l I HE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, IRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1914 EV ENING EDITION. ti !"T . . y( EVEN" L aSsTCLASS CONCRETE Fm WORK. went Walks, Walls, Steps, laments, Ktc. Beo orncUresH M. B. GIDLEY ,t fio. Fourth St., Mnrshfleld, 0,-M)ii. Phono 300-J. Bulls Cleaned and Pressed. Suits inndo to Order. If Glvo U o xrini. 11MIQUE PANTATORIUM IjAI DO VLB & O. O. DAGGETT I yi Central ayp. iuuuq ja TUB COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshficld ffASHlKQXON AVENUE NORTH REND O. A. Motlln, Prop. - . in wiwror FIro Places. blarneys J. N. Bayliss in kind of brick work at price I ' tlmt are right. jflU ALL WOKIC GUARANTEED S.11 t "Tho Fireside," Johnson feldj;., 137 Second U Phone 4IJ4-J. rnrh Unmet1 iHiiwr mirt. RY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street, Phono 180-.T. J. BCA1FE iO A. II. IIOIlGINS larchfipld PA,NT ANI) laidiinciu nFrniATiwr. rn hmm llvHrlinVI V Estimates Furnished. Ilione IIIMKI. MnrshllcM, Oregon. u:s. c. p. ihrarger Drvsmiiakliig mid Ladles' Tail oring Prices Itcasonnlilo Over MngneB & Matsnn Store . I'kouo 28-J. EDISON'S LATEST U itorsge battery that coatlnual oftr charging win not iinrin. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACII). Will not lose its eluirgo whllo standing Idle. ' IH (lUARANTKED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring'Co. IS3 llroadway. ApwU for Port ot Uoo uny. OUK ELEOA.W' la.i-. NEW SPRING GOODS just ituci:ivi.i S. S. JENNINGS NOIITH l!KMI ARE YOU BOTHERED tttli Corns? If bo, you nro doprlv 4 ot half tho nloasure of life kle&unt walklnir nnd healthy exer- M. A visit to Mrw. Ollvln Kdinan, Wcntlfle Chlronodlst. Atl't . O- Ltantll llldg., will bo tho source of ipermanout remedy for ncuing teoi MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y rOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good tare with careful drivers. rot day service, plume M'Ji Itlunrn lllllnMl Parlors. Por nlgtit jiervlco, Phono 200-L Rltrht Cafe. D. L. F00TE. Commutation Tickets $2.00 afleId.North Rend Auto line. i every ten minutes from O a. in to lSt'O p. m. GOR8T & KINO. Props. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio mmaKzmmmmMmmm TIJIB TABLB Low Rates for Handling Trunks We linni minim between any Plnu In Marahfleld for the follow Ja rates, delivery to !e mmte 5 flrst stories of bulldlnEB 2j trunk Tare inmb. ou welTe trunks '.'.'. ,5 oUr Transfer and Storage to. Levi Helsner, Prop, Phones, 120-1: 40-L; 98-R. i PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY jyTiiiiu:i) itoGKtts nelson lh...n . TcUcv '' I'lnno. ,," " ,,f "Ko Mnnsfeldt, Sim Piano ri','.. ln",,',,r,V,UB,,t- '"veiille Li,,. i . Application for les fcons by appointment. Mnrshfleld, Or. H. HARPER, , ... Houso Hulldcr, (eiicrnl HcpnlrliiR nnd Cabinet ... Making, Phono illtM. W"' McllltOOM " " Contractor nnd Hulldcr. Mnrshfleld, Oregon. I. O. Ilox Oil. Hcs. Hunker Hill. VYT T. TOMPKINS, 1). 8. T. (WclUnep Methods.) ,i ei7 . knowa d,8ea8 treated without drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 nnd 2, 237 So. llroadway. Phono 132-L. Marshflold, Or. JOEL OSTLINI). ) Piano Tuner nnd Repairer ItR S. Sixth street. .Phone 10H-L Irfvivo orders at W. R. Haines Muglf Company, J M. WHIQI1T Phone 318-R. HUILHING CONTRAOrOR Estimates furnished on request. po. (10SNEV Phono aim v-' Contrnctor nnd Hulldcr Estimates Furnished on Hoqucst MY PAST WORK IS MY REFERENCE Hrt and Alder Hts. Murslifleld. rR. II. M. SHAW Eye, Enr, Nose and Throat. Hit. MATTIB II. SHAW DLseuses of women nnd children. Ofllco phone 330. RoomB 200, 201 202, Irving Block. Houso phono, 10G-J. DR. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST Marshuold, Oregon. Itooms 204-206, Coko nulldlng. Reoldoneo phono 2C2-X. Ofllco nhnni- 112-J. M HS. r'AllltlOER, TrnrliPr of Piano. Resldcnco Studio. Phono 38C-J BKNJAM1N OSTlil.Mt Consulting Enitluecr mn Architect Offices, SOU IrTlng HIock. Phono IO:iL or S07-.I. Mimhflolri, Orecon piCRL RILEY HALLINGKH, Pianist and Teacher. Itcsldcnco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3R8-L. w. G. OIIANDLRR. ARCHITECT. Kooma 01 nd 80)1, Coke Bnlldlat llMshfleld, Orcot. w M. fl. TORl'KN, ARCR1TEOT Msrihflsld. Orncon LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Oitlo A Trust Co. AbstrnrtJ, tlioroughly dependable. Iin medlato service, prompt ntteo tlon to all Interests of our client. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co. TIME TAHI.E Willamette -Pacific Motor Car Effectlo Juno 8, 1011, Lv. Murslifleld. C:30 n. m. 7:30 n. m. 8:30 n. m. 9:30 n. m. 10:30 a. ni. 11:30 n. m. 12:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:30 p. in. 2:00 p. in. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p. m. 3:30 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 5:30 p. in. G:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 8:30 p. m. Lr. North Rend 0M& a. in. 7MG a. in. 8MS a. m. 9MG a. m. 10:4t a. in. 11:45 n. ni. 12.45 p. m. 1:1G p. m. 1:45 p. ni. 2:15 p. ni. 2:45 p. m. 3:15 p. m. 3:45 p. in. 4:15 p. in. 4:45 p. m. 5:1G p. m. 5:45 p. ni. 0:15 p. ni. 7:15 p. m. 7:45 p. m, 8:15 p. ni. 8:45 p. in. NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you have them launder TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new Uxicab baa been added to my auto service. Careful driver. Will go anywhere at any tlma. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phono, 78. Night phone 139-X. TOM QOUUSl. '""" Spnd Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WB FURNISH A nAG AND WTLL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS HKltmn. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J MarshfieH ELYS CREAM BAlffl LS Instantly clears Air PnRiv; You Rrvntho 1-Veely, Nnsty Discharge Stops, Head Colds and Dull Head ache Vanish. Try "Ely's Cream Halm." Get a small hottlo nnyway, Just to try It Aonlv a. Ittttn in the nostrils and Instantly your clogged nose nnd stopped-up air pnssages of tho hoad win open; you will breatho freoly; dullness and hoadacho dlsapponr. Dy mornlngl tho catarhh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal soro throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle ot "Ely's Cream Dnlm" at any druc store This sweet fra- grant bnlm dissolves by tho heat of NQSTRI m New Service to Portland and Eureka The steamship Geo. W. Elder completely refurnished practical ly a new steamship will sail for Portland every Thursday nnd for Eureka every Jlondny. Sails from Portland every Sunday at 9 a. m. North Pacific C. F. M'GEOItGE, Agent. Alliance Dock, Marshflold, Phono 44. S. IS. P ARAISO Equipped with Pino Pashcnger Accommodations. SAILS FROM: COOS RAY FOR PORTLAND SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 5 P. M., WITH PA8SBNGERS AND FREIGHT YELLOWSTONE SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS RAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Agent, Marshflold. Eureka S. S. GEO. W. ELDER LEAVES MARSHFIELD W'BKKLV EVERY MONDAY P. M. AHKIE8 EUREKA TUESDAY A. M. 8. S. F. A. KII.I1URN LEAVES EUREKA Thursday, Juno IH, Monduy, Juno tEInd, Friday, Jitue !!0, Tues day, Juno i0, and Friday, July , NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY C. F. McGeorgo, Agent, Marwhfleld. .Phono 44. W. II. Painter, Agent, North Rend. .Phone 421. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co, Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and Snn Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY THURSDAY, JUNE 11 AT ,l P. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. jrassengors S S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS RAY SUNDAY, JUNE II, AT ! P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeorqe, Phono 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marshflold during month of June at 1 o'clock p. m. on the 4th, 9tb, 14th, 19th, 24th nnd 29th. Tickets on sale to all EaUeru points and Information to routes and rate cheerfully furnished. Phone 427-L. F. T. SHELDON. Agent THE NEW PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER S. S. Geo. W. Elder TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SERVICE. i.rmTi.wn TO COOS RAY EVERY SUNDAY, 1) A. M. PORTLAND T0;,;' ,5AY EVERY MONDAY MORNING iftiicui;uMU TO PORTLAND EVERY THURSDAY MA" SM its HFIELR TO EUREKA EVKHV MONDAY AFTERNOON vmvi V FOLIPPED SERVICE UNEQUALLED NEWLY 1'Oy;; ,,ACIFI0 STEAMSHIP COM PAN Y r v MiGcoWe. Agent. Marwhfleld. .Phono II. W. H. liliSE Agent. North Rend. Phono 121. OPENS CLOGGED OS tho .nostrils; penetrates nnd heals the Inflamed, swollen mciubrano which lines tho nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; Btops nasty discharges and a feoling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Ini mediately. Don't lay awake tonight strug gling for breath, with head Btuffod; nostrils closed, hawking nnd blow ing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping into tho throat, and raw dryness Is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just onco In "Ely's Cream Balm" nnd your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. For Sale by Ilrown Drug Co. Steamship Co. II. W. PAINTER, Agent, North Dcnd, Phono 421. Wireless. New Steel Hoat. G. P. SHERIDAN, Agent, North Rend. San Francisco anu xruiiu. t" -sn bRibmen and CHICAGO, III., Juno 12. An Im portant Innovation In women's clubs meotlngs will occur when tho bien nial convention of tho General Fed eration of Women's Club, which met horo Juno 9 and continues to Juno 19 will take up tho subject ot wo men's dress. Tho matter will come up In n conference upon tho rela tion of tho club to the community when u resolution will bo presented oncoming tho subject of dress. Mrs. Mnry 1. Wood, of Portsmouth, N. II., head of tho bureau of Informa tion, has written tho following lot tor to all presidents of dubs affil iated with tho general federation: "Over nnd ovor again, espeerally during thu pnst twelve months, the subject of women's dress has been brought to my nttentlon. Women hnvo written to mo, both personally nnd us mnnngur of the bureau of Information of tho general federation of women's clubs, complnlnlng that they wore unnblo nny longer to buy skirts which did not hinder locomo tion; men hnvo stopped mo on tho street to call to my nttentlon some particular noticeable costumo (ono of those which covered everything nnd conccnlod nothing) and hnvo asked If thero was not something that could be done nbout It; social workers have discussed In my pres ence tho effect which dress hns upon morals; ndvocatca of tho datico have urged that proper dressing would go far townrd overcoming tho evils of Improper dancing; these nnd innny othors have brought tho matter to my attention nnd each am: nil with tho rcuuest that tho club wo men tnko somo action In tho mnttor. "Influenced by these things and moved by my own observation, I am led to ask myself anil tho club women at largo If the matter Is not ono In which wo nro vitally concern ed. Wo nro recognized na tho vltnl thinking force among tho American women; Is it nut tlmo thnt wo should conso to adopt and countenance styleB r The Woman's Corner Edited Under tho Auspices of the "Women's Christian Tempcrniico Union of Mnrshfleld. li-.llln.l utiiln. 4lin fit I an Iff) It nf llln Woman's Christian Tomporanco Un ion of Mnrahtlold. Motto: For God nud Homo and Native Land. I.'ves of grent men nil remind us Wo enn mako our lives subllmo And departing, lenvo hohlml us Footprints on the sands or Time. Footprints, thnt perhaps another, Snlllng o'er I.tfo's torubled main, A forlorn and and ahlpwreckod broth er. Seeing, mny take hoart again. Longfollow. Rut tho poor drunknrds nil romlnd us We hnvo failed to do our best; Had wo not let partlos blind us, Wo should hnvo no dumkon pest. Let us then bo up and working Winning votes, uotn oiu nnu now, Tolling gladly, novor shirking Won't you como und holp us. too? 8olected. Onco tho wolromo light has brokon Who Hhall sny What tho unlmagliiod glorlos of tho day? . What tho evil that Blinll perish In ItR way? Men of thought and mon of action, Clear tho way! Solectod. Soineono has said: "Wo never pass this way hut onco." I low true and na we pass along that onco to bo ,., i.im, until nt Life's llluhwny. If everyone would hnvo thu thought, the ...,-., ...... ,.. intn hlu "rootnrlntB" sue i as othors would lovo to emulate, Wcll-Knowii Iocal Druggist Says Everybody Is Using Old-time Hoc- ipo of Sago Tea and Sulphur. Hair that loses its color nnd lus tre, or when It fades, turns gray, dull and llfoless, Is caused by a lack of sulphur In tho hair. Our grandmother mado up a mlxturo of Sago Tea and Sulphur to keop hor locks dark ond beautiful, nnd thou sands of woraon and mon who valuo that oven color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which Is so attractive, use only this old-timo reclpo, I Nowadays we got this famous mixture by asking at any drug atoro storo for a DO-cent hottlo of "Wy oth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Rom ody," which darkens tho hair bo naturally, so evonly, that nobody can possibly toll It has beon applied, llosldes, It takes off dandruff, stops Bcalp Itching and falling hair. You !.., .lnniTinn n RnonilO or 80ft brush with It and draw this through your hnlr, taking ono small strand at a tlmo. Uy morning tho gray hair disappears; hut what dollghts tho Indies with Wyoth'a Sago and Sul nbur I tbat, bosldos beautifully darkening tho hair aftor a fw ap plications, It also brings back tho gloss nnd lustre and glvos It nn ap penranco of abundance FEW FOLKS GRAY HI M the Koine us s set for us hy Parisian Iioubcs, re gardless of tho Influenco of bucIi styles upon our comfort, tnsto or sonso of deconey?" Tho proposed resolution Is: Whereas: Tho gonornl federation of womon'a clubs, In convention as sembled, vlow with disapproval the present extremo tendency among American women to follow designs In dress, regardless ot beauty, com fort or modesty; nnd vVhorens, theso objectlonnblo do slgns In women's clothes cmnnnto largely If not entirely, from foreign houses; nnd Whereas, this constnnt patronage of foreign designs and foreign ma terials hinders u normal develop ment of American art ami ninnufai turo; Ho It, therefore, Resolved, that tills convention, In full recognition of tho rights and privileges of the Individual, places Itself on record ns heartily In fnvor of thu movement for simpler, more becoming nud more modest designs lu women's clothes, nud urges the co-operation of nil clubs nnd club women of the federation In a con croto effort to ndopt styles In dress adapted to American needs, nud to encourage American designers and manufacture. AN APPEAL. All, It Is women who havn giv en the costliest hostnges to for tune! Out Into tlio hnttlo of life they have sent tholr best beloved with fenrful odds ngnlnsr thorn. Oh, by tho dangors they hnvo dared, by tho hours of patlont watching ovor bedn whoro holp Icrs children lay, by tho Incense of ton thousand prayers wafted from their gontl lips to heaven, I charge you give thorn power to protect along life's trenehorous I highway Uioho whom thoy hnvo I bo loved I Frances. E. Wlllard. "footprints" that would brighten nnd nld thoBO who follow what- a bounti ful record to louvo behind and what u beautiful world tills would bo. When tho victory shall bo complete, when thoro shnll oxlst neither a slavo nor a drunknrd on earth, how proud tho title of that land which mny truly claim to bo tho hlrlhplaco and thu cradlo of both theso revolutions which shnll have ondod In that vie tory. Abraham Lincoln. "Thu Great Emancipator realized that when tho shackles shonld bo stricken from tho hands ot every neg ro, millions would still remain In a bondage, mora cruol and merciless," than that ho was about to oradtcato, whun ho uttered thnt prophecy. "Tho day of tho last revolution to which his longing eyo lookod forward with prophetic vision, has not yot beamed In n full glorious" nuon-day splondor, hut the goldon beams of tho dawning appear abovo tho horizon, with promise that day of tho victory for rlghteousnoBB Is at hand, 4- Excorpt from a papor road by Miss Elvn J. Smith nt an Epworth League Convention recontly at lloinl, Oregon: Thoro Is today no othor question boforo tho American pooplo of such vltnl Importnnco ns that pertaining to thu homo, nnd thoso evils which strlko nt tho homo strike simultaneously nt t tho government. It was for tho homo tho protection of tho homo that that noblest, most patriotic of American -woinon, Frnnces E, Wlllard, tolled and prayod and sacrnflrod. Cold and passionless statistics hnvo proven over and ovor again, thnt thu greatest porll that today threatons our homes, nnd through our homos tho government. Is tho alcohol porll. It Is not merely tho paramount evil In Itself, It Is tho gorgon head whoso snaky loeks rench out In ovory direc tion to traiiHfonu human liourtB to stono and vlloness. . . . "King Al cohol" ho hns boon called, bocauno under his protection march nil tho forces that iiibbs undor tho bannor of murdor, of lust, of hatred, of greed nnd avarice, of nil tho evils, that when thoy have destroyed nnd made wrock of both mind and body, Bond tho soul to stnnd already condemned boforo Its maker. MEDFORD Tho hont of tho last few days has about romoved ovory vostlgo of snow from Mount Wagner, Henry Callaghan writes from tho Rluu U'dgo district tlmt the snow has disappeared from all except the high ridges, LADIIX of the CHRISTIAN church-' will give a COOKED rood SALE nt tho OFFICE of W. A. REM), 150 Front 8treet, on SATURDAY, bogln nlng nt 1 lam. Freckles Don't Illdo Them With ii Veil; 1U- move 'litem With Tho Othhiu Prescription. This prescription for the romoval of freckles was written by a proml nont physlclnn and Is usually so suc cesbful In romovlng freckles nnd giv ing n clear bountiful complexion that It Is sold by druggists undor guaraiiteo to refund tho money If It mils. Don't hide your freckles undor a. veil; get an ounco of othlno and re move thorn, Even tho first fow appli cations should how a wondorrul Im provement, some of tho lighter freck les vanish entirely. iin Hurt, to nsk tho druggist for tho doublo strength othliic; It Is this that; ,issold, ojie1nojyJ-bjidcgujysu: