"""" 'ESSslmis THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE I TONIGHT atEA MS-E--asK kh wiu. !':: welpome CLE'S BALL TONIGHT vLIC j HALL UNDER '"ITSArsPH-ES OF MARSHFIELD AEIUE XO. 538, 1?. 0. E. k . srSZS&Sksrr-v. r-3sy f xv VSiV--fJ zjp$ Saturday Eve, June 13th GOODMt-yiC GOOD TIME TONIGHT 1 1OTL1M - dies 3e TOMGHT (Continued from Pago Two.1 I 1WKTY POSTPOX10D .- Sirs. Ilobeccn Luso Stuinn. who was to havo entertained Tuesday line hnd to postpones her party until next Wednesday as her Httlo daugh ter Catharine has been III with meas CHIUSTIAX S1STI0KHOOD - I At sewing and chat Tuesday the Christian Sisterhood spent n very pleasant afternoon with Mrs. It. A. Copple. Tho meeting was wholly so cial with no business outsldo of tho nrrangemont to meet onlv onro n month throughout tho summer. Re freshments were served, tho hostess Frank Howe. Tho second Tuesday In July Is the date of the next meet ing. JO MA DO.KX The Jolly Dozen were most effec tively prevented from meeting this week by tho epidemic of measles ami whooping rough that havo been raging nmoug tho families of Dun ker 11111 nnd Hoy Turk. Mrs. Itrock mueller was to have been hostess. It was not decided when nor where to hold tho next meeting. I THXDIOKS LVXCIILOX 4 Miss Lydln Dodge entertained with a dullghtful three-course luncheon on Wednesday owning. Hoses, .ferns uoing nBsisicii ny .irs. uciei, .Mrs. jic- nncl burnt orange crepo paper com U.CZ2SU Seme Splendid. New De signs Jest Received in Make home BEAUTIFUL. (Md " r.iw. t,T .m hwji w; " vniHy vwiirr m tK&$m-i 1X1 " AJFly JJV'LT1 Jii n Wmw v J L&! sSfegigB mwM MNPflMfe Cnrty nnd Mrs. Immel Three special guests, Mrs. II. 0. Hoy, Mrs. Dan Keating nnd .Mrs. Hur ry Nusburg. were present. During tuo afternoon Mi. John Motley gave Htixorul piano selections. IUPTIST AID I Mrs. C.. II. Meant entertained the ladles or the llaptlst Aid at a busi ness and social nieotlng Wednesday. Tho ittendanco was good, including Mrs. Nell Sutherland, Mrs. John Nn gle, Mrs. J. C. Donne, Mrs. F. II. Storey. Mrs. F. II. Dresser. Mrs. Phillips, Hov. llnssford, Mrs. Me- hlned In malting n most attractive decoration scheme for tho parlor and dining room. Music, Including so los by MIhh Dodge nnd Miss HcshIo Ayre. and games, added greatly to the entertnlnment. Her guests were Misses 1'llxti Ajro. llosslo Ayre, Myr tle Miller, Until Matthews. Kllzn beth Arlnndson. IOssIo Cameron, (llndys ltoddy and Nellie- Holland, Mrs. Annn Fisher, Mrs. (leo. Chatter- ton, Missus Jenuette lOseott and liar del Collins and Melvlllo Clmtlerton. I SO('IAI HVKXIXO I Mrs. U. A. Taylor and sister, .Miss llnllln l.-lllu I'M v.. n ilnllvlitful mirlv Mnhon. Mrs. Dow, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Satuidny In honor of their mother iienier unci .Mrs. .Me.Mnnon. Ticsinm mtlicr. Mr. and MrH. C. 10. Ilunis, Dear Mr. & Mrs, Stlll-in-love:- You don't ever want "'love' to "fly out or the window, ' ' do you? Then you must make your home beautiful and attrac tive. Nothing Inspires graolousness and polite ness between people as much as refined, HARMONIOUS SURROUNDINGS. You will find at our store Just the handsome and graceful styles of new furniture that will make your home a perpetual delight to you. Come In and see them and satisfy yourself that our PRICES will be reasonable. Summer Furniture and Dining Room Sets We are also showing a complete line of sea sonable articles: TENTS, CANVAS COTS HAMMOCKS CAMP CHAIRS ' CAMP STOVES In fact everything re quired for the camping and vacation season, and remember always that principal business taken up was tho plnnnlug for a plcnle for Thursday, Juno LTi, when the North Komi Aid will be guestH of the Marshfleld so I XOIITII IIKXI) AUCTION nitiiK.u: ci.uii "WE SELL IT FOR LESS" GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers At tho homo of Mrs. .1. 0. Menu Wednesday, the North llend Auc tion Ili'liUv Club was organized and played Its first kuiuu with six of lis nine Initial members present. Tho membership Includes Mrs. Horn. Mrs. M. 10. Kvorltt. .Mrs. Paul Dlnunlck, Mrs, (leo. Htephenson, Mrs. t F, KnllceUBteln, Mrs. h. J. Simpson, Mrs. II. 10. Ilunuester, Mrs. I. II. Ilnrtle, and Mrs. C. M. llyler. Mrs. SteplioiiBon won tho card tro phy for high score. A dainty lunch wiiH Horveu after the uamo. Tho new club plans to meet twice a mouth. Mrs. llyler to bo lumens ni;nln In two weeks. I MM'.VIXi: lOXCHAX'ilO CI.UII Tho old Nowly Wed Club, now known aa tho Miwulno I0xc-haui:o Club met with Mrs. Carl West Wed nesday. The afternoon was spout nt bowIiij; followed by refreshment Mrs. I'lmor Vineyard. Mrs. Ituben CnvnuniiKh, Miss Thorn Lund, MIhb Nellie 0!uen nnd Miss lllldur West, wero present. The club pinna to meet In two weeku with Mrs. Vine yard. ' I li. T. I. I Tho L. T. I,. Society of tho llap tlst church met Tuesdny evening' at tho church hall and enjoyed quite n program of music nnd kuiuch fol lowing a business session. Frank 1 1 owe and (1. A. Williamson Knvo a KUltar and harmonica duet and a whlstlini; trio with Leo llyurly, and MIsscb llesslo FlauiiKan and Oraco Fulton t'nvo roadliiKS. Tho proKram ended with a boiik by tho club, nnd kuiucs combined tho oven ItiK'B fun. Those present wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Ilarcelt, Misses Lillian Cook, Oraco Fulton, Melon McLnuKUllu. Ileaslo Flnnnuan and Carrlo, Hllla anil Vol ma Jtoss, and Mossra Allen Merser, l.eo llyurly. O. A. Wllllnmson. Hoy Fulton nucl of North licud. DnucliiK nnd kuiuoh wore enjoyed until mldnlKht nnd then n most bountiful supper was served. Among those nreseut were: Mr. and Mrs. itucker, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Chns. .Martin, Mr. unci Mrs. lin den. Mrs. Annies. Mrs. W. Thomp kins unci sans, Clyde nnd Lloyd, Miss Dora Thompktus, M)h. O. Martin, Seth Johnson, Mrs. Wnrren Wether ly, lOddle Knutson, Ituben Swansou, Walter McLeod, Miss lOmlly Kane, Miss llnlllo Kills, Mrs. C. 10. Ilurns, Mr. C. K. llurns, Itny Taylor, Mrs Myrtle Taylor. ' lOASTSMIIOSIOWIXtJ Cl.l'lt ! The club this week spent a very profitable and pleasant afternoon with .Mrs. A. L. Foster, or liny City. Mrs, Morton, Mrs, 1'iey nnd Mrs. llyurly wero members from lOustsldc. attendliiK, with Mrs. Fred llrook as additional Kitcst, while as special KiiestH from liny City Mra. Foslei hnd invited MrH. J. I'. Mulouey, Mrs. Hunch, Mrs. Win. Smith and Mine Itoso Mnlouey. who entertained with music d mi 111: the nfleruoou. Mrs Ilrlnkley aided the hostoHs. Tho next moctliiK will bo with .Mrs. 1'roy 11-. two weekH. I'AKTSIIIi: IJAXCIXO IMttTV Try the MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Steaks and Chops SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic CHINA For STKOXflHAPIIIG WOKK uf nny kind Call 181-J Two competent stenographers In charge 08 Central Ave. I TI10 Kiistsldo Sewing Circle were hostesses to about sixty guestH nt n delightful dancing party at tho club iooiiih Saturday evening. Tho rooms wero gnyly decorated with fern and flowers. Suppor wnH served at 11 Into hour. MrH. Morton, Mrs Monro and Mm. I'rey composed the committee In charge. I I'LAX FOIt IMCXIC Tho A. N. W. Club mombera uro planning for tho plc-ule and outing Juno li) when Mrs. U. II. Dunguu will bu hostess at her homo on South Coos It Ivor. 4 I -ami's' Aitr cum I ; TI10 Ladles' Art Club enjoyed a delightful afternoon Friday witn MrH. CIiub. LaChapello nt her liome In First Addition. Nuodlo work unci convorsntlon wero followed byre- freshtnents. l'lnns wero mndo to hold tho nunu.il picnic, which wns postponed on account of bnd weath er, next Sunday nt Seaman's Orovo on Coos ltlver, If conditions aro favorable. The inectlujt plnco for next Friday's session will bo an nounced later. Thoso prosent this week wero Mrs. J. A. Ulntt, Mrs. A. S. lJlanchnrd, Mrs. W. H. Cur tis. Mrs. Olivia lOdinnn, Mrs. F. M. Flye. Mrs. W. 11. Foley. Mrs. L. F. 1 alkensteln. Mrs. W. 10. Moaglund, Mrs. Lytlla Lang. Mrs. 10. D. Mc Arthur. Mrs. F. L. Sumner, Mrs. J. F. Telander. Mrs. I. M. Condron, Mrs. Chns. Fensler, nnd Mrs. W. ltoss Smith with .Mrs. C. S. Waugh nnd Mrs. 10. J. Milts as special guests. I coQUiLiiK socurrv , (Special to Tho Times.) COQULLK,, Or., Juno 1.1. Mrs. L. 1. Maury entertained nt needle work Saturday and Tuesday after noons, Dainty refreshments wero served ench afternoon, tho hostesj being assisted by her daughters. Mrs. Hnl I'lorce and MIbb Uesslo Mniiry. Those present Saturday wero Jles dnmes Fuhrmnu, Skcols, W. II. Lyons, J, S. Lyons, of Mnrshfleld, Howard Folsom, Corey, Llljeavlst, Currle, Jones, Sanford, Single, Johnson, Lawrence, llartson, Hawkins, Sterling, Lorenx, Could, I'leu-e nnd MIbs lOsthcr Jolni son. Those present on Tuesdny wore Mcsdnmos Wickhmn, Leach, Kobtn- son, Lyons, tloodmnn, Von l'ege-t, KIme, Cordlln, Kuowlton, Sherwood, 'base. Collins, Lamb, Williams, Paul sen. lOvelaud, Dyers and the Misses Wocnirord and Snorwooil, On Tuesday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Hubert Watson entertained Infon-t-ally at cards and games. Hefrcsh-nii-uts wero served nt a Into hour, the hostess being usslsted ty .Mrs. Llnegnr and Miss Schroe dor. Tlioso present wore Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnhlnsnn, Mr. nnd Mis. J..rn. Mrs. Llimitur, Mr. and Mrs. btci II11K. Mrs. Allison, tho Mlssei Penrl nnd Ituliy Snyder, Kvn Schroe tle.'. Leln .Must, .Myrtle Do Long. h 11' Messrs. Urnest FoIboui, Walter 1 ml Harry Oerdlnit, Leo Ho. ford, I'rrl Leslie. ,M:.ih tloHlp M..ury was hoRtess TbuiH-Uy evening when Bho euter n.tiiiMl tlie cowing club. At a lata liiiur n two-course luncheon wnn nerved, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. llnl Pierce?. Those present woro MeBilamos Currle, Jtizn, P'erce, Mnuiy, Nolmnn, tho Misses Thrift, Woodford nnd Maury. Mrs. 11. MeKlnlov. of Tllli-mooli, who has been visiting at t'.u- honn .f lier paretitH, Mr. and Mis. T. II. PhMllpB, leaves Saturday for honi". She will bo uccompnuled ns tar an Collage (Srovo by her parents', who go to their old homo for a Hliurt b'uy on biislueHB nnd plcnmiro, Mr. Heard left Friday on tho Speedwell for San Francisco, whom ho goes to look for n locntlou. Tho Misses Pearl and Ituliy SnyOer who havo been visiting relative:) tie last month, will leave on Snturday' Pnralso for their liomu In Portlnud. Wllllnm llnrrow, who has been nt tending school In the lOuiit, roturucd homo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chine. Stnuff, of Mnrshfleld, wero Ccniullle visllorj Thursday, Mr. unci Mrs. J. S, Lyons, or Mnrshfleld, wero over-Sunday guests with relatives and friends. Miss Myrtle Lund, stonogrnphcr In tho offlco of Norton's wholesale firm, left Tuesday for u two-weak' vncatlon with friends In Snn Fran cisco. Mm. Lnwrouco wiih hostess last Friday afternoon nt her homo it tho monthly meeting or tho Pnst Ma trons. After a short business meet ing tho afternoon wiih spent In sow ing. Dainty refreshments woro serv ed, the place canls being hnrd-pnlut-ed stars. Thoso present worn Mes damcH Sherwood, Single, Ktlun, Fol som, lOveliind, Maury, Hose and LyoiiH. 4 l - FOR .MISS .MAIIOXIOV STADDEN ALL KINDS of I'JIOTOOHAPHIO WOHK, llroinldo Lularglng nd Kodak Flnlsblug. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. "I i'i.. W- I . '"T!""" ' "' " QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposito Blanco Hotel. SPIRELLA CORSETS may be obtained in Marshfiold from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corscticr 302 So. 5th st.. Pliono 200-X IHilnl m Twin City Steam Laundry TiTe Laundry That Always Treats You Right MrH. W. II, Kennedy eutortnluod Informally at cards and Hovvlni; Weduesdny afternoon complimentary to MIhh Mamie Maliouey, who Is scon to become tho brldo of Mr. Mnlr Dane. Hcirreshmouta woro borvod at tho conclusion of tho af ternoon. Those present woro Mm. (leo. s, Catlioy, Mm. II. K, Ilooih, Mm. a. A. Henuett, Mm. A. O. Hon ors, Mm. Hugo Qulst, Mrs. M. O. Ma lOiioy, Mihh tieuevievo Seiigstuckon, and MIfH Mahoney and Otis Hogerfc. Jr l-'.vclyn Kennedy und Miss AIKo Louise ilnloney. IX CLASS I'LAV - Mux Holgnrd, a Krnduato of tho Mamhflold IHkIi School, who hn been ictteudliiK tho University of Oi'okoii nt HuHHiie, Iihh been honored by being cast for one of the princi pal pnrtK In "King Lear," which Prof. Huddle, who visited hero lust win-t.-r, will have presented Tuesday evening na tho commoucoiiint play at Kiigeue. Prof. Hoddlo pemounlly takM the part of King Lear and Mr. ItelKiird Ih second, being cast as the "King of Franco." Ho has been talcing; u prominent part m the plays there thin sHon. He - expe ted home tho latter part uf Mm week to spend his vacation with h's parents, Mr, anil Mm, Chns, I. Hol- gard. (Conilnurd on Pagu Six.) DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHPELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue