-"wi'V ""WMHMpIVlpIJ'P-I 0iR ''f , 'ii'i!i'iinr-J"!"T"'"'-'''!it" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1914 EVENING EDITION. tix ,CCBM Club. In scrvliiR, sho was nssfatcd by Mrs. W. U. Curtis. Ilur gueati wore Mrs. J. A. I.oniion, Mrs. 15. .1. VrniB, Mrs. M. .1. Coffelt. Mrs. 1). Ross, Mrs. S. A. Leiinon, Mrs. V. IJ. Curtis, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. II. J. Isaacs, Mrs. Robert Kmory. Mrs. A. K. Morton, Mrs. Ingrnni, nnd Mrs. Nollson. I I). M. C. CLl'II I fr O Tlio North Uond D. M. C. Club will meet noxt Wednesday with Mrs. Clias. Williams. BE A CAPITALIST (Continued from pago 2) UKAl'TII'UI, WKDIMNH MMTSp? $B Wspwffl - - Thursday evening at tlio homo of tho bride's parentB, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. IJarncs, In Hay City, Miss Iluth Darnos and James Tuolicy woro married, tho Hov. Robert K. JBrownlng officiating, with the Im prcaalvo Episcopal ring ceremony. Tho wedding wns a qulot, homo func tion, but beautiful in its simplicity. Tho brldo appeared most chnrm Jng In a cream brocaded mcBsallno Rovn and carried a beautiful bocdot of whlto roses and carnations. Sho wnn attended by her slBter, Miss Floronce IJarncs, who woro a shadow lace gown. Mr. Tuohoy was attend ed by Charles Matllla. t ( Ferns and roses predominated' In the flornl decorations. Following the ceremony, a sumptuous wedding supper was nerved to tho wedding pnrty nnd a few In., mute friends who were guests. Besides tho mem bra of the bride's family and tJio wedding party, the jruosts were Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Illatt. Mr. and Mrs. . red Moore, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 0. Hnnsen, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I'. Mnloncy nnd Miss Hrueo Kelly. Tho young couplo went Immediate ly to tho flue homo In Hay City which tlio groom had furnished for his bride. Mr. Tuohoy recently en mo horo from Kurokn, California, nnd Is employed by the C. A. Smith Lumber Company. Do Is a most cntimnblo young mun and worthy of tho charming and highly CHtcomod young woman whom ho has won for n wife. A largo clrclo of frlonds united In wishing them nil tho hap piness and success that can como to them. INIOIt.MAL AKTIIRXOON Mrs. Bradford Wheeler entertained Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mrs. K. MlngiiH and Mrs. W. F. Miller Informally at sowing and ten Wednesday after noon. o I AI.U.MXI OITICIIRS. i. PRISCILLA CLUIl Tho I'rlsclllns will meet (iners- Icr nnd whooping cough willing) next Wednesday with Mrs. Mostolier for the usual afternoon of sowing. I XOIITH HKXI) PUUSIlYTHIl- IAX All) Mrs. C. A. Smith wns hostess to a small group of ilio North Bend Presbyterian Aid Thursday nftornoon Business matters and sewing occu pied the day. Another meeting will bo held In two weeks. Mrs. Mcndo, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Roso and Mrs. Elmer RubbcII wcro present. Tho North Bend High School at their annual bamiuet elected tho following officers for tho ensuing year: President Miss Helen Monde. Vice-president Mlsa Dorothy Klb ler. Secretary Molvln Jackson. Treasurer Clarence Klblor. . HAV CITV All). I Juno l'I Is the dnto of tho next meeting of tho Bay City Lndlos' Aid. T V SOCIAL TKA. Mrs. Everett B. Curtis, of Pint lr was IiohIobh at a delightful so cial tea Wednesday afternoon, her guests being members of tlio Lnrkln piax DAXt'K. The hURbnnds of the members of tno Thursday Club will bo hosts at another dancing party at the Fin nish Hall next Tuesday evening. tgt P mriiK.'i: tint Tho Marshfleld Bridge Club and a fow additional guests woro royally entertained at luncheon and cards Wednesdny by Mrs. W. S. Turpen nt the Inst meeting of tho uensou. The club plans to adjourn until Septem ber for Its summer vacation. Mrs. Blake won tho prlzo nt cards. Tha members attending wcro Mesdnme Bennett, Blnko, Toye, Kiiufmnn, Por. ham, Flanagan, Byler, MePhersoii, Coke, Mntsnn and Jones, while Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. llousoworth, Mrs. Bunting, Mrs. Claude Nnsburg and Mrs. Uoble wero additional guests. 4 4 K.SMOY Ol'TIXtl. I p Mrs. A. F. Bassford yesterday on tortnlucd her Sunday school class nt n picnic nnd outing at Lib by. They mado the trip out by train and walked back. They woro taken Into the liilno by Louis Doll nnd had n fine time. Thoso participating wcro Whltford Hall, Wnyno Cosuoy, Howard Mc Laughlin, Monroe MeMahon, Hor schol Clausen, Ralph Hanson, Clin ton Woodruff, Burl Woodruff, Cecil Doll, Francis Flanagan, Logan Rush ing, Moody Rushing nnd Will Taylor, Rev. and Mrs. Bassford nnd Lois Bassford. m Mrs. Claudo Nasburg, Miss Cone vlcvo Songatnckon nnd n party of friends nru spending tlio day nt Mussel Reof and Shore Acres, where moving picture views nro being ta ken from tho Crawford Point laud ulvertlBlng project. Miss Alice 'Iickcll has been spend the week In Portland nt tho Rose Carnival. Sho Is expected homo next week. (Continued on Pago Eight.) The best wiiyio overcome any gimwing envy you J'cel toward the to Do a capitalist favored rich is to develop a great big ambition 4 A fine chance these days for mo to become an Astor or n M yourself, shall Field!" you may reply ar- FIRST ADDITION TO MAR SHFIELD )f maki We know hundreds of capitalists in the process 3M1 A lAl-vrtiu-,:: """ iviJurriuiN TO 1iiiii mi (imx Mnv. lnivnrs nf nin in FiM MARSH FIELD. Wealth is not acquired ordinarily at a siiiyfe leap, but results from patience, perseverance, industry and thrift These purchasers of lots in I1 1 1?ST ADDTTLON are acquiring Ono of (he first essential of civilized man, a place to live a freehold On the easy payment plan (hey are accumulating hundreds of dol lars worth of wealth, represented by the land they are bavin." This laud they may hold indefinitely and enjoy the natural in crease of value due to the community's growth, or they may con vert their wealth into cash and with it engage in business, first in a small way and later in a larger way. Ie a capitalist, but don't be ashamed to start like nmnv groat capitalists started-in a small way, buying a home-site at $10 per month. Start bv seiMiring a lot where you can see values growing evorv day. in KIUKT AUDITION TO MARSH Fl ELI). Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) IIS Central Ave. Phone 1G0. Ansco Cameras AND KVKItYTIIIXU l-'Olt THIOL I'RINTLVCJ AND DKVKI.OPINC, Till: KI.NI THAT YOU WILL KVK.NTUALLY INSIST UPON Coos Bay Stationery Co. Oil CIJNTHAL AVIINUK. PIIONi: lilO r n . ' i. , , n NO!' AMINUTK TO MM Wa UM hJj Tlio season k iiiixv lieie jkxJ ytM-'HwV9v jSi r?V for Pallidum and Syi$ jhi!rirM 'CnTTWV' P raJ It IB tlmo to hnvoyour C? fciflfliU iM& 4$ Wt imlntliiK nud deeoratliiB di jV-A-fj fi $$, Wi done. You can save time Hrt Wfrm?Vi--lK,Spi rM nd moiioy by buyliiK vf JUii lf4aJPM Irs your wall pnpor from 0 lu ' Mt lvS k&f us. U you run short 'iWi. ill IJ W'j fJw you en n net more nt a vj i It Q Wrf IW iiioiuent'rt notleo. Also y& II1 i yn lA-A a full lino of imltita and n iv SOI tln. KutliuatoB rur- (fil-t I ifvS fPj nlshod free. 1 11 I ftXJj M LEMJEUX Si MILLER.1 , I FM Bw)j Paint era nnd IVeoratora jCfift 1 I'j PS B3 Phone n;..j;. )(AJ JWl iltl FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDKST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. Katubllshcd JNSI). Capita) Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest I'Mld on Tlmo DcposlU Officers: J. W. nonnott, President. J. II. Plannsan, Vkc-IVcHldent, It. I Williams, Cnnliler. Geo. F. WJnclitwtiT, Atixt. Cuttlilcr. QUIPPED WITH -VERY FACILITY FOK HANDLING ACCOUNTS IN A PKOMPT AND itlXtAIILi: MAN NHIt TIMS HANK SOLICITS TUB nUSINBSS OK COUPOUATIOXH, I'llt.MS AND INDIVIDUALS :: :: :: W YOU IIAVIJ XBBI) 1'Olt A SAT ISKACTOItY 1IAXKIX0 HBItVICC WU CAX I'ILL IT :: s: :: :: :: SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First National Bank Ot Coos Bay BREAD IIUBAD MAKBS. HIIAWX. nnd good, puro, wholosomo, nour Ishing brend makes boys muscular nnd healthy. Our bread Is mado from tho finest hard Winter wheat the kind that rotalns tho nutrlonts of Kluton and phosphates. Consequent ly It Is rich in nutrition, and Is ab solutely puro in ovory particular of bnklnc and handling. And a big loaf costs but llttlo monoy. Coos Bay Bakery Tho place for good goodies, tlarltot Ave Phone 111-L GOSS '0 Cents ESI Why not have an extension telephone installed in your residence? The price has been reduced to 60 cents per month. Think of the unnecessary steps this will save you. Coos Bay Home Telephone Co. Don't take any chances Aetna-izel Yourself Today You ennnot afford to bo without It. ulth or neeldent Insurance You not only nee 1 tho insurance, but you want to bo sure nnd hnvo tho correct policy In tho best and most rellnblo company In the businoss. See mo or phono mo at once and I will explain it to you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent Marshfleld. 300 Coko llulldlng. tmvarBVW9acvsrxrsTmrsBF?s.rB! r'wmvH'vn A Convenience and Safeguard If you linro ever (.tumbled on tlio dark basement steps, you can real lio what a convenience It Is to have nn Klectric Light Switch nt the head of tlio Mali's. When planning your new homo or tho remodeling of jour proent home, don't forget tlio switch nil the basement stair, or the switch lo light the second floor lights fiom (ho flint floor, j- & IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS ? . ''ring your lunch basket, Kodak nnd fishing tncklo for a fow days' outing. Sunday School and all picnic crowds a specialty. Kxcurslon to South Coos River ovory da v. .Marshfleld Tlmo Table Launch E.pross, weok days, loaves s n.m. Stoamer Hnlnbow loaves Marshflold at 8:a.ni. every Sunday, and 2 p. in. week days. For chartor and picnic arrangements, apply on board steamer Rainbow. asp 4-L Remember to hih"1e tMrt llghtH, porch lights, baseboard v e,s for tho flat irons aJ & uppllaiiccs. ICs simpler ami $$ to plan these tlilnis- before tf work Is stalled. SKK YOl'R IH-LCTIUCAh DE1U IR or telephono to us. OregonPower Company TplWiono Iffl. JCol (.'or, mi""" - TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy g ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, nj 0 vor. L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, to re m $ uiig, repairing or new piuiens, wore "" , j i Alllince -n paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono Cleanl cai bo TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE ANDSurmjiii: