p-wlH!iiMaK5 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION. v IIX IHnimMiinW'y iw r-'-r"fl'"T News Prom Nearby Towns ALIjEGANV items A (Special to Tlio Times.) .Ick McDonald ranic over from Loon Lako In IiIb now nulo, Ho found the rontl pretty soft In places; got In pretty deep, crossing n flush fill, near Gould's Lnko. Ho took his enr down with his own bont. He snys ho will not start his Bawmlll at tlio lako till the latter part of July. Capt. C. E. Edwards and 0. A. Oould aro papering and finishing tho Httio liouso on tho hill, back of tho school house, for tho occupancy of Capt. Herman Edwards and bride In tho near future. Mrs. A. N. Gould and children canio over from Couulllo Tuesday for a visit at tho homo of G. A. Gould, his father. Dr. Richmond and wife expected to coino, but they woro detained by tho doctor's busi ness. BRIEFS ok randon. I WIDOW'S TGtl WITH AUTHOR ... .. ..- .. I XctVM of Cltyby-tlio-Sea as Told by Tito Hocoidci. Port Attornoy G. T. TrcaiTgold informs us that Judgo Coke expects to decide the case of tho Staio or Orogon versus Port of llandon ncxtj Monday, at tho opening of tltO' equity term. I A deal was closed whereby V. A. ' Leflore took over tho Orphouni The-' tor and will bo tlio sole ninnagor of it. Geo. V. Mooro, president or the Geo. W. Mooro Lumber Co., arrived on tho Speedwell with his family, who will remain hero this Hum mer. They will occupy tho Iioiibo roccntly vacated by Mr. and .Mrs. L. J. Cody. M Misses nolle and Clomnia Wltelior who have been teaching In tho IJttii don public sellouts for tho past two years, left on tho Uronkwnter fur Portland, where thoy will Bpond tho summer vacation. They do not ex pect to return horo next year. i MIsbos Daryl Uolat, Poarl "Walker ( and McKay, teachers In tho llandon public schools, will spend part of. their vacation at Gold Ileach and .Mrs. Ilolicrt Louis Stevenson's AkIics to Repose In Samoa LOS ANGELES, Juno 11. In ful filment of hor laBt wIbIi, tho ashes of Mrs. ltobert Louis Stovenson will repose besldo tho body of hor hus band on tho summit of Mount Vaea, Samoa. This was Bald hero today by Mrs. Isobol Strong, daughter of Mrs, StcvenBon. Ucforo tho door of tho tomb will be Inscribed tho last stanza of Sto veiiBon's verso to his wife: Teacher, tender conirado; wife. Fellow faror, truo through life. Heart wholo and soul frco Tho August Father gave to mo. To this tomb thero will bo no moans of access but tho rough moun tain path visitors already havo worn. When tho will of MrB. Sto venson, who died In Santa Barbara several months ago, Is Buttled, her children, Mrs. Strong and Lloyd Os bourno, will tako her aslics to Sa moa. Tho ashes aro now In San Francisco. NEW .MODES A HE MEXICAN' Itcuiilu'iilk Decrees Change and Put Itulilici' Fruit on Knlliliig Suits. ATLANTIC CITY, Juno 12 Last summer tho fashlonablo costume had to havo the Ilulgarlnn touch. This year the fashion has turned to things Mexican. Today's fashion pnrulu, tho larg est slnco Easter Sunday, was espo dally notable because of tho Mexi can character that appeared In al nioHt every coatutno. Rubber rosea and rubber fruit aro novelties which appeared today In tho plato of ribbon trimming on uatliliie suits. Particularly attrac tive waH n frilled bathing cap with a big red rubber roso fastened over one enr. OIL FOUND AT ASTORIA vicinity. Miss Elizabeth. J. ltodgors and MIbb Mary I). Rltclilo, tcachera In tho llandon public schools, loft Sat urday for Portland and other pointB whom they will spend tlio sunvmor vacation. Mrs. John Olson, wlfo of Capt.' Olson, of the Elizabeth, and children, arrived on tho boat laBt night and will a pond tho Rumtnor In IJamTon. KLKK TO HANDOX. Tho Coos County Elks will como to illandnn mjiiiiiubho Humliy .Juno 28, nnd as is nlwayB tho enso on I Elks Day, thero will bo something doing ovory minute. Tho llandon Klks will hold a mooting in a few clays nnd lay plaiiH for tho big event, 'llioro will bo a baseball gnmo and other nuiUBomouts, besides tho usual numoroiifl stunts that aro pulled off when Elkfl gather together. llandon Kecoruor. WILL HOLD HAZAAR. Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Norwegian Lutheran Church, of Murshflold, will liold their soml-nnnunl bazaar In tho chapel pnrlors Saturday evening nt p. m. They havo propnred n num ber of pretty nnd usoful articles In cluding snmn choice rugs for tlio bazaar. Refreshments will bo served. A8T0IUA, Oregon, Juno 12. Alfred Jurtnu, who owns a lot or two upon tho crest of tho Astoria peninsula, was engaged in digging a homo woll on IiIb placo, and on reach Ing a depth of 23 foot and strik ing a lioavy blow to romovo an oo Btlnata obstruction, his pick sank In to what appeared to bo a live vein or crude oil, as tho stuff began to oxudo slowly hut In doflulto and con tinuous riow. Tho Bnniples Mr. Jurmii nolccted boar a strong taint or kerosene. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAYS ASTORIA, Oregon, Juno 12. In accordanco with resolutions passed nt tho Firth Annunl- Convention or tho Columbia and Snnko Rlvor Wntor ways Association, hold In Portland, April 13-11, tho governors or Oegon, tnshlngton, nnd Idaho havo named tho following Joint conunltteo whoso duty It will bo to solcct and report on feasible routes for highways loading from tho Interior communl ties of tho Columbia Rlvor and Its tributaries. To represent Orogon, Colonel C. S. Jackson and Honorable Joseph N. Teal or Portland; to ropresont Washington, Saniuol Hill or Mnry lt lit and Judgo Goorgo F. Richard son or Konnowlck; to ropresont Ida ho, Harry L. Powers or I.awlston. SHIP Rl'lLIHNG NOT AS ACTIVE AS ONE YEAR AGO WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 12. Shipbuilding during May wna not so nctlvo as during tho same month n year ago. Tho Department of Com merce announced that 127 vessels or all typos, aggregating 20,052 tons worn lauucliod compared with ISO vessels or 30,013 tons n year ago. Tho largest vessels woro tho William I) Crawford, (!3Si tons, built at Lor ain, Ohio, and tho South American, 2CC2 tons, built at Ecorso, Mich. Tito latest report of tho directors of tho bureau or agriculture at Man illa Bays that tho rlco crop of the last year wiib tho grontest which has boon recorded ror mnnv yenrs In tho Philippines, being 100 per cent groat er than In the provlous year. As a direct result or the bumper crop thero linn ben a decreaso or rlco imports or more than 170.000,000 pounds, rep resenting In value more than $2,500,-000. DANCE nt SUMNER Hull SAT URDAY night, JUNE I!I. Music by ELLIOTT'S ORCHESTRA. ALICE H. leaves her dock nt H O'CLOCK P. M., for DAXCE. Evcryono welcome IDEAL FREE GROVE AXD 1MCXIO OROUXDS Ilrlng your lunch Imskots, kodak and fishing tneklo ror a raw days' outing. Sunday School ond nil picnic crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Coos Rlvor every day. Mnrtdirirld Time Tablet Launch ExprosB, wcok days, leaves, 8 a. nt.; Stoamor Rain bow 'leavos Marshfleld at 8 a, in,, ovory Sunday nnd 2 p. in. wool: days. For chartor nnd picnic ar rangements, apply on board stoamor Rainbow. DAXCE AT AIRDOME SAT UK-' DAY. KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA. Times Want nds bring results SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic CHINA Watermelons ! The First of the Season We Have 'Em NICE CRISP CELERY TOMATOES EAVY FIRING IT MILAI!Kifc AT .THE. HOTELS Believe That Constitutionalists Are Advancing for Deter mined Assault ! tDr Asoclatn1 Pff to Cooi ny Tlmn.J ON HOARD U. S. CALIFORNIA, Mnzatlan, (Uy WlrelesB), Juno 11. Heavy rirlng on tho outskirts of Mnzatlan was heard last night. It Is bolloved that tho Constlutlonallsts aro advancing for n determined assault. Tho besieging forces, It wns learned, captured a hill of Btrateglc Import ance Tuesday night. Tho discovery was also mndo that tho Ijreccti plugs or all the Federal guns except ono aro missing, The artillery otflcer In charge had decamped. Fearing Hint tho neutral zone re cently designated for non-combatants might' not bo respected In an attack, tho entlro consular corps at Mnzat lan Bent a note through Admiral How ard to General lturbc, tho Constitu tionalist commander, again request ing thnt the zone bo safeguarded. Tho Gorman consul Bent n letter of tTianks to Howard for protecting tho Gorman Interests. Japanese mlnlBter AdnchI, returning to .Mexico City nf tcr an unsuccessful effort to reach tlio west coast, arrived safely at Guad alajara. GRANTS PASS A remarkable feature of tho sworn statements of candidates is tho fact that not a cigar or n drink wa purchased by n Jose phine county candidate to give to con stituents before the primary election. Tlio expenses are largely ror the pur ehnso or publicity, and In ninny enBOs tho candidates havo not only filed tho receipted bills but have also at tached the cancolled checks to tiio nf fldnvlts filed with tho clerk. M The Chandler. A li. Andrews. San Francisco; Ceorgo II. Preston, Camp 8, S.-P. (Logging Co.; Harry Preston. Camp is, S.-P. Logging Co.; Mrs. C. 1. Hergninn and mother, Cocpilllc; J. ' iloyor, Portland; S. L. Larson, Port land; C. F. Fllnn, Unndon: F. L. llotsford. Portland; C. W. Tolmult. Albanv; John Juno, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Dyers, Albnny; I). II. Glor, Spat tlo; Mrs. A. G. Hafcr, Myrtlo Po nt; W E. Llndbland, Grnndflold, Okla homa; A. Derlng, San FrnnclBco. At the Hlaiico. J. F. Klldanc, Coaledo; Warren Johnson, Coos Rlvor; R. N. Norton, Sumner; E. E. Sprnguo, A. Spraguo, Lakeside; Guy Walker, Hcnryvlllo; H C. Mclnnls, Rcmoto; N. C. Dray, Dig Eddy; W. G. Johnson, Portland; Paul Stratum, Denton; Hnrry Waters, ABtorla; Sam KIdwoll and wiro, Poni eroy, Wn.; H. F. MeCrnekon, Co iiullle. v : At the St. lnvreiico i C. W. Heard, Coqulllo; Edward D. 'Noonan, wife nnd son, South Coos River; Dell Saunders, South Inlet; J. R. Smith, South Inlet; Mrs. Hnr vey Smith, Slsson; M. C. Flood and ; family, Slsson; J. L. Knight, Rose but is: J. W. Lorkhnrt, I.os Angeles; Jay Wilson, Myrtle Point. A The Llo.wl. Irvln Rom. Kontuck Inlet; E. M. Elliott. Illue Rlt'go; Ed dribble. Gnr dlnor; L. W. Utter, Prosper; R. Chase. lYud n: 11. lhyes, Camas Vul lov; i. Iiniie, Conleilo; R. A. Hitter, Roseburni II. J. Mend, Gnrdlnor. C. A. Smith Lumber & fyjfff p KKTAIL DEPARTMENT ' LUMHKR, LATH, HHINGLR8. MOULDINGS Hahu " ' ROOFING PAPER, ETC.' ANI) "W, OUT THE FUEL BILL IN TWO HY USING OUlTvVO "" phonk iw. 18a B0DTi "'uirij QUIPPED WITH VERY FACILITY FOR HANDLING ACCOUNTS IN A PROMPT AXD RELIAIILE MAX. XER THIS RANK SOLICITS Till' HUSIXESS OF CORPORATIONS! FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS :: : .. IF YOU HAVE NEED FOR A SAT IBFACTORY RANKING SERVICE WE CAN FILL IT :: :: :: .. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First. National Bank Of Coos Bay The Timed docs Job printing. DANCE AT AIRDOME SAT U li lt IV. KEVER'S ORCHESTHA. S W vwwi.a 5SSL V 1j?- Meals on Time VI' f LANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUrTY. Established 18HU. CapitalSurplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest rld on Tlmo Deposit Officers: , I. W. Dennett, President. J. II. Flanagan, VIco-Prcaldent, R. F. Williams, Cadilcr. Geo. F. Wlnchrstrr. ,tt. 0hlcr, A good oil stove cives -full icat iust -- ,. i i:i..i rn ... us ouuu ua it. o iiuuiuu. Aiiuru o uu ivuiiinir it ior mo nro to eaten up or uic oven to lieat. Menls can be started later and still be served right on time. That iricans less work and less time in the kitchen. I In a f new - perfection Oft COOK STOVE burns kerosene, tho clean, cheap fuel and gives an in tense beat that can be regulated just as you want it. It docs all sorts ot cooking and baking just as well as a wood or coal stove and without tainting the food. Don't cook in a hot kitchen this summer. Don't lug coal and wood and aslics. Get a icw reflection. It eaves all this trouble and it's economical, too. Ask your dealer for tho .New reflection. FOR BEST RESULTS USE PEARL OIL Standard Oil Company (CnUfornin) Marshficld A full line of NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES Always to be found at Ekblad (& Son, Also Camp Stoves, Ranges, Etc. KINDLY KEMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL EYERYTHINO IN THE DAKERY LINE MARSITFIELD BAKING COMPANY RW NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. IMIONE -ISIS. , TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay i ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Reminnton, Royal, I Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleniiint;, repairing r iictr pluteiiB, woilc KUiinintced. Ribbons nnd ! carbon paper delivered, 1'lione us your order. I'lioue 4-1, Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. The Union Market In ItH now drcBS, entirely roinodolled nnd renovntcd, Is now ready to rccolvo and woleomo its enstomora Into cne of tbi tnoBt modern, modol and sanitary moat markots on Coos Bay, In nddltioi. to a modol uliop It sorves tho best meat on Cooi liny. I'rlmo beef Bteora that woro formerly driven to Rof burg mnrkotB, aro now butohorod and aorvod to tho people on tho blocks of tno Union shop. Union Meat Market Ford & Reskey, Proprietors. 144 South Broadway. Fbone 5J. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. nENRY SRNGSTAOKEN, Mnnger FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING liANDfl A BP2CI'T GENERAL AOENTS KABTSIDB uinniinmrn nrn.Mnif IIIO?E t4"V, COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PIIO.NE 101. Cape Arago Coffee Como to our storo If you wnnt anything In tho I J0B FEES, TEAS, SPICES and EXTRACTS for wo not oW k ,,, tho beat for your monoy, but wo nlao filvo you cu.P0Hand gee this good for ROGERS' SILVERWARE, uonio . - prlcci wnro. Wo also enrry a full lino or Biapio k1"",' ,.b a TRIAb. U8 aro irnuo wumvuo. ..-- nro right nnd our goods nro rignt aim our gouuu uru iruu ,.- COOS BAY TEA, COFfEE & SPICE JHOJK Phono a94, ! Times Want Ads Bring' Re APRICOTS FOR C.WNINO GET 'EM EARLY. SPINACH CHERRIES CANTALOUPES PEACHES STRING HEANS GREEN PEAS In fact, everything to bo lial on tlio market may be found at tilth C(M)(1 Housekeeping Ctoiv. Nasburg's Grocery THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STORE. phono 21 ;,!, Corner Commercial and Second FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS AT THE LLOYD HOTEL HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. 51 a Rail? Sunday, June 14 &OC UCtll 2 o'clock p. m. Elks vs. Eagles n : riL.mr if n 1 r iaia - AJmiion2pC upening oi inemarsnrieiQgrounasroriise&suii. rwr