ing of tho effort at dlnpltiy. The two paradeH tho autoniob'lo
on tho rd and tho civic iiarndo on tho Ith will bo fcaturei of
MnrHhflehl'a celohrntlon thla your. Of tho civic parade, tnoro
will he wild later, hut tho aiitoiuohllo pnrado will he a "hum
mer." lfew aectlona of tho country own nioro nutniiiobllea to tt
hi i unto Inch than Cooa liny, nnd they aro going to lie out and
In atylc When tho dirt la attited that three prlxea or $.o. $30 ::!
$io w'll he offered for the o at decoratwd niachlnea, that OooJ
rond'a (ioo'lruni la In ihnrge of thla feiture of th (debratlon,
and thul th inoliig picture ninu la to bo on hand to qrt (mm
vi ii'lvertiHing luatcilal out of the event, theie'a iou-'i nlJ.
T' i i'to'"'!iHe oirade '"ill he Mitin to ! ri'iecrli"!! '
KIIWT H.lriHT ClltltCII.
Sunday evening, June 1 1, the fol
lowing Children' Day program will
be rendered:
Opening hymn. "Welcome Child-'
reu'a Day." lly the achool.
Serlptuie reading.
Prayer. Hev. A. V. Ilaaaford.
(Ireettnga hy the Superintendent. ,
Oreetluga hy tho Superintendent,'
llr. O. W. Lealle.
Song, "Crown Him." hy the school.
Hecltatlon, Marjorle Fiiliner.
Hecltatlon. Virginia Comiey.
Duet, "A Song and a Smile," El
ale Thoutaa and lidltn Ayre.
Hesitation, Dorothy Uaaaford.
Hecltatlon, Clemence Wright.
Hecitiitiou. Vent a McMahon.
Song. -Tell the Cllad Story," by
the arlinol.
Hecltatloii. June McLaughlin.
Hecltatlon, Kruncea Hall.
Hesitation. Leslie Hulon. Itecltm
tion. Anna Ogren. gong. ".A June
Carol," Primary department.
Hei tint luu. Mayhelle McLaughlin.
Recitation, Curtia Xugle.
Potltatlou. Genevieve Ooauey.
So'.o, MI s Iioasle Aro.
Add 'os. Hev. A. V. Hnsfiford.
Hecitailon, Robert llofrinan.
Hladdcr Irritation, kidney trou
bles, dull headaches, weartneas, pain
n L'aik uud ides, nil how the kid
neys need to be toned up, strength
ened, their regular action rostorod.
Koloy's Kidney Pills will do it sure
ly and uulckly. They give Rood
health. freedom from nnln. n
return of appetite and sound
sieep. try tueni. owl Pre
scription Pharmacy. Frank D. Co
han. . Opposite Chandler Hotel.
Phono 74. Central Avenuo Drug
Store, local agency,
The first Principle
Of thla star la to !! you
thlnga that uv r -Ml, ut tho
prlio that's rlghi.
We are going to le In
business here, w i hopi-, for
a long. Iduk. t'mc.
Your good word li our
BKST advertising.
We want you to know our
707 So. llroadway
Phones ;1IS-.I, a2C.
The Store That
Saves You Money
That's our way to serve you
Lemons, per ctan,
35c and 40c.
Oranges, dozen, 35c.
We can save money on your
Let us have a trial order
Portland Grocery
307 South Broadway
Next Door to Postoffice
PHONE 192-J.
f" PUT' 'I IT mtMmmMwmmi it at,
. k
HI A yf
If you buy a Simonda Saw, you
will not regret it. The saw hangs
I juat right because the handle is
made right and properly placed on
the blade. It aawa true and cut fast.
Made of Simonda Steel. Fully war- -;
ranted. Tiiin back. Polished apple
handle. These are a few of the good
points, but come in and see for yourself.
Mnko your own word agree with ours.
AM. v IS Ob' -.
Lool( for this trade matl(
etched on the taw you buy.
n.. nti.m. lino ni' CIA UPENTKR nnd lllr
W mtll IT TOOLS, aro all i'rom tlio host inaUevs m
tho world, niicl everyone guaranteed. Pm nW
Befoi-o you buy, see EKBLAD & SOX, f..r evciy
thing in hardware.
i ''i tM
1 Jl
fmir M
?SS Job PrietiMg
Doirae aft Times' Office