THE C00S fiAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE I.! mT II 1 1 1 i'l nil ' Mil ( ly CoprrV't I9M Tin I louw ! Kuptwnlwliitf i man coiiins in Tin. Live AViiv Stove i'or a Suit or light coat and mentions, say $15.00 as the price he wants to pay, wo show him I'vci-y Suit in our stock, several different models and sizes at that price, in a con sck'ntious effort to make price and preference coin cide. There's no importuning to spend more than you in tend, no measuring of ser vice by the size of the sale .... whatever you come for from a collar button to a 10.00 Suit, you'll get at Hour price if we have it. FIXUP TWO STORES Marsh field. North Bend hOGMfe BREVITIES TIDF.S l'OK .1UNK. Ilclow Is given the tlma and height of high and 1ot water at Marshfleld. The titles are placed In the order of ecourrence, with tholr times on tho first line nnd holghts on the second line of each day; a compar ison of consecutlvo heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on the bar subtrnct two hours !U minutes. 13llra. . G.43 11I.2G Ft. .. C.II 0.1 lira. . O.i'iS 0.39 Ft... 2.3 4.9 14 7. IS CO 1.09 0.C 0.0 0.0 S.0G 5. 1 AUHAXUK TO TAKi: VOt'lt Your Sunday Dinner at THE CHANDLER KUUVICK A'IjA-I'AUTIv A COOI) MF..NT AM) COOl) Ml'SIC IRVING BLOCK "fyatldlcm, SPECIAL THIS WEEK Men's Suits, well worth SI 8 and $20. Choice. $15.00 win ii ii iiiii i Ktirrr-v rrrTri: 25c per cent discount throughout ladies' depart ment. Trim med Hats 1 -3 off WKATHUU KOUKCAHT Dr Aiiarlt'rd Trnt I Oooi U TltnM. ORI-XION Fair; northwest erly winds. LOCAL TUMPHHATUHK HKCOHD For the 24 hours omllng nt 4:13 n. in., Juno i3, by UenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum 02 Minimum CO At 1:43 n. m 51 Precipitation 00 Precipitation Blnco Sept. 1, 1913 C5.C7 Precipitation same period last yenr CI. 12 Wind: northwest; partly cloudy. nn nttentlant, this morning. Warner hau iieon living in the vicinity of the Llbby coal bunkers for a num ber of years nnd kept many cats about his place. Ho threatened anyone who made fun of him or Ills pets. Neighbors filed a complaint with Justice Penuock and tho old man was brought before Judge llnll for an examination as to his snulty REOPhE'YQU n k$ fflkinw ABOUT II Vi l noit.v KURKKA To Mr. and, Mrs. V. F. Kbbekn, nt tho I,. II. Ik-Inner home, Juno 13, a 10-pound son. Mother nnd child are doing nicely. II. QUAY will lenvo for Portland to morrow. W. 11. WANN iilniis to leave tomor row for Poitland. SAM OTT, of Allegnny, Is a Marsh field visitor today. J. UOY1). of Heaver IIIII, will leave for Portland tomorrow. C. WHITE, of this city, will leave for Portland tomorrow. II. S. LARSON, of this city, will leave for Portland tomorrow. F. II. I1UHTCH, of this city, will leave for Portland tomorrow. MRS. A. INOMAN, 'of this city, will lenvo for Portland tomorrow. II. O. FULTON and wife plan to leave tomorrow for California. MKS. W. T. HODSON, of this city, will lenvo tomorrow for Portland. It. F. 1)00(113 and wife expect to lenvo tomorrow for California points. WILLIAM T. STOLL will lenvo for Portland on tho Hrenkwntor to morrow. MI'S. OSCAH PHTTIJIFF. of this city, will leave for Portland to morrow. MIIS. L. J. PF.TROULMAUX. of Al legnuy, came to M:irhtlcld this morning. A. B. COHDKLL nnd wife, of Coos Itlver, camo to Mnrshflold this morning. MIIS. K. L. PIKRCK nrrlved bonto todny from nn extended visit nt northern points. J. STKKLMAN, of North Ilend, linH mado reservations to Ball an tho llrenkwator tomorrow. MISSUS MAI1KL and ANNA WICK- mnn will leave tomorrow to visit relatives In California Telephono 77. The Hummer Sale One Day Only Monday, June 15-0nly Wo hnvo received a large consignment of heavy gray UNAMUL-WAItl-: that wo arc going to offer tho public a 1-DAY SAI.M of these remnrknblo values. We quote a few prices as spaco will not permit us to list the complete lino. Must be seen to nppro clato tho value. 2-qt. Pudding Puns Suiico Pans Mixing Itouls, Po Plates and Utc, 10c; !l for U.V. 3 & 4-iit. Milk I'mm, Wash IhiMtiM, Piv- serliig Kettles, etc, l."e, !I fur i!.-K 10-nt. Water Pail, 10 qt. ItliLslug Pan, (1-nt. Deep linking Pun, (U It. I'tvsono Kettles, etc. l!Oe each: 0 for $1.0.1. Now on Display in Our Window Schroeder & Hildenbrand FARM IMPLUMUXTS. H2X. llAUDWAIli: At PLUMHIXtt UgMff r wmm 3P 5 !3 TM WfiJUL A Pay WiiitiiiHh. County Treasur er Dlmmlrk nunounccn that liu Is now rendy to pay all warrnnlH Is sued prior to July 1, 1913. Miiku Siimiliiv.. flu-lnt' In Father McDovltt'B nliHenco nt Portland, thero P. C. NASH, tho nrtlst who enmo hero will be but ono mass hero tomorrow,' recently, and wlfo. plan to lenvo nt in o'clock. Mbbh at North fiend tomorrow for Cnllfornln. will be colobrnted nt S o'clock. i MISSUS I115SSIF, COKK and Helen mo Two DrnnlcM Ihh1. .losoph Alox nndor, arrested Inst night by Officer Donne, mid Thomas McCanlcy, ar rested last night by Marshal Carter, pleaded guilty to being on tho streets In n drunken condition when brought before Ilecordor lltitler this morning. Tlioy wore fined $! each. In Oi-mliiutcri. Louis and Orln Knnpp nrrlved In today from Port laud, whom they hnvo been attend ing Columbia University and whoro AKN0 mhRHHN plniiB to lenvo to l.uiliH inuip who ii muiiiuui ui iiiii graduating class. Thoy visited nt while en (1. Abbott nlnn to leave on next Kodnudo for Cnllfornln. MIIS. W. 8. I1IIOWN and dnughterB nnd Mrs. II. II. Ulggs expect to lenvo tomorrow for California. HURI1HRT LOCKHAIIT nnd A. T Undies returned yesterday from n business trln to Son Francisco F. TIM.MKUMAN returned Inst ove hIiik from n visit nt thu homo of his Hon Max at IlrooklngH In Curry county HttVTmNTirtErtszrM:; I HffKKl i ffJ 1 Notice to the PuMic ew Bedford l!:n:csiles are going, there "eing now 32 sites sold. Consisting of one to 'four lots crch at the price of $550 t L 700 each. Only some 60 more aesirame sues re- liiKj at $250 to $650 per M. Terms one-fourth , one, two and three years, payable on or before ity date, contracts providing for deed showing chantable title, interest 6 per cent per annum. 's for cash. Contracts and deeds will be Issued ,i a reasonable time from date of sale. If you ::ny of this most desirable property, you will have r t. Abstract at the office of Stutsman & Co. All nation regarding this tract freely given. Stutsman Sb Co. Mui-bfiWcI, Orejpiu. tlo P. M. Wilbur homo route to tholr homo at Port Orford for tho summer. j llnitit Cut by Ae. .lolin Stnildmi,' Ir, of Sumner, sustained n painful ut not serloiiH Injury to his rlclit and this morning when n workman dropped nn nxo from ,n tree. Iloth Stndden and tho workman nro em ploye 1 on tho county road. Madden mine Into tr-p city this morning, liP'l this bund drennpd by a phyxlrlan and. left on nn nftprnnon boat for Sum-' nor 1'atliPf Hurt. I). .1. Hoes yostor ili i'pcp'vmI n telexrHm announc. In- that li'd fjthur, now 71 yunra old. linl bwn run down by train Roilyn. Waali.. nnd a los ci.t off Mr. HHa' fainllf h" Iipii ' bilna bard link for the past ynr, li's mother'a llf" hailnv ben dea pilred for aevprul montha ard t t "f c liavlnv ontpred a Unapltat i t'ipve p fw drya aifi for au opera ' i'rn. I J. Ilea left tbia mornlnit fur Roxlyn and nta to reach t'.ir"o tomorrow nliiht. Ir4 Kkka riilW. The two-yaar-' old daughter or Chaa. Boonle. reald ln; nt MIUInRton. wsa aorloualy ! ii el by btlna kicked by a korae. l,. skull waa fractured in three i Ihm's rnd rrnwdc! In naalnat the l "l'li, Sho w tok"n to Mercy llo. I'm nnd thte mornlnr waa muth . nrovori and may pepqver. t'dd-to to rir'. When the nomi ii -n rime In tdav, the Rh'nxle I' i.o SIouk'i brldgp aa dlawvprcd tr l on flrv It bed Juat cpurbt art some of th" M were bu'ii'ii' br kly. It waa quickly nit out and Hip damat-.p vaa not tnoi:;h to Im pe. train tPrv!p. I ml W'awr l.e'l T.iday. Frcl Warner, the old man who waa found to b' mentnlly unbrlancpd when px aminid by Ji dgo Hall and a phys ician ' vek. waa tiktn 'o t o itate liiire navli'iu bv Fd Cnnierln. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I . ,)ST In North Ileml, Imly'a k1(1 watch fob. Finder ploasu return to Mrs. George Hnrtiiiiiu nt Smith Vnrlety Store. laying fresu new WANT!:! Huyer fop 11(1(1 hens, -00 young chickens, cowh, 1 now Incubator. brooders nnd nil fixtures situated on close-lu pluco renting for $15 per month. Seo Title (litnrnutco & Abstract Co. WANTHD I'iimHIoii by ljear-olil girl, to tnko euro of baby, day time; can help In kitchen. Ad dress, Ilox CS7, Mnrshflold. I'OH HUNT Combined hitting ami bed room, with bath. 1171 North First. Phono Kill-It, FOH SALlv Unity catilagp, lllirnry table, dJnliig room clinlm, bed, gnH range, fruit jnrs, Hooslur kitchen cnbluut. All good iik nuw and clump. AIho 110 chlckeiiH, Anconiis nnd llhode IhIiiiiiI ItedH, nt S27 S. nth. Phouu un-.i. HELP WANTED prt)f(fwl()OnI niirso. Will go out to nomofl. oi WAXTKU Cam-H by Second streot North. Phono 123-It. - FOR RENT I'Oll HI:NT HoiiHoliivpIng nMUim with nil home cunvenlencoa la modern homo. Also slooplm; rooms. Phono 32G-L. 3.14 First St. North, off Market. I'OH IIKXT Homo Mitly funilaliM. 7 rooms nnd bnth. Ilonsonablo. 1108 North 2nd 8t. Phono C0-X. "OK HUNT Tut-rMiii fumUiliPiI npnrtment. Inuulro Nasburg Grocery. FOR SALE I'OH SALI! Imviu' lubber plant. Imiiilro Ilox It, Times office. I'OH SAM': -I) lot (nick giinlcii In First Addition; 200 chlikens! II rows; fair buildings, water piped to garden. Phono illf. I. I'OH HKNW Now n-riMini Iioiim1, fur nlghed or unfurnished, nth and Ingersoll. W. F. Hiiilru. FOH HUNT Mmlern flata Cook's Grocery. Knqtilro (lunnory. Phono IH-J. over Tho morrow with C. A. Smith for Port land and other northern polutH. points. MIIS. CIIAS. KAISi:il,nnd daughter and Mrs. Gehhnrt or North Ilenii will lenvo tomorrow for a visit In Cnllfornln. Iti:V. J. V. HF.NSON and wlfo anil baby will lenvo tomorrow via Snn Frnuclsco for their now homo In Ponnsylvnnln. MIIS. F. M. COHAN, who Iiiih been visiting nt tho home of her Hon, F. I). Cohan, will lenvo tomorrow for California. It. M WF.HDKIt. or Ton Mllo, wnH a Mnrshflold business visitor ves- terday. lie renorU liualnvaa live-. foh KAI.W Out new National C'aMi K.;ifixrr HOO.MS ami table lionnl I'OH HUNT SU-HMUii Iioiiho on South Ninth street, $20 per mo. Phono 171 or cull 130 North llroadwuy. I'OH HUNT I'lvo ntuiii liungalow, bath, olectTlc llKbts, 1 1 tit atreot, In (inlro F. K. Allon. I UI lit iWHHM I I1 . . . MaaaaiaBaMBiBBiHMMBaiiitlllllllllllllllllllllllllWalBaMaawaWI ( Grad Theater TONIGHT GGjdrum's.Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars Phone 37-Ii 317 Central A v. TITE 1MNDON FIUE i (K at KIMXKIl Hall AT. Ii-mitv ..i.lii. JIXK 18. Muatc W IKMJOTT'H Oltt'HKOTIU. . AWJ.K .howln In 20 beautiful alldea. II. InuiP llPP anfK W uvi P. il.. for DAXt'K, ISveiyowe w i come. Five Hepla of IaUt htoplr Krincla X. Buahman, winner of X SMITH aalls SIWDAV, June, the Udiea' World contejt In 14, AT r. lor "" '' rsiiiv uJ a with PASKUXCJHHS and freight. A spieDdld 2-real feature. cm,ot,no to sro .,,..,! r,AXp TIK VILLTAX lv In that txM'tlou. .!. L. IlllIOU mid Otla Wllion left tills nfternoon for Ikenldo, where they will apeml aevernl dnya flahlim at t'ip Ten Mile rpaort. IIKHHRIIT PFAKK wm In from lila llavnea InlM hompatoad voatPt'dav making final nroof before V. R. Land Commlaaloner Arthur IC. l'pk. JK88K KKANT7. who hat Iipph at tpndlnn tie Hill Military Academy at Portland, arrived today to apeml the vacation with big unole, Dr. Honaeworth. A. M. PKTKnH. of Bunker IIIII. left on the Alliance yeaterday for Wat ervllle. Mlchlnan. to vlalt a broth er, whom he hat not eeen In over twpnty veara. W. II. ASHMAN and Tom Hall left thla mornina on a flthlng inn rnd what will happen to the poor little flab will make a tragic tale In rle!lol0J, II. O. Fl'LfON will leave tnmor-nw for Ohio to trend aone time with , hla mother, who U very aged. Ho li'ana to return to Cooa Ray at aore time In tie future. FRANK BAUNDKIIS. who U now xuu- erlutendent on the Oellllo Cnnnl work at The Dalles, crrlvpd lmre , yesterday with hit wife and bnby tn aoend Ma vacation wlt'i relatlvPi ' at Empl'o MR. wl MUS. B. A. JACK, who arrived bor yet'ci-it y r-o-i vtu I flolrt. wi m'arH south tMs I morn lux, enrout- to Pfcaftu C'iiim , tv. Cal . Mhfr tby w II rcsldi- - Itoaeburg IUmIcw I HKSIlY gKNOSTXf'KUV l pnp(p home overland tomorrow from Port'and. w'pip hp hasi be-!! a ! tending the annual convention of I te Oregon Ahttrart Men's Abmim-Ih- tlon. of which he haa been preat dent the oast year. MR. AND MH8 PHARI.Kfl SKMN. of Wett Marahfleld. are mo'ng out to the new road camp be tween Marahfleld and Couutlle. Mr. Selln haa work on the npw road and they exnert to be ab MDt from the elty for aeveral moutha. Upglater. Phono 110-J. LOST ,!HT At high MdiiHilbiiiiM' dtiiio II, lady'4 Rlglii watch. Fludar return to Tlmea office and receive rowanl. Mint Mary Holler. . HKW'AHD 1 will l" anUalil ! wnrd for recovery of row boat tu ben by man who waa to repair tt. but nmu haa dlaiiputtred. itkinj beat with him. Kugenc O'Con-nell. Phone H3-L. MAWI.M1K Tritiirl by aa tsierl. Mre. B lAgua. 1171 CommerelBjl Ave., Phcmo ItT. ' f.r L-iintlnmon. In nrlvnto family: closo In; rntos reiisnnublo. Call 23'J South Fourth Stroot, FOUND rOPXI) (JpiiIIpiihiii'm Match. Otiiipr may hav aninp by deairlliliiR It and paying for thla adv. Il(iUOH my iJuIIiii-h vIip clili'kcua pay ccnU; amall capital needed; small apace reuired; nlwaya pen ned up; ready markete; aend for Muy laaue of our Journal; fully ex plained Ihere; price ten ceuta. Ile llable Squab Journal, Veraallloa, Mo. ., . in n i in ' m Foley Cathartic Tablets are a sDeclally good little regulator that keens your system In perfect work tag order. No biliousness, no con- Xiw t,..-n ,.rc.TviTvvrjirHe'stlpation. no awrwi .iw .. 11 ip q i. c fn on Francisco no greasy, gassy "' PSSUXOKHS and freight PHONE 10 fWt Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY 158-R taste. them A stout constantly out and nnan U'lin U '..,. .oii.. fnol thinned ore comfortable as a rwult of their mmb distressing, racking, tearing foughs Children love It. Hofuse suMllluiw. ..---. "-ri" nwi l'rescriiinou -i . any ates. Frank D. Cohan. uppo .o w Hotel. Piione it. v.. Drug Store, local agency. STILL PUKSUED Qood comedy. Hisn BUNNY'S SCFTEOT Good laugh-makor. Irunnygrapli. UNION MU.MHHHS XOTICIS On Sunday, June H. at 8 nVloik .. .....1 l.n .. ilnl.atn It. .1.1 1,1 m.. mere win i "' "r:' .1,. iinifahorenion Hall. North Front rt. The aubiect la whether to J. ,ee Brown, Ph. O. Robert W. aVnntou. Ph. O. tf . t -" f Egawll Tf7taV aW C$E logenfeS; cys- Here's some aood isfui ' 'lit aiiiHM il" Ii '" " ' -' protest or endorse tue proiuuiuon VIIEN TITTEVES FiUJvbiiis now m"-c;ZZZ. .-vir. i iiwj. )! " -" v. ' test and Andrew Lawdles tbp r-n-Hnruiannt. All members of the la- nTT'D Sellg drama. Other pictures too numerous to mention Children 5c; adults, 15a. bar unions are Invited. Signed. T1IK0. MBYBIt. Pres. A, bAKULHI. Set-. Central Labor Council, And Well Worth Knowing! Wh are exclusive .."' for the .ebbrated PKNtttAR ' HVAl P-AMH V HKMBDIKR-and we r mighty proud of It. too. TJ rw UH id NVH REXIKDIKH one for pa- h II -ur made by Two old Itabllth '-ompanlea. famoua years and years for the . - . . il..H.,. .x ihaaaV nrsifllK tu ""wK rSTK . oomle liT of .,. and aundiics store You led" after Mi our leads! No Urilgt uui vn. very ?" - . "",n ,, . .,.. need never rear tnai your i H""" ., , .,, . rauae we are very careful to check every J-K.-at. "- time, before conipouuu ., .- . ,--. "". ..VI(,K , an example I ine , we ; .- - -,,;.,, . ,, itOm.a 'i in mm- l'i b 'ir P iil Ki A-' ' i J laSSSBQ RiMMIIil rlBlvJ!