SrST CLASS CONCRETE cement Walks, Walls, Steps, M. B. GIDLEY i So. Fourth St., Mnrshfleld, Oivroh. Rhone iJOO-J. Salts Cleaned and' Pressed. Knits inndo to Order, (live Us n Trial. ! UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAV DOV'IiH & O. O. DAGGETT Central aw. i-hqdo xou-a TUB COOS HOTEL pornicrl of Mnrshfleld WASHINGTON AVTOUH NOKTII REND O. A. MoUln, Prop. blarneys FlroFlaoei. J. N. Bayliss hoy kind f brick work at price Hint nro tini iXO ALL WORK GUARANTEED ll Bt "Tlio nresiuo," Johnson J SIT Second st. Phono 4,'14-J. Frrnrlt Range ltollnr Work IR.Y WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street. I'liono 180-J. IT. J. BOAIFK $ A. II. HODGINH larshfield PA,NT AMD lUlollliciu nFrnDATiur rt Estimates Furnished. Illinnd IIIMKI. MnrshlleH, Oregon. MRS. C. F. HIHAHGEH llrviiiiaklng and Ladles' Tall oilng I'rlccs lleuHonalilo Ovr Mngnes & Matson Storo . I'liono 248-J. EDISON'S LATEST A Murage battery Hint continual orcr rliiirKhiK will not harm. WVA NOT roilflODR AT TKHMINAIfl. CONTAINS NO AOII). Will not loso Hm clmrgo while standing Idle. IS (!UAHANTKKI F1VB YBAllH Coos Bay WiringCo. Ift.1 Itroiuhvny. .Ip-ntH for I'orv of Coos nay. OUIt KliKfM.VI1 l.l.Mtf OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST IIFCKUk AT S. S. JENNINGS NOUTll HKM ARE YOU BOTHERED Ultii Corns? If bo, you nro doprlv- A nf linir .I.. nl...ii.. nl '" pleasant walking nnd honlthy exor lie. A Visit to Mrs. Olivia Kdman. Cl. ..!, r.i -!. & . .. OMl-IIIIIIC UIIll'llIO(llf.l, l I ,1, J Conncll Uld(,'., will bo tho source of iiuuuuut rviuuu lur uvuiut icui. MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good curs with careful drivers. P tiny service, phono 14-1-J, lilunco Illllartl Parlors. 'or night service, Phono 200.1. Illght Cafe. D. L F00TE. fin Commutation ZU Tickets $2.00 Mrtlifold.Nortli Hend Auto line. Cars every ten minutes from 0 a. m. to 12i"0 p. m. G0R8T & inXO. Props. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio TIME TABLE Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunJts between any points in MartAfleld for the follow Jdr rates, delivery to Se made In Jbe first stories of bulldlngs 2?e funk Three trunks M Twelve trunks . . . . r i-80 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi nelsaer, Prop. Phones, X20-J; 49-L; 88-R. I HE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1914 EVENING EDITION. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY TyiiLi)m.:i) HOGicits nelson , , , Tonclicr "f Wnno. I "I II of uK Mnnsfeldt, San imio (. hilt. Application for les. wiih by iippoliunKMit. Multifield, Ov. J-J H. HARPER, , ... House llullder, (ciicrnl Repairing mid Cabinet ... MnUiiitj. Phono SMIM. W- McllROOM Contractor mid llullder. Mnrshfleld, Oregon. I'. O. Hox Oil. Hcs, Hunker Hill, Y7 T. TOMPKINS, D. 8. T. r, (Weltmor Methods.) ..mVe7 , knowa d'seaBo troatod n itiiout drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 and 2, 237 So. Uroadwy. Phono 132-L. Marshfleld, Or. J OEL 03TL1ND. I'lnilO Tuner mill llnnaln.. lift- S. Sixth atroxl Pi...... iiioi Leave orders at W. II. Haines Music Company. T If. WIIIGIIT Phono IJIB-R J IIUILDING CONTHAOTOH Estimates furnished ou request. QO. GOSNEY Phono 315 1 Contrnctor nnd llullder I'.stlmnies Furnished on Homiest MY PAST WOIIK IS .MY REFERENCE Mrst and Aldor Kts. Multifield. Dn. H. M. BHAW I'.ro. Ear. Noso anil Tlirnut. DR. MATTIE 11. 8IIAW Diseases of women nnd children. Offlco phone 330. HooniB 200, 201, 202, Irving Dlock. Iloueo phono, 10C-J. pvlt. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST llarsbflold, Oregon. Itooma 204-205, Coko Dulldlng. Ilesldenru phono 262-X. Offlro phiinh M2-J. 7WTIW. FAHKINGER, AVA TeailuT of Pli Mano. ItesldPiico Studio, Phone 3SG-J BENJAMIN OSTLIMJ, Consulting Engineer knd ArcliltccL Offices, 200 Irvine UIock. Plinnn fnrl.T. ni. nji..i ' Mnrhflplil. Orpirnn i'pKUL H1LKY HALLIMTkI Pianist nnd Teacher. Residence Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 308-L. WO. CHANDLEIt. AKailTEOT. Rooms 201 nnd 80S, Coke Ralldlw Urshflnld, Ondoi. WU. 8. TOHPKN, ARCHITEOT Msnhtleld. Orncon LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dopetiduhlo. Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to all Interests of our client. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sit Co. TIMi: Willamette -Pacific Motor Car F.ffcctlvu Juno 8, 1IH. Lv. Marnhfleld. G:30 a. m. 7:30 n. m. 8:30 n. m. 9:30 n. in. 10:30 n. in. 11:30 n. in. 12:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:30 p. iu. 2:00 p. ni. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p. m. 3:30 p. in. 4:00 p. m. 4:30 p. in. G:00 p. ni. G:30 p. m. C:00 p. ni. 7:00 P. m. 7:30 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 8:30 p. m. Lv. North Hend C:4G a. ni. 7:45 a. m. 8:45 n. ni. 9:45 a. in. 10:45 n. ni. 11:45 n. in. 12.45 p. ra. 1:15 p. ni. 1:45 p. m. 2:15 p. ni. 2:45 p. m. 3:15 p. m. 3:45 p. in. 4:15 p. in. 4:45 p. ni. 5:15 p. ni. 5:45 p. ni. C:15 p. in. 7:15 p. m. 7:45 p. in. 8:15 p. ni. 8:45 p. in. NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you have thein laundered TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A now taxlrab has been added to my auto service. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any tlms. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78. Night phone I39-X. TOM GOODALE. Proprietor. SeruTYouinLaimdn' to Us By Parcel Post VE FURNISH A HAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield M I I III " iV Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire aid Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO, inc. HENRY 8ENG8TACKKN. Mnnauer FARM. COAL, TIMHER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EAST-SIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE M-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONK 101. New Service to Portland and Eureka The steamship Ceo. TV. Elder completely rofurnlshed practical ly a new steamship will sail for Portland every Thursday and for Eureka every Monday. Sails from Portland orery Sunday at 9 a. m. l North Pacific C. F. M'aEOIlOE, Agent. Alliance Dock, Marshflcld, Phone 44. S. S. HARDY SA.'LS FROM HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY EVERY NINE DAYS San Francisco Office, Harrison Street Dork, Plur 10. Coos liny .i Eureka Steamship Lino E. .1. LINDDN. Agt., Phono Doug. S. S. PARAISO ttiulppcd with Whvleis. I'lnu PasM'iigcr Accommodation. New S(eel lloat. SAHfl FROM COOS HAY FOR PORTLAND SATURDAY, .1 UN 1-2 10, 5 P. M., WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT YELI,0VSTONE SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS HAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Agcnl, Matfliflcld. Eureka S. S. GEO. W. ELDER LEAVES MARSHFIELD WEEKLY EVERY MONDAY P. M. AR",P'K,S El'HEKA TUESDAY A. M. S. S. F. A. KILHURN LEAVES lXHBKA Tlmi'Mliiy, June 1H, Monday, June i?.!nd, Friday, June "(I, Tues day, iliinc .'!(), and Friday, July :i. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY C. F. McGcorgc, Agent, Marhhfleld. .Phono II. W. II. Painter, Agent, North lleud. .Phone -I'JI. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Scim-weclcly service Coos Bny nnd San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY THURSDAY, JUNE 11 AT It P. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S., S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO MtO.M COOS HAY SUNDAY, JUNE II, AT !l P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 2!J and GOO Fife building. Coos Bny Agent, C. F. McGicokok, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marshfleld during month of June at 1 o'clock p. m. on the 4th, 9th, 14th, 19th, 24th and 29th. Tickets on sale to all Eastern point and Information as to routes and rate cheerfully furnished. Phone 427-L. F. T. SHELDON. Agent THE NEW PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER S. S. Geo. W. Elder TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SERVICE. PORTLAND TO COOS HAY EVERY SUNDAY, 1) A. M. mMtvtw ARRIE COOS HAY EVERY MONDAY .MORNING MIRRIIFIELD TO PORTLAND EVERY THURSDAY M.UWHFIELD TO EUREKA EVERY MONDAY AFTERNOON FWLV EQUIPPED SERVICE UNEQUALLED .M.Wl,i l'QWrn VXCWlC STEAMSHIP COM PAN Y C. F. MrGeorgo, Agent, Murshflold. .Phone II. W. II. Painter, Agent, North Hend. Phone -121. Ml Kinds of Job Printing Steamship Co. II. W. PAINTER, Agent, North Hend, Photic 421, :70. G. P. SHERIDAN, Agent, North Hend. San Francisco Done at The Times Office ONE COMFORTER Friends do what they can to comfort the forlorn, but nfter nil there Is but one Comforter. God help those who have not Him to lean upon In tho hour of bitter need! Only the saint can rise supremo above bereavement, but when faith Is strong, tno habit of a llfetlmo, It conies forth at the crisis as n con solation, whoso place nothing else can take. This Is often the blessing of tho poor. Tholr dally misery makes them live near to Hod. Death lovols all distinctions, but they who hnvo no friend but God all tholi lives feci Ills friendship nt the time of death. Selected. I EPISCOPAL CHURCH. I 4 th uud Market. It. E. Drowning, Rector- s n. in., Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.. Sunday School. 11 n. in. Morning prayer, Litany and sermon. 8 p. m. Evening prayer and ser mon. 3 p, m. Servlco nnd sermon In St. Mnry's Church, North Hend. METHODIST EPISCOPAL -Joseph Knotts, Pastor- Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Servlco at 11 n. m. Epworth League nt 7 p. iu. Preaching nt 8 p. m. Junior League Sorvlco Thursday niiernoon nt 3: 40. MnMiln.r .,,.,-., IH'I.... ,... .. i ,V " """" """ u '' hvculng sermon, "Justification by Faith. Special music. Invited to attend. Prayor Mooting All nro cordially Tnursday oven- lug nt 8:00 o'clock CHRISTIAN CHURCH . . Samuel GreKg. Minister. . . Residence, 280 North Eleventh j i'liono 4U2. Services na follows at tho Church. corner Sixth and Contra): lllblo School, 10 u. m. Preaching Sorvlco nt 11 n. m. mid 8 p. m, i I CATHOLIC CHURCH I NORTH HEND Rov. Father McUovItt Mnss will bo culebruted Sunday morning nt 8 by tho Rev. Father, MeDevltt. SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Rov. J. V. llonson, Pastor. , RcHldonce. 337 Conunorclnl Avo nuo WpHt. Phono 193-J. Farewell Sunday morning. Swedish at 1 1 n. in. I SEVENTH DAY ADVI-2NTIHTH I -- Local Elder, J. E. Quails Soventh Day Adventlst Services nro conducted (ivory Saturdny us .follows: Sabbath School at 10 n. m. lllblo Study nt 11 n. m. Young Pooplo's Socloty nt .1 p Prnyer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. in. iu. CATHOLIC CHURCH MARSHFIELD Rov. A. R. Muuro. Mnss will be celebrated nt IU o'clock Sunday morning by Ruv. Fnthor A. It, Mil nro. 4 FIRST IIAITLST CHURCH Albort F. Ilnssford, M. A. Itesldeuce, 0G3 So. 11th streot Phono GO-X Pnntor Hlhlo School at 10 n. ,., with grndod classos aud competout toach- vi Morning Worship nt 11, with sor- DRINK HABIT RELIAHLI2 HOME TREATMENT Thousands of wlvos, mothers and slBtors nro onthuslastle In their nrnlHO of OURINE. becnusu It bns curod tholr loved oiioh of tho "Drink Habit" and thereby brought hnppl- noss to their homes. Cult bo given secretly. OKRINE. costs only $1.00 per box. , MM for froo booklo . Owl Prescription Pharmacy Frank I), Cohan. Opposite Chandler Ho- tol. Phono 74. Gnod Returns On My Investment Madison, Wis., Jan. 1, 1913. This Is to certify that I have been a great Biifforer from Rheumatism bIiico 1894, Contracted tho disease while working with a snow plow on tho railroad. For sev eral years I have been obliged to uso crutches a great part of the time, Having used threo boxes of the , lion RHEUMATISM POWDiRS I have thrown away tho rut- lies nnd am now almost fully rwovernd. It rertululy has done wonders for mo aud I heartily recommend It Signed, M. I). Reynolds. Price f,0c For sale by OWL PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY FRANK D. COHAN, TV EVEN" S8? mon by Pastor Bassford. Young People's Sorvlco at 7 tor ono hour. A special Invitation Is extendod to nil young men niU women. Sunday Evening Sorvlco nt 8. MiibIo at both services by n largo chorus choir undor Profossor Gcorgo Ayro. A oordlal welcomo Is extendod U all. l" NORTH HI1ND CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. S. Gregg, Mluistor- Preaching nt 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. si. mm. bcuooi, io a. in., h, A. TVId ncr Supt. METHODIST CHURCH Hov. A. 8. Hisey, Pastor. North Rond Tliu sorvlccs Sunday will bo as follows: ' Sunday School at 10 a. m. Vospor Clrclo nnd Epwortu Loagutr at 7 p. m. Sormons by the Pastor nt 11 a. in. nnd 8 p. m. I FRESHYT15RIAN CHURCH I J. H. Uurkhart, Pastor. Rlblo School at IU a. in. Regular morning and ovonlng sor vlccs by Rov. J. E. llurktnrt. Prayer Mooting on Thursday ovo nlng nt 8 o'clock. Special music at both sofvlcos. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. 'I tu Christian Sclonco Hall. 237 Third Streot North- Citl-vlniM nf 1 1 n i flnnilnw ntjt "w. '.vo uv ... u., u....ui ...... 8 p. m. WoUnesdny. u... Sunday School at 12 Sunday. Reading Room opon ovory dny except Sundays nnd Holidays from 1 to 4 p. in. I NORTH REND UNITARIAN A. II. Sargont, Minister. Sundny School, G p, in. Sermon, 8 p. in. (Plcnw note change from 7:30 to 8.) The subject of the sermon Sunday evening, Juno 14th, will bo "Threo Applications of tho Brotherhood of Man. 'J,) Tho Unitarian movement In North lleud Is growing. 4 UNITED HHHTIIHEN CHURCH "11 r NORTH HEND Mrs. II. N. LowIb, Pnstor- Subbnth School nt 10 a.m. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in. Preaching nt 11 a. m. and 8. p. m. Prnyor Mooting Wednesday oroa lug nt 8 o'clock. , Revival starts next wcok. V 4 PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH 3U NORTH HEND Rov. Shlmlnu, Pastor Sundny School nt 10. Services nt 11. Holy Communion. Christian Endeavor nt 7. 4 r' NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN , Services will ho hold In tho Nor wegian Lutheran Chapel at Marsh al field, Sunday, nt 11 n. in. minuny sciioui mucin Hnitirunys m 10:30. Sorvlcoa will bo hold In tho Nor wegian Lutheran Chapel nt North Hend, Sunday at 7:45 p. in. Sunday School meets at 10. WILL HOLD HA.AA1L Tho Ladles' Aid of (ho Nnrwoglatt Lutheran Church, of Marshfleld, will hold their soml-nnuunl bazaar In the chapel parlors Saturday evening at 8 n. iu. They have prepared n num ber of pretty and usuful articles In- "' I"""' "" """ . - f'"'""? JX? y,j bo 1 UTS ( 'A US E THO U H LE. SALEM, June lO.-Dcclarlng that rats havn Invnilod restnurnnts, kit chens, bakeries nnd meat markets Iu Portland to such an extent that tho public health Is menaced, State Dairy and Fond Commissioner Mlcklu threatens to enforce tho ruling re quiring nil such places to brand their . foodH "rat Infested," or dlsplny large hIkiis. "rat Infested" ut tho entrnnre of the estnlillshmouts, unless ho rnii get bettor co-operation In his eN fortn to extoruiliinto tho pests, .. NAN.N SMITH sails ISl'MIAl. JUIIO H. AT P. M.. for 8nn Francisco with iwkshmjijh nmijroigni. , .,.,. ,. ,. ri, i,i,i vnu i,.. aiavavm uke'ii. Phonu m. Pacific , , , Tn,IIHfr Company. "',l' "i - J. ' DANCE AT AIRDOME flATUR- DAY. KEVI.'R'S OUCH INTRA. inr wane himm J mini nhk ue- 1