-vr,,tr .AWIWW"wtw i r'i"i PSSnBr4rSK-.-s i , THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FOUR coos bay times on r M. O. MAIjOXNV l-Mltor mill l'ul. M N DAN 1-3. MAI.QXI3V Now a Killtnr U1IL Official I'miur of Cons County 1 HI 1 W T BEING RUSHED nit. wirriiiumni; nniti:. Star lianc'i lti ipt lMr Kuya ltoe Kostliiil Wits I'lno. I the stnVraiuh in curry 'county, ciuno Arrived Early This Morning Engineer Fontaine Says They ni4hr?..TXrhottdWn 15 With 68 Cabin Passengers , Will Soon Have Rails visit relatives ami boo the itoso Festi- and Fair Cargo. I To The Siuslaw val. Dr. Wethorbeo was accompanied i by his wife, his mother-in-law, Mrs. Tho steamer Hrcakwnter arrived' KL'GKNE, Or., Juno 13. The WIU J II .McCluiiB. and Ills wife's slater, early this morning with slxty-clfiiit lamotto Pacific Railroad wilt be with ers C II I'rledel, who will visit robin passengers, twenty-one steer- p twenty miles of tidowator In less with Dr. Wethorbue and his wife for KO unu u inir cargo, ane win nan tnnn two weoKS, according to u. it n month or so. I for Portland tomorrow. Among Fountalno, assistant engineer, who nr Wothorbco savq that tho Uoso those to arrive this morning were: j states that tho stcol Is being pushed Festival JuBt closed In Portland stir-' . 'on Pon. C. White. D. Oray, Louis to Mnploton moro rapidly than ever. i-aisoworK uriuges navo ueen erccieu across tho third, fourth and seventh Wildcat crossings, and tho false work will bo built as fast as tho rails reach now crossings, not wnltlng for tho steel brldgo crows which have boon throwing steel bridges ilnce last fall. Tho rails reached tho first cross ing of tho SIubIhw and tho Willam- rnssed all previous festivals hold iV'""!'. urn ivnnpp, i.. ivceiinn, there Ho says that tho parades wero . if ""'" '-c uoit, .Mrs. j. w. far more attractive and that the nd- punlap, .1 Klwood. Mrs. Muntho. W. ij. uag, .Mrs. m. unoii, v. urnuioy, Mrs. r. McCann, F. McCann, .1. K. vortlslng element was entirely cllm lnatcd Dr. Wetherbeo says that everything Jo, Floyd Powell, L. A. Uunch, Geo. on his ranch Is run of lire nnu iook- ""'"" " "" " "i- Ing fine. He will leave this evening '"". uihih. i;vans, ueriruue I'oitor, for Dandon. where ho will sco tho extent of the damage done by tho fire. AMONG THE SICK f Ed Swanson, John Uerry, Pearl HI bargcr, Mrs. C. W. Chandler, Lucy Hlx, F. Saunders, Mrs. E. O. Crans- nttn Pnclfln from now on will follow bay, Ora. Hernard, D. W. Carpenter, tho Siuslaw Itlvor to Acme. Until Jesse D. Fronts, W. C. Pulley, Mrs. now it has followed tho Wildcat, a II. T. Murray, Mrs. W. A. Richardson, tributary. Aftor tho second crosslnc m n iMiina l rnnnrt..,! rZ Mli8: 'f J",.1 i,or.c0' ,s.l,8H nV, s,1ml" ot tho Siuslaw, tho railroad has a rnvllt, frnm nvnr ntlnrk nf qU V' J' T' Mcau,ro- J.lr8' G F' "" Btrolch Of seven tnllCS without bridges mnin-8 ifn? .nr I .m nm .no,t,8 Mr8 M- U Tucker. Stove Par- nd along this grade tho rolls will m ??' m!,1 . .-.IE loff- Mrs- McCommon, Mr. McCain- b0 pushed bo that within less tlinn 111 with the rtUcane. ,ont j, n Wothorbce, Mrs. Wether- two weeks tho rails will bo less than uuy iwnmii is i...iij-u iiu t..u 1)COi Jlr8i jicClung, Mrs. Frledal, Mrs. twenty miles from Notl. . K.Dooth residence In West Marsh- Lewl8( F A. slnile n, Llttman nerti1 MBMry crow?ai-o erectlnK plorrf ueitnis, v. h. siicriiian, .Mrs. unui-0n tho third crossing of tho Siuslaw, 01 shaw. Erman llradshnw, Almeda on Lnke Creek and on San Antono iiriuiHiiRw, uay urauHiiuw, winucui Cieek. All tho other piers wore Rradshaw, Mrs. F. Saunders, W. A. plnccd last year. At present men aro Lowenborger. E. R. Edge, Mrs. E. R.I working within cofferdams sinking hdgc. Mrs. Chan, .Nylandor, Isaac the center pier for the third crossing. Kempy, W. Kakata and twenty-ono, Til has n 3r.0-foot snan. Work on 111 H. Htccrage F I field C. C. aoiiiK'i children are measles. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. J Mills aro reported III of measles. Matgarot, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lusu Is reported HI with measles. Den, (liu little sou of Mr. and Mrs. Olvon8, who rcfflrip In tho iSacchl ' apartments, Is III with measles. Mrs. I). A. Jones, who has been very 111 of measles, Is reported im proving. Clyde Foulkes, tho little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Foulkes of Sec ond street, Is recovering from a se vere tdogo of pneumonia. A. O. KJclland of Kcntuck Inlet is reported to ho suffering frnm a relapse. J. A. Roberts of the O. K. Chop House Is reported quite sick. II. J. Meade, n pioneer of Gardiner, Is .hero fnr medical treatment, llo is over eighty years old and lins long been a resident of this section. .fitrnlllti Qu'fint'u llMIn ftnnrrlitn. who has boon very 111 of measles Is r Liberty contest was made at noon Improving. (today when committeemen ropre-J M I E TODAY the Lake Crook crossing, which is a ann-foot brldgo with a 200-foot cen ter span, will ho commenced nt onco. Hut tho brldgo crows from now on will not delay the progress of the rnll. nrrnrillni' In tlin ntiirlnpnrn. who I state that tho tracks will cross on folso work beforo waiting for tho I bridges. This means that tho rails will roach tldowatcr in a matter of but n fow weeks. At present passenger sorvlre Is be ing oporated to Fowler's placo, thir ty-two miles west, but preparations servlco !.. 1 i... p- i i , l Hi llil'liui tinuM, nut i-i'tuni iiiuun IliaiUU uy taqiCS, in Leaa woBt, within n few days With 12,500 Votes Tho first count In tho Goddess Win. Ar-'tcr's fourteon-year-old ol",i"'K "' inuunmi socieuos, lougos daughter underwent an operation nt J""1 rnvolln salesmen mat at tho Mercy Hospital and Ih reported to bo yminber of Coiiimuno. Tlio rolurns doing nlcoly .show that MIsb Ilessle Flanngan, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. OxtroWs child- .UVj? ' " Vl JV? V5 -lnn Kn,B,PB, lH '" tht ilrnn linvi Iikoii nnlli ulnl, will, ..innu. ,CI". w" 1-.M) Otl)S. les niul whooping cough. Mr. nnd Mih. Win. Cox'h children aro Just recovering from whooping cough nnu measicH Miss Gortrudo Scalfo. nominated by the Moose Lodcc, Is second, with 1,200 votes sud Miss Elmn McDon nld, nominated by tho trnvollng i I III I IMlllllllI lllll BIS IMISiMlit II 0 M Floronco Farley Is conflne.l to l.or ?a",p""l,J!. '" h,r,;l wlt'', lP'00?,' ,S1,, no In West Marshfleld by nn nt- lsnll.' I l"1 Y -V1?8 ,(S,n'lj8 no,,',y k of mensles. , ioprenontlng tho tolephono oxchnngo, homo tnck Tho yon n hr nun of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W, 1 Hillenbrand has been hnvlng quit", ft slego of tho iiip.ihIos. The HttU son of Mr. and Mrs, II N'crdrum. of South Fifth street, lins been quite III of tho moaslus. who lins 10(10 votes. Miss Ermn Erlkueu, tho Elks enndtdnto. has 2:i()0 votes. Now that tho first count has been nnuouiuod, n greater Interest will Iih shown In tho contest. Some of the societies, Including tho Elks Ik III i hihmIhI metliiK for the rrnliiK tl'olr ciiiiinnixii Edgar L Martin Here to Con-. fer With Employes About Liability Lines. t not : I' inns FOR AUTOS------ News Concerning Road Condi tions and Other Matters of Interest. Edgar L. Martin, vlco-prcsldcnt nf Si oat, Evans & Martin, gonernl ag ents of tho Guardian Casualty and1 Guaranty company, nrrlvod hoie to. iiny from Portland to spoiid some time with E. I. Chandler on Coos n-- n. r!i-t v,, r-,ipc!ully to khi in ioiicii with m'iiiih of the big einployeri hm the comnunv inakes n ' t-.i.i.ii tluit tntv will mow ; snerlnlt)' of the employers' liability oi tomorrow nd bogln nnd compensation rink. Tho Giiard- I icir cnurtldateit In ear- Inn company It one of the lninuont In the coillitrv mid ont of t'.o fore. minlttwnuMi nt niont In this cIhsh of builiienn. Mi. ' iniKiHK or Chuniller will he rim asam ror tii.. niiUKIHlPB ny tnu cumnanv In th m ttrrltniv Mr Mr. " ( of ttllde In the HlOVlnX Picture tin donlre la mPt nml tnllr vnr ihn ll'iaiprs. to It la very llknlv that l tun Hon with the piii.1v.. !. ihi. ..... ...... ...in i.. .....a. - . .. . . V . iiimm-kwv win w iiinuw muir wH'iion. lie pas snnm vnlimiiln !n- i txn U d Ull. I'M I". condlllnns In e ! rtliertltm P'v uro reporit'd x(tllout ' ii'iii'ition bureau nt i I in in a ciuriiKP. The 1 1 t 'llllil' I hat to- Hi '.null' t with the namoa of the var lore riindldaiea aa well aa n few polnieii reuanna aa to why tertatn ! cnndl'atea ehould be honored. Ik'trlnnlUK Monday, a count of l lie votra will be made emh day nt ikiuii ind the result poated on bulle- forniutlon and atatlstlca on the subject. i 1 1 .W.I.- I I lilt , I (III ( I I tl II' I ' . I 111 s II IUC ' I N , i I , HhIiiImhv Iahl I'p The steamer Ralubow did not meko tli run Into lh lty from C.ioa R'xer notiiM hoirrtH nt .ill nf lh .Ii-nir lnrM h'8 "K'ml'IK. ' H! 10 - ie ('iff!- where ballot boxea are nrovldeil. ,uly ,l aUrtlna I.er emclne. Inth i.. bU day of the to rwult will alao be announced L,'P?r,.,"? rre'K''' M T"""" In The Time dully. ThA .mt wred. to the Inumli Exn'ia nhort- will tlOM June 27 at 9 p. in. v "r the Rainbow at.irtod out. It Votee are on aale at eory drua " ?e0 ',,Bl ",p Wl" "" ,tnny ihfleld at the nominal ,or ",0 m"'"o "in loroorrow. vote. , ''a1 , i 1 . . ftl I' .. na1 i . i. I. ' iii ii i ' a. i i I it I . u.it fl id'iiK the M I vll . U' 8 .( t? Ill I Marsh! t. i.li C nt I I (Mil I' l vv ' ll Hi I - I , I III 1 ' I I I , ". ' ' l I' ! I mi 'I .10 ii i 'it Ml ,1, 1 ' I ! lllll ll ' h I , M . t. I . II l i I id 'i 'u i "iiu mm U the lineup Tim i ' i ik is ihn llneuu i . i t - I i 1 out i'M Of I IIU i Marli- A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To ll knowing iifTir,T nf rhrqmailia, whelk, rr auM'itUr or vt tiw lnin. n Uiii. IuiiiIwips w. kiit'i..-, tiniim lu llti' kilin i f nmrit'il -I i r f 1 1 hi'f U ii linni Itv4tiii'iii l I l. r ( lllnlli ntnil nil nf ll.M I flnr. iii i i i . - uui iii h ui ii iii :i .Niim ill ii i ir. i htmU ui Ii i i ik ill Hi ! , i t ii li i i iiittii nf tiitiiii U li.i.' iiii i-i . ! I. il. ilir lwnlliri hi. Hi lit i' II i lit- iiviiih Jul , hit. i i I ' J (Ml l.rifcl i.ii liu i .fin. iritiH I l n I I I i til I 111' Mil 'If MTKlrlll. It IU4 1 1 ( I. i I i u fi I rii( il If ' In M :- i.r.., Ji x H, .llr. J)4luv. lull. IIOX'T WHK HhKV.V COlfJItINd AT NK.IIT Tal;e iVo'cn iiom.j ,it,j jar Com. poaud. i !' (''iii v"nr riiit and h.irc di si iH'iiiiiifc,, tuothliig 1 - i'i 'ttri'ii'icd iii kllrg iiiiiihii' J Ii u h iMmedlnte relic.'. It !ooiv'i) u,i ,h.i i1 'hinotfti in inir licit, gt. h i try vieey breuhiwj, .-. (), 1 I'lcm-.lptlo Ph.-irmnM. Fiunk l C ih in oppi'Hl'e Cliandler Hotel. I'll ne 7 1. Central Avenue' I'liiK Bii'ie. Ii" il firenrv 'WMIffnMnBMVMPMPMfcAHieUMBn & R.ovaI Cur Spec!a!ty b tonight IGood Pianos ' i Hi'lHOn i vt!l' be mi wTie'l i i. riot li i I . t mi nll-s'ar '' Honl. In an ntt entitled Hiirn! i's will be "T"1' ly aiui o Aalui." aud a itti'ii.l.inn' lu ix- novl elet trie aoug number. iiimniiion vf -"' tenia if jou iko thla ait you will ioy it ' Komi aud nothing elee. "The Ureon Horn." A two-reel Broiuho. An ludlau feature of the went "Mynterloue Ryot." How a Care t !Kh Eaaiea. Ki.mk Ciiii'illn reck Deweeaa Kd now.it. .:..? ..Jack .ydw'SK ',Jr, to,tort hy r' uiiokar aiseiMia urn. "The Qypay Queen." A Keyatoue comedy with the tamo spirit m - (.eore Steveiuon . . . Gorg9 Korry VI rat UttBA w J. Conrad Jack DavU , ual geioud Uaae I Theie la one feature about the Del Dcnutaon Jobuny Teliefou Koyul aud that I the how It iUow Becouu lUie V. (I. Chandler l'rert lllll Third Uaae .1 iy Doyle Will Sueddou Left Field. 1'hllltpa Jobauy Wlleou Coatw KlelJ. C. w Montgomery . . . Wily Wilson Klght Field. I).C'H AT AIHDOMH SATIMI-! DAV. KEVIK'S OIU'lliyritA. for the uiouey. AdiiilssUiii, lower floor, 15c; bal cony, 10c. ComlUK June ltf-17. next Tuesday and Wedueaday, Mrs. Flaky lu "Teas of the U'lJrbenlHtw." Coming soon, "l.uelllo I.oe," the Ulrl of jlyatery. Special three-reel feature tomor iov, "CiibO of Cherry I'lireell." Whatever make you buy from us, we add our guarantee to that of the manu facturer. "YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK" Could anything be more fair? "Talk to Thomas About It." Wiley B. Allen Co. L. L. Thomas, Manager " 10 Public of Coos Bay You are cordially invited to inspect the new Steamship Geo. W. Elder at the Smith Terminal Docks Marshfield Monday, June 15th and at the City Dock North Bend, Monday A. M., June the fifteenth North Pacific Steamship Co. C. F. McGeorge, Agent Marshfield. Phone 44 W. H. Painter, Agent North Bend. Phone 421 Don't Miss the Big Fourth of July CeSe bration Ira Marshfie JULY 3 and 4 Conic early nw sop it nil if possible, nnd if not, come om day. Our day w ill he just ns u'ood as the other nnd both days will Ik- tin' I (M you hi-w cu'r enjoyed, UrtiH? Vac v.hule family MarahfioM lws pveiwrtxl to tao 'i.ie of them ull. free - vaudeville - frke Morning, Afternoon iand Evening nt the li'oynl Theater both days. Fine pictures nod entertain nu'Ut nnd an excellent jdnce to rest. Big Auto Parade July 3 Big prizes will bring the handsomest array of machines i'm' witnessed in Southwestern Oregon. Surf Boat Riding- Both Days the great sport introduced from Honolulu and demonstrated by experts. There will be a number of sporting contests each day; free band riuu-erts and everything that goes to make a great and glorious celebration. Maihfield, July 3 and 4.