bo AN, OUNCE QMjllSTLE IS SOMETIMES WORTH MORE THAN A LB. OE KNOWLEDGE A HANNEIt YEAH XliN s-enson opens with blighter nr0m-t'tn for tlio Kcoiit Coos liny Jn(l Coiiilllo Ynlley country limn !TCr before In Its history. For tuiici nio I" tlio making. Arc joii busy laying l' fuiitItlon for yours7 mmm DON'T SCATTER SHOT Concentrnto your advertising In mi- m'u .-niii;r iiiui ntuiis nit' lieu- u pie .Von mint to t.itk to. Annum1!- r tlou int tntiiuw. The Times saves W tltlttw ... nlllnl'dLiii'd 1 'v 111 llilll ll"ll.- MM IWWM "VH," MISMflEK OP THE ASSOCIATE) PRESS KutnMlsliiMl 1H78 an Tlio Coast Mull V0L XXXVII. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1914 EV FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1914 EV A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mid Coos lluy Advertiser. No. 276 TE GANAL BILL BI VOTE OF 50 TO 35 QlflflB mn I ,,!! W SOUTHERN PACIFIC TO START STORMS WRECK Tl BALLOONS BRIDGE ACROSS BAY JOLT IS! STARTING IN PORTLAND RACE Engineer C. R. Broughton Ar rives Here and Prepares to Begin Work PREUMINARYWORK TO BE STARTED NEXT WEEK Have Charge of Construc tion Here and of Siuslaw and Umpqua Bridges C H IlroiiKliton, tho Southern Pacific hrldgo onglnoor, who Is to have Btipurvlslon of tho construction t iiii urld-os ncrosH Coos liny, tho 1 milium and tho Siuslaw, arrived here l.iHt night. Ho stnted today ; that thu construction or tlio Coos' llnj bridru would bo directly under! (ho company nun nun n wuiiiu uu iiiuiiu-i' win prmxuiiv mu cxree.ii under way not later than July 1. one-fifth of that amount. It una understood today that thin While main of tho loading citizens piling for tho bridge would bo start-, and business men or llandon wero cJ next .Monday. A crow of oiigln-i linrd lilt by ihu conflagration, they ccrs who will work under Sir. nro not slum lug tho white feather, Ilroiightou was expected In on the but are making plans for new and Nairn Smith today but they did not hotter plates than the old. Many of innko connections with tho Nairn thorn nro short ready cash hut nro and nro now expected on tho He-: nrrnnglng for flunnclng now buildings ilonilo tomorrow. I on their property. .Mr. Uroughton wns rather re-1 .1. L, Krononberg, Rnstnusaon tlccnt Inst evening about tho mat , Urothers. Conrh Ilrothors. Elbert Dy tcr hut today stntod tho work would or. (loorgo Laird and other loading bo started. i citizens are Inking hold of tho iiint- lt wns generally understood that tor and expect to get tilings lined up the SIcArthur Porks Company had shortly. tho contract for tho piers and ap- Tho flro burned practically every pfoaclics for tho Coob Hay bridge as voHtlgo of wood In tho nron. tho de cll as the other two. hrls being mnterlnl that could not bo .Much Preliminary Work. ' It Instated that thoro will bo n lot of preliminary work to bo dono and tho actual construction may not be started as soon an soino' expect. Tho hrldgo engineering and loca- lion work will hnvo to bo iiiobi exact nnd it nmv take n month or bo to . tet this done. ' Some piling will bo necessary In tbli preliminary work, so that tho first work started will not bo indlca-, tiro of tho eutlro construction being under way. Mr lii-Miii.lilnn linn iMiencotl office rooms In tho FlrHt National Hank .fixtures belonging to Dr. Leach wero bulkllng at North Ilond. burned and Instead of Dr. Lench'H This afternoon ho wati conferring I nnmn IPnK kvcii, Dr. Loop's name with ICniBo & HnnkH about tho con- Was used. itrurtlon or boatB, etc, that will bol Trow bridge loss Heavier. needed In tho work. It s stated that tho Trowbrldgo mil B I KID ItUn I II nilfl mill nail- r Unite With Sonora Citizens in Repulsing Yaquis on Warpath in? AiukUIoJ rrr.i lo Com XUj Tlmn.1 DOUGLAS, Arl.. Junol2. Hilt for tho Intorferenco or a band of Pima Indians, Inhabitants of Cumurlpa, Sonora, would have falleu victims of the Yaqul Indians during tho re cent fighting thoro, according to reports reaching hore today. With tho aid or tbo Plums the traditional enemy of tho Yaquis, but who are originally pencetul farmors tho townspeople managed to drlvo off tho tnvadors after a battlo lasting several days. At ono tlmo tho Yaquis almost bad tho town and fighting raged from roof to roof. Tho Yaquis almost the heaviest In killed. Institution, of Which Ex-Sena tor Lorimer is President, Ta- knn in Rhnrnn hv Officer J J l (Of Auocltthl Trru I 1.roo,n.rTini. o 12. The Ll', CHICAGO. Juno Street Trust & Savings Hank, ?I i i nn iiiuflita SAVE WHITES CHICAGO BANK CLOSED TODAI whIcH rornier Senator Lorimer Is t ()l0 ,)0n(lg nI,d socurltios nec prcldent, was taken In charge today oggary t0 iulld the lino, by the stato bank examiner. No bual-j w,en wllsey first started figuring ness was done by the bank today and th(J Knnoy properties, ho was the examiner reported that conditions , n tn0 jjcArthur Perks people on ure Biicn as to warruiu cwmo ' bank. Three other banks classed as sub scribers to the Lasalle street Institu tion, the Broadway, the Ashland and Te!th and Thelllers State Banks, hve also closed. Tho run on the bank u nttpih.itt.i in niiecatlons made. m a suit of J. S. Coyne against State Auditor Ttrndv. in which Coyne charg-''.'.. fd that the Lasallo nank contributed largely to the Drady campaign tuna. XAXX SMITH Balls SUNDAY, June H, AT il l. M., lor San Francisco lth l'ASSKXOEHS and freight. IUXOn AT AlUDOMB SATUIl 1AY. KEYZER'S OKCIIESTIU. WILL REBUILD BANDON SOOS Citizens Take Steps to Restore Burned Area Insur ance Small ' Parties rotui nine from llandon re port that tho flro yostorday was fully ng unti ns depicted and that the Iosbi will probnbly be nbont $2n.nfl0. t'e burned Tho wav In which tho Interiors of tho horfpltal and hospital buildings wore gutted by the flro wns a marvol. Howovor, tho Ilartman building, tho, llandon hank building and the Trow- hrldgo Btoro building, all concrete , Rtrncturns. nml thn work of tho tug IClvhlnm and fnvornblo wind wero tbo thlnuM that saved tho balauco of tho. town. Xiiiiich Confusetl. Through nn error In transmission tho namo of Dr. Loop nnd Dr. Leneh ..n.n nn..r.i.n.i vnutnrilnv. Knnin nlil store loss will bo heavier than first estimated on account of the smoke, mid water, it was in a nre prum iniililliiL'. but tho Biuoko and water damaged niucli of the 2.,000 slock that he carried. W1LSEY AFTER KINNEY LANDS Report That Old Syndicate Will Try and Take Over Big , Holdings Soon According to reports received hore, W J. Wllsey, of Portland, has revived his old plan for taking over tho Kin ney properties ond Is now In London getting tho matter lined up again bo ii,oi hn will im nblo to deal with Re ceiver Wattors as soon as tho pending litigation Is closed. Recolvor Wattors said today that ho did not know anything definite about the Wllsey plans. He said that thoro wa8 nothing particularly now In tho Kinney mnttors but Hint things wore progressing nicely. If tho WlUey gyndlcato tokos over tho property they will endenvor to got nil of it that lies In a compact body, tho waterfront and some other plocos, Lut some of the scattering lots they nre not so particular about. Just what Wllsey 8 plans are Is not known. Sonio think that K hf Walte of Suthorllu Is hoavlly Interest ed In the project. With Siitbcrllii I. ue. It Is intimated on good authorlt) that the plan Is to hook up tlio Kinney property with tho Suthorl n- toos Hay raiiroau proj-i, mu v w i- ..,-lclili- Mm lor- e,yfll,g otCli for tho line.' v,,n tlls mid right-of-way sccur- ,, wnuM be much oaslor to tlio Coos iiay-r.ufiuuB hd. n.... .. -- ,...- nnrMinaod bv the Southern Pa cific arid is now belngjnillt by tliom, STI3VKXSO.V IS SIXKIXfi ahmiuj rm 10 coo. u.t tiumi .,,n,nn innn i?. Former v,"Tireg,dent Stevenson Is slowly .,, ,hfi end Is expected at sinking and the end Is expected any time. l)VCi: AT A1KDO.MB SATUIl DAY. KEYZKH'S OIICIIITlU. VAW SMITH sails SUXDAY, June 14 AT I. M.. for San Francisco with l'ASSEXGERS and freight. Capt. John Perry Struck by Lightning but Whereabouts Are Unknown Carrier Pig eon Brings News Today. ttlr AuocUltil Prrtl to Cona Ilir Ttmn.l PORTLAND. Or., .lime 12. A car rier pigeon arrived hero thin nftor noon with this messngo from tlio bal loon of the .Million Population Club: "Hnlloon struck by lightning. Horry hurt. Como quick." It was signed Morrison." Tho message did not say whore tlio balloon, which was one of four tn ns- fcond from horo yesterday under tlio auspices of tho Aoro Club'of America Governor West Declares Holi day for Portland's Big Show Large Crowds Ill Aiilttd rr?i m Coos nr Tltnro I PORTLAND. Or.. Juno 12. Hy proclamation of Governor west, tlio closing day of tho Hosu Festival I was declared a holiday and tho crowds were augmented by additional delegations from various purls or the state. Tho principal feature of the forenoon program wiib tho pnrado In which tho civic, military, Industrial commercial and fraternal Doilies par- tlclpatod. Tho carnival spirit, which was to end tonight with revelry and dancing on the streets, early mndo Its nppoarnncc. An elnbnrnto elec- trlcal pnrndo Is to bo held tonight. Tho closing day of the four-day Hobo Festival was marked by tho mrwt nlnlinrntn nnrniln iivnr neon horo. when Industrial, civic, military, coin- I merclal and fraternal forces ninrchod through the city. Many out of town I delegations participated with unlquo (floats. Tho electrical pageant and festival will bo hold tonight. Thomas B. Jones, a Chicago Lawyer Selected by Pres ident Wilson IDr AmocUIO'I Prwt lo Com Hit 7b 1 WASHINGTON, I). C. Juno 12. Thonins II. JoneB, n Chicago lawyer, rornier member or tho Princeton vn Iveralty trustees and a porsonal friend or President Wilson, naa pracucauy beon selected as govornor of tho Fod- oral Reserve Hoard. Ilia nomination Is expected to go to tho Sonato .Mon day. SAFE IN PORT Canadian Government Steam er Montgomery, Reported Lost, Arrives Today ' Dr AMOfUtoa TrfM lo Coo, p7 Tlm I Ql'KHKC, Juno 12, Tho Canadian Governnif nt steamer Montgomery, re ported lost, arrived safely at North Sydney today. DAXCE AT AlltDO.MK SATUR DAY. KEYZKH'S ORCHESTRA. T QUITS TODAY French Statesmen Quit When Deputies Defeat Their Measure. lOf AMoewted Pr to Cooi Bf TIdim.J r ARIS, Juno 12 The new French cab net, of which Senator RIbot Ib premier, was defeated In tho first vot taken In the new Chamber of Deputies. The premier Immediately resided. He held office but one day. ! CLOSES TODAY. GROWS WORSE RESERVE BOARD ,B0AT CAPTAINS HEAD IS NAMED 1ST BE GOOD Ml G S w Bl had descended to enrth. The Horry referred to is Cnptnln John llcrry of St. LouIb, who wnB the pilot. Ooorgo Y. Morrison of Portland, his passen ger, signed tho message. It Is pre sumed tho balloon camo down some where In tho craggy Cascndo moun tains Bouthoast of here, probably many miles from a habitation. A llttlo white carrier pigeon, one of three which tho balloon carried, brought tho message. The .Million Population Club wns the second bal-l loon wrecked In tlio terrific electrical storm Inst night, the other being tho Undo Snm, whose pilot and passen ger escaped Injury. There Is Intenso nnxloty for tho two other bnlloons v.hleh wero still unheard from slnco vcBtordny, Colorado River Endangers Ir rigated Section River is Seven Miles Wide. (II; AMOfUth I'rm to Com Hr 'Ibimi.1 CALEXICI. Cnl., Juno 12. After several dayB of anxiety and cease less work to restrain tho flood wat- ors of the Colorado Itlver. the final stand was made today to nroveul the Kneliin flume, one of the most eiidnugcred points of the Irrigation system, from being washed away, if n flumo goes out, It wilt mean that tho ranches west of New River will be without wator, which possl bly will result In tho Iobb of llvo stock. TolograniB from Tho Needles stated there were no lato changes In flood conditions there, except that fifteen miles north tho chaunol of tho Colorado bad wldonod until tbo rlvor la saven miles from bank to bank. A vast arreago In that dls- trlct within tho old channel of the river, was under water, which at Topoc had reached a depth of sixty feet, - - Son RorlfinlH Srivs finrnlnss. ness Must Not Be Tolerated -Severe Punishment Or AMorltlo.: 1'rmi lo IVna Dtf TIdim.1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 12. Carelessness on tlio part or vessel captains In handling crnft will not bo tolerated horoaftor by tho Department of Commerce, with tho recent dlsas- tera in mum, jjecrcinry uuuuuiu mm- cated to tno nenu or ino hiuuiiiuoui Insnectlon service. Rcdfleld la con vlnced that tho punlshmont often meted out to captains Is Insufficient. MfiNyiN PRISON REVOLT Governor of Spanish Bastile Assassinated and Others Slain Today. D7 AoUtoJ I'm. lo Com Dr TlmM 1 CERIIERE. Franco, Junol., Tho Jail Governor was nssussliintod and a largo number or convicts killed or wounded as a result of a revolt In tho Spanish prison of Figuoroa, Just over the frontier line In Cutu loulu. Twenty Houses Destroyed Dur ing Severe Electrical Storm Near Wheeling. (Br AMotUtod PrtM to r-oM nr tidm j WHEELING, W. Va., Juno 12. During a severe electrical storm that swept over this district about mid night, twenty houses were destroyed at the Moundsvllle camping grounds, a summer colony near here, and two men were killed by lightning. TWO KILLED nv i inimiiur. H L TOLLS Di.i,ni,ii.i,i nn,,n,i Cv ,.-.. ..:,.. nuaiuuiu uijijuouu lauiiiiuiuii of American Coastwise Shipping There. tllf Aiioc-IMkI I'm. I Com lt Tttnro WASHINOTON. I). C. June 12. Tho tiuestlon of making tho Paua-' mn Canal free to American vessels was brought to the front when the; House, on May 2:1. 10 12. Incorptirat-l oil In the act providing for the es tablishment of civil government In the muni zone, a provision author izing the President to charge tolls i to vessels using tho canal, with a proviso exempting American coast wise vessels from such charges. Pres ident Taft, In n niessnge to Con gross, had urged the exemption. The exemption repeal bill returned to the bill had been reported to the House House for action on the Norrh-SIm-provldlng tolls for all vessels, but u,8 compromise amendment before tho exemption provision was adopted 'going to tlio Prealdont. as an amendment. This amendment chairman Adnmson of the Coin was In the bill an It went lo the ,rr0 committee, In charge rf tho Senate. ,, , bill, at once moved that tho ilonso lleforo the i bill pnsscd tlio Sen- COncur with tho nmendnients ItutcatJ ate, Great llrltnln, on July II. 1012, of FLfn,iing It to a conference, filed a formal protest against the Tll amended measuro passed tho proposed exemption. The note traiiB 8onnto i.t nih. i, vot(, of r,o to uiltted to the State Department con- tended: "Tho Ilrltlsb Government thinks that to allow American vessels to pass through tho qanal without the payment of tolls would be to vlo- lato tho Hay-Pnuncoroto treaty whether the tolls are not collected, ni)propr,(o that" tho stntoniont Con or whether, ir eollec ed. they ire t(.tncil In tho nmondment Bhould be i nV iV. I,.',,, , .,,, ; ,i, ;ATr i niti.i irltlsh govori lent h nks It woulil bo dirflcult to frame n Provision which would not do Injustice to their interests," The llny-Pauiicerolo troaty Biipor vedeil tho Cliivton-llulwer treaty un der which Groat llrltnln and tlio I United States wero Jointly to build I mo canai. -run iiay-inuuceioui agreement, after providing rules for tho regulation or the cnnnl, bnseit on tho rules governing Suer. Cnnnl truffle, set forth: "The cnnnl shall ho free nnd open to the vossoIh of commerce nnd of war of nil nations observing thesu rules on terms of entire oqunl tty, so Hint thoro shall be no dis crimination against any such nation or Its citizens or subjects In re spoct of tho condition or charges of trnfrie or otherwise. Such con ditions or charges or truffle shall be Just nnd equitable." The' Hrltlsh note of protest started a lougthy diplomatic correspondence1 pn tho subject, Great llrltnln throughout claimed Hint tho United Stntea could not, under tho terms of the treaty, make toll xemptlon or any vessels, whether Its own or other nntlons. Secretary Knox, who conducted tho correspondence for tho United States, In uovornt lougthy notes contonded thnt the exemption of Amorlcan coastwlso shipping wan In no way a discrimination against other traffic using tho canal. Ho assorted that tho exemption wns In tho nature or a subsidy, paid, not by Imposing tho tolls for certain Amorlcan vessola upon othor Bhlpa passing through tho canal, lint by tho Amorlcan tnxpnyerH thoniBolvoH In paying for thu maintenance of tho canal, 'Tho avoidance or possible (ra tion." said tho nolo, "has been one or tho main objects or those meth ods or arbitration or which the United Statos tins been for bo long a foremost uud coiiBlKtont ndvo (ato.M Throughout tho first year or i Prosldont Wilson fl uuiuiniBiraiion thoro was a constant agitation ror .1.. H....nn1 nt n l VI I III lit 1 1 1 (1 f.lnilflM Tho President let I. bo known that lo ravored the repeal, and on March 1H, ho dollvored an ndilrnw to Congress In Joint hohIoii, unrnost- ly urlng tho repeal. Tlio exemption, he saltl. waa a "mistaken economic policy," and waa "In plain contra volition of tho treaty." Sneaker Clark. Majority Leader Undorwood and othor Democratic, loudera In tho Houm opposed the Prosldont'B demand for the repoal, I but after a vigorous legislative! Btrugglo tho House, on March .11 1 IpasBod tho Situs repoal bill. 'I lie I measure thon wont to tho Senate. Iw-S'lSmSfnt TlTZ'ntX ' ". "'W ..'.'IT '.SS1 wiib son's nosltlon In debate and with their votos, tho fight against the repeal was lod from tho Democratic ranks, with Senators O'Gorman and Chamberlain leading tho opposition to the Presldont, DAXCE AT AIRDO.MK SATUR DAY. KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA. DAXCE SATURDAY night, J 11X13 J VANV flMT( ,, KUXDAY, June 1, at .NORTH IXLOT Social lmjl.14 AT ., ,.. Mt for San Francisco i.auncn -"r,w.r 7.AV.iV.,mV IlOlll ni 4 lllIAn, wwun .nvniw. XAXX SMITH salla SUXDAY, Juno i a it p. t.. for Han Franc sco with PASSEXOERS and freight. Wilson Wins Fight to Secure Repeal of Bill Exempting Coastwise Ships AMENDED BlUTs SENT TO HOUSE Eleven Democratic Senators I Opposed and 13 Republi cans Favored It norsi: approves. Hr AmwUIM I'rrM la Coo. lUr TlmM.l WASHINGTON. I). C., Juno 12.- Without the formality of a conference, tho House, by a voto of 2 Hi to 71 accepted tho Sou nto's amendment to tho repent of i the Pminiun toll exemption mid i sent the bill to tho President. lllf A lll Prto to Coot IMr TIibm 1 WASHINGTON. D. ('.. Juno 12. Fiosh fiom Its long ui spectacular fli'lit In llni Htiniilii. tln Pnnninn toll 30. Klovon Democrats voted agalnat and thirteen Republicans for thu re peal. In moving today to concur, Chair man Adamsoii snld tho nnieiidmcnt should be acceptable to all advocates r it t Inlld It l nvnnmllnnltt ,nn,, nn" promulgated In connection ,,h t,,0 roIU,nl ,,, UBolf.. 0 Mia , , noll,ng but truth ,ul HU,)Htan- tlally the oamo declaration that hna boon madn by us on the floor of tho llouso and elsowhero many times," 1'IHST LINint UUNH OA.VAIj. ,., Aiiihi. its... n....r ,....1 Mnlf l&u'li Way on Ti'Mn. PANAMA, Juno 12 Tho first pna sngo through thn Gntiiti lochs by nn ocean liner wna-auccrssfully-carrlml.-out this weok by the Pnnnmn Rail road steamship Alliance, a vessol of -1000 tons. Tho trip was mado to test tho workings or the electric towing loro motlvcH In handling u largo vpssel. Tho time required was about ono hour nnd n hair ench way. TURKS ATTACK GREEK COLONY Town is Inhabited by 25,000 Greeks and a Massacre Is Feared. Uf Auorltto-1 I'rru to Com nr Tllio. ) LONDON, June 12 An official dln pntch wns received from Mltclojo say lug thnt thu Turkish regulars with, machine guns and a force of Haslil HazooukH today commenced an at tack on tho town or Alvallk. As tho town Is Inhabited by Greeks & imiBsncre Is feared. WAHXIXG TO TURKEY. Hr AMorltl4 1'rr.o lo r4 Hr TIiom.1 ATHENS, Greece, Juno 12. A warning to Turkey which fell little short or u declaration or hostilities was uttered today by Proinlor Vonl- olo In tho Greek Chamber or Dop. 'ties. I o was speaking on tho treat "'en' or Greek subjects In Turkoy. IMP GIN Ohio Representative Appointed ! Ambassador in Place of Herrick l)f AmocUim TrMi lo Cot IUr Tlrat. ) WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 12. Representative William G. Sharp of t Ohio was nominated by President , Wilson to be nmbassador to Frunce, (succeeding Myron T. Herrick. ' vvlth PASSEXOEHS and froignt. I Llbby COAL. The HUM iw hate ALWAYS VHKlh I'lioiio ?-. ruruw JJvery nml Tnuisfer Company.